B Tech Computer Science Syllabus-71
B Tech Computer Science Syllabus-71
Category of Course NU
Basic Sciences (MBS) 20
Engineering Sciences (ESC) 22
Humanities and Social Science (HSS) 18
Professional Core Course (PCC) 52
Professional Electives Course (PEC) 20
Open Electives Course (OEC) 12
Project Work, Internship and Industry Practice
Environmental Sciences (EVS) Audit Course
Total Credits to be Earned 176
Fundamentals Digital Logic Theory of Professional Professional
Science II Engineerin
of Electronics and Circuit Computation Elective I Elective IV
Computer Open
Environmental Discrete Professional Professional
Science I Architecture &
Science Mathematics Elective I Elective II Elective V
Industry Practice
Fundamentals Object Open
Operating Compiler R&D
of Computer Data Structures Oriented
Systems Design Project Elective II
Programming Programming
Engineering Engineering
Introduction Database Digital Open
Graphics / Graphics / Capstone
to Commn. Management Image
Workshop Workshop Project I Elective III
Systems Systems Processing
Practice Practice
22 21 23 23 23 23 24 20
B Tech Computer Science: Curriculum for 1st Year of (Semester I & Semester II)
A systematic exposure to scientific, mathematical and engineering principles will be given to the
students during the first two semesters. In each of these semesters, the students will take one course
each in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Electronics, Foundation of Computer Programming and Data
Structures course and Technical English.
Semester I
Course Course
# Course Title L T P C
Code Type
1 MAT 112 Calculus 3 1 0 4 MBS
2 Science - I 3 0 2 4 MBS
Total Credits: 14 2 12 22
MBS: 8 ESC: 11 HSS: 3
Semester II
Course Course
# Course Title L T P C
Code Type
1 MAT 101 Algebra and Differential Equations 3 1 0 4 MBS
2 Science - II 3 0 2 4 MBS
6 HSSM-I 3 0 0 3 HSS
Total Credits: 17 1 6 18
MBS: 8 ESC: 3 PCC: 4 HSS: 3
B Tech Computer Science: Curriculum for 2nd Year (Semester III & Semester IV)
At the beginning of the third semester, each student will enter his/her chosen area (Computer Science
& Engineering). Students are required to complete 46 Credits in 2nd year (Semester III & Semester IV).
Semester III
Course Course
# Course Title L T P C
Code Type
1 MAT 221 Probability & Random Process 3 1 0 4 MBS
6 HSSM-II 3 0 0 3 HSS
Total Credits: 17 2 9 23
MBS: 4 ESC: 4 PCC: 12 HSS: 3
Semester IV
Course Course
# Course Title L T P C
Code Type
1 CS 201 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3 0 3 4 PCC
6 HSSM-III 3 0 0 3 HSS
Total Credits: 18 1 9 23
PCC: 20 HSS: 3
B Tech Computer Science: Curriculum for 3rd Year (Semester V & Semester VI)
During 3rd year of study, each student will have a choice of selecting one open elective course in
semester -V and specialization wise two professional elective courses in semester-VI, along with one
Capstone project-I and one R & D project. Students are required to complete 46 Credits in 3rd year
(Semester V & Semester VI).
Semester V
Course Course
# Course Title L T P C
Code Type
1 CS 261 Computer Networks 3 0 2 4 PCC
6 HSSM-IV 3 0 0 3 HSS
Total Credits: 18 0 10 23
PCC: 12 ESC: 4 OEC: 4 HSS: 3
Semester VI
Course Course
# Course Title L T P C
Code Type
1 CS 3112 Multi-device Programming 1 0 6 4 PCC
6 HSSM-V 3 0 0 3 HSS
Total Credits: 12 0 22 23
PCC: 4 PEC: 8 PRJ: 8 HSS: 3
B Tech Computer Science: Curriculum for 4th Year (Semester VII &Semester VIII)
During semester VII, students have a choice of selecting three professional elective courses and two
open elective courses, along with Capstone project II. Students are required to complete 44 Credits in
4thyear (Semester VII and Semester VIII). In the final semester, the students are required to complete
the Industry Practice.
Semester VII
Course Course
# Course Title L T P C
Code Type
1 Professional Elective – III 3 0 2 4 PEC
Total Credits: 16 0 16 24
PEC: 12 OEC: 8 PRJ: 4
Semester VIII
Course Course
# Course Title L T P C
Code Type
1 NU402 Industry Practice / Project 0 0 40 20 PRJ
Total Credits: 0 0 40 20
PRJ: 20
Data Science
Cyber Security
Artificial Intelligence
Cloud Computing
Course Course
Course Title L T P C
Code Type
Data Science
Cyber Security
Artificial Intelligence
Cloud Computing