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P-96 Topicwise AIIMS Solved Papers – PHYSICS

14 Waves

TYPE A : MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 7. The equation of a travelling wave is

y = 60 cos(1800t - 6x )
1. At which temperature velocity of sound (at 27°C)
doubles? [1997, 2002] where y is in microns, t in second and x in metre.
The ratio of maximum particle velocity to the
(a) 327°C (b) 927°C
velocity of wave propagation is : [1998]
(c) 54°C (d) –123 °C –4 - 6
(a) 3.6 ´ 10 (b) 3.6 ´ 10
2. The wave equation is y = 0.30 sin (314t – 1.57x)
where t, x and y are in second, metre and (c) 3.6 ´ 10 -8 (d) none of these
centimetre respectively. The speed of the wave 8. The waves in which the particles of the medium
is [1997] vibrate in a direction perpendicular to the
(a) 400 m/s (b) 100 m/s direction of wave motion is known as : [1998]
(c) 200 m/s (d) 50 m/s (a) longitudinal waves (b) propagated waves
3. An object producing a pitch of 1200 Hz is moving (c) transverse wave (d) none of these
9. Energy is not carried by which of the following
with a velocity of 50 m/s towards a stationary
wave? [1999]
person. The velocity of sound is 350 m/s. The
(a) Progressive (b) Electromagnetic
frequency of sound heard by the stationary
(c) Transverse (d) Stationary
person is : [1997]
10. If the vibrations of a string are to be increased
(a) 1250 Hz (b) 1050 Hz by a factor of two, then tension in the string
(c) 700 Hz (d) 1400 Hz should be made : [1999]
4. The air column in a pipe which is closed at one (a) Twice (b) Four times
end will be in resonance with a vibrating tuning (c) Eight times (d) Half
fork at a frequency 260 Hz. The length of the air 11. A resonance in air column of length 20 cm
column is : [1997] resonates with a tuning fork of frequency 450
(a) 12.5 cm (b) 35.75 cm Hz. Ignoring end correction, the velocity of
(c) 31.92 cm (d) 62.5 cm sound in air is: [1999]
5. Standing waves are produced in 10 m long (a) 1020 m/s (b) 720 m/s
(c) 620 m/s (d) 820 m/s
stretched string. If the string vibrates in 5
12. A transverse wave passes through a string with
segments and wave velocity is 20 m/s, then its
frequency will be : [1998] the equation : y = 10 sin p (0.02x - 2.00t )
(a) 5 Hz (b) 2 Hz where x is in metre and t in second. The maximum
(c) 10 Hz (d) 2 Hz velocity of the particle in wave motion is :[2000]
6. Newton’s formula for the velocity of sound in (a) 100 m/s (b) 63 m/s
(c) 120 m/s (d) 161 m/s
gas is : [1998]
13. A wave is represented by the equation
P 2 P y = a sin(0.01x - 2t )
(a) v= (b) v=
r 3 r where a and x are in cm and t in second. Velocity
of propagation of the wave is : [2000]
r v=
2P (a) 200 cm/sec (b) 10 cm/sec
(c) v= (d)
P r (c) 25 cm/sec (d) 50 cm/sec
Waves P-97

14. Two cars A and B approach a stationary observer 21. A string in a musical instrument is 50 cm long
from opposite sides as shown in fig. Observer and its fundamental frequency is 800 Hz. If a
hears no beats. If the frequency of the horn of frequency of 1000 Hz is to be produced, then
the car B is 504 Hz, the frequency of horn of car required length of string is [2002]
A will be : (a) 37.5 cm (b) 40 cm
15 m/sec 30 m/sec (c) 50 cm (d) 62.5 cm
22. An earthquake generates both transverse (S)
and longitudinal (P) sound waves in the earth.
The speed of S waves is about 4.5 km/s and that
of P waves about 8.0 km/s. A seismograph
records P and S waves from an earthquake. The
(a) 529.2 Hz (b) 295.2 Hz [2000]
first P wave arrives 4.0 min. before the first S
(c) 440.5 Hz (d) none of these
wave. The epicenter of the earthquake is located
15. The tension in a piano wire is 10 N. The tension
at a distance of about : [2003]
in a piano wire to produce a node of double
frequency is : [2001] (a) 25 km (b) 250 km
(a) 20 N (b) 40 N (c) 2500 km (d) 5000 km
(c) 10 N (d) 120 N 23. An organ pipe closed at one end has
16. Two sound waves have phase difference of 60°, fundamental frequency of 1500 Hz. The maximum
then they will have the path difference of : number of overtones generated by this pipe
l which a normal person can hear is [2004]
(a) 3l (b) [2001] (a) 4 (b) 13
(c) 6 (d) 9
l 24. The wave produced by a motor boat sailing in
(c) (d) l
6 water are [2004]
17. A sings with a frequency (n) and B sings with (a) transverse
a frequency 1/8 that of A. If the energy remains (b) longitudinal
the same and the amplitude of A is a, then
(c) longitudinal and transverse
amplitude of B will be : [2001]
(a) 2a (b) 8a (d) stationary
(c) 4a (d) a 25. A boat at anchor is rocked by waves whose
18. If equation of sound wave is y = 0.0015 crests are 100 m apart and velocity is 25 m/sec.
sin (62.4 x + 316t), then its wavelength will The boat bounces up once in every: [2006]
be [2002] (a) 2500 s (b) 75 s
(a) 2 unit (b) 0.3 unit (c) 4s (d) 0.25 s
(c) 0.1 unit (d) 0.2 unit 26. A stone thrown into still water, creates a circular
19. A siren emitting sound of frequency 800 Hz is wave pattern moving radially outwards. If r is
gong away from a static listener with a speed of the distance measured from the centre of the
30 m/s. Frequency of the sound to be heard by
pattern. the amplitude of the wave aries as :
the listener is (Take velocity of sound = 300 m/s)
(a) 286.5 Hz (b) 481.2 Hz [2002] (a) r–1/2 (b) r–1 [2006]
(c) r –2 (d) r –3/2
(c) 733.3 Hz (d) 644.8 Hz
20. The velocities of sound at the same temperature 27. When a guitar string is sounded with a 440 Hz
in two monoatomic gases of densities r1 and r2 tuning fork, a beat frequency of 5 Hz is heard. If
are v1 and v2 respectively. If r1/r2 = 4, then the the experiment is repeated with a tuning fork of
value of v1/v2 is [2002] 437Hz, the beat frequency is 8 Hz. The string
(a) 4 (b) 2 frequency (Hz) is : [2006]
1 1 (a) 445 (b) 435
(c) (d) (c) 429 (d) 448
2 4
P-98 Topicwise AIIMS Solved Papers – PHYSICS
28. For a wave propagating in a medium, identity 34. The expression y = a sin bx sin w t represents a
the property that is independent of the others: stationary wave. The distance between the
(a) velocity [2006] consecutive nodes is equal to : [2011]
(b) wavelength (a) p/b (b) 2p/b
(c) p/2b (d) 1/b
(c) frequency
35. An open and closed organ pipe have the same
(d) all these depend on each other length. The ratio of pth mode of frequency of
29. A string is stretched between fixed points vibration of two pipes is [2012]
separated by 75.0 cm. It is observed to have (a) 1 (b) p
resonant frequencies of 420 Hz and 315 Hz. There
are no other resonant frequencies between these 2p
(c) p (2p + 1) (d)
two. Then, the lowest resonant frequency for ( 2 p - 1)
this string is [2008] 36. When two tuning forks (fork 1 and fork 2) are
(a) 105 Hz (b) 1.05 Hz sounded simultaneously, 4 beats per second are
(c) 1050 Hz (d) 10.5 Hz heard. Now, some tape is attached on the prong
30. A person speaking normally produces a sound of the fork 2. When the tuning forks are sounded
intensity of 40 dB at a distance of 1 m. If the again, 6 beats per second are heard. If the
threshold intensity for reasonable audibility is frequency of fork 1 is 200 Hz, then what was the
original frequency of fork 2? [2012]
20 dB, the maximum distance at which he can be
heard clearly is [2008] (a) 202 Hz (b) 200 Hz
(c) 204 Hz (d) 196 Hz
(a) 4 m (b) 5 m
37. A sound absorber attenuates the sound level
(c) 10 m (d) 20 m
by 20 dB. The intensity decreases by a factor of
31. A wave on a string is travelling and the (a) 100 (b) 1000 [2012]
displacement of particles on it is given by (c) 10000 (d) 10
x = A sin (2t – 0.1 x). Then the wavelength of the
38. A fork of frequency 256 Hz resonates with a
wave is [2009]
closed organ pipe of length 25.4 cm. If the length
(a) 10p (b) 20p of pipe be increased by 2 mm, the number of
(c) (d) 20 beats/sec. will be [2014]
(a) 4 (b) 1
32. A tuning fork of frequency 340 Hz is vibrated
(c) 2 (d) 3
just above the tube of 120 cm height. Water is
poured slowly in the tube. What is the minimum 39. The equation of a progressive wave is
height of water necessary for the resonance? é t x ù
y = 0.02 sin 2p ê -
(speed of sound in air = 340 m/s) [2009] ë 0. 01 0 .30 úû
(a) 45 cm (b) 30 cm
Here x and y are in metre and t is in second. The
(c) 40 cm (d) 25 cm velocity of propagation of the wave is [2014]
33. The velocity of sound in a gas at pressure P and (a) 300 m s–1 (b) 30 m s–1
density d is [2009] (c) 400 m s –1 (d) 40 m s–1
40. Two waves of wavelengths 99 cm and 100 cm
gP P both travelling with velocity 396 m/s are made
(a) v= (b) v=
d gd to interfere. The number of beats produced by
them per second is [2015]
g P 2P (a) 1 (b) 2
(c) v= (d) v=
d d (c) 4 (d) 8
Waves P-99

41. A massless rod of length L is suspended by two 44. A train moving at a speed of 220 ms–1 towards a
identical strings AB and CD of equal length. A stationary object, emits a sound of frequency 1000
block of mass m is suspended from point O such Hz. Some of the sound reaching the object gets
that BO is equal to ‘x’. Further it is observed reflected back to the train as echo. The frequency
that the frequency of 1st harmonic in AB is equal of the echo as detected by the driver of the train
to 2nd harmonic frequency in CD. ‘x’ is is (speed of sound in air is 330 ms–1) [2017]
(a) 3500 Hz (b) 4000 Hz
A C [2016] (c) 5000 Hz (d) 3000 Hz
Directions for (Qs. 45-49) : These questions consist
of two statements, each printed as Assertion and
O Reason. While answering these questions, you are
x L required to choose any one of the following five
m responses.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and
the Reason is a correct explanation of the
L 4L Assertion.
(a) (b) (b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but
5 5
Reason is not a correct explanation of the
3L L Assertion.
(c) (d)
4 4 (c) If the Assertion is correct but Reason is
42. Two similar open organ pipe of length 50 cm and incorrect.
50.5 cm produce 3 beats per second when (d) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
sounded together. The velocity of sound in air (e) If the Assertion is incorrect but the Reason is
is [2016] correct.
45. Assertion : Sound travels faster in solids than
(a) 303 m/s (b) 330 m/s
(c) 151.5 m/s (d) 603 m/s Reason : Solids possess greater density than
43. A whistle S of frequency f revolves in a circle of gases. [2000]
radius R at a constant speed v. What is the ratio
of largest and smallest frequency detected by a wavelength
46. Assertion : Speed of wave =
detector D at rest at a distance 2R from the centre time period
of circle as shown in figure ? Reason : Wavelength is the distance between
(take c as speed of sound) [2016] two nearest particles in phase. [2002]
47. Assertion : When a beetle moves along the sand
within a few tens of centimeters of a sand
scorpion, the scorpion immediately turns
D S towards the beetle and dashes towards it
Reason : When a beetle disturbs the sand, it
sends pulses along the sand's surface. One set
2R of pulses is longitudinal while the other set is
transverse. [2003]
æ c + vö æ c + vö 48. Assertion : Sound waves cannot travel in
çè ÷ 2ç
c - vø
(b) è c - v ÷ø vacuum but light can travel in vacuum.
Reason : Sound waves are longitudinal waves
(c + v) and they can not be polar ised but
(c) 2 (d) electromagentic waves are transverse and they
c 2
can be polarised. [2007]
P-100 Topicwise AIIMS Solved Papers – PHYSICS
49. Assertion : The change in air pressure affects 52. Assertion : A transverse waves are produced
the speed of sound. in a very long string fixed at one end. Only
Reason : The speed of sound in gases is progressive wave is observed near the free end.
proportional to the square of pressure. [2008] Reason : Energy of reflected wave does not
reach the free end. [2013]
Directions for (Qs. 50-56) : Each of these questions 53. Assertion : Doppler formula for sound wave is
contains an Assertion followed by Reason. Read them symmetric with respect to the speed of source
carefully and answer the question on the basis of and speed of observer.
following options. You have to select the one that
Reason : Motion of source with respect to
best describes the two statements.
stationary observer is not equivalent to the
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and motion of an observer with respect to stationary
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. source. [2014]
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct, but 54. Assertion : Two waves moving in a uniform
Reason is not the correct explanation of string having uniform tension cannot have
Assertion. different velocities.
(c) If Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect. Reason : Elastic and inertial properties of string
are same for all waves in same string. Moreover
(d) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect. speed of wave in a string depends on its elastic
50. Assertion : The pitch of wind instruments rises and inertial properties only. [2015]
and that of string instruments falls as an 55. Assertion : The base of Laplace correction was
orchestra warms up. that exchange of heat between the region of
Reason : When temperature rises, speed of compression and rarefaction in air is negligible.
sound increases but speed of wave in a string Reason : Air is bad conductor of heat and
fixed at both ends decreases. [2009] velocity of sound in air is quite large. [2016]
56. Assertion : The fundemental frequency of an
51. Assertion : For the formation of stationary
open organ pipe increases as the temperature is
waves the medium must be bounded having
definite boundaries.
Reason : As the temperature increses, the
Reason : In the stationary wave, some particles velocity of sound increases more rapidly than
of the medium remain permanently at rest. [2010] length of the pipe. [2017]
Waves P-101

Type A : Multiple Choice Questions Now, l = 4 m; v = 20 m/sec

From formula
1. (b) Velocity of sound µ T (where T is
v = nl Þ 20 = n ´ 4 Þ n = 5Hz
temperature of body in absolute scale). 6. (a) Newton’s formula for velocity of sound in
v1 T 2v t + 273 gas
= 1 Þ =
v2 T2 v 27 + 273 P
v= where P is pressure & r is
t + 273
4= Þ t + 273 = 1200 density of gas.
Þ t = 927° C 7. (a) y = 60 cos(1800t - 6x ) , y is in microns.
2. (c) Given equation y = 0.30 sin(314t - 1.57 x) y = 60 cos(1800t - 6 x) ´10 -6
Comparing it with standard equation of dy
wave, v= = particle velocity
y = a sin(wt - kx)
w = 314; k = 1.57 = 60 ´10 - 6 ´1800 sin (1800t - 6x )

w 314 v max = 6 ´ 18 ´10-3

v= Þ v= = 200 m / sec
k 1.57 w
v wave = ; w = 1800; K = 6
3. (d) If n a be the apparent frequency, then k
vs 1200 ´ 350 v wave = = 300
na = n ´ = 6
(vs - v0 ) (350 - 50)
vmax 6 ´18 ´10 -3
1200 ´ 350 =
= = 1400 Hz v wave 300
4. (c) For fundamental frequency = 36 ´ 10 - 5 = 3 .6 ´ 10 - 4
8. (c) Transverse waves h ave particles
v l oscillating perpendicular to the direction
n= & = l Þ l = 4l
l 4 of motion of wave. Ripple in the surface of
v 330 water is transverse in nature.
n= Þ 260 =
Direction of oscillation

4l 4l
of particles

Þ l= = 0.3173 m
260 ´ 4 P
l = 31.73 cm ~ 31.92 cm (given in option)
5. (a)
Direction of motion of wave
9. (d) Stationary waves do not carry energy with
it as it is stationary or does not change
10. (b) We know that, n = 1 T Þ n µ T
There are 5 loops in 10 metre. 2 m
Length of one loop = 2 m If tension is increased four times, the
Length of two loops = 2 × 2 = 4 m frequency will become twice.
P-102 Topicwise AIIMS Solved Papers – PHYSICS
11. (b) Let the air column be closed one.
17. (b) Energy of sound wave = 2p2 n2 a 2 vr
In closed organ pipe for fundamental node
n is frequency and v is velocity of sound;
l r is density of air or any other medium.
of vibration , = 0.2 Þ l = 0.8m,
v = nl Now, E1 = 2p2n 2a 2 vr
If we take the frequency of air column to be ænö
equal to tuning fork then, E 2 = 2p2 ç ÷ A 2 vr E1 = E 2
v = 450 ´ 0.8 = 360 m / sec
n 2 2
If we take the frequency of air column to be 2p 2 n 2 a 2 vr = 2p 2 A vr
twice that of tuning fork then, 64
A2 = 64a2 A = 8a
v = 900 ´ 0.8 = 720 m / sec
18. (c) y = 0.0015 sin (62.8x + 314t)
This matches with alternative (b). Comparing it with the equation
12. (b) The equation of wave y = a sin ( w t + kx)
y = 10 sin p(0.02x - 2t) w = 314, k = 62.8
Particle velocity, 2p 2p
k= = 62.8 Þ l = = 0.1 unit.
dy l 62.8
= 10cos p(0.02x - 2t) ´ p ´ 0.2
dt 19. (c) Since, the source is going away from
= 0.63cos p(0.02x - 2t) v 330
listener n ' = n ´ = 800 ´
Maximum value of velocity = 63 m/sec. v+u (330 + 30)
13. (a) In the wave of the form 330
n ' = 800 ´ = 733.33 Hz
y = sin(wt - kx) 360
20. (c) For velocity of sound in gas
Velocity v =
k gP
Here w = 2 ; k = 0.01 r
w 2 [P is pressure and r is density of gas, g is
v= = = 200 cm / sec Cp/Cv]
k 0.01
14. (a) Since, the person hears no beats therefore gP gP
their apparent frequency are the same. Here, v1 = and v 2 =
r1 r2
330 330
So, n ´ = 504 ´ v1 r2 1 1
330 - 15 330 - 30 = = =
v2 r1 4 2
504 ´ 315
n= = 529.2 Hz 21. (b) We know that for frequency of sound in
15. (b) For frequency of oscillation of wire. 1 T 1
string the formula is, n = or n =
2l m l
n µ T , Here T is tension in the wire.
In order to increase frequency twice, n1 l 2 800 l
= Þ = 2
tension needs to be made 4 times. So, new n 2 l1 1000 50
tension must be 4 ´10 = 40 N 800
l 2 = 50 ´ = 40 cm
l 1000
16. (c) Path diff. = ´ phase difference
2p 22. (c) Let d be the distance of epicenter.
l p l d
= ´ = Time taken by S-wave =
2p 3 6 4.5
Waves P-103

d Energy of crest (P.E) = (2pr.dr ´ h ´ r) ´ g ´ h

Time taken by P-wave = Now, as crest spread, this energy E remains
constant. So,
d d
Now - = 4 ´ 60 2prdrh 2 rg = E
4.5 8
é 10 1 ù
d ê - ú = 4 ´ 60 Þ h= or h µ r -1/ 2
ë 45 8 û 2prdrrg
27. (a) If we decrease the frequency of tuning fork
4 ´ 60 ´ 8 ´ 45
Þ d= no. of beat is increased i.e., difference of
35 frequency is increased. It means unknown
240 ´ 72 17280 frequency is more than 440 Hz.
= = = 2468.5 » 2500 km. So it is 440 + 5 = 445 Hz.
7 7 28. (c) In a medium velocity and wavelength are
23. (c) In an organ pipe only odd harmonics are dependent on refractive index of the
found. So, frequency equal to odd multiple medium but frequency remains unchanged.
of 1500 Hz may be found in this case. v
Maximum audible frequency is 20,000 Hz. 29. (a) Given nv = 315 and ( n + 1) = 420
2l 2l
So, possible frequency are 1500 Hz,
4500 Hz, 7500 Hz, 10500 Hz, 13500 Hz, 16500 n + 1 420
Þ = Þn =3
Hz, 19500 Hz. 19500 Hz will be sixth n 315
overtone as 4500 will be first overtone. v v
24. (c) The waves produced by a motorboat Hence 3 ´ = 315 Þ = 105 Hz
2l 2l
sailing in water are of both transverse and
The lowest resonant frequency is when
longitudinal type. Transverse waves are
produced on the surface and longitudinal Therefore lowest resonant frequency
waves are produced deep inside the water. = 105 Hz.
25. (c) Wavelength is distance between two crest.
l = 100 m; v = 25 æ Iö
30. (c) We have , b = 10log10 ç I ÷
è ø 0
n= Where I0 = threshold intensity of sound
1 100 = 10 -12 W / m 2
T= = = 4 sec
n 25 æI ö
i.e., 40 = 10 log10 1 … (i)
çè I ÷ø
26. (a) 0

æI ö
dv and 20 = 10 log10 ç 2 ÷ … (ii)
r è I0 ø

(i) 40 æI ö
Þ = log10 ç 1 ÷
(ii) 20 è I2 ø

æI ö I1 2
2 = log10 ç 1 ÷ or I = 10
è I2 ø 2

h r2 2
\ = 102 (since I µ 1 )
r12 r2
r2 2 = 102 r12 or r2 = 10r1 = 10 ´ 1 = 10m
P-104 Topicwise AIIMS Solved Papers – PHYSICS

31. (b) x = A sin(2t - 0.1x) v

35. (d) For open pipe, n = p
æ 2pt 2p ö v
also x = A sin ç - x÷ For closed pipe n ¢ = ( 2p - 1)
è T l ø 4l
2p n 2p
Þ = 0.1 Þ l = 20p \ =
l n ¢ (2 p - 1)
32. (a) We have v = nl . 36. (d) Frequency of fork 1 = 200 Hz = n 0
v 340m / s No. of beats heard when fork 2 is sounded
or l = = = 1m with fork 1 = Dn = 4
n 340Hz
First resonating length, Now we know that if on loading (attaching
tape) an unknown fork, the beat frequency
l 1 increases (from 4 to 6 in this case) then the
l1 = = m = 25cm
4 4 frequency of the unknown fork 2 is given
Second resonating length, by, n = n 0 - Dn = 200 – 4 = 196 Hz
3l 3 ´1m æI ö
l2 = = = 75cm. 37. (a) We have, L1 = 10log ç 1 ÷
4 4
Third resonating length, è I0 ø
æI ö
5l 5 ´ 1m L2 = 10 log ç 2 ÷
l3 = = = 125cm.
4 4 è I0 ø
So third resonance is not possible since æI ö æI ö
the length of the tube is 120 cm. \ L1 – L2 = 10 log ç 1 ÷ - 10 log ç 2 ÷
\ Minimum height of water necessary for è I0 ø è I0 ø
resonance = 120 – 75 = 45 cm. æI I ö
or, DL = 10 log ç 1 ´ 0 ÷
gRT è I0 I 2 ø
33. (a) v =
PV = RT æI ö
or, DL = 10 log ç 1 ÷
M è I2 ø
P = RT
d æI ö
or, 20 = 10 log ç 1 ÷
P RT è I2 ø
d M
æI ö
gP or, 2 = log ç 1 ÷
v= è I2 ø
34. (a) y = a sin bx sin wt I1
on comparing with standard equation of or, = 102
stationary wave
y = R sin 2px . sin wt, we get or, I2 = .
l 100
Þ Intensity decreases by a factor 100.
= bx , v v
l 38. (c) n 1 = 256 = =
2p 4 l 1 4 ´ 25 .4
\ l= \ v = 256 × 101.6 cm/s
The distance between constructive nodes v 256 ´ 101.6
n2 = = = 254 Hz
l 2p / b p 4l2 4 ´ 25.6
= = =
2 2 b No. of beats/sec = n 1 – n2 = 256 – 254 = 2
Waves P-105

Substituting these values in (ii) we get

2p 2p
39. (b) w= and k = 4mg mg
0.01 0.30 ´x = (L - x)
5 5
w 2p 0.30
v= = ´ = 30 m s -1 L
k 0.01 2p Þ 4x = L - x Þ x =
40. (c) Velocity of wave v = nl 42. (a) L1 = 50 cm, L2 = 50.5 cm
v as L2 > L1, so n2 < n1
where n = frequency of wave Þ n = For open pipe,
v 396 n=
n2 = 2 = = 396 Hz 2L
l 2 100 ´ 10-2 n1 – n2 = 3 beats/s
no. of beats = n1 –n2 = 4
41. (a) Frequency of 1st harmonic of AB væ 1 1 ö
\ ç - ÷ =3
2 è L1 L2 ø
= v æ 1 1 ö
2l m \ -
-2 çè 50 50.5 ÷ø = 6
Frequency of 2nd harmonic of CD 10
6 ´ 50 ´ 50.5 ´ 10 -2
1 TCD \ v= = 303 m/s
= 0.5
l m
A C v
43. (a) D D

l AB l CD = l c S v
2 TAB TCD Largest frequency (f1) Lowest frequency (f2)

O Largest frequency will be detected when

B D the source approaches detector along the
x L–x
line joining and the smallest frequency will
be detected when the source recedes the
m detector along the line joining them
æ c ö
Given that the two frequencies are equal. f
f1 çè c - v ÷ø c+v
= =
1 TAB 1 TCD f2 æ c ö c- v
\ = çè ÷f
2l m l m c + vø
44. (c) Frequency of the echo detected by the
Þ = TCD Þ TAB = 4TCD ....(i) driver of the train is
4 (According to Doppler effect in sound)
For rotational equilibrium of massless rod,
taking torque about point O, æ v + uö
f '=ç f
è v - u ÷ø
TAB ´ x = TCD (L - x ) ....(ii)
where f = original frequency of source of
For translational equilibrium,
TAB + TCD = mg ....(iii) f ¢ = Apparent frequency of source because
mg of the relative motion between source and
On solving, (i) & (iii) we get, TCD = ; observer.
4mg æ 330 + 220 ö
f '=ç 1000 = 5000 Hz
\ TAB = è 330 - 220 ÷ø
P-106 Topicwise AIIMS Solved Papers – PHYSICS
Type B : Assertion Reason Questions P
remains constant. Hence there is no
45. (b) Sound travels faster in solids than gases. r
It is because the elasticity of solid is more effect of the pressure change on the speed
than that of gases. Solids posses greater of sound.
density than gases. Though density has v
50. (a) Pitch is related to frequency and f =
effect on the velocity of sound in the l
medium as follows 51. (b) For the formation of stationary waves, it is
necessary that the medium should not be
vµ unlimited but it should have a boundary.
r The wave propagating in such a medium
In case of solid, its elasticity far exceeds will reflect at the boundary and produce a
that of gas so its effect far exceeds the effect wave of the same kind travelling in the
of density. opposite direction. The position of two
46. (a) Since wavelength is distance between two waves will give rise to a stationary wave.
nearest particles in phase and time period At free end, transverse wave is reflected
is time required by a wave to cover this without change of phase. Hence as
distance. essential requirement for the formation of
stationary wave is that the medium must
So speed of wave = be bounded having definite boundaries. In
time period stationary waves, there are certain points
47. (a) When beettle moves along the sand it of the medium, which are permanently at
sends two sets of pulses, one longitudinal rest i.e., their displacement is zero
and the other transverse. Scorpion has the throughout. These points are called nodes.
capacity to intercept the waves. By getting Similarly, there are some other points which
a sense of time interval between receipt of vibrate about their mean position with
these two waves, it can determine the largest amplitude. These points are called
distance of bettle also. antinodes.
48. (b) Longitudinal waves travel or propagate by 52. (a)
compression and rarefaction of the medium 53. (d) Reason is correct, Assertion is incorrect.
particles hence in absence of a medium In doppler for sound wave effect due to
they cannot propagate. observer and source motion are different.
Light waves are made of perpendicular 54. (d) Two waves moving in uniform string with
electric and magnetic field vectors normal uniform tension shall have same speed and
to direction of motion. Hence, they are may be moving in opposite directions.
transverse waves and if plane of vibration Hence both waves may have velocities in
is same for a wave then it is polarised but opposite direction. Hence Assertion is
this is not so for sound waves. incorrect.
49. (d) Speed of sound in cases is independent of 55. (c) Laplace assumed adiabatic process during
sound propagation.
gP v
pressure because v = 56. (a) As f = ; and so with increase in
p 2l
At constant temperature, if P changes then temperature v increases more than l.
r also changes in such a way that the ratio gRT
Also v=

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