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Advances in studying interfacial reactions in

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rechargeable batteries by photoelectron

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19466 spectroscopy
a b
Ida Källquist, Ronan Le Ruyet, Haidong Liu, b Ronnie Mogensen,b
b b
Ming-Tao Lee, Kristina Edström and Andrew J. Naylor *b

Many of the challenges faced in the development of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and next-generation
technologies stem from the (electro)chemical interactions between the electrolyte and electrodes during
operation. It is at the electrode–electrolyte interfaces where ageing mechanisms can originate through,
for example, the build-up of electrolyte decomposition products or the dissolution of metal ions. In
pursuit of understanding these processes, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) has become one of
the most important and powerful techniques in a large collection of available tools. As a highly surface-
sensitive technique, it is often thought to be the most relevant in characterising the interfacial reactions
that occur inside modern rechargeable batteries. This review tells the story of how XPS is employed in
day-to-day battery research, as well as highlighting some of the most recent innovative in situ and
operando methodologies developed to probe battery materials in ever greater detail. A large focus is
Received 21st April 2022
Accepted 16th August 2022
placed not only on LIBs, but also on next-generation materials and future technologies, including
sodium- and potassium-ion, multivalent, and solid-state batteries. The capabilities, limitations and
DOI: 10.1039/d2ta03242b
practical considerations of XPS, particularly in relation to the investigation of battery materials, are discussed, and expectations for its use and development in the future are assessed.

1 Introduction
1.1 Challenges for rechargeable batteries
While there are many well-established and reliable rechargeable
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 516, 75120 Uppsala, battery technologies available such as the lead acid battery or
Sweden nickel metal hydride battery, there is none as energy dense or
Department of Chemistry – Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University, SE-75121
powerful as the lithium-ion battery (LIB).1 Since their
Uppsala, Sweden. E-mail: [email protected]

Dr Ida Källquist obtained her Ronan Le Ruyet received is

PhD from Uppsala University in bachelor degree in material
2022. Her research has been science at the University of
focused on the study of Li-ion Poitiers in 2013, subsequently
battery interfaces using he obtained a Master Erasmus
advanced spectroscopic Mundus-Materials for Energy
methods. Some of her work Storage and Conversion (MESC)
includes studying the degrada- in 2016. He received his PhD
tion mechanism in high-energy degree in solid state chemistry
density cathode materials, as and material science in 2020 at
well as evaluating the effects of the Université de Picardie Jules
different electrolyte additives Verne within the Laboratoire de
and coatings in order to improve Réactivité et Chimie des Solides
the interfacial stability. In addition, she has worked on developing (LRCS). His research has been focused on the synthesis and char-
a methodology for studying solid/liquid interfaces of Li-ion acterization of new materials for Li-ion and next generation
batteries operando using APXPS. batteries.

19466 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10, 19466–19505 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022
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commercialisation, LIBs have enabled a revolution in portable particle surfaces must be coated or doped in order to stabilise
electronic devices.2 Now, they are being manufactured at large the material.5 In the development of new high-voltage cathode
scale, bringing down their price and positioning them as the materials, novel high-performance and stable electrolytes must
preferred energy storage solution for electric vehicles.3 too be developed. Electrolyte stability is also important as new
However, many challenges remain, the most important of anode (negative electrode) materials emerge, such as silicon
which are shown in Fig. 1, in the campaign to further improve composites or Li metal. These materials operate at very low
their performance and to develop the next-generation of LIBs. electrode potentials and must form stable interfaces with the
Several different chemistries of LIBs exist, offering a variety electrolyte.6
of energy and power densities. One of the most common The introduction of more solidied electrolytes such as solid
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cathode (positive electrode) material families, LiNi1xyCox- polymer electrolytes (SPEs), gel polymer electrolytes (GPEs), as
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MnyO2 (NMC), encompasses materials such as NMC111 (x, y ¼ well as oxide or sulphide glass/ceramic-type electrolytes, is
1/3) and the more recent ‘Ni-rich’ NMC811.4 These high Ni aimed at accessing high-voltage regimes and to provide
content materials, as well as others with a Li excess in the a greater degree of safety.7 However, compared with liquid
transition metal layer, are well-known to demonstrate a partic- electrolytes, they oen suffer from poorer wetting at the elec-
ularly high interfacial reactivity with the liquid electrolyte and trode interfaces leading to poorer Li-ion conductivities and
with processing solvents during electrode fabrication. The inferior performance.8 Chemical incompatibility with the elec-
trodes can also generate interfacial resistances.
There is little doubt that LIBs will play a large role for years to
come, especially in applications that require very high energy or
Dr Haidong Liu is a researcher at power densities. However, for those applications where low
the Department of Chemistry – volume or mass is not so important, there are cheaper and/or
Ångström and the Ångström more sustainable alternatives in the pipeline.9–11
Advanced Battery Centre at Sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) use analogous electrode mate-
Uppsala University, Sweden. He rials and electrolytes to LIBs.12 Despite the higher reduction
was awarded his PhD in Physical potential of Na+/Na relative to Li+/Li, potentially leading to lower
Chemistry by the University of energy densities for SIBs, the high abundance of sodium could
Muenster in 2016 and performed allow for cost-effective and sustainable stationary energy
postdoctoral studies at the storage, for example in the electricity grid. Many challenges
University of Muenster and remain, however, including the need for a suitable anode
Uppsala University. Haidong's material and electrolytes which form stable interfaces against
main interest focuses on design the electrodes.
and synthesis of electrode mate- Potassium-ion batteries (KIBs) offer similar advantages as
rials and battery interfacial chemistry for long-life and high-energy for SIBs, but with a K+/K reduction potential very close to that of
density lithium-ion batteries as well as the next-generation Li+/Li and the possibility to use graphite as an anode. However,

Ming-Tao Lee did his PhD works Dr Andrew J. Naylor is

at Paul Scheer Institute (PSI). a researcher at the Department
His expertise includes aerosol, of Chemistry – Ångström and the
battery, catalysis interfaces, and Ångström Advanced Battery
in developing and using Centre at Uppsala University. In
synchrotron-based ambient- 2022, Andy was appointed as
pressure X-ray photoelectron Docent (‘Associate Professor’)
spectroscopy (AP-XPS) systems. with specialisation in materials
He has carried out installation, chemistry. Following PhD
commissioning and testing of studies in Chemistry at the
the Bar XPS instrument University of Southampton, he
(POLARIS), which is used in held postdoctoral positions at
studies of industrially relevant the University of St Andrews and
catalytic reactions at pressures of several bars and at elevated University of Oxford. Andy now leads a group whose research focus
temperatures at the synchrotron DESY. He has collaborated with is to study battery interfaces, principally for next-generation
several interdisciplinary groups/projects among chemists and technologies. Particular emphasis is put on the use and develop-
physicists, academia and industry partners. He has also been ment of surface analysis characterisation techniques, especially for
responsible for synchrotron-based liquid micro-jet XPS experi- the investigation of new materials and electrolytes.
ments to study interfacial aqueous and non-aqueous chemistry at

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Fig. 1 Schematic diagram demonstrating the interfacial challenges generally found in rechargeable batteries. These mostly include cathode
reactivity with electrolyte and process media, formation of stable interphases, and creation of stable interfaces between solid electrolytes and
high-voltage electrodes.

such batteries are in very early stages of research and also anode include Li dendrite growth, particle cracking and reac-
experience interfacial instabilities.13 Multivalent batteries (e.g. tions of the binder. For the cathode, transition metal redox
Mg2+, Ca2+, Al3+) are yet another promising future technology, reactions, dissolution and densication, oxygen redox, phase
with the ability to double or triple the charge stored per metal transitions, and current collector corrosion are of signicant
ion,14,15 Other interesting areas of research include lithium– interest. Any of these interfacial reactions can affect perfor-
sulphur (Li–S) batteries, which suffer from dissolution of poly- mance of a battery, giving good reason to study them in detail by
sulde species into the electrolyte,16 and metal–air batteries (e.g. various characterisation methods.
Li–O2, Na–O2), in which oxygen gas from the atmosphere is When discussing battery interfaces, it is the surface regions
reduced at a porous cathode.17 of components making up the battery that are oen referred to.
The interfacial stability and the interactivity between Therefore, surface-sensitive and chemistry-sensitive techniques
components are critical for high-performance batteries. are commonly employed to probe changes at these surfaces,
However, due to their inherent inaccessibility and geometry, it with respect to the pristine surface, aer or during electro-
is considered particularly difficult to characterise reaction chemical testing of the battery.18,20–25
interfaces within batteries. Nonetheless, this is essential when Imaging techniques such as scanning electron microscopy
trying to understand the mechanisms underpinning such (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) provide
reactions and to designing protected electrode materials or information on the morphology, particle size, and porosity.26,27
more stable electrolytes, for instance. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) or electron energy
loss spectroscopy (EELS) are frequently-used complimentary
techniques for chemical analysis during the microscopy exper-
1.2 Characterisation of battery interfaces iment. In situ or operando TEM experiments can capture inter-
Numerous interfaces (the point or area at which two phases meet) face transformation during heating, cooling or application of an
exist in a typical Li-ion battery, between components including electrical bias, probing the chemical composition and structure
the electrodes, electrolyte, current collectors, binder particles, of particle surfaces in contact with an electrolyte. These tech-
and separator.18 The two main interfaces considered to be niques allow for a comprehensive understanding of structure,
critical to a well-performing battery are the anode-electrolyte chemistry and geometry, but are not generally considered as
and cathode–electrolyte interfaces. Outside the electro- surface-sensitive and provide only elemental compositional
chemical stability window of the electrolyte, at both low and analysis. X-ray photoemission electron microscopy (XPEEM)
high voltages, the formation of solid interphases (a phase may be considered an alternative imaging technique with
created at the interface of two existing phases, possibly displaying greater surface-sensitivity.28
the properties of either or both) can occur on the electrodes. A technique growing in popularity for battery component
These are the so-called solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) for the analysis is time of ight – secondary ion mass spectrometry
anode and most-commonly the cathode electrolyte interphase (ToF-SIMS), which combines the sputtering of a sample surface
(CEI) for the cathode.19 Aside from lithiation/delithiation of the by a focused primary ion beam and detection of the emitted
electroactive phase, other phenomena that can occur at the ions by mass spectrometry.29,30 Despite being a destructive and

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Fig. 2 A diagram summarising some of the most common characterisation techniques used to study the interfaces and interphases in batteries.

mainly qualitative technique, ToF-SIMS offers very high surface- according to oxidation state and bonding environment of the
and detection-sensitivity including isotope determination. probed element.
X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) techniques, or more
specically X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and hv ¼ EB + EK + f (1)
extended X-ray absorption ne structure (EXAFS), in trans-
mission mode are bulk techniques that can determine oxida- The surface-sensitivity of XPS stems from the fact that elec-
tion states of elements in an electrode or whole system.31,32 trons are easily scattered by the sample itself aer excitation.37
However, XAS in total electron yield (TEY) or uorescence yield Therefore, only those ejected from close to the surface of the
(FY) modes offer the possibility to obtain information only from sample will make it out of the sample and to the analyser. The
the surface regions, typically up to 10's of nanometres depth for escape depth is dened by the inelastic mean free path (IMFP)
TEY or 1 mm for FY. of electrons, where the probability of escape decreases expo-
Other techniques relevant to studying battery interfaces nentially with greater depth. The IMFP is highly proportional to
include grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GI-XRD),33,34 X-ray the electron kinetic energy but is also dependent on the mate-
reectivity (XRR),35 and various types of scanning probe rial density, molecular weight, band gap energy and number of
microscopy (SPM) such as atomic force microscopy (AFM).23 valence electrons.38 As a result, the use of X-ray sources of
There is one technique, however, which has become a char- different energies allows for a non-destructive probing of
acterisation technique at the forefront of battery research and is varying analysis depths. This can be an attractive alternative to
now commonplace in the characterisation of battery interfaces. sputter-etching for depth proling, which is addressed later.
That is X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), sometimes Higher energy sources may also give the possibility to access
referred to as photoelectron spectroscopy (PES), or historically high energy core level transitions. By far the most common X-
and occasionally still as electron spectroscopy for chemical ray source on laboratory instruments is an aluminium anode
analysis (ESCA). Some of the various techniques described are (Al Ka, 1486.7 eV), which is oen combined with a mono-
summarised in Fig. 2. chromator to achieve good energy resolution (0.5 eV). Other
sources are sometimes used including Mg (Ka, 1253.6 eV), Ag
(La, 2984.3 eV), Cr (Ka, 5414.7 eV), and even Ga liquid jet (Ka,
1.3 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy 9251.7 eV), each offering different ux and line width.39,40
XPS is a highly surface- and chemically-sensitive character- Alternatively, synchrotron radiation sources can offer the
isation technique, traditionally performed, but more recently possibility to tune the energy of the incident beam, allowing for
not always, under ultra-high vacuum (UHV).36 A sample is irra- hard X-ray- (HAXPES) or so X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
diated with X-ray radiation of a xed energy (hn), which if the (SOXPES) experiments to be performed.41,42 This gives the
energy is sufficient, causes excitation and ejection of electrons experimentalist the option to choose energies corresponding to
to the vacuum level. The kinetic energy (EK) of the electrons is a variety of probing depths, allowing for a depth prole to be
determined by an electron analyser, which can then be used to performed. Much higher beam ux can oen be achieved with
determine the binding energy (EB, BE) according to eqn (1), synchrotron sources. However, it is oen acknowledged that
where f is the spectrometer work function. The binding ener- battery electrodes, especially aer cycling, are highly sensitive to
gies of electrons are element specic and are further shied radiation.43 Therefore, care must be taken to attenuate or

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Fig. 3 The number of publications mentioning both phrases ‘battery’ and ‘photoelectron spectroscopy’ between 1995 and 2022, as determined
through a search in Web of Science. Search phrase on 1 August 2022: TS ¼ (battery and photoelectron spectroscopy).

defocus the beam, or to not irradiate the same analysis spot for occurring for the battery components and how XPS can, for
too long. As is typical with synchrotron measurements, access is example, help further the understanding of charge compensa-
competitive, experimental time is limited, extensive sample tion or degradation mechanisms. Then we review some of the
preparation occurs before the beamtime, and the process of latest studies using advanced XPS techniques, employing oper-
analysing the data can be a long one. ando or in situ methodologies to uncover the phenomena in
To put into perspective how important XPS is within the eld real-time during electrochemical analysis of rechargeable
of battery research, a statistical analysis of the literature reveals batteries. This section covers both solid-state cells and the
the substantial increase in publications over the last decade development of ambient-pressure systems to study solid–liquid
(Fig. 3). However, despite XPS being a powerful technique in interfaces relevant to batteries. Finally, the state of the eld will
materials characterisation, with the ability to determine surface be summarised and our perspectives on the direction for the
layer thickness and perform quantitative composition analysis, use of XPS in studying rechargeable batteries will be offered.
there are many potential pitfalls to be made during measure-
ments or analysis.44,45 This is particularly true in the case of
2 The electrode–electrolyte interface
battery materials, which oen exhibit complicated chemistry
and structure. These practical issues, as well as tips and tricks to 2.1 An introduction to interphases and practical
achieve success, will be discussed throughout the article. considerations when characterising them
Previous articles have provided detailed reviews of the use of The electrolyte used in commercial LIBs is typically composed
XPS in studying LIBs and vanadium redox ow batteries.46,47 of the salt LiPF6 dissolved in a mixture of organic carbonate
Here, however, we provide an holistic overview of the use of XPS solvents such as ethylene carbonate (EC) and ethyl methyl
in studying an extensive variety of modern rechargeable carbonate (EMC). In addition, a large number of additives exist
batteries. Our aim is to collect examples of relevant and and are used to enhance the interfacial stability, cell safety, and/
impactful work in this eld to enhance understanding of or performance of the electrolyte to transport Li-ions between
interfacial chemistry in batteries and how XPS can be used to the two electrodes.48 The exact electrolyte recipes are of course
understand battery interfaces. Such understanding may in closely-guarded corporate secrets; however, some typical addi-
addition be applicable to other devices or elds of research. tives, particularly those used in a research laboratory, are
In the next section, we focus on how XPS is used to charac- known to be uoroethylene carbonate (FEC), and vinylene
terise the surface regions of electrodes from rechargeable carbonate (VC).
batteries, typically investigating the surface layers built up The organic electrolyte used in modern rechargeable
through decomposition of the electrolyte at the interfaces. batteries (or, for that matter, any type of electrolyte) has an
However, practical considerations for measurements and data electrochemical window within which it is considered stable.
analysis are also discussed, since they are particularly impor- Below potentials of approximately 0.8 V vs. Li+/Li, organic
tant not only for battery materials but for XPS experiments in solvents, such as ethylene carbonate or diethyl carbonate, are
general. Following on, we address some of the bulk processes known to be thermodynamically unstable towards reduction.

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This results in their decomposition and formation of the

passivating SEI layer, as a new phase on the anode surface.49 The
SEI ideally passivates the electrode surface, prohibiting electron
transfer, to avoid continuous electrolyte decomposition and
consumption. In the ideal case, this results in a kinetically
stable system, in which Li+ ions can still diffuse rapidly between
electrode and electrolyte. The SEI is generally composed of
inorganic and organic, polar and non-polar species, with a high
dependency on the electrolyte composition and with thick-
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nesses typically in the range of tens of nanometres. The struc-

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ture of the SEI, though, has been a topic of much debate over
the past three decades, with a double-layered structure and
‘mosaic’ models oen referred to.50–53 The CEI is oen deter-
mined as being even thinner than the typical SEI thickness,
making it even more difficult to characterise. In general, it
forms through the high-voltage oxidation of the electrolyte at
the cathode electrode surface, but some cathode material
surfaces are particularly reactive (e.g. Ni-rich, Li-rich materials)
and can react in ambient air or in contact with the electro-
lyte.19,54,55 The nano-length-scales of the interphases formed at
battery electrodes, and their intricate chemical structure are the
main reasons why their properties and relations to performance
remain so elusive, but also why XPS is commonly the chosen
technique to characterise them.
In this section, we discuss in broad terms the challenges of
characterising such surface layers as the SEI and CEI. Issues of
sample preparation, storage, fundamental experimental meth-
odologies and data treatment are considered. In the following
parts, we will review specic examples of these phenomena that
occur in various types of rechargeable batteries.
2.1.1 Sample preparation Fig. 4 XPS spectra of silicon (001) wafer electrodes after preparation Exposure to reactive environments. One of the most by chronoamperometry at 0.01 V vs. Li+/Li for 300 s in an electrolyte of
important things to realise is that lithium and the other alkali 1 M LiPF6 in ethylene carbonate (EC) and diethyl carbonate (DEC), 1 : 1
metals, oen present in elemental form in lab-scale batteries or w/w. Solid lines: measured without exposure; dashed lines: measured
after exposure to the atmosphere for 10 minutes. Reprinted with
as compounds in the electrode, electrolyte or SEI/CEI, are highly permission from ref. 56. Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society.
reactive, even with O2, N2, CO2 and moisture in the air. Schroder
et al. performed a study to investigate the effects of exposing
silicon electrodes aer electrochemical processes to the
lock of the XPS instrument. This is oen achieved using a gas-
ambient atmosphere, before using XPS to analyse the surface.56
tight sample transporter containing argon (or other inert gas) or
Fig. 4 demonstrates how the composition of the SEI layer can
that is under vacuum, to transfer samples from a glovebox
change quite remarkably over a short period of exposure to the
where the batteries were disassembled. Where there is no
ambient atmosphere. The authors propose LiF dissolution in
dedicated solution for transfer of air-sensitive samples to an
moisture, and the generation of carbonates and oxides (lithium)
instrument, oen a glovebag can be attached to the load-lock
as the major mechanisms, through various reactions with
entry port of the instrument, ushed several times with argon,
oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air.
and used to load samples into the instrument. However, this
Other studies have shown similar phenomena, in particular
rarely provides the same level of reassurance that the samples
for the SEI on lithiated graphite electrodes, or the reactivity of
are unaffected as would a dedicated solution. Fig. 5 shows an
the solid electrolyte Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) with moisture and its
array of various devices employed for the transfer of samples
effect on interfacial resistance.57,58 Studies of Li metal in various
between an inert environment (e.g. a glovebox) and an XPS
organic carbonate-based electrolytes have also revealed the
reactivity of alkyl carbonates (ROCO2Li), very oen considered
While we do not wish to point out specic instances, there
a major component of the SEI, with water to form Li2CO3, CO2,
are studies in the literature which do not use such devices to
and ROH.59
prevent air-exposure of sensitive battery samples. Such studies
Therefore, to prevent chemical reactions of the samples,
oen rely on transferring samples quickly from a glovebox with
especially those extracted from cells aer electrochemical
minimal air-exposure over the course of 10's of seconds.
testing for ex situ characterisation, it is necessary to transport
However, in reality it is likely that there is quite signicant
air-sensitive samples under a protective atmosphere to the load

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Fig. 5Devices for air-sensitive transfer of samples to XPS instruments. (a) Sample transfer cup for PHI 5500 XPS instrument. (b) Air-sensitive
sample shuttle for Kratos AXIS Supra+. (c) A magnetic sealing sample holder: Reprinted with permission from ref. 60. Copyright 2020 American
Chemical Society.

exposure, especially due to instrument load-lock chambers aer electrochemical testing.63–65 Overall, the general advice is
oen taking several minutes to pump down to acceptable oen to avoid plastics and adhesive tapes as much as possible,
pressures. Now with such high competition in the research transport unopened cells if the interfaces are known to be stable;
eld, through the production of high-quality science, it is otherwise, use clean glass or metal containers, each containing
absolutely necessary to always handle air-sensitive battery individual samples to avoid cross-contamination. The same
samples under an inert atmosphere. advice is valid for samples stored in the home laboratory for
Equally important is the way in which samples are stored or future measurement; storage under ultra-high vacuum or in an
shipped before measurements take place. In our experience, the inert environment (i.e. a glovebox) is recommended, while trying
less time there is between removing electrodes from cells and to avoid contamination from nearby substances.
making the measurements, the better. This will give fewer To wash or not to wash? That is really the question.
opportunities for reaction of the sample with any potential The question of how to store and transport samples without
impurities in the glovebox atmosphere, including oxygen, contaminating or exposing them is one that can be addressed
moisture, and other contaminants. Furthermore, the materials relatively easily with the correct understanding and equipment.
used to package samples for shipping can also contaminate However, the ‘age-old’ question of whether to wash a battery
them. For example, many plastics or adhesive tapes contain electrode sample, or not, before performing XPS measurements
silicones, which can easily migrate to the sample surface.61 is somewhat trickier to answer. Through the authors' experi-
However, sometimes it is necessary to prepare samples days in ences, and based on a limited literature on the topic,49,57,66–69
advance of a synchrotron beamtime or to ship samples to several advantages can be suggested to washing a sample,
a collaborator's lab for analysis, in which case it is difficult to which has the effect of removing the excess electrolyte on the
avoid the necessity to disassemble batteries beforehand and surface of the electrode:
package the samples. One particularly important study, though, (1) There will be little electrolyte salt residue aer drying the
demonstrated that the best method to preserve the SEI chemistry electrode that could block the signal from the ‘region of
is to transport the unopened cells and perform the measure- interest’ (e.g. the SEI or CEI), beneath.
ments as soon as possible aer opening them.62 It should be (2) There will be less chance of observing ‘charging’ in the
noted, however, that this study was performed on lithium-ion XPS spectra during measurement, due to the presence of elec-
batteries where the SEI may remain stable in contact with the tronically insulating salt residues (potentially avoid using
electrolyte for several days or weeks. It has been demonstrated charge neutralisation).
that other chemistries, such as SIBs, can suffer from SEI disso- (3) The salt residues can be highly-prone to beam damage
lution over relatively short timescales, in which case it may be during XPS measurements, therefore limiting the possibility to
preferable to remove electrodes from cells as soon as possible obtain a suitable spectrum.

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(4) The surface will be chemically homogeneous (assuming

little contribution to inhomogeneity from electrochemical
processes or cell assembly); salt residues could crystallise only
in particular areas of the sample.
(5) If using a highly volatile solvent for washing, the sample
will dry more quickly, and will avoid the need for elevated
temperatures to drive off low vapour pressure electrolyte
(6) Salt residues from the bottom of the sample will be
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removed, which otherwise could have prevented electrical

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conductivity to the spectrometer if performing grounded

There are also many disadvantages:
(1) The SEI, CEI or other interfacial region of interest may be
partially/fully dissolved and removed by the washing solvent.
(2) Washing may lead to some chemical reaction with the
solvent, altering the interfacial chemistry.
(3) There may be impurities in the washing solvent which
could react with the interfacial species.
(4) A potentially useful ‘internal reference’ (i.e. an electrolyte
component, for which one knows the expected binding energy
for calibration) may be removed through washing.
Of course, a lot depends on the method used for washing,
including its severity, the washing solvent and its purity, the
duration, as well as how the residual solvent is removed before
measurements (i.e. drying in ambient glovebox conditions,
under vacuum, or elevated temperature).57 Somerville et al.
investigated the effects of washing graphite electrode aer Fig. 6 F 1s XPS spectra (Al Ka, 1487 eV) from washed (dimethyl
cycling against LiCoO2 with varying amounts of vinylene carbonate (DMC), 2 min, dried in argon) and unwashed graphite anode
from full cells with LiCoO2 cathode and electrolyte of 1 M LiPF6 in
carbonate (VC) in the electrolyte.66 As can be observed in Fig. 6,
ethylene carbonate (EC)/ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC), 3 : 7 w/w. The
the washed electrode exhibited only one uorine environment, minutes in the figure refer to the duration of Ar+ sputtering before XPS
corresponding to the decomposed LiPF6 salt, LixPFy, while the measurement. Reproduced under CC-BY licence from ref. 66.
spectra for unwashed electrodes showed peaks for LiF and the
intact salt. The authors concluded that washing with DMC
would result in the removal, not only of the electrolyte salt, but a given core level at a particular binding energy, according to
also of LiF and LixPFy species from the SEI layers. eqn (1) and as described in Section 1.3. A higher kinetic energy
Washing of the electrodes is sometimes said to be the ‘better results in a greater IMFP for a given sample material, and
of two evils’, since you might not gain any information when therefore leads to a deeper probing depth. Modern laboratory
a thick salt residue forms on an unwashed sample. However, it instruments oen offer the option of multiple xed energy
depends on the system one is investigating and the measure- sources, as described previously. Using synchrotron facilities,
ment instrumentation available. It is advisable to make one can oen tune the photon energy to almost any value within
measurements of samples which are washed and some which the operating range. However, this is dependent on the beam-
are unwashed, compare the results and determine what works line setup and may result in lower ux or a greater line width at
best in a particular case. particular energies. Synchrotron-based XPS depth proling is
2.1.2 Depth proling. Depth proling XPS experiments are oen referred to by two different terms: SOXPES which usually
particularly important in the study of battery interphases, due described measurements with photon energies below about
to their oen-complex layered structure. There are three typical 1500 eV, and, HAXPES which describes anything above
methods that can be used to create depth proles of samples by 2000 eV.46,70–73 These are neither strict denitions, nor are they
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: tuning the photon energy of dened denitively anywhere; some also refer to the range
the incident X-ray beam, changing the take-off angle to the between them (1000–3000 eV) as the tender X-ray regime. The
detector by tilting the sample, and, using ion sputter etching. advantages of tuning the photon energy to perform depth
Only the latter one is a destructive technique, while the former proling on battery interfaces are:
two are non-destructive. (1) It is a non-destructive technique. Energy-tuned XPS: SOXPES and HAXPES. Through (2) One can oen choose the desired energy based on the
varying the photon energy of the incident X-ray beam, the intended probing depth, calculated using, for example, the TPP-
kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is therefore varied for 2M equation.38

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(3) Auger peaks, which have xed kinetic energies, can be area and we can expect to see an increase in the systematic use
strategically shied on the binding energy scale to avoid over- of GCIS to study battery materials.
lapping with photoelectron peaks. Angle-resolved XPS. Finally, the non-destructive
(4) Higher cross-section values are achieved using higher technique, angle-resolved XPS (ARXPS) can be considered as
photon energies for some core levels, thereby improving the another alternative for depth proling of samples.83,84 A higher
signal from those elements when compared to using Al Ka take-off angle (e.g. 90 ), more of the bulk sample is probed with
radiation. photoelectrons detected from greater depths. At lower take-off
One disadvantage of using this technique, however, is that angles (e.g. 30 ), photoelectrons from shallower depths are
spectra contain information from the whole probed depth, detected resulting in a more surface-sensitive measurement.
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including the surface, while the contribution drops off expo- Particularly for thin-lm layered samples, this technique can be
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nentially with greater depth. This can result in misinterpreta- useful for determining layer thickness and composition.
tion of data. A technique that does not experience this issue is However, for samples with high roughness and porosity such as
ion sputter etching. battery electrodes, this technique may not give very reliable Ion sputter etching. A well-known method for depth results.
proling of samples by XPS is to employ monatomic argon ion 2.1.3 Measurement and analysis considerations
(Ar+) sputter etching, in which spectra are recorded between Charging. A well-known and common phenomenon
regular sample etching periods. In contrast to tuning the for users of XPS is so-called ‘charging’ of a sample surface.
photon energy to achieve depth proling, sputter etching is Charging can cause large shis to higher binding energies,
a destructive technique that removes the top layers of a sample broadening and distortion of peaks.85 This can occur when
by rostering over a specied area. While this technique works a source of electrons is not available to replenish those ejected
well for metallic samples and some inorganic samples, it is through the photoemission process. This is oen the case, for
considered chemically damaging for organic materials. Ion- example, when the material under investigation has poor elec-
implantation can occur within the surface of the sample and tronic conductivity, is an insulator, or is not properly grounded
the high ionisation potential can lead to the surface chemistry via the sample holder and stage. There are several methods to
being substantially altered, leading to unreliable results. For largely prevent charging including the use of conductive adhe-
example, it has been demonstrated to cause reduction of tran- sive tapes, conductive silver paint, mixing the sample with
sition metals, which could pose a problem for many battery a conductive additive (e.g. carbon black), sputtering a thin
electrodes which contain transition metals.74,75 In general, conductive layer on the surface, employing a charge neutraliser,
monatomic argon ion sputter etching is not an appropriate or reducing the X-ray power.
technique for battery electrode samples due to their inhomo- Battery electrodes, which are most oen composite materials
geneous nature. Electrodes are almost always composites of an as described previously, can experience differential charging.
inorganic active material, conductive carbon additive and This is where the different components with varying conduc-
polymeric binder, and oen comprise sensitive SEI/CEI layers. tivities cause parts of the sample to have different electron
The etching rate depends to a high degree on the hardness of electrochemical potentials. It is therefore recommended to
the material; therefore, hard materials (metals/inorganics) will electronically isolate the sample from the instrument ground
have lower etching rates than for so materials (organics). Not and use a well-functioning and optimised charge neutraliser to
all materials of the composite will be etched at the same rate, maintain a constant surface potential. This is oen called
thus leading to preferential sputtering of some materials and a ‘oating’ conguration. Unfortunately, it is not always
resulting in an unreliable depth prole.76,77 possible for instruments where there is not a suitable charge
To circumvent some limitations posed by monatomic ion neutralisation system, such as at some synchrotron beamlines.
etching, one can use a more ‘gentle’ sputtering technique such Then, the next best solution is to ground the sample to the
as argon cluster ion (Arn+) or C60 sputtering.78–80 Gas cluster ion instrument and attempt to prevent extensive charging through
sputtering (GCIS), as the technique is commonly known, can be effective sample preparation.
quite oen found as an option on modern XPS instruments. Radiation damage. Battery electrodes, particularly
While there are so far few examples for the use of GCIS in those that have sensitive surface layers aer electrochemical
battery research, it offers promise due to its ability to sputter cycling, can be susceptible to radiation damage during XPS
etch so materials without leaving much chemical damage.81,82 measurements.43 This can occur due to a high dosing of the
This is a result of using large clusters of argon atoms (up to sample when the X-ray beam has a high ux or a particular area
several thousand atoms) with large incident energies (up to tens of the sample is analysed for long period of time. This can result
of thousands eV), giving a low average energy per atom. The low in chemical damage, typically observed for organic or polymeric
energy prevents signicant chemical damage, but the large compounds and can be characterised by comparing spectra of
clusters allow for the removal of material from the sample at the same core level (e.g. F 1s or C 1s) at the beginning and end of
appreciable rates (though oen not so high rate as for a measurement run. Possible remedies may include reducing
monatomic sputter etching). the X-ray power, defocusing or attenuating the beam, or
GCIS is a technique that is particularly interesting for battery measuring for shorter durations on multiple spots (the avail-
samples, especially when attempting to map the structure of the able options may depend on which instrument is being used).
sensitive SEI layer. There is much work still to be done in this

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Review Journal of Materials Chemistry A Data analysis. The assignment of peaks to particular affect the interpretation of results, particularly when binding
atomic environments in XPS data is an incredibly important energy shis due to lithiated or oxidised phases are also
process for accurate interpretation of the results. The develop- common in battery samples. It is suggested to perform energy
ment of an appropriate model with a good quality t to exper- calibration to either a surface species or a bulk species, or
imental data requires an exact understanding of the sample, the compare the two different calibrations.
possible surface reactions that could have occurred and a full Transition metal spectra are particularly difficult to inter-
overview of binding energy reference values from reference pret, especially for battery materials where the metals (e.g. Ni,
samples, related experiments or from literature. However, Mn, Co, Fe, Ti, V, Nb) may be in unusual chemical environ-
binding energy values available in the literature can vary ments. The determination of oxidation states for these metals is
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extensively for any element in a specic chemical environment, not trivial, particularly when there may be mixtures of states
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due to the multiple experimental setups and data analysis near the surface region of samples. It can be that the peak shape
methodologies employed. This makes analysis of XPS data is more indicative of the oxidation state than the binding
challenging for any sample, not only for battery samples. energy, which can seem counter-intuitive when attempting to
However, for battery samples, the formation of surface layers analyse the spectra. This is demonstrated in one study that
with unknown chemistry, structure, and their potentially high measured spectra for a Ni, Co, and Mn-containing oxide thin
reactivity adds an extra dimension to the difficulty. In spite of lm (Fig. 7).90 There are, however, a series of useful literature
this, XPS is becoming one of the most commonly used tech- sources to aid in such analysis.90–92
niques for battery electrode characterisation, and there is
a large literature with which to compare experimental data.68
2.2 Surface phenomena in lithium-ion batteries
There are many potential pitfalls when it comes to back-
ground tting, peak tting and assignment, as well as presen- 2.2.1 The anode solid electrolyte interphase. The forma-
tation of the data and model in a publication.86 One of the most tion of the SEI on various anode materials, in particular
important steps in the data analysis procedure is energy cali- graphite and lithium metal, has been well-reported and
bration. As was eluded to previously, this can be achieved in reviewed previously.46 It has typically been determined, by XPS
multiple ways. If the sample is conductive, a fermi energy cali- experiments, to exhibit a layered structure. Inorganic species
bration should be performed, for example by measuring (e.g. LiF, Li2O, LiOH, Li2CO3) reside close to the electrode
a known metallic peak. Alternatively, a species with known material surfaces, with organic species (e.g. alkyl carbonates,
binding energy is chosen as an internal reference. Oen for XPS polymers) closer to the electrolyte. However, the species are still
data, the adventitious carbon (C–C, sp3-hybridised) peak at arranged in a mosaic fashion rather than a well-ordered discrete
284.8 eV is used for energy calibration since it is present very layered manner. This has been the prevailing theory for many
oen on the surface of samples that have been in air. years and is reaffirmed by many XPS studies of LIB
However, for battery samples that may not have been anodes.6,23,51,52,93 Therefore, the following sections focus more
exposed to the air and which may have formed a surface layer on the cathode interfaces, which are not so well understood.
containing similar such carbon environments, it may not be 2.2.2 The cathode surface. One of the key issues hindering
useful as a reliable reference. A species that is present in most the adoption of Ni-rich NMC/NCA (LiNi1xyCoxAlyO2) mate-
electrodes and that does not tend to undergo reaction is the rials is their high air/moisture sensitivity and rapid reaction in
conductive carbon additive. This is oen referred to as carbon such media. These reactions can lead to the formation of
black, but can be any of a number of different products avail- Li2CO3/LiOH surface impurities and a spontaneous reduction
able. The sp2-hybridised carbon environment in these materials of Ni3+ to Ni2+ in the surface region of particle.94–98 The surface
usually is observed at approximately 284 eV but can vary chemistry of cathode materials is especially important when
depending on the product. Therefore, a reference measurement considering production, processing, compatibility with other
of the carbon black should be made to help with interpretation cell components, such as the electrolyte, as well as device
and calibration of the sample of interest. Peaks for other species performance. The formation of adventitious Li2CO3 on the
present in the sample can also be used for energy calibration, surface of NCA particles during exposure to air was investigated
such as a metal which is known to have a stable oxidation state, by in-house XPS and hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
or lithium for which there exists absolute binding energies for (HAXPES, hn z 5940 eV) measurements.98,99 Measurement of
various compounds.87 the O 1s, C 1s and Ni 3p/Li 1s core levels conrmed the presence
Energy calibration for spectra from battery samples oen of surface Li2CO3 and was supported by infrared spectroscopy.
comes with complications. Aside from charging, shis in O 1s core-level spectra of NCA stored under ambient conditions
binding energy can occur for several reasons. These include the for a variety of durations showed a peak at 531.5 eV, which was
electrode state of charge, electrode electrochemical potential attributed to the presence of Li2CO3 on the surface, alongside
and the presence of an SEI or other surface layer, and can affect the peak at 529 eV for the metal oxide. The Li2CO3 thickness was
peak positions by several eV.88 This is oen considered to be the approximated as 2 and 4 nm for NCA stored under inert and
result of an interfacial dipole layer between ‘surface’ and ‘bulk’ ambient conditions, respectively, calculated using the surface
components, which causes binding energy shis between oxygen signal assuming a continuous surface layer.
species in the sample.89 Such phenomena can signicantly XPS analysis was used to probe the surface changes of
various NMC materials when exposed to water. Wood et al.

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Fig. 7 Mn 2p, Co 2p, Ni 2p, Mn 3s, Li 1s, and O 1s XPS spectra for a radio frequency magnetron sputter deposited Li–Ni–Mn–Co–O thin film
sample. Reprinted with permission from ref. 90 Copyright 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

evaluated the water compatibility of four different NMC cathode-electrolyte interphase (CEI). Again, here we use the
powders with increasing Ni content during water-based pro- term interphase to indicate the growth of a new phase on the
cessing, which is aimed at reducing cost and environmental electrode surface, similar to for the SEI. At least when dis-
impact.100 Only a minor change was observed in carbon and cussing state-of-the-art LIBs, their degradation and failure
oxygen spectra for the Li2CO3 layer on the surface of NMC aer mechanisms are closely related with the cathode itself and the
aqueous processing. The layer remains quite thin, characterised processes it undergoes during operation. However, the
by the continued presence of the transition metal oxide peak. detailed mechanisms of CEI formation and evolution are not
2.2.3 The cathode electrolyte interphase. Similar to the yet fully understood, even for well-established LIB technolo-
anode, the reactions occurring at the interface between the gies.101 A deep understanding of the crucial roles played by the
cathode and electrolyte can directly determine the overall cathode material and the electrolyte in interactions at the
performance of the battery. The cycle life and reliability of the interface during cycling, is of paramount importance to
battery is not only strongly dependent on the SEI properties as enhance the electrochemical performance and reliability of
discussed above, but also determined by the so-called batteries.

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With a similar nanometre thickness range to the SEI on the electrolyte composition, can be very different.105,106 Thus, it is
anode, XPS is a powerful tool in analysing the electronic not possible to give a general composition or structure of the
structure, chemical composition, and geometry of the CEI and/ CEI. However, there are some ideal properties that it is thought
or the cathode surface. While energy-tuned XPS oen allows for the CEI should exhibit, including low thickness, high density,
characterisation of the entire surface, interphase, and some low ionic resistivity and electron conductivity, as well as good
part of the bulk, in this section we will focus on the surface and electrochemical and mechanical stability. Fig. 9 presents
interphase phenomena, but exploring the bulk in a later a schematic diagram for the composition and structure of the
section. XPS can contribute in a unique way to understanding CEI thought to form on an NMC cathode in LIBs. As is shown,
the chemical/electrochemical reactions during charge/ a large number of different inorganic compounds and
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discharge processes, and can be effective in helping to under- a complex mosaic structure are formed at the NMC material
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stand the formation and evolution of the CEI layer but also the surface.
complex reactions occurring from the cathode itself. It is understood that the surface chemistry of the cathode Structure, composition and formation mechanisms. material can play a signicant role in the CEI formation and its
The CEI forms as a result of electrochemical reactions at the composition. Huang et al. suggested that the stability of the CEI
cathode surface where it is in contact with the electrolyte. These on NMC811 could be inuenced by the synthesis method
reactions can include the precipitation of solids at the surface. employed (rapid co-precipitation and spray-drying routes to
The dominating factors that affect the CEI formation can be produce spherical NMC811).108 The chemical composition of
mainly ascribed to the initial surface specic adsorption the formed CEI on the NMC811 from different synthesis
behaviour and solvated coordination behaviour as illustrated in methods before and aer cycling were determined by XPS. In
Fig. 8.102,103 The specic adsorption on the electrode determines comparison to the pristine materials, the cycled electrodes had
the initial structure and chemical composition of the interface, a greater surface content of oxygen, uorine, and phosphorus,
while the solvated coordination structures of the electrolyte while a decrease in carbon was observed. From peak tting of
serve as a method for repair of the interphase during cycling. the data, the increase in the above elements mainly originates
Demonstrating some parallels to the SEI formation, from the formation of electrolyte decomposition products, such
carbonate-based electrolytes undergo oxidation reactions to as LiF, LiPxOy, Li2CO3, and various organic compounds, that
form the CEI at the cathode surface during charge.104 The make up the CEI. Comparing the cycled NMC materials syn-
composition of the CEI is a highly debated subject and is very thesised by the different routes, the surface layer of rapid co-
much dependent on numerous factors. As a result, the proposed precipitation-NMC has much larger amounts of the CEI prod-
composition of the CEI varies from one publication to the next, ucts, which is ascribed to the more severe interfacial reactions.
as operating conditions and other parameters such as These reactions consume a large amount of active transferable

Fig. 8 A schematic diagram of the cathode–electrolyte interface before and after cycling and the formed CEI after cycling. (a) The ions and
solvents will be specifically absorbed on the inner Helmholtz plane (IHP) before cycling. (b) The specific species of the IHP and the solvated
groups become oxidized or otherwise decomposed during cycling, along with the disappearance of the IHP. Reproduced under CC-BY licence
from ref. 103.

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intensities of peaks for CEI species against the peaks for bulk
components (i.e. O2 and C–C). Furthermore, an effect of the
secondary particle size was reported; the CEI appears to have
a greater thickness for the larger particle size. The authors also
nd that the conductive carbon additive in the electrode can
have a signicant effect on the CEI evolution. The CEI formed
initially on the carbon additive can be exchanged readily with
the cathode particle surface, suggesting closely intertwined
interactions between the cathode material and the carbon.
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Therefore, it is not necessarily accurate to study CEI formation

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in model systems in the absence of carbon additives or binders.

The use of electrolyte additives is an important strategy to
improve the electrochemical performance of batteries. Such
compounds added to the electrolyte, typically in concentrations
Fig. 9 A schematic diagram of the microstructure and chemical
composition of the CEI at the interface between a typical NMC
of <10%, are oen designed to improve interfacial
cathode and carbonate-based electrolyte. Reproduced under CC-BY chemistry.109–113
licence from ref. 107. The role of tris(trimethylsilyl) phosphite (TMSPi) as an
electrolyte additive to improve the electrochemical performance
of NMC811/Si–graphite cells was investigated by synchrotron-
lithium, leading to an increase in the interfacial resistance and based XPS depth proling.114 The morphological and compo-
a loss in capacity. sitional differences of the CEI and SEI were probed for the
The CEI is a very dynamic entity, changing in chemistry and cathode and anode, respectively. As shown in Fig. 11, the
structure during long-term cycling of the battery. XPS analysis of formed CEI with TMSPi on the NMC811 cathodes displayed an
cycled LiNi0.7Co0.15Mn0.15O2 electrodes, presented in Fig. 10, increased amount of alkyl carbonates/carboxylates, with
reveals the CEI composition aer calendar ageing and aer 100 a decreased amount of PFxOy species. Moreover, this TMSPi-
cycles.107 While the pristine material shows that a native lm of derived CEI on the cathode can effectively suppress the poly-
Li2CO3 exists on the particle surfaces, upon ageing in the elec- vinylidene uoride (PVDF) binder degradation and the cathode
trolyte and cycling, various electrolyte degradation products are to anode “cross-talk” of the migration of the decomposed CFx
formed. Such products are thought to include semicarbonates, species.
LiF, MFx, LixPOyFz and RCFx. There is a noticeable increase in In another study, it was found using synchrotron XPS that
the thickness of the CEI for the aged electrode when compared the Li-rich disordered rocksalt oxyuoride material Li2VO2F
with the cycled electrodes, characterised by the relative reacted very strongly with the organic electrolyte, resulting in

Fig. 10 XPS spectra (Ni 2p, F 1s, O 1s, C 1s) of LiNi0.7Mn0.15Co0.15O2 electrodes (pristine, aged, and cycled electrodes with 8–10 and 18–20 mm
particle sizes) and pure NiF2. Reproduced under CC-BY licence from ref. 107.

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Fig. 11 O 1s and P 2p XPS spectra (at three photon energies) of the pristine and cycled NMC811 electrodes taken from discharged cells after up to
53 cycles with and without 2 wt% TMSPi as an electrolyte additive. Reproduced under CC-BY licence from ref. 114.

a rapid degradation of the material and its capacity to store metals deposited at either electrode surface, even in small
charge.115 To mitigate this detrimental issue, electrolyte addi- concentrations, and perform a quantitative analysis.
tives including lithium bis(oxalato)borate (LiBOB), lithium Ochida et al. demonstrated, using XPS measurements of
diuoro(oxalato)borate (LiODFB), and glycolide were graphite anodes, the deposition of metallic manganese and
employed.116 Through further XPS studies it was found that the subsequent oxidation to MnO under open-circuit conditions.123
improved capacity retention was due to the formation of This work suggested that the deposition of Mn metal on the
a protective CEI at the cathode surface, preventing excessive graphite could be largely affected by the selected additives. At
degradation of the oxyuoride material. Other strategies the same time, the slight differences of the deposited Mn or Mn-
including doping of the oxyuoride material with either tita- based compounds on the graphite electrode could be identied
nium or iron, or employing AlF3 particle coatings, also proved by XPS. Similar with no additive, the cyclic ether additive,
effective in boosting capacity retention through stabilisation of 1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacyclooctadecane (18C6), could not
the cathode surfaces.117,118 suppress the deposition of Mn since a peak at around 639 eV Cross-talk. Electrolyte additives are also useful in (640 eV for without additive) could be identied as Mn metal.
preventing transition metal dissolution from cathode materials. On the other hand, 1.4 wt% 4,7,13,16,21,24-hexaoxa-1,10-
The transition metal ions in cathodes act as the redox centres diazabicyclo hexacosane (C222) additive were found to effec-
through which the storage of Li+ ions is charge compensated. tively suppress the Mn deposition due to no peak in the Mn 2p
One of the biggest challenges for many cathode materials, spectrum as observed by XPS shown in Fig. 12. In addition,
especially those next-generation high-capacity materials con- some other transition metal dissolution phenomena on the
taining elements such as manganese, iron or vanadium, is cycled electrodes were conrmed by the XPS spectra, such as V
transition metal dissolution. The loss of these redox centres (V 2p) and Fe (Fe 2p).122,124 For example, the V 2p spectra in
from the material itself inherently leads to a capacity Fig. 10b indicated that the dissolved vanadium from the
fading.119–121 This process not only alters the surface structure of Li2xVO2F cathode was deposited on the anode surface during
the cathode material particles, but equally as important, can cycling. The deconvolution of vanadium gives the V 2p3/2 peak
affect the structure and composition of both the CEI and the SEI at 516.1 eV and the V 2p1/2 peak at 523.5 eV, respectively, and
on the anode. This occurs through a process known as ‘cross- indicates the deposited vanadium has a +4 oxidation state.
talk’, where species migrate from one side of the cell to the In summary, sustained efforts have achieved a fundamental
other, for example transition metals from the cathode dissolv- understanding in terms of the components, structure, and the
ing in the electrolyte then depositing on the anode. XPS can formation mechanisms of the CEI layers, as well as how they
again be used as an effective technique to detect the transition inuence the overall properties of the cells. It has been found

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Fig. 12 (a) Mn 2p spectra of graphite electrodes after 5 cycles with LiMn2O4 cathodes in 1 M LiClO4/EC + DEC with and without the 18C6 or C222
cyclic ether additives. Reproduced from ref. 119 with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry. (b) V 2p core level of the vanadium
deposited on the anode. Reprinted with permission from ref. 122. Copyright 2019 American Chemical Society.

that electrolyte additives, surface coatings, particle size and the carbonate and acrylonitrile, exhibited a large electrochemical
chemistry of the cathode material itself can have a large inu- stability window.128 This “5 V class” polymer electrolyte was
ence on the CEI properties and hence on the overall perfor- used to demonstrate excellent cycling performance of LiNi0.5-
mance of a cell. Mn1.5O4/Li metal cells. The authors used XPS to characterise the
2.2.4 Interfacial reactions with gel and polymer electro- cathode electrolyte interface (CEI) on the LNMO aer 200 cycles,
lytes. While many XPS studies of battery interfaces involve the nding generally less intense signals for the peaks attributed to
use of liquid electrolytes, as has typically been present in electrolyte decomposition, when compared with a similar
commercial lithium-ion batteries, an interesting area of experiment using a liquid electrolyte. It is thought that the
research now moves towards gel or polymer electrolytes. Such strong adhesion of the GPE to the electrode reduces the avail-
electrolytes can offer safety benets and increased stability, able active sites for electrolyte decomposition. Furthermore, the
allowing the use of high voltage cathodes or lithium metal high oxidation stability of the GPE and its compatibility with the
anodes for greater energy density.125,126 Just as for liquid elec- cathode suppresses the formation of the CEI.
trolytes, electrochemical side-reactions occur between electrode The removal of liquid from the electrolyte conveniently
and gel/polymer electrolyte during operation, oen forming an allows the development of in situ and operando methodologies
interphase. This can be probed by XPS; however, sample prep- still under ultra-high vacuum and investigation of potential
aration can be even more challenging for such investigations, next-generation all-solid-state battery technologies. XPS is also
especially when there is strong adhesion between the electrode an essential tool in the investigation of many other potential
and electrolyte. next-generation technologies, particularly those not based on
Xu et al. studied the interfaces within SPE-based graphite lithium.
half cells using XPS.127 Samples were prepared by dissolving the
polyethylene oxide (PEO)-based SPE from the cell in acetoni-
trile. It was found that the SPE contained up to 2300 ppm H2O, 2.3 Interfacial reactions in ‘beyond Li-ion’ technologies
depending on the preparation method, which resulted in
Similar principles are applied when employing XPS to study
extensive LiOH formation on the graphite electrode surface
battery types other than LIBs. This is especially true for chem-
aer one discharge (lithiation). For the same interface, evidence
istries that similarly rely on kinetic stabilization by surface layer
of LiTFSI (lithium bis(triuoromethanesulfonyl)imide) decom-
formation but as some selected examples will show the use of
position was also presented. At the Li-SPE interface, mostly LiF
XPS goes beyond SEI studies.
and lithium alkoxides were formed. The SEI products in the SPE
A very closely related system is the KIB that oen use
cell were vastly different to the carbonate or PEO-type polymers
graphite anodes.129,130 SIBs constitute another active eld of
typically found at electrode interfaces aer cycling with a liquid
battery science; however, these are unable to use graphite
without the co-intercalation of solvents.131,132 XPS has been
The use of gel/polymer electrolytes oen show a greater
found to be a valuable tool in studying both SIBs and KIBs.133–138
degree of stability towards high-voltage cathode materials,
Going even further into novel systems, we nd multivalent-ion
compared with liquid electrolytes. The poly(vinylene carbonate-
batteries based on magnesium and calcium that present
acrylonitrile)-based gel polymer electrolyte (PVN-GPE), which
further unique challenges and require some unique
was synthesised through copolymerisation of vinylene

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Fig. 13 (a) The composition and evolution of the SEI on Na2Ti3O7 electrodes as determined by XPS. (b) Na 1s XPS spectra and Na KL23L23 Auger
transition spectra for electrodes at different states of charge. Reprinted with permission from ref. 143. Copyright 2015 American Chemical

2.3.1 Sodium-ion batteries. SIBs primarily use hard carbon ethers have a signicantly higher proportion of inorganic
as the anode, though alloy anodes are common as well. SIB compounds in the inner SEI layer than carbonates (Fig. 14). This
anodes have the advantage of usually giving an intense Na 1s is shown by the rapidly decreasing carbon signal with sputter-
peak and a Na KLL Auger peak close to the binding energy of O ing depth as compared to the carbonate electrolyte in the TiO2
1s although this is oen sufficiently shied to binding energies system while the hard carbon showed a continual rise in NaF
which do not interfere with the O 1s peak. Unfortunately, most content during sputtering. The large difference in SEI proper-
XPS work done on sodium anodes is still performed using ties between ethers and carbonates are also evident in alloy
carbonate electrolytes in half-cell conguration and thus the systems. Wang et al.146 utilized XPS to characterise bismuth
results are likely inuenced by the highly reactive sodium anodes where the SEI from G2-glyme was found to contain
electrode.141,142 Further complicating the issue of XPS polyethers and sodium alkoxides, whereas the carbonate
measurements on sodium anodes is the issue of SEI solubility; instead formed polyesters and sodium alkylcarbonates.
it has been shown by XPS measurements that the SEI compo- Ethers enable the use of graphite as an anode for SIB through
sition is affected by leaving the electrode at open circuit voltage the co-intercalation of the solvent, albeit at the cost of capacity
(OCV) in EC:DEC electrolytes.63 and energy. This co-intercalation of solvent is however quite
This being said, a notable example of the use of XPS for SIB interesting from an SEI analysis perspective since any SEI must
studies is from Muñoz-Márquez et al.,143 that investigated the allow solvent molecules to pass through in order for the system
SEI formation on Na2Ti3O7 anodes (Fig. 13a). In their work they to function. The initial investigations of this system by Maibach
describe several important points to SIB-XPS measurements: (1) et al.147 makes use of synchrotron-based depth proling. The
they reaffirm that the SEI in SIB consists mostly of inorganic authors describe a system where the NaFSI salt decomposes to
compounds, (2) they show that there are organic compounds form a thin (<8 nm) passivation layer below 0.5 V vs. Na+/Na that
formed that are being dissolved during the charging of the allows the solvent and Na-ions to pass through. It cannot be
anode, and (3) they show that PVDF binder reacts with sodium ruled out that the ethers participate in the SEI formation in
to form NaF. The energy calibration for XPS studies of SIBs can these systems although their reduction stability should allow
oen be done using the graphitic carbon peak at 284 eV that is them to endure the cycling environment.
commonly present due to the carbon active material or 2.3.2 Potassium-ion batteries. Most work performed for
conductive carbon additives. However, in SIB systems this peak KIBs has been performed on graphite and hard carbon although
is not always visible as the SEI grows beyond the probing depth just as with sodium, some interesting work is performed on
of most in-house XPS instruments. This issue, combined with alloy and polyanionic anodes. The SEI on graphite anodes has
the surface charging effects that results, are somewhat miti- been investigated using both carbonates and ethers such as G2-
gated by analysis of the Auger parameter (a) for Na, by deter- glyme. XPS measurements conrm that in these two different
mining the energy shi between the Na 1s photoelectron line solvent classes, the surface layer is quite different. This is not
and the Na KL23L23 Auger signal (Fig. 13b). surprising for graphite since the ethers alter the electrochem-
Ether and carbonate electrolytes result in signicantly istry signicantly by co-intercalation into graphite providing
different SEI composition and function, which is well described a voltage prole akin to that of sodium systems, as shown in
in investigations where glymes and carbonates are used in Fig. 15.
conjunction with TiO2 and hard carbon anodes.144,145 They use In the case of carbonate electrolytes and graphite, it has been
XPS measurements combined with ion-sputtering to reveal that reported that signicant SEI formation occurs during the rst

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Fig. 14 (a) Quantitative analysis of XPS data from sputtering depth profiling of the SEI formed from ether and carbonate electrolytes. (b)
Schematic diagrams for the SEI composition. (c) C 1s spectrum for the electrode with carbonate-SEI before sputter-etching. (d) C 1s spectrum for
the electrode with ether-SEI before sputter-etching. Reproduced under CC-BY licence from ref. 144.

discharge and that it forms organic alkoxides, potassium alkyl measurements where a signal at 285 eV is attributed to the K–C
carbonates and potassium carbonate with subsequent increases species. In contrast, Naylor et al.149 use SOXPES and HAXPES to
in uorine contains species as cycling progresses.148,149 describe the SEI in a very similar system and found that it would
There is, however, some disagreement as to the composition reach up 50 nm in thickness based on the complete disap-
and thickness of the SEI. Lei et al.148 report that the SEI thick- pearance of the graphite/KCx peaks (Fig. 16). The authors also
ness is less than 4 nm aer the rst discharge based on high report that the thickness depends on the state of charge with
resolution TEM measurements, supported by XPS

Fig. 15 Galvanostatic voltage profiles for K/graphite cells using (a) carbonate, and (b) ether electrolytes. Reprinted from,148 with permission from

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Fig. 16 K 2p – C 1s XPS spectra measured using SOXPES/HAXPES for graphite electrodes at various states of charge from carbonate-based
electrolytes. Reprinted with permission from ref. 149. Copyright 2015 American Chemical Society.

a clear increase of the SEI thickness during discharge and While potassium graphite systems are usually compared to
subsequent thinning during charge. LIB system, potassium hard carbon nds its most relevant
As in the case of sodium metal, the potassium electrode is comparison in sodium. Unfortunately, there has been very little
also reported to be problematic as it decomposes carbonate work on using hard carbon anodes for potassium systems. XPS
electrolytes. Lei et al.148 shows that the SEI formed on the measurements by Chen et al.150 indicate that the SEI goes
potassium metal in carbonates is continually growing with through the same processes of thickness variation as described
detrimental effects on the performance of the graphite elec- for the K-graphite system, as presented in Fig. 17. This can be
trode. In fact, a lot of the degradation seen in half-cells can be inferred by the intensity shi of the substrate carbon peak,
reversed simply by replacing the potassium counter electrode though the authors make no such claim.
(CE). This shows just like in the case of sodium half-cells that 2.3.3 Multivalent batteries. Multivalent battery chemistries
investigators must be very careful to not let the inuence of the are not new in concept but the research into Mg-ion and espe-
metallic alkali counter electrode skew their results. cially Ca-ion batteries has increased rapidly in the last few

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years.151 For a long time, progress was held back by issues such
as non-permeable SEI formation on the metallic anodes, and
lack of suitable electrolytes and cathode materials. Even though
these issues are still major obstacles there has been progress
made and XPS is an invaluable tool for characterising and
developing these systems.152–154
In magnesium-ion batteries, the blocking nature of the SEI
formed on Mg metal anodes can be overcome by several strat-
egies. One compelling example is by Matsui et al.155 that uses
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intermetallic compounds such as Mg3Bi2 to facilitate the

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deposition of Mg2+. In this work XPS is used to show that the

passivation layer consists of MgF2 from the decomposition of
the bis(triuoromethylsulfonyl)amide (TFSA) anion (Fig. 18a).
The authors detect little difference in the SEI layer between the
electrochemically inactive Mg3Sb2, pure Mg anodes and the
active Mg3Bi2 anode. However, the Mg 2p XPS spectra show that
Mg exists as Mg2+ in Mg3Bi2 and this is claimed to lead to fast
Fig. 17 K 2p – C 1s XPS spectra of hard carbon electrodes at various reaction kinetics and could thus explain the striking difference
states of charge from potassium systems, showing the increase and
in electrochemical performance.
subsequent decrease in the substrate signal. Reprinted from ref. 150,
with permission from Elsevier.

Fig. 18 (a) Mg 2p XPS spectra after sputter-etch depth profiling for Mg3Bi2 and Mg thin films immersed in 0.5 mol L1 Mg(TFSA)2 in BuMeG3
solution for 24 h. Reproduced under CC-BY licence from ref. 155. (b) XPS sputter-etch depth profiles of a Mg-coated stainless-steel electrode in
0.5 M Mg(TFSI)2-PC electrolyte. Reprinted by permission from Nature Chemistry156 Copyright 2018.

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Another example, from Son et al.,156 uses articial passiv- electrolyte. The uorine compounds appear together with
ation layers to avoid the blocking nature of the Mg metal in organic species such as (RCOCO2) formed by a ternary mixture
carbonate electrolytes by applying a thin layer of thermal- of carbonates used as the solvent. As we have seen earlier,
cyclized polyacrylonitrile (cPAN) and magnesium triate. This graphite can be used together with ethers to promote interca-
layer allows for impressive stripping and plating performance in lation of ions by wrapping them in a solvation sheath. Prabakar
propylene carbonate (PC) and even allows for stable cycling with et al.159 used this strategy and found that G4-glyme would lead
water present in the electrolyte. The use of XPS provides insights to reversible intercalation of Ca2+ in graphite. The authors used
into the nature of the passivation layer and combined with XPS to show that G1–G3 glymes did insert Ca ions but that they
sputter-etching conrms that the Mg is actually deposited were trapped in the structure. Further measurements at
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below the articial SEI (Fig. 18b). different stages of charge of the graphite showed that, not only
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Calcium has many of the same issues as magnesium and did the calcium signal intensify during the insertion, but the
these challenges are exacerbated by the low reduction potential carbon signal from G4 was seen to appear as well (Fig. 19).
of Ca metal that is very close to that of lithium. Although it has In summary, the chemistries proposed for technologies
been proven possible to plate and strip calcium in carbonates at beyond LIBs come with many issues and a lot of these are
moderate temperatures,157 there is a need to improve the Ca surface related. XPS experiments can be useful in addressing
diffusion through the SEI. This can be done in several ways. In many of these challenges. The most common use is of course
the work of Wang et al.,158 tin is used as an alloying anode for Ca for SEI analysis, but we have also seen examples where oxida-
in a strategy reminiscent of the intermetallic compounds used tion states of the bulk anodes as well as co-intercalated solvents
for Mg. The surface layer formed on the Sn anode consist of in graphite have been detected and proved instrumental for the
CaF2 and Ca(PF6)2 originating from the salt used in the analysis.

Fig. 19 Ca 2p, O 1s, and C 1s XPS spectra (left) of charged and discharged (2.9 and 0.2 V vs. SHE, respectively) graphite electrodes in a calcium
system using G4-glyme electrolyte. Ca 2p XPS spectra (right) of charged graphite electrodes, measured using synchrotron radiation at different
photon energies, showing the presence of surface Ca2+. Reproduced under CC-BY licence from ref. 159.

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3 Bulk material phenomena difference between the MO peak (530 eV) and the V 2p3/2 peak
can be used as a measure of the vanadium oxidation state,
characterised by XPS where a larger energy difference corresponds to a lower oxida-
Where the surface layers on an electrode material are thin tion state. The values expected for the V3+, V4+, and V5+ are 14.7,
enough or when using a high enough photon energy (HAXPES 14.2, and 12.8 eV, respectively. The oxidation state in the fully
measurements), it is possible to probe the ‘bulk’ electronic delithiated state is expected to be 5+, and in the fully lithiated
structure of the material. Depending on the size of particles state, it is expected to be 3+. A combination of these two
making up a composite electrode, this may still, though, be extremes was used as a rst approximation to t the data. Using
SOXPES and HAXPES, it was shown the vanadium was gradually
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considered as very surface sensitive. For battery materials in

oxidized to a non-redox active V5+ state during cycling, starting
particular, it is interesting to study the oxidation states of the
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transition metals, which are most oen the redox centres from the surface and extending further into the bulk aer 50
involved in charge compensation when charging or discharging cycles.
the battery.160,161 However, in recent years oxygen redox activity
has become an interesting topic to investigate, especially since 3.2 Oxygen redox activity
such activity can lead to greater capacities.162,163
The Li-rich layered oxides are attractive cathode materials for
next-generation LIBs due to their high reversible specic
3.1 Transition metal redox activity capacity (>250 mA h g1). However, the origin of their abnormal
The redox activity of V in Li2VO2F cathodes was reported to be capacity of the Li-rich layered oxides is still ambiguous; oxygen
analysed by XPS as displayed in Fig. 20.115 The binding energy loss and/or oxygen redox reactions have been proposed to

Fig. 20 The spectra of O 1s, V 2p with the tuned photon energies aiming at detecting the different depths ranging from interphase layer to bulk
part. Vanadium contribution is indicated by blue peaks while dark orange corresponds to the MO and light orange to surface oxygen compounds.
Reproduced under CC-BY licence from ref. 115.

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Fig. 21 XPS spectra (hn ¼ 1487 eV) of (a) O 1s core level for Li2Ru0.5Sn0.5O3 with, from top to bottom, the spectra collected for the pristine
electrode and the electrodes charged to 4 V, 4.6 V, and discharged to 2.0 V. The first charge/discharge of Li1.2Ni0.13Co0.13Mn0.54O2: (c) voltage
profile over the first cycle, (b) XPS core peaks O 1s, (c) fraction of lattice oxygen attributed to peroxo-like species. Reprinted by permission from
Nature Materials (Copyright 2013) ref. 169. Reproduced under CC-BY licence from ref. 166.

explain the phenomenon.164,165 XPS has been employed to reveal a similar shape of the spectrum is restored, with only some
the evolution process of oxygen in various Li-rich more oxygenated deposited species. These results are consistent
materials.89,166,167 with a redox activity of oxygen and support that oxidation of
A systematic XPS study combining core and valence spectra oxide ions occurs just before and during the high-voltage
at different stages of the charge/discharge process was per- plateau. It can be seen that a signicant involvement of the
formed to analyse the redox chemistry of Li-rich Li2Ru1yMnyO3 oxygen lattice is observed through XPS for Li1.2Ni0.13Co0.13-
and Li2Ru1ySnyO3 where electronic changes affect both oxygen Mn0.54O2 electrode with a peroxo contribution, and the relative
and the transition metals.168,169 Fig. 21a shows the O 1s core portion of peroxo-like species is provided in Fig. 21d.
spectrum with two peaks at 529.5 and 531.6 eV corresponding to Apart from in-house XPS measurements, HAXPES is a very
O2 anions belonging to the crystalline network and corre- helpful technique to understand the redox evolution of the
sponding to weakly adsorbed surface species, respectively, the lattice oxygen, since the chemical state information on the
latter being also responsible for the weak signal at 533.2 eV. lattice structure buried beneath the surface-oxygenated prod-
The component at 530.5 eV reappears/disappears on subse- ucts can be effectively detected due to its deeper probing
quent charges/discharges, demonstrating the redox activity of depth.170,171 By virtue of HAXPES analysis, Shimoda et al.
oxygen. Consequently, such a mechanism is proposed with help conrmed the formation of O ions as bulk oxygen species in
of XPS results for Li-rich oxides. On oxidation, the reaction the Li-rich Li[Li0.25Ni0.20Mn0.55]O1.93 material during initial
Ru6+–O2 / Ru5+ + O (i.e. hole in the oxygen) ultimately ends charge/discharge processes.172 Overall, all these works demon-
by the condensation of O22 (peroxo-like) species, instead of strate that XPS is a powerful tool for understanding cationic/
releasing O2 gas. anionic redox mechanisms in high-capacity electrode materials.
The anionic redox process alongside the rst cycle of Li-rich
layered oxide Li1.2Ni0.13Co0.13Mn0.54O2 at different states of
charge/discharge (Fig. 21b) was also investigated by XPS.166 The
4 In situ and operando XPS
evolution of O 1s core peaks are shown in Fig. 21c. No change measurements
from the pristine electrode to 4 V occurs, while the character- 4.1 All-solid-state batteries
istic peroxo-like component (a new peak at 530.5 eV) is identi-
4.1.1 Interfaces in all-solid-state batteries. The concept of
ed at 4.3, 4.6, and 4.8 V. Upon discharge, the peroxo-like
all-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) is attracting a lot of interest
signature disappears and, as compared to the pristine,
nowadays. Indeed, the safety of such batteries would be largely

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enhanced as no ammable or toxic liquid electrolyte would be disassembling cells. For instance, to study the reaction of
used. It is also expected that the use of purely metallic anodes a solid electrolyte with Li metal, one of the most common
(Li, Na, Mg, etc.) could be facilitated as the solid electrolyte techniques is to put both in contact for a certain time, subse-
would potentially inhibit the propagation of dendrites and thus quently remove the Li metal and analyse the interphase. Yang
greatly increase the specic capacity of such devices. Lastly, et al. studied the reaction of La0.56Li0.33TiO3 (LLTO) with Li.
solid electrolytes were assumed to be more chemically and They observed the same spin–orbit splitting of the La 3d5/2 and
electrochemically stable than liquid electrolytes which turned La 3d3/2 binding energies in LLTO before and aer reaction. The
out to be a poor assumption as the many chemistries developed binding energies of the Li 1s electrons (61.69 eV) before and
nowadays come with a broad range of stability.173,174 aer the reaction were the same too. Aer reaction with lithium,
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As described in the previous sections, the interfaces between they observed the reduction of Ti4+ to Ti3+ with the 2p3/2 core
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the electrolyte and the electrodes and the formed interphases level shiing to lower energy. The amount of Ti4+ stabilised
are crucial in the battery function and durability. In the case of because it was limited to a certain amount of A-sites in the
solid electrolytes, four kinds of interphases can be described: stable perovskite structure.176 Auvergniot et al. also studied
 The stable interphase: an interface between the solid a solid electrolyte with ex situ XPS. They studied the argyrodite
electrolyte and the electrode where no reactions occur. Li6PS5Cl electrolyte interphase in different cells. They had to
 The mixed conducting interphase (MCI): in this case the mechanically etch the cells to expose the areas of interest. They
solid electrolyte reacts with the electrode and forms an inter- showed that in a LiCoO2 (LCO)/Li6PS5Cl/Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) full
phase having both good electronic and ionic conductivity. It can cell, no electrolyte degradation happens at the interface with
be considered unstable as electron transfer will allow a contin- LTO. On the contrary, at the interface with LCO, the electrolyte
uous growth of the interphase. is oxidised to form LiCl and P2S5 (see Fig. 23).177 They also
 The solid electrolyte interphase (SEI): in this case the solid studied full cells using NMC and LiMn2O4 cathodes and Li–In
electrolyte also reacts with the electrode but the formed inter- anode. The oxidation of argyrodite was also observed but this
phase has a poor electronic conductivity and an ionic conduc- time they determined that it decomposes into different P2Sx
tivity high enough to allow a good functioning of the battery. species and LiCl. In the case of the cell using NMC cathode, the
The low electronic conductivity generally makes this interphase electrolyte decomposition seemed to stabilise aer a few cycles
electrochemically stable, but not necessarily mechanically or and the capacity remained stable up to 300 cycles.178 They
chemically stable. observed that this oxidation of the electrolyte was partly
 The blocking interphase: an interphase with a too low ionic reversible as also observed by Han et al. with Li10GeP2S12.179 Wu
conductivity that would lead to the battery failing. et al., tested the stability of Li3PS4 with Li, Li–In alloy and LTO
From these four interphases, only three are functional: the electrodes.180 They observed the reduction of Li3PS4 with both Li
stable interphase, the MCI and the SEI, which are illustrated in and Li–In alloy. This reduction formed mainly Li2S. They also
Fig. 22. It is clear that the interfaces in ASSBs need to be well determined that Li3PS4 was stable with LTO. Koerver et al. also
understood but they are difficult to access by surface-sensitive tested the stability of Li3PS4 but they tried with NMC that has
techniques and their analysis is mainly restricted to electro- a higher potential than LTO. They observed the formation of
chemical measurements which are chemically unspecic. XPS a redox active interphase. The thickness of that interphase
is therefore a technique of choice to characterise them. Indeed, changed depending on the cut-off voltage. The interphase was
the advantage of ASSBs compared to standard batteries using made by polymerization of the electrolyte and possible forma-
liquid electrolytes is that they can be stable under ultra-high tion of Li2P2S6, Li4P2S7 and Li4P2S8.181
vacuum that is oen needed for XPS analysis. In this part we These examples show that ex situ XPS is interesting to
review various XPS studies as applied to ASSBs. understand the interphases in ASSBs. However, ex situ analyses
4.1.2 Ex situ measurements. The interphases between the suffer from experimental limitations. Various relaxation
solid electrolyte and the electrodes can be observed ex situ by processes can occur aer the reaction of the electrolyte with the

Fig. 22 Interphases in ASSBs. (a) The stable interphase. (b) The mixed conducting interphase (MCI). (c) The solid electrolyte interphase (SEI).
Reprinted from ref. 175, with permission from Elsevier.

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Fig. 23 (a) Scheme of a typical all-solid-state cell. (b) XPS measurements of the different parts of all-solid-state cell after different number of
electrochemical cycling. Reprinted from ref. 177, with permission from Elsevier.

electrode material. The samples can also be contaminated (DArmstadt Integrated SYstem for BATtery Research) illus-
during their preparation. Finally, using several samples for trated in Fig. 24. This technique cannot be dened exactly as in
different states of charge or time of contact with an electrode, situ XPS because the samples still need to be transferred from
may lead difficulties in energy calibration and component the deposition chamber to the analysis unit and the interphase
assignment.182 To overcome these drawbacks, different strate- can already change during this time. Jacke et al. studied the
gies are available as follows. interphase between LiCoO2 and LiPON (lithium phosphorus
4.1.3 In vacuo measurements. An efficient and clean way to oxynitride) with in vacuo XPS.183 They used the DAISY-MAT
study the interphase between a solid electrolyte and an elec- (DArmstadt Integrated SYstem for MATerials Research) system
trode is to form this interphase and analyse it in vacuo. This that is similar to the DAISY-BAT. Their work showed that an
kind of measurements can be done with systems combining interphase was formed between LiCoO2 and LiPON and con-
deposition chambers for electrode material that are directly tained species such as NO2 and NO3. They could determine
connected to the analysis chamber, such as DAISY-BAT that the thickness of this layer was about 10 Å. The same group

Fig. 24 Example of in vacuo system with the DAISY-BAT having its deposition chambers connected to an XPS analysis unit, all being under
vacuum. Reprinted from ref. 188, with permission from Elsevier.

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observed that by deposing the LiPON layer at different products exhibited varying ratios, depending on the electrolyte
temperatures, the valence band offset changed from 0.65 eV at composition. Polymer degradation is preferred for PCL:LiTFSI,
200  C to 1.15 eV at room temperature. This change was while degradation of the salt dominates for PEO:LiTFSI and
attributed to different valence band edges due to a different PTMC:LiTFSI.187
chemical structure of LiPON when deposited at different 4.1.4 In situ measurements. The idea behind in situ XPS for
temperature.184 Schwöbel et al. used DAISY-BAT to study the ASSBs is to sputter a thin layer of an electrode active material on
interphase between LiPON and Li metal.188 They showed that a fresh sample of solid electrolyte in the same chamber as where
LiPON reacted with Li to form Li3PO4, Li3P, Li3N and Li2O. the analysis is performed. A rst report of this technique was
Other groups have been using similar in vacuo systems to made by Hartmann et al. in 2013.189 The experimental set-up to
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characterise the different layers of micro-batteries during their perform in situ XPS can be applicable to most standard spec-
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fabrication.185 Liu et al. studied the interface of Ga-doped LLZO trometers, it is illustrated in Fig. 25. An ion gun, typically used
(Li6.4Ga0.2La3Zr2O12) with Li. To study this interface, they for depth proling, is employed in this case to sputter a target
vapour-deposited a thin layer of Li metal (1 nm) on a pellet of material onto the surface of a sample. The sample holder is
Ga-doped LLZO. They observed the reduction of the solid elec- modied to add a target holder angled at 85 relative to the
trolyte and the formation of Li2O. They also observed that Li sample surface. First, the position for sputtering has to be
metal did not react extensively, meaning that the interface is found. The sputtering gun is initially targeting the centre of the
very stable.186 Andersson et al. also used an in vacuo system at sample holder. With a geometrical calculation, the position
BESSY synchrotron. They could use a deposition chamber to needed to sputter the target can be found. Of course, the layer
deposit a fresh layer of Li at the surface of three different that will be deposited on the sample will have an inhomoge-
polymer electrolytes: PEO:LiTFSI, polycaprolactone neous thickness and the sputtering rate is very low so some
(PCL):LiTFSI and poly(trimethylene carbonate) (PTMC):LiTSI. calibration is needed to optimize the measurements. In the
They observed similar decomposition products for the different work by Wenzel et al., Li was sputtered onto a MgO substrate to
electrolytes, such as Li–O–R (where R is an alkyne chain), Lix- estimate the thickness and the deposition rate of the Li layer.
SyOz Li2O, LiF and Li3N. However, these decomposition They could conrm the successful deposition of Li, as the signal

Fig. 25 An experimental set-up for in situ XPS. (a) Modified XPS sample holder with electrode active material target. (b) Calibration XPS
measurement of Li sputtering onto MgO substrate. (c) Illustration of the in situ sputtering using an ion gun. (d) Illustration of the XPS analysis after
in situ sputtering. Reprinted from ref. 175, with permission from Elsevier.

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Fig. 26 (a) In situ XPS measurements of Li7P3S11 solid electrolyte on which Li is deposited. Relative molar fractions of (b) phosphorus and (c)
sulphur species for different times of Li deposition. Reprinted from ref. 192, with permission from Elsevier.

of Li 1s increases and that of Mg 2p decays. Using the practical extracted the resistance of the interphase they saw that it
electron effective attenuation length for Mg 2p electrons in Li increased very fast at the beginning, and thereaer slowing
they could determine the thickness of the Li layer obtained, and down. This observation indicated a fast formation of the
its deposition rate (see Fig. 25).175 interphase. With cyclic voltammetry, they measured the polar-
Wenzel et al. studied LLTO by the described in situ meth- isation resistance at different times and observed the same
odology. They rst observed the intensity of the signal from behaviour as with impedance spectroscopy. They also per-
LLTO decreasing because of the deposition of a thin layer of Li. formed in situ XPS to get more information about the inter-
Nevertheless, the signal of Li 1s from Li metal was not detected phase. The sample was cooled done to between 80  C and
meaning that the atoms of Li reacted rapidly with the solid 90  C to avoid release of sulphur in the ultra-high vacuum
electrolyte. Only the Ti 2p signal was affected during the Li environment and also to slow down the interfacial reactions.
deposition. The modication of the Ti 2p signals was due to the They could clearly see the reduction of Ge, P and S. Ge might be
reduction of Ti passing from Ti4+ to lower oxidation states Ti3+, reduced to Ge metal or Li–Ge alloy, but the lack of data on these
Ti2+ and Ti0. They could quantify each of these species and show compounds made it hard to be conclusive. P was reduced
that while Ti3+ and Ti2+ were reaching a maximum, Ti4+ was forming Li3P which is unstable. S was forming Li2S which is the
constantly decreasing and Ti0 increasing. It conrmed the solid most common degradation product of sulphide-based electro-
electrolyte reduction by Li metal. The ex situ observation of the lytes. Interestingly, they could quantify the amount of the
solid electrolyte reduction showed only the formation of Ti3+, different species upon Li deposition. The amount of reduced P
meaning that the simple contact of LLTO with Li was insuffi- was constantly increasing while Li2S increased at rst before
cient to observe the complete reaction. The reduction of LLTO stabilising. With the combination of time-resolved electro-
leads to the formation of an interphase with higher electronic chemical measurement and in situ XPS, they could determine
conductivity; this was conrmed by alternating current imped- the formation rate and the composition of the interphase of
ance spectroscopy. This interphase is an MCI and it explained LGPS with Li. They could say that this interphase grew fast and
why LLTO is so unstable versus Li.175 It is line with previous was thick because of the formation of metallic species
observation from Yang et al.176 This rst example shows that in enhancing the electronic percolation through it. It formed an
situ XPS coupled with other techniques such as impedance MCI. An MCI was also observed for Li1.6Al0.5Ge1.5(PO4)3 (LAGP),
spectroscopy is powerful to determine the stability of an inter- Li1.6Al0.5Ti0.95Ta0.5(PO4)3 (LATTP), and a commercial Ti- and Ge-
phase. Wenzel et al. studied also Li10GeP2S12 (LGPS).190 They containing material for the same reasons.189,191 Similarly, Wen-
rst used electrochemical measurements, including time- zel et al. studied Li7P3S11. Performing time-resolved impedance
resolved impedance spectroscopy, to observe the evolution of spectroscopy on a Li/Li7P3S11/Li symmetrical cell, a resistance
the interphase between the solid electrolyte and the Li elec- increase was seen, indicative of interphase formation. However,
trode. Two resistance-constant phase element (R//CPE) the resistance eventually reaches a stable value meaning that
components were used in series to model the ionic conduc- the interphase reached a kinetic equilibrium. To perform the
tivity of the solid electrolyte and the interphase. When they XPS measurements, the sample was cooled down to 80  C to

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Fig. 27 In situ XPS set-up using a “virtual electrode” and the resulting spectra in (a) charge and (b) discharge. Reprinted from ref. 196, under a CC-
BY license.

avoid sulphur sublimation. They observed the reduction of Using this technique, they could show the formation of an
Li7P3S11 with the formation of Li2S and Li3P (see Fig. 26). Their interphase made of Li2S and Li–P species but they had
quantities increase fast before reaching a stable value. This a problem of oxygen contamination.196
stabilisation can be explained by the fact that the formed 4.1.5 Operando measurements. Some studies have
interphase was mainly made of Li2S which has poor ionic and demonstrated very challenging operando XPS measure-
electronic conductivity. These results matched the electro- ments.197–199 Of course, ASSBs have the advantage to resist ultra-
chemical ones and showed that the interphase between Li7P3S11 high vacuum, even though it was discussed previously that
and Li metal can be considered as a stable SEI.192 The same sulphide-based solid electrolytes might need to be cooled down
group also studied Na3PS4. They showed electrochemically that to avoid sulphur sublimation. Still, the fabrication of cells that
the interphase resistance increased signicantly, becoming the can be cycled inside the analysis chamber of the XPS instrument
dominant contribution of the overall resistance aer 10 h of remains a challenge as it can be difficult already not under
contact with Na metal. The XPS measurements showed that the operando conditions. Secondly, if the investigator tries to char-
quantity of decomposition products, Na2S and Na3P, increases acterise an interphase, this interphase cannot be determined
and seems to approach a limit but no saturation was reached from the side of a cell as the analyser spot area is oen large and
during the time of measurement which might be due to the would collect signal from other components of the battery. The
sluggish reaction kinetics at low temperature. There was also interphase needs to be on a large surface facing the analyser.
a large error for the quantication of P because of its small For instance, to look at the interphase between an active
quantity and low photoionisation cross-section.193 They showed material and the solid electrolyte, the analyser should face the
as well that Na-b00 -Al2O3 is perfectly stable versus Na metal.193 top of a composite electrode made of SE, active material and
Zhang et al. showed that Na3Zr2Si2PO12 would form a stable SEI carbon additive to have both good electronic and ionic
with Na. In their study, only a small amount of Zr and Si got conductivity. Jaegermann et al. designed a sample holder for
reduced. The stabilisation of the interphase was also shown by micro batteries shown in Fig. 28a. The sample holder could be
impedance spectroscopy. Aer 15 min of contact between Na3- improved to have a better electrical contact with the cathode as
Zr2Si2PO12 and Na, the interphase resistance stabilised and it can have low electronic conductivity which would induce an
remained stable up to 30 days.194 The in situ XPS technique was inhomogeneous current density.200 Wu et al. developed an
also used to study the reaction between LiPSON and Li. It was advanced cell allowing the cycling of an ASSB under pressure
observed that upon Li deposition, the signal for P and N (Fig. 28b). This is needed to obtain better electrochemical
decreased while that for Li2O and Li2S increased. From this, it cycling. The ASSB is previously pressed in an isolative cylinder
could be concluded that the interphase that was formed in this which is then placed between the two current collectors. One of
case consists mainly of Li2O and Li2S rather than Li3N and Li3P the current collectors is the XPS sample holder grounded to the
as in the case of LiPON.188,195 spectrometer and the second one has a slit to allow direct
Wood et al. proposed a different in situ XPS technique using measurement of the electrode underneath.182
what they called a “virtual electrode” (see Fig. 27). They build In 2000, Tonti et al. performed operando XPS measurements
a cell made of Li3PS4 solid electrolyte pressed on a Li foil. Then by coating Na-b00 -Al2O3 on TiS2. They cycled the cell using a thin
they used a ux of low-energy electrons to attract Li+ ions at the graphite layer as counter electrode. They observed the interca-
bare electrolyte surface where they were reduced. This layer of Li lation of Na and aer several cycles, the irreversible formation
could be removed applying UV photons ejecting valence elec- of Na2S and some Na metal.201 Tonti et al. repeated the experi-
trons from Li metal. The formation of Li+ at the surface drove ment and this time they tried to measure the electrochemical
the Li+ migration towards the Li foil on the back of the stack. potential of the TiS2 electrode from the XPS measurements.

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cathode was a composite electrode made of a mixture of LPS,

LCO and VGCF (vapour grown carbon nanober). The anode
was made of two parts, the In–Li alloy separated from the solid
electrolyte by a composite buffer layer made of In, LPS and
VGCF. They performed the measurements during potentiostatic
steps because of the time required to acquire the XPS spectra
(see Fig. 29). For both S 2p and P 2p spectra a shoulder was
observed upon cycling. These shoulders were due to the
oxidation of the solid electrolyte with the formation of poly-
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sulphides, i.e. change in phosphorous environment from PS43

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to P2Sx, and the polymerization reaction of PS43 tetrahedrons

through the formation of bridging P–S–P and P–S–S–P bonds.
The intensity of the shoulders decreased upon delithiation,
conrming the redox-activity of the decomposition products.
They also observed a shi of the binding energy upon cycling.
This shi could be used to gain information on the possible
overpotential experienced by the surface of the different mate-
rials in the working electrode (WE). It is interesting to note that
the operando XPS could allow to have a quite precise idea of
what is the actual potential at which the oxidation of a solid
electrolyte happens as the decomposition products are directly
probed. They measured a linear correlation between the applied
voltage and the binding energy shi. They could determine that
all the conductive species were following the applied working
electrode voltage change. The solid electrolyte surface, on the
other hand, did not follow the applied voltage change, as it is
insulating and thus not in electronic equilibrium with the
working electrode. Another experiment performed without
VGCF in the working electrode showed that the LCO still did not
experience an overpotential and thus a working electrode
Fig. 28 Different set-ups used for operando XPS. (a) Sample holder for without carbon could be used to increase the energy density and
micro-batteries. Reprinted from ref. 200, with permission from AIP decrease the decomposition of the solid electrolyte as LCO has
Publishing. (b) Sample holder for bulk ASSBs. Reprinted from ref. 182. a lower specic surface area than VGCF.182 Liu et al. also per-
formed operando measurements to study the interphase
stability of LLZO against LFP (LiFePO4). They observed a shi in
They used the shi of the binding energy upon cycling to binding energy proportional to the applied voltage as described
determine a chemical potential of the Na ions and could by Wu et al. The interphase between LLZO and LFP was stable as
correlate it with the actual potential of the TiS2 electrode.202 The no evolution of the spectra was observed upon cycling, even
same group prepared an ASSB using a pellet of homemade aer 100 cycles.186
NASICON (Na3.3Sc0.3Zr1.7(SiO4)2(PO4)) with a thin lm of Nax-
CoO2 cathode deposited by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). On 4.2 Liquid electrolyte systems
the other side, a Pt counter electrode was sputtered. They
observed that during cycling, the asymmetric signal due to 4.2.1 The importance of APXPS. While traditional UHV XPS
different crystallographic positions for Na was decreasing as it has been an indispensable tool to gain a further understanding
was removed from the material during charge and increased of the redox processes and surface reactions occurring at
again during discharge. From the Co 2p spectra, it was possible various battery interfaces, these measurements can only probe
to see a shoulder growing next to the Co3+ signal. This shoulder the solid phases, and cannot represent the ‘true’ battery envi-
was due to the formation of Co4+ during desodiation of the ronment. Hence, to fully understand the complex solid/liquid
cathode. This kind of measurement allows the characterisation interfaces in a battery, there is a need for measurements at
of the bulk active material without being affected by an SEI higher pressures, which would allow for probing the full inter-
formation.200 It could be corroborated with other kinds of face, including also the liquid phase. Furthermore, this should
measurements to determine the complex electrochemical ideally be combined with a setup designed for electrochemical
mechanisms. Wu et al. performed operando XPS on a classical cycling during the XPS measurements. These in situ/operando
ASSB made of pressed stacks of the different constituents of the measurements would enable studies of the kinetics and
battery. They used a glass electrolyte made of (Li2S)3–P2S5 (LPS), dynamics of battery interphases and the interfacial processes,
LCO composite cathode and lithium-indium alloy as anode. The as compared to the static conditions during an UHV

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Fig. 29 Operando XPS experimental results during potentiostatic measurement of a working electrode made of 45 wt% LCO, 50 wt% amor-
phous (Li2S)3–P2S5 and 5 wt% VGCF cycled vs. InLix. Reprinted from ref. 182.

A rst step towards achieving this was realized when XPS percentage of the photoelectrons are scattered before detection,
instruments were developed to allow for measurements at near- the distance the electrons need to travel in elevated pressures
ambient pressures. With near-ambient pressures both gases (mbar range) has to be limited. The relation between slit
and most liquids can be kept stable within the analysis aperture, maximum pressure and signal intensity is extensively
chamber, making it possible to probe solid/gas, liquid/gas and discussed by Ogletree et al.210 From this work, some general
solid/liquid interfaces of importance for many different instrument design questions are addressed. The smaller the
research areas, including catalysis, environmental science and aperture, the higher the pressure in the analysis chamber can
electrochemistry.203–206 In this review focus is placed on how be. However, to avoid a large loss of photoelectrons, the aper-
APXPS can be used for electrochemical applications, and in ture should be around the same size as the beam spot. Addi-
particular for the study of liquid electrolyte/electrode interfaces tionally, the pressure will decrease close to the aperture due to
in batteries. Important improvements of the instruments and the differential pumping. This limits how close the sample can
methodology are presented, and different methods to investi- be placed to the aperture of the analyser. In this regard, the
gate the solid/liquid interfaces as well as important results are sample should be placed at a distance equal to (or longer than)
highlighted. Although several successful studies have already two times the slit diameter, to ensure that the pressure around
been performed on solid/liquid interfaces, these measurements the sample is close to the base pressure in the chamber. From
remain very challenging. A continued development of the the relationships between slit width, sample distance and
instruments and methodology is necessary to further enhance pressure, follows that the slit width (and thus sample distance)
the signal from the interface, in order to facilitate operando should be in the same order of magnitude as the IMFP of the
measurements on 'real' batteries. photoelectrons to maximize the signal while keeping the
4.2.2 APXPS instrumentation and methodology develop- desired pressure in the chamber.
ment. The rst XPS measurements on liquids were performed Today, APXPS instruments are available both in-house212 and
already in the 70's by the Siegbahn group.207–209 In this setup at synchrotron facilities.213 A typical instrument design is shown
a liquid beam kept at the vapour pressure of the liquid was used in Fig. 30.211 Considering the discussion above, the aperture size
as sample, while a differential pump was used to maintain a low R is usually in the order of 0.1–1 mm, allowing for pressures up
pressure in the electron spectrometer. In their early papers to 100 mbar.214,215 Synchrotron light with well-focused beams
Siegbahn et al. lists some main requirements to probe a liquid, has allowed for decreasing the slit width without losing many
which are valid still today. One of the main challenges high- photoelectron counts. In addition to this, the differential
lighted is the trade-off between high pressures and high signal- pumping stages have been developed with the addition of
to-noise ratio for APXPS measurements. To avoid that a large electron lenses, to make sure the electrons are focused on the

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Fig. 30 A schematic illustration of an APXPS instrument. Reprinted from ref. 211, with permission from Elsevier.

analyser openings. In this way, signicantly higher count rates immerse the electrodes in the electrolyte, creating a working
can be realized, despite the small apertures. These develop- electrochemical cell. To create the solid/liquid interface to be
ments have allowed for increasing the maximum pressures measured, the electrodes are dipped in the electrolyte and then
available by several orders of magnitude compared to the rst slowly retracted from the beaker. The electrode of interest
instruments.216–218 (usually the working electrode) is put in front of the analyser,
Using this type of setup, several measurements on solid/gas with the counter and reference electrode mounted behind it.
and liquid/gas interfaces have been realized. However, since This setup is schematically illustrated in Fig. 31. While APXPS
several of the instruments available use so X-rays (<2000 eV) instrument are becoming more commonplace, the capability of
solid/liquid interfaces remains a challenge to access due to the performing electrochemical measurements simultaneously is
limited IMFP of electrons through liquids (in the order of nm). not readily available. Currently, there are only a few beamlines
Thus, to be able to probe the interface, either the liquid layer or in the world with an electrochemical setup allowing for oper-
the solid layer must be very thin. The most common approach ando APXPS measurements of solid/liquid interfaces.214,222
to achieve this for electrochemical measurements is the ‘dip- 4.2.3 APXPS measurements. To be able to successfully
and-pull’ approach,214,219 where the solid sample (electrode) is probe a solid/liquid interface, it is important to rst have
immersed in the liquid (electrolyte) and then slowly pulled up to characterized both the solid and the liquid phases individually.
create a thin liquid meniscus.220 If the wetting between the solid Various solid electrodes used in batteries have already been
sample and the liquid is favourable (the contact angle is small) thoroughly investigated by traditional ultra-high vacuum XPS.
a measurement point at the end of the meniscus will exist where Liquid measurements of battery electrolytes are more scarce,
the liquid is thin enough to see through. An alternative way to but with the development of APXPS instruments, these
probe the solid/liquid interface is to use a thin solid membrane measurements are becoming more common, and different
that can be probed through to see also the bulk liquid.221 In both electrolytes have been probed both using static droplets and
cases, it is important that the setup can be made as realistic as liquid jet setups.223–225
possible, to gain the most useful results. Due to its sensitivity towards different chemical environ-
Once a solid/liquid interface has been created, the nal step ments, APXPS is a highly useful tool to investigate the electronic
for operando measurements on batteries is to design a setup structure of the solvated ions in different electrolyte solvents. El
where also electrochemical measurements can be performed. Kazzi et al.224 use a liquid jet setup to show that the ion elec-
This can relatively easily be realized building on the dip-and- tronic structure changes as a result from different solvation
pull method. To create an electrochemical cell, an electrolyte environments, depending on the solvent used. Also, smaller
beaker is placed in the APXPS chamber (commonly on a bottom amounts of additives can change the ion electronic structure,
plate connected to a manipulator), and then three electrodes are which can be crucial for electrical double layer (EDL) and SEI
connected to an electrode housing attached to a top manipu- formation. In addition, Maibach et al.225 investigate a static
lator. The electrode housing can then be then lowered to liquid droplet, and show that the presence of salt changes the

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Fig. 31 (a) Illustration of the electrolyte beaker and electrode housing used for the dip-and-pull method. (b) Pt 4f and O 1s spectra recorded at
two different voltages. A shift in energy is seen for the O 1s peak stemming from the electrolyte, while the Pt signal (stemming from the working
electrode) remains fixed. Reproduced under CC-BY licence from ref. 214.

stability of the drop and affect the solvation of hydrocarbons. It methodology, a thin liquid meniscus is created (30 nm),
is also seen that the ions are accumulated at the surface, allowing for probing the solid/liquid interface. The solid/liquid
forming an ion concentration gradient towards the bulk of the interface is probed at different applied voltages to the WE. As
drop. indicated in Fig. 32, the full width half maximum (FWHM) of
Since APXPS not only can probe the chemical environment the spectroscopic peaks can be correlated to the voltage drop.
and oxidation state of an element, but also changes in electron This is explained by a relative shi in BE of the liquid water
electrochemical potential differences, it is an optimal tool to depending on the local electrochemical potential, that will vary
study the reactions occurring in an electrochemical cell during within the EDL. Favaro et al.219 also show that the measured
cycling. For example, Favaro et al.219 have shown that APXPS can FWHM correlates well with electrochemical measurements of
be used to study the EDL built up at any charged surface. In this the double layer capacitance, and can also be used to localize
experiment a polycrystalline gold working electrode is used the point of zero charge.
together with a water based 0.1–80.0 mM potassium hydroxide Another study investigating the solid/liquid interface oper-
with 1.0 M pyrazine electrolyte. Using the dip-and-pull ando is performed by Axnanda et al.214 This study is pioneering

Fig. 32 (a) Schematic illustration of the measurement setup. (b) At the point of zero charge, there is no charged layer at the gold electrode/
electrolyte interface, and the binding energy is the same throughout the electrolyte. (c) When a voltage is applied to the electrode, an EDL is
formed, resulting in a voltage gradient over the EDL layer. This gradient can be studied by the increased FWHM of the electrolyte peak measured
by APXPS. Reproduced under CC-BY licence from ref. 219.

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From the many studies performed on SEI layers ex situ, it is

known that these interphases are highly complex and consists
of different degradation products stemming from electrode side
reactions, electrolyte reduction and salt degradation. Since the
interphase layer is made up by reactions between the solid and
liquid, it is challenging to extract the signal stemming from the
interphase, especially since the signal is attenuated by the
liquid layer. To enhance the signal from the interphase as much
as possible, it is useful to be able to tune the photon energy.
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Depending on the thickness of the liquid electrolyte layer,

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photon energies corresponding to tender X-rays (2–7 keV) are

usually preferable.226
In addition, to be able to form a thin liquid layer, the contact
angle between the solid and liquid has to be small. To achieve
this the surface geometry as well as the sample composition is
important. Hence, for some material combinations where
liquid droplets are formed on the solid surface rather than thin
lms, it might not be possible to probe the solid/liquid interface
with the dip-and-pull method. For battery materials this can be
an issue for porous composite electrodes, which are generally
used in commercial batteries to ensure a well-functioning ion
transport. The pores improve the wetting of the material, which
in the case of APXPS can cause the whole electrode to become
soaked and thereby prevent probing the solid underneath the
(too thick) liquid layer. This can be avoided by using dense thin
lm electrodes, only consisting of the active material (no
conductive additives or binder). Thus, to study the solid/liquid
interface directly the wetting properties need to be carefully
Fig. 33 APXPS spectra of Pt 4f (a) and (d) O 1s (b), and K 2p (c) core
levels. The relative shifts of the electrolyte peaks (both salt and solvent)
confirm the conductivity of the liquid layer, and the oxidation of the Pt In two recent papers by Källquist et al. the potential differ-
electrode can be identified through the high binding energy peaks in ences over the solid/liquid interface are probed for a model
(d). Reproduced under CC-BY licence from ref. 214. system,227 and for a battery cell consisting of LTO as WE, LCO as
CE and a Li metal as RE.228 In these studies, results from
probing only the liquid (not the interface) are presented and
discussed. It is shown that during charge transfer over the solid/
in showing the electrochemical functionality of the thin liquid
liquid interface, the shis seen in kinetic energy of the elec-
meniscus. The thickness and electrochemical properties of the
trolyte peaks deviates from a 1 eV/V slope, expected during EDL
liquid meniscus is in this study investigated for a platinum
charging (i.e. when no charge transfer occurs). The results show
working electrode and a water based 6 M KF solution as elec-
that the electron electrochemical potential of the electrolyte is
trolyte. The authors compare the intensity of the Pt peak before
changed versus the RE, indicating an excess of charges in the
and aer the dip-and-pull procedure to estimate the liquid layer
electrolyte while the battery is cycled. It is suggested that the
thickness, which is calculated to 13 nm. Further, simulations of
driving force for the change in electron electrochemical poten-
a model interface are used to estimate the optimal photon
tial of the electrolyte stems from the movement of Li-ions over
energy to maximize the signal from the interface, which in this
the interface, in order to equilibrate the Li-ion electrochemical
case would be approximately 4 keV. To conrm that the elec-
potential. Finally, it is seen that the shis in kinetic energy of
trolyte layer is conductive and in contact with the bulk elec-
the electrolyte peaks depend on the reactions occurring at the
trolyte the shis in BE of the PE peaks stemming from the
interface, where a phase transition reaction, single phase
electrolyte components are studied, as shown in Fig. 33(b) and
reaction, or pure EDL-charging gives substantially different
(c). Finally, the functionality of the thin electrolyte layer is tested
shis. This is illustrated in Fig. 34.
by holding the voltage of the Pt WE at an oxygen evolution
Using operando APXPS it is thus possible to follow the elec-
reaction potential while measuring XPS operando. Although
tron electrochemical potential of the electrolyte directly (which
improvements in signal-to-noise ratio is required to fully
cannot be achieved by pure electrochemical measurements).
analyse the oxidation of the platinum electrode, new higher BE
Furthermore, it is possible to gain insights of the changes in Li
peaks can be identied, as seen in Fig. 33(d), showing that the
chemical potential of the WE depending on the shis of the
Pt can be oxidized during the APXPS measurements, and that
electrolyte peaks as a function of WE voltage. This information
the thin electrolyte layer is electrochemically active and
can be highly useful to further understand the kinetics of the
redox reactions occurring at the solid/liquid interface.

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Fig. 34 Kinetic energy of the electrolyte peaks as a function of time (purple dots) and WE voltage as a function of time (black line). The kinetic
energy shifts of the electrolyte are different depending on the type of reactions occurring at the WE/electrolyte interface. Reproduced under CC-
BY licence from ref. 228.

So far, operando APXPS measurements on solid/liquid samples ex situ (i.e. sample storage, washing). However, many
interfaces of battery systems are scarce, and recognized as XPS instruments allow for more complicated experiments to be
highly challenging measurements due to the thickness limita- performed as well, including angle-resolved XPS and sputter-
tion inherent to the APXPS technique, while the cell still needs etching. Therefore, XPS has been shown to be a highly versa-
to be functional from an electrochemical perspective. Today, tile and multi-faceted technique that can be used to explore
numerous operando studies have been performed on solid-state battery materials in a number of different ways.
batteries (see Section 4.1.5) and operando studies have also been In this review we have focused on some of the experimental
successfully performed on ionic liquids (facilitated by their low and analysis considerations that should be made, especially for
vapour pressure).229 These studies show that operando (AP)XPS battery materials that are oen very reactive when exposed to
has unique capabilities to provide information on oxidation the atmosphere and due to their oen-complex composite
state, potential differences and surface layer formation during structures. We have opted to present a snapshot of the latest
battery cycling. In addition, the measurements of bulk liquid uses of XPS in the advancing lithium-ion battery eld, as well as
phases show that there are in principle nothing preventing how it is helping to overcome challenges posed by new tech-
operando APXPS studies of solid/liquid interfaces, although the nologies beyond lithium-ion. For many such technologies, XPS
slow ionic transport in a nm thin meniscus needs to be is an invaluable tool to study the interfacial reactions of elec-
considered when interpreting the results and kinetics of the trodes when in contact with the electrolyte. This is especially
system. Proof of concept operando measurements have also true for the upcoming SIBs, which suffer from instabilities at
been published in the paper by Zhu et al.,222 where a thin lm the interfaces much more than what is considered for LIBs.
LCO electrode is used to successfully probe the solid/liquid XPS offers the possibility to gain a large amount of infor-
interface during battery cycling using an APXPS setup at MAX mation about a sample, covering not only the chemical
IV. Based on these promising studies, it is our strong belief that composition, structure and thickness of a surface layer, but also
these emerging measurements will become more and more oxidation states of transition metals and other elements in the
common in the coming years. bulk material structure. Depth proles studying both the
surface and bulk regions can be created using various meth-
odologies, but particularly interesting is to use synchrotron
5 Summary and perspectives radiation where the photon energy can be varied to probe
The use of XPS for routine measurements of battery materials multiple depths. This expands the information gained about
has increased signicantly in recent years, particularly in the the sample to determine, for example, the structure of a surface
past decade. This is most denitely a result of increasing layer or to understand the charge compensation mechanisms
research focus within the battery eld, but likely also due to for an active material.
a realisation that interfacial studies of batteries are necessary in The technique itself is also under constant development,
understanding their performance and to advance the knowl- and innovative new in situ or operando methodologies to study
edge. XPS has proven itself to be the go-to technique for battery solid-state batteries present exciting ways to advance the
interface studies. A basic characterisation of battery materials understanding of how materials in such systems function and
already comes with its own challenges, especially involving what are their limitations. Likewise, for liquid electrolyte
some important considerations to make when measuring systems, ambient-pressure methodologies being developed

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offer an excellent way to study the fundamental reactions DAISY-MAT DArmstadt Integrated SYstem for MATerials
between electrode materials and various components of a liquid Research
electrolyte. DEC Diethyl carbonate
The use of XPS to study battery materials and the development DMC Dimethyl carbonate
of the technique itself is helping to advance the battery eld and EC Ethylene carbonate
push the limits of existing and next-generation technologies. It is EDL Electrical double layer
helping to answer questions about battery interfaces, both from EDS Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
a very fundamental point of view, whilst also allowing investiga- EELS Electron energy loss spectroscopy
tions from a highly applied and industrial perspective. It is ex- EMC Ethyl methyl carbonate
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pected that work from both standpoints will become even more ESCA Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
Open Access Article. Published on 16 August 2022. Downloaded on 11/6/2023 10:39:29 AM.

widespread and thorough in the future, in order to address the EXAFS Extended X-ray absorption ne structure
challenges posed with regard to battery interface chemistry. With FEC Fluoroethylene carbonate
advances in high throughput experimentation, we expect that FWHM Full width half maximum
even larger amounts of data that are collected during measure- FY Fluorescence yield
ments will require novel analysis methodologies. This will likely G1 Monoglyme; dimethoxyethane
G2 Diglyme; bis(2-methoxyethyl) ether
include the use of machine learning algorithms and extensive
G3 Triglyme; triethylene glycol dimethyl ether
libraries of reference compounds, as well as advanced computa-
G4 Tetraglyme; tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether
tional methods to rationalise experimental data by prediction of
GCIS Gas cluster ion sputtering
interfacial reactions in batteries. This will certainly become more
GI-XRD Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction
relevant with increasingly complex systems, which perhaps
GPE Gel polymer electrolyte
involve materials coatings, mixed/composite active materials, and
HAXPES Hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
electrolytes with even more components than currently. Funda- IHP Inner Helmholtz plane
mental studies of the electrolyte reactions at electrode surfaces IMFP Inelastic mean free path
are becoming more important than ever as we seek stable inter- KIB Potassium-ion battery
faces. We expect, therefore, that ambient-pressure measurements LAGP Li1.6Al0.5Ge1.5(PO4)3
for in situ or operando experiments will become increasingly LATTP Li1.6Al0.5Ti0.95Ta0.5(PO4)3
relevant and will improve the understanding of electrolyte LCO LiCoO2
decomposition in ‘real’ battery systems. Likewise, as the interest LFP LiFePO4
in solid-state batteries grows, operando XPS on such systems will LGPS Li10GeP2S12
become more routine. This is something, however, that still LIB Lithium-ion battery
requires a large amount of development. LiBOB Lithium bis(oxalato)borate
While we are only just seeing the initial growth of XPS LiODFB Lithium diuoro(oxalato)borate
studies for battery materials, there remains many avenues for LiPON Lithium phosphorus oxynitride
continued development of the technique and potential for LiPSON Lithium phosphorous sulfuric oxynitride
major breakthroughs in the battery eld. LLTO La0.56Li0.33TiO3
LLZO Li7La3Zr2O12
LNMO LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4
List of abbreviations LPS (Li2S)3–P2S5
LTO Li4Ti5O12
MCI Mixed conducting interphase
18C6 (cyclic 1,4,7,10,13,16-Hexaoxacyclooctadecane MOCVD Metal organic chemical vapour deposition
ether) NASICON Na3.3Sc0.3Zr1.7(SiO4)2(PO4)
AFM Atomic force microscopy NCA LiNi1xyCoxAlyO2
ALS Advanced light source NMC LiNi1xyCoxMnyO2
APXPS Ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron OCV Open circuit voltage
spectroscopy OHP Outer Helmholtz plane
ASSB All-solid-state battery PAN Polyacrylonitrile
BE Binding energy PC Propylene carbonate
BESSY Berlin electron storage ring society for PCL Polycaprolactone
synchrotron radiation PEO Polyethylene oxide
C222 (cyclic 4,7,13,16,21,24-Hexaoxa-1,10-diazabicyclo PES Photoelectron spectroscopy
ether) hexacosane PLD Pulsed laser deposition
CE Counter electrode PTMC Poly(trimethylene carbonate)
CEI Cathode electrolyte interphase PVDF Polyvinylidene uoride
CVS Chemical vapour synthesis PVN Poly(vinylene carbonate-acrylonitrile)
CPE Constant phase element RE Reference electrode
DAISY-BAT DArmstadt Integrated SYstem for BATtery SEI Solid electrolyte interphase
Research SEM Scanning electron microscopy

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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10, 19466–19505 | 19505

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