Final Examination Datesheet-1
Final Examination Datesheet-1
Final Examination Datesheet-1
1. AI/IT Exam for Class IX will be conducted on Monday, 12th February, 2024.
2. As per the guidelines issued by CBSE, possession of mobile phones, calculators, smart watches, written material, books, notes etc. will be considered as an
attempt to cheat.
3. A student who resorts to any kind of malpractice during the tests will be awarded ZERO for that particular subject. NO request will be entertained for showing
any leniency in such cases.
4. A student must not write anything on the question paper except for their name and roll number. No rough work or calculation should be done on the question
paper. No tearing of answer sheet will be accepted. Any violation of these rules will result in strict action.
5. Use of pencil is permitted for making diagrams. Blue pen should be used for all other purposes.
6. No re-examination will be conducted for the absentees, only medical cases with medical certificates/prescription will be allowed.
7. All students should come neatly dressed in their proper school uniform, Boys with haircut.
8. Fees must be paid before the exam commences.