Sparking EV Interest Webinar - Post Covid - 092202 - Full Presentation - Final

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Frank Mike John

Forkin VanNieuwkuyk Kiser
President, Automotive Senior Vice President, Senior Vice President,
Client Organization Automotive Advisory Automotive & Mobility

1 ‒ © Ipsos

General and
Automotive Impact
Updated from September 2020
September 22, 2020

© 2020
2019 Ipsos. All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos' Confidential
and Proprietary information and may not be disclosed or
reproduced without the prior written consent of Ipsos.




© Ipsos
Ipsos sources of COVID-19 information
Global COVID-19 Information Ipsos Mobility Navigator
Sources at Ipsos a syndicated study focused on the key trends in mobility

Deep Dive
Module 0:
April, 2020

4 ‒ © Ipsos
COVID-19 Update:
General EV insights
+ Market Update
Ipsos COVID-19 US
consumer polls:
- September 1-2, 2020
- September 2-3, 2020

5 ‒ © Ipsos
In the last 6 weeks, there has been a large increase in the
intent to drive a personal vehicle post-COVID-19
Thinking about when COVID-19-related closures and restrictions end, how will you proceed in using…?

Drive my own vehicle Use ride-sharing services Use public transportation

Among those who previously drove Among those who previously used Among those who previously used
their own vehicle ride-sharing services public transportation

Return To Use Immediately

77% +11 points 32% +4 points 29% +3 points

Wait And See If It Is Safe Before Using Again

14% -7 points
30% +0 points 29% -6 points

Delay Return Or Stop Use

9% -4 points 38% -4 points 42% +3 points

6 ‒ © Ipsos Ipsos poll of US consumers: September 2-3, 2020

Note: +/- references are changes in percentage points over last 6 weeks (from July 21-22, 2020)
Nearly half of American’s drive or ride in a vehicle
5 or more times a week
In a typical week, how many days do you drive in Compared to before the outbreak, as
the same car, either as the driver or passenger? restrictions are lifted, do you anticipate:

Days Per Week As A Driver Or Passenger

Driving more
7 25% 15% miles

6 7%

5 13% 45%
4 9% Driving the
56% same amount
of miles
3 13%

2 13%

1 12%

0 8% 29% Driving less


7 ‒ © Ipsos Ipsos poll of US consumers: September 1-2, 2020

Post-COVID-19, a little more than third of consumers expect a
change in how they will commute to work
When all the coronavirus-related stay at home orders end, do you expect your work commute
to change?

Among those who have full or part-time employment

51% work
commute will
not change
+4 points 18% -6 points 57% +11 points
37% expect to commute expect to drive to
believe that their less, as they will be work more often
work commute working from home
will change more frequently

12% Don’t know

8 ‒ © Ipsos Ipsos poll of US consumers: September 1-2, 2020

Note: +/- references are changes in percentage points over last 6 weeks (from July 21-22, 2020)
Many vehicle uses are up slightly compared to springtime with
the exception of driving kids to school and driving vacations
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, how frequently do you use your personal vehicle for each of the
Frequent Vehicle Uses During COVID-19
% very/somewhat

25% 25% 23% 21% 18% 18% 17% 15% 15% 14% 14%

Drive-thru Drive kids Leisure Vacation Performance Drive-in Drive-thru Picnic/ Off-road/ Camping Drive-in Religious Towing Wedding/
services to school drive drive restaurant store tailgate adventure movie service graduation

Change since +0 -20 -2 -9 +2 +3 +3 +3 +7 +5 +4 +5 +1 +0

May 19-20 points points points points points points points points points points points points point points

Virtual / online Summer vacation

schools is over

9 ‒ © Ipsos Ipsos poll of US consumers: September 2-3, 2020

Note: +/- references are changes in percentage points since May 19-20, 2020
Collision avoidance seen as most essential while interior
cabin filtration and touchless door highest for preferred
Considering the impact of COVID-19, if you were to shop for a new vehicle, how interested would
you be in each of the following features?
Collision Avoidance 44% 24% 68%
That applies automatic emergency braking and steer the vehicle away from obstacles
Interior Cabin Filtration System 48% 19%
That removes bacteria, viruses, pollen and mold spores 67%
Touchless Door And Liftgate/Trunk 46% 16% 62%
Activated as you approach or through the click of a button on your key-fob
Adaptive Cruise Control 41% 15% 56%
With stop and go assistance in traffic and city driving
Vehicle Update Alerts 42% 14% 56%
To let you know when software updates are available and install them over-the-air

Interior Surfaces That Are Anti-bacterial/Germ Resistant 42% 13% 55%

Anti-fingerprint Finish 42% 12% 54%
On high touch interior surfaces (e.g., Display screens, console surfaces, etc.)
Automated Ultraviolet (UV) Light System 39% 11% 50%
To clean and sterilize the vehicle interior between uses

Outside Air Quality Monitoring 36% 9% 45%

Navigation System Location Warnings Of Coronavirus 32% 11%
And other environmental outbreak-areas with rerouting options 43%
Driver And Passenger Health Monitoring Systems 23% 8%
(e.g., Temperature, respiration, heartrate, etc.) 31%

| % feature is essential x
Safe Haven Feature: Blue Font And Shading
% prefer to have feature

10 ‒ © Ipsos Ipsos poll of US consumers: September 2-3, 2020

Americans have a strong positive view of electric vehicles
What Is Your View Of Electric Cars?

Very Positive


Don’t Know

Very Negative 6%
Positive View of
Somewhat Electric Vehicles
42% Positive
Somewhat Negative

11 ‒ © Ipsos Ipsos poll of US consumers: September 2-3, 2020

Before COVID-19, BEV sales continued to expand
BEV Markets: Passenger Vehicle Sales (including Light Truck in USA)

BEV Sales (mn)



China USA pan-Europe World

2016 2017 2018 2019

12 ‒ © Ipsos Source: LMC Automotive

Expected BEV recovery and future growth
Latest Global BEV Outlook

+46% • COVID-19 impacts 2020 BEVs sales

but they are still expected to
outperform 2019
+70% 4.5
BEV Sales (mn)

• China rebound and Europe

-16% 3.1 regulations expected to drive growth

2.2 • By 2030, it is expected BEVs to be

1.8 approx. 15% of global passenger
vehicle sales

• Share of industry could rise faster

2019 Pre-COVID-19 2020 Sept Prelim 2020 Sept Prelim 2021 Sept Prelim 2022 given Tesla factor, increased product
diversity and new start-ups

13 ‒ © Ipsos Source: LMC Automotive


MO D U L E 2 :

© Ipsos
Module 2 New Vehicle Owner Sample Profile
n=2,000 $87,500†
States Gen Z/ Baby
42% Gen X 29% Boomers
China n=2,000

Japan n=2,000

Brazil n=2,000

$49,800 Major City 39%

France n=2,001
Medium/Small Metro City 30%
Germany n=2,000
(€42,000) 49%M 51%F Suburbs 17%
Italy n=2,001
Rural 13%

Spain n=2,000
Average # of Average # of
UK n=2,000
Russia n=2,000

India n=2,001
$12,300†‡ 1.6 0.9
†Income is pre-tax where noted
‡Monthly income multiplied by 12 where noted

15 ‒ © Ipsos Sample includes only individuals who own and drive a model year 2011 or later vehicle, bought new, and were involved in the purchase decision for the vehicle
Module 2
What would it take for a driver to consider buying an electric
vehicle? This module asks consumers from around the world to
share their views on EVs.

• COVID-19 impact on auto & transportation
• Ipsos Pandemic Adaptability Continuum (IPAC)
• Attitudes towards traditional gas versus electric engines
• Acceptance and Interest / Purchase Intent in BEV/HEV/PHEV
• Barriers of EV usage and ownership (range, charging
infrastructure, price, etc.)
• Consumer needs and considerations before buying an EV
(lower price, greater range, better design, larger vehicle)
• Psychographics (interest in the environment, global warming,
alternative energy)
• Current vehicle ownership / Demographics (age, gender,
income, etc.)

16 ‒ © Ipsos
COVID-19 Update:
BEV Considerer
Ipsos Mobility Navigator:
- Module 2 - Electrification

17 ‒ © Ipsos
US Module 2 BEV Considerer Sample Profile
BEV Considerer Age

Gen Gen Baby

52% 28% 18%
X Boomers

Gender Residence

30% Major City

Medium/Small Metro City 14%


61%M 39%F Suburbs 38%

Rural 10%

Average # Of Average # Of
Vehicles In Household Children In Household
Sample Median
Size Income

n=572 $94,400† 1.8 1.1

18 ‒ © Ipsos
Like current vehicle owners, EV considerers are adapting to
restrictions but are less positive about restriction being lifted
Which phases do you feel best describes your current situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic?
Among US BEV Considerers


13% 17%
6% 10% 5%
2% 2%
Pandemic has Getting ready Reacting Adapted to Seems Some Most COVID-19
Current Phase not reached for possible day-to-day to restrictions restrictions will restrictions restrictions pandemic is
my area new restrictions soon be lifted in have been have been behind me
restrictions my area lifted lifted
No restrictions Preparing, Establishing Settled into Awaiting Starting to do Doing most of Moving on
Resulting stockpiling new routines new routines lift of things again what I did with my life
supplies where restrictions that were before COVID-
Action possible restricted 19

Compared to +1 +6 +3 -2 +2 -4 -4 -1
US Vehicle Owners point points points points points points points point

19 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2 – Electrification, September 2020

EV considerers are showing more frustration with COVID-19
restrictions than seen from vehicle owners in general…
How much do COVID-19 restrictions in your area impact you personally?
Among US BEV Considerers

9% 20% 46% 21% 3%

1 2 3 4 5

Not a problem Intolerable

at all

Compared to US Vehicle Owners

-1 -7 +3 +4 +1
point points points points point

20 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2 – Electrification, September 2020

…and EV considerers are feeling more uncertain about the
future, post COVID
When it comes to planning for the future after COVID-19, which of the following best describes you?
Among US BEV Considerers

Compared to US Vehicle Owners

Have no uncertainty 12% -5 points

Have some uncertainty 50% -3 points

Have a lot of uncertainty 26% +1 point

Feeling Stuck

12% +6 points

21 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2 – Electrification, September 2020

Protection with the personal vehicle is the key primary
reason for maintaining or increasing purchase interest
Among US BEV Considerers: General reasons for purchase a vehicle considering COVID-19
Reasons for Purchase Intention
[Increase/Stay The Same Intenders]

Feel Safe/Protected in Personal Vehicle 49%

Assume There Will be Great Deals 32%

Not Letting Outbreak Impact Vehicle Plans 24%

Current Vehicle Getting Too Old 19%

Lease Expired 13%

Current Vehicle Involved in Accident 7%

Other 5%

22 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020

Compared to US vehicle owners, EV considerers are more
engaged in the preparation and adjustment phases of IPAC
and less the future phases
Mapping how US BEV considerers are dealing with COVID-19
IPAC Initial Phases: 78% IPAC Future Phases: 21%


Compared to US Vehicle Owners

+1 point +6 points +3 points -2 points +0 points +1 point -1 point -3 points -4 points -1 point


10% 9%
4% 4%
2% 2% 2%

23 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2 – Electrification, September 2020

Note: +/- references are comparisons to general US vehicle owners
Ipsos Mobility

24 ‒ © Ipsos
Interest in BEVs is increasing for 2020 in the US and China,
despite COVID-19
BEV interest
T2B% Interest with Electric Vehicle
[New Vehicle Owners]

59% 65% 57%

Interest in BEVs

+6pts 51%
35% -6pts
30% 34%
+3pt -1pts

US China EURO5 Brazil

2019 2020

25 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020

Familiarity with BEVs is solid across the key regions,
including the US, with at least 1 in 4 knowing a fair amount
Familiar with BEV Top 2 Box %
By Country
[New Vehicle Owners]

Top 2 Box

US 40% 23% 63%

China 36% 46% 83%

EURO5 45% 25% 70%

Brazil 41% 28% 69%

Know a little bit Know a fair amount

26 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020

In the US, knowing a fair amount about BEVs more than
doubles consideration of the powertrain
BEV Consideration by Level of Familiarity
T2B% Consideration by Level of Familiarity
[US New Vehicle Owners]



Consideration of BEV by Know A Fair Amount

Not Familiar Familiar

27 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020

BEV Considerers been more exposed to BEVs by seeing
advertising, seeing BEVs on the road, charging stations and
looked for BEV information
Activities (Related to BEVs) Done in the Past Year
[Global BEV Considerers vs Non BEV Considerers]

Seen Advertising for a BEV 31%

Noticed BEVs on the road 28%
Seen BEV Charging Stations 27%
Looked for more information about BEVs 27%
Seen Media Coverage about a BEV 26%
Talked about BEVs with people I know 26%
Know someone who bought a BEV 21%
Visited a Dealership and asked about BEVs 17%
Ridden in a BEV as a passenger 16%
Driven a BEV 13%
Attended an event where BEVs were promoted/displayed 13%
Purchased a BEV 7%

BEV Considerers Non BEV Considerers

28 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020

Value for Money, Price, and QRD are at the key drivers for
vehicle owners, similar drivers for BEV Considerers but a
different rank order with price being a lower priority
Important Drivers Ranked
Most important attributes when leasing or purchasing your car BEV
[Global Total vs. BEV Considerers] Total Considerers

Value for money 1 1

Price 2 5
Quality/Reliability/Durability 3 3
Safety 4 2
Drive Comfort 5 4
29 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020
The primary concern with traditional gas/diesel powered
vehicles are the fuel prices, environmental impact and
repair/maintenance costs
Top 3 Concerns about driving/owning a vehicle with a traditional gas / diesel engine?
[Global BEV Considerers vs. Non Considerers]

Fuel prices

Environmental impact of emissions

Repair/maintenance costs

BEV Considerers Non BEV Considerers

30 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020

Key Characteristics of a BEV Considerer
Considerers Considerers
38% 37% Attitudes of BEV Considerers (% Agree)
I would consider an electric vehicle ▐ 16% 87%
Mean Age 42 49
I want a vehicle that allows me to avoid the
▐ 29% 68%
gas station

Gender 53% 46% I am an early adopter of cutting-edge


29% 65%
I want to have a Digital Assistant (like
▐ 31% 66%
Siri/Alexa/Google) in my vehicle

Has Children in HH 64% 44% I want a vehicle that makes others notice me ▐ 19% 53%

I like vehicles that are unique ▐ 35% 66%

Commute to work in vehicle multiple
times weekly 71% 56%
I want a vehicle with good towing capacity ▐
27% 56%
Comfort and luxury are more important than
▐ 20% 48%
performance and handling
Lives in Major Metropolitan Area 48% 32%
I am concerned about CO2 emissions and
air pollution
▐ 56% 82%

Income (US ONLY) $94,360 $82,370 I trust advanced driver assist systems ▐ 48% 72%

Minimum acceptable range (miles) 203 258 BEV Considerers BEV Non-Considerers

31 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020

Environmental, convenience of recharging at home and CoO
are the top benefits impacting BEV consideration
Top 5 Benefits Impacting BEV Consideration
[Global Total vs. BEV Considerers]

Total Considerers

Less pollution 1 1
Recharging at home 2 2
Saves fuel resources 3 3
Cost of electricity is lower than cost of gas 4 4
Less maintenance 5 5
32 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020
The US has similar stated benefits, but what will be driving BEV
consideration is actually attractive styling, access to public
express lanes, advanced technology and using renewable energy
Benefits Impacting BEV Consideration
[US Total]
Less pollution
Save fuel
160 resources Less Maintenance Recharging at home

140 Financial incentives

Cost of electricity is lower
than cost of gas
Can use renewable

Not needing to go to a gas

/ petrol station energy
Less engine/exhaust noise
Performance relative to Uses more advanced
gas-powered vehicles technology
Recharging at work Attractive styling
Free/discounted/priority Access to public transport /
parking in some parking express lanes (e.g. carpool,
20 lots HOV, etc.)

- 50 100 150 200 250 300
33 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020
Most new vehicle owners desire BEVs to have the same
design or don’t have a preference and non BEV considerers
are the least likely to indicate the design should be different
Preferred External Design of BEVs
[Global Total Sample]

34% 36%
27% 29%
18% 17%
9% 13%

Same as the Slightly different than the Totally different than the I have
gas / diesel version gas / diesel version gas / diesel version no preference

Total BEV Considerers Non BEV Considerers

34 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020

Battery life, range, public charging stations, recharging time
and affordability are the same barriers for total and BEV
considerers, but the order changes for BEV considerers
Barriers Impacting BEV Consideration
[Global Total vs. BEV Considerers] BEV
Total Considerers

Battery life 1 1
Driving range 2 4
Few public charging stations 3 3
Recharging time 4 2
Affordability 5 5
35 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020
New car buyers globally are most likely to consider either a
midsize car or SUV/Crossover, the majority of BEV considerers
would get their preferred vehicle except pick up intenders
Type of vehicle most likely to shop for next new vehicle & Percent would Consider EV % Would Consider an
[Global Total Sample] EV in segment

TOTAL BEV Considerers Difference

Mid-Size Car 50% 73% 85% +12ppts

Mid-Size SUV/Crossover 25% 67% 82% +15ppts

Small Car 22% 74% 86% +12ppts

Small SUV/Crossover 20% 64% 76% +12ppts

Large Car 14% 63% 71% +8ppts

Large SUV/Crossover 7% 59% 72% +13ppts

Pickup Truck 3% 44% 53% +9ppts

Van 2% 54% 66% +12ppts

Other 1% 53% 82% +29ppts

36 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020

New vehicle owners want a range of 230 miles on average,
but most BEV considerers will accept less than that
Average Minimum Acceptable Range In Miles The Minimum Acceptable Range Required to Consider Purchasing/
[By Country] Leasing a New BEV

More than 7%
Total 230 425 miles 17%

376 to 3%
425 miles 5%
US 298
301 to 5%
375 miles 7%

251 to 17%
EURO5 251 300 miles 21%

201 to 9%
250 miles 7%
China 178
At least 58%
200 miles 43%

Brazil 165

BEV Considerers Non BEV Considerers

37 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020

Home would be the most common place to charge,
especially in America; work is a popular option in China,
while public stations are used more often in Brazil
Charging Frequency [By Location/Country]

Total US China EURO5 Brazil

71% 69% 70% 75%

At Home

58% 51%
41% 37%
At Work

45% 48% 43%
At A Public
Charging Station

Very Often/Daily Somewhat Often/Weekly

38 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020

Similar as paying at the pump, consumers prefer “pay as you
go” at public charging station, similar between the world and
the US
Preferred Charging Station Payment Method [Global BEV Considerers]
Pay Per Use Refillable Payment Card
Pay per use 42%
Total 42% Total 24%

Refillable payment
card US 40% US 21%

Monthly bill 17%

Monthly Bill Pay Through Vehicle Manufacturer App

Pay through
vehicle 10%
manufacturer app Total 17% Total 10%

Don't know 7% US 15% US 9%

39 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020

The average ‘acceptable charge
time’ roughly 24 minutes however,
current BEV owners have a slightly
higher expectation at 28 minutes
Acceptable fast charge time from very low to 80% charged

Total Considerers Owners

Less than 6%
6% 4%
4% 3%
5 minutes
5-9 minutes 15%
15% 13%
13% 9%

10-19 minutes 28%

28% 28%
28% 26%

20-29 minutes 26%

26% 29%
29% 31%

30-59 minutes 17%

17% 18%
18% 21%

1 hour or more
8% 7%
7% 10%


23.8 24.6 27.8

40 ‒ © Ipsos
Interesting among the top 5 BEV brands globally, the only
American brand considered is Tesla the rest are either German
or Japanese OEMs. Plus, Toyota and Honda are considered
without a strong current BEV solution in the market
Top 5 Brands Would be Considered [Global BEV Considerers]

1 2 3 4 5

41 ‒ © Ipsos
Future BEVs most considered include a mix of
mainstream and premium brands
Vehicles most likely to be considered while shopping for a BEV [Among US SUV Consumers]

1 2 3 4 5

Audi Q4 e-Tron Nissan Ariya Volkswagen ID.4 Mazda MX-30 BMW iNEXT

42 ‒ © Ipsos
Range, price, charging speed, charging infrastructure and
home chargers are the priorities to focus on to broaden adoption.
Priorities to Improve BEV Adoption
Top 5 Things that need to happen to SERIOUSLY consider buy BEVs [Global Non BEV Considerers]

1 2 3 4 5

Increased Included 240V

Longer battery Faster charging
Lower prices charging “level 2” home
ranges times
infrastructure charger

43 ‒ © Ipsos US Module 2: Electrification | September 2020

Takeaways &

44 ‒ © Ipsos
Electrification appeal is
growing despite COVID-19
Car is KING, consumers desire their vehicle
1 • They may not be driving longer distances but they using them
for more occasions

EV impression is positive among consumers, but BEV considerers tend

2 to be cautious in nature and calculated
• They need more information to help them decide their purchase

Awareness and experience of BEVs is growing, so marketing is

3 working, that has have a direct impact on improving BEV consideration
going forward

Environmental, convenience of recharging at home and CoO are the

4 top benefits impacting BEV consideration overall
• But, but what motivates someone to buy a BEV in the US is beyond
these core items it is attractive styling, access to express lanes/HOV,
using renewable energy and advanced technology
The primary barriers of BEVs are battery life, range, public charging
5 stations, recharging time and affordability

To get non BEV considerers over the hump, they will need to
6 experience the vehicles. And, they need longer battery ranges, faster
charging times, more charging infrastructure, improved pricing and an
included “level 2” charger
45 ‒ © Ipsos
2020 Ipsos Mobility Navigator

3 Reasons To Subscribe To The 2020

Ipsos Mobility Navigator

1 2 3
Depth of learning Key insights to Measure impact of
and key insights continue measuring disruption with
from 11 countries the impact of COVID- Autonomous/Connected
including US, China, 19 on Auto and Car, Electrification and
Brazil, EURO5, etc. Mobility behavior Shared Mobility through
throughout 2020 2020 with robust sample
sizes per country

46 ‒ © Ipsos
Frank Forkin
President, Automotive Client Organization
[email protected]

John Kiser
SVP, Automotive & Mobility
[email protected]

Mike VanNieuwkuyk
SVP, Automotive Advisory
[email protected]
© 2020 Ipsos. All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos' Confidential
and Proprietary information and may not be disclosed or
reproduced without the prior written consent of Ipsos.

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