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Poltekita: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol.17 No.3 November 2023: Hal.

http://jurnal.poltekkespalu.ac.id/index.php/JIK p-ISSN: 1907-459X e-ISSN: 2527-7170

Original Article

Worm Infections (Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis) in Elementary School Students

Nur Hamdani Nur1, Kartini1, Zul Adhayani Arda2*

1Faculty of Public Health, Pancasakti University, Makassar, Indonesia
2Faculty of Public Health, Gorontalo University, Gorontalo, Indonesia

(Correspondence author's: [email protected], 081241263051)


Environmental sanitation factors and human behavior factors are factors that greatly influence the
occurrence of worm disease. The high incidence of worms is caused by environmental factors or demographic
conditions in an area and is also influenced by community behavior. This study aims to determine the factors
associated with the incidence of worms in elementary school students in Manggala District, Makassar City. This
type of research is observational analytic with a cross-sectional study design. The population in this study were
elementary school children in grades IV, V, and VI who attended SD Komplek Inpres, SD Perumnas Antang II,
Manggala District, Makassar City, with a total sample of 61 samples. Sampling used the Systematic Random
Sampling technique. This research found that 29.5% of elementary school students were positively infected, where
Ascaris lumbricoides and Tricuris trichiura were the main infections. The results of the analysis showed that hand
washing behavior (p=0.003), nail cleanliness (p=0.031), and clean water facilities (p=0.001) were significantly
related to the incidence of worm infections in elementary school students, and the variable clean water facilities
were the variable that most dominant in the incidence of worms in elementary school students.
Keywords : Worms, Behavior, Environment, Personal Hygiene
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).

INTRODUCTION to develop well5. This is influenced by warm

and wet soil so that eggs and larvae can develop
Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis (STH) more quickly. The prevalence rate proves this in
or worm infection is an infectious disease several regions in Indonesia, which has reached
transmitted through the soil by intestinal more than 20%, reaching 76.6%. Based on the
nematode worms1. This infectious disease has survey results, the prevalence figures obtained
increased and has quite a high prevalence in Sulawesi, West Nusa Tenggara, West Java,
worldwide2. Data from the World Health Papua and Sumatra were 88%, 92%, 90%, 50%
Organization (WHO) shows that more than 1.5 and 80%, respectively6.
billion people, or around 24% of the world's South Sulawesi has quite high rainfall,
population, were infected in 2016, 60% of which causes Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis
whom were students, and around 870 million (STH) to develop well and has the potential to
students are at high risk of being infected with increase the prevalence of worm infections. The
this disease3. number of worm sufferers in South Sulawesi
Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis (STH) from 2011 to 2014 was quite high, namely
is spread in almost all regions of the world, 11,884 cases, 9,476 cases, 12,949 cases, and
especially in areas with tropical and sub- 13,375 cases7.
tropical climates4. The air humidity is quite high As the capital of South Sulawesi
in Indonesia, a country with a tropical climate, Province, Makassar City has the highest
causing Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis (STH) number of worm sufferers. Most worm

infection sufferers are students aged between < test.
1 year to 14 years8.
With the high number of worm cases in RESULTS
Makassar City, this research aims to identify the
status of worms in elementary school students The research results on age, gender,
and to analyze factors related to the incidence class level, education, and income are presented
of worms in elementary school students in in Table 1. In the age characteristics of the 61
Makassar City, which include personal hygiene students, the most dominant was ten years old,
factors and environmental sanitation factors. 19 students, namely 31.1%, and 13 years old,
the least was 31.1%. 2 respondents, namely
METHOD 3.3%. Regarding gender characteristics, there
were 20, or 32.8%, male students and 41, or
This research uses quantitative research 67.2%, female students. Regarding class level
with observational analytical methods and a characteristics, the largest number of students
Cross-Sectional Study design. The research was at the class IV level, with 26 students or
population was all students in grades IV, V, and 42.6%, and the lowest was at the class V level,
VI of SD Inpres Perumnas Antang II, Manggala with as many as 15 students or 24.8%.
District, Makassar City. Meanwhile, the Regarding income characteristics, the most
number of samples in this study was 61 dominant parents had an income of <2.5
students, calculated using the Lemeshow (1991) million, as many as 34 respondents or 55.7%,
sample formula for observational research with and those with an income of at least >5 million
a limited population and sampling using were five respondents or 8.2%.
Systematic Random Sampling with an interval
value of 3. Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents
Data collection regarding students' worm Characteristics n %
status was obtained by examining worm eggs or Age (years) 9 5 8,2
larvae of the Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis 10 19 31,1
group through fecal examination. Data 11 18 29,5
collection began with the signing an informed 12 17 27,9
consent sheet by the student's parents. Students 13 2 3,3
who have received approval are interviewed Gender Man 20 32,8
with the assistance of their parents regarding Woman 41 67,2
personal hygiene (hand washing behavior, use Class IV 26 42,6
of footwear, habits of cutting and cleaning V 15 24,6
nails) using a questionnaire as well as an VI 20 32,8
assessment of environmental sanitation Parental < 2.5 Million 34 55,7
conditions (clean water facilities, wastewater income
2,5–5 Million 22 36,1
disposal facilities, and latrine sanitation) using
> 5 Million 5 8,2
an observation sheet. Meanwhile, for data on
Jumlah 61 100,0
worm status, ± 100 mg of feces (the size of a
Regarding income characteristics, the
marble or thumb) was taken and put into a feces
most dominant parents had an income of <2.5
pot, which had been coded according to the
million, as many as 34 respondents or 55.7%,
code written in the questionnaire. Feces are
and those with an income of at least >5 million
examined in the laboratory using the Kato-Katz
were five respondents or 8.2%. In the
method. The data obtained was then processed
distribution regarding the worm status of
and analyzed univariately, bivariate, and
elementary school students, as many as 43
multivariately. Bivariate analysis was carried
students, or 70.5%, were negative, and as many
out using the Chi-Square test with an alpha
as 18 students, or 29.5%, were positive for
value of 0.05. Meanwhile, multivariate analysis
was carried out using the Logistic Regression

Table 2. Bivariate Analysis
Variable Worm Infections Total p-Value
positive Negative
Hand Washing Behavior Not Good n 14 14 28 0,003
% 50,0 50,0 100,0
Good n 4 29 33
% 12,1 87,9 100,0
Use of Footwear Not Good n 1 3 4 1,000
% 25,0 75,0 100,0
Good n 17 40 57
% 29,8 70,2 100,0
Nail Hygiene Not Good n 11 12 23 0,031
% 47,8 52,2 100,0
Good n 7 31 38
% 18,4 81,6 100,0
Clean Water Facilities Not eligible n 9 4 13 0,001
% 69,2 30,8 100,0
Eligible n 9 39 48
% 18,8 81,3 100,0
Fecal Disposal Facilities Not eligible n 2 1 3 0,205
% 66,7 33,3 100,0
Eligible n 16 42 58
% 27,6 72,4 100,0
Waste Water Sewerage Not eligible n 1 2 3 1,000
% 33,3 66,7 100,0
Eligible n 17 41 58
% 29,3 70,7 100,0
Total n 18 43 61
% 29,5 70,5 100,0

Based on the results of statistical tests, that there is a relationship between nail hygiene
the analysis of hand-washing behavior shows behavior and the incidence of worms in
that 12.1% of elementary school students who elementary school students.
have good hand-washing behavior are positive In clean water facilities, 18.8% of
for having worms, and 87.9% are negative or do elementary school students who had clean water
not experience worms and have good hand- recommendations met the requirements
washing. The results of the bivariate test experienced worm infections. Meanwhile,
obtained a p-value = 0.003 < 0.05. These results 81.3% did not experience worm infections. The
indicate a relationship between hand-washing bivariate test found a p-value = 0.001 < 0.05. so
behavior and the incidence of worms in that clean water facilities are significantly
elementary school students. related to the incidence of worms in elementary
Analysis of footwear usage behavior school students.
shows that 29.8% of elementary school students Based on fecal disposal facilities, as
with good footwear habits tested positive for many as 27.6% of elementary school students
worms. Meanwhile, 70.2% were negative or did with fecal disposal facilities met the
not experience worms. Based on the results of requirements and were positive for having
the bivariate test, the p-value = 1.000 > 0.05. worms. In comparison, 72.4% were negative or
This shows no relationship between footwear did not experience worms. The bivariate test
usage behavior and the incidence of worms in found a p-value = 0.205 > 0.05. Thus, the means
elementary school students. of feces disposal is not significantly related to
18.4% of elementary school students the incidence of worms in elementary school
with good nail hygiene were positive for having students.
worms, while 81.6% were negative or did not Analysis of wastewater disposal
experience worms because they had good nail facilities shows that 29.3% of elementary
hygiene. The bivariate test results found a p- school students who have wastewater disposal
value = 0.031 <0.05. Thus, it can be concluded facilities that meet the requirements are positive

for having worms. In comparison, 70.1% are between wastewater disposal facilities and the
negative or do not have worms. The results of incidence of worms in elementary school
the bivariate test found a value of p = 1,000 > students.
0.05. This means that there is no relationship

Table 3. Logistic Regression Test Analysis

Variable p-Value OR 95% C.I for OR
Lower Upper
Hand Washing Behavior 0,006 10,599 1,969 57,067
Nail Hygiene 0,051 4,312 0,993 18,727
Clean Water Facilities 0,002 17,900 2,760 116,075

Multivariate analysis with logistic According to the Republic of Indonesia

regression tests shows that the most dominant Minister of Health Regulation no. 15 of 2017,
variable among all variables related to the the habit of washing hands to prevent
incidence of worm infections is clean water transmission of worm eggs should be done
facilities, which influence B = 17,900. before and after eating, every time your hands
are dirty, and after defecating. Washing your
DISCUSSION hands using running water and soap can more
effectively remove dirt and dust mechanically
WHO explains that worms are closely from the skin's surface14. It can significantly
related to poverty, where the family income reduce the number of disease-causing
level is relatively low. Parents with good microorganisms. The eggs of the worm species
education, work, and income can bring their Ascaris lumbricoides are sticky easily, so soap
families to a good and healthy environment9. and running water are necessary to remove the
The types of worm eggs that can infect eggs from the hands when washing hands 15.
elementary school students in Manggala The influence of nail hygiene behavior
District are Ascaris lumbricoides and mixed on the incidence of worms. From the research
infections, namely Ascaris lumbricoides and results, 18.4% of elementary school students
Tricuris trichiura. This can be caused because with good nail hygiene were positive for having
the life cycle of these two types of worms is worms, while 81.6% were negative or did not
almost the same, which can enter the human experience worms because they had good nail
body orally10. Ascaris lumbricoides worms can hygiene. Based on the results of the logistic
be found in all positive samples. This is because regression test, the value of p=0.051<0.05 was
the worm can lay between 100,000 and 200,000 obtained, so it can be concluded that there is an
eggs daily. This type of worm is the most influence between nail hygiene behavior and
common type found 11. the incidence of worms in elementary school
Hand-washing behavior is a personal students in Manggala District. The habit of
hygiene factor closely related to the incidence students to bite their nails, which can influence
of worms12. From the research results, 12.1% of the incidence of worms16. If nails that are long
elementary school students with good hand- and dirty are bitten, it can cause worm eggs that
washing habits were positive for having worms, might be stuck in the nails to be swallowed 17.
and 87.9% were negative or did not have worms Worm infections can be transmitted in various
or had good hand-washing. From the results of ways. One is that long, dirty nails may contain
observations that have been made, the majority worm eggs and can later be swallowed when
of respondents wash their hands well using eating or sucking fingers18. Well-groomed and
running water and soap. On the other hand, clean nails also reflect a person's personality19.
some respondents who tested positive for Long and unkempt nails will become a place for
worms, even though they had washed their various types of dirt containing various
hands well, did not wash their hands with substances and microorganisms, including
running water. In line with this, research by bacteria and worm eggs, which are often
Limbong O.S. (2020) found that washing hands trapped in dirty nails20. This condition often
before eating, after defecating, and after playing occurs in students who often play on the field.
was significantly related to the incidence of Long and dirty nails and cutting nails at least
worms13. once every two weeks cause worms 21.

The influence of clean water facilities and the environment inside and outside the
on the incidence of worms. That 18.8% of home. Teach and supervise students to behave
elementary school students with clean water in a clean and healthy lifestyle.
supplies that meet the requirements are positive
for having worms. In comparison, 81.3% are CONFLICT OF INTEREST
negative or do not experience worms because The authors declare that there is no conflict of
they have clean water facilities that meet the interest.
requirements. Based on the results of the
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