STI Camden 1 (General)

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Inženiertehniskā nodaļa

Pirmā līmeņa augstākās profesionālās izglītības programma

“Jūras transports.Kuģu mehānika” / “Kuģu mehānika”

Aģentūras nosaukums: „Astor shipamangement”

Kuģa nosaukums: STI Camden

Prakses uzsākšanas datums: 01.02.2020

Prakses pabeigšanas datums: 31.08.2020


Artjoms Makins
(vārds, uzvārds)

Liepāja, 2021. g.
1. Cauruļvadu sistēmas
1.Sea water system

1.Sea water system purposes:

 Cooling F.W coolers
 Supply FWG with S.W to generate Destillate
 Cargo tank cleaning
2. Sea water is directly used in the machinery systems as a cooling media for
heat exchangers. Fresh water is used in a closed circuit to cooling engine
room machineries. The F.W returning from the heat exchanger after cooling
the machineries is further cooled by S.W in a F.W Central cooler.
FWG one of the important machinery on board a ship, is something that
cannot be done without. Fresh water produced from FWG is used for
washing, drinking and even running other machinery which use FW as a
cooling medium.
FW is generally produced on board using evaporation method. There are two
things that are available in plenty on ship to produce FW – Seawater and
heat. Thus fresh water is produced by evaporating sea water using heat from
any of the heat source (it can be steam or ME High Temperature closed
circuit). The evaporated sea water is then again cooled by the sea water and
produce distillate.
Generally the heat source available is taken from the Main Engine jacket
water, which is used for cooling the ME components such as cylinder head,
liner etc. The temperature available from this jacket water is about 80 – 90
deg. But at this temperature the evaporation of water is not possible, but in
order to produce FW at 85-92 degrees we need to reduce the atmospheric
pressure, which is done by creating a vacuum inside FWG chamber where
evaporation is taking place.
3. All of the pumps at the drawings are vertical – centrifugal type.
4. Power: Main Cooling S.W pump 55 KW – 1750 rpm, 10 m3/min
2.Engine room Bilge suction incl., Emergency bilge suction

1.Engine room bilge suction purposes:

 Discharge water by Bilge, Fire & G.S P/P from Bilge wells to
overboard in case of Engine room flooding
2.The unwanted ingress of sea water in large quantities can result from
variety of reasons such as damage to the hull in situation of fire, grounding or
collision. Whatever be the reasons for flooding, it is a dangerous situation
and certain steps must be taken immediately in a case of such an event.
These immediate steps must be following by instructions or Ch.Eng
commands. For these emergency cases on board ship is installed two Bilge,
Fire & G/S pumps which discharge water overboard.
The following bilge wells and bilge tanks are fitted with high level alarms:
 Aft bilge well
 Bilge holding tank
 Main engine recess well
 Oily bilge tank
 Port and starboard forward engine room bilge wells
3. All of the pumps at the drawings are vertical-centrifugal type.

4. Power : Bilge, Fire and G/S pumps 99 KW – 1750 rpm, 4 m3/min

3.Fire Main system
Fire & Wash Deck system
1.Fire & Wash Deck purposes:
 Fire main system (incl. Fire monitors, fire hoses
 Anchor chain washing
2.There are 2 types of fire fighting syst. at the engine room: water mist; CO2.
Water mist system can be launched from the bridge, engine control room or
fire station. When activated, freshwater is being discharged at the sprinklers
located at the specific points in the engine room by the water mist pump.
CO2 system can be launched only from the fire station. When activated, stop
valves at the CO2 bottles located at the CO2 room are being opened by the
working air. The system can be set for extinguishing fire in the E.R, hydraulic
power pack room, separator room, main engine deck etc, at the same time.
Fire main system is one of important things on board a ship. System contain
two high capacity Fire pumps which connects with three sea chests, two of
them operate daily for ship SW cooling system and the last one for
emergency use only such as fire prevention. The bilge, fire and GS pump can
be used if necessary for bilge pumping but their primary duty is to supply sea
water to the fire hydrant system throughout the ship. Bilge pumping by
means of the bilge, fire and GS pumps must only ever be considered as an
emergency procedure as the discharge is directly overboard and the oil
content is not monitored.
The bilge, fire and GS pumps can taken their suction from any of the
 Engine room bilge main
 Sea water crossover main
 Aft peak tank
There is able to perform foam method in addition to fire main system line.
Foam station is located separately outside of ER.
Foam station Start up procedure:
a) Open valve B (confirm valve C is closed.)
b) Start fire pumps (or, start Emergency fire pump.)
c) Open valve D and E
d) Start foam pump
e) Open monitor or hydrant vale as required and fight fire
Foam room system

Foam station Stop procedure:

a) Shut down fire pump and foam pump
b) Close vale E (This is important as sea water must not enter the
foam tank.)
c) Open valve C
d) Start up fire pump and foam pump, operate the forward monitor on
the tank deck until clear sea water comes out, then operate all the
other monitors for a few seconds.
e) Stop fire pump and foam pump.
f) Revert all valves to the stand-by position.
g) Refill foam tank as soon as possible.

Safety advices to correctly uses foam for fire prevention:

 Never direct the foam mixture directly on the burning oil as this will
cause the oil to splash and spread the fire.
 Direct the foam mixture so that it follows over the surface of the
burning oil, so that it gradually covers and smothers the fire, use the
prevailing wind or slope of the deck to assist this flow wherever
 Use ONE monitor and/or TWO applicators, when fighting in fire, if
more are used, the effectiveness of each will be reduced.
3. There are Bilge, Fire & G/S pump – centrifugal – vertical type
Foam pump –
4. Power : Bilge, Fire and G/S pumps 99 KW – 1750 rpm, 4 m3/min
Foam pump – 13.1 m3 at 10 bar
4.Ship Ballast system

p ballast water system use to:
 Ballasting huge ballast tanks then ship is underway
 De-ballasting ballast tanks in ports or underway
2. A ballast water system allows a ship to pumps water in and out of very
large tanks to compensate for a change in cargo load, shallow draft
conditions, or weather. The total ballast tanks water tanks is 19390 m3. This
allows ship to carry half loaded cargo tanks while maintaining ideal buoyancy
and handling conditions in all situations. A ship might be discharged all
ballast water tanks to pass a shallow area, ports, canals.
3. The system has used 2 main ballast pumps, pump No.1 located at NO.5
W.B.TK (P) and pump No.2 at NO.5 W.B.TK (S). The Fire, bilge & G/S
pumps are installed on ER floor and can be use for After peak tank
4. Pump capacity – 750 m3/ hr
5.Fresh water system incl., HT and LT circuit
Auxiliary Central cooling F.W system

1. Fresh water incl. LT and HT system close circuit use to:

 Cooling water system can be divided into two categories LT
and HT, both of them mainly use to cooling ME and auxiliary
 High Temperature use to cooling Main Engine
 Low Temp. use to cooling HT and auxiliary machineries.
 HT usually use in FWG such as heating medium to produce
distillate water.
 FW expansion tank provide water balance level for LT and
HT system.
2. HT close circuit cooling ME:
 cylinder covers
 cylinder jacket
 exhaust valve
 G/E No 1, 2, 3
LT close circuit cooling:
 ECR unit cooler
 Air condition unit
 Ref.provision cond. Unit
 Main air compressors
 Hyd.oil cooler
 Hyd. Power pack engines
 Dump/Drain cooler
 M.G.O cooler for ME and G/E
 M.G.O cooler for Aux.boiler
 M.G.O cooler for Comp.boiler

3. The system is supplied fresh water by three L.T C.F.W. pumps and two
H.T C.F.W pumps, all of them are vertical centrifugal pump type. FWG
ejector pump is installed near FWG and currently use for create vacuum
in FWG chamber, its vertical centrifugal pump type. Main engine air
cooler chemical cleaning pump - Horizontal centrifugal pump type.
4. Fresh water generator ejector pump – 18.5 kw,1750 rpm, 0.783 m3/min
High temperature cooling fresh water pump – 18.5 kw, 1750 rpm,
1.617 m3/min
Low temperature cooling fresh water pump – 45 kw, 1750 rpm,
4.0 m3/min
ME A.C cleaning pump – 2.2 kw, 3550 rpm, 0.03 m3/min
6. Fuel oil filling & transfer system

1. FO filling & transfer system use to:

 Transfer FO from bunker tanks to daily tanks (settling,
service tanks)
2. HFO/ULSFO for use in the main engine, generator engines, boilers
and hydraulic power pack engines is stored in four bunker tanks
located two on the port and two starboard sides of the engine room.
The bunker tanks extend from the tank top of main deck to the lower
deck of engine room and are filled from the port and starboard
bunkering connections located at the cargo loading/discharge manifold
on the upper deck. These tanks are fitted with steam heating coils that
are supplied from composite or auxiliary boilers.
MDO storage tanks extend from the tank top of main deck to the ECR
deck and are filled at same way such as HFO/ULSFO.
From the HFO bunker tanks the oil is transferred to the HFO settling tank by
the HFO transfer pump. If the HFO transfer pump is unavailable for any
reason the MDO transfer pump can be used for this purpose provided the
interconnecting suction and discharge valves are opened and the transfer
perform. The HFO transfer pump is located in the engine room at floor plate
level and can be started locally or selected for automatic operation in which
case it is started and stopped by means of level switches in the HFO settling
The MDO transfer pump can also be selected for automatic operation by
means of the level switches in the MDO settling tank but if it is used for HFO
transfer, the pump must be controlled manually.
3. The installed pumps HFO and MDO fuel oil transfer for transfer
system are electrical motor powered screw types pumps.
4. HFO transfer p/p – 11 KW, 1800 rpm; 20m3/h
MDO transfer p/p – 5.5 KW, 1800 rpm; 10m3/h
7.Main steam line system
Steam service & drain system

1.1Main steam line system use to:

1. Main steam line usually use for cargo heating, but there is
possible use auxiliary boiler in case of trouble with composite
1.2 Describe system
The steam generated plant on this vessel consist of one Aalborg OL vertical
two-drum auxiliary boiler. Auxiliary boiler vertical two-drum type, top fired
and equipped with a steam atomizing burner. The burner local control panel
and all of the relevant boiler mountings are mounted on top of the boiler. The
control system provides fully automatic operation of the boiler and the steam
atomizing burner.
8.Boilers feed water system

1. Boiler feed water use to:

 Supply boilers with fresh water
2. The feed water is normally supplied from feed water filter tank to the
boilers through feed water automatic regulating valves but it can also
be supplied using a separate auxiliary line. The regulating valve is
controlled by the level of water in the boiler and will open and close to
adjust the feed rate to maintain the correct level in boiler. The auxiliary
feed line is used when this regulator is inoperative and requires
manual control of the inlet valves to maintain the correct level. On
board are installed two feed water pumps for composite boiler, and
two for auxiliary boiler as well.
3. There are four horizontal centrifugal pumps powered by electrical
motor, two for composite boiler and two for auxiliary boiler use.
4. Aux.Boiler feed water pump – 18,5 KW, 3600 rpm; 24 m3/h,
liquid temp. – 80°C
Composite boiler feed water pump – 11 KW, 3600 rpm; 4m3/h,
liquid temp. - 80°C
9.Auxiliary steam line
Steam service & drain system

1.1Auxiliary steam line use to:

1. Composite boiler mostly use to supply steam for auxiliary
elements.(FO Settling ,Service, Bunker tanks, Bilge and sludge
tanks, FO and LO heaters.)
1.2 Aalborg OC combined oil and exhaust gas fired vertical composite boiler
When vessel is in port the steam generated by oil fired composite boiler but
when vessel underway by exhaust gas method.
Composite boiler mountings are mainly mounted on the top of the boiler
body in order to allow a simple connection to the piping system on board the
ship. The control system supplied with the Aalborg boiler unit provides fully
automatic operation of the boiler and burner.
The combined oil fired and exhaust gas fired boiler is designed as a vertical
boiler with a cylindrical shell surrounding the oil fired and the exhaust gas
fired sections. The oil fired section comprises the cylindrical furnace, the
steam space, and the convection section consisting of pin tube elements.
The exhaust has fired section comprises the stay tubes and smoke tubes.
The pin tube is a plain seamless steel tube provided with an inlet pipe at the
bottom and an outlet pipe at the top. A large numbers of pins are welded
around outside of the tube creating an extended heating surface. This
extended heating surface transfers heat from the flue gas to the steam/water
mixture in the pin tube.
10.Fuel oil purifying system

1. FO purifying system use to:

 Supply FO service tanks with clean fuel oil
 Fuel oil heaters use to achieve fuel set temperature limit.
2. There are two centrifugal self-cleaning fuel oil separators fitted
onboard, both of them being used for HFO and MDO, if necessary.
The No.1 separator takes HFO from the settling tank and purifies it to
the HFO service tanks while the No.2 separator can be arranged to do
the same but is normally set to take MDO from MDO service tank,
separate the fuel and then return it to the MDO service tank.
The separators have their own dedicated supply pumps which draw
fuel oil from the HFO settling tank( or service tank in the case of MDO)
and discharge it through a heater to the separator or back to the
settling tank (or pump suction in the case of MDO) when on
recirculation. The all of the equipment including the separators, supply
pumps and heaters are all located in the purifier room on the 2nd deck.
3. The HFO purifier supply pumps are screw type pumps driven by
electrical motor.
4. HFO purifier supply pump – 1.5 KW, 1800 rpm; 2,2 m3/h
11.LO service system

1. LO service system use to:

 Supply Main engine lubrication system with oil
 Lubricate stern tube bearing
2. The main or crankcase lubrication system is supplied by one of two
main lubrication oil pumps. One pump will be operating as the duty
pump and the other selected as the standby pump which will
automatically start should there be an oil pressure reduction or failure
of the duty pump.
The main lubrication oil (LO) pumps take their suction from the main
engine sump tank and discharge to the engine via the LO cooler and
the automatic back flushing filter. The plate type heat exchanger is
cooled by water supplied from the central fresh water cooling system.
The supply pressure in the main lubrication system is 3.0 kg/cm2, and
each pump has a rated capacity of 235 m3 at 3.0 kg/cm2. The main LO
system supplies oil to the engines bearing, vibration damper and
pistons, where it acts as a coolant. The cooling effect of the oil at the
vibration dampers and on the underside of the piston crowns is very
important. The inlet temperature of the LO to the engine is regulated to
45°C by means of a three-way control valve positioned at the LO
cooler outlet.
The camshaft bearing and the exhaust roller guides are lubricated by the
main lub.oil pumps. The exhaust valve actuators also receive oil from the
main lub.oil system. From the bearings, roller guides and exhaust valve
actuators, the oil drains to the bottom of the bearing housing, where a
suitable oil level is maintained to lubricate the running surfaces of the cams.
From here, the lubrication oil is drained back to the bottom tank.
Main engine turbocharger are also lubricated via the main lubrication oil
The engine is equipped with electronically controlled cylinder lubricators for
lubrication of the running surface of liners and rings.
The function of the stern tube is to act a seal and bearing support for the
propeller shaft. The stern tube assembly is sealed at both ends using lip type
seals and is oil lubricated, the lubrication system being totally independent of
all other systems. The stern tube passes through a tank filled with fresh water
which provides cooling for the stern tube. The stern tube bearing is in two
parts, a forward bush and after bush. There are three lubricating systems for
the stern tube, the bearing unit, the aft seal assembly and the forward seal
assembly. The bearing and seal assemblies all use the same grade of
lubricating oil. The bearing area is lubricated by means of a gravity tank
system. The position of the tank determines and maintains the correct
pressure in the system. By natural circulation, with the propeller shaft acting
as a pump, lubricating oil circulates around the system. Suction is taken from
the stern tube bearing area and the pumping action of the propeller shaft
causes oil to circulate around the stern tube bearing area.
3. Two of the main LO pumps are centrifugal type pumps
Cyl.oil shifting pump is screw type pump
4. Main LO pump – 60 KW, 1800 rpm; 235 m3h
Cyl.oil shifting pump – 0.75 KW, 1800 rpm; 1m3/h
LO purifying system

1. LO purifying & transfer system use to:

 Lubricate oil transferring between tanks
 Main engine and Generator engine oil cleaning
2. There are two centrifugal self-cleaning LO separators fitted and they
can both be used for ME and G/E lubricating oil cleaning. The
separators have their own dedicated supply pumps which draw
lubricating oil from the main engine LO sump tank, the generator
engine LO sump tanks, the main LO settling tank or the generator
engine LO settling tank.
Normally one separator would be dedicated to main engine LO separation
and the other dedicated to generator engine LO separation. Whenever the
main engine, a LO separator would normally be operating taking LO from the
sump tank and returning the oil back to the sump after it had been
processed. The other LO separator would normally be cleaning LO from the
operating generator engine.
It is also possible to centrifuge LO which has been pumped to the main or
generator LO settling tanks, the LO being taken from the settling tank and
passed to the sump tank of the engine from which it was originally taken.
The LO separators, supply pumps and heaters are all located in the purifier
room located on the port side of the engine room 2nd deck level. Instrument
air is supplied to the separators to control the supply of oil to the bowl and the
automatic sludge discharge facility. Domestic fresh water is also supplied for
sealing and flushing purposes. The steam heater maintains a temperature of
90°C (+/-5 °C) and from the heater the LO flows to the separator. After
separation, the clean lubricating oil is discharged to the main or generator LO
sump tank from which it has been taken. It is also possible to take LO from
the main or generator engine LO settling tank, treat it in one of the centrifugal
separators and then return it to the settling from which it has been taken.
Both LO separators are identical and a discharge crossover alve at the
supply pump discharge enables either separator supply pump to operate with
either separator.
An emergency stop pushbutton is located outside the separator room from
stopping the separators, pumps and fans in an emergency.
3. LO transfer and purifier supply pumps are horizontal screw type
pumps, both of them driven by electrical motor.
4. LO transfer pump – 3.7 KW, 1800 rpm; 5m3/h
LO purifier supply pump – 1.5 KW; 1800 rpm; 1.4 m3/h
12.Sewage system

1. Sewage system use to:

 Transport of sewage from the toilets to the vacuum
generating unit, from the pump to a sewage vacuum
treatment plant.
 Transport of grey water from the cabins to grey water tank
or overboard.
2. The sewage treatment plant is treat black and grey sewage water and
its fully automatic. There are four chambers( or tanks) in the unit and
each serves a particular purpose in the waste water treatment
Name of each tank for sewage treatment plant:
 BIOFILTER REACTOR TANK (1st Tank, Fixed Media method)
 SEDIMENTATAION TANK(2nd Tank, Sedimentation method)
 ACTIVATED CARBON TANK(3rd Tank, Activated Carbon Method)
 Sterilization tank (4th Tank, For sewage sterilization)
Explanation of treating equipment
Screen ( 1st tank) – Screen removes adulteration such as, toilet paper, plastic
paper, and etc, to prevent clogging so, the system can be protected and
produce constant quality of water.
The main process is to disperse the contaminated substance through the
blowers diffuser and break down the organic matter by aerobic
microorganism. The air through the blower will form the fine bubble by
passing through the diffuser. It will increase the oxygen transmission rate.
This device does not get clogged by external substances and air flowing
backward. The MEDIA installed in REACTOR fixes the microorganisms so it
can correspond to the irregular sewage supply (sewage over supplied or
shortage) well.
 Fixed media method – has been developed with sewage treatment
plant to maximize the contact surface of microorganisms so it can treat
sewage optimally. The microorganisms in sewage treatment plant
tends to stick on the surface which means, microorganisms will only
live around the surface of the chamber, not in the center. By filling up
the chamber with media, it will increase the contact area of
microorganisms with sewage.
Sedimentation tank (2nd tank of s.t.p) – The treated water from the biofilter
reactor (1st tank) will be separated to high grade water and sediment after
being settled in Sedimentation tank (2nd tank). High grade water will flow
into the activated carbon tank (3rd tank). The untreated sludge settled in
bottom of the sedimentation tank returns into the Biofilter reactor(1 st tank)
to break up by microorganisms again.
Activated Carbon tank (3rd tank of s.t.p) If there has some untreated
organic matter and floating matter in water from 2nd tank, it will be treated
by passing through the Activated carbon tank. This will mainly remove
COD by filtering and absorption theory, but also treats remaining BOD
and SS.
Sterilization tank (4th tank of s.t.p)
The 3rd treated water from activated carbon tank flow into the sterilization
tank. At this time, the chemical pump will inject a few disinfectant (NaOCl)
and it will start sterilizing with the ventilation air. Sterilized treated water
will be discharged automatically by level sensor.
3. There are two horizontal centrifugal type pumps with same capacity
and driven method.
4. Grey water discharge pump – 2.2 KW, 3600 rpm; 5m3/h
Treated sewage discharge pump - 2.2 KW, 3600 rpm; 5m3/h
13.Compressed air system

1. Compressed air system use to:

 1.Starting air for ME and G/E
 2. General service (working) air
2. The starting air system is supplied by two DONGHWA H-73
compressors which provide air to two 5.0 m3 receivers at a pressure
30kg/cm2. The air is then used to start the main engine and the three
generator engines although the generators can also be supplied with
starting air from the auxiliary air receiver which is replenished by the
same compressors. Compressed air from the starting air system is
also supplied via pressure reducing valves to the hydraulic power pack
engines and to the control and working air systems.
Each compressor is fitted with two safety valves, one after the first stage of
compression and the other after the second stage. The cylinder block cooling
water jacket is also provided with a safety valve which blows out if the cooling
water system is subjected to excessive pressure. The cooling water is
supplied from central fresh water cooling system. The compressor bearings
are lubricated by a gear pump fitted at the end of the crankshaft and a
pressure switch connected to the automatic control system stops the
compressor should the oil pressure fall below a predetermined value.
Each air compressor has an automatic unloading arrangement which allows
the compressor to start and stop off load so reducing the loading on the
electric drive motor and the compressor running gear. During normal
operating, the compressors are started and stopped automatically by
pressure switches located on the inlet inline to the air receivers with one
switch provided for each compressor.
General service (working air) compressed system is normally supplied with
air from the working air receiver which is replenished by the working air
compressor. The system can also be supplied in an emergency from the
starting air receiver via a 30/7kg/cm2 reducing station although the crossover
valve 171V is normally kept closed.

The working air compressor is of the belt driven screw type which is air
cooled with a free air delivery . The compressor is provided in an enclosed
module containing the electric drive motor, the compressor, cooler and the
support devices. The compressor is controlled by the pressure inside the
receiver and loads/unloads as required.
The general service air system is used supply the following:
 Deck services
 Air horn
 Accommodation system
 Engine room services
 Fresh water hydrophore tank
 Separator room
 Composite boiler soot blower
 Turbocharger cleaning unit
 Boiler burner
 Incinerator
 Air ejectors for No.1 main C.S.W p/p, clean bilge transfer p/p, treated
sewage discharge p/p, Fire or Bilge G/S pump
 Emergency generator room

Suction air is inhale to compressor air end through suction piping and air
filter, unloader. Heated air is cooling 45°C to transfer air cooler approximately
and compress until 7.0 ~ 9.0 bar in air end. Cooled air is supply to work place
through discharge piping.

Lubricant system

Oil is transfer to oil cooler pass strainer by oil pump of gear case lower part.
Cooled oil in oil cooler is lubricate compressor bearing, timing gear, a
multiplying gear and circulate along the cartridge type oil filter. Used
lubricating oil is circulate and return in oil tank( gear case).
3. There are no pumps at the system. The particular of the air reservoirs
are shown on the drawing. The location of work air ports is also seen
at the drawing.
14. Waste oil & drain system

1. Waste oil and drain system use to:

 Drain waste oil to the oily bilge tank
 ME air cooler drain
 Oily bilge, bilge holding and FW drain tank system
discharge to shore.
2. Oily bilge tank primary use to drain oil of main engine or auxiliary
machineries, also can be used for soot collecting tank drain or
incinerator waste oil tank drain. Everyday waste oil has drained to the
Oily bilge tank and approximately 0.2 m3 come in addition for 24
hours. The oily bilge pump takes its suction from the oily bilge tank.
The pump can discharge to the following:
 The bilge shore connection
 The incinerator waste oil tank (via the bilge shore connection line)
3. The system include three pumps, clean bilge disch. p/p is horizontal
centrifugal type pump, another pumps are piston type, driven by
electrical motor.
4. Clean Bilge discharge pump – 2.2 KW; 3600 rpm, 2m3/h
Oily bilge pump – 2.2 KW; 1800rpm, 2.5m3/h
Sludge pump – 2.2 KW; 1800rpm, 5m3/h
15.Air vent system

1. Air ventilation system use to:

 Connect engine room tanks to atmospheric pressure and
air flow circulation
2. To prevent pressurize of engine room bilge, holding and sump tanks,
the air vents connected to atmospheric pressure.
3. The system are not required pump .
16.Galley refrigeration system

1. Refrigeration system use to:

 Cooling air for the meat, fish and vegetable room
2. Cooling for the meat, fish and vegetable rooms is provided by a direct
expansion R407a system with the plant being located in the engine
room on the portside of the 1st deck level. It is automatic in operation
and consist two compressors, two condensers and an evaporator coil
in each of the three cold rooms. The plant is designed to maintain
temperatures in the designed rooms a follows:
 Vegetable room +5
 Fish room - 18°C
 Meat room - 18°C
Liquid R 407a refrigerant is passed to the evaporator coils for the rooms and
the expansion valve automatically regulates the amount of refrigerant flowing
to the evaporator dependant on the room temperature.
If the temperature in the chamber rises, the thermostatic expansion valve
(TEV) opens and more refrigerant will flow through the evaporator. As the
temperature falls, the TEV will tend to close and pass less refrigerant.

3. At the system is shown provision refrigeration rooms cooling agent

circulation, the system consist of refrigeration compressors, pumps
are not required.

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