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The word "Research" is derived from the French word "Researcher" meaning to search back..

According to Fred Kiplinger- "Research is an organized enquiry designed and carried out to provide
information for solving a problem" According to Francis Rummel- "Research is a careful inquiry or an
examination to discover new information or relationship and to expand and to verify existing


Most of the people are influenced by the Ayurvedic medication of Patanjali product. There is light
competition in Indian Cosmetic industry and there are different players in Indian Cosmetic market.
Now different trends are available at differences and guidelines in the market. Hence a study is
conducted for examining the influence of Patanjali Cosmetic products among people.


There is an individual who pays some amount of money for the thing required to consume goods
and services . Consumers play a vital role in the market. The satisfied consumer are the one who
creates value to the company hence this research focuses on the factors influencing consumers to
purchase Patanjali products.

This study will reveal the different aspects of consumer's perception regarding the product quality,
range, availability, and advertisement of the products. The need for the study is very essential as the
competition in the Ayurvedic and herbal products in ever increasing. Competitors are mainly
struggling to shut down the market by capturing its market share. Today scenario is such that the
competitors are coming up with sales promotion and incentives to compete with Patanjali Brand.


1) To study the brand perception of Patanjali in the minds of consumers.

2) To study the satisfaction level of consumers after using Patanjali products.

3) To study the attributes that a consumer keeps in mind while buying

Patanjali products.

4) To know various types of Patanjali products preferred by customers.

3.1 Objectives of the Study:

To know the consumers attribute towards the Amul company's products in Surat city.
 To know consumer are attracted to the Amul company's retailer outlet or not.

 To know which kind of extra facility demanded by consumers towards Amul company's product.

 To find out the potential customer for AMUL Company's product.


This research focused on respondents of Nagpur. The research provided fruitful information about
Patanjali's product line users and brand perception they have about Patanjali.

Hypothesis Statement

H0-The Perception of Customer towards Patanjali products in not quite positive.

H1-The Perception of Customs towards Patanjali product is quite positive

3.2 Scope of the Study:

Scope of the study is to know the consumer buying behavior about AMUL Company's Product
through of different areas. i.e. Ghod dhod road, Athwaline, Minibazzar, Amroli, Bombay market,
Nanpura etc. in Surat city.


A research design is the set of methods and procedures used in collecting and analysing measures of
the variables specified in the research problem. The design of a study defines the study type
(descriptive, correlation, semi - experimental, experimental) and sub type. Hypothesis independent
and dependent variables , design of experimental design and if applicable , data collection methods,
and a statistical analysis plan. Research design is the framework that has been created to find
answers to research questions.


The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research plan
chalked out. While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the study, first of all
the sources of data must be very clear.

There are basically two sources of data.

Primary data source:

The primary data are those, which are collected fresh for the first time for the problem solution, and
thus happen to be original in character, it may be obtained from individual, families and
Secondary Data Source

The secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have to
decide which have already been passed through the statistical process. Externally, these sources
may include books or periodicals reports, data services and computer data banks. In the context of
the project study, the source of data used by me for this project is primary type of source. The
primary data source is the respondents who have filled the questionnair

Sampling plan

Sampling unit – The sampling unit is the entity to which we have to follow during the whole research
study. In the context of the project study, the sampling unit primarily consist of individuals. Sampling
size – It plays an important role in the research. Samples are representatives of the whole
population. This refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe to constitute a
sample. In the context of the project study, 100 respondents are chosen keeping in view the above
constraints. Attempts have been made to see that samples are chosen from different strata.

Sampling method - There are various methods of sampling in the context of my project study I have
selected non probability sampling method. And under that, I have taken convenience sampling.
Under this I prepared a simple questionnaire to collect the information.

Data collection method:

Data collection method is done basically in three ways: Observation method, survey method , and
questionnaire. And in the context of my project study, I have selected questionnaire method to
collect the data.

Data analysis and Interpretation:

Data analysis is based on the data collected by the questionnaire. From the collected data findings
are extracted. The data is tabulated and frequency distribution chart is prepared.

Data analysis by chart:

Charts make easy to understand. Therefore I have used pie chart to present the data.

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