ENGL Lit Rubric

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Literature Courses // Writing Rubric (Revised Sept.


A B C D F / Incomplete
Readability Text is a pleasure to read. Sentences convey Text is easy to read; sentences convey Text is readable in most places; reader The reader has consistent difficulty Recurring problems with grammar,
and Audience complex ideas with clarity; the reader is not ideas with clarity. The reader can understand most sentences clearly understanding sentences when reading spelling, and/or punctuation
Awareness forced to re-read passages for understands sentences when reading at when reading at a normal pace, though at a normal pace; the reader interfere with the reader's ability to
comprehension and is not distracted by any normal pace. Isolated problems with may have to reread several passages. consistently has to reread passages. understand the text's lines of
problems with grammar, spelling, and/or grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation Problems with grammar, spelling, Recurring problems with grammar, reasoning. Additionally, language,
punctuation. In addition, the writer has do not impede the reader's and/or punctuation distract reader in a spelling, and/or punctuation often tone and evidence may consistently
carefully crafted language, tone, and comprehension of the paper's overall few places. Additionally, the writer may distract the reader. Additionally, the demonstrate that the writer lacks a
evidence to engage an intended audience, argument. In addition, the writer crafted not consistently craft language, tone, paper's use of language, tone, and sense of audience when crafting an
displaying an adept style. language, tone, and evidence with a and evidence to engage an intended evidence limit the engagement of an argument.
clear audience in mind, displaying an audience. intended audience.
awareness of style.
Clarity of Presents an ambitious, clear and engaging Presents a clear objective, purpose, or Presents an objective, purpose, or thesis Presents a partially-formulated The reader cannot identify a thesis.
Purpose, objective, purpose, or thesis statement that thesis statement that the reader can statement that the reader can identify; objective, purpose, or thesis statement
Objective, or the reader can easily identify; the argument easily identify. The argument is the thesis statement takes a stand on an that the reader has some trouble
Thesis is complex, sophisticated, and challenging, appropriate for the assignment and issue or question that is identifiable and identifying or the thesis statement may
Statement moving beyond course discussions and evinces a strong, audience-focused appropriate for the assignment. not be clearly appropriate for the
lectures to address a question or issue from critical stance. assignment.
perspectives readers might have not

Evidence & Uses evidence (e.g. course material/outside Uses evidence (e.g. course Uses a few elements of evidence (e.g. The writer demonstrates some attempts Little or no development of ideas or
Analysis resources) to investigate a range of material/outside sources) to investigate course material/outside sources) to to present evidence, but insufficiently terms. Evidence or examples are
possibilities contained in the paper's several aspects of the paper's objective investigate the paper's objective or supports the objective or thesis. Paper absent.
objective or thesis. Evidence is more than or thesis. Evidence is sufficient and is thesis, though some ambiguity may exist digresses from one topic to another
sufficient, incisively chosen, and presented presented fairly and accurately through as to how evidence or examples fit with without developing ideas or terms.
fairly and accurately through quotations, quotations, paraphrases and/or the paper's overall argument. Some Reader has difficulty understanding how
paraphrases and/or summaries. Logical summaries. Connections between ideas sections require more evidence or evidence or examples support the
connections between ideas are evident. are present. examples. Fails to integrate quotations, paper's objective or thesis. Makes
paraphrases and/or summaries insufficient or awkward use of textual
appropriately. evidence.
Critical & The writer identifies and reckons with The writer identifies conflicts and The writer demonstrates an Even when appropriate, writer may The paper lacks critical and
Conceptual conflicts and contradictions in the evidence contradictions in the evidence compiled. understanding of the basic ideas and neglect to engage with source material conceptual analysis.
Thinking compiled. Demonstrates careful and original Demonstrates a good understanding of information involved in the assignment, in a way that demonstrates an
critical thought and reasoning; shows a solid texts, ideas, and methods of the but may have some factual, interpretive awareness of critical argument, or has
grasp of interpretive and conceptual tasks assignment but may have minimal or conceptual errors. significant factual and conceptual errors.
required by the assignment. factual errors or conceptual
Organization The paper demonstrates a sophisticated The paper demonstrates a clear The paper strives to follow a clear Substantial organization issues exist; Major organizational issues exist;
grasp of structure and organization. The awareness of structure and organization. organizational structure. However, some paper may not be organized according paper may lack several sections
paper is organized with clarity, logic, and Is clearly and logically organized; most sections, and paragraphs within to assignment specifications or lacks a required by the assignment; there
style; sections, and paragraphs within sections, and paragraphs within sections, do not flow naturally, and the specified requirement; major transition appears to be little flow among
sections, flow easily and naturally. In sections, flow easily and naturally. The organization of the paper is not always problems may be observed. sections.
addition to fulfilling the assignment, this paper is structured with care in a clear and logical. The paper may contain
paper demonstrates that the writer manner consistent with the assignment several instances of poor transition from
carefully considered the most appropriate and well-suited to the argument being one idea or section to another.
argumentative structure and crafted the pursued.
structure of the paper accordingly.

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