Stet Paper2 Syllabus

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Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023

UNIT I Subject ------AGRICULTURE 100 Marks

Unit I: Ecology and its relevance to man
Ecology and its relevance to man, natural resources, their management and conservation. Physical
and social environment as factors of crop distribution and production. Climatic elements as factors of
crop growth, impact of changing environment on cropping pattern as indicators of environments.
Environmental pollution and associated hazards to crops, animals and humans.
Unit II Agro-climatic Zones of Bihar
Agro-climatic Zones of Bihar; Cropping pattern in different agro-climatic zones of the country-with
special reference to North Bihar and South Bihar, Impact of high-yielding and short duration varieties
on shifts in cropping patterns in Bihar. Concept of multiple cropping, mixed cropping, relay and inter-
cropping and their importance in relation to food production. Package of practices for production of
important cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fibre, sugar and commercial crops grown during kharif and rabi
seasons in different regions of the country. Important spices crops of Bihar-chillies, ginger, turmeric
and coriander.
Unit III Forestry
Important features, scope and propagation of various types of forestry plantations, such as
extension/social forestry, agro forestry and natural forests.
Unit IV Weeds, their characteristics
Weeds, their characteris cs, dissemina on and associa on with various crops, their mul plica on; integrated
weed management; cultural, biological and chemical control of weeds.

Unit V Soil Formation.

Processes and factors of soil formation, classification of Indian soils including modern concepts,
Major soil types of Bihar; Mineral and organic constituents of soils and their role in maintaining soil
productivity. Problem soils-extent and distribution in India; Problems of soil salinity, alkalinity and
acidity and their management. Essential plant nutrients and other beneficial clements in soil and
plants, their occurrence, factors affecting their distribution, functions and cycling in soils. Symbiotic
and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation, Principles of soil fertility and its evaluation for judicious
fertiliser use; bio-fertilisers. Problems of Tal Diara and chour lands in Bihar, cropping system in such
Unit VI Soil conservation
Soil conservation planning on water-shed basis, Erosion and runoff management in foot hills and
valley lands; processes and factors affecting them Dry land agriculture and its problems. Technology
for stabilising agriculture production in rainfed agriculture area. Water use efficiency in relation to
crop production criteria for scheduling irrigations, ways and means of reducing runoff losses of
irrigation water. Drainage of Water-logged soils. Role of different command area Development
Agencies in agricultural development of Bihar.
VII Agricultural Marketing
Marketing and pricing of agricultural inputs and outputs; price fluctuations, Types and systems of
Farming and factors affecting them. Role of Co-operative marketing and credit in agricultural
development of Bihar.
Unit VIII Agricultural Extension
Agricultural extension, its importance and role, methods of evaluation of extension programmes;
Important extension methods and media, rural leader ship, socio-economic survey and status of big,
small and marginal farmers and landless agricultural labourers. Farm mechanisation and its role in
agricultural production and rural employment. Training programmes for extension workers. Krishi
Vigyan Kendras, role of non-government organisations (N.G.Os) in extension.
Unit IX Plant Breeding
Application of principles of plant breeding to the improvement of major field crops, methods of
breeding of self and cross-pollinated crops. Introduction selection, hybridisation heterosis and its
exploitation. Male sterility and self-incompatibility, utilisation of Mutation and polyploidy in
breeding, use of biotechnology and tissue culture in agriculture.
Unit X Heredity and Variation
Heredity and variation, Mendal's law of inheritance, chromosomal theory of inheritance, cytoplasmic
inheritance, sex linked, sex influenced and sex-limited characters. spontaneous and induced
mutations. Quantitative characters.
Unit XI Important Recommended Varieties of Principal crops in Bihar
Important recommended varieties of principal crops in Bihar. Origin and domestication of field crops.
Morphology patterns of variation in varieties and related species of important field crops, causes and
utilisation of variation in crops improvement.
Unit XII Seed Technology
Seed Technology and its importance; production, processing and testing of seeds of crop plants. Role
of National and State seed organisation in production, processing and marketing of improved seed.
Unit XIII Climatic requirements and cultivation of major fruits and vegetables in Bihar
Climatic requirements and cultivation of major fruits and vegetables in Bihar; their recommended
package of practices. Handling and marketing problems of fruits and vegetables; principal methods
of preservation, important fruits and vegetable products. Processing techniques and equipment. Role
of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition; landscape and floriculture including raising of ornamental
plants and design and lay-out of lands and garden. Diseases and pests of field, vegetable, orchard and
plantation crops of Bihar and their causes and management. Classification of plant diseases;
principles of plant diseases control including exclusion, eradication, immunisation and protection.
Biological control of pests and diseases. Integrated management of pests and diseases. Pesticides and
their formulation. Plant quarantine.
XIV Storage pests of cereals and pulses
Storage pests of cereals and pulses; hygiene of storage godown, preservation and remedial measures.
Hazards of pesticides use and safety measures.
Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023
Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
B. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
C. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms Taxonomy.
D. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
E. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
F. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
G. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
H. Textbook and library
I. Qualities of Teacher.
J. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
K. Curriculum.
L. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
M. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills
1. General Knowledge,
2.Environmental Science
3. Mathematical aptitude,
4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023

UNIT I Subject BOTANY 100 Marks

Unit-1 : General Biology & Microbiology

 An elementary study of origin of life, Evolution, Natural Selection, Darwinism and Neo-
 A comparative account of two kingdom, five kingdom and three domain classification
 Microbiology: Conceptual history of Microbiology.
 Techniques of isolation of micro- organisms and culture media preparation.
 Structure, growth and reproduction of Bacteria.
 Structure and reproduction of TMV and Bacteriophage.
 Industrial importance of bacteria.
 Role of microbes in nitrogen fixation.
 Structure, reproduction and economic importance of Cyanobacteria.
Unit-2 : Mycology and Plant Pathology
 General Study of structure, reproduction and classification of fungi.
 Structure and life History of following genera; Synchytrium, Albugo, Eryisphe, Peziza ,
Ustilago, Puccinia, and Alternaria.
 Role of Toxin and Enzymes in plant diseases. 2. Etiology, Symptoms and Control of the
following plant diseases.
 (a) Late blight of Potato (b) Wart disease of Potato (c) White rust of Crucifers. (d) Powdery
mildews (e) Loose Smut of wheat. (f) Brown Leaf Spot of Rice. (g) Rust of Wheat and
Linseed. (h) Red Rot of Sugarcane. (i) Wilt of Pigeon Pea. (j) Citrus Canker. (k) Tobacco
Mosaic Disease. (l) Little Leaf of Brinjal.
 Transmissions of Plant Viruses and Control measures.
Unit-3: Plant Diversity Algae - A general Study of the structure, reproduction and classification
of Algae.
 Structure, Life History and evolutionary significance of following genera. Nostoc,
Rivularia, Chlamydomonas, Volvox , Oedogonium, Chara, Vaucheria, Ectocarpus, Fucus,
Batrachospermum, and Polysiphonia
 Lichens - A general account
 Bryophytes - General characteristics and classification of Bryophytes.
 A comparative study of the structures and life history of the following genera with
particular reference to gametophytes and sporophytes. Marchantia, Pellia, Anthoceros,
Sphagnum and Pogonatum.
Unit-4 : Pteridophytes General Characteristics and Classification , Stelar Evolution,
 Structures and life history of the following genus: Psilotum, Lycopodium, Selaginella ,
Equisetum, Marsilea, Ophioglossum and Azolla
 Fossils: Rhynia, Lepidodendron and Calamities
 Gymnosperms- A Comparative and Evolutionary study of the morphological, anatomical
and embryological features of gymnosperms with special reference to the following taxa-
Living: Cycas, Pinus, Taxus and Gnetum
 Fossils: Lygenopteris and Cycadaeoidea.
Unit-5 :Taxonomy:
1. Introduction: Systematic, Taxonomy, Nomenclature, Classification and Phylogeny,
Phenetics, Phyletic and Cladistics.
2. An elementary study of International Code of Botanical Nomenclature with particular
references to the following - Naming of taxa, Nomenclatural types (Holotype, Isotype ,
Paratype, Syntype, lectotype and neotype) and Rule of priority.
3. A comparative study of the classification systems of : · Carolus Linnaeus. · G. Benthem &
Hooker · Adolf Engler & Karl Prantl · John Hutchinson. 4. A study of diagnostic features and
relationships of : Ranunculaceae, Annonaceae, Magnoliaceae, Cryophyllaceae, Tiliaceae,
Euphorbiaceae, Curubitaceae, Rubiaceae, Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Boraginaceae,
Scrophulariaceae, Acanthaceae, Lamiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Orchidaceae, Commelinaceae,
Cyperaceae and Poaceae.
Unit-6: Anatomy
1. Mechanical tissues –their structure , distribution and function.. 2. Organisation of Tissue
in relation to environment. 3. Anomalous secondary growth. 4. Periderm- Structure, origin
and function. 5. Meristems structure and function. Various theories regarding organization of
special meristems.
Unit-7: Embryology :
1. Microsporogenesis and male gametophyte.
2. Megasporogenesis and female gametophyte.
3. Fertilization.
4. Embroygeny.
5. Endosperm.
6. An elementary study of experimental embryology.
Unit-8: Economic Botany:
1. Cereals. 2. Pulses 3. Oil Seeds 4. Sugar and Starch Yielding plants 5. Fruits and
Vegetables. 6. Spices and Condiments 7. Beverages, Narcotics, gums, resins and rubber 8.
Essential Oil. 9. Fiber Yielding Plants 10. Timber Yielding Plants. 11. Medicinal Plants.
Unit-9 : Biodiversity and Environmental Biology: (Question Code – BQ (161 – 180)
 An introduction to the concept of Biodiversity. Loss of Biodiversity and conservation
• Eco system: Structure and function of ecosystem; General study of grassland, fresh water and
forest ecosystem
Unit-10 : Cell Biology:
1. Conceptual history, cell theory, a comparative account of pro-and eukaryotic cells,
characteristics of archaebacteria and mycoplasma.
2. Structure and function of cell organelles.
3. Cell wall and Cell membrane.
4. Ultrastructure of chromosomes.
5. Cell Division and its regulation.
6. Techniques in cell biology: ¨ Principle of light, phase contrast, fluorescence and electron
microscopy, autoradiography and their application. ¨ Staining techniques: Acetocarmine and
Unit-11 : Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding
1. Structure of the nucleus and chromosomes including Lampbrush Chromosomes,
B Chromosomes, Polytene Chromosomes.
2. Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis.
3. Physical and Chemical Basis of Heredity.
4. Mendelian Inheritance.
5. Interaction of genes.
6. Polyploidy.
7. Chromosomal aberrations.
8. Linkage and Crossing Over.
9. Structure, Replication and expression of DNA, Genetic Code.
10. Mutation: Induction and biochemical basis.
11. One gene-One Polypeptide chain Hypothesis.
12. Extra nuclear Inheritance.
13. Chromosomal and genetic sex-determination mechanism and Sex-Linked inheritance.
14. Human Genetics.
15. Genetics of bacteria and their viruses with special reference to conjugation, transduction
and transformation.
16. Cytogenetics in crop Improvement.
17. General Principles of breeding for crop improvement.
18. Centres of origin of cultivated plants.
Unit-12 : Ecology and environmental studies
 Ecological energetic: Ecological factors, food chains and food web; Energy flow models,
energy pyramids and biomass,
• Biogeochemical cycles: Hydrological cycle and water harvesting, gaseous and sedimentary
nutrient cycle
• Community ecology: Structure and organization, individualistic and organization nature of
community, functional aspects of communities Ecological succession; Seral and climax
communities, succession in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem
• An elementary study of population ecology
• Environmental Pollution and Public Health: Environmental pollutants, air and water
pollution, radioactive and noise pollution, pollution control measures
• Major vegetational belts of India
• An elementary study of aerobiology
• An introduction to MAB programme, resource ecology, conservation, forestry, wild life
management and aquaculture
Unit-13 : Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
 Imbibition, Diffusion and Osmosis
• Active and Passive transport of water and solutes; Conduction of water and Phloem transport
• Mechanism of stomatal movement and factors controlling it
• Photosynthesis: Pigment system, Photophosphorylation, Calvin cycle and Hatch and Slack
• Respiration: Glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle, oxidative phosphorylation
• Phytohormones: General account and role of Auxins, Gibberellins and Cytokinins
• Physiology of Flowering: Photoperiodism
• Growth and Differentiation
• Movements in plant
• Biological Nitrogen Fixation and its mechanism
• Micro and Macronutrients and their role in plant nutritio
• Biochemical component of cell: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fat and Nucleic Acid
• Enzymes: Classification, Nomenclature, Physiochemical properties, co-factors and co-
enzymes, Iso-enzymes, Kinetics of enzyme action, significance, factors affecting enzyme
• Secondary plant metabolites and their roles
Unit-14 : (Question Code
• Transcription and Translation: General principles and mechanism of Transcription and
Translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
• Gene Regulation: Prokaryotic Gene Regulation (Operon Concept), an elementary study of
Eukaryotic Gene Regulation.
• Genetic Engineering: Tools and techniques of genetic engineering; Restriction Enzymes and
Ligase, Reverse Transcriptase; Strategy for creation of recombinant DNA and its transfer in
host. Cloning Vectors; Plasmids and Phagemids, genomic library & cDNA library. PCR and
DNA fingerprinting
• Role of genetic Engineering in Human Welfare
Unit-15 : Plant Biotechnology:
 An introduction to Tissue Culture, Principles and significance of tissue culture, Explant
culture and protoplast culture.
• Application of Plant Tissue culture: Commercial Applications of Plant Tissue culture; Mass
Propagation; Transgenic Plants.
• Bioinformatics: An elementary idea.

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50

(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,

2.Environmental Science

3. Mathematical aptitude,

4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023
I Specified Subject Commerce- 100 Marks

Unit – I – Financial Accounting-

 Basic Concept of Book Keeping & Accounting.
 Preparation of subsidiary books of business.
 Preparation of Journal and Ledger
 Preparation of Trial Balance
 Principles of Accounting
 Preparation of Final Account of Trading concern
 Preparation of Final Account of Non – Trading concern
 Single Entry System.
 Hire-Purchase-System
 Instalment Payment System
 Dissolution of partnership firm- a case of solvency of partner
 Dissolution of partnership firm- a case of insolvency of partner
 Royalty Account
 Branch Account.
 Departmental Account.
Unit- II – Auditing-
Introduction, meaning, objectives, & classification of Audit
 Internal Check and Internal Audit.
 Audit procedure-Audit programme,
 Vouching,
 Valuation and Verification of Assets and Liabilities,
 Audit Report-Types.
 Company Audit-
 Qualification and disqualifications of Company Auditor-
 Rights, duties & liabilities of Company Auditor.
 Audit of Educational Institution and non-profit Company.
Unit- III – Business Law
The Indian contract Act 1872-Essential elements of Contract, kinds of
contract, Law relating to offer and Acceptance, Consideration,
competency to contract and free consent, Discharge of Contract.
 Sale of Goods Act 1930: Sale and agreement to sell, Law relating to
conditions and warranty, sale by non-owner, Rights of unpaid seller,
 Indian Negotiable Instruments Act 1881: Type of negotiable
 The Partnership Act 1932: Concept of partnership, Registration of a
firm, Rights, Duties & Liabilities of a partner, Mode of dissolution
of Partnership and Firm.
 Consumer's Protection Act 1986: Objectives & Machinery for
consumer Protection, Types of consumers.
Unit- IV – Corporate Accounting:
Accounting for share Capital and debenture issue-
 Forfeiture and Reissue of forfeited shares,
 Redemption of Preference shares & debenture.
 Preparation of Final Account of a company as per company's Act-
 Amalgamation of Companies.
 Accounting treatment for Internal Reconstruction.
 Accounting for Banking company
 Accounting for Insurance company.
 Accounting for Depreciation.
Unit- V –Cost Accounting:
 Meaning, Objectives, and Scope of Cost Accounting
 Its relationship with Financial Accounting & Management
 Methods of costing.
 Elements of cost.
 Pricing of materials issued from Store.
 Classification, Allocation & Absorption of overheads.
 Methods of costing- unit costing,
 Job costing,
 Process costing
 Contract costing.
Unit- VI –Management Accounting:
 Meaning, nature, and scope of Management Accounting.
 Techniques of Management Accounting.
 Tools of Analysis of Financial statements.
 Scope and Significance of Financial Analysis
 Ratio analysis,
 Comparative analysis
 Fund Flow Analysis
 Cash Flow Analysis.
 Distinction between Cash Flow Statement and Fund Flow
 Inventory valuation Techniques.

Unit- VII –Income Tax-

 Concept, Objective and Types of Taxes-
 Direct and Indirect taxes.
 Residential Status & Computation of tax liability,
 Exemptions of income under section–10.
 Deductions under Section-80.
 Computation of income under- various Heads: -Salary, House
 Brief Introduction to-e-Filing.
 Basic Concept of Goods & Service tax (GST),
 Structure of GST,
 Exemptions from GST and Input tax credit.
Unit- VIII –Business Mathematics and Statistics:
 Mathematics for finance.
 Simple and compound Interest-
 Annuities-Discount and present values,
 Basic calculus-
 Rules for differentiation Matrix Theory,
 Determinants- Matrix operation, Business Applications.
 Statistics- Definition, scope, and limitations,
 Sources and Collection of data,
 Measures of central tendency- Mean, Median, Mode.
 Measures of Dispersion: Range, Mean Deviation, Standard
 Correlation: Karl Pearsons's correlation and Rank correlation,
 Time series: Components of Time series.
 Index Number: Methods of Construction and Measurements.
II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

(A) Art of Teaching

1. Teaching & Learning: - Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning &
Types, Blooms Taxonomy.
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and
demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

(B) Other skills

1. General Knowledge :- History of India, Geography of India, Economic

Contribution of Bihar in National Movement, Current affairs
2.Environmental Science- Pollution. Solid Waste, Deforestation. Global
Warming. Flora &
3. Mathematical aptitude: - Area, average, Compound Interest, Decimal Fractions
LCM and HCF, Heights & Distances,
4.Logical Reasoning: - . Analogy, Classification, Series, Coding-Decoding,
Blood Relations,
Syllabus For Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023

UNIT I Subject -----------Economics 100 Marks

Section A: Micro Economics

Unit I:
 Definition scope and subject matter of Economics
 Concept of opportunity cost, Production Possibility Curve

Unit II:
 Law of demand
 Elasticity of demand
 Cardinal and ordinal approach of law of demand
 Consumer surplus

Unit III:
 Law of supply
 Iso-quant, Iso-cost line
 Producer’s equilibrium
 Law of variables proportions, Returns to scale
 Concept of costs; short run and long run cost curves

Unit IV:

 Types of markets
 Perfect Competition-Price determination, equilibrium of the firm and
 Monopoly- Price and output determination in monopoly
 Theory of Price discrimination
 Monopolistic competition
 Oligopoly Cournot’s model, Kinked demand curve

Unit V :

1. Factors of Production
2. Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution
3. Ricardian Theory of Rent, Modern theory of rent, Quasi rent
4. Classical and Keynesian theory of Interest
5. Demand and Supply theory of wages determination
6. Collective bargaining, Backward-bending supply curve of labour
7. Profit- Knight’s theory of Profit, Schumpeter’s Theory of profit.

Section B: Macro Economics

Unit VI:
 Circular flow of income, 2,3 and 4 sector model
 National income accounting: Concepts and Measures
 Classical Theory of Employment
 Keynesian Theory of employment
 Consumption Function
 Investment Function, Concepts of Multiplier & Accelerator
 Inflation, Inflationary Gap.

Unit VII:
 Money: Functions and role of Money
 Quantity theory of money-Fisher and Cambridge version
 Keynesian theory of money

Unit VIII:
 Monetary Policy- Objectives, Importance and Tools
 Central Banks: Functions and role of Central Banks.
 Commercial Banks: Functions, Type and Principles of Commercial
Bank, Credit Creation Principle

Section C: Public Economics

Unit IX:
 Public and Private Goods
 Public Expenditure- causes of increase in Public Expenditure, Wagner’s
 Wiseman Peacock Hypothesis
 The Principle of Maximum Social Advantage
 Principles of Taxation: Ability to pay principle, Benefit Principle of
 Taxation- Canons of taxation, Economic effects of Taxation
Impact, Incidence and shifting of tax
 Public Debt- Types and Effects, redemption of public debt

Unit X:
 The Indian Tax System
 Public Expenditure in India- Pattern and growth
 Public debt management in India
 Centre- State Financial Relations
 15 Finance Commission

Section D: Economic Growth, Development & Planning

Unit XI:

 Concepts of Economic Development and Under Development

 Environment and sustainable development
 Characteristics of an Under Developed Country
 Poverty and Inequality: Conceptual issues and measurement.
 Classical Theory of Economic Development- Adam Smith, David
Ricardo, Malthus, J.S. Mills
 Karl Marx Theory of Economic Development
 Schumpeter’s Theory
 Rostow’s Stages of Economic Growth
 Rodan’s Big Push Theory
 Lewis Theory of Economic Development
 Balanced Vs Unbalanced Growth
 Nurkse’ Vicious circle of Poverty
 Models of Economic Growth: Harrod-Domar, Solow
 Role of State in Economic Development
 Foreign Capital and Economic Development
 Population and Economic Development

Unit XII :

 Meaning and Types of Economic Planning

 Centralised and decentralised Planning.
 Planning by direction, Planning by inducement.
 Growth Models in Economic Planning

Section E: International Economics

Unit XIII:

 Theories of International Trade-Absolute Cost Advantage, Comparative

Cost Advantage Theory, Heckscher - Ohlin Theory
 Balance of Payment: Causes of disequilibrium & measures to correct
 Concepts of Terms of trade
 Gains from Trade
 International Institutions: IMF. IBRD, WTO

Section F: Indian Economic Development

Unit XIV:

 Features of Indian Economy

 Structural Changes in Indian Economy
 Indian Agriculture: Role and Importance of Agriculture, Problems of
Agriculture, Land reforms,
 Green Revolution and other major initiatives by the government in
 Indian Industry: Industrial growth in pre and post economic reforms era.
 Problems and prospects of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises in India.
 Service Sector in India: Transport and Communication, Energy, Banking
and Commerce.

Unit XV :

 Human Development in India

 Demographic features, Health, Education,
 Poverty and Unemployment in India
 Demographic dividend and skill development
 Development policies in India: 5 years plans, Niti Aayog
Unit XVI :
Issues concerning economy of Bihar: Present status and performance, Policy
initiatives for economic development.
Section G: Quantitative Methods
Unit XVII:
 Measures of Central Tendency
 Measures of Dispersion
 Correlation and Regression
 Index number
 Simple differentiation and Integration
 Maxima and Minima
 Application of Mathematics in Economics
Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023
Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms Taxonomy.
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.
B. Other skills
1. General Knowledge,
2.Environmental Science
3. Mathematical aptitude,
4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023

UNIT I Subject ENGLISH 100 Marka

1. BRITISH POETRY- History of British Poetry and the following poems:
a) Spenser’s Sonnet No. 67- “Like as a Huntsman…”,
b) Shakespeare’s Sonnet No. 127- “In Old Age…”,
c) John Donne- “The Sunne Rising”
d) Alexander Pope-“The Rape of the Lock”, Canto 1, 2 and 3 of 1714 edn.
e) William Blake – “The Lamb” and “The Tyger”
f) Wordsworth- “Tintern Abbey”
g) Shelley- “Ozymandias”
h) Keats- “Ode on a Grecian Urn”
i) Tennyson- “Break, Break, Break”
j) Arnold- “The Scholar Gypsy” first 200 lines
k) W.B. Yeats- “The Second Coming” and “Sailing to Byzantium”
l) T.S. Eliot- “The Hollow Men”
m) Philip Larkin- “Church Going”
n) Seamus Heaney- “Punishment”
2. BRITISH DRAMA – History of British Drama and the following plays:
a. Christopher Marlowe- “Doctor Faustus”
b. Shakespeare- “Macbeth”
c. Aphra Behn- “The Rover”
d. William Congreve- “Love for Love”
e. Oscar Wilde- “The Importance of Being Earnest”
f. G.B. Shaw- “Candida”
g. John Galsworthy- “Justice”
h. T.S. Eliot- “Murder in the Cathedral”
i. John Osborne- “Look Back in Anger”
j. Samuel Beckett- “Waiting for Godot”
3. BRITISH PROSE AND FICTION- History of Prose and Fiction and the following texts:
a. Daniel Defoe - “Robinson Crusoe”
b. Jane Austen- “Pride and Prejudice”
c. Charles Dickens- “A Tale of Two Cities”
d. Emily Bronte- “Wuthering Heights”
e. George Eliot- “Silas Marner”
f. Thomas Hardy- “The Mayor of Casterbridge”
g. D H Lawrence’s short stories – “The Fox” and “The White Stocking”
h. Francis Bacon’s essay- “Of Studies”
i. E. M Forster’s essay- “What I Believe”
j. A.G. Gardiner’s essay- “On Saying Please”
4. BRITISH LITERARY CRITICISM- History of Literary Criticism and the following texts:
a. Philip Sydney- “An Apology for Poetry”
b. Alexander Pope- “An Essay on Criticism”
c. Samuel Johnson- “Preface to Shakespeare”
d. William Wordsworth- “Preface to Lyrical Ballads”
e. Matthew Arnold – “The Study of Poetry”
f. T.S. Eliot - “ The Function of Criticism”
5. INDIAN POETRY- History of Indian English Poetry and the following poems:
a) Derozio- “ Poetry”
b) Toru Dutt- “Lotus”
c) R. N. Tagore- “Where the Mind is Without Fear”
d) Sarojini Naidu- “The Palanquin Bearers”
e) Kamala Das- “An Introduction”
f) Nissim Ezekiel- “The Night of the Scorpion”
g) A.K. Ramanujan- “Striders”
h) Arun Kolatkar- “An Old Woman”
i) Vikram Seth- “A Little Distance”
j) Sujata Bhatt- “Voice of the Unwanted Girl”
k) Eunice De Souza- “Sweet Sixteen”
l) Gurudas Mukherjee- “The Hollyhock”
m) Agha Shahid Ali- “Postcard from Kashmir”
n) Tabish Khair - “South Delhi Murder”
6. INDIAN DRAMA - History of Indian Drama and the following texts in English
a) Kalidasa - “Abhijanashakuntalam”
b) Shudraka - “Mrichhakatikam”
c) Vijay Tendulkar - “Silence! The Court is in Session”
d) Girish Karnard - “Hayavadana”
e) Mahesh Dattani - “Final Solutions”
7. INDIAN PROSE AND FICTION -History of Indian English Prose and Fiction and the following texts:
Prescribed Essays:
a. R.N. Tagore - “The Spirit of Freedom”
b. Pandita Ramabai - “Widowhood”
c. Vivekanand - “India: Our Motherland”
d. M.K. Gandhi - “A Stain on India’s Forehead”
e. J L Nehru - “The Reawakening of India”
f. S.C. Bose - “Women’s Role in National Movement”
g. Rajendra Prasad - “Unity Amidst Diversity”
h. Salim Ali - “Man and Nature in India: The Ecological Balance”
i. Jai Prakash Narayan - “Nations, Nationalism and National Unity”
j. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam – “Work Brings Solace”
Prescribed Stories:
a. M.R. Anand - “The Barber’s Trade Union”
b. R.K. Narayan - “An Astrologer’s Day”
c. Ruskin Bond - “Thief”
d. Jhumpa Lahiri - “Sexy”
e. Shashi Deshpande - “Hear Me Sanjay”
f. Khushwant Singh - “The Voice of God”
g. Bhabani Bhattacharya - “Steel Hawk”
8. AMERICAN LITERATURE- History of and the following texts:
1. Tennessee Williams - “The Glass Menagerie”
2. Toni Morrison - “Beloved”
3. (a) Edgar Allan Poe: “The Purloined Letter”
(b) O. Henry - “The Last Leaf”
(c) F. Scott Fitzgerald – “The Crack-up”
(d) William Faulkner – “Dry September”
4. (a) Anne Bradstreet – “The Prologue”
(b) Walt Whitman – “Selections from Leaves of Grass”
“O Captain, My Captain” and “Passage to India” (lines1–68)
(c) Alexie Sherman Alexie – “Crow Testament”, “Evolution”
(d) Robert Frost – “The Road Not Taken” and
“Stopping by Woods on A Snowy Evening”
Prescribed Essays:
k. R.N. Tagore - “The Spirit of Freedom”
l. Pandita Ramabai - “Widowhood”
m. Vivekanand - “India: Our Motherland”
n. M.K. Gandhi - “A Stain on India’s Forehead”
o. J L Nehru - “The Reawakening of India”
p. S.C. Bose - “Women’s Role in National Movement”
q. Rajendra Prasad - “Unity Amidst Diversity”
r. Salim Ali - “Man and Nature in India: The Ecological Balance”
s. Jai Prakash Narayan - “Nations, Nationalism and National Unity”
t. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam – “Work Brings Solace”
Prescribed Stories:
h. M.R. Anand - “The Barber’s Trade Union”
i. R.K. Narayan - “An Astrologer’s Day”
j. Ruskin Bond - “Thief”
k. Jhumpa Lahiri - “Sexy”
l. Shashi Deshpande - “Hear Me Sanjay”
m. Khushwant Singh - “The Voice of God”
n. Bhabani Bhattacharya - “Steel Hawk”
1. Introduction to Postcolonial Literature
(a) The Beginning and The End of Colonial Era
(b) Postcolonial Theory & Salient Features
2. Poetry
(a) Pablo Neruda – “Tonight I can Write”’
(b) Derek Walcott – “A Far Cry from Africa”
(c) A. K Ramanujan – “The Striders”
(d)Gabriel Okara – “Once upon a Time”
(e) David Malouf – “Revolving Days”
3. Drama
(a) Badal Sircar: ‘Indian History Made Easy’ in Two Plays: Indian History Made Easy, Life
of Bagala, Oxford University Press, 2009.
4. Novel
(a) Chinua Achebe - “Things Fall Apart”
(b) Raja Rao – “Kanthapura”
1. Language:
a) Definition and Features
b) Language varieties: Dialect, Register, Standard Language
c) Language Change: Old English, Middle English, Modern English.
2. Phonetics and Phonology: Organs of Speech,
Classification of Vowel and Consonant Sounds,
Phonemes, Syllables, Stress and Intonation
3. Morphology: Morphemes and Allomorphs, Word Formation.
4. Techniques of oral Practice in the Language Laboratory, Oral Drills:
Vowel sounds, Consonant Sounds, Stress, Intonation
Parts of Speech, Subject Verb Agreement, Time and Tense, Modal Auxiliaries, Voice, Narration,
Degree of Adjective, Question Tag, Common Errors, Antonyms, Synonyms, Idioms and Phrases,

The following terms:
Alliteration, Allegory, Anaphora, Allusion, Antithesis, Chiasmus, Hyperbole, Metaphor,
Onomatopoeia, Malapropism, Euphemism, Affective Fallacy, Intentional Fallacy, Irony, Litotes,
Pathetic Fallacy, Oxymoron, Personification, Synecdoche, Simile, Satire, Soliloquy, Zeugma

1. Knowing the Learner

(a) Bloom’s Taxonomy
(b) Multiple intelligences (Gardneir’s Theory)
(c) Learning disabilities
(d) Socio-economic, cultural and other contexts
(e) Learning and participation styles
(f) Advanced Approaches to teaching – Cooperative Learning,
Device Based Teaching Learning (IT Based).
2. Methods of teaching English Language and Literature
(a) Teaching & understanding of LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing)
(b) Teaching Vocabulary
(c) Teaching Grammar
(d) Teaching Poetry
(e) Teaching Prose
(f) Lesson Planning
3. Assessing Language Skills
(a) Error Identification and Correction
(b) Language Proficiency
(c) Types of Assessment – project-based, formative, summative.
4. Using Technology in Language Teaching
(a) Introduction to ICT
(b) Use of ICT
The followings terms:
New Criticism, Psychoanalytical Criticism , Colonialism, Postcolonialism, Marxism, Feminism,
Structuralism, Post Structuralism, New Historicism, Ecocriticism ,Ecofeminism,
Post Modernism
The following texts:
Dalit Literature-
1. Bama- “Karakku”
2. Omprakash Valmiki - “Joothan”
Tribal Literature –
1. Mamang Dai – “The Black Hill”
2. Temsula Ao - “Laburnum for My Head”
African-American Literature –

1. Alice Walker – “The Color Purple”

2. Ralph Ellison – “Invisible Man”
Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023
Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills
1. General Knowledge,
2.Environmental Science
3. Mathematical aptitude,
4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for UCHCHA Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023
UNIT I Subject ---- HINDI 100 Marks

1- fgUnh lkfgR; dk dky& foHkktu vkSj ukedj.k

2- vfndky] HkfDr dky] jhfrdky dh izeq[k izd`fr;k¡ ,oa jpukdkj
3- vk/kqfud dky& HkjrsUnq ;qx] f}osnh ;qx] Nk;kokn] izxfrokn] iz;ksxokn] ubZ dfork
4- fgUnh x| dh fofo/k fo/kk,¡& dgkuh] miU;kl] ukVd] fuca/k] vkykspuk
5- fgUnh x| dk uohu Lo:i&
 laLej.k
 js[kkfp=
 thouh
6- p;fur dgkfu;k¡&
 dkuksa esa daxuk
 mlus dgk Fkk
 dgkuh dk IykWV
 iwl dh jkr
 iapykbV
 phQ dh nkor
7- p;fur miU;kl&
 xksnku
 R;kx i+=
 eSyk vk¡py
8- p;fur ukVd&
 panzxqIr
 vk"kk<+ dk ,d fnu
9- p;fur fuca/k&
 xsgw¡ vkSj xqykc ¼jkeo`{k csuhiqjh½
 vkpj.k dh lH;rk ¼ljnkj iw.kZ flag½
 uk[kwu D;ksa c<+rs gSa ¼gtkjh izlkn f}osnh½
 J)k vkSj HkfDr ¼jkepanz 'kqDy½
10- p;fur dfo vkSj dfrrk,¡&
 fo|kifr ¼fo|kifr inkoyh] laå&jkeo`{k csuhiwjh½
 ns[k ns[k jk/kk :i vikj & in laå& ¼2½
 t; t; HkSjfo & in laå& ¼3½
 dqat Hkou ls fudly js & in laå&¼59½
 rkry lSdr ckj&fcUnq le& in laå&¼254½
 nqyguh xkogq eaxykpkj
 >huh >huh chuh pnfj;k
 dkgs js ufyuh
 Hkzejxhr lkj ¼lEiknd& jkepanz 'kqDy½ in la[;k& 6]9]10]108]109
Tkk;lh &
 Ukxerh fo;ksx [k.M
rqylh nkl&
 jkepfjr ekul ¼ dsoy v;ks/;k dk.M ½
eSfFkyh 'kj.k xqIr&
 nksuksa vksj izse iyrk gSA
jke/kkjh flag fnudj&
 fgeky;
lw;Zdkar f=ikBh fujkyk&
 og rksM+rh iRFkj
t;'kadj izlkn&
 rqeqy dksykgy
dsnkjukFk vxzoky&
 eSus mldks
 'kklu dh canwd
vkjlh izlkn flag&
 thou dk >juk
tkudh oYyHk 'kkL=h&
 es?kxhr
11- dkO; 'kkL=&
 jl
 vyadkj
 Nan
12- O;kdj.k&
 loZuke] Lkaf/k] lekl] milxZ] izR;;] i;kZ;okph 'kCn] foykse 'kCn] okD; la'kks/ku
13- izeq[k fgUnh i=& if=dk,¡
14- iqjLd`r jpuk,¡
15- jktHkk"kk] jk"VªHkk"kk
Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50

(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,

2.Environmental Science

3. Mathematical aptitude,

4.logical Reasoning

Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023

UNIT I Subject-------------History 100 Marks

Unit–01 The Harappan civilization

a. Geographical extent and Important sites.

b. Town- Planning and structures; Society, Economy, Religion.
c. Decline of the Harappan culture.

Unit–02 The Mauryan Age

a. Achievements of Chandragupta maurya.

b. Asoka’s foreign policy and dharma (Dhamma).
c. Mauryan society, economy and Art.
d. Administration.
e. Decline and disintegration.

Unit–03 Renaissance

a. Causes
b. Stages
c. Nature
d. Impact

Unit–04 Industrial Revolution.

a. Causes
b. Impact.

Unit–05 Harshavardhan.

a. Sources
b. Conquests and Extent of Empire.
c. Administration

Unit–06 The Cholas

a. Career and achievements of Raj Raj and Rajendra Chola.

b. Local administration
c. Maritime activities.

Unit–07 The French Revolution of 1789

a. Causes, Nature, Significance

b. Achievements of the National Assembly
c. Reign of Terror

Unit–08 Second World War.

a. Causes
b. Impact

Unit–09 Establishment of the Delhi Sultanate(1206 - 90) with special reference to

a. Iltutmish
b. Balban

Unit–10 Akbar

a. Restoration and expansion of the Mughal Empire

b. Relations with the Rajputs
c. Religious policy
d. Akbar as a ‘National Monarch’

Unit–11 Battles of Plassy and Buxar

a. Circumstances
b. Causes
c. Significance.

Unit–12 Revolt of 1857

a. Causes
b. Nature
c. Effects.


a. Origin of the Indian National Congress.

b. Early nationalist movements-Moderator extremists revolution.


a. Non-Cooperation Movement- Causes and Effects.

b. The Swarajists
c. Civil Disobedience Movement-Causes and Effects.
d. Communalism.


a. Independence and Partition-Cabinet Mission Proposals and Indian

Independence Act.
b. Nationalist movement and the Princely states.
Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023
Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,

2.Environmental Science

3. Mathematical aptitude,

4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023
Unit I Syllabus ---Magahi 100 Marks

1- exgh lkfgR; ds bfrgkl ¼vkjaHk ls vk/kqfud Lo:i rd½

2- exgh izca/k dkO;
3- exgh xhfrdkO;
4- u;dh exgh dfork
5- exgh ds miU;kl lkfgR;
6- exgh ds ukV~;&lkfgR;
7- exgh ds dgkuh lkfgR;
8- izkphu ,oa e/;dkyhu exgh ds dkO; ¼fl) lkfgR; vkm HkfDr lkfgR;½
9- exgh ds fuca/k lkfgR;
10- exgh x| ds vU; fo/kk;sa
11- exgh प का रता
12- exgh Hkk"kk ds mn~Hko vkm fodkl
13- Hkk"kk foKku % fl)kar
14- dkO; 'kkL=
15- याकरण- सं ा, सवनाम, वशेषण, या, वपर ताथक श द, पयायवाची श द,
मुहावराआउ कहावत

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,

2.Environmental Science

3. Mathematical aptitude,

4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET-2023

Unit- I Subject -- eSfFkyh lkfgR;&ikB~;Øe 100 Marks

dFkk lkfgR;
fu/kkZfjr iksFkh&
1- vrhr ¼dFkk laxzg½ izkså mekukFk >k] eSfFkyh] vdkneh] iVukA
ikB~;ka'k& t;Urh jgL;] nkEiR;] xke/kjd xIi] vrhr izk;f'pr] thou la?k"kZA
2- eSfFkyh dFkk /kkjk ¼dFkk laxzg½ dke[;k nsoh] lkfgR; vdknseh] fnYyhA
ikB~;ka'k& nsg] ykydkMZ] VqVSr dhyd tk¡r] <s+i] ,d [khjk rhu Q¡kd] ,d ih<+hd vUrj]
Qaljhd Nksj] dapfu;k¡] eksM+A
miU;kl lkfgR;
fu/kkZfjr iksFkh&
1- i`Fohiq=& yfyr] eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVuk
2- gejk yx jgc& izHkkl dqekj pkS/kjh] eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVuk
¼miU;kld fo"k; oLrq& egRo&ewY;kadu½
vkjfEHkd ,oa e?;dkyhu dkO;
fu/kkZfjr iksFkh&
1- eSfFkyh izkphu xhrkoyh& lå lqjsUnz >k ^lqeu^& jkenso >k] eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVukA
ikB~;ka'k& dalukjk;.k] xtflag] ve`rdj] n'kko/kku Bkdqj Hkh"ke] falagu`ifr vk prqjprqHkqZtA
2- d`".ktUe& eucks/k] eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVukA
3- ykspu] eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVukA
ikB~;ka'k& fo|kifr& 1 l¡ 10 in /kfj& pUnzdyk] y{ehukjk;.k] prqHkqZt ,oa ykspuA
4- xksfoUn nkl Hktukoyh& la xksfoUn >k eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVukA
ikB~;ka'k& 1 l¡ 10 in /kfjA
¼1½ eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl& MkWŒ nqxkZukFk >k ^Jh”k^
eSfFkyh x| lkfgR;
fu/kkZfjr iksFkh&
1- thou ;k=k& gfjeksgu >k& eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVukA
2- ladyu& eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVukA
ikB~;ka'k& o.kZuk] f'k{kk ekrk vks ekr`Hkk"kk] jk"Vªh; ,drkd egRo] vknku&iznku] leh{kko`fÙk]
dfooj pUnk >k vk dksbyhd lUns'kA
lUnHkZ xzUFk&
1- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d vk/kqfud bfrgkl& nsodkUr >k] lkfgR; vdknseh] fnYyhA
2- eSfFkyh i=dkfjrkd bfrgkl& pUnzukFk feJ ^vej^] eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVukA
bdkbZ & 5
eSfFkyh ukVd
fu/kkZfjr iksFkh&
1- dfooj thou >k jpukoyh & eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVukA
ikB~;ka”k & ¼lqUnj la;ksx ek=½
2- ikfjtkrgj.k& mekifr] eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVukA
lUnHkZ xzUFk &
¼1½ eSfFkyh ukVdd mn~Hko vks fodkl& MkWŒ ys[kukFk feJ
bdkbZ & 6
Hkk’kkfoKku ¼fl)kUr i{k½
fUk/kkZfjr xzUFk&
1- eSfFkyh Hkk’kk “kkL=& MkWŒ /khjsUnzukFk feJ]
2- eSfFkyh Hkk’kk foKku& MkWŒ fot;sUnz >k
3- eSfFkyh Hkkf’kdh% eSfFkyh Hkk’kkd izd`fr vks izdk;Z& MkWŒ equh”oj >k ,oa l- chjsUnz >k
4- Hkk’kk foKku dh Hkwfedk& izksŒ nsosUnz ukFk “kekZ
ikB~;ka”k & Hkk’kkd ifjHkk’kk] Hkk’kksRifÙkd fl)kUr Hkk’kkd oxhZdj.k] Hkk’kk foKkud vU;
foKkud lax lEcU/k] Hkk’kkd ifjoÙkZu”khyrk vks dkj.k] vFkZ ifjoÙkZu vks dkj.k] /ofu
ifjoÙkZu fl)kUrA
bdkbZ & 7
eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl ¼vk/kqfud dky½
lUnHkZ xzUFk&
1- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl& MkWŒ nqxkZukFk >k Jh”k
2- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl & MkWΠt;dkUr feJ] lkfgR; vdkneh] fnYyhA
3- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d vk/kqfud bfrgkl & MkWΠnsodkUr >k] lkfgR; vdkneh] fnYyhA
4- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d vkykspukRed bfrgkl & MkWŒ fnus”k dqekj >k
5- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl & izksΠek;kuUn feJ] fdlqu ladYi yksd lqikSyA
6- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d :ijs[kk& psruk lfefr] iVukA
bdkbZ & 8
vk/kqfud eSfFkyh dkO;
fu/kkZfjr iksFkh &
1- pUnzjpukoyh & lŒ fo”os”oj feJ ] eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVukA
ikB~;ka”k & lw;Z ¼1&3½] x.ks”k ¼1&2½] mekegs”oj ¼1&3½] xaxk Lrqfr ¼1&2½] fefFkyk efgek
¼1&2½] ;ksx ¼1&2½
2- i= ghu uXu xkN & ;k=h
3- bfrJh & misUnz Bkdqj eksgu] eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVukA
4- lqUnj dk.M ¼fefFkyk Hkk’kk jkek;.k½ & “ks[kj izdk”ku] iVukA
bdkbZ & 9
lUnHkZ xzUFk&
1- eSfFkyh dkO;”kkL= & MkWŒ fnus”k dqekj >k] eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVukA
2- dkO;”kkL=d :ijs[kk & MkWŒ /khjs”oj >k ^/khjsUnz^
3- eSfFkyh mn~xe vks fodkl & iaΠxksfoUn >k] eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVukA
4- jl ifjp; & MkWŒ fd”kksj ukFk >k
ikB~;ka”k & dkO;d ifjHkk’kk] dkO;d y{k.k] dkO;d iz;kstu] dkO;d gsrq] dkO;d Hksn] “kCn
“kfDr] jl vyadkj ,oa NUnA
bdkbZ & 10
Hkk’kkfoKku ¼O;ogkfjd i{k½
ikB~;ka”k & Hkk’kk foKkud mikns;rk] Hkkjksih; Hkk’kk ifjokj esa eSfFkyhd LFkku] Hkk’kkd oxhZdj.k
¼vkd`frewyd & ikfjokfjd½ Hkk’kk vks cksyh es vUrj] “kCnd ,sfrgkfld fodkl Øe ,oa Hkk’kk
foKkud vU; “kkL=d lax lEcU/kA
1- eSfFkyh Hkk’kk “kkL= &MkWŒ /khjsUnz feJ
2- eSfFkyh Hkk’kk foKku&MkWŒ fot;sUnz >k
3- eSfFkyh Hkk’kk dk mnHko vks fodkl & iaŒ xksfoUn >k
4- eSfFkyh mn~xe vks fodkl&iaΠxksfoUn >k
vk/kkjHkwr Hkk’kk
fu/kkfjr iksFkh&
1- j/kqoa'k&dkfynkl] f}rh; lxZA
2- iq:’k ijh{kk & fo|kifr &izFke ifjPNsnA
eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl ¼izkphu dky½
ikB;ka'k& p;kZin] izeq[k fl)x.k] Mkdopu] izkd`r isaxye~]] o.kZjRukdj T;ksfrjh”oj vks gqud
dky fu/kkZj.k gqud vU; d`frA eSfFkyh lkfgR;d dky fu/kkZj.k] eSfFkyh yksd lkfgR; A
1- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl&MkWå nqxkZukFk >ka Jh'k
2- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl&MkWå t;dkUr feJ
3- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl&MkWå ek;kuUn feJ
4- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d vkykspukRed bfrgkl &MkWå fnus”k dqå >k
eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl ¼e/;dky½
ikB~;ka”k& ykspu vks gqud] fo|kifrd yksdfiz;rk] fo|kifrd dkyfu/kkZj.k]
fo|kifrd jpuk] dhrZfu;k¡ukVd] vadh;kukV] xksfoUnnkl] mekifr] eucks/k] g’kZukFk izHk`fr
doh”oj pUnk >k l¡ iwoZ /kkfjA
lUnHkZ xzUFk&
1- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d :ijs[kk psruk lfefr iVukA
2- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl&MkWånqxkZukFk >kA
3- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d i`’BHkwfe&MkWåvejukFk >kA
4- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl&MkWå t;dkUr feJA
5- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d vkykspUkkRed bfrgkl&MkWå fnus”k dqekj >kA
vk/kqfud eSfFkyh dfo vks gqud jpuk
ikB~;ka'k&pUnk >k] ykynkl] lhrkjke >k] fdj.k] ;k=h] Hkqou] e/kqi] vej] gfjeksgu >k]
vkjlh izlkn flag] fdlqu] jktdey] lqeu th] thodkUrA
lanHkZ xzaFk
1- ifjpkf;dk& MkWå HkheukFk >k
2- & MkWΠv#.kk pkS/kjh
3- f”k[ lfefr iVuk
4- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d vk/kqfud bfrgkl&MkWå nsodkUr >k& lkfgR; vdknseh fnYyh
5- vk/kqfud eSfFkyh dfork&jked`’.k >k ^fdlqu^] fdlqu ladYi yksd lqikSyA
6- bdkbZ&15
vk/kqfud dkyd fofHkUu fo/kk
ikB~;ka'k& izcU/k dkO;] [k.MdkO;] leh{kk] vkykspuk] laLej.k] vuqokn] L=h foe”kZ] vkRedFkk]
ckylkfgR;] dFkk&miU;kld f”kYi fof/kA
lanHkZ xzaFk&
1- vk/kqfud eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl& MkWå nsodkUr >k lkfgR; vdknseh fnYyhA
2- lEcksf/kr Loj & MkWŒ ds’dj BkdqjA
3- eSfFkyh x|d fodkl& l- eksgu Hkkj}kt] lkfgR; vdknseh] fnYyhA
4- eSfFkyh vuqokn fl)kUr vks foospu& MkWŒ fuDdh fiz;nf”kZuh] uokjEHk] IkVukA
5- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl&MkWå ek;kuUn feJ] fdlqu ladYi yksd] lqikSyA
6- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d vkykspukRed bfrgkl& MkWå fnus”k dqekj >k] eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVukA
7- eSfFkyh lkfgR;d :ijs[kk& psruk lfefr iVukA

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50

(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
B. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
C. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms Taxonomy.
D. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
E. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
F. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
G. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
H. Textbook and library
I. Qualities of Teacher.
J. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
K. Curriculum.
L. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
M. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,

2.Environmental Science

3. Mathematical aptitude,

4.logical Reasoning
‫‪Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET-2023‬‬
‫‪Unit I Subject –PERSIAN‬‬ ‫‪100 Marks‬‬

‫فار ز ان تار ـ ــخ‬
‫ساما عہد م فار ز ان و ادب تار ـ ــخ‬
‫لع‬ ‫رود ‪ ،‬دق ‪ ،‬را عہ قزداری‪ ،‬شہ د ل ‪ ،‬ابو ع‬

‫غزنوی عہد م فار ز ان و ادب تار ـ ــخ‬
‫شاعران عہد غزنوی‪:‬عن ی‪ ،‬منوچہری‪ ،‬فر‬
‫شا نامہ اور فردو‬
‫سلجو عہد م فار ز ان و ادب تار ـ ــخ‬
‫سلجو خاندان معروف سﻼط‬
‫سلجو عہد م قص ده ن‬
‫ظہ فار ا ‪ ،‬خاقا ‪ ،‬انوری‬
‫سلجو عہد م مثنوی‬
‫ا ا طا ر ‪ ،‬ابو سع د ا الخ ‪ ،‬سنا ‪ ،‬عطار‬
‫سلجو عہد م ر ا‬
‫خواجہ ع د ﷲ انصاری‬
‫عمر خ ام اور ان ر اع ات‬

‫سلجو عہد م ن‬
‫مرز ان نامہ‪ ،‬تار ـ ــخ بیہ ‪ ،‬ک م ای سعادت‪،‬‬
‫چہار مقالہ‪ ،‬س است نامہ‪ ،‬قابوس نامہ‬
‫مغول اور تاتارعہد م فار ز ان و ادب تار ـ ــخ‬
‫فار ن ‪ :‬اخﻼق جﻼ ‪ ،‬اخﻼق محس ‪ ،‬لستان‬
‫موﻻنا روم‬
‫ندوستان معروف فار شعراء‬
‫ام خ و‪ ،‬نظ ی‪ ،‬عر ‪ ،‬عﻼمہ اق ال ‪ ،‬ب دل‬
‫تار ـ ــخ ند متعلق فار تصان ف‬
‫تزک ابری‪ ،‬مایون نامہ‪ ،‬آئ نہ ا ی‪،‬‬
‫منتخب التوار ـ ــخ‪ ،‬جہانگ نامہ‬
‫جد د فار ادب آغاز و ارتقا‬
‫قاچاری عہد س ا اور سما ﺣاﻻت‬
‫جد د فار شاعری‪ :‬بہار‪ ،‬شہ ار‪ ،‬پرو ن اعتصا ‪ ،‬ﻻ و‬
‫جد د فار ن‬
‫‪ ،‬ع اصغر ﺣ مت‬ ‫محمد ﺣجازی ‪ ،‬سع د نف‬
‫جمالزاده‪ ،‬صادق ہدا ت‬
‫تار ـ ــخ اسﻼم‬
‫س ت نبوی‬
‫خلفا راشدین‬
‫فار ادب اصناف‬
‫را‬ ‫غزل‬ ‫مثنوی‬ ‫قص ده‬
‫ڈرامہ‬ ‫ناول‬ ‫داستان کوتاه‬
‫اسم ‪:‬‬
‫ضم ‪ ،‬اسم معرفہ و نکره ‪ ،‬صفت موصوف‪،‬مضاف مضاف الیہ‪،‬‬
‫واﺣد جمع‬
‫فعﻞ ‪:‬‬
‫ما ‪ ،‬ﺣال ‪ ،‬مستق ﻞ‬
‫اقسام ما‬
‫فعﻞ امر و ن‬
‫مصدر و مضارع‬
‫جملہ ‪ :‬جملہ ساده و مرکب‪ ،‬جملہ پرس ‪ ،‬جملہ تعج‬
‫فار محاورات اور ان مع‬
‫‪Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023‬‬

‫‪Unit II‬‬ ‫‪Art of Teaching, Other skills‬‬ ‫‪Marks 50‬‬

‫‪(A) Art of Teaching‬‬ ‫‪Marks 30‬‬
‫‪(B) Other skills‬‬ ‫‪Marks 20‬‬

‫‪A. Art of Teaching‬‬

B. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
C. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms Taxonomy.
D. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
E. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
F. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
G. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
H. Textbook and library
I. Qualities of Teacher.
J. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
K. Curriculum.
L. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
M. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,

2.Environmental Science

3. Mathematical aptitude,

4.logical Reasoning

Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023
UNIT I Subject --------Physics 100 Marks
Mechanics :-
 Error Theory
 Units and dimensions, SI Units, Kinematics of Particle (projectiles and circular
 Dynamics of Particles: forces in nature, Friction, Gravitation, Contact forces
 Work and energy, Momentum and Energy conservation laws, collision in one
and two dimensions, Gravitational potential, Satellite, escape speed, variation of
g on Earth.
 Centre of mass, moment of force, angular momentum, moment of inertia
 Analytical Mechanics: Generalised co-ordinates and velocities, Hamilton's
Principle, Lagrangian and the Euler- Lagrange equation, Hamilton's equations of
 High speed mechanics: Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity, Lorentz
Transformations, Variation of mass with velocity, Mass-energy Equivalence.

Unit -2
General Properties of Bulk matter :-
 Elasticity: Stress, strain, Hooke's law, Moduli of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, stress
in anisotropic bodies
 Viscosity: Types of fluid flow, Ideal flow and Bernoulli's Theorem, viscosity,
Stokes law, Poiseuille Equation
 Surface Tension: Surface Energy, Contact angle, capillarity, Effect of
temperature and contaminations

Unit -3
Heat & Thermodynamics :-
 Kinetic Theory of Gases, Distribution of Velocities, Maxwell-Boltzmann Law
of Distribution of Velocities in an Ideal Gas and Experimental Verification,
Mean free Path, Van der Waal's Equation of State for Real Gases.
 Zeroth and First Law of Thermodynamics: Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics &
Concept of Temperature, First Law of Thermodynamics and is differential form,
Internal Energy, Application of First Law: General Relation between Cp and Cv,
Work Done during Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes.
 Second Law of Thermodynamics: Reversible and Irreversible process with
examples, Carnot's Cycle, Carnot engine & efficiency, Refrigerator & coefficient
of performance, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: Kelvin – Planck and Clausius
Statements and their Equivalence, Carnot's Theorem.
 Entropy: Concept of Entropy, Clausius Theorem, Clausius Inequality, Second
Law of Thermodynamics in term of Entropy.

Unit -4
Oscillations and Waves :-
 Periodic motion, oscillation, SHM Damped oscillation, forced oscillation,
 Wave Motion: Plane and Spherical Waves, Longitudinal and Transverse Waves.
Plane Progressive (Travelling) Waves, Wave Equation, Phase and Group
Velocities, Changes with respect of Position and Time.
 Wave Speed in air, Laplace's correction to Newton's formula Oscillation of air
column and resonance tube, Beats, Acoustic Doppler Effect, Acoustics of

Unit -5
Electrostatics and Magnetostatics
 Electric Field and Electric Potential: Electric field, electric field lines, electric
flux Gauss' Law with applications. Conservative nature of Electrostatic Field,
Electrostatic Potential, Laplace's and Poisson equations.
 Dielectric Properties of Matter: Polarization, Displacement Vector D, Relations
between E, P and D
 Magnetic Field: Magnetic force between current elements and definition of
Magnetic Field B, Biot-Savert's Law and its simple applications.
 Magnetic Properties of Matter: Magnetization vector (M), Magnetic Intensity
(H), Magnetic Susceptibility and permeability, Relation between B, H, M. H-H
curve and hysteresis, Ferromagnetism.

Unit -6
Electromagnetic Theory:-
 Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday's Law, Lenz's Law, Self Inductance and
Mutual Inductance, Introduction to Maxwell's Equations : Displacement
Current, Boundary Conditions at Interface between Different Media, Wave
Equation, Electromagnetic Energy Density and its Physical concept.
 EM Wave in Bounded Media: Brewster's law, Total internal reflection.
 Optical Fibres: Numerical Aperture, Step and Graded Indices (Definitions Only),
Single and Multiple Mode Fibres.

Unit -7
Electric circuit:-
 Charging and discharging of capacitor in RC circuit, Growth and decay of
current in inductor in LR circuit, AC circuit: Kirchhoff's Law for AC circuits,
impedance, Reactance, Capacitance, circuits with AC source and L, C and R.
LCR-series circuit, resonance, band width, Q-factor, Parallel LCR circuit as
rejecter circuit.

Unit -8
Optics :-
 Fermat Principle, reflection law and mirrors, refraction laws, refractive index,
critical angle, Total Internal Reflection, Slab, Prism, refraction at spherical
interface, lens, lens maker's formula, magnification, power of lens doublet,
 Dispersion, scattering, Light waves: Huygens Principle.
 Interference: Young's double slit experiment interference in Thin Film, parallel
and wedge-shaped films, Fringes of equal inclination (Haidinger Fringes),
Fringes of equal thickness (Fizeau Fringes), Newton's Ring, Measurement of
wavelength and refractive index.
 Difference between interference and diffraction.
 Polarization and its laws.

Unit -9
Modern Physics:-
 Planck's Quantum hypothesis, Blackbody radiation, Photoelectric effect,
Compton's scattering, De-Broglie's wavelength, Davission-Germer experiment,
Wave description of particles by wave packets, Heisenberg Uncertainty
 Many electron atom: Bohr's Atomic model, Bohr's Sommerfeld atomic model,
Fine structure of hydrogen lines, Total Angular Momentum, Vector Atom
Model, Quantum numbers associated with the atom, Spin Quantization, Spin
orbit coupling in atom: L-S and J-J couplings.
 Particle Accelerators: Cyclotron, Measurement of Charge and the ratio (e/m).
 Size and structure of atomic nucleus, Nature of Nuclear force, NZ curve, Binding
energy Stability of the nucleus, Radioactivity, Mean life and half-life, Alpha
decay, Beta decay, Gamma ray emission, Origin and types of X-ray spectra,
Fission and fusion, Nuclear reactor.
 Lasers: Spontaneous and Stimulated emission, Optical Pumping and Population
 Basic Quantum mechanics: Wave function of a free particle, Time dependent
Schrodinger equation, Properties of wave function, Interpretation of Wave
Function, Normalization, Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions, Particle in a box,
Simple harmonic oscillator-energy levels and energy eigenfunctions.
 Quantum Numbers of Hydrogen like atoms, Zeeman Effect.

Unit -10
Electronics and communication:-
 P and N type semiconductors, Energy band gap, conductivity and mobility, PN
junction Diode, Forward and Reverse Biased Diode, Zener diode and Voltage
 Transistor, I-V characteristics, Current gains in transistor, transistor and
amplifier, Barkhausen's Criterion, Oscillator (basic).
 Digital circuit: analog and digital circuit, Decimal and Binary Numbers, Logic
Gates, Universal Logic Gates, De Morgan's Theorems, Boolean Laws.
 Block diagram and communication system Bandwidth of signal, Propagation of
EM waves in the atmosphere, Sky and space wave propagation, Need for
modulation, Amplitude Modulation.

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50

(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,

2.Environmental Science

3. Mathematical aptitude,

4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023
UNIT I Subject --------------------------Political Science 100 marks
Unit 1 Political Theory
a) Political Science: Meaning, Nature and Scope
b) Evolution of Political Science
c) Approaches to the study of Political Science: - i) Traditional Approaches – Normative,
Historical and Analytical
Ii) Modern Approaches – Behavioural Approach, Post Behavioural, System Analysis Approach
and Structural-Functional Approach
Unit 2 State and Democracy
a) State – Origin, elements and functions - Liberalism, Marxism, Socialism
b) Sovereignty : Monistic and Pluralistic
c) Theories: Liberty, Equality, Rights, Justice and Law
d) Democracy – Meaning, theories and conditions of success
e) Political Parties and Pressure Groups
Unit 3 Constitution of India
a) Making of the Indian Constitution
b) Preamble and Salient Features of Indian Constitution
c) Federalism – Centre-State relations
d) Fundamental Rights and Duties
e) Amendment of Indian Constitution
f) Directive Principles of State Policy
Unit 4 Government and Political Process
a) Legislature – Union and State
b) Executive – Union and State
c) Judiciary – Supreme Court and High Courts
d) Party System in India and Pressure Groups
e) Election Commission and Electoral Reforms
f) Commissions – Finance Commission, NITI Ayog, UPSC, CAG, Women’s Commission, SC/ST
Unit 5 Dynamics of Indian Politics
a) Voting Behaviour and its Determinants
b) Caste and Politics
c) Communalism Vs. Secularism
d) Regionalism
e) Language Politics
f) Women and Politics
g) Social Movement and New Social Movement
Unit 6 Comparative Politics
a) Comparative Politics – Meaning, Nature and Scope
b) Approaches to the Study of Comparative Politics
c) Capitalism, Socialism & Colonialism
d) Party System and Pressure Groups
e) Political Culture, Political Socialisation, Political Development, Political Modernisation and
Political Communication
Unit 7 Comparative Government
a) UK in the context of Constitution, Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Party System
b) USA in the context of Constitution, Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Party System
c) Switzerland in the context of Constitution, Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Party System
d) China in the context of Constitution, Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Party System
e) France in the context of Constitution, Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Party System
Unit 8 Understanding Public Administration
a) Public Administration : Meaning, Nature and Scope
b) Development Administration, New Public Administration, New Public Management
c) Public Administration vs. Private Administration, Theories - Classical, Scientific Management
and Bureaucratic
d) Neo-classical Theories – Humanistic and Decision Making
e) Principles of Organisation – Hierarchy, Unity of Command, Span of Control, Line and Staff
f) Contemporary theories – Ecological, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Unit 9 Functional Public Administration:
a) Decision Making, Communication, Motivation theories, Leadership and Morale
b) Personnel : Recruitment, Training, Promotion, Public Relations
c) Corruption : CVC, Ombudsman, Lokpal and Lokayukts
d) Budgetary Process
e) Public Policy and Fiscal Policy
f) Disaster Management
g) Administrative Reforms Commission and Independent Regulatory Commission
Unit 10 Administrative Law
a) Administrative Law: Meaning, Scope and Significance
b) Delegated Legislation
c) Administrative Tribunals
d) Control over Administration – Legislative, Executive, Judicial and Financial Control
e) Police-Public Relations and Police Reforms
Unit 11 Local Self-Government
a) Evolution of local self-government
b) 73rd constitutional amendment
c) Panchayati Raj Institution: Composition, Functions and Power and Sources of
d) 74th Constitutional Amendment
e) Urban Local Bodies – Nagar Nigam, Nagar Parishad and Nagar Panchayat
f) State Finance Commission
g) State Election Commission
Unit 12 Indian Political Thought
a) Manu and Shukraniti,
b) Shantiparv,
c) Kautilaya
d) M N Roy
e) Mahatma Gandhi
f) Dr. B R Ambedkar
g) Dr Ram Manohar Lohia
h) Deen Dayal Upadhayay
i) Jai Prakash Narayan
Unit 13 Western Political Thought
a) Plato – Justice, Education, Ideal State
b) Aristotle – Slavery, Citizenship, Revolution, Classification of Democracy and Critique
of Plato
c) Machiavelli
d) Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau
e) J S Mill
f) Karl Marx
g) Hannah Arendt
h) John Rawls
Unit-14 International Politics
a) International Politics: Meaning, Nature and Scope
b) International Relations – Meaning, Nature and Scope
c) Approaches to the Study International Politics – Idealist, Realist, Neo-Realist, Constructivism
d) International Organisations – League of Nations, UNO and its Organs and Agencies
e) Pacts and Treaties –Collective Security, Disarmament, Arms Control, CTBT and NPT
f) Regional Organisations – SAARC, ASEAN, BRICS, NATO and G20
Unit 15 Contemporary Global Issues
a) Cold War & Unipolar World
b) Non Aligned Movement and Super Powers
c) Global Economy – New International Economic Order, GATT, WTO, IMF, World Bank,
European Union
d) Contemporary Issues – Globalisation, Liberalisation, Privatisation, Terrorism, Feminism,
Environmentalism and Human Rights
e) India’s Foreign Policy
f) India and Third World Countries

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,
2.Environmental Science
3. Mathematical aptitude,
4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023
UNIT I Subject ----------Psychology 100 Marks
1. Nature Scope and sub fields of Psychology
2. Perspective of Psychology
3. Methods-Introspection, Observation, Case study, Survey and Experimental
4. Nature of perception-Gestalt Theory of perception, factors of perception
5. Depth perception, Monocular and Binocular cues
6. Attention: Meaning, Types of Attention, factors of attention

1. Learning: Meaning, Types of Learning
2. Theories of Learning: Classical conditioning, Instrumental conditioning,
Observational learning, Insight theory, Tolman’s Cognitive Theory
3. Memory: Nature, Types of Memory: Sensory memory, short term memory and
long term memory.
4. Models of memory : Information processing model, Levels of processing model,
Parallel distributed model
5. Forgetting: Nature, Forgetting curve, Determinants of forgetting: Theories of
1. Motivation: Nature, Types of Motivation
2. Theories of Motivation : Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, Vroom’s ERC, Drive
reduction, Arousal Theory
3. Emotion: Nature, types, Bodily changes in emotion.
4. Theories of emotion: James-Lange Theory, Cannon-Bard Theory, Schachter-
Singer Theory.
1. Thinking: Meaning, Nature and tools of thinking, types of thinking.
2. Problem solving: Meaning and Strategies-Trial and error, Algorithm Heuristic
and insight, barriers to problem solving, reasoning.
3. Creativity: Nature, Stages and factors
4. Intelligence: Nature, types and measurement of Intelligence.
5. Theories of Intelligence: Spearman, Thurstone, Gardner, Guilford and Sternberg
6. Emotional Intelligence
1. Personality : Meaning, nature and determinants of personality
2. Approaches to personality-Type and Trait approach, personality measurement.
3. Theory of personality : Freud, Neo Freudian, Cattell, Allport, Murray, Social
cognitive theory, Big – five theory
4. Stress: meaning and nature causes, effect of stress, copling strategies.
5. Theories of stress-Cannon, Selye, Lazarus.
1. Psychological Disorders : Anxiety disorder, GADhobia, Obsessive-compulsive
2. Post traumatic stress disorder, Mood disorder (manic and depressive)
3. Personality disorder
4. Schizophrenia
1. Mental retardation
2. Autism disorder
3. Attention deficit hyperactive disorder
4. Conduct disorder
5. Somatoform disorder hypo chondriasis and conversion disorder.
1. Neuron: structure function and types, electrical activity of neuron, resting,
graded and action potentials.
2. Synapse and Synaptic transmission, Neuro transmitters.
3. Nervous system- Central NS and peripheral NS- Structure and functions.
4. Lobes and functions- Frontal, Temporal, Occipital and Parietal.
5. Endocrine Glands- Types and Functions.
1. Social Perception- Meaning, Verbal and Non-verbal eyes of Social Perception.
2. Impression formation & Management.
3. Social Cognition- Social Loafing and Social Facilitation.
4. Social Influence- Conformity, Compliance and Obedience.
5. Inter Personal Attraction- Meaning and factors of Inter personal attraction.
6. Social Tension- Types, Causes and Reduction.
1. Group: Kinds of Groups, Formation and Functions of Group.
2. Leadership- Nature Type and functions of leader.
3. Prejudice: Determinants and Reduction
4. Attitude: Nature, Components, Formation and change of Attitude.
5. Balance Theory and Cognitive Dissonance Theory of Attitude Change.
6. Measurement of Attitude- Thurstone and Likert Scales.
7. Prosocial Behaviour- Nature and Determinants.
8. Aggression- Nature, Causes and Control.
1. Industrial Psychology- Meaning, Nature, Evolution (Classical and Neo-
Classical era)
2. Motivation- Meaning, Nature, Theories of work motivation.
3. Leadership- Meaning, Theories- Trait Theory, Behaviour Theory, Transactional
and Transformational Leadership Model, Types of Leadership and function of
4. Communication: Meaning, Process, Types, Factors and Barriers of effective
5. Fatigue and Monotony: Nature, Causes and Methods of Reducing Fatigue and
6. Accidents: Meaning Causes and prevention of Industrial Accidents, Accident
7. Job Satisfaction- Meaning, Factors and Impact.
1. Clinical Psychology: Clinical assessment and techniques: Interview:
observation, case study.
2. Tests : MMPI, 16 PF, EPQ
3. Projective tests – TAT: Rorschach Ink blot test
4. PsychoTherapentic techniques: Psychoanalytic technique Behaviour Therapy
Group Therapy, Family Therapy.
5. Cognitive- behaviour Therapy: Rational Emotive Therapy : Beck's Therapy
6. Client Centred Therapy
7. Role of clinical Psychologists in different fields – mental hospital child guidance,
school, industry etc.

1. Education Psychology: Methods- Rating, Ranking case study and Interview.
2. Measurement of Intelligence, Aptitude and Achievement.
3. Learning: Formal & Non-formal: Role of motivation in Learning, Incentives.
4. Examination- Essay-types and objective types.
5. Exceptional children: meaning characteristics and types.
6. Educational Guidance and counsellings and Meaning Uses and Methods
7. Effective teaching: Characteristics, Methods

1. Research Methodology: Scientific Research, Nature: Characteristics and steps.
2. Research Problem: Meaning sources and characteristics: Variables: Meaning and
types : Hypothesis : Meaning types and characteristics.
3. Sampling: Probability and Non-probability sampling
4. Data collection technique: Interview Questionnaire, tests and seales.
5. Types of Research-Experimental and Non-experimental.

1. Fundamentals of statistics: Levels of measurement-Nominal Ordinal, Interval &
2. Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median and Mode.
3. Variability-QD,SD & AD.
4. Correlation-Meaning Types & calculation
5. t-test, concept, uses & calculation
6. Non-Probability curve; characteristics and application.
7. Chi-square

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20
A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills
1. General Knowledge,
2.Environmental Science
3. Mathematical aptitude,
4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023
Unit I Subject सं ृत 100 Marks
Unit – 1 O;kdj.k
y?kq fl)kUr dkSeqnh ¼ojnkpk;Z½
¼d½ laKk izdj.k
¼[k½ laf/k izdj.k
Unit – 2 mithO; dkO; dk lkekU; ifjp;
ikB~; va”k & jkek;.k] egkHkkjr] iqjk.k
Unit – 3 laLd`r lkfgR; dk bfrgkl
egkdkO;] ukVd] x|] dFkklkfgR;] xhfrdkO; vkSj dkO;”kkL=
Unit – 4 i|&lkfgR;
Eks?knwre~ ¼iwoZes?k½ & dkfynkl
j?kqoa”ke~ ¼f}rh; lxZ½ & dkfynkl
fdjkrktqZuh;e~ ¼izFke lxZ½ & Hkkjfo
Unit – 5 O;kdj.k
oS;kdj.k fl)kUr dkSeqnh & HkÍksftnhf{kr
ikB~;ka”k & dkjd izdj.k] okP; ifjorZu
Unit – 6 x|&lkfgR;
dknEcjh ¼”kqduklksins”k½ ck.kHkÍ fojfpr
Unit – 7 x|&lkfgR;
f”kojktfot; ¼iaŒ vfEcdknÙk O;kl½
Unit – 8 ukV~;&lkfgR;
vfHkKku”kkdqUrye~ ¼dkfynkl½
Unit – 9 ukV~;&lkfgR;
LoIuoklonÙke~ ¼Hkkl½
Unit – 10
1- _Xosn lafgrk ikB~;ka”k &
(i) vfXu lwDr
(ii) lfor` lwDr
(iii) fo’.kq lwDr
(iv) bUnz lwDr
(v) m’kl~ lwDr
(vi) lw;Z lwDr
2- dBksifu’kn~ ¼izFke v/;k;½
Unit – 11 O;kdj.k
¼d½ “kCn :i&
jke] yrk] lk/kq] Qy¼uiqa½] unh] efr] e/kq] jktu~] okfj] o/kw] xkS] ekr`] fir`] ;q’en~] vLen~]
rhuksa fyaxksa esa & rr~] fde~] loZ] vnl~] la[;kokpd “kCnksa ds :Ik
¼[k½ /kkrq :Ik& ¼ik¡p ydkjksa esa½
Hkw] xe~] lso~] â] yHk~] je~] “khM~-] Jq] LFkk] n`”k] iB~] nk] d`
Unit – 12
oSfnd lkfgR; dk bfrgkl
osnksa dk dky] osnksa dh fo’k;&oLrq dk laf{kIr ifjp;] lafgrk] czkã.k] vkj.;d] mifu’kn~ ,oa
osnksM~+xksa dk lkekU; ifjp;A
Unit – 13
y?kq fl)kUr dkSeqnh ¼ojnjkt½
1- ekgs”oj lw=] izR;kgkj
2- lekl izdj.k
Unit – 14
dkO;nhfidk ¼Jh dkfUrpUnzHkÍkpk;Z½
dkO;y{k.k] dkO;iz;kstu] dkO;Hksn] “kCn&”kfDr] dkO;xq.k] dkO;&jhfr

Unit – 15
(i) vyadkj&ifjp;
vuqizkl] ;ed] miek] vuUo;] :id] lUnsg] vig~uqfr] mRizs{kk] vfr”k;ksfDr] nhid]
n`’VkUr] O;frjsd] leklksfDr] vizLrqriz”kalk] vFkkZUrjU;kl] foHkkouk] fo”ks’kksfDr] ladj
rFkk lal`f’VA
(ii) NUn&ifjp;
vuq’Vqi~] vk;kZ] bUnzotzk] misUnzotzk] mitkfr] oa”kLFk] olarfrydk] ekfyuh]
eUnkdzkUrk] f”k[]] “kknwZyfoØhfMr ,oa lzX/kjkA

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50

(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
B. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
C. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms Taxonomy.
D. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
E. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
F. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
G. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
H. Textbook and library
I. Qualities of Teacher.
J. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
K. Curriculum.
L. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
M. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,

2.Environmental Science

3. Mathematical aptitude,

4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023
UNIT I Subject ---------------SOCIOLOGY 100 Marks
1. Scientific Study of Social phenomena- Emergence of Sociology and its relationship with
other disciplines, their scope and approaches. Science and Study of social behaviour, the
problems of objectivity, reliability and validity. Scientific methods and scientific language;
their meaning, goals, types; elements and features. Research Design Techniques of data
collection and analysis, Attitude measurements; problems and scales.
2. Pioneering Contributions to Sociology- Theoretical beginnings- Positivism and
evolutionism with reference to Comte, Spencer and Morgan; Historical Sociology
contributions of Karl Mark, Maxweber and P.A. Sorokin; Functionalism; E. Durkheim, Pareto.
Parsons and Merton, Conflict School; Gumplowicz Dahrendorf and Coser; Recent approaches
in Sociology, Micro Sociology, Macro Sociology, Middle Range theories, Neo positivism,
Exchange theories and Interactions Sociology.
3. Social Structure and Social Organisation; Concept and types approaches to Social
Structure; Structural functionalist school, Structuralist school and Marxist School: Elements of
Social Structure-Individual and society; social interaction; social groups, concept and types;
concept of status and role, their determinants and types, dimensions of roles in simple and
complex societies, role conflict; Social Network; Basic concepts and types, culture and
personality, concepts of conformity and social control, agencies of social control; concept of
Minority Groups, their relationship with majority; Secularism versus Integration.
4. Social Stratification and Mobility-Concept, consequences and types of stratification;
inequality and stratification, Dimensions and bases of stratification; Theoretical approaches to
the study of stratification, functionalist approach and conflict approach; Social Stratification
and Social Mobility; Concept of Sanskritization and Westernisation. Types of Mobility:
intergenerational mobility, vertical versus horizontal mobility, open and closed models of
5. Caste system and its transformation, Economic Structural and Cultural view about Caste,
origin of the Caste system, issues of inequality and social justice among Hindu and Non-Hindu
castes, Caste mobility, Scheduled Caste and untouchability, changes among Scheduled Castes,
eradication of untouchability, industrial and agrarian class structures,.
6. Family marriage and Kinship-Structure, functions and types of family marriage and
kinship; social change and change in age and sex roles; change in marriage, family and kinship;
significance of family in industrial society. Regional variation in Kinship system and its socio-
cultural correlates, changing aspects of Kinship, The joint family system its structural and
functional aspects, its changing form and disorganisation.
7. Formal Organisation-Elements of formal and informal structures and organisations,
bureaucracy functions, dysfunctions and characteristics, bureaucracy and political
development, political socialisation and political participation, modes of participation,
democratic and authoritarian forms, voluntary organisations,
8. Economic System-Property concepts, social dimensions of division of labour; type of
exchange, social aspects of pre- industrial and industrial economic systems; industrialisation
and changes in the political, educational religious, familiar and stratificational spheres; social
determinants and consequences of economic development.
9. Political Systems-Concepts, elements and types of political systems: functions of a political
system, institutions under the political system; political processes with reference to individuals,
groups, political organisations, parties and other agencies. Concepts, bases and types of power,
authority and legitimacy; Concept of Stateless societies; political socialisation versus political
participation; properties of State. Power of elites, and masses in democracy and in totalitarian
societies; political parties and voting, Leadership democratic order and democratic stability.
10. Educational Systems- Concepts and goals of education; Schools of philosophy; -
Naturalism, Idealism and pragmatism, their bearing on education; importance of education in
society, democracy, international understanding and nationalism. New trends in education;
Role of various agencies-school home society state and religion in education and socialisation.
Population Education- its concepts and components, Education as a medium of cultural
reproduction, indoctrination, social stratification, mobility and modernisation.
11. Religion- The religious phenomenon; the concepts of sacred and protan, social functions
and dysfunctions of religion, magic religion and science, social change and religious
12. Social change and development- Factors of social change, economic, biological and
technological; Theories of social change- evolutionary, functional and conflict; social change,
modernisation and development; Democratisation equality and social justice; social
reconstruction. Section.
Social Change and modernisation: Problems of role conflict youth unrest- intergenerational
gap, changing status of women. Major sources of social change and of resistance to change,
impact of west reform movements, social movements, industrialisation and urbanisation
pressure groups, factors of planned change, five year plans legislative of executive measures;
structural contradictions and break-downs. Current social evils-corruption and Nepotism
Smuggling, Black Money.
13. Indian Society- Features of traditional Hindu Social Organisation, Socio-cultural dynamics
through the ages, impact of Buddhism, Islam and West on Indian Society, factors in continuity
and change.
14. Tribal societies: Major tribal communities in India, their distinctive features; tribe and
case their acculturation and integration; problem of Bihar tribes (social, economic and
Political), different approaches to tribal welfare, constitutional and governmental safeguards;
tribal movements in India. The Tana bhagat movement, the Birsa movement and the Jharkhand
movement, their significance in tribal development.
15. Population dynamics: Theories of population growth Malthusian, biological, demographic
transition, optimum population socio-cultural aspects of population composition (sex, age,
marital status), determinants of fertility, mortality and migration. Need of population policy in
India; population explosion and other determinants factors; social psychological cultural and
economic determinants behind population acceptance of family planning practices in India.
Family Planning Programmer through first to eighth five-year plans; population education;
concept, goals, aspects, agencies and techniques of population education.
Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023
Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.
B. Other skills
1. General Knowledge,
2.Environmental Science
3. Mathematical aptitude,
4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023
UNIT I Subject -- Urdu Marks 100
‫لمہ اور اس قسم‬ .1
‫اسم اور اس قسم‬ .2
‫ضم اور اس قسم‬ .3
‫صفت اور اس قسم‬ .4
‫فعل اور اس قسم‬ .5
‫ متعلق فعل‬، ‫فعل ما اور اس قسم‬ .6
‫جملہ اور اس قسم‬ .7
‫حروف‬ .8
‫ساب اور ﻻح‬ .9
‫م ادفات‬ .10
(‫لمات ب اﻻمثال )تع ف اور جامع فہرست‬ .11
‫اعراب فرق مع ا فرق‬ .12
‫اضداد جامع فہرست‬ .13
‫واحد جمع جامع فہرست‬ .14
‫اعراب و عﻼمات اور ان ا ستعمال حرف بردی‬ .15
‫ رد ف اور مقطع تع ف‬، ‫ قافیہ‬،‫ حسن مطلع‬، ‫مطلع‬ .16
،‫ مثلثہ‬، ‫ ر ا‬،‫ قص ده‬،‫مثنوی‬، ‫ غزل‬، ‫مختلف اصناف سخن تع ف‬ .17
‫معری‬ ‫ نظم‬،‫ ازاد نظم‬،‫مرثیہ‬ .18
‫خطوط ن‬ .19
‫مضمون ن اری‬ .20

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A . Art of Teaching
A. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
B. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms Taxonomy.
C. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
D. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
E. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
F. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
G. Textbook and library
H. Qualities of Teacher.
I. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
J. Curriculum.
K. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
L. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills
1. General Knowledge,
2.Environmental Science
3. Mathematical aptitude,
4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023
UNIT I Subject --Bangla 100 Marks

1. Galpa guchha-Rabindranath

Stories to be read-Kalduwala, chhuti, Post jnaste, atithi, jhanihara, Apariehta

2. Prabhat Kumarer Galpo-Prabhat kumar Mukhopodhya

Stories to be read- Devi, Kashilasini, Rasomayir, Posinata, Matrihin, Adarini

3. Sharatchandrer Chhto Galpo- Sharat Chandra

Stories to be read- Mahesh, Abhigir Swarage, Bilasi, Paresh, Sali, Panesh




1. Banoim Chandrer Proloandhalali

Pieces to be read- Biral, Phooler Billsha, Barobazoarg Dinar Durgalosian

2. Bichitra Pralandha –Rabindranath

Pieces to be read- Pagal, panerouna, Sonar kath, Nalabursha, Kekadhdhari

3. Pralandhe Sangrah- Pramath Choudhary

Pieces to be read- Sabejpatra, Youbane dorajti, sahitrykhela, Tarjama, Chutki


Chhando and Alankar

Chhando- Portions to be read- Chhando ki, chhed, Jati, Parba, Parbanga, Matra,
Charan, Chhander, pranarlined- Matraliritta chhando, Tanpradhan chaando, Payar,
Aksharbritta chhando, charan chhando, Amritrakshar Chhando, Yainish Chhando,
Balakar Chhando, Sorret


Portions to be read- Alankar and kave bade, Alankar kaluprakarer, Shabdalankar,

Arthalankar, Anuprass Janak, Shlesh, Bakround, upama, utpreksha, Byaterek,
Samasokti, Byaj Stuti

Chhando Bishleshan and Alankar Bishleshan


Kavya & Kavitri (Madhya Yug)


1. Chainmya Bhagwat-Bridalian Day only adikanda

2. Chandimmgal-Muccundia chamvabary (Only anmetikhanda)
3. Mishnala Padliali:- Madhukari-Kalidas Roy
Padas- 6,8 (Dwifa Chanidas)
12,13 (Vidyapati)
19 (Ramananda Roy)
28,29 (yyandas)
32,35 (Govinda das)
43 (Balaman das)


Kalrita (Modern Period)

1. Meghnadleadh Kabya-Michel Madhusan Dutta (Only Fowrth Sangya)

2. Balakh-Rabindranath poetries to be read-1,6, 7, 8, 14, 16, 18
3. Kavya sanechya- Satyaendranath Dutta
Poetries-Yaksher Nivedan, Sagar Tarpan, Champa, Seva, Savny Manishi
jhangal, Ganga wridi Bangalikumni
4. Kavita Sankalan- Jatindra nath Sengukla
Poetries- Banhi stuti, Hat, Lohar leyalta, Dukkhaleadi, chiro Baishakh


Bangla Natak
1. Kulin-kul-Sarleshwa- Ram Narayan tarka Ratna
2. Krishna Kumari-Madhushudan Dutta
3. Profulla-Girish Chandra ghosh


Bangla Natak


1. Achalayatan – Rabindranath
2. Chandragupta- D.L.Ray
3. Rajpuri – Manmath Roy


1. Chandra Shekhar- Bunker Chandra

2. Ghare Baire- Rabindranath
3. Datta- Sharat Chandra Chhatopudhay




1. Ganadevata-Tarashankar Bandyopudhay
2. Aranyak-Bibhytilekushan Bandyopudhay
3. Tunni Sandya Megh-Sharadindu Bandyopdhay



To be read

1- Chaltera lash padi kabita laili

Poetries- Uparoun, kriltilaws, kasha ram Das, Sree Panchami, Vijaydashami,
Kapotansha Nad

Natan- Sharmishtha, Padmalati


Banzimchandra chhdopadhaga

Novels- Kapalkundala, Arandhjhalth, Bishlerksha



Poetry-Chitra to be read- Chitra, urvashi, Ratre&Prabhale, Swaragh Hote Bidai,


Natak- Dakyhan, Mautadhara

Chhto galpo- Kamal, Nishithe, Jubito-o-Mrita tyag

Novels- Chokker Bali, Bouthakidrani hat


Shurat Chandra

Novels-Charitra jha, Srikanto-1st part, Bardidi

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50

(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
B. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
C. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms Taxonomy.
D. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
E. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
F. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
G. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
H. Textbook and library
I. Qualities of Teacher.
J. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
K. Curriculum.
L. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
M. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,

2.Environmental Science

3. Mathematical aptitude,

4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023

Unit I Subject Bhojpuri 100 Marks

1. भोजपरू ी साहित्‍
य के इतिहास

2. भोजपरु ीतर अन्‍

य क्षेत्रीय भाषा साहित्‍
य के अध्‍ययन

3. भारतीय काव्यशास्त्र

4. भोजपरु ी आलोचना साहित्‍

5. प्रयोजन मल
ू क भोजपरु ी (वय
्‍ ावहारिक भोजपरु ी )

6. भोजपरु ी लोक साहित्‍

7. भोजपरु ी कहानी

8. भोजपरु ी निबन्ध संग्रह

9. भोजपरु ी भाषा के इतिहास

10. व्याकरण- संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण, क्रिया, विशेषण, काल, अवयव, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, कहावत और

ु ावरे , वाक्य शद्
ु धिकरण, छं द और अलंकार

11. भोजपरु ी गद्य के अन्‍

य प्रमख
ु विधायें

12. पाश्चात्य काव्यशास्त्र

13. आधनि
ु क भोजपरु ी का काव्य

14. भोजपरु ी उपन्‍


15. भोजपरु ी नाटक

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50

(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching

B. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.

C. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms Taxonomy.

D. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.

E. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.

F. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.

G. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.

H. Textbook and library

I. Qualities of Teacher.

J. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.

K. Curriculum.

L. Factors affecting teaching and learning.

M. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,

2.Environmental Science

3. Mathematical aptitude,

4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023
Unit I Subject Chemistry 100 Marks
Physical Chemistry
Unit-1 Gaseous State
 Van der Waals equation of state
 Relationship between critical constants and Van der Waals constants
 Root mean square
 Average and most probable velocities
Unit-2 Solid State
 Derivation of Bragg equation
 Determination of crystal structure of NaCl, KCl and CsCl
Unit-3 Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis
 Concentration dependence of rates
 Mathematical characteristics of zero order, first order, second order,
pseudo order, half life and mean life.
 Effect of temperature on rate of reaction, Arrhenius equation
 Expression for the rate constant based on equilibrium constant and
thermodynamics aspects.
 Classification of catalysis
Unit-4 Colligative properties of dilute solutions
 The thermodynamics derivations of Rault’s law relative lowering vapour
pressure, osmotic pressure, elevation in boiling point, depression in
freezing point.
Unit-5 Thermodynamics
 Calculation of w, q, dU & dH for the expansion of ideal gases under
isothermal and adiabetic conditions for reversible process.
 Hess’s Law of heat summation, Heat of reaction at constant pressure and
at constant volume.
 Enthalpy of neutralization, Bond dissociation energy
 Gibbs function(G) and Helmholtz function (A) as thermodynamic
 Variation of G and A with P, V and T.
Unit-6 Chemical Equilibrium
 Equilibrium constant
 Le Chatelier’s principle
Unit-7 Phase Equilibrium
 Degree of freedom
 Derivation of Gibbs phase rule, phase equlibria of one component system
– Water
Unit-8 Electrochemistry
 Specific conductance and equivalent conductance
 Measurement of equivalent conductance, variation of equivalent and
specific conductance with dilution.
 Arrhenius theory of electrolyte dissociation
 Ostwald’s dilution law
 Nernst equation, derivation of cell E.M.F and single electrode potential
 Calculation of thermodynamic quantities and cell reactions(ΔG, ΔH and

Inorganic Chemistry

Unit-1 Atomic Structure

 Quantum numbers, shapes of s, p, d orbitals
 Aufbau and Pauli exclusion principles, Hund’s multiplicity rule
 Electronic configuration of elements
 Schrondinger wave equation, significance of wave function
Unit-2 Periodic properties
 Atomic and ionic radii
 Ionization energy
 Electron affinity and electronegativity
Unit-3 Chemical Bonding
 Various types of hybridization and shapes of simple inorganic molecules
and ions.
 Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory of NH3 , H3O+ ,SF4
, ClF3
 Homonuclear and heteronuclear (CO and NO) diatomic molecules
 Radius ratio effect and coordination number
 Lattice defects
 Semiconductors
 Fajan’s rule
 Hydrogen bonding , Van der Waals forces
Unit-4 S, P Block Elements and noble gases
 Comparative study , Salient features of hydrides of s block elements
 Hydrides, oxides , oxyacids and halides of groups 13-16, hydrides of
boron- diborane , borazine, fullerenes, fluorocarbons, Interhalogens.
 Structure and bonding of xenon compounds.
Unit-5 Chemistry of Elements of Transition series
 Coordination numbers and geometry of first transition series
 Magnetic behaviour , spectral properties of second and third transition
Unit-6 Coordination compound
 Isomerism coordination compound
 Valence bond theory of transition metal complexes.
 Chelates
 Crystal field splitting in octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar
 Types of magnetic behaviour of transition metal complexes.
 Electronic spectrum of [Ti(H2O)6]3+ complex ion.
Unit-7 Acid and Bases
 Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry , Lewis concepts of acids and bases.
Unit-8 Environmental at bio inorganic chemistry
 Ozone Depletion, Green house effect, Acid rain, smog
 Haemoglobin, myoglobin and nitrogen fixation.
Organic Chemistry

Unit-1 Structure and Bonding

 Hybridisation , bond lengths and bond angles, bond energy , localized and
delocalized chemical bond, Van der Waals interactions.
 Resonance, hyperconjugation, aromaticity, inductive and field effects,
hydrogen bonding.
Unit-2 Mechanism of Organic Reactions
 Types of organic reactions, Reagents- electophiles and necleophiles
 Reactive intermediates- Carbocations, carbanions, free radicals,
carbenes, arynes and nitrenes.
Unit-3 Stereochemistry
 Molecular chirality, optical activity, enantiomers, chiral and achiral
molecules with two stereogenic centres, diastereomers, meso
 D & L and R & S system of nomenclature
 Geometrical isomerism in alicyclic compounds
Unit-4 Alkane and Cyclic molecules
 IUPAC nomenclature , Isomerism and alkane , Wurtz reaction, Kolbe
reaction , free radical halogenation of alkanes
Unit-5 Alkenes, Cycloalkenes and Dienes and Alkynes
 Mechanism of dehydration of alcohols , dehydrohalogenation of alkyl
halides, Saytzeff rule
 Electrophilic and free radical additions
 Markownikoff’s rule, hydroboration-oxidation, Epoxidation, ozonolysis ,
hydration, hydroxylation and oxidation with KMnO 4 .
 Substitution of allylic and vinylic positions of alkenes.
 Polymerisation, Diels-Alder reaction.
 Reaction of alkynes, Hydroboration-oxidation, metal -ammonia
reductions, oxidation and polymerization.
Unit-6 Arenes and Aromaticity
 Aromaticity and Huckel rule , Birch reduction
Unit-7 Alkyl and Aryl Halides
 SN2 and SN1 reaction, The addition elimination and the elimination
addition mechanisms of nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions.
 Synthesis and uses of DDT and BHC.
Unit-8 Oxygen containing molecules
 Classification and nomenclature of elements .
 Methods of formation of monohydric alcohols and their reaction
 Chemical reaction of vicinal glycols, oxidative cleavage [Pb(OAc)4 and
HIO4] and pinacol-pinacolone rearrangement.
 Comparative acidic strengths of alcohols and phenols.
 Electrophilic aromatic substitution, acylation and carboxylation.
 Fries rearrangement, Claisen rearrangement, Gatterman synthesis,
Reimer-Tierman reaction.
 Nomenclature of ethers and their formation.
 Synthesis of aldehydes and ketones
 Mechanism of nucleophilic additions to carbonyl group, benzoin, aldol,
perkin and knoevenagel condensations, wittig reaction , mannich
 Oxidation of aldehydes, Baeyer-villiger oxidation of ketones, Cannizzaro
reaction, clemmensen, wolff-kishner, LialH4 and NaBH4 , Halogenation
of enolizable ketones.
 Preparation and reaction carboxylic acids and their derivatives,
mechanism of decarboxylation, reduction of carboxylic acids.
 Mechanism of esterification and hydrolysis
Unit-9 Organic compound and nitrogen
 Structure and nomenclature of amines , separation and mixture of
primary , secondary and tertiary amines , basicity of amines.
 Reductive animation of aldehydic and ketonic compounds , Gabriel-
phthalimide reaction , Hofmann bromamide reaction.
 Reaction of amines with nitrous acid , aryl diazonium salts and azo
Unit-10 Organometallic compounds
 Grignard reagents-formation , structure and chemical reactions
Unit-11 Heterocyclic compounds
 Pyrrole , furan thiophene and pyridine- methods of synthesis and
chemical reaction , comparision of basicity
 Preparation and reactions of indole, quinolone and isoquinoline – Fisher
indole synthesis, Skraup synthesis
Unit-12 Bio molecules
 Monosaccharides, osazone , Erythro and threo diastereomers, maltose,
sucrose,lactose and starch
 Acid-base behaviour of amino acids , constituents of nucleic acids,
double helical structure of DNA.
Unit-13 Fat, Oils and Detergents
 Glycerides, unsaturated oils , saponification value, iodine value, soap and
synthetic detergents.
Unit-14 Synthetic Polymers and Dyes
 Natural and synthetic rubbers , polyeters, polyamides , phenol
formaldehyde resins, urea formaldehyde resins and Zeigler-Natta
 Chemistry and synthesis of methyl orange and phenolphthalein, Alizarin
and indigo.

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50

(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,

2.Environmental Science

3. Mathematical aptitude,

4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus For Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023
UNIT I Subject ------------- Home Science 100 Marks

 Food Science :-
 Food- Classification of food, Structure, Composition, Nutritive value of
cereals, Pulse, Vegetable, Fruits, Milk Products, Fats and Oils, Meal,
Fish, Eggs, beverages, Condiments and Spices.
 Cooking method – their effect on nutritive value of foods.
 Food storage
 Food spoilage, food poisoning, food preservation
 Food adulteration

 Nutrition :-
 Nutrients – Composition, classification, functions, deficiency symptoms,
sources, daily allowance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins,
minerals and Water,
 Digestion, absorption and metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins,
 Calorie – Definition, Factors affecting calorie requirements.
 Child Development :-1
 Child development – Introduction, nature and scope
 Fundamental concept of Child Development – concept of heredity,
environment, maturation, learning, health and nutrition as factors
determining development. Developmental areas, developmental
milestones, developmental tasks.
 General Principles of Growth and Development, life in womb, birth
process and neonatal period.
 Breast feeding and its importance for mother and baby.

 Child Development: -2
 Physical growth, Motor development and Health care
 Milestone in Motor development – Gross and Fine Muscles Skills.
 Prevention and Management of common Childhood Illness
 Immunization
 Language Development and factors affecting language development,
 Cognitive Development – Characteristics, cognitive development in
childhood, factors affecting cognitive development.

 Diet in Health and Disease – Concept of adequate diet.
 Balanced diet for adult men and women, pregnant women, lactating
mothers, preschool, adolescents, old age.
 Modification of normal diet into liquid and soft diet, Principles involved
in planning diets

. Unit-6
 Low Calorie and High Calorie diets – Underweight and Overweight.
 Fever – Typhoid
 High Fibre Diet – Constipation
 Bland Diet – Peptic Ulcer
 Moderate Fat Diet – Hepatitis

 Family Resource Management: -1

 Management Process – Planning, controlling and Evaluation.

 Management of family resources – Definition, classification and
Characteristics of Resources, Factors affecting the use of resources.
 Decision making – Decision making, group and individual decision
making, steps of decision making.
 Energy Management – Definitions, Types of fatigue, Causes of fatigue,
Removal of fatigue, Work simplification through principles of body
mechanics, Mendel’s laws of change.

 Family Resource Management:-2
 Time Management.
 Money Management – Money as a resource, Family income, Sources and
types of Family Budget, Engle’s Law, Account keeping.
 Interior Decoration – Elements and Principles, Introduction to colour,
Colour Theory and Colour Schemes.

 Clothing and Textile: -
 Need of Textile in daily living for protection, comfort
 Yarn Construction – Simple, Complex and fancy yarn.
 Fabric construction weaving, knitting and felting.
 Finishes – Basic and special finishes – Mercerizing, Sanforizing, fleecing,
shrinking, mothproof, fireproof, waterproof, crease resistant, types of
dyes Methods of dying.
 Selecting fabrics for dress materials and household articles.
 Traditional textiles of India. Care and storage of clothes.
 Child Psychology: -1
 Definition, Scope and Objectives of Child Psychology
 Method of Child Study –Biographical method, Case History method,
Clinical method, Observation method, Experimental method, longitudinal
method and Cross Sectional method.
 Play –Importance and types of play, theories of play, work and play
 Learning – definition and importance of learning, factors affecting
learning. Theories of learning-Trial and error, Conditioning, Social
learning theory. Development of language, thinking and reasoning
(Pavlov, Erikson, Albert, Bandura)

 Child Psychology: - Intellectual Development
 Intellectual Development – meaning and nature of Intelligence, factors
affecting Intelligence, measurement of intelligence and values of
intelligence Tests. Intellectual deviations- Subnormal, Normal and
Subnormal, Normal and Superior
 Personality Development – Definition, types, Traits of personality,
factors affecting personality development, Problems during adolescence.
Counselling- Educational and vocational guidance for the development of
right personality.
 Moral Development – Definition of morality, moral behaviours, factors
affecting moral development, standard of moral development


 Communication & Extension Education :-1

 Extension Education- Meaning, scope, objectives, needs and importance.
Philosophy and principles of Extension Education
 Extension Teaching Methods – classification, merits and limitations of
Methods. Factors affecting choice and use of methods
 Introduction to Communication- Meaning, nature, process of
Communication, types, barriers to Communication

 Communication & Extension Education:-2
 Audio-visual Aids- classification, detailed study of aids, factors affecting
choice and use of various aids
 Rural Sociology and its importance for Extension Workers,
Characteristics of Rural Life, Scope of Rural upliftment.
 Leadership- Qualities of a Leader, Identification of leaders, functions and
role of a leader.

 Family Dynamics :-1
 Family as a basic social institution – Definition, types of family, Family
in past and present, Functions and motives of the family. Joint and nuclear
 Marriage- Mate selection, late marriage, types of marriage, advantages of
arranged and self choice marriage, functions and motives of marriage.
 Marital adjustments, Husband- Wife relationship, Relation with other
family members for harmonious life
 Parent child relation ship

 Family Dynamics :-2
 Old age- Developmental tasks, problems of the aged, Role of family
member, government and non-governmental organizations in solving
their problems
 Mental health – Meaning and importance, aetiology of mental health,
ways of adjustment, role of psychotherapy and counselling to cure mental
 Problems of Women – Violence against women, Separation and single
motherhood and their coping strategies

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20
A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,
2.Environmental Science
3. Mathematical aptitude,
4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET-2023 Pali
Unit I Subject – ikfy 100 Marks
bdkbZ& ,d
1- ikfy Hkk"kk dk lkekU; ifjp;
2- ikfy 'kCn dh mRifr
3- ikfy Hkk"kk dk mRifr ,oa fodkl
bdkbZ& nks
1- ikfy 'kCn :i& cq)] Qy] yrk] ewfu
2- /kkrq :i& Hkw] xe] iB] p
bdkbZ& rhu
1- ikfy fiVd lkfgR; dk mn~Hko vkSj fodkl
2- fou; fiVd egkoXx ,oa pqYyoXx
bdkbZ& pkj
1- lqÙk fiVd dk mn~Hko vkSj fodkl
2- nh?k fudk; ,oa efT>e fudk;
bdkbZ& ikWp
1- vfHk/kEe fiVd dk mn~Hko ,oa fodkl
2- fpÙk ,oa pSÙkfld /keksaZ dk lkekU; v/;;u
bdkbZ& N%
1- fiVdsÙkj lkfgR; dk mn~Hko ,oa fodkl
2- fefyUniz'u] usfÙkiDdj.k ,oa isVdksinsl
bdkbZ& lkr
1- ikfy dkO; lkfgR; dk mn~Hko ,oa fodkl
2- ftupfjÙk] rsydVkgxkFkk
bdkbZ& vkB
1- ikfy vV~BdFkk lkfgR; dk mn~Hko ,oa fodkl
2- cq)nÙk] cq)?kks"k ,oa /kEeiky
bdkbZ& ukS
1- v'kksd ds 1 ls 5 vfHkys[kksa ¼fxjukj ikB½ dk vuqokn
2- f'kykys[kksa ij lkekU; iz'u
bdkbZ& nl
1- ikfy oa'k lkfgR; dk mn~Hko ,oa fodkl
2- nhioa'k] egkoa'k
bdkbZ& X;kjg
1- laxhfr;ksa dk lkekU; Kku
2- izFke] f}rh; ,oa r`rh; laxhfr
bdkbZ& ckjg
1- ikfy esa dkjd fo/kku
2- ikfy esa dkjdksa dk iz;ksx
bdkbZ& rsjg
1- /kEein& ;edoXx] vIieknoXx
2- lqÙkfuikÙk& ijkHkolqÙk] czkã.k /kfEed lqÙk
bdkbZ& pkSng
1- mikslFk] o"kkZokl] iokj.kk]
2- ioTtk] milEink] mik/;k;] vkpfj;
bdkbZ& ianzg
1- fHk{kqikfreksD[k
2- fHk{kq.khikfreksD[k

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50

(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms Taxonomy.
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,

2.Environmental Science

3. Mathematical aptitude,

4.logical Reasoning

Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023
Unit I Subject – PHILOSOPHY 100 Marks
A. Indian Philosophy
Unit-1 :

(a) Salient Features of Indian Philosophy.

(b) Charvaka- Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics.
(c) Jainism- Substance, Jiva , Bondage and Liberation.
(d) Buddhism- The Four Noble Truths, Anatmavada, Doctrine of Momentarianess.

Unit-2 :

(a) Nyaya- Epistemology, Proofs for the Existence of God.

(b) Vaishesika – Seven Padarthas.
(c) Sankhya - Satkaryavada, Purusa, Prakrti, Theory of Evolution.
(d) Yoga- Eightfold Path, Concept of God.

Unit-3 :

(a) Mimamsa- Apurva.

(b) Advaita Vedanta (Shankara) - Brahman, Maya, World, Self (Atman).
(c) Visishtadvaita Vedanta (Ramanuja) - Refutation of Shankara’s Mayavad, Brahman,
(d) Khayativada, Pramanyavada

Unit-4 : Contemporary Indian Philosophy

(a) Vivekanand : Universal Religion, Practical Vedanta , The Four Yogas.

(b) S. Radhakrishnan: Concept of Absolute and God, Intellect and Intuition.
(c) Aurobindo: Sachidanand, Supermind, Integral Yoga, Theory of Evolution.
(d) Gandhi: Ahimsa, Truth and God, Cardinal Virtues.
(e) Ambedkar- Criticism of Caste System, Concept of Social Justice.
B. Western Philosophy

Unit-5 :

(a) Basic Features of Modern Western Philosophy.

(b) Descartes – Method of Doubt, cogito ergo sum, substance and God, Mind-Body relation.
(c) Spinoza – Substance, Attributes, Modes, Mind-Body Relation.
(d) Leibniz – Monads, Pre-established Harmony.

Unit-6 :

(a) Locke – Refutation of Theory of Innate Ideas, Simple and Complex Ideas, Primary and
Secondary Qualities, Substance.
(b) Berkeley – Refutation of Matter, Idealism, esse est percipi.
(c) Hume – Impressions and Ideas, Theory of Causation, Scepticism.
Unit-7 :

(a) Kant – Criticism, Space and Time, Phenomena and Noumena.

(b) Hegel – Absolute Idealism, Dialectical Method.
(c) Bradley – Appearance and Reality, Degree of Reality.
(d) Logical Positivism – Elimination of Metaphysics, Function of Philosophy, Verification
Theory of Meaning.

C. General Concepts of Philosophy

Unit-8 :

(a) Nature of Philosophy, It’s Relation with Science and Religion.

(b) Theories Related to Source of Knowledge – Rationalism, Empiricism and Criticism.
(c) Relation Between Knower and Known – Realism, Epistemological Idealism.
(d) Knowledge of Truth – Correspondence, Coherence, Pragmatic.

Unit-9 :

(a) Nature and Number of Ultimate Reality – Materialism, Neutralism, Monism, Dualism,
Pluralism, Idealism.
(b) Relation Between God and World – Deism, Theism, Pantheism, Panentheism.
(c) Creationism and Evolutionism –Darwin’s Theory of Biological Evolution.
(d) Causality – Aristotle, Mill, Hume.

(D) Ethics

Unit-10 :

(a) Nature of Ethics – Normative Ethics, Meta Ethics and Applied Ethics.
(b) Ethical concepts – Right, Good, Duty, Obligation.
(c) Moral and Non-Moral Actions.
(d) Analysis of Voluntary Actions.
(e) Postulates of Morality.
(f) Nature and Object of Moral Judgement .
(g) Standards of Morality – External Law, Hedonism, Rigorism, Hedonism, Intuitionism,
(h) Theories of Punishment – Retributive, Preventive, Reformative.

Unit-11 :

(a) Vedic Concepts of Rta and Rna.

(b) Varnashrama Dharma.
(c) Purusharthas.
(d) Ethical Implication of Law of Karma.
(e) Ethical Concept of Geeta – Lokasangraha, Svadharma, Karm yoga.

E. Philosophy of Religion

Unit-12 :
(a) Nature of Religion, Relation of Religion to Science, Morality and Theology.
(b) Religious Consciousness.
(c) Foundation of Religious Belief – Reasons and Faith, Revelation and Mystic Experience.
(d) Forms of Primitive Religion – Manaism, Totamism, Animism, Fetishism and Spritism.
(e) Proof for the Existence of God – Cosmological, Ontological , Causal, Teleological and

Unit-13 :

(a) God – Attributes and Personality.

(b) Problem of Evil.
(c) Unity of Religion and Religious Tolerance.
(d) Religious Language and It’s Meaning.
(e) Proof for the Immortality of Soul.
(f) Secularism.

F. Social and Political Philosophy

Unit-14 :

(a) Nature of Social and Political Philosophy.

(b) Relation Between Individual and Society.
(c) Tradition and Modernity.
(d) Caste and Class, Marriage and Divorce.
(e) Private Property, Doctrine of Trusteeship.
(f) Political Concepts – Rights and Duties, Liberty, Equality, Justice and Power, Political
(g) Political Ideologies – Democracy, Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Satyagrah,

G. Logic

Unit-15 :

(a) Nature of Logic, Symbolic Logic – It’s Characteristics and Utility, Nature of Arguments,
Truth and Validity, Simple and Compound Statements, Conjunction, Disjunction,
Implication, Negation.
(b) Argument and Argument Forms, Determination of Validity and Invalidity with the Help
of Truth Table.
(c) Determination of Tautology, Contradiction and Contingent by Truth Table.

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20
A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms Taxonomy.
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,
2.Environmental Science
3. Mathematical aptitude,
4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023

UNIT I Subject & izkd`r 100 Marks

bdkbZ& ,d
1- yhykobZdgk ¼dksÅgy½ 1&50 xkFkk,a lEik-& MkW- ,- ,u- mik/;k;

bdkbZ& nks
1- .kk.kiapehdgk ¼egs'ojlwjh½ Hkfo";nÙkdOoa ¼xkFkk 1 ls 60½ lEikñ MkWñ jktkjke tSu

bdkbZ& rhu
1- izkÑr dkO; lkfgR; dk laf{kIr ifjp; rFkk ifBr xzUFkksa ij lkekU; iz'uA

bdkbZ& pkj
1- laKk] loZuke] fØ;k ,oa ÑnUr ds lkekU; fu;e ,oa iz;ksxA

bdkbZ& ikWp
1- izkÑr ls fgUnh ,oa fgUnh ls izkÑr esa lHkh foHkkfDr;ksa ds ljy okD;ksa esa vuqokn ,oa
jpuk djus dk KkuA

bdkbZ& N%
1- .kk;k/kEedgk ¼4 ,oa 6 v/;;u½
2- mÙkjk/;;ulw= ¼fou;lqÙka 1&17 xkFkk,a½
¼jgusfeTta 1&49 xkFkk,a½

bdkbZ& lkr
1- olquafnJkodkpkj ¼xkFkk 60 ls 87 ,oa 101 la 111 rd½
lEik- ia- ghjkyky tSu] fnYyh] vuqokn ,oa leh{kk

bdkbZ& vkB
1- izk—r lkfgR; leh{kk ¼v/kZekx/kh ,oa 'kkSjlsuh vkxe lkfgR; dk laf{kIr ifjp; ,oa
ifBr xzUFkksa dh leh{kk½

bdkbZ& ukS
1- v'kksd ds 1 ls 5 vfHkys[kksa ¼fxjukj ikB½ dk vuqokn
2- f'kykys[kksa ij lkekU; iz'u

bdkbZ& nl
1- vk"kZ izk—r O;kdj.k ¼v/kZekx/kh ,oa 'kkSjlsuh izkd`r Hkk"kk dh lkekU; fo'ks"krk,sa] laKk]
loZuke] fØ;k ,oa d`nUr dk lkekU; Kku½

bdkbZ& X;kjg
1- vk[;kuef.kdks'k ¼vkeznsolwjh½ & f'k{kk foosd] xkFkk 1&17
2- lqjlqUnjhpfj;a ¼/kus'ojlwjh½& uxj o.kZu] xkFkk 1&16

bdkbZ& ckjg
1- oTtkyXx ¼t;oYyHk½ & lTtu Lo:i xkFkk 1&11
2- xkgklÙklbZ ¼gky½ & xkFkkek/kqjh] xkFkk 1&16

bdkbZ& rsjg
1- izkd`r Hkk"kk dk lkekU; ifjp;] egÙkk ,oa mldh izkphurk ds lanHkZ

bdkbZ& pkSng
1- Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkk,¡ oSfnd ,oa vk/kqfud vkSj izkd`r dk vUr% lEcU/k ,oa oSf'k"V~;] izkd`r
Hkk"kk ds fofHkUu :iksa ds :i xBu ds fu;e ,oa oSf'k"V~;

bdkbZ& ianzg
1- izkd`r Hkk"kk ds Hksn&izHksn] izkd`r lkfgR; dh fof/krk dk ifjp;kRed fo'ys"k.k] izkd`r
f'kyk ys[kksa esa iz;qDr izkd`r Hkk"kk&Lo:i ,oa oSf'k"V~;

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50

(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,
2.Environmental Science
3. Mathematical aptitude,
4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for UCHCHA Madhyamic Paper II STET 2024
Unit I Subject –Arabic 100 Marks


 Kinds of Arabic Poetry and its definition

 ‫المدح‬
 ‫الهجاء‬
 ‫الﺮﺛاء‬
 ‫الﻮﺻﻒ‬
 ‫الﺤماﺳﺔ‬
 ‫الﻔﺨﺮ‬
 ‫القصيدة‬


 Classical Arabic Poetry

 ‫معلقة إمرءالقيس‬
 (‫حسان بن ثابت)يذكر الهجرة‬
 (‫قالت خنساء)ترثي صخرا‬
 ‫قصيدة بانت ﺳعاد‬


 Introduction of Arabic Prose its Brief History

 ‫الخطابة‬
 ‫الوصايا‬
 ‫اﻷمثال‬
 ‫الحكم‬
 ‫المقامة‬


 Prose of Islamic Period

 ‫سورة الكوثر‬
 ‫سورة القريش‬
 ‫سورة النصر‬
 ‫سورة اﻹخﻼص‬
 ‫سورة الناس‬
‫سورة الفلق ‪‬‬
‫خطبةابي بكر ‪‬‬
‫خطبة ﻋلي ‪‬‬


‫‪ Prose of Abbasid Period‬‬

‫كتاب زبيدة وجوابه )نخبة اﻻدب( ‪‬‬
‫اسﻼم ابي زر )نخبة اﻻدب( ‪‬‬
‫القضا ء والقدر )نخبة اﻻدب( ‪‬‬
‫ﻋاقبة الحسد )نخبة اﻻدب( ‪‬‬


‫‪ A Brief History of Arabic language and literature from Pre-Islamic to‬‬
‫‪Umayyad Period‬‬
‫العهد الجاهلي ‪‬‬
‫العهد اﻻﺳﻼمي ‪‬‬
‫العهد اﻻمﻮي ‪‬‬


‫‪ A Brief History of Arabic language and literature from Abbasid to‬‬
‫‪Modern Period.‬‬
‫العهد العباﺳي ‪‬‬
‫العهدالﺤديث ‪‬‬


‫‪ Contribution of Indian Scholars in the development of Arabic language‬‬

‫‪and literature.‬‬
‫اﻻﺳﻼم في الهند ‪‬‬
‫المؤﺳسات اﻻﺳﻼميﺔ في الهند ‪‬‬
‫مساهمﺔ الهنﻮد في النثﺮ ‪‬‬
‫مساهمﺔ الهنﻮد في الشعﺮ ‪‬‬


‫‪ Poetry of Abbasid Period.‬‬

‫غيﺮ انثى العقل والﺤب )المتنبي( ‪‬‬
‫وله في ﺻﺮوف الدهﺮوكأس المنﻮن )ابﻮ العتاهيﺔ( ‪‬‬
‫قصيدة البﺮدة‪ -‬الﻔصل الثالث والﺮابع )اﻻمام البﻮﺻيﺮي( ‪‬‬
‫قصيده ﺳينيﺔ‪-‬ما في وقﻮفك ﺳاعﺔ من اﻷس( ‪‬‬


‫‪ Poetry of Modern Period.‬‬

‫الغزال والكلب )احمد شﻮقي( ‪‬‬
‫اللغﺔ العﺮبيﺔ )حافظ ابﺮاهيم( ‪‬‬
‫يزكﺮ ايام الشباب )البارودي( ‪‬‬
‫في رﺛاء نﻔسي )المازني( ‪‬‬


‫‪ Modern Arabic Prose‬‬

‫الدفين الصغيﺮ )المنﻔلﻮطي( ‪‬‬
‫اﻻيام )طه حسين( ‪‬‬
‫المجﺮم )جبﺮان خليل جبﺮان( ‪‬‬
‫كنت شيﺨا في شبابي )العقاد ‪‬‬


‫‪ Arabic Grammar‬‬

‫المعﺮب والمبني ‪‬‬
‫افعال الناقصﺔ ‪‬‬
‫الﺤﺮوف المشبهﺔ بالﻔعل ‪‬‬
‫نﻮاﺻب وجﻮازم المضارع ‪‬‬
‫المﻔاعيل الﺨمسﺔ ‪‬‬
‫الجملﺔ اﻻﺳميﺔ والﻔعليﺔ ‪‬‬


‫‪ Rhetoric‬‬
‫علم البﻼغﺔ تعﺮيﻔها واهميتها ‪‬‬
‫تشبيه واقسامه ‪‬‬
‫اﺳتعارة واقسامها ‪‬‬
‫المجاز والكنايﺔ واقسماهما ‪‬‬


‫‪ A brief History of Islam from beginning to Caliphate age‬‬

‫السيرة النبوية ‪‬‬
‫خﻼفة ابي بكر ‪‬‬
‫خﻼفة ﻋمر ‪‬‬
 ‫خﻼفة ﻋثمان‬
 ‫خﻼفة ﻋلي‬


 Terminologies and Translation from Arabic into English/Urdu and Vice-

 ‫ االمطار الدولي‬- ‫ وزيﺮ الداخليﺔ‬- ‫قﻮة اﻷمن – الطيﺮان المدني – رئيس الﻮزراء – كبيﺮ الﻮزراء‬
‫اﻷﺛار التاريﺨيﺔ‬-- -‫ المؤتمﺮ الصﺤﻔي –الﺤساب الجاري –القلمﺔ الﺤﺮاء‬-

 ‫ تكتب الﻔا طﺔ على‬- ‫التأاشﺮ غيﺮ ﺻالح‬- ‫الﻮلد كبيﺮ – الطالب زكي – جﻮاز السﻔﺮ ﺻالح‬
‫دهلهي عاﺻمﺔ‬- ‫الطيﺮ يطيﺮ في الهﻮاء‬-‫ فاز التلميزفي اﻻختبار‬- ‫هزا الجﻮال رحيض‬- ‫السبﻮرة‬
– ‫ الباب مﻔتﻮح‬- ‫الهند‬

 Political Party – News Agency – International Seminar – Department of

Arabic – Personal Data – General Election – Supreme Court – High Court
– Local Plaice – Senior Leader

 This book is new – The Pen is very cheap – Department of Arabic is very
old – what is your father’s name? Fatima is beautiful – Khalid is
laborious student – Prayer is the pallor of religion – Patna is the capital of
Bihar – Red Fort is a historical place – Qutub Minar is located in Delhi

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50

(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
B. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
C. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms Taxonomy.
D. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
E. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
F. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
G. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
H. Textbook and library
I. Qualities of Teacher.
J. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
K. Curriculum.
L. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
M. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,

2.Environmental Science

3. Mathematical aptitude,

4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2024
Syllabus UNIT I Subject ----------Computer Science 100 Marks

Unit 1: Digital Logic

 Data and number systems;Binary, Octal and Hexa decimal representation and
their conversions ;BCD,ASCII, EBDIC, Gray codes and their conversions;
Signed binary number representation with 1’s and 2’s complement methods,
Binary arithmetic. Venn diagram, Boolean algebra; Various Logic gates-their
truth tables and circuits; Representation in SOP and POS forms;Minimization
of logic expressions by algebraic method, Kmap method
 Combinational circuits-Adder and Subtractor circuits;Applications and circuits
of Encoder ,Decoder, Comparator ,Multiplexer, De-Multiplexe rand Parity
Generator. Memory Systems:RAM ,ROM, EPROM, EEROM, Design of
combinational circuits-using ROM, Programming logic devices and gate
arrays. (PLAs and PLDs)
 Sequential Circuits-Basic memory element-S-R, J-K,D and T Flip Flops,
various types of Registers and counters and their design,Irregular counter,
State table and state transition diagram,sequential circuits design methodology.
 Different types of A/D and D/A conversion techniques. Logic families-
TTL,ECL,MOS and CMOS, their operation and specifications.
Unit 2:Computer Organization and Architecture
 Introduction to Data Representation and Number System: Introduction to
Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal number system, Conversation of number
from one number system to another number system (like Decimal to Binary etc.),
Binary Arithmetic: - Addition (Simple Method, Using 1’s Complement, Using
2’sComplement method), Subtraction (Simple Method), Multiplication (Simple
Method), Division (Simple Method)
 Different Codes Representation of Error Detection Codes: Parity Bit Method,
Checksum Method, Representation of Error Correction Code: Hamming Code,
Alphanumeric Codes: ASCII, EBCDIC, Excess – 3 Code, BCD Addition
Method, Gray Code: Gray to Binary Conversion, Binary to Gray Conversion
 Introduction to Ideal Microcomputer, An Actual Microcomputer: CPU, Address
Bus, Data Bus, Control Bus, Memory: RAM - SRAM, DRAM, ROM - PROM,
EPROM, UVEPROM, EEPROM, History of Microprocessor, Microcontroller
(Application Only), Addressing Techniques, Introduction To Digital
Electronics, Logic Gates: Inverter, OR Gate, AND Gate, NOR Gate, NAND
Gate, EX-OR Gate, EX-NOR Gate, De’Morgan’s Theorems
 Universal Gates (Only for Logic Conversion), K-Map Simplifications, Pair,
Quad, Octet (upto 4 variables) Don’t Care Condition, Arithmetic Logic Unit:
Half Adder, Full Adder, Binary Adder,2’s Complement Adder Subtractor
Unit 3:Programming and data structure
 Data, Entity, Information, Difference between Data and Information, Data type ,
Build in data type, Abstract data type, Definition of data structures, Types of
Data Structures: Linear and Non-Linear Data Structure, Introduction to
Algorithms: Definition of Algorithms, Difference between algorithm and
programs, properties of algorithm, Algorithm Design Techniques, Performance
Analysis of Algorithms, Complexity of various code structures, Order of
Growth, Asymptotic Notations.
 Definition, Single and Multidimensional Arrays, Representation of Arrays:
Row Major Order, and Column Major Order, Derivation of Index Formulae for
1-D,2-D Array Application of arrays, Sparse Matrices and their representations.
Recursion: recursion in C, example of recursion, Tower of Hanoi Problem,
simulating recursion, Backtracking,, recursive algorithms, principles of
 Array Implementation and Pointer Implementation of Singly Linked Lists,
Doubly Linked List, Circularly Linked List, Operations on a Linked List.
Insertion, Deletion, Traversal, Polynomial Representation and Addition
Subtraction & Multiplications of Single variable.
 Abstract Data Type, Primitive Stack operations: Push & Pop, Array and Linked
Implementation of Stack in C, Application of stack: Prefix and Postfix
Expressions, Evaluation of postfix expression, Iteration and Recursion-
Principles of recursion, Tail recursion, Removal of recursion Problem
 solving using iteration and recursion with examples such as binary search,
Fibonacci numbers, and Hanoi towers.
 Operations on Queue: Create, Add, Delete, Full and Empty, Circular queues,
Array and linked implementation of queues in C, Dequeue and Priority Queue.
 Concept of Searching, Sequential search, Index Sequential Search, Binary
Search. Concept of Hashing & Collision resolution Techniques used in Hashing.
 Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Heap Sort, Comparison of Sorting
Algorithms, Sorting in Linear Time: Counting Sort and Bucket Sort.
 Terminology used with Graph, Data Structure for Graph Representations:
Adjacency Matrices, Adjacency List, Adjacency. Graph Traversal: Depth First
Search and Breadth First Search, Connected Component.
 Basic terminology used with Tree, Binary Trees, Binary Tree Representation:
Array Representation and Pointer (Linked List) Representation, Binary Search
Tree, Complete Binary Tree, A Extended Binary Trees, Tree Traversal
algorithms: Inorder, Preorder and Postorder, Constructing Binary Tree from
given Tree Traversal, Operation of Insertion, Deletion, Searching &
Modification of data in Binary Search Tree. Threaded Binary trees, Huffman
coding using Binary Tree, AVL Tree and B Tree
Unit 4:Algorithms
 Algorithm Analysis, Time Space Tradeoff, Asymptotic Notations, Conditional
asymptotic notation, Removing condition from the conditional asymptotic
notation, Properties of big-Oh notation.
 Recurrence equations, Solving recurrence equations, Analysis of linear search,
 and Conquer: General Method, Binary Search, Finding Maximum and
Minimum, Merge Sort.
 General Method, Multistage Graphs, All-Pair shortest paths, Optimal binary
search trees.
 General Method, 8-Queens problem, Hamiltonian problem.
 Connected Components, Spanning Trees, Biconnected components,
Introduction to NP Hard and NP-Completeness.
Unit 5:Operating System
 Introduction to OS – its functional behavior and responsibilities, Need for some
of monitor / command interpreter, Types of operating systems, System structure,
Hierarchical and layered organization of OS, I/O methods and interrupt
 Process definition, Process states and state transitions, Parallel processes and
constructs, Process interaction, Operating system kernel, Data structures for
processes and resources, Context switching, Process control primitives, Process
 The determinacy problem, Mutual exclusion, Semaphores, Process
 Conditional critical regions and monitors, Inter-process communication,
Deadlock problem and its solutions.
 Memory management concepts, Relocation, Linking, Multiprogramming with
 partitions, Swapping, Variables partitions, Overlays, Virtual memory,
Segmentation, Paging, Storage allocation strategies, Load control and thrashing
 Organization of file and I/O subsystems, Directory management, Basic file
system, file descriptors, File manipulation, File organization methods,
Management of auxiliary storage space, Command language and file system
utilities, I/O subsystems, Programmed I/O, DMA, Interrupt driven I/O,
Recovery procedures. Protection and Security: Safeguards, Penetration, Access
and Information flow control, Protection problems, Formal models of
Unit 6:Database Management System
 Introduction to Database, components and structure of DBMS – logical
structure – the 3 level architecture and mapping among them. Comparison
between traditional file based system and DBMS. Advantages and drawbacks
of DBMS.
 Relational Model - What is relational model, Relational key constraints –
candidate key, primary key, foreign key.ER Model – entities, attributes,
relationship, and cardinality. Entity types, Entity sets Attributes and Keys
Relationship types, Relationship Sets, converting ER diagram to relational
tables. Database Schema
 Database Anomalies, CODD Rules and Normalization theory, 1 NF, 2 NF, 3
NF and BCNF.
 Introduction to transaction and concept of concurrency control. Transaction and
system concepts, desirable properties of transactions, transaction support in
SQL. Concurrency control techniques, the locking protocol, serializable
schedules, locks, 2 phase commit. Techniques, concurrency control based on
timestamp ordering
Unit 7:Computer Network
 Introduction to Data Communication and Computer Network, Network
Topologies, classification of computer network, Parallel & Serial Transmission,
Transmission Models, Transmission Channel, Data Rate, Bandwidth Signal
Encoding Schemes, Data Compression, Transmission Impairments, Layering
and Design Issues, OSI Model and TCP/ IP model.
 Data Link Layer: Need for Data Link Control, Frame Design Consideration,
Flow Control & Error Control. MAC sublayer, contention based and polling
based MAC protocols.
 Network Layer: Routing, Congestion control, Internetworking principles,
Internet Protocols (IPv4, packet format, Hierarchal addressing sub netting, ARP,
PPP), Bridges, Routers. Classless IP address.
 Datalink Layer: Process to process communication. Socket meaning and socket
address. Upward and downwards multiplexing. UDP and TPDU.
 Application Layer: HTTP, FTP, Telnet, SMTP, SNMP
Unit 8: Software Engineering
 Introduction to Software Engineering: Characteristics, Emergence of Software
Engineering, Software Metrics & Models, Process & Product Metrics. Software
Life Cycle Models: Waterfall, Prototype and Spiral Models and their
 Software Project Management: Size Estimation- LOC and FP Metrics, Cost
Estimation-Delphi and Basic COCOMO, Introduction to Halstead’s Software
Science, Staffing Level Estimation- Putnam’s Model. Software Requirements
Specification: SRS Documents, their Characteristics and Organization.
 Software Design: Classification, Software Design Approaches, Function
Oriented Software Design, Structured Analysis- Data flow Diagrams and
Structured Design, Introduction to Object Oriented Design.
 Coding and Testing of Software: Unit Testing, Block Box Testing, White Box
Testing, Debugging, Program Analysis Tools, System Testing. Software
Reliability and Quality Assurance: Reliability Metric- Musa’s Basic Model.
 Software Quality Assurance: ISO 9000 and SEI CMM and their Comparison.
Software Maintenance: Maintenance Process Models and Reverse Engineering,
Estimation of Maintenance Costs.
Unit 9: Object Oriented Programming
 Review of Fundamentals of Procedural Programming,
 Class and Objects,
 Data Abstraction,
 Information Hiding & Encapsulation,
 Constructors, destructors, and object creation,
 Name space and references ,
 Class Methods , Methods Overloading ,
 Inheritance ,
 Polymorphism ,
 Abstract Classes,
 Abstract Methods ,
 Exceptions , Exception Handling.
Unit 10: Web-Based Application Development
 Internet Basics,
 Introduction to Web Development,
 Node.js and Git,
 HTML, CSS, JQuery,
 JavaScript and HTTP (forms),
 Sessions and HTTP,
 Javascript & Document Object Model – DOM,
 Extensible Markup Language – XML,
 Document Type Definition - DTD Dreamweaver,
 PHP HyperText PreProcessor - PHP SQL & MySQL,
 Integrating PHP and MySQL,Database Interaction
Unit 11: Theory of Computatio
 Introduction; Alphabets, Strings and Languages; Automata and Grammars,
Deterministic finite Automata (DFA)-Formal Definition, Simplified notation:
State transition graph, Transition table, Language of DFA, Non-deterministic
finite Automata (NFA), NFA with epsilon transition, Language of NFA,
Equivalence of NFA and DFA, Minimization of Finite Automata,
Distinguishing one string from other.
 Regular expression (RE) , Definition, Operators of regular expression and their
precedence, Algebraic laws for Regular expressions, Kleen’s Theorem, Regular
expression to FA, DFA to Regular expression, Arden Theorem, Non Regular
Languages, Pumping Lemma for regular Languages . Application of Pumping
Lemma, Closure properties of Regular Languages, Decision properties of
Regular Languages, FA with output: Moore and Mealy machine, Equivalence
of Moore and Mealy Machine, Applications and Limitation of FA.
 Context free grammar (CFG) and Context Free Languages (CFL): Definition,
Examples, Derivation ,Derivation trees, Ambiguity in Grammer, Inherent
ambiguity, Ambiguous to Unambiguous CFG, Useless symbols, Simplification
of CFGs, Normal forms for CFGs: CNF and GNF, Closure properties of CFLs,
Decision Properties of CFLs: Emptiness, Finiteness and Memership, Pumping
lemma for CFLs.
 Push Down Automata (PDA): Description and definition, Instantaneous
Description, Language of PDA, Acceptance by Final state, Acceptance by
empty stack, Deterministic PDA, Equivalence of PDA and CFG, CFG to PDA
and PDA to CFG, Two stack PDA
 Turing machines (TM): Basic model, definition and representation,
Instantaneous Description, Language acceptance by TM, Variants of Turing
Machine, TM as Computer of Integer functions, Universal TM, Church’s Thesis,
Recursive and recursively enumerable languages, Halting problem,
Introduction to Undecidability, Undecidable problems about TMs. Post
correspondence problem (PCP), Modified PCP, Introduction to recursive
function theory
Unit 12:Internet of Things
 Definitions and Functional Requirements - Motivation - Architecture - Web 3.0
View of IoT - Ubiquitous IoT Applications - Four Pillars of IoT - DNA of IoT
-The Toolkit Approach for End-user Participation in the Internet of Things.
Middleware for IoT: Overview -Communication middleware for IoT - IoT
Information Security.
 Protocol Standardization for IoT - Efforts - M2M and WSN Protocols - SCADA
and RFID Protocols- Issues with IoT Standardization - Unified Data Standards
-Protocols -IEEE 802.15.4 - BACNet Protocol Modbus - KNX - Zigbee-
Network layer - APS layer –Security.
 Web of Things versus Internet of Things - Two Pillars of the Web - Architecture
standardization for WoT Platform Middleware for WoT - Unified Multitier
WoT Architecture - WoT Portals and Business Intelligence. Cloud of Things:
Grid/SOA and Cloud Computing - Cloud Middleware - Cloud Standards -
Cloud Providers and Systems - Mobile cloud Computing - The Cloud of Things
 Industrial Internet of Things - Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things -
Industrie 4.0 - Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) - IIoT Architecture - Basic
Technologies - Applications and Challenges - Security and Safety -
Introduction to Security and Safety -Systems Security - Network Security -
Generic Application Security - Application Process Security and Safety -
Reliable-and-Secure-by-Design IoT Applications - Run-Time Monitoring -
The ARMET Approach - Privacy and Dependability
 The Role of the Internet of Things for Increased Autonomy and Agility in
Collaborative Production Environments -Resource Management in the Internet
of Things: Clustering, Synchronization and Software Agents. Applications -
Smart Grid -Electrical Vehicle charging
Unit 13:Artificial Intelligence
AI-Problem formulation, Problem Definition -Production systems, Control
strategies, Search strategies. Problem characteristics, Production system
characteristics - Specialized productions system- Problem solving methods –
Problem graphs, Matching, Indexing and Heuristic functions -Hill Climbing-
Depth first and Breath first, Constraints satisfaction – Related algorithms,
Measure of performance and analysis of search algorithms.
 REPRESENTATION OF KNOWLEDGE: Game playing – Knowledge
representation, Knowledge representation using Predicate logic, Introduction to
predicate calculus, Resolution, Use of predicate calculus, Knowledge
representation using other logic-Structured representation of knowledge.
 KNOWLEDGE INFERENCE: Knowledge representation -Production based
system, Frame based system. Inference – Backward chaining, Forward chaining,
Rule value approach, Fuzzy reasoning – Certainty factors, Bayesian Theory-
Bayesian Network-Dempster – Shafer theory.
 PLANNING AND MACHINE LEARNING: Basic plan generation systems –
Strips -Advanced plan generation systems – K strips - Strategic explanations -
Why, Why not and how explanations. Learning- Machine learning, adaptive
 EXPERT SYSTEMS: Expert systems – Architecture of expert systems, Roles
of expert systems – Knowledge Acquisition – Meta knowledge, Heuristics.
Typical expert systems – MYCIN, DART, XOON, Expert systems shells.
Unit 14: Fundamental of E-Commerce
 Introduction to Electronic Commerce: Introduction of commerce, Electronic
commerce framework, electronic commerce and media convergence, the
anatomy of e-commerce application.
 The Network for Electronic Commerce: Need of network, market forces
influencing the I-way, components of I-way, network access equipment, and
global information distribution network.
 The Internet as a Network Infrastructure: Introduction, the Internet terminology,
NSFNET: Architecture and Components, Internet governance: The Internet
 Network Security & Firewalls: Client-Server network security, security threats
in client-server, firewalls and network security, data & message security,
encrypted documents and electronic mail.
 Electronic Commerce & World Wide Web: Introduction, architectural
framework for electronic commerce, WWW as an architecture, security in the
 Consumer Oriented Electronic Commerce: Introduction, consumer oriented
application, mercantile process models, mercantile models from the consumer’s
perspective, mercantile models from the merchant’s perspective.
 Electronic Payment Systems: Introduction, types of electronic payment system,
digital token based electronic payment systems, smart cards and electronic
payment systems, credit cards systems, Threat on electronic payment system.
 Inter-organizational Commerce & Electronic Data Interchange: Introduction,
EDI application in business, EDI: legal, security, and privacy issues, EDI and
electronic commerce.
 The Corporate Digital Library: Introduction, dimensions of electronic
commerce systems, types of digital documents, Issues behind document
infrastructure, corporate data warehouses.
Unit 15: Multimedia
 Definition - Classification - Multimedia application -Multimedia Hardware -
Multimedia software - CDROM - DVD.
 Multimedia Audio: Digital medium - Digital audio technology - sound cards -
recording - editing - MP3 - MIDI fundamentals - Working with MIDI - audio
file formats - adding sound to Multimedia project.
 Multimedia Text: Text in Multimedia -Multimedia graphics: coloring - digital
imaging fundamentals - development and editing - file formats - scanning and
digital photography.
 Multimedia Animation: Computer animation fundamentals - Kinematics -
morphing - animation s/w tools and techniques. Multimedia Video: How video
works - broadcast video standards - digital video fundamentals – digital video
production and editing techniques - file formats.
 Multimedia Project: stages of project - Multimedia skills - design concept -
authoring - planning and costing –Multimedia Team. Multimedia-looking
towards Future: Digital Communication and New Media, Interactive Television,
Digital Broadcasting, Digital Radio, Multimedia Conferencing
Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023
Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20
A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills
1. General Knowledge,
2.Environmental Science
3. Mathematical aptitude,
4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023
UNIT I Subject Geography 100 Marks
Unit-1 : Physical Geography

 Origin of solar system: Theories of Kant and Laplace, Jeans & Jeffrey's & Big
Bang theory
 Internal Structure of the Earth
 Isostasy : Pratt's and Airy's views
 Earthquake and Vulcanism
 Kober's and Holme's Theories of mountain building
 Wegener's theory of Continental Drift
 Plate Tectonics
 Folded Topography
 Faulted Topography
 Normal Cycle of Erosion
 Arid Topography
 Glacial Topography
 Karst Topography
Climatology and Oceanography:
 Composition and Structure of Atmosphere
 Classification of Air masses
 Fronts
 Cyclones
 Koppen's and Thornthwaits's Scheme of classification of climate
 Climatic changes – causes and evidences
 Salinity of Ocean water
 Relief of Ocean Floor: Continental shelf, Slope and Deep Sea plain
 Relief of the Indian and Atlantic Ocean
 Ocean currents
 Tides

Unit-2 : Resource and Economic Geography

 Meaning, Concept and Classification of resources

 Soil, water and forest resources- their distribution, Utilization and Conservation
 Fisheries of the World
 Distribution and Production of the following resources:
--Coal in USA and China
--Petroleum in Middle East
--Iron ore in Russia and Australia

--Manganese in Russia and USA
 Agriculture:
--Subsistence farming
--Commercial grain farming
--Plantation Agriculture
--Dairy Farming
--Mediterranean Agriculture
 Industries:
--Industrial Location Theory of Weber
--Agricultural Location Theory of Von Thunen
--Iron and Steel industry
--Cotton Textile industry
-- Sugar Industry
 Transport and Trade:
--International trade with reference to WTO
--Globalisation and its impact on economy
--Trade routes-Suez and Panama canals

Unit-3 : Human Geography

 Meaning, Definition and Scope of Human Geography

 Evoluation of man
 Cultural realms of the world
 Human activities in Mountain environment, Monsoon Lands, Equatorial
regions, Temperate Grasslands
 Growth and distribution of population
 Theories of Demographic Transition, Optimum Population
 Distribution, habitat and economy, mode of life and socio-cultural organisation
of the following tribes – Eskimo, Bushmen, Santhal, Oraon
 Urbanisation and related problems
 Growth Pole Theory
 Christaller's Central Place Theory
 Migration – Internal and International

Unit-4 : Geographical Thought

 Meaning, and Definition of Geography

 Its relationship with other sciences
 Contribution of Ancient Geographers: Eratosthenes, Ptolemy
 Contributions made by Humboldt, Ritter, Ratzel, Vidal de la Blache and
Mackinder in the field of Geography

 Dualism in Geography: Determinism Vs. Possibilism and Neo-determinism,
Physical Vs. Human Geography, Systematic Vs. Regional Geography
 Quantitative Revolution in Geography
 Humanistic Geography, Gender Geography

Unit-5 : Environmental Geography

 Meaning, Concept, and scope of Environmental Geography

 Factors affecting environment
 Ecology and Ecosystems
 Major Eco systems of the world
 Ecological balance and imbalance
 Nature, scope and significance of Biogeography
 Bio-energy cycles
 Concept of Zoogeography
 Biodiversity and Hotspots
 Natural Disaster : Drought, Flood and Earthquakes – Causes, effects and
 Rain water harvesting
 Watershed Management
 Sustainable Development
 Eco-Tourism

Unit-6 : Remote Sensing & GIS

 Meaning and Scope of Remote Sensing

 History of Remote Sensing
 Process and stages of Remote Sensing
 Properties of electromagnetic energy – wave length, frequency and velocity
 Difference between air photography and image
 Electro magnetic spectrum
 Interaction of electromagnetic energy in the atmosphere
 Interaction of electromagnetic energy with earth surface features
 Meaning, concept and objectives of GIS

Unit-7 : Population Geography

 Meaning and scope of population Geography

 Science of Demography
 Recent trend of Population growth with special reference to developed and
developing countries

 Methods of population projections
 Fertility measures and determinants
 Mortality measures and determinants
 Internal and international migrations
 Malthusian Theory of population
 Growth patterns of world population
 Distribution of world population
 Problems caused by differential population pressure
 Population policies of Russia and China

Unit-8 : Geography of Asia

 Structure
 Physiography
 Drainage
 Climate
 Natural Vegetation
 Characteristics of Agriculture
 Mineral resources – Iron ore, Manganese, Tin and Bauxite
 Power resources – Coal, Petroleum and Hydel Power
 Population and its Problems
 China:
--Climate and Agricultural regions
--Industrial Development
--Industries – Iron and Steel, Cotton Textile
-- Population : Growth, Distribution and Density
 Japan:
--Industries-Iron & Steel and Automobile
-- Population : Growth, Distribution and Density

Unit-9 : Geography of India and Bihar

 Structure
 Physiography
 Drainage system – Himalayan and Peninsular
 Origin and Characteristics of Indian Monsson
 Natural Vegetation
 Soil – types, erosion & conservation
 Characteristics of Agriculture

 Major Crops – Rice, Wheat, Sugarcane, Cotton
 Importance and means of irrigation
 Mineral Resources – Iron ore, Manganese, Mica
 Power Resources – Coal, Petroleum and Hydel Power
 Selected industries – Iron and steel, Cotton textile and Sugar
 Growth, Distribution and Density of Population
 Population composition in India: Occupational structure, Literacy, Age and
Sex, Major religions, Languages
 Population Problems and policies
 Types and Patterns of rural settlements
 Urbanisation in India
 Problems of urbanisation
 Rural – urban Migration
 Geography of Bihar:
--Structure & Physiography
--Agricultural Crops : Rice, Wheat, Maize, Pulses
--Agricultural regions
--River Valley Projects : Gandak, Kosi, Son
--Flood and Drought Problems
--Population: Growth, Distribution and Density

Unit-10 : Cartographic and Statistical Techniques:

 Latitude, Longitude, Measurement of Time, Scale and its types, Map Projection
– Cylindrical, Conical & Zenithal
 Topographical Maps of India, Cartograms, Rocks and Minerals, Surveying by
Plane Table, Prismatic Compass and Levelling Instruments
 Mean, Median, Mode, Quartile Deviation and Standard Deviation

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library

8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,
2.Environmental Science
3. Mathematical aptitude,
4.logical Reasoning

Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2024
UNIT I Subject – Mathematics 100 marks
1. Algebra
Polar representation of complex numbers, nth roots of unity, Complex argument, De-Moivre's
theorem for integer and rational indices and its applications, Hyperbolic functions, Summation of
series, Gregory series.
Fundamental theorem of algebra, Relation between roots and coefficients of a polynomial
equation, Transformation of equation, Descartes rule of signs, Solution of Cubic equation
(Cardon's method) and bi-quadratic equation (Euler's method).
Cartesian product of sets, Equivalence relations, Functions, Composition of functions, Invertible
functions, Cardinality of a set, Countable and Uncountable sets, Cantor's theorem, Well-ordering
principle, Division algorithm, Euclidean algorithm, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic,
Modular arithmetic and basic properties of congruences, Principle of mathematical induction.

2. Number Theory:
Division algorithm, Euclidean algorithm and Greatest common Divisor (GCD or HCF), Prime
and Composite numbers, Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, Co-primes, Divisor of composite
Linear Diophantine equation, Prime counting function, Prime number theorem, Fermat theorem.
The order of an integer modulo n, Primitive roots for primes, Composite numbers having
primitive roots; Definition of quadratic residue of an odd prime, and Euler's criterion.
Congruence relation and its properties, Linear congruence and Chinese remainder theorem,
Fermat's little theorem, Wilson's theorem.
Number theoretic functions for sum and number of divisors, Multiplicative function, The Mobius
inversion formula, The greatest integer function. Euler's phi-function and properties, Euler's

3. Calculus, Analytical Geometry of two and three dimensions:

Successive differentiation and Leibnitz's theorem, Expansion of functions, Tangent and Normal,
Partial differentiation and Euler's theorem, Concavity and inflection points, Asymptotes, Curve
tracing in Cartesian coordinates, Tracing in polar coordinates of standard curves, Curvature,
L'Hospital's rule.
Evaluation of definite integrals, Reduction formulae, Volumes by Slicing, Disk and Washer
methods, Volumes by cylindrical shells, parametric equations, rectification and quadrature,
Volume and surface area of solids of revolution, Multiple integrals and change of order of
integration, improper integrals, Beta and Gamma functions.
Transformation of rectangular axes, General equations of conic and its reduction to the normal
form, Equation of the tangent and normal at a point of the Conic. Sphere, cone, cylinder, Central
conicoid, Paraboloids, Plane section of conicoid, Generating lines, Tangent plane and normal to
a conicoid.
4. Real Analysis and Real functions:
Dedekind theory of real numbers, Algebraic and order properties of R, Archimedean Property,
Completeness property of R, Bounded sets, Supremum and Infimum. Neighbourhood of a point
in R, Open and closed sets, Limit points and isolated points of a set, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem
for a set.
Sequence and its convergence, Bounded sequence, Limit of a sequence. Limit Theorem,
Monotone sequences, Subsequences, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem for sequences, Limit superior
and limit inferior for bounded sequence, Cauchy sequence, Cauchy's general principle of
Infinite series and their convergence, Cauchy Criterion, Tests for convergence: Comparison test,
Ratio Test, Logarithmic ratio test, Cauchy's root test, Alternating series, Leibniz test, Absolute
and Conditional convergence. Integral test for series of arbitrary terms, Euler's constant,
Dirichlet's and Abel's test for series of arbitrary terms, Riemann and Pringsheim's method for
rearrangement of terms of conditionally convergent series, Cauchy's Theorem, Infinite product
and its convergence.
Limit, Continuity and Differentiability of a function, Rolle's, Mean- value theorem and its
applications, Darboux's theorem, Taylor's theorem with Lagrange form of remainder, Application
of Taylor's theorem in error estimation.
Riemann Integral, Riemann integrability of continuous functions, Monotonic function and
function having finite number of discontinuities, Fundamental theorem of integral calculus, Mean
value theorem. Improper integrals of Type-1, Type-II and mixed type, Convergence of Beta and
Gamma functions and their properties.

5. Ordinary Differential Equations:

Differential equations and mathematical models, general, particular, explicit, implicit and
singular solutions of a differential equation, Exact differential equations and integrating factors,
special integrating factors and transformations, separable equations and equations reducible to
this form, linear equation and Bernoulli equations. Differential equations of the first order but not
of the first degree. Singular solutions, Clairaut's form, Orthogonal Trajectories of family of
curves, Total differential equation in three variables, Simultaneous differential equations.
General solution of homogeneous equation of second order, Principle of super position for
homogeneous equation, Wronskian: its properties and applications, Linear homogeneous and
non-homogeneous equations of higher order with constant coefficients, Euler's equation, Method
of undetermined coefficients, Method of variation of parameters.
Definition and Linearity of Laplace transform, Existence Theorem, Laplace transform of
derivatives and integrals, shifting theorems and inverse Laplace transform, Solution of ordinary
differential equation using Laplace transform. Fourier series for odd and even functions, Half
range series, other forms of Fourier series.

6. Partial Differential Equations:

Partial differential equations - Basic concepts and definitions. Formation of PDE, Mathematical
problems. First order equations: classification, construction and geometrical interpretation,
Lagrange's and Charpit's method for solving PDE. Method of characteristics for obtaining general
solution of quasi linear equations, Canonical forms of first-order linear equations, Method of
separation of variables for solving first order partial differential equations.
Partial differential equation of second and higher order, Homogeneous and non-homogeneous
equation with constant coefficients, Cauchy problem for second order PDE.
Partial differential equations reducible to equations with constant coefficients, Monge's Methods.
Classification of second order linear equations as hyperbolic, parabolic or elliptic, Reduction of
second order linear equations to canonical forms, Concept of the wave equation and heat equation.

7. Abstract Algebra:
Definition and examples of groups, Elementary properties of groups, Subgroups and examples of
subgroups, Centralizer, Normalizer, Centre of a group, Product of two subgroups; Properties of
cyclic groups, Classification of subgroups of cyclic groups.
Permutations Groups, Properties of permutations, Even and odd permutations, Properties of
Cosets, Lagrange's theorem and consequences including Fermat's Little theorem; Normal
subgroups, Quotient groups, Cauchy's theorem for finite abelian groups
Group homomorphisms, Properties of homomorphisms, Group isomorphisms, Cayley's theorem,
Properties of isomorphisms, First, Second and Third isomorphism theorems for groups.
Automorphism, Inner automorphism, Automorphism groups, Automorphism groups of finite and
infinite cyclic groups.
Conjugacy classes, The class equation, p-groups, The Sylow theorems and consequences,
Applications of Sylow theorems.
Definition and examples of rings, Properties of rings, Subrings, Integral domains and fields,
Characteristic of a ring, Ideal, Ideal generated by a subset of a ring, Quotient rings, Operations
on ideals, Prime and maximal ideals.
Ring homomorphisms, Properties of ring homomorphisms, Isomorphism theorems.
Characteristics of ring, Field of quotient of an integral domain, Embedding of rings. Polynomial
rings, Division algorithm, Principal ideal domains, Euclidean domains, Unique factorization
8. Linear Algebra:
Matrices, Operation on Matrices, Matrix algebra, Kinds of matrices, Transpose, Adjoint and
Inverse of a matrix, Solution of a system of linear equations by matrix methods, Row reduction
and Echelon forms using elementary row operations, Rank of a matrix.
Vector spaces, Subspaces, Algebra of subspaces, Quotient spaces, Linear combination of vectors,
Linear span, Linear independence, Basis and dimension, Dimension of subspaces.
Linear transformations, Rank-Nullity theorem, Matrix representation of a linear transformation,
Algebra of linear transformation, Eigen values and Eigen vector, Characteristic equation of a
matrix and Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
Eigen spaces of a linear operator, Diagonalizability, Invariant subspaces, The minimal
polynomial for a linear operator. Inner product spaces and norms, Orthonormal basis, Gram-
Schmidt orthogonalization process, Orthogonal complements, Bessel's inequality.
The adjoint of a linear operator, Least squares approximation, Minimal solutions to systems of
linear equations, Normal, Self-adjoint, Unitary and orthogonal operators
and their properties.
9. Multivariate Calculus:
Functions of several variables, Level curves and surfaces, Limits and continuity, Partial
differentiation, Higher order partial derivative, Tangent planes, Total differential and
differentiability, Chain rule, Directional derivatives, Gradient, Maximal and normal property of
the gradient, Tangent planes and normal lines. Extrema of functions of two variables, Method of
Lagrange multipliers, Constrained optimization problems.
Double integration over rectangular and nonrectangular regions, Double integrals in polar co-
ordinates, Triple integral over a parallelepiped and solid regions, Volume by triple integrals, triple
integration in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, Change of variables in double and triple
Line integrals, Applications of line integrals: Mass and Work, Fundamental theorem for line
integrals, Definition of vector field, Conservative vector fields, Divergence and curl. Green's
theorem, Area as a line integral, Surface integrals, Stokes' theorem, The Gauss divergence
10. Complex Analysis:
Functions of complex variable, Mappings; Mappings by the exponential function, Limits,
Theorems on limits, Limits involving the point at infinity, Continuity, Derivatives, Differentiation
formulae, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Sufficient conditions for differentiability; Analytic
functions and their examples.
Exponential function, Logarithmic function, Branches and derivatives of logarithms,
Trigonometric function, Derivatives of functions, Definite integrals of functions, Contours,
Contour integrals and its examples, Upper bounds for moduli of contour integrals.
Antiderivatives, Proof of antiderivative theorem, Cauchy-Goursat theorem, Cauchy integral
formula; An extension of Cauchy integral formula, Consequences of Cauchy integral formula,
Liouville's theorem and the fundamental theorem of algebra.
Convergence of sequences and series, Taylor series and its examples; Laurent series and its
examples, Absolute and uniform convergence of power series, Uniqueness of series
representations of power series. Isolated singular points, Residues, Cauchy's residue theorem,
Residue at infinity, Types of isolated singular points, Residues at poles and its examples.

11. Metric Space:

Metric spaces: Definition and examples, Notion of Open and closed ball, Neighbourhood, Open
set, Interior of a set, Limit point of a set, Derived set, Closed set, Closure of a set, Diameter of a
set, Dense set, Subspaces.
Sequences in metric spaces, Cauchy sequences, Complete metric space, Cantor's intersection
theorem, Baire's category theorem, Contraction mapping, Banach fixed point theorem.
Continuous mappings, Sequential criterion and other characterizations of continuity, Uniform
continuity, Homeomorphism. Connectedness, Connected subsets of R, Connectedness and
continuous mappings. Compactness, Compactness and boundedness, Continuous functions on
compact spaces.

12. Mechanics & Vectors:

Reduction of a system of Co-planar forces, equation of the line of action of the resultant, Virtual
work, Principle of virtual work for a system of particles, Forces in three dimensions.
General conditions of equilibrium, Stable and unstable equilibrium, Common catenary, Centre of
gravity for different bodies.
Rectilinear motion in a non-resisting and a resisting medium, Harmonic oscillator, damped and
free vibrations, elastic strings and springs, vertical and horizontal motion of a particle attached to
an elastic string. Motion in a plane, velocities and accelerations in Cartesian, polar and intrinsic
Co-ordinates, motion of a projectile in non-resisting and resisting medium, constrained motion in
a smooth horizontal and vertical circle, simple pendulum.
Motion of a particle under a central force, differential equation of a central orbit in rectilinear,
polar and pedal coordinates, Central orbits, Kepler's laws of motion deduced from Newton's law
of Gravitation and vice-versa.
Degrees of freedom, Moments and products of inertia, Principal axes, D'Alembert's Principle.
Motion about a fixed axis, Compound pendulum, Motion of a rigid body in two dimensions under
finite and impulsive forces, Conservation of momentum and energy.
Scalar triple product and vector triple product, Product of four vectors, Introduction to vector
functions, Operations with vector-valued functions, Limits and continuity of vector functions,
Differentiation and integration of vector functions, Gradient of a scalar and Divergence and Curl
of a vector function in Cartesian coordinate.

13. Numerical Methods:

Errors: Relative, Absolute, round off, Truncation, Finding roots of Transcendental and
Polynomial equations: Bisection method, Secant method, Regula-Falsi method, Newton-Raphson
method, Fixed point iteration method, Rate of convergence.
Solution of system of linear algebraic equations: Partial and scaled partial pivoting, LU
decomposition and its applications, Gaussian Elimination and Gauss Jordan methods. Gauss
Jacobi method, Gauss Seidel method and SOR methods and their convergence analysis.
Finite Central and divided differences, Interpolation, Inverse Interpolation, Numerical
differentiation, Numerical Integration: Newton Cotes formula, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's 1/3rd
rule, Simpsons 3/8th rule, Gauss quadrature formula.
Solution of difference equation of the first order, General solution, Linear difference equation
with constant co-efficient, Solution of ordinary differential equations one step method: Euler's
modified, Picard's, Runge-Kutta methods.

14. Linear Programming Problem:

The Linear Programming Problem: Standard, Canonical and matrix forms, Graphical solution.
Hyperplanes, Extreme points, Convex and polyhedral sets. Basic solutions; Basic Feasible
Solutions; Reduction of any feasible solution to a basic feasible solution; Correspondence
between basic feasible solutions and extreme points.
Simplex Method: Optimal solution, Termination criteria for optimal solution of the Linear
Programming Problem, Unique and alternate optimal solutions, Unboundedness; Simplex
Algorithm and its Tableau Format; Artificial variables, Two-phase method, Big-M method.
Motivation and Formulation of Dual problem; Primal-Dual relationships; Fundamental Theorem
of Duality; Complimentary Slackness.
Assignment Problem: Mathematical formulation and Hungarian method of solving.
Transportation Problem: Definition and formulation; Methods of finding initial basic feasible
solutions; North West corner rule. Least cost method; Vogel's Approximation method; Algorithm
for solving Transportation Problem.
15. Attraction, Potential and Hydrostatics:
Attraction and Potential of rods, rectangles and circular discs, spherical shell, sphere, Laplace's
and Poisson's equations, theorems on equipotential surfaces.
Perfect fluid. Pressure at a point. Pressure of heavy fluid. Pressure at any point of a fluid at rest
is the same in every direction. Conditions of equilibrium for homogeneous, heterogeneous, and
elastic fluid.
Lines of force. Surfaces of equal pressure and density. Pressure gradient, pressure function and
equation of equilibrium. Homogeneous fluid at rest under gravity.
Definition of centre of pressure. Formula for the depth of the centre of pressure of a plane area.
Position of centre of pressure.
Thrusts on plane and curved surfaces. Rotating fluid. Pressure at any point and surfaces of equi-
pressure when a mass of homogeneous fluid contained in a vessel revolves uniformly about a
vertical axis. Floating bodies. Stability of equilibrium of floating bodies.

16. Probability & Statistics:

Sample space, Probability set function, Real random variables - Discrete and continuous,
Cumulative distribution function, Probability mass/density functions, Transformations,
Mathematical expectation, Moments, Moment generating function, Characteristic function.
Discrete distributions: Uniform, Bernoulli, Binomial, Negative binomial, Geometric and Poisson;
Continuous distributions: Uniform, Gamma, Exponential, Chi-square, Beta and normal; Normal
approximation to the binomial distribution.
Joint cumulative distribution function and its properties, Joint probability density function,
Marginal distributions, Expectation of function of two random variables, Joint moment
generating function, Conditional distributions and expectations.
The Correlation coefficient, Covariance, Calculation of covariance from joint moment generating
function, Independent random variables, Linear regression for two variables, The method of least
squares, Bivariate normal distribution, Chebyshev's theorem, Strong law of large numbers,
Central limit theorem and weak law of large numbers.

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills
1. General Knowledge,
2.Environmental Science
3. Mathematical aptitude,
4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for Uchchatar Madhyamik Paper-2
UNIT-1 Subject: Music (संगीत) Marks: 100
इकाइ - 1
* संगीत की उ ि
* वैिदक कालीन संगीत
* वैिदक कालीन र
* सामगान
इकाइ - 2
* िहंदु ानी संगीत एवं कनाटक संगीत का उ भव एवं िवकास
* िहंदु ानी संगीत एवं कनाटक संगीत की िवशेषताएँ
* िहंदु ानी संगीत का र एवं ताल
* कनाटक संगीत का र एवं ताल
इकाइ - 3
* भारतीय लोक संगीत
* िबहार के लोक एवं पारं प रक गायन शैिलयाँ
* िबहार के लोक सं गीत कलाकार
इकाइ - 4
* िबहार म शा ीय गायन का प र
* िबहार म शा ीय गायन के घराने एवं उनकी िवशेषताएँ
* िबहार के शा ीय सं गीत कलाकार का प रचय
इकाइ - 5
* पा ा संगीत
* पा ा र
* पा ा रिलिप प ित
* हामनी एवं मेलॉडी
* यूज़न ूिज़क
इकाइ - 6
* वा यं ों का वग करण
* वा वृ
* िहंदु ानी संगीत म यु वा यं ों का िव ृत प रचय
* िबहार के लोक वा यं ों का प रचय
इकाइ - 7
* रागों का अ यन: जय-जयवंती, आशावरी, िमयां की तोड़ी, दरबारी, का ड़ा, मालकोश, गौड़ सारं ग, दे सी,
हमीर, पु रया धना ी, शंकरा, कामोद, छायानट, दु गा, िपलु, जोग, वृंदावनी सारं ग
* रागों का बड़ा ाल और छोटा ाल की रिलिप
इकाइ - 8
* राग वग करण का िव ृत अ यन
इकाइ -9
* िहंदु ानी संगीत के िविभ घराने
* िविभ गायन शैिलयाँ : ाल, ुपद, धमार, ठु मरी, ट ा, सादरा, दादरा, तराना, चतुरंग, ि वट
* सु ग म सं ग ीत
इकाइ -10
* संगीत से जुड़े ंथ: ना शा , संगीत र ाकर, बृहदे शी, राग तरं िगणी, संगीत मकरं द, संगीत दपण, अिभनव
* संगीत िवषय से जुड़ी मुख पु क एवं पि काएँ
इकाइ -11
* ताल का िव ृत अ यन
* िविभ लयकारी का अ यन
इकाइ -12
* गान, गीित, वाणी का िव ृत अ यन
इकाइ -13
* िन ां िकत संगीत ों की जीवनी एवं सां िगितक योगदान: प. िव ु नारायण भातख े , प. िव ु िदग र
पलु र, प. ओंकार नाथ ठाकुर, उ ाद अलाउ ीन खाँ, प. राम चतुर मािलक, प. रामा य झा, प. दामोदर,
प. अहोबल, प. ीिनवास
इकाइ -14
* नाद, ुित, र, स क, ाम, मु ना, जाित गायन
इकाइ -15
* ुित र व ा, थाट, र संवाद, सारणा-चतु यी, रा र, गुणा र
इकाइ -16
* संगीत से जुड़ी पा रभािषक श ावली: गत, ठे का, कायदा, तान, जनक, आ य राग, परमेल वेशक राग,
संिध काश राग, िमंड, कण र, गमक, मुक , खटका, पेशकार, परन, रे ला, ल ी, लड़ी, आिवभाव,
ितरोभाव, उपां ग, भाषांग, काकु, कलाव , वा ेयकार, गायक के गुण-दोष
इकाइ -17
* संगीत से जुड़े सं ान, अकादमी, फ़ाउं डेशन
* संगीत महो व की जानकारी
* िहंदु ानी संगीत के े म रा ीय पुर ार ा कलाकार
Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023
Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20
A. Art of Teaching
B. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
C. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms Taxonomy.
D. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
E. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
F. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
G. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
H. Textbook and library
I. Qualities of Teacher.
J. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
K. Curriculum.
L. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
M. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills
1. General Knowledge,
2.Environmental Science
3. Mathematical aptitude,
4.logical Reasoning
Syllabus for UCHCHA Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023

Unit I Subject –Zoology 100 Marks

1. Diversity and Evolution of Non-Chordates

2. Diversity and Evolution of Chordates

3. Ecology

4. Animal Physiology

5. Control and coordinating system

6. Biochemistry

7. Cell Biology

8. Genetics

9. Molecular Biology

10. Developmental Biology

11. Immunology

12. Evolutionary Biology

13. Health and disease

14. Biotechnology

15. Wild life conservation and Management

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills Marks 50
(A) Art of Teaching Marks 30
(B) Other skills Marks 20

A. Art of Teaching
1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.
2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms
3. Teaching Methods: - Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.
4. Lesson Plan: - Types and Format & Various Model.
5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.
6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.
7. Textbook and library
8. Qualities of Teacher.
9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.
10. Curriculum.
11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.
12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,

2.Environmental Science

3. Mathematical aptitude,

4.logical Reasoning

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