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(it ae CALIBRATION SERVICES SDNBHD (« Si ‘Date of Caltraton Regueted Cal. Ove Date andacter Sera Number Factory Numer emu Range pen Reeonng pen Reuraeg Page tof 3 Paes CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION RL PETROLAB SON BHO ro & 780, JLAN GUNTUNG 2, ANDAR SER KERTI, a9 00181 1 Osobe 2021 Na * Recetrason date questa by cst. * The user shoul te ava hat any tunnels may cause is neeunent > ot ot aration bulore ne specication iran ep. centage Machine 0 4000 pn (Seed) & Up to 40°C Temperate) 1p (Speed) & 01°C (Temperate) cos Pie Canton Reference Standard Used Eavipment used “Tenperaure Rococo Win Sensor ‘ecient Number ‘conraton De Pate Traceable To waraer? sy 2022, naa acoes? ‘uy ame aa TERMS AND CONDITIONS ‘hi oat ns by MULTITEGH CALIBRATION SERVICES SON BHO, haan cfr 1 8 Multec Cltaton Soros San Bh tet he lou conte + Method of Catron ‘The equine suomi by te cusone shat be clita acorn to Recogied Slane cence af ony writen Inercton, he csamer eda a hae aged and socpg he sanded aed Dy lacs Carat Sewn Sn Bante calbraton ote equmen + Coppin ot te certs of Caran ‘natch Cabaton Senne Stn Bowne He copy of the Cert of Calan. 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The eu sant be sed Tee or imply hoy ae sppesle tar iar toms hneaawemenuneaiies afl ide aoance for the egupment Tong tm a. veto wih “reronmoral change, raion and shock dg Woneprstor, Stes In Mo eQUpmet. nero + Recaltaton teat "carn aah ete yt an bs of see ably, epg Measurement Uncertain oa conaanc robot of ass an 9% + Waren ‘ing su the rte of clteaton, Muech Calbaton Sorvas Sn Bh gurates hati has ‘fei eh Cran Saray GB cain sir tier Hwee any ano aie Matta Caibaten Sarvs Sra Bhd mayb eid yaw, Mat CeltratonServess an sha aay bo oiled fon goer! enon a aguipmant fe custome ‘hee ponsesion rh wpa prc of ay gods or saree slg rendre oe castor er ny ahet ‘Ronys owing by the cutee Mich Carton Serves Sdn he apon ho any er conan No 48, san re Seeton Uz, Buk Rahman Put, iit MULTITECH CALIBRATION SERVICES SDN BHD nga Buh ergo bar hans Maya occas ‘io m7 209 ah ee a oovet ee “aaa nat: mitechesGgraticom Webee:rnaechetoaion com Paget 3 Paps CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION eel Cong acne Seem ier CALIBRATION RESULTS Lisa ot cate eee pews come] ower] meen | “ee easuremontUncotainty ected at conten lvl of approxima 95 % wh overage fat of k=2 “rue Readng = Unt Under Test a aun + Unt Und Test Conctn TERMS AND CONDITIONS ‘Thee aed y MLLTTECH CALIBRATION SERVICES SON BMD, ath eee 6 a Hutch Catan Str Sah Bi uot the loving cons + Motto of Catbrton ‘The eamentsuomitd by We customer shat be caltrate acorg to Recognised Stands. nthe ‘Secs tf ony wn ardor, omer enero hove aged ard sccayed thea aed ty attach Caran Seven Sn tint caian othe eaupmen + Copyiht tte Cortese of Cabration ‘hate Cataton Sanne Stn Bowe Pe cpt of te Cert of alan. Ths dosent must ht utised ptioee except hu wat pore pp be Company + Ceres of allraton with SARI ogo ‘fr comtene sued noorane hfe canine af ascreaon grate by he SAM which he ‘Sesrc tm annem ayo brn er aerate tn ther or let ened oy ne zag ibrar may nl beers te a xe ih ‘ttn approve he Hen eng relay. + Ceres of aivaton witout SAM ogo The Carton Repo tran hs been porno n acorn wih he abort approved proce. The insromenaton ses fr approved ana taceable Yo NATIONAL UOOY or INTERNATIONAL BODY Copy af is create conned ay he insur aberatry and may ot be ered ter an fl ‘cpt th the pra ten appv he Hea the easing nso Cotesia Caen ota Cortese of Gut Nona th sal othe spi oqupnant then eine ime calraon. The reshape usd Indes o pyhel oy ae specie chr Tre rent oon ncaa ony te othe value mensed atte tna of cation. Ay unas reasurenant unease Wil rt ince stowance for the equpmen long tm de vesters ih “cane ry, von rt sch dn arpratah.fn We OAC IW + Recalbation tare ‘cate aa betsy aon bt age pape ny, Depo + Aessurament Uncertainty Tro uncataes used in he cote are fra conten probability ont Ws han 985. + Wares Inaming out te mato ot esiraton, Hitech etiton Saries Sdn Bhéguaartes tat has ‘oleate tne calaton rain wo weak, cavomer shal conte Mutech Caran Sra Inn ary ano iach alr erin hh hay it yw Mate ‘ek possnason forth pal pce fay guns or srine sl oer th canoer any Se ‘ony owng yf cstaero Matec lnaton Seva Sdn Bhs wpn fue ay he cata, amy cca be Sale oth itiy of he MULTITECH CALIBRATION SERVICES SDN BHD sine. HO 488) JALAN BRP 6h, SECTION Ue, BURT RAHMAN PUTIC8 on 47000 SUNGA! BULOH, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN “Tames al 03.6157 3035, 03.6157 2065, Fax 03.0157 2044 cra naecS0SQgmal com Wace seu mkaecelaraon are (GST No” 616.2108 52000035) INVOICE PETROUB No, +‘ T-2az00162 K-7168 8 K7169, JALAN GUNTUNG2, Date 2910-2021 BANDAR SERJ KERTEH, 24300 KERTE, PPO No. EMADAN, TERENGGANU D/ONe. —: —D-21100162 Tems con. [ATTIC MR MUHAMMAD FAIZ (017-471 2692} Soles Agent. SHARIDATUC SHAMIRA BINT N TELS oxsspoe9 FAK Page: 20Fe Baan a ae ~ TAIT MALAYSIA ONE THOUSAND FIVE MONERED MINETY ONLY ‘SubTotal Exchding Tex)[_ 1,500.00) Service Tax @ 6% on 1,500.00{ 96,00) Total Cnctasive of tw[ 1,550.00] D Pi hy, Si Rt MULTITECH CALIBRATION SERVICES SDN BHO oa. No “8% sooo suNGN BULOH, SeLANGOR DRRUL Eee Ad ly _seOtsatey nas ber aes foe ete uh a ee recente pore INVOICE PETROLAB No, F2at00162 7168 8 K7169, JALAN GUNTUNG 2, Date 2910-2001, ANDAR SERI KERTEH, 24900 KERTEN, PION. Po2100073, EMAMAN, TERENGANU DON, = peatt00%62 Tems coo. ATTN MR MUHAMMAD PALZ[ 017-471 2892] Sales Agent = SHARIDATUL SHAKIRA BINT N TE :orssooe9 FAK Page tof? eB onde a oa Cal 8 Torperee - - Net Ne Flay “BLO 012 Foe 000-3900 Rpm [40-8010 “Tho adress for ob locaton 35 tow: FL Petr San Bhd Ae #710, lan Cat 2, Bandar ert Kein tao Ker Tera (Pc: Rast 6017575 7568) SH *NCLUSIE TRANSPORTATION} ACCOMODATION | MULTITECH CALIBRATION SERVICES SDN BHD main), NO 45. JALAN BRP 677, SECTION U20, BUKIT RAHMAN PUTRA. Sots 47000 SUNGA! BULOH, SELANGOR OARUL EHSAN, secret 23-8157 2083, 02-6157 2086, Fax 26157 S044 ie ‘a mutteaeggnetcon Wetste sv muteceaiaton com ora oo TSSTNo Blezt0s 32000038) | INVOICE, PETROLAB Wo. 2 rann00162 7168 & 7169, ALAN GUNTUNG 2, Date 2910-2021 ‘SANOAR SERI KERTEM, 24300 KERTEH, PrONo. : potona73 EHAAN, TERENGGANU ofOWe. —: o-z1100182 Teme coo. [ATTIC MR MUHAMMAD FALZ [017-471 2852] Soles Agent SHAMIDATUL SHAMIRA BINTE N TEL | o1z95003618 Fale Page tof? eT Baa 1,96 SITE-CONTRERIDGE NICHE 1 or 1.50000 400.00 Cater 8 Terpete Moo! nc'st Range 100-3100 Rom |40-80"¢ ‘ho ads for ur ab loan 36 flows, RL Paro oa oh {ee 8 K7A68, dn anton 2, Bana sul Ket ‘200 Ket, Teenage (Pe: Rates 6047-075 1565) ‘576 sICUISWYE TRANSPORTATION | ACCOMOOKTION | MomUZATIoN & DINOBIIZATION MULTITECH CALIBRATION SERVICES SDN BHD. TNO) 498. IALAN BRP 11, SECTION’ U2, BUKIT RAHMAN PUTER i ‘1000 SUNGAT BULOH, SELANGOR DARULENEAN Tal 03-6157 3088, 03.8167 3055, Fax 03-6157 30:4 erat mattecsabggratca Veo. win mcrae cm (S81 No "6¥6.705 57000090) INVOICE PeTROLAB No. 21i00162 K-7168 &K-7369, JALAN GUNTUNG 2, Date 2eso2m ANDAR SERIKERTEN, 24300 KERTEH, PIO No, KEAAMAN, TERENGGANU DiONe. = o2ii0ni6e Terms coo. [ATTN MR MUHAMMAD FAIZ [017-471 2682} Sales Agent: SHAMTOATUL SHAVHRA BINT N TRS onsmo19 FAR Page Doh Te pana ce TINGSHT MALAVSIA ONE TWOGEAND FVE HUNDRED INETY ONLY ‘ib Total (Echoing Tod] 4500300} Service Tax 8 6% on 1,500.00] 90.00) Tal (inlsive ofr) 1,580.00),

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