Kaplan Turbine

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses the operation and testing of a Kaplan turbine, including determining its output power, efficiency, and plotting performance characteristic curves.

The objective is to study the operation of a Kaplan turbine. The aims are to determine the output power and efficiency of the Kaplan turbine, and to plot its performance characteristic curves.

The Kaplan turbine is an axial flow reaction turbine that operates with its runner submerged in water. Water enters the runner with both pressure and kinetic energy. It is a low head turbine with fewer blades than a Francis turbine, reducing frictional resistance.


KAPLAN TURBINE TEST RIG OBJECTIVE: AIM: To study the operation of a Kaplan Turbine.

To determine the output power of Kaplan Turbine. To determine the efficiency of the Kaplan Turbine. To plot the performance characteristics curves.

INTRODUCTION: The Kaplan like the Francis is a reaction turbine. It operates in an entirely closed conduit from inlet to tail race. Runner has two major differences. Firstly in Francis runner the water enters radially while in Kaplan type; water strikes on the blades axially. Secondly the number of blades in Francis runner is 16 to 24 but in the Kaplan it is only 3 to 6. This reduces the contact surface with water and hence the frictional resistance. It is used for comparatively low head and large quantity of water is available. THEORY: Kaplan turbine is an axial flow reaction turbine. The reaction turbine operates with its wheel submerged in water. The water before entering the turbine has pressure as well as kinetic energy. DESCRIPTION: The vertical shaft Kaplan turbine consists mainly of a spiral casing with sporting legs, an outer bearing pedestal, and rotor assembly with adjustable bladed runner, shaft and brake drum and brake arrangement all mounted on a suitable cast iron base plate. A straight conical draft tube is provided with a draught bend immediately after the runner, for the purpose of regaining the kinetic energy from the exit water and also facilitating easy accessibility of the turbine due to its location at a higher level than the tail race. (The operation of regaining the kinetic energy from the exit water by some means of draught tube assumes great importance in high specific speed hydraulic turbines, as the absolute velocity of water leaving the runner in high}. A transparent hollow Perspex cylinder is provided in between the draught bend and the casing for observation of flow behind the runner. A rope brake arrangement is provided to load the turbine. The output of the turbine can be controlled by adjusting the guide vanes, for which purpose suitable control mechanisms are provided. The net supply head on the turbine is measured by a pressure gauge and for the measurement of speed, use hand tachometer. CONSTRUCTIONAL SPECIFICATION: 1. SPIRAL CASING: Is of close grained cast iron with integral legs and 250mm. Flanged inlet. The casing is designed for constant velocity water distribution. 2. RUNNER: Is of bronze with four aero foil blades, designed to the latest hydrodynamic principles. The runner blade pitch can be adjusted by a suitable mechanism operating through the hollow shaft. All parts coming in contract with water are made of stainless steel to prevent corrosion.

3. GUIDE VANE MECHANISM: Consists of bronze guide vanes cast integral with their spindles. By suitable external link mechanism these can be set at different relative positions, and two external dummy guide vanes are provided to indicate the exact position of the actual guide vanes working inside the turbine, thus showing the relative water passages through the guide apparatus for the different positions of the guide vanes. 4. SHAFT: Is of EN 8 Chrome plated and hollow to accommodate the runner blade control mechanism. 5. BALL BEARING: Are of double row rigid radial deep groove type in the casing and double row self aligning type in the pedestal, designed for long life with provision for grease lubrication. 6. BRAKE ARRANGEMENT: Consists of a machined and polished cast iron brake drum cooling water pipes, internal water scoop, discharge pipe, standard cast iron dead weights, spring balance, robe brake etc. arranged for loading the turbine. 7. BASE PLATE CUM PERPEX BRACKET: Of cast iron, box type ribbed construction. 8. FINISH: Of high standard suitable for laboratory use in Technical Institutions. UTILITIES REQUIRED: 1. Water supply 2. Three phase supply, 440 volt AC 3. Drain EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: STARTING UP Make sure before starting that the pipe lines are free from foreign matter. Also note whether all the joints are water tight and leak proof. Prime the pump and start it. TO AVOID OVERLOAD IN THE MOTOR PARTS AT THE PARTS AT THE TIME OF STARTING, KEEP 25% ON OPEN POSITION BOTH BUTTERFLY VALVE AND TURBINE GUID VANE. See that all the ball bearings and bush bearings in the units are properly lubricated. Then slowly open the butterfly valve near the turbine, and see that the pump develops the rated head. Pressure gauge is used to measure the supply head on the turbine. If the pump develop the rated head slowly open the turbine guide vanes by rotating the hand wheel (which operates the guide vanes through suitable link mechanism) until the turbine attains the normal rated speed of 1500 rpm. Run the turbine at the rated speed for about ten minutes and carefully note the following. 1. Operating of the bearings, temperature rise, noise etc. 2. Vibration of the unit

3. Steady constant speed and speed fluctuations, if any. In addition to this, on the pump side note the operation of the stuffing box. (The stuffing box should show an occasionally drip of water. If the gland is over tightened, the leakage stops, but the packing will heat up, burn and damage the shaft). If the operations of the above parts are normal load the turbine slowly and take readings. To load the turbine, standard dead weights are provided with figures, stamped on them, to indicate their weights. Open the water inlet valve and allow some cooling water through the brake drum when the turbine runs under load, so that the heat generated by the brake drum is under load. So that the heat generated by the brake drum is carried away by the cooling water. Do not suddenly load the turbine. Load the turbine gradually and at the same time open the guide vanes to run the turbine at the normal speed. TO SHUT DOWN Before switching off the supply pump set first remove all the dead weights on the hanger, close the cooling inlet water gate valve. SLOWLY CLOSE THE GUIDE VANES TO ITS 75% CLOSED POSITION. Manometer cocks pitot tube cocks should also be closed in order to isolate the manometer. Then partially close the main gate valve, and switch off the supply to pump set. NEVER SWITCH OFF THE SUPPLY TO PUMP SET WHEN THE TURBINE IS WORKING UNDER LOAD. If the electric line trips off when the turbine is working, first in-load the turbine, close all the valves and cocks. Start the electric motor when the line gets the power and then operate the turbine by opening the valves in the order said above. TESTING Water turbines are tested in the hydraulic laboratory to demonstrate how tests on small water turbine are carried out to study their construction and to give the students a clear knowledge about the different types of turbines and their characteristics. Turbines shall be first tested at constant net supply heat at the rated value of 5m by varying the load, speed, guide vane setting. However, the net supply head on the turbine may be reduced and the turbine tested in which ease the power developed by the turbine and the best efficiency speed will also be reduced. Through the turbine can also be tested at higher net supply heads, the supply pump set cannot develop the higher head at the same time maintaining higher rate of flow. The output power from the turbine is calculated from the readings taken on the brake and the speed of the shaft. The input power supplied to the turbine is calculated from the net supply head on the turbine and discharge through the turbine. Efficiency of the turbine being the ratio between the output and input can be determined from these two readings. The discharge is measured by the Pitot tube and with the differential manometer. Supply head is measured with the help of the pressure gauge. The speed of the turbine is measured with a hand tachometer. It is suggested that the turbine shall be tested at normal speed, 3 speeds below normal speed, 3 speeds above normal speed, guide vanes. The run away speed (the speed of the turbine at no load and at rated conditions of supply head) and the pull out torque ( the maximum torque at stalled speed) may also he observed. After starting and running the turbine at normal speed for some time load the turbine and take readings

For any particular setting of the guide vanes first run the turbine at light load and then RECORD THE FOLLOWING: Net supply head (Pressure gauge reading) Discharge (Differential manometer reading) Turbine shaft speed (Tachometer) Brake weight (Dead weights plus hanger and rope brake weights) Spring balance readings For any particular setting of the guide vanes first run the turbine at light load and then gradually load it, by adding dead weights on the hanger. The net supply on the turbine shall be maintained constant at the rated value, and this can be done by adjusting the gate valve fitted just before the turbine. SPECIFICATION: 1. Rated supply head 2. Discharge 3. Rated Speed 4. Power Output 5. Run away speed 6. Runner outside dia 7. Hub diameter 8. Hub ratio 9. No. of runner blades 10. No. of guide vanes 11. P.C.O. Guide vanes 12. Brake drum diameter 13. Rope brake diameter SUPPLY PUMP SET: 1. Rated Head 2. Discharge 3. Normal Speed 4. Power Required 5. Size of Pump 6. Type 7. Impeller Diameter 8. Cone angle : : : : : : : : : : : : : 5.0 Meters 6000 lpm 1500 rpm 3.75 Kw (5HP) 2750 rpm 200mm 110 mm 0.55 4 16 280mm 300mm 15mm

: 8.5 meters : 6000 LPM : 1440 rpm : 20 HP (15Kw) : 250mm X 250mm :Medium Speed mixed Flow. Single and suction volute : 260mm : 750 4.0mm 150mm Double column Differential type

FLOW MEASURING UNIT: 1. Diameter of Pitot : 2. Diameter of Pipe : 3. Manometer :

FORMULAE: Total Head: H = 10 X P (m of water) P = Pressure gauge reading, kg/cm2 V = Vacuum gauge reading Velocity of water in pipe v = Cpitot [2gh {(

/ w) 1}]

w = Density of water = 1000 kg/m3 m = Density of Manometer fluid i.e. CCL4 = 1590 kg/m3 h = Differential pressure of Manometer (m) Cpitot = Co- efficient of pitot tube Discharge Q=AXv (m3/s) A = Cross-sectional area of pipe B.H.P (Output) = [2 N (w1 w2) {(Db + DR) / 2}] / 4500 H.P w1 = Fixed spring balance reading (kg) w2 = Adjustable spring balance reading (kg) N = RPM of Runner shaft Db = Diameter of brake drum DR = Diameter of rope H.P Hyd (Input) = w Q H / 75 H.P w = Density of water Q = Discharge H = Total Head


= (B.H.P / H.P Hyd)x100

OBSERVATION DATA: d = Diameter of pipe = 260 mm a = Cross-sectional area of test section/pipe = 0.05309 m3 m = Density of Manometer fluid i.e. CCL4 = 1590kg/cm3 w = Density of water = 1000 kg/cm3 g = Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2 OBSERVATION TABLE: S. N. RPM (N) Pr. Gauge reading Differential Pr. Dead weight Spring balance P (kg/cm2) H (m) w1 (kg) w2 (kg) 1 2 3 CALCULATION TABLE: S.N. Total Head Velocity Discharge Output Input Turbine H v Q Efficiency % 1 2

3 PRECAUTIONS & MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS: As these units are build very sturdily, they do not require any routine or regular maintenance. However, we recommend the following to be done about once in a year to increase the life of the elements. Lubricate all the working parts where a provision for lubrications is made. Grease cups are provided for lubricating ball bearings. Remove the grease drain plugs where fitted, and inject fresh grease through grease cups until wasted grease along with a portion of fresh grease is ejected out through the grease drain hole. Then run the machine for a few minute to eject the excess grease in bearing housings. Then tit the grease drain plug. Over greasing results in excessive heat due to a pumping action of the bearings and it is harmful as under greasing. Suitable grease contains no mineral acid, free alkali or foreign matter. Stability is of the at most importance and the grease should show no tendency to gum, thin out or separate in to its constituents on standing or in service. Grease containing filling agents should not be used, for the presence of such substances as graphite, talcum etc., even in an extremely finely divided state, will give rise to lapping of the bearing parts. For normal condition of operation soap grease of softer consistency for working temperature up to 75 0C having a melting point about 1500C/l 75C shall be used. Clean the stuffing box, repack and lubricated it. If any packing ring is worn out replace it with good quality asbestos graphited packing. While repacking, the successive ring joints should be staggered by 90 or 180. Tight the gland nuts evenly, and allow the stuffing box to drip water occasionally to lubricate the packing rings. Never run the pump without water in it, as this would cause damage to stuffing box, bush bearing etc. Never try to throttle the suction side of the pump to control discharge as it would seriously affect the performance of the pump. SAMPLE CALCULATION: OBSERVATION TABLE: S. N. RPM (N) 1 2 1684 1100 Pr. Gauge reading P (kg/cm2) 1.0 1.0 Differential Pr. Dead weight H (m) w1 (kg) 0.375 20 0.13 24 Spring balance w2 (kg) 1.5 2.0

CALCULATION TABLE: S.N. 1 2 Total H 1684 1100 Head Velocity v 10 10 Discharge Q 0.10830 0.06381 Output 14.44 08.50 Input 7.17 5.57 Turbine Efficiency % 49.70% 65.59%

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