Processing Facility Plotplan - c3
Processing Facility Plotplan - c3
Processing Facility Plotplan - c3
1. To compliance with Plot Plan Review Comment resolution as per BK91-1310-GEN-KEB-PMT- skid
MOM-0001_Minutes of Plot Plan Review Meeting.
2. To comply with 60% model review comment, if any.
3. To comply with latest VENDOR information.
4. Accessibility, paving area and road to be updated as per 60% model review comment.
5. To comply with HAZID recommendation, if any.
We may consider this Plot Plan is live document and to be freeze after all vendor information are available and
no more comment of 3D model review !
the wind rose is not aligned with Overall Plan, please
Hot Oil Heater area and access road c/w safety distance
need to be updated as per latest footprint/layout from
Vendor/BSS. these two E coordinates
should be aligned, please the location of U-bend
confirm. pipe rack is not aligned
with 3D model, please
according to BK91-1310-GEN-STR-STQ-0007_Proposal
on adjust tank and foundation center co-ordinate, the
location of these three STB compressors are adjusted,
due to the coordinates are not indicated in plot plan,
please confirm with CPE piping discipline,especially for
the coordinates of compressor shelter.
Indicate coordinates
at column center.