Deep Learning Plan - Latest

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Subject English

Date 20.10.2023

Time 8.00am – 9.00am

Class 5 Excellent
Enrolment 24 pupils
Topic Unit 3: Wild Life

Focus skill (e.g: Reading) Reading

Integrated skill (e.g: Speaking, Writing) Speaking

1. Pupils able to name and describe animals

Prior Knowledge 2. Pupils able to read a short paragraph with guidance

3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using
appropriate reading strategies
Content Standard (refer DSKP Year 3-6)
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly

3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of two paragraphs or more
Learning Standard (refer DSKP Year 3-6)
2.1.5 Describe people, places, and objects using suitable statements
Learning Objectives (Teacher) By the end of the lesson, students should be able to;

1. Read a medium-length text accurately with guidance

2. Answer at least 3 comprehension questions correctly

3. Present and explain the characteristics of animal by using at least 2

superlative adjectives

Cooperation, Integrity
Moral Values

Evaluation/Assessment Worksheet and presentation

Teaching Materials/Resources Youtube video, English Plus 1 Year 5 textbook, word search worksheet,
comprehension worksheet (
STEPS/ Learning Teaching and Learning
Justification Resources/
Minutes) content Activities

Integrating video at the beginning of the lesson 6C:

1. Teacher shows pupils a video is effective in attracting pupils' attention. The Communication
and discusses it with them. use of song, paired with animated storytelling
will allow pupils to visualise the adjectives 5E:
Adjectives: comparative & 2. Teacher asks pupils to describe
better. Engage
superlative. the animals that are present in
the video.
Michael Fullan 6C’s of deep learning related to 3E Model:
Fast, faster, fastest.
3. Pupils answer with their prior the activity is communication as it involves Engagement
Set Slow, Slower, slowest.
knowledge teacher-learners two-way communication. This
( 5 Mins) 4. Let pupils predict the story's interaction allows pupils to kick-start their Teaching material:
ending if it is another animal that thinking as the questions asked by teachers will Youtube video
is present. spark their knowledge, as well as help them to
recall their prior knowledge. The discussion is Teaching and
meaningful as pupils produce their answers by Learning method:
connecting existing knowledge with the present Discussion

1. Guided reading and 1. Teacher guides pupils to read This activity is purposely being carried out as Strategy:
vocabulary building the text ‘Blobfish, We Love You’ teacher-centered to ensure that pupils can Teacher-centered
(20 Mins)
2. Superlative (English Plus 1, p.34) by reading grasp the accurate way to pronounce words
adjectives the text in chunks with clear and since they are guided by the teacher. Approach:
accurate pronunciation, and Deductive
followed by the pupils. The deductive approach used by the teacher approach

2. Teacher explains to the pupils allows pupils to be equipped with knowledge of

the meaning of high-level words superlative adjectives because it develops 6C: Critical
and the way to use the words in conceptual understanding among pupils Thus, thinking
a sentence at the end of the activity, they are able to form
the superlative adjectives of the words given by 5E Model:
3. Teacher introduces words that
the teacher. Explain
are in the form of superlative
adjectives from the text. Next,
The 6C incorporated in this activity is critical Material:
the teacher will explain the rule
thinking. It can be seen when the pupils are able English Plus 1
about superlative adjectives.
to form the superlative adjective as critical p. 34
Then, the teacher would
thinking involves the ability to analyse and
encourage pupils to find the
evaluate information. Hence, the pupils are able
superlative forms of a few
to accomplish the challenge as they are able to
identify patterns of superlative form through
For example: Pretty, long, heavy,
deductive reasoning.

Comprehension practice Activity 1: True or False Reading comprehension allows teachers to Strategy:

1. Teacher distributes a evaluate pupils reading skill and determine their Student-centered

Practice comprehension worksheet to proficiency. It is to ensure that the pupils

each pupil. understand the text they have read and Model: Social
(20 Mins)
discussed with the teacher earlier. Hence, model
2. Pupils try to do it by themselves
teachers can plan for intervention steps if
in the first 8 minutes.
anyone does not reach the success criteria. 6C:
3. 2 minutes is allocated for pupils Communication,

to do peer review. They are The 6C implemented in the activity is Collaboration

allowed to move around to look communication and collaboration.

at friends’ answers and give 5E Model:

feedback within the allocated Through peer review activity (Activity 1), pupils Explore, evaluate
time. get to enhance their language skills as they are

Activity 2: Draw given the opportunity to communicate their Materials:

thoughts on the answer with each other and worksheet
1. Teacher instructs pupils to sit in
practice negotiation in discussion. Hence, it
promotes language accuracy as well as
2. Within 10 minutes, pupils need reinforces language learning.
to complete activity 2. They are
only allowed to talk in English Working with peers can be more relatable and
during discussions. less intimidating for young learners. Therefore,
collaboration for pair work in Activity 2 can help
pupils to create a better understanding of the
lesson as they are able to create effective
communication by working together to complete
the task.

Draw an animal and write its 1. Teacher divides pupils into a This activity gives a platform to pupils to apply 6C:
characteristics. group of 4. their knowledge on superlative adjectives that Communication,
they have learned by describing an animal. This Collaboration,
Production 2. Teacher distributes a blank mind
activity also allows them to brainstorm ideas Creativity
(10 Mins) map to each group.
together in a group.
3. Then, teacher gives the 5E Model:
instructions for the task: The 6C incorporated through this activity are Explore, Elaborate
a. Pick an animal and draw it in the communication, collaboration, and creativity.
center bubble. Then, discuss Material:

and write the animal’s Communication and collaboration are nurtured Mind map template
characteristics in all of the outer through working together in the process of
bubbles. accomplishing the mind map. Pupils get to
exchange ideas that come from multiple
b. Pupils need to use at least 2
perspectives from the groupmates and discuss
suitable superlative adjectives
the most suitable idea to be integrated into their
as the characteristic (e.g.
mind map and presentation.
elephant has the biggest ears)

4. Pupils need to present their work Creativity is indulged among pupils when they
in front of the class by try to find an interesting way to demonstrate the
demonstrating the characteristics of the animal in front of the class.
characteristics of the animal. At the same time, the teacher will act as a
Everyone in the group needs to facilitator that helps in scaffolding the pupils
participate in the presentation. during their discussion and preparation to
trigger their creativity. Demonstration is a good
method to nurture creativity among young
learners as it includes whole-body progression
to assist communication.

Review key vocabulary 1. Teacher distributes a worksheet This activity is to help pupils to recall the words 6C:
terms from the text of word search activity to pupils they have learned throughout the lesson before Character
Closure the class ends. It is an effective way to help
2. Pupils need to complete the
(5 Mins) pupils retain their memory, and also, notify Material:
word search independently.
teachers about pupils’ comprehension of the Word search
particular lesson. worksheet
The 6C implemented in this activity is character.
This activity is assigned as individual work and
any kind of discussion is prohibited. Besides,
being a mechanism for teachers to indicate
lesson effectiveness for teachers, this rule also
allows teachers to grow a sense of integrity
among pupils. Integrity is very important as a
learner. Therefore, this activity can help
teachers build a good quality learner with a
strong will to learn and gain knowledge with

(1400 words)


1. What are the endangered species?
Wild Life
2. How to protect the endangered species?
Learning Intention (student): Success Criteria (student):
Example: Example:

a. I learn to read a text with the correct a. I can read a text with the correct pronunciation
b. I learn to answer comprehension questions b. I can answer at least 3 comprehension questions based on the text I
based on the text I have read. have read correctly.
c. I learn to explain the characteristics of an c. I can explain the characteristics of an animal by using at least 2
animal by using superlative adjectives. superlative adjectives

6C’S Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical thinking

(Character , Critical Thinking, Citizenship,
Collaboration, Communication, Creativity)
Engage- Teacher includes interactive multimedia through digital platform (Youtube
video) to pique pupils’ interest and create a positive learning environment

Explore- Students explore the learning by working on tasks assigned, either

independently, or collaboratively.

5E Model Contemporary Explain- teacher-centered learning to put emphasis on the lesson content
(Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate)
Elaborate- teacher acts as a scaffolder that assists pupils in generating their own

Evaluate- Integrate peer review to provide feedback and promote language

enhancement, plus, vocabulary review with word search practice.
Engagement- Teacher integrate a technology tool (digital multimedia of animated
3E Model storytelling) that is interactive.
(Engagement, Enhancement, Extension)

Quadrant A (Acquisition)
- The teacher shows a video to trigger pupils’ ideas on the lesson (superlative
- Teacher teach the concept of the lesson

Quadrant B (Application)
Rigor Framework Model
(Rigor & Relevance) - Teacher use comprehension worksheet for pupils to practice their knowledge
Quadrant C (Assimilation)
- Teacher gives opportunity to pupils to create their own understanding by
working collaboratively and do peer review

Quadrant D (Adaptation)
- Pupils get to present their work through demonstration and share the
product of their group brainstorming to the whole class.

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