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Edge computing in 5G-enabled smart cities:

theoretical framework, overview, benefits,

challenges, and solutions.
Muhammad Shah Rukh Mah Rukh Tahir Haris Ali Amir
Dept. of Computer Science. Dept. of Electrical Engineering Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Qarshi University Universit of Central Punjab University of Central Punjab
Lahore, Pakistan Lahore, Pakistan Lahore, Pakistan
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— Edge Computing is used near mobile Keywords—edge computing, 5G, IoT, smart cities.
devices to perform computational tasks
effectively. The mobile devices-which use edge
computing - have many computational models to I. INTRODUCTION
perform their tasks. A smart city is like a system Edge computing is getting popular in new
where devices like smartphones, smart wearables, applications like the Internet of Things (IoT) for
and other, mobile computing devices Smart Cities. The edge commuting has got many
communicate to each other and connect to benefits : distributing out computing tasks, quicker
wireless access points. This helps them use the task processing( low latency) and various flexible
services and facilities available in the smart city. options for computing near the devices.
The 5G provides safe and strong broadband
wireless networks to smart city to service s from In a smart city setup, the edge computing is used
the city and businesses, making sure everything where lots of devices are connected with each other
runs smoothly. The latest 5G technology currently and perform many computations simultaneously . So
is going through testing and in the near future will edge computing perform a task close to the mobile
be available for commercial use. The objective of a device.
smart city is to improve residents' quality of life
using new technologies in a sustainable way. This Since devices in a smart city have fast Wi-Fi,
paper explores the role of edge computing in a especially with 5G networks, they can decide if it's
smart city that make use of 5G wireless better to work together and do the task locally or send
technology. In this paper We introduce Smart- it to a central point with more resources for
City-Fog model and explain its working in the computing.[1]
context of smart cities. This survey explores the
role of edge computing in smart cities, analyzing Many countries like Asia , Australia, China and
its evolution, reviewing literature on applications, north America are going to make their major cities
and providing a taxonomy. It identifies key smart. The idea of smart city depends on many
requirements, highlights reported synergies, and factors and is different for every country. The
outlines open benefits, challenges, offering incorporation of cutting edge technology is the

common theme among all countries in order to the edge computing in combination with 5g will
improve the quality of lives of people.[2]-[5]. ensure the quick and efficient information sharing
among millions of devices in smart city in real time.
This paper envisions a Smart City model So distributed network model like edge computing
characterized by fast, reliable, and secure internet can play to minimize the information sharing and
connectivity, prioritizing sustainability and processing in real time. However the to process,store
environmental factors. The model aims to minimize a large amount of data the centralized cloud
the number of vehicles in the city, promoting computing infrastructure will still be used.
pedestrian and cyclist-friendly environments. An
example of such a smart city is illustrated in Figure 1. Paper Contribution: The paper makes three
significant contributions. Firstly, it introduces a
higher-level conceptual framework for smart cities
utilizing 5G and Edge computing technologies.
Secondly, it explores the role of 5G in smart cities,
emphasizing citizens' expectations for real-time
information sharing experiences. Lastly, the paper
identifies research benefits, challenges and solutions
when integrating Smart Cities, 5G, and Fog/Edge
computing within the proposed theoretical

To provide context, a brief overview of each

technology is presented:

Smart cities: Smart Cities are becoming a reality

worldwide through initiatives like SideWalk Labs'
Toronto project. These cities use technologies like
IoT, 5G, Cloud Computing, and Edge Computing to
enhance citizens' lives. Fast wireless connectivity,
Khan, M. A. (2019). Fig. 1. An illustrative example real-time computational capabilities, and secure data
of a Smart-City-Fog (SCF) model with Fog/Edge sharing are the key requirements of these cities [6].
nodes and 5G technology. In Fog Computing in 5G Ongoing projects promise numerous benefits:
Enabled Smart Cities: Conceptual Framework, economic growth, job creation, and reduced
Overview and Challenges. greenhouse gas emissions [7]. For instance,
SideWalk Toronto gives 44,000 new jobs and a $14.2
Edge computing reduces the time needed for the billion annual economic impact by 2040. The
information processing and sharing by processing the advantages will ensure citizens with affordable
information near devices. Edge computing computes living, efficient transportation, and improved quality
data close to mobile device, and fog computing is of life. The rise of smart cities, driven by ICT
standard to implement the edge network. In this infrastructure advancements, aims to enhance
paper, we use these terms interchangeably and define citizens' quality of life through sustainable and secure
fog/edge computing as a way of processing tasks developments [8].The transformation to smart cities
close to mobile devices, efficiently sharing tasks depend on affordable, authentic,, and secure
among devices. technologies.
Edge computing: utilizes unused computational
This definition is particularly fitting for our resources from mobile devices and nearby cloudlets,
scenario of a smart city, where mobile devices are creating a new computational paradigm [9], [10]. In
encouraged to share data and information with each edge computing, mobile devices decide whether to
other. They access the main computational perform tasks locally, assign them to nearby devices,
infrastructure, containing data and information, only or delegate to local cloudlets with assistance from the
when necessary. In other words, if a task can be cloud. This approach increases efficiency in smart
processed locally, it should be done locally. cities, where mobile devices make a fog network to
In this paper, we look at how fog/edge computing can collaboratively carryout tasks. This paper highlights
be important in future smart cities. The real time fog/edge computing and 5G as crucial technologies
information sharing is the main feature of smart city, enabling future smart cities.

Fifth Generation (5G): technology neutralizes 4G Leveraging IoT-based smart city environments,
limitations by providing numerous benefits: high connected devices and sensors play a crucial role in
wireless capacity, enhanced user-base station data offering diverse services, from smart grids to
rates, lower latency, and superior quality of service healthcare and transportation. Key IoT features
[11]. 5G is crucial for HD video streaming, live video include a global network infrastructure, addressable
conferencing, and multiple high-data-rate services and autonomous nodes, and intelligent interfaces.
simultaneously, and it uses technologies like massive Edge computing, with its geo-distributed operation
MIMO and millimeter wave, provides data rates of and low-latency characteristics, becomes a cutting-
10-50 Gbps. The architecture in 5G networks, edge paradigm for enabling real-time smart city
exemplified in Figure 2, is appropriate for smart city services, addressing the resource-intensive demands
scenarios. Moreover, 5G facilitates communication of IoT-based applications. This shift from traditional
among diverse devices like automobiles, base cloud computing to edge computing signifies a
stations, sensors, and mobile users. In smart cities,5G transformative step toward efficient and responsive
provides core networking for anytime,, and any- smart city implementations [8].
network connectivity [11].

Paper Structure: The paper is structured as follows:

● Section II briefly is about related work.

● Section III initiates the suggested
conceptual framework for fog computing in
smart cities.
● Design challenges and future research
opportunities are discussed in Section VII.
● Section VIII, offers benefits; and IX gives

Khan, L. U., Yaqoob, I., Tran, N. H., Kazmi, S.

M. A., Dang, T. N., Hong, C. S. (2020). Fig. 3. "An
overview of edge computing enabled smart city." In
Edge Computing Enabled Smart Cities: A
Comprehensive Survey.

A. Research Trend and Statistics

Khan, M. A. (2019). Fig. 2. "A general 5G

architecture with fog nodes in smart cities." In Fog The illustration in Figure 2 underscores the
Computing in 5G Enabled Smart Cities: Conceptual escalating research interest in edge computing and
Framework, Overview and Challenges. smart cities, paralleling the global urbanization trend.
Urban populations are set to reach 65% by 2040,
As city populations are expected to surge, posing prompting a surge in smart cities, predicted to attain a
computational challenges, traditional cloud market share of USD 717.2 billion by 2023. Key
computing solutions face limitations in handling real- industry players like Toshiba and Huawei dominate
time smart city environments. In response, edge smart city services, while the proliferation of smart
computing emerges as a pivotal solution, extending IoT devices is expected to reach 500 billion by 2030.
cloud resources to the network edge, overcoming Simultaneously, the edge computing market is poised
latency issues, and providing context-awareness.

to grow to USD 3.24 billion by 2025, particularly in prompt decision-making for emergency services.
smart healthcare. This sector is anticipated to witness Additionally, UAVs assisted by edge computing can
the highest CAGR growth, exceeding USD 326 provide on-demand telecommunication and
million by 2025, with major players including SAP computing infrastructure for efficient rescue activities
SE and Microsoft. The interconnected rise of edge [6].
computing, smart cities, and IoT reflects substantial ← Smart Parking System: Traditional parking
research and development opportunities for systems face challenges in managing parking space
manufacturers seeking to enhance their market efficiently and quickly identifying available slots.
positions [8]. Smart parking systems, empowered by edge
computing, offer instantaneous computation of empty
parking slots. Leveraging existing surveillance
cameras and image detection systems, these systems
employ AI schemes like Convolutional Neural
Networks to detect empty slots, making edge
computing a promising solution for on-demand
computational resources and efficient smart parking
← Smart Home: To enable enhanced security,
smart meters, and control in smart homes, a multi-
layer system using smart IoT devices and AI
techniques is essential. Edge computing becomes a
crucial component by providing instant computational
resources with low-latency for real-time and historical
data analysis. This allows smart homes to efficiently
execute AI-based tasks such as controlling appliances,
securing the premises, and managing various
automated operations, making edge computing a
promising solution for the advancement of AI-enabled
smart homes [8].

Khan, L. U., Yaqoob, I., Tran, N. H.,

Kazmi, S. M. A., Dang, T. N., Hong, C. S. (2020). C. Existing Surveys and Tutorials
Fig 4. "Number of published articles on edge ← Edge Computing Surveys: Numerous surveys
computing and smart cities." In Edge Computing delve into edge computing paradigms, such as
Enabled Smart Cities: A Comprehensive Survey. cloudlets, fog computing, and mobile edge
computing, discussing architectures, applications, and
B. Motivational Scenarios open research problems [20]-[,22]. Additional
surveys focus on fog computing, evaluating
Autonomous Cars Accident Reporting: The architecture and algorithms while highlighting open
increasing prevalence of autonomous cars research challenges [23]-[25]. Security and privacy in
necessitates real-time analytics for timely accident mobile edge computing are explored in [26], [27] ,
reporting. Utilizing edge computing through Road while [28] provides a comprehensive survey on edge
Side Units (RSUs) facilitates instant response from computing paradigms, characteristics, and open
key stakeholders in emergency situations. For research challenges. The role of edge computing in
instance, in the event of an autonomous car accident, IoT networks is discussed in [29],[30] classifying
edge-enabled public safety points play a crucial role architectures and reporting advantages along with
in quickly evaluating the situation and initiating open research challenges.
emergency services, addressing the critical parameter
of response time [14].
← Smart Cities Surveys: Surveys on smart cities
address data management techniques, security, and
Smart Forest Fire Detection: UAV-enabled edge privacy of smart IoT device data, along with
computing proves instrumental in timely forest fire emerging technologies [31]. Big data's role in smart
detection, mitigating potential damages. By cities, its projects, and challenges in transforming
employing UAVs equipped with edge computing for data into information are explored in [32]. The study
surveillance, continuous forest imaging can be in [33] reviews IoT-based smart city applications,
processed locally to swiftly identify fire presence. presenting current projects and a prototype for a real-
This approach minimizes latency issues associated time monitoring system. Lastly, an overview of smart
with relying on remote cloud processing and enables

city characteristics, architecture, developments, and Evolution of Edge Computing Metrics: This
challenges is provided in [34]. survey contributes by presenting the evolution of
edge computing, emphasizing scalability, flexibility,
← Our Survey: The presented survey uniquely cost optimization, automation, mobility, and latency
integrates smart cities, IoT, and edge computing,
as crucial metrics for assessment.
comprehensively exploring premier smart city
environments enabled by edge computing. Unlike Evolution of Edge Computing Metrics: This survey
previous surveys that focused on either smart cities contributes by presenting the evolution of edge
alone or edge computing with IoT, this survey computing, emphasizing scalability, flexibility, cost
systematically addresses the evolution, taxonomy, optimization, automation, mobility, and latency as
core requirements, and open research challenges of crucial metrics for assessment.
edge computing in smart city contexts [35]. Analysis of Advances in Smart Cities: The survey
critically analyzes and evaluates recent advances in
edge computing-enabled smart cities, providing
insights into the premier developments in this
Comprehensive Taxonomy: A meticulous and
comprehensive taxonomy is devised, categorizing
literature based on key parameters such as
characteristics, security, edge analytics, resources,
edge intelligence, resource management strategies,
caching, and sustainability.
Requirements and Challenges: The paper presents
indispensable requirements for designing smart city
architectures using edge computing and discusses
various open research challenges, providing causes
and guidelines for their implementation [36].

Khan, L. U., Yaqoob, I., Tran, N. H., Kazmi, S. M.

A., Dang, T. N., Hong, C. S. (2020). Fig. 6.
"Evolution of edge computing." In Edge Computing
Enabled Smart Cities: A Comprehensive Survey.
Khan, L. U., Yaqoob, I., Tran, N. H., Kazmi, S. M.
A., Dang, T. N., Hong, C. S. (2020). Fig. 5.
"Structure of the survey." In Edge Computing
Enabled Smart Cities: A Comprehensive Survey. II. RELATED WORK

This section mentions a few articles for an

D. Contributions overview on edge computing, 5G and smart cities by

highlighting the connection between fog/edge The proposed Smart-City-Fog (SCF) model
computing and 5G for smart city scenarios. comprises three layers: Fog Layer (FL), Smart City
Layer (SCL), and Cloud Layer (CL), and these three
In [37], the authors presented a forward-looking layers allow bidirectional communication. The solid
perspective on edge computing, quoting use cases green lines represent essential communication for
like smart homes and cities. They argued that local task execution while while dotted blue lines
centralized cloud data centers are unrealistic for show infrequent cloud interaction for specific needs
handling the huge data quantities in smart cities due [46].
to heavy traffic. They highlight edge computing's
superiority for time-critical applications like health
The Fog Layer (FL): The Fog Layer (FL)
emergencies and geographically-dependent tasks
consists of N small fog nodes, and this layer utilizes
such as transportation. Industry interest is evident,
devices like vehicles, smartphones, and wearables,
with Cisco offering edge computing solutions for
along with a Resource Controller (RC) for local
customers, which shows industrial future in edge
resource management. To facilitate rapid and
computing [37].
dependable communication among various devices,
the integration of 5G technology in each Fog node
In [38], the authors conducted a comprehensive
gives a fast and reliable communication system [47].
survey of edge computing in the IoT context
highlighting its suitability to smart cities. They
The Smart City Layer (SCL): The Smart City
explored the shift from centralization to immersive
Layer (SCL) includes critical city infrastructure,
distribution and presented diverse edge use case
embracing 5G, cloudlets ,Low Power Wide Area
studies applicable in smart city scenarios. Numerous
Networks (LPWAN), and data processing with
other intriguing papers on fog/edge computing,
technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI). SCL
research opportunities, and use cases are available,
features locally control cloudlets for efficient and
including [39]-[41] offering a brief look into the
private data processing, this minimizes dependence
application of these technologies for smart cities.
on external hosting. These cloudlets communicate
5G technology is known for its reliable, high-speed
internally and with edge Layer nodes, this
connectivity, and is intended to fulfill crucial
communication between cloudlets and edge layer
networking requirements for smart cities, supporting
nodes reduces computational response times.
IoT applications and promising benefits for users and
Additionally, SCL hosts a database for city-
service providers according to [42]. Its detailed
administered services, offering a self-reliant approach
survey highlights 5G's architecture, use cases, and
to providing innovative services to citizens without
applications, affirming its potential to cater to the
relying on third-party hosting companies. [48]
connectivity needs of future smart cities.

In [43], the authors outlined an urban IoT scenario

for smart city applications, emphasizing IoT as a
fundamental element. They identified potential smart
city services in Table I, noting that the current
technology, up to 4G, falls short, but with the
imminent arrival of 5G, the realization of these
services becomes feasible.

In [44] and [45], surveys on 5G and device-to-

device communication in smart cities highlighted
scenarios where 5G and IoT collaborate for seamless
citizen communication, underscoring 5G's crucial
role. However, these papers overlooked the efficacy
of fog/edge computing for numerous devices in smart
cities, contrasting with our proposed model
emphasizing small networks leveraging 5G
capabilities and processing information locally before
resorting to central cloud communication.


like Salesforce and Amazon contributed to the
proliferation of web-based services and defined the
paradigm with offerings like SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS.
Khan, M. A. (2019). Fig. 7. "Layered architecture of
the proposed Smart-City-Fog model" and Fig. 8 "An
3. Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC):
illustrative example of the proposed Smart-City-Fog
model." In Fog Computing in 5G Enabled Smart Introduced to facilitate mobile computing with cloud
Cities: Conceptual Framework, Overview and leverage, MCC addresses the limitations of mobile
Challenges. devices by executing resource-intensive tasks on
remote clouds [54]. The term encompasses running
mobile device applications on remote servers,
utilizing mobile and stationary device resources, and
involves cloudlets as micro data centers [52].
COMPUTING: 4. Edge Computing:
This section explores the historical development Edge computing involves practices like cloudlets,
and characteristics of computing paradigms fog computing, and mobile edge computing,
(mainframe, mini, client-server, desktop cloud, extending cloud capabilities to the network edge. All
Mobile Cloud Computing, and edge computing), of these three terms used in the literature refer to
employing functionalism and structuralism to edge computing [53]-[55] .This distributed
enhance understanding by analyzing both the architecture facilitates real-time data processing,
building blocks and the behavior of these paradigms. minimizes latency, and reduces network congestion.
This section assesses six metrics—scalability, Fog computing, introduced by CISCO, uses edge
flexibility, cost optimization, automation, latency, devices for computation services, while mobile edge
and mobility support—to evaluate different computing, initiated by ETSI, places computing
computing paradigms. Scalability gauges a system's resources at the radio access and core network of
ability to expand services with growing user mobile telecommunication systems.
demands, while flexibility involves providing elastic
computing infrastructure. Cost optimization refers to
a system's capacity to offer on-demand computing V. RECENT ADVANCES
resources while managing overall costs. Automation This section critically assesses trends in edge
assesses the system's ability to perform updates computing for smart cities, focusing on architectural
without user intervention, while latency measures the and algorithmic aspects. Using assessment
total execution time of smart city applications, and parameters derived from recent literature, five key
mobility support aims to enable seamless execution metrics are considered for evaluation:
of IoT-based applications [49]. Khan, M. A. (2020). Table I. "Edge computing
Evolution of Edge Computing: The figure 4 paradigms comparison." In Fog Computing in Edge
illustrates the progression of edge computing in Computing Enabled Smart Cities: A Comprehensive
relation to other computing technologies, including Surveys.
mini computing, mainframe computing, client-server
computing, desktop cloud computing, and Mobile
Cloud Computing (MCC).

1. Mainframe, Mini, and Client-Server

In the early computing era, mainframes like ENIAC
and minicomputers (e.g., IBM) were used for bulk
data processing. Client-server computing, pioneered
by Xerox PARC in the 1970s, focused on providing
resources to clients upon request. [50]
Context-awareness: The system's ability to gather
2. Desktop Cloud Computing: information about node locations and the surrounding
environment, enhancing smart IoT device data,
The concept of cloud computing dates back to 1963, facilitating M2M communication, aiding emergency
evolving with ARPANET in 1969 and gaining management, and enabling automatic execution of
momentum in the late 20th century. Major companies smart city services [57].

Sustainability: Involves energy-efficient design, use These tables categorize recent advances based on
of renewable energy sources, energy harvesting from different applications and highlight key contributions,
environmental and radio frequency sources, with the providing a comprehensive evaluation of the
goal of reducing the carbon footprint and ensuring literature. A checkmark (✔) indicates consideration
hardware reliability.[58],[59] of one or more dimensions, while a cross mark (✗)
Scalability: The system's ability to provide elastic denotes the absence of considered dimensions.
services according to user demands without
compromising Quality of Service (QoS), resulting in
cost-efficient operations.[60] Khan, M. A. (2020). Table III "Classification, key
Caching: The temporary storage of popular contributions, and evaluation of the recent advances."
content at various network locations to enable low- In Fog Computing in Edge Computing Enabled
latency access and reduce congestion, synergizing Smart Cities: A Comprehensive Survey.
with edge computing for a variety of smart
Security: Encompasses physical device security
and cyber security, specifically protecting the
network, computing infrastructure, and data from
attacks. [62]
Table II summarizes these parameters, detailing their
explanations, key advantages, and dimensions. Each
parameter has specific dimensions, such as
architectural, algorithmic, communication, renewable
energy, software, and hardware dimensions for
Khan, M. A. (2020). Table II. "Evaluation
parameters: explanation, dimension, and advantages."
In Fog Computing in Edge Computing Enabled
Smart Cities: A Comprehensive Survey.

2) 5G-enabled Software Defined Vehicular
Networks: In [65], a 5G-enabled software-defined
vehicular network (5G-SDVN) architecture is
introduced, comprising data, social, and control
planes with mobile edge computing. Key
contributions include Vehicular Neighbor Groups
(VNGs) discovery, integration of SDN with mobile
edge computing for flexibility, and benefits like
efficient data sharing and reliable resource
cooperation. Despite its advantages, the proposed
architecture lacks consideration for active service
migration, a factor addressed in a related study [66].
3) Cost Optimized Edge Enabled
Transportation: The study [67] focuses on cost-
optimized edge-enabled transportation in a smart city
context, where vehicles run applications sending data
to edge computing servers via roadside units (RSUs).
Seamless connectivity in vehicular networks is
challenging, and edge server computational capacities
are limited. The paper aims to minimize network
deployment costs by formulating a mixed-integer
linear programming problem, considering RSU
deployment, power levels, and distances to cells,
ensuring the minimum required Quality of Service for
vehicular applications.
4) Lessons Learned: Summary and Insights:
 Security Considerations:
Security is crucial in edge computing for smart
transportation to prevent accidents, as unauthorized
access to vehicle systems can lead to dangerous
alterations, especially in autonomous cars [68].

 Addressing Service Migration Challenges:

Active service migration challenges, arising from
vehicle mobility, must be tackled to ensure seamless
connectivity during tasks like infotainment downloads
[69]. Effective migration schemes, such as content
relocation to new RSUs or using shared memory close
to users, can mitigate these challenges. [70]

 Optimizing RSU Deployment:

Deployment of edge computing server-based RSUs
A. Smart Transportation System should minimize costs associated with transmission
power, RSU quantity, and interference levels
1) Smart Transportation Applications: A smart
concurrently. This optimization enhances Quality of
transportation system aims for innovative traffic
management, advanced transport modes, Service (QoS) for smart transportation systems. [71]
autonomous driving, and in-car infotainment. The
authors in [63] and [64], in developing smart B. Augmented Reality
transportation applications with fog computing,
discussed scalability and context-awareness 1) Smart Industrial Augmented Reality: In
discussed, but overlooked service migration and [72], an industrial Augmented Reality (IAR)
security concerns like connectivity changes during architecture for smart industries, named Navantia's
video streaming, requiring attention to prevent IAR, is proposed. Comprising IAR, edge, and cloud
accidents and physical damage. layers, the architecture enhances productivity by

utilizing AR devices connected through WiFi and 2) Smart Hospitals: The author in [77]
other wireless technologies. While scalability and introduces a three-layered fog-based healthcare
caching are addressed, the authors overlook the crucial architecture for smart hospitals. Biomedical signals
aspect of security, necessary for ensuring safe from smart devices layer, captured by medical sensors,
operations in smart industrial environments. are sent to cloud through smart e-health gateways in
the edge layer. Edge layer performs local data
2) Smart Tourism: In [73], Taleb et al. processing and communication protocols, enhancing
proposed a mobile edge computing architecture for healthcare services.
high-definition video streaming in smart tourism. They 3) Remote Electrocardiography Monitoring:In
considered interactive glasses for site information and [78], a smart healthcare monitoring system allows
tourists capturing videos, but overlooked resource continuous remote ECG monitoring. Sensor nodes
management for multiple users, particularly in group acquire bio-signals and contextual information,
scenarios. To enhance performance, the study suggests processed by fog-assisted gateways before being sent
incorporating device-to-device communication with to the cloud. The system ensures security through local
social awareness, allowing users to request content and external databases, synchronizing with cloud
from others nearby, reducing congestion at access servers.
points and improving transmission rates. 4) Lessons Learned and Insights: The need for
federated learning in intelligent edge-based smart
3)Smart Remote Live Support: Edge computing- healthcare applications is emphasized in [79],[80].
enabled AR is applied for smart industrial task Federated learning preserves user privacy, crucial in
management, focusing on remote live support for healthcare, where traditional machine learning raises
handling complex machine faults. The architecture privacy concerns. Combining federated learning with
involves a client device capturing video frames, an edge computing is recommended for on-demand
edge server handling computationally intensive computational resources in enabling smart healthcare
operations, and a remote expert providing guidance applications [81].
through annotations. While the author considers video E. Smart Grids
compression to reduce transmission delay, it
introduces undesirable delays, and suggests using 1) Smart Grid Data Management: In [82], a
higher data rate communication technologies as a four-layer architecture for smart grid data
preferable alternative. management, utilizing Vehicular Delay-tolerant
Network (VDTN) and edge computing, is proposed.
4) Smart Web-based Augmented Reality: In
The architecture involves mobile devices, backbone
[74], Qiao et al. address the limitations of web-based
network components, different servers, and a
AR, hampered by weak browser efficiency. They
distributed cloud. By comparing traditional core-cloud
propose edge computing-assisted web-based AR to
infrastructure with edge computing, the authors
overcome latency and resource challenges,
observed reduced delay, increased throughput, and
distinguishing it from cloud computing, which
shorter response times in edge computing.
introduces latency due to remote cloud locations.
2) Cloud–Fog–Based Smart Grid Model: [83]
introduces a three-layered cloud-fog-based smart grid
5) Lessons Learned: From the applications
framework with end users, fog layer, and cloud layer.
discussed, socially-aware device-to-device
Each home with renewable energy generation units
communication in edge-based AR for smart tourism is
sends energy-related information to the fog layer for
recommended to reduce latency and minimize
efficient network resource management. The authors
overhead at base stations. Additionally, for AR-based
propose a hybrid artificial bee ant colony optimization
industrial applications, the need for novel and
algorithm for optimal virtual machine allocation but
lightweight security mechanisms is emphasized to
do not consider scenarios beyond residential areas.
prevent unauthorized access and potential disruptions
in systems like remote live support. [75] In [84], a three-tier reference model integrates
smart grids, fog computing, and the cloud. The smart
C. Smart Health-care
grid tier facilitates communication among smart
1) Smart Voice Disorder Treatment devices, with fog servers providing temporary storage
Framework: In [76], a voice disorder treatment and computation capabilities while ensuring data
framework using edge computing and deep learning is privacy. The limitation lies in overlooking
proposed. Smart sensors collect voice samples, interoperability challenges among different power
processed on edge nodes, and assessment decisions are domains in a smart grid environment.
sent to specialists via the cloud. The limitation lies in
focusing on a few disorders with sufficient database 3) Lessons Learned and Insights: Concluding
samples. insights emphasize prioritizing privacy and security in

edge computing-enabled smart grids, especially for proposed as a solution, storing frequently requested
critical power plants like nuclear and hydroelectric instructions to reduce transmissions to the remote
plants. Recognizing the multi-layered nature of smart cloud, thus improving overall system performance.
grids (cloud, edge, and IoT layers), the need for
enhanced security measures in the distributed ● Intelligent edge caching in precision
architecture of edge computing-based power plants is agriculture's layered architecture analyzes sensor
highlighted. To secure energy trading in edge-based requests at the edge server. Frequently requested
smart grids, the use of blockchain is suggested, though instructions are instantly provided from the edge
challenges in resource optimization for consensus cache, minimizing transmissions to the remote cloud.
among blockchain nodes need attention. [85] This reduction in data exchange enhances network
throughput, contributing to improved precision
F. Smart Farming agriculture performance.

1) Smart Precision Agriculture: In [86], a ● Similar to other fields like smart health-care,
distributed IoT-based smart farming infrastructure is AR, and smart transportation, effective and
proposed, featuring four layers: things, edge, fog, and lightweight security mechanisms are crucial for edge
communication. Edge computing addresses low- computing-based smart farming. Preventing
latency needs for control, analysis, and sensor malicious access and activities, such as unnecessary
alarms or unauthorized control operations, is essential
monitoring. While interoperability is considered, the
to maintaining system integrity and security in
framework lacks caching, which could enhance smart
precision agriculture scenario
farming performance. In [87], a latency and energy-
optimized communication approach, involving data
caching in Precision Agriculture (PA), improves VI. TAXONOMY
sensor node efficiency and extends system life.In
[88], the authors integrated Precision Agriculture The taxonomy is constructed using elements such
with edge computing using a three-planar as edge intelligence, edge analytics, resources,
architecture for real-time actions. The local plane caching, characteristics, sustainability, security, and
collects data, the edge plane performs tasks near the resource management. Subsequent sections provide
network edge, and the cloud plane enables analytics. detailed insights.
Security considerations are overlooked, leaving room Characteristics: Edge computing manifests in
for potential malicious access and unauthorized cloudlets, fog computing, and mobile edge
activities in the proposed architecture. computing [91]. Mobile edge computing excels in
context-awareness due to user device location and
2) Smart Animal Welfare Monitoring System: In network insights. Cloudlets, being standalone, have
[89], a smart farming system assisted by edge lower context-awareness, while fog computing
computing is introduced, comprising animal-centric strikes a balance. Inter-node communication is more
and environmental subsystems, along with a farm robust in fog computing, influencing its context-
controller. The architecture can be implemented awareness. The key feature for future research
centrally or in a distributed fashion using Raspberry involves designing robust edge computing
Pi micro-computers. The environmental R-Pi architectures for smart cities, considering fail-over
monitors the environment, while the wearable R-Pi and redundancy for reliable operation in diverse
monitors animal health, providing valuable alarms, applications like autonomous driving and industrial
especially during pregnancy detection based on body manufacturing. Achieving ultra-reliability
temperature. However, the robustness of the sensor necessitates a careful balance between system
network for data collection is not considered, robustness and cost implications.
potentially leading to data loss due to issues like
battery depletion, as observed in [90].

3) Lessons Learned and Insights:Optimizing

Precision Agriculture:

● In precision agriculture, a layered system

includes sensor, edge computing, and cloud layers.
To enhance efficiency, the sensor layer requires
instant instructions and computational resources at
the network edge. Intelligent edge caching is

actions). Examples are average calculations for
descriptive analytics and sentiment analysis for
predictions. Diagnostic analytics at the edge uses
tools like query tools and decision trees. [92].

B. Resources
Edge computing combines IT and telecommunication
to process resource-intensive tasks at the network
edge, requiring computation, communication, and
storage resources. Computation resources, like local
devices or servers, handle tasks through binary
offloading or partial offloading. Communication
resources include the access network for device
connectivity and core network communication for
data transmission to the cloud during insufficient
edge server resources. Storage resources can be local
or at the edge. [93],[94].

C. Resource Management Strategies

In smart cities with edge computing, key
resources include smart devices, edge servers, and
communication infrastructure. Efficient resource
management is crucial, covering aspects like
discovery, tools, and criteria such as fairness, QoS,
throughput, and energy [95]-[103]. Various schemes
like optimization-based, game theory-based,
heuristic, and hybrid schemes are used for resource
allocation [104]-[109] Computation replication is
employed in edge computing, transmitting multiple
copies of a task to different servers to enhance
robustness and decrease download time, despite an
increase in upload time. A trade-off is required
between robustness and upload time. Effective
mobility management schemes are vital for seamless
connectivity in edge computing-based smart
environments, especially in scenarios with significant
mobility among IoT nodes.[110]

D. Edge Intelligence
Edge intelligence elevates edge computing
analytics by enabling self-learning solutions. Its three
fundamental aspects include key enablers, hardware,
and software requirements, utilizing advanced
A. Edge Analytics network capabilities and machine learning [111] .
The edge server needs to evolve into a dynamic
Edge analytics processes data at the network edge, micro data center, and end devices must handle
reducing delays compared to sending it to a central intelligent operations. Edge computing aims to
cloud. In smart cities, various devices generate real- separate functionality from hardware, allowing
time data, requiring analytics for healthcare and deployment anywhere in smart cities. Micro-services,
surveillance. Future tech like fog nodes and mobile deployed with a uniform runtime environment, use
edge computing will handle big data analytics. Edge containers for efficiency, especially in edge
analytics includes descriptive (summarizing data), computing. Intelligent Edge poses a research
diagnostic (explaining events), predictive (using challenge, explored further in section VII-D. Edge
machine learning), and prescriptive (suggesting analytics is crucial for future smart cities, filtering

and processing vast data volumes with intelligent system, resists spoofing, replay, and integer attacks
edge-based AI. [112]. [141]. The decentralized and autonomous nature of
these security mechanisms offers lower latency
E. Caching compared to centralized approaches [142].
Caching involves temporarily storing network
content to avoid repeated transmissions and address VII. BENEFITS
congestion issues. In edge computing, caching is
utilized for resource-intensive applications in smart A. Novel Edge Computing Techniques for IoT
industries, transportation, augmented reality, and ←
tourism [113]-[116]. Key aspects include cache a) Reduced Latency: The material
location, contents, control, and mathematical tools, underscores the advantages of reduced latency within
with options for placement at the core network, the realm of edge computing technologies, notably in
Access Point (AP), or User Equipment (UE). the utilization of cloudlet and Mobile Edge
Intelligent caching, driven by AI and machine Computing (MEC) systems. This reduction in latency
learning, aims to reduce latency for real-time is crucial for enhancing the responsiveness of IoT
applications and enhance core network throughput, applications. The discussion is supported by findings
addressing challenges discussed in section VII-A and from reference [143].
offering a solution for mobility-aware caching [117],
[118]. b) Improved Efficiency in IoT
Applications:A significant benefit lies in the ultra-
F. Sustainability low latency and heightened availability conferred by
Sustainability in smart cities involves using the 5G virtualized Multi access Edge Computing
energy-efficient designs and renewable sources like (vMEC) architecture. These attributes contribute
biomass, geothermal, and wind energy to reduce the directly to the enhanced efficiency of IoT application
carbon footprint [119]. As device and server platforms. Reference [35] substantiates these
densification increases in future smart cities, advantages. [144].
sustainable development becomes crucial due to
energy limitations. Achieving sustainability in edge c) Enhanced Production Efficiency in
computing includes renewable energy sources, iRobot-Factory:The integration of machine and deep
energy harvesting from environmental or radio learning with edge computing presents a compelling
frequency sources, and energy-efficient designs proposition for boosting production efficiency in
[120]-[123], [133]–[136]. Energy-efficient design intelligent iRobot-Factories. This synergy is explored
comprises energy-efficient software, hardware, and in detail in reference [145], shedding light on the
resource management. Hybrid energy systems, potential advancements in manufacturing processes.
utilizing both harvested and grid energy, prove
essential for sustainable operation, switching to grid d) Security Enhancements:The
energy when harvested levels are insufficient [124]. material introduces the concept of using
G. Security electromagnetic radiation (EMR) for continuous
authentication, providing an innovative approach to
Edge computing's distributed nature presents bolstering security. This method, discussed in
security challenges different from centralized clouds reference [146], showcases the potential of EMR in
[125]-[128], [137]–[139]. Involving various players fortifying authentication processes within edge
like virtualization platforms and wireless computing systems.
technologies, securing edge computing requires
complex, autonomous security mechanisms for e) Flexibility and Deployability:he
protection [129]. Security risks include denial of flexibility and deployability of the 5G vMEC
service attacks, man-in-the-middle situations, architecture emerge as key advantages, particularly in
physical damage, and privacy leakage [130]. To reducing latency in IoT application services.
counter man-in-the-middle attacks, lightweight Reference [147] delves into the architectural features
encryption/decryption schemes are crucial [131]- that contribute to the adaptability and seamless
[133]. Effective authentication protocols, like deployment of vMEC.
certificateless public key cryptosystems [134] and
RFID-based schemes [135], ensure user privacy in f) Continuous Authentication with
edge-enabled smart cities [135]-[140]. A proposed
EMR:The proposal to use EMR signals for
clustering-based physical-layer authentication
continuous authentication, coupled with support
scheme, validated in a real-time MIMO-OFDM
vector machines (SVM), unfolds as a robust security

enhancement strategy. Reference elucidates the also enhances long-term energy management
significance of this continuous authentication performance. The insights into this intelligent edge
method, emphasizing its potential in safeguarding computing system are outlined in reference [153].
edge computing environments.[148].
C.Benefits of Edge Computing in Healthcare:

B. Benefits of Edge Computing in Smart Cities: a) Optimized Patient Resource Management:In

healthcare, edge computing proves invaluable for
a) Operational Features for Smart optimizing real-time factors such as patient length of
Environments:In the realm of smart cities, edge stay, resource utilization rate, and average waiting
computing brings forth operational advancements time in dynamic hospital environments. The
through applications like iSapiens. This novel smart Resource Preservation Net (RPN), an edge
city solution utilizes edge computing to deliver computing-based framework, efficiently addresses
efficient operational features for smart environments these challenges. [154].
and cyber-physical systems, as detailed in reference
[149]. b) Versatility in Robotic Automation:Edge
computing, exemplified by the RPN framework,
b) Efficient Energy Consumption:Edge demonstrates its versatility by effectively
computing stands out for its prowess in optimizing synchronizing diverse robotic automation tasks in
energy consumption within smart cities. A dedicated complex industrial environments. The ability to
short-term energy prediction system is introduced, seamlessly coordinate different robots with distinct
leveraging edge computing to enhance decision roles showcases the adaptability of edge computing.
support for critical aspects such as energy planning, [155].
distribution, and conservation. The comprehensive
insights are found in reference [150]. c) Energy-Efficient Resource Scheduling:The
Fruit Fly Optimization-Based Task Offloading
c) Real-time Short-term Energy Prediction:The Algorithm (FOTO) introduces an innovative solution
synergy of edge computing and deep learning to the challenge of optimizing resource allocation in
algorithms unfolds in the domain of real-time short- smart healthcare systems. By dynamically offloading
term energy prediction. This collaborative approach tasks to cloudlet-based nodes, FOTO significantly
not only ensures computational efficiency but also reduces energy consumption and mitigates network
alleviates the central server load, as elaborated in congestion[156].
reference .[40].

d) End-to-End Encryption for Data

Security:Edge-enabled smart cities gain a significant
benefit in securing data transmissions through end-to- VIII. CHALLENGES
end encryption. The Smart Edge framework is
instrumental in achieving this, particularly in
resource-constrained environments. The process is In the realm of smart cities, despite extensive
elucidated in reference [41]. research, challenges persist in implementing
technologies like fog computing and 5G for smart
e) Resource and Power Intensive cities. Specifically, this paper outlines research
Operations:The SmartEdge framework continues to challenges and opportunities related to the adoption
contribute by facilitating resource and power- of fog computing and 5G in smart cities.
intensive operations between edge devices and cloud
data centers. This functionality ensures both secure A. 5G Related challenges:
data storage and effective communication, enhancing
the overall reliability of smart city systems. key challenges include meeting diverse device and
Reference [153] provides comprehensive details. application expectations, supporting various
networking hardware, accommodating different
service level requirements, and addressing the
f) Improved Long-term Energy dynamic nature of fog nodes and their roles within
Management:Introducing intelligence to edge the smart city infrastructure. Flexibility and
computing, a system employing deep reinforcement adaptability in network design are crucial aspects for
learning (DRL) takes center stage in managing 5G implementation in the ever-changing landscape of
energy consumption within smart cities and homes. future smart cities. Due to paper constraints, a
This innovation not only reduces execution times but

comprehensive discussion of 5G challenges is ML for citizens, particularly at the user level,
limited, focusing on these critical points.[157] remain unclear, presenting an intriguing area for
future research in smart city development.
a) Resource Management in Fog Networks: In
the Smart-City-Fog model, where mobile devices B. Smart Cities Related Challenges:
form edge nodes, and perform tasks locally, effective
management of computational resources is a a) Data Handling in Smart Cities:Smart cities
challenge. Here this issue is to employ a centralized confront a significant challenge in handling the
entity, like the Resource Controller (RC) in the voluminous data generated by IoT devices,
proposed model, or use mobile devices with built in demanding high bandwidth and low latency for
capabilities for self-management. Previous works, instantaneous responses. This challenge is
such as those by authors in [158] and [159] explore highlighted in reference [164].
decentralized algorithms for randomized task
allocation in fog computing systems, offering b) Energy Waste and Environmental
valuable insights that can solve resource management Pollution:The intricate electricity requirements
and task offloading challenges in our smart city within smart cities, coupled with diverse IoT
model. devices, present a challenge in effective energy
planning to mitigate waste and prevent
b) Guaranteed Information Security in Fog environmental pollution. This critical issue is
Networks:Ensuring information security is a critical detailed in reference [165].
aspect in designing future smart cities, especially
with the multitude of mobile devices sharing and c) Secured Storage of Massive Data:Smart
processing information. Citizens are concerned cities grapple with the challenge of securely storing
about data security and privacy when their massive volumes of data generated by IoT devices.
information is processed on other devices. The This challenge underscores the need for robust
challenge lies in guaranteeing the integrity and solutions to ensure data security, as discussed in
security of data on processing devices and reference [166].
addressing the diverse security protocols on mobile d) Mobility and Scalability:A forthcoming
devices. Smart cities face two key security and challenge in smart city edge computing involves
privacy issues: at the network and infrastructure configuring schemes to accommodate the mobility of
level and at the user device level. While 5G security IoT devices while ensuring increased scalability of
solutions are applicable at the network level, user- network edge devices. This aspect is recognized as
level security, involving authentication, key sharing, part of future work in the field, as mentioned in
and data encryption, remains an underexplored area. reference [167].
Blockchain technology is emerging as a potential
solution for citizen-level security and privacy in e) EnergyManagement
smart cities, with researchers exploring its Optimization:Optimizing energy management in smart
application and effectiveness in ensuring data cities proves challenging, particularly in scheduling
protection [160]. tasks and model training complexities. This challenge
becomes more pronounced as the number of homes
c) Fog Networks Resilience:In future smart increases, as elucidated in reference [168].
cities, ensuring uninterrupted service availability,
even during network downtime, is crucial for quality C. Challenges in Healthcare:
of service (QoS). The proposed Smart-City-Fog
(SCF) model emphasizes the need for fog nodes' a) Real-Time Resource Management in
resilience to faults, addressing concerns about Dynamic Environments:Dynamic healthcare
network sustainability in the event of single device environments, particularly in emergency rooms,
or network segment failures [160]. pose challenges in efficiently managing patient
length of stay, resource utilization, and waiting
d) AI and Machine Learning in Smart times. Traditional servers may struggle to provide
Cities:Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine real-time solutions in such scenarios.
Learning (ML) are prominent research areas for
smart cities, with applications like face recognition b) Coordination of Diverse Robotic
and crowd flow sensing [161], [162]. A detailed Automation Tasks:Coordinating diverse tasks
survey on deep learning for smart cities explores among robots in industrial environments presents
diverse domains such as traffic prediction, challenges that require advanced frameworks. Edge
healthcare, environmental aspects, and safety factors computing, as demonstrated by the RPN framework,
[163]. However, the potential applications of AI and addresses the complexities of ensuring seamless
operation among various robots.

c) Optimizing Resource Allocation in Smart G. Dynamic Smart City Applications:
Healthcare Systems:Smart healthcare systems face
challenges in optimizing resource allocation, c ← To address the challenges posed by dynamic
smart city applications, a viable solution involves the
onsidering the limited capacity of smart devices. The implementation of systems like iSapiens. Leveraging
efficient offloading and scheduling of tasks become the strengths of edge computing, such applications
crucial to address concerns related to energy exhibit system extensibility, fault tolerance, and
consumption and network congestion. vertical integration, ensuring effective data handling.
This solution is elucidated in reference [175].
IX. SOLUTIONS H. Short-term Energy Prediction System:
← A solution to the challenges in
A. Big Data Mining in Edge Computing:
optimizing energy consumption within smart cities
To address the challenge of big data mining, edge lies in the development of short-term energy
computing must carefully define and compute only prediction systems on edge computing platforms.
the relevant data before transmitting it to the cloud Incorporating deep learning algorithms enhances
[169]. decision support for energy planning, distribution,
B. Network Slicing and Parallelism: and conservation, as detailed in reference [176].

The proposed solution involves the adoption of the I. End-to-End Encryption Framework:
5G virtualized Multiaccess Edge Computing (vMEC) ← To secure data transmissions in edge-
platform architecture, which aims to overcome the enabled smart cities, the implementation of end-to-
challenges posed by network slicing and parallelism end encryption frameworks, such as SmartEdge,
[170]. proves effective. These frameworks ensure mutual
C. Security Vulnerabilities in Edge authentication and secure communication, addressing
Computing: the challenges associated with data security.
A solution is presented using electromagnetic Reference [177] provides insights into this solution.
radiation (EMR) as a continuous authentication J. Intelligent Edge Computing Systems:
scheme. Support vector machines (SVM) achieved
high accuracy rates in classifying devices based on ← In addressing the challenges of long-term
EMR signals, offering protection against security energy management, the utilization of intelligent
vulnerabilities [171]. edge computing systems with deep reinforcement
learning (DRL) stands as a promising solution. This
D. Efficient Traffic Control and approach not only reduces execution times but also
Latency Reduction: enhances the prediction of energy consumption, as
discussed in reference [178].
The adoption of the 5G vMEC architecture is
K. Real-Time Optimization with Resource
suggested as a solution to ensure efficient traffic
Preservation Net (RPN):
control and achieve ultra-low latency in IoT
application platforms [172]. RPN, leveraging edge computing, provides
real-time optimization in healthcare resource
E. Handling Massive Data Transfer from management. Solutions offered by RPN include
IoT Devices: efficient patient length of stay management and
The introduction of cloudlet is proposed as a solution, dynamic resource utilization, addressing challenges
providing computing resources to mobile devices in dynamic healthcare environments. Reference:
with lower latency to manage and process massive [179].
data transfers effectively [173].
L. Efficient Coordination in Robotic
F. Deployability and Flexibility in Network
Traffic Control: Edge computing, through the RPN framework,
The proposed solution involves the harmonious proves effective in coordinating diverse robotic
execution of Software Defined Networking (SDN), automation tasks. The framework's adaptability
Network Function Virtualization (NFV), and vMEC ensures seamless operation among robots with
architecture to achieve deployability and flexibility in distinct roles, offering a solution to challenges in task
network traffic control [174]. coordination[180].

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