IGCSE ICT Practical Paper

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Term Examination

2023-24 NAME

VISION “Every child is a God given Amana, to be educated and SUBJECT
developed into balanced individuals with well-rounded
● Carry out all instructions in each DATE
● Enter your name, centre number and candidate number on every printout before it is sent to the
● Printouts with handwritten candidate details will not be marked.
● At the end of the examination, attach the printouts with this question paper.
● If you have produced rough copies of printouts, put a cross through each one to indicate that it is
not the copy to be marked.
● You must not have access to either the internet or any email system during this examination.

● The total mark for this paper is 50.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].




MISSION “To discover the students’ potential, nurture and transform them into responsible world citizens”

This document has 8 pages.

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You have been supplied with the following source files:


You work for a company called Tawara Yacht Brokers who buy and sell luxury boats. You are going to
perform some clerical tasks for this company.

Task 1 – Evidence Document

Open the file SP02EVIDENCE.rtf

Make sure that your name, centre number and candidate number will appear on every page of this document.

Save this Evidence Document in your work area as SP02EVIDENCE followed by your candidate number,
for example, SP02EVIDENCE9999

You will need to place screenshots in this document of the evidence you are instructed to produce.

Task 2 – Document

You are going to edit a report for Tawara Yacht Brokers. The company uses a corporate house style
for all their documents. Paragraph styles must be created and applied as instructed.

1 Using a suitable software package, open the file SP02SUPER.rtf

The page setup is set to A4, landscape orientation with 2 centimetre margins. Do not make any changes to
these settings.

Save the document in your work area with the filename BROKER

Make sure it is saved in the format of the software you are using.

Place in your Evidence Document a screenshot to show this file has been saved. Make sure there is evidence
of the file type.

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2 Place in the footer of the file BROKER

 automated page numbers left aligned

 your name, centre number and candidate number right aligned.

Make sure that:

 all the alignments match the page margins

 no other text is included in the header and footer area
 the footer is displayed on all pages.

3 Create and store the following styles, basing each on the default paragraph style:

House style specification


Line Spacing

Space before

Space after
Font Style

Font Size


TY-Subhead sans-serif 16 centre all capitals, bold single 0 9
TY-Table serif 11 centre italic single 0 0

Take a screenshot to show that you have defined the settings for the TY-Subhead style. Make sure
there is evidence that you have based this on the default paragraph style.
Place this in your Evidence Document.

4 Display these custom style names as a list in the style manager/organiser.

Take screenshot evidence to show that you have created, named and saved these styles. Place this in your
Evidence Document.

5 The style name TY-Title has already been created, stored and applied to the title text.

Modify the TY-Title style so only the following formatting is applied:


Line Spacing

Space before

Space after
Font Style

Font Size



TY-Title sans-serif 32 centre bold, underline single 0 6

Place in your Evidence Document a screenshot of the style settings for the TY-Title style to show that you
have changed these.

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6 Below the title, add a subtitle:

Draft report by: and add your name. [1]

7 The style name TY-Subtitle has already been created and stored.

Apply this style to the text you entered in Step 6. [1]

8 Change the page layout so that the subheading Global Analysis and all following text is displayed in two
equally spaced columns with 2 centimetre spacing between the columns. [2]

9 Identify the 5 subheadings in the document and apply the TY-Subhead style to each one. [1]

10 Locate the table in the document.

Sort the data in the table into descending order of Length in metres. [1]

11 Insert a new row between Germany and United Arab Emirates.

Enter the following data into this row:

Length in metres Number of Yachts

China 900 26

12 Apply the TY-Table style to the table.

Make sure that:

 no data is wrapped within the table

 all gridlines are displayed when printed
 all borders and data fit within the column width
 there is a 6 point space after the table.

13 Format the first row of the table to be centre aligned over the three columns. [1]

14 Import the image SP02YACHT.jpg and place this below the subheading CHARTERS. [1]

15 Reflect the image so that the yacht points to the left. [1]

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16 Format the image so that:

 it is re-sized to a width of 6 centimetres with the aspect ratio maintained

 it is aligned to the left column margin and the top of the paragraph starting A Tawara Yacht charter

 the text wraps round the image.

17 Spell check and proofread the document.

Make sure that:

 the table is not split over two columns or pages

 there are no widows or orphans
 there are no blank pages
 styles are applied consistently
 spacing is consistent between all items.

Save the document using the same file name and format used in Step 1.

Print the document.


[Total: 24]

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Task 3 – Database

You are now going to prepare some reports. Make sure all currency values display a currency symbol
and are set to 0 decimal places.

18 Using a suitable database package, import the file SP02YACHTS.csv

Use these field names and data types:

Field Name Data Type Display

Yacht_Name Text
Type Text
Yacht_ID Text
Length Number 1 decimal place
Builder_ID Text
Price Numeric/Currency currency symbol and 0 decimal places
Build_Year Number
Sleeps Number
Crew Number

Set Yacht_ID as a primary key. Save

the data.

Place in your Evidence Document a screenshot showing the field names, data types and primary key used in
the table.

19 Examine the file SP02BUILDERS.csv and identify the most appropriate field to set as a primary key.

Import this file as a new table in your database. Format all

data types as text.

Set the identified field as the primary key.

Place in your Evidence Document a screenshot showing the field names, data types and the primary
key used in the table.

20 Create a one-to-many relationship between the Builder_ID fields.

Place in your Evidence Document screenshot(s) showing the one-to-many relationship between the two

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21 Add the following as a new record in the yachts table:

Yacht_Name Antalex
Type Motor
Yacht_ID MO126
Length 26
Builder_ID 31SANIT
Price 795000
Build_Year 2011
Sleeps 6
Crew 3

Check your data entry for errors. Save the data.


22 Using fields from both tables, produce a tabular report that:

 selects the records where:

– Build_Year was after 2010
– Length is 40 or less
 contains a new field called Total_Berths which is calculated at run-time. This field will add the
Sleeps field to the Crew field
 shows only the fields Yacht_Name, Builder_Name, Type, Length, Price, Build_Year,
Build_Country, Sleeps, Crew and Total_Berths in this order with data and labels displayed in full.
Do not group the data
 sorts the data into ascending order of Type and then descending order of Length
 has a page orientation of landscape
 fits on a single page wide
 includes the heading Yachts less than 15 years old as a title displayed in a larger font size at the
top of the page
 has your name, centre number and candidate number in the footer of the report so it displays on every

Save and print your report.


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23 Using fields from both tables, produce a tabular report that:

 selects only those records where

– Country_Code is NZ or AU
– Builder_Name includes the text Yacht
 shows only the fields Yacht_Name, Builder_Name, Type, Length, Price and Build_Country in
this order with data and labels displayed in full. Do not group the data
 sorts the data into descending order of Price
 has a page orientation of portrait
 fits on a single page
 calculates the average Length in this selection and positions this number below the Length
 displays this average length value to 1 decimal place
 includes the heading Oceania Boat Builders as a title displayed in a larger font size at the top of
the page
 has your name, centre number and candidate number at the top or bottom of the report.

Save and print your report.


24 Export the report created at Step 23 in portable document format (pdf).

Save the exported file in your work area.

Place in your Evidence Document a screenshot to show the exported file saved in your work area. Make
sure there is evidence of the file type.

[Total: 26]

Task 5 – Printing the Evidence Document

Make sure that your name, centre number and candidate number appear on every page of your Evidence

Save your Evidence Document.

Print your Evidence Document.

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Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of Cambridge Local
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