NSSCO Hospitality Syllabus March 2020 Final

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Republic of Namibia



GRADES 10 - 11


Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture
National Institute for Educational Development (NIED)
Private Bag 2034

© Copyright NIED, Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, 2019

Hospitality syllabus Ordinary Level Grades 10-11

ISBN: 978-99945-2-121-0

Printed by NIED

Publication date: 2019


1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................1
2. Rationale .......................................................................................................................1
3. Aims ..............................................................................................................................2
4. Additional information ....................................................................................................2
5. Learning content ...........................................................................................................3
6. Assessment objectives ................................................................................................16
7. Scheme of assessment ...............................................................................................17
8. Specification grid .........................................................................................................18
9. Moderation ..................................................................................................................19
10. Grade descriptions ......................................................................................................19
11. Glossary of command words for assessment ..............................................................21
12. Glosssary of subject terms ..........................................................................................23
ANNEXE A: Practical examination assessment summary form ............................................25
ANNEXE B: Coursework assessment summary form ...........................................................26
ANNEXE C: Symbols for units ..............................................................................................28
ANNEXE D: Hospitality tools list ...........................................................................................29

The Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary (NSSCO) Level is designed as a two
year course for examination after completion of the Junior Secondary phase. The syllabus is
designed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum for Basic Education (NCBE)
and has been approved by the National Examination, Assessment and Certification Board

The National Curriculum Guidelines, applicable at the stage of Senior Secondary Education
(Grades 10-12) and at equivalent stages of non-formal education, as a part of life-long
learning, recognise the uniqueness of the learner and adhere to the philosophy of learner-
centred education.

The Namibia National Curriculum Guidelines aim to:

 recognise that learning involves developing values and attitudes as well as knowledge
and skills
 promotes self-awareness and an understanding of the attitudes, values and beliefs of
others in a multilingual and a multicultural society
 encourage respect for human rights and freedom of speech
 provide insight and understanding of crucial “global” issues in a rapidly changing world
which affect quality of life: the AIDS pandemic, global warming, environmental
degradation, maldistribution of wealth, expanding and increasing conflicts, the
technological explosion and increased connectivity
 recognise that as information in its various forms becomes more accessible, learners
need to develop higher cognitive skills of analysis, interpretation and evaluation to use
information effectively
 seek to challenge and to motivate learners to reach their full potential and to contribute
positively to the environment, economy and society

Thus the Namibia National Curriculum Guidelines provide opportunities for developing
essential, key skills across the various fields of study. Such skills cannot be developed in
isolation and they may differ from context to context according to the field of study.

Hospitality contributes directly to the development of the 8 skills marked *:

 communication skills *
 information skills *
 numeracy skills *
 self-management and competitive skills *
 problem solving skills *
 social and co-operative skills *
 physical skills
 work and study skills *
 critical and creative thinking skills *


This syllabus is within the Home Science area of learning in the curriculum.

In Namibia the hospitality industry plays a vital role in the economy and therefore the subject
will equip learners to take a meaningful place in this fast growing industry.

The particular features of Hospitality at this phase include tourism, communication,

professionalism, health and safety, food safety, security and confidentiality, customer

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

services, components of hospitality and their relationships, principles of food preparation,
menus and service styles as well as table settings and cleaning

The capacity to draw from such disciplinary diversity is the strength of the profession,
allowing for the development of specific interpretations of the field, as relevant to the context.

The Hospitality syllabus is designed to build on knowledge and skills acquired in the Junior
Secondary phase.


The Hospitality syllabus aims to provide learners with:

 the opportunity to develop as independent learners responsible for their own
 a realisation of how their professionalism impacts on the quality and consistency of the
customer and their colleagues experience
 the ability to recognise and celebrate the word diversity in cultures and uses it to
positively meet customer needs
 confidence when engaging with people to maintain interpersonal relationships
 passion for the hospitality industry and the impacts it has on customers, employees and

The syllabus develops a clear understanding of the relationship between the theory and
practice of working in the hospitality industry.


4.1 Guided learning hours

The NSSCO level syllabuses are designed on the assumption that learners have about 130
guided learning hours per subject over the duration of two years, but this is for guidance only.
The number of hours required to gain the qualification may vary according to local conditions
and the learners’ prior experience of the subject. The National Curriculum for Basic
Education (NCBE) indicates that this subject will be taught for 8 periods of 40 minutes each
per 7-day cycle, or 6 periods of 40 minutes each per 5-day cycle, over two years.

4.2 Prior learning

It is recommended that learners who are beginning this course should have previously
studied Hospitality in Grades 8-9.

4.3 Progression

NSSCO levels are general qualifications that enable learners to progress either directly to
employment, or to proceed to further qualifications. Typically employment will be in the
hospitality industry in establishments like hotels, lodges, guest farms, guest houses and
other accommodation institutions. Further qualifications can be obtained at Vocational
Training Centres (VTCs), Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) and/or
other institutions of higher learning that offer hospitality training.

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

4.4 Support materials and approved textbooks

NSSCO syllabuses, question papers, examiner reports and assessment manuals in subjects,
where applicable, are sent to all schools. Approved learning support materials are available
on the Senior Secondary Textbook Catalogue for Schools.


The content is divided into topics as follows:

1. Tourism
2. Communication
3. Professionalism
4. Health and safety
5. Food safety
6. Security and confidentiality in hospitality
7. Customer services
8. Components of hospitality and their relationships
9. Principles of food preparation
10. Menus and service styles
11. Table settings
12. Cleaning

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

Learners will: Learners should be able to:
1. Tourism  know basic tourism concepts relevant to  define:
the hospitality industry - tourism
- tourist attractions
 know the modes of tourism transportation  identify the modes of tourism transportation
 understand the hospitality regulatory  state the hospitality regulatory bodies in Namibia
bodies in Namibia - Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET)
- Namibia Tourism Board (NTB)
- Federation of Namibian Tourism Association (FENATA)
- Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS)
 explain the benefits being a member of the Hospitality
Association of Namibia (HAN) and the Namibia Tourism Board
 explain the economic impact that the MoHSS has on the
sustainability of an establishment
 explain the impact that the Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and
SME development has on the sustainability of an establishment
 understand the impact of tourism in  discuss the positive and negative impacts of tourism in Namibia
Namibia as a country - social
- economic
- environmental
- technological

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

Learners will: Learners should be able to:
2. Communication  understand how to communicate  describe types of communication
effectively - verbal
- non-verbal
 describe barriers to effective communication
 discuss ways to overcome barriers to effective communication

 discuss the importance of communication when dealing with

conflict situations
- unsatisfied customers and customer complaints
- rude customers

 have the skill to communicate effectively  discuss ways how to communicate effectively
 apply effective communication skills in situations like
- presentation of menus
- telephone etiquette
- guest reservations
3. Professionalism  understand the importance of  discuss the importance of professional conducts in the hospitality
professionalism industry
 discuss the advantages of professionalism to
- a hospitality establishment
- employees
- customers
- Namibia

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

Learners will: Learners should be able to:
3. Professionalism  have the skill to be professional  describe professional and unprofessional behaviour
 distinguish between professional and unprofessional behaviour in
the different departments of hospitality in relation to
- clean work areas
- prepared to work: accurate, alert, attentive
- using guests’ belongings
- trying on guests’ clothes
- gossiping
- punctuality
- responding to customers’ requests
- language used

 discuss professional and unprofessional behaviour and how it

can affect the different departments of hospitality in relation to:
- personal presentation on hygiene, grooming, cleanliness and
clothes or uniforms
 discuss professional and unprofessional behaviour in the
different departments of hospitality in relation to:
- ethics on inter-personal relations
- reliability
- loyalty and fairness

 demonstrate professionalism in the establishment

- punctuality
- personal presentation
- responding to customer requirements
- language usage
- ready to work
- clean work areas

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

Learners will: Learners should be able to:
4. Health and safety  know health hazards in the workplace  identify and describe health hazards in a hospitality
 state and explain the causes of the identified health hazards
 understand health and safety control  explain health and safety controls
- equipment
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- maintenance
- Occupational Health and Safety policy
 have the skill to practise health and safety  explain the importance of health and safety in the hospitality
measures establishment
 demonstrate/practise the use of safety measures in the work
5. Food safety  know how to handle and keep food safe  define contamination:
- food contamination
- cross contamination
 describe the methods to prevent cross contamination
 explain ways how to handle food safely during preparation and
storage of food to avoid contamination
 understand causes and consequences of  discuss the causes of food spoilage
food spoilage
 describe symptoms caused by spoiled food
- nausea
- vomiting
- fever
- stomach cramps
- diarrhoea

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

Learners will: Learners should be able to:
5. Food safety (continued)  understand the principles of food safety  discuss the principles of food safety when:
- receiving
- storing
- preparing
- cooking
- reheating left-over’s
- holding/handling
- serving
- transporting
 have the skill to handle food safely  apply food safety principles in:
- storing
- preparing
- cooking
- holding/handling
- serving
6. Security and confidentiality  know the security controls in hospitality  describe the purpose of security in hospitality establishments
in hospitality establishments
 understand the elements of security in  explain the elements of security in hospitality establishments:
hospitality establishments - security officers
- security equipment
- safety procedures
- access procedures
- policies
 discuss the elements of security in the different sub-divisions of
hospitality establishments
- front office
- food & beverage
- housekeeping

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

Learners will: Learners should be able to:
6. Security and confidentiality  understand the importance of  explain the importance of confidentiality with regards to
in hospitality (continued) confidentiality in hospitality - the business
establishments - the customers
- employees
7. Customer services  understand good customer service  describe good customer services
 identify types of customers in a hospitality establishment
 explain the benefits of good customers services for an
 know the requirements for proper  describe how the following requirements affect and influence
customer service good customer service
- telephone etiquette
- personal demeanour
- attentiveness
- positive attitude
- reliability
- punctuality
- being well informed

 understand the impact of poor customer  analyse the influence of poor customer service on the
service sustainability of the hospitality industry and its establishments

 know the rights and responsibilities of  describe the rights and responsibilities of the customers as
customers consumers in a hospitality establishment
 have the skill to apply good customer  demonstrate good customer service skills

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

Learners will: Learners should be able to:
8. Components of hospitality  know the different components of  state the components of hospitality establishments
and their relationships hospitality establishments - accommodation
- food & beverage
 know the roles of different sub-divisions  describe the sub-divisions under each component
- accommodation - front office and house keeping
- food and beverage – kitchen, restaurant and bar
 classify the sub-divisions as either:
- front of the house
- back of the house
- cost/support centre
- revenue centre
 understand the relationships between the  explain the relationship between the sub divisions in hospitality
sub-divisions in hospitality
 understand the operation of sub-divisions  discuss how sub-divisions operate within the hospitality
of a hospitality establishment establishment
 have the skill to perform duties of the front  demonstrate the different duties in front office
office - complete the necessary documents for check-in,
- check-out
- transactions
- special services
 know the possible careers in hospitality  list the possible careers in hospitality
 understand the characteristics of the  discuss the characteristics of the hospitality industry
hospitality industry - product service mix
- two-way communication
- relationship building
- diversity in culture
- labour intensiveness

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

Learners will: Learners should be able to:
9. Principles of food  have the skills to produce a plan of work  apply planning skills to include
preparation - ingredients required into a shopping list and the units of
- equipment and utensils required
- time plan including allocation of time to each task
- order of work in a systematic order
- special points such as temperature, need for ‘clean as you
 have the skills to prepare food  apply knife skills in the following preparation techniques
- chopping
- slicing
- shredding
- cubing/ dicing
- julienne
 apply food preparation techniques
- kneading
- rubbing in
- folding in
- creaming
- beating
- whisking
- melting
 have the skills to use appropriate cooking  use cooking methods to prepare different dishes
methods and preparation techniques in - poaching
food preparation - braising
- simmering
- roasting
- grilling
- baking
- stewing

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

Learners will: Learners should be able to:
9. Principles of food  have the skills to finish dishes  apply garnish to dishes
preparation (continued)  apply decorations to dishes
10. Menus and service styles  know all the different meals that can be  describe different meals
served in an establishment - breakfast
- lunch
- dinner/supper
 describe different courses of a meal
- starters
- main courses
- deserts
 know the different service styles in  describe the following service styles
hospitality - silver service
- plate service
- tray service
- buffet
- take-away service
 know different types of beverages  distinguish between different types of beverages
provided in hospitality - alcoholic: wines, spirits, ciders, beers
- non-alcoholic: juices, soft drinks and hot beverages
 understand factors influencing food  discuss the factors that influence food choices for meals
choices - health and nutrition
- availability of resources
- knowledge
- culture
- season
- religion/beliefs
- age

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

Learners will: Learners should be able to:
11. Table settings  know table settings  identify different types of eating utensils used for table settings
- cutlery
- crockery
- glass ware
 explain different types of linen used for table settings
- tablecloth
- table overlay
- serviette/napkins
 explain other items used for table settings
- table decor
- cruet sets
- condiment
- napkin folding styles
 identify and explain types of table settings
- formal
- informal
 have the skills to set tables  describe and demonstrate formal and informal table settings
- select items to use for the table settings
- design table layout
- apply table layout
 describe principles of table reduction during meal services
 apply table setting skills
 apply principles of reduction during a meal
 have the skills to serve food and  apply food and beverage service techniques during
beverages - wine service
- plate service

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

Learners will: Learners should be able to:
12. Cleaning  know the cleaning agents used in  distinguish between different groups of cleaning agents and
hospitality establishments chemicals and their purposes
- bleaches
- soaps
- washing powder
- floor and furniture polishes
- scourers
- sanitisers
- fabric softeners
 know the cleaning equipment and  explain the important points to remember when using chemicals
materials  describe the uses of cleaning equipment and materials
- mops
- brooms
- dusters
- cloth
- buckets
- vacuum

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

Learners will: Learners should be able to:
12. Cleaning (continued)  have the skills to clean different surfaces  explain cleaning agents for different surfaces
- wooden surfaces
- ceramics
- aluminium
- glass
- concrete surfaces
 use cleaning agents to:
- remove stains from soiled linen
- to clean surfaces
 demonstrate the procedures of room and bathroom cleaning
 have the skills to make a bed  explain the uses of different types of bed linen used to make a
- night frill
- mattress protector
- fitted sheet
- flat sheet
- duvet cover
- duvet
- pillows
- pillow cases (standard, continental)
- overlays
- decorative linen
 state the steps in making a bed
 demonstrate how to make a bed

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019


The assessment objectives for Hospitality are:

A Knowledge and understanding

B Problem solving and evaluation
C Practical and communication skills

A description of each assessment objective follows.

A Knowledge and understanding

Learners should be able to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding in relation to

 common vocabulary and terminologies
 social, economic and environmental implications
 principles, definitions and theories related to the hospitality industry
 equipment, tools and materials and their suitability for use
 food commodities and their suitability in food preparation.
 safety and hygiene rules and regulations

Questions assessing these objectives may begin with words such as: define, give examples,
identify, indicate, list, name, outline, recognise, explain and state.

B Problem solving and evaluation

Learners should be able to:

 identify problems and come up with specific solutions, giving consideration to the constraints
of time, cost, skills and resources
 evaluate the effectiveness of solutions
 evaluate the impact of given scenarios on the hospitality and tourism industry or a specific
hospitality establishment

Questions assessing these objectives may begin with words such as: describe, explain, analyse,
compare, evaluate, explain, give reasons, interpret, solve, and suggest ways.

C Practical and communication skills

Learners should be able to:

 observe and interpret body language
 communicate orally and in writing
 read and interpret information
 follow and give instructions
 apply techniques and methods to carry out practical tasks
 make appropriate choices of materials and equipment to carry out practical activities
 organise and manage time, money, fuel, energy, effort, materials, equipment and tools
according to stated criteria for a given situation
 measure accurate size, quantity, amount and weight of food and non – food materials
required in specific practical activities
 assess and evaluate the effectiveness of specific practical activity
 observe and record observations based on a specific situation given
 apply problem solving skills during practical activities

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019


Learners must be entered for Paper 1, 2 and 3.


All learners are expected to pursue the same curriculum content and differentiation will be by

Description of papers

Paper 1

Written 2 hours 100 marks Weighting 33.3%

This paper will consist of compulsory short answer and extended answer questions. This
paper will be based on topic 1-8 and 10-12 of the syllabus and will test assessment objectives
A and B.

Paper 2

Practical examination 4 hours 50 marks Weighting 16.7%

This paper will consist of three compulsory sections

Section A - Preparation: 1 hour 30 minutes
Section B - Practical: 2 hours
Section C – Evaluation: 30 minutes

This paper will be based on topics 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10 of the syllabus and will test assessment
objectives A, B and C.

This examination will be externally set. Learners will receive Paper 2 one week before the first
practical session. The examination will take place in a specialised equipped work room.

Paper 3

Coursework Extended period (4 terms) 80 marks Weighting 50%

This paper will consist of three coursework activities where learners must follow instructions that
will be supplied to them during the first year and a portfolio of evidence using a variety of
communication methods to be submitted by June of the second year. A new coursework paper
will be issued before the start of each academic year.

This paper will test assessment objectives A, B and C.

This will be marked at school and externally moderated by the Directorate of National
Examinations and Assessment (DNEA). Where applicable the coursework will take place in a
specialised equipped workroom.

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

Explanatory note to teachers

The notes provided in the annexes at the back of the syllabus are intended to provide teachers
with information to help them carry out valid and reliable assessment of the skills and abilities of
their learners.

It must be stressed that this NSSCO Hospitality syllabus is designed for Namibian learners and
as such the learning content should be taught in the Namibian context, thus explanations and
examples must be responsive to Namibia.

Practical exercises on food and beverage should be given to learners throughout the course to
give them an opportunity to develop practical skills which can be applied in the practical
examination. Similarly, more practical activities than the assignments that contribute to the
coursework mark should be done.


The relationship between the assessment objectives and components of the scheme of

Assessment objectives Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Overall

Marks Marks Marks Weighting
of papers

A Knowledge and understanding 60 20 8 31.7%

B Problem solving and evaluation 40 5 24 30%

C Practical and communication skills 0 25 48 38,3%

Total marks 100 50 80

Weighting 33,3% 16,7% 50% 100%

The assessment objectives are weighted to give an indication of their relative importance. They
are not intended to provide a precise statement of the number of marks allocated to a particular
assessment objective.

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019


(a) Internal moderation

When several teachers in a centre are involved in internal assessment, arrangements must be
made within the centre for all learners to be assessed to a common standard.

It is essential that within each centre the marks for each skill assigned within different teaching
groups (e.g. different classes) are moderated internally for the whole centre entry. The centre
assessments will then be subjected to external moderation.

(b) External moderation

Coursework assessment summary forms must be received by Regional Office / REXO during the
first week of September along with samples of the coursework undertaken by the learners and
the schemes of assessment for each assignment. The samples should cover the full ability range.
If there are ten or fewer learners, all the coursework that contribute to the final mark for all
learners must be sent to DNEA. Where there are more than ten learners, all the coursework that
contribute to the final mark for ten of them will be required. The centre should select learners
covering the whole mark range, with the marks spaced as evenly as possible, from the top mark
to the lowest mark. If appropriate, the samples should be selected from the classes of different
teachers. A further sample of coursework may subsequently be required. All records and
supporting work should be retained until after the publication of the results.

The Directorate of National Examination and Assessment (DNEA) will issue instructions to
centres in Namibia concerning external moderation arrangements.


Grade descriptions indicate the overall levels of achievement expected of learners for award of
particular grades. The grades awarded will depend upon the extent to which the learner has met
the Assessment Objectives overall. Learners will be graded on a scale of A*-G. The descriptors
for judgemental thresholds (A, C, E and G) are given below.

Grade A Grade C Grade E Grade G

Learners will have:
A Knowledge and understanding
Excellent ability to Good ability to Some ability to Limited ability to
 identify detailed facts and  identify facts and  identify basic facts and  identify basic facts
techniques in relation to techniques accurately in techniques accurately in accurately in relation to
the content of the relation to the content of relation to the content of the content of the
syllabus the syllabus the syllabus syllabus
 describe / explain /  describe / explain /  describe / explain /  describe / explain /
define the theories and define clearly the define the basic theories define the basic
principles of the syllabus theories and principles of and principles of the principles of the syllabus
in detail the syllabus syllabus
B Problem solving and evaluation
Excellent ability to Good ability to Some ability to Limited ability to
 interpret and handle  interpret and handle  interpret and handle  handle information
information appropriately information adequately information
 analyse and evaluate  analyse and evaluate  identify and define /  identify problems and
problems and situations problems and situations describe problems and situations

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

 use judgement to  use judgement to  structure / create  suggest solutions
structure / create structure / create reasonable plans of
effective plans of action appropriate plans of action
 evaluate the impact of  evaluate the impact of  evaluate the impact of  evaluate the impact of
occurrences on the occurrences on the occurrences in general occurrences
hospitality and tourism hospitality and tourism
industry industry
C Practical and communication skills
Effective ability to: Good ability to: Some ability to: Limited ability to:
 apply a plan /  apply a plan /  apply a plan /  apply a plan /
specification specification specification specification
 manage resources  manage resources  manage resources  manage resources
 use equipment and tools  use equipment and tools  use equipment and tools  use equipment and tools
 demonstrate correct  demonstrate appropriate  apply techniques  be apply techniques
techniques techniques
 apply numerical skills  apply numerical skills  apply numeric skills  apply numeric skills
 adhere to safety  adhere to safety  adhere to safety  use safety measures
measures measures measures
 evaluate work and  monitor and comment on  comment on their work  make basic comments
progress work and progress about their work
 communicate  communicate  communicate  communicate
information, ideas and information, ideas and information, ideas and information, ideas and
processes (and processes (and processes (and processes (and
solutions) in detail solutions) solutions) solutions)
 choose the most  choose appropriate  choose communication  choose different
appropriate method to methods to communicate methods for different communication methods
communicate in different in different situations situations

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019


Assessment is an integral part of the teaching profession for teachers to set better questions and
assignments, and to interpret syllabuses. The understanding of the meaning of key verbs is

Analyse examine in detail to show meaning, identify elements and the

relationship between them

Apply put subject matter/content to a practical use

Compile collect or to put together facts and arguments in an orderly or

organised way

Compare identify/comment on similarities and/or differences

Demonstrate to show or prove something clearly and convincingly

Define give the exact meaning of, or to state precisely and briefly the
meaning of a term

Describe state the points of a topic / give characteristics and main features

Discuss write about issue(s) or topic(s) in depth in a structured way

Distinguish show the difference between one or more variables

Evaluate judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of


Explain set out purposes or reasons / make the relationships between things
evident / provide why and/or how and support with relevant

Identify name/select/recognise

Illustrate give a clear example or a graphic representation of something

Label attach names and information to illustrations, drawings and objects

List give a number of points, generally each of one word/a phrase

Motivate give reasons for certain judgements or choices; present facts and
arguments in support of a request

Name or mention give only the names, characteristics, items or facts

Plan arrange subject matter content in a predetermined way to

accomplish a certain action

Relate find the relationship between one or more variables

Report to give information about something that has happened

State or give express in clear terms

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

Suggest apply knowledge and understanding to situations where there are a
range of valid responses in order to make proposals

Summarise or conclude set out/draw together the main points of content, orally or in writing

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019


Good customer service means to build good relationships with your customers promoting a
positive, helpful and friendly environment that will ensure
customer to return often and spend more

Tourism the commercial organisation and operation of holidays and visits to

places of interest or for business purposes

Baking cooking in the oven

Batter a flour mixture with a high viscosity like e.g. for pancakes

Boil heat water until bubbling vigorously and also to cook food in water
that is bubbling vigorously

Boiling point the temperature at which a liquid boils and turns to vapour

Braising cooking food, especially meat in a small amount of liquid

Breakfast is the first meal of a day, most often eaten in the early morning
before undertaking the day's work

Buffet typically involves diners serving themselves from foods placed in a

public area

Chop cut into small random size pieces with a knife or other cutting divide

Coat to cover with a thin layer

Cross-contamination the process by which bacteria or other microorganisms are

unintentionally transferred from one substance or object to
another, with harmful effect

Dessert a sweet course that usually concludes an evening meal

Dinner usually a cooked meal of any size eaten at any time of day also
seen as the most significant and important meal of the day, now
generally the largest of the day

Dredge coat foods lightly with dry ingredients before cooking; the most
common dredge is flour

Fillet remove the bones from fish or meat before cooking

Filling stuffing, or dressing is an edible substance or mixture, often

a starch, used to fill a cavity in another food item while cooking

Garnish a decorative touch added to dishes and beverages

Grilling cooking above a heat source, such as traditional wood coals or

charcoal, in the open air

Julienne cut food, usually vegetables, into thin stick-shaped pieces

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

Lunch (the abbreviation for luncheon) is a light meal typically eaten as a
midday meal of varying size depending on the culture.

Main course featured or primary dish in a meal consisting of several courses

usually follows the entrée

Mealtime is the different times during the day when meals are consumed

Melting to liquefy certain ingredients as a step in the preparation of a dish

Menu is a list of all the food that can be eaten during one meal

Pit remove the centre seed from food

Plate service serving a meal already dished up on a plate

Poaching cooking in liquid held just below boiling so it just shimmers slightly
on the surface

Reduce to cook by simmering or boiling until its volume is decreased in

order to concentrate flavour

Roasting cooking in an uncovered pan in the oven to produce a well-browned

exterior and a moister, cooked interior; during roasting, no liquid
(such as water or wine) comes into contact with the food.

Shred tear or cut into pieces or strips

Silver service a style of serving food at formal meals in which the server uses a
silver spoon and fork in one hand to serve the food item by item on
to the diner's plate from a service dish to the guest's plate from the

Simmering gently cooking food in a liquid over low heat so tiny bubbles can be
observed breaking the surface of the liquid

Stewing gradually cooking ingredients in a covered pot for a long time (until

Supper a light meal eaten in the late evening

Thicken to thicken a liquid mixture by adding flour or egg

Tray service serving a meal on a tray

Cleaning removing dirt

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

ANNEXE A: Practical examination assessment summary form

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, ARTS AND CULTURE Paper 2: Practical examination
NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS assessment summary form

Republic of Namibia

Please read the instructions printed overleaf and the General Practical Regulations before completing this form
Centre Number November
Preparation Quality, results and
Candidate Method of working Evaluation Total Mark
Candidate Name session presentation
Number (max 15) (max 5) (max 50)
(max 15) (max 15)

Name of teacher completing this form Signature Date

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

ANNEXE B: Coursework assessment summary form

NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS assessment summary form

Republic of Namibia

Please read the instructions printed overleaf and the General Practical Regulations before completing this form
Centre Number November
Candidate Coursework Task 1 Coursework Task 2 Coursework Task 3 Total Mark
Candidate Name
Number (max 27) (max 23) (max 30) (max 80)

Name of teacher completing this form Signature Date

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

1. Complete the information at the head of the form.
2. List the learners in the order in which the names are printed on MS1 (i.e. in order of candidate examination number order, where this is known,
see item B1 below).
3. Transfer each candidate’s marks from his or her Individual Working mark sheet to this form as follows:
a) Where there are columns for individual skills or assignments enter the marks awarded.
b) In the column headed ‘Total Mark’, enter the total mark awarded.


1. The DNEA sends computer-printed Practical mark sheets MS1 to each Centre showing the names and examination numbers of each candidate.
Transfer the total mark for each candidate from the Practical Test Assessment Summary Form to the computer-printed Practical mark sheet MS1.
2. Despatch the top sheet of the computer-printed Practical mark sheet MS1 (marked ‘This copy is to be sent to the DNEA’), to reach the DNEA on
a date to be announced officially.
3. Send all of the learners’ work with the corresponding Individual Working Mark Sheets, photographs of learners’ dishes, this Summary Form and
the first copy of the MS1 marked ‘This copy is to be sent to the Moderator to reach the DNEA on a date to be announced officially.


 Complete the information at the head of the form.
 Mark the Practical assignment for each candidate.
 Enter marks and total marks in the appropriate spaces. Complete any other sections of the form required.
 Ensure that the addition of marks is independently checked.
 Transfer the marks to the Practical Examination Assessment Summary Form in accordance with the instructions given on that document.

Retain all Individual Candidate Working Mark Sheets for practical work which will be required for external moderation. Further detailed instructions
about external moderation will be sent in the 3rd term of the year of the examination. See also the instructions on the practical examination Assessment
Summary Form.

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

ANNEXE C: Symbols for units

These terms will be used by principal examiners during the setting of papers.

Unit Name of unit Symbol for units

Length millimeter mm
centimeter cm
metre m
kilometer km

Weight/mass milligram mg
gram g
kilogram kg

Volume millilitre ml
litre l

Time second s
minute min
hour h

Energy values Joule J

kiloJoule kJ
calorie cal

Temperature degrees Celsius ºC

degrees Fahrenheit ºF

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

ANNEXE D: Hospitality tools list

Electrical appliances Instant-read thermometer Front desk equipment

Bain-marie Kitchen shears Telephone
Beater Lemon squeezer
Desk/table with drawer
Blender Measuring cups
Measuring spoons Computer with Windows 10
Food processor
Microwave oven Meat tenderiser mallet (no specialised software are
Refrigerator Mixing bowls stainless required at this level)
Steamer steel/plastic Paper tray
Stoves electrical/gas Oven mitts
Teakettle Pastry bag Housekeeping equipment
Toaster Pastry blender Mop
Pastry brush Broom
Kitchen apparatus and utensils Pizza cutter Duster
Draining spoons Potato masher
Cleaning cloths
Ladle Rolling pin
Salad spinner Cleaners’ trolley/bucket
Locking tongs
Spatula metal/rubber Salt and pepper mills Vacuum cleaner (if room has
Spoons, ladles, and more Scales carpets)
Whisk Sugar thermometer Bed with mattress
Wooden spoons Timer Night frill
Chef’s knife Tin opener Mattress protector
Fillet knife Wire mesh colanders Fitted sheet
Grater Zester Flat sheet
Micro plane grater Duvet
Paring knife Eating utensils (set of 16)
Duvet cover
Potato masher Dinner plates
Side plates Standard pillows (2)
Serrated bread knife
Y-shaped vegetable peeler Soup plates Standard pillow cases (2)
Baking dish Dessert bowls Continental pillow
Baking sheet and cake pan Soup bowls Continental pillow case
Grill pan Cups & saucers Over lays for bed
Muffin pans Mugs Decorative cushions
Pots and pans Sugar bowl Set of towels (Bath towel,
Roasting pan Serving dishes (variety) hand towel, face cloth)
Saucepans Milk jugs Bed lamp
Sauté pan Teapots
Bedside table
Skillet Sauce boats
Dinner knives Curtains
Apple corer Dinner forks Mat for bedside
Biscuit cutter Dessert knife Shower curtain
Bottle opener Dessert fork Toilet set
Cake and pie server Table spoon Shower mat
Cleaver Dessert spoon
Cooling rack Teaspoon
Corkscrew Fish knife
Cutting board Fish fork
Dough scraper Cake fork
Egg poacher Sugar spoon
Egg separator Soup spoon
Egg slicer Butter knife
Flour sifter Serving spoon(s)
Food storage containers White wine glass
Funnel Red wine glass
Grater Water glass

NSSCO Hospitality syllabus Grades 10-11, NIED 2019

The National Institute for Educational Development
Private Bag 2034

Telephone: +264 62 509000

Facsimile: +264 62 509073

Website: http://www.nied.edu.na

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