Test Sricp - Uat 2327

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Project Name: CR-2327 Test Case Designed by: Nadeeka Gunathilake

Environment: EximBill Test system Test Executed by: Sangeeth Sanarathne
Test execution date: 17.02.2024-25.02.2024



1 Verify if the user can access the function.CBC-GTEE-Foreign BkCharges-Recd-OBC . User login to function successfully CBC-GTEE-Foreign BkCharges-Recd-OBC

2 VAT chrages calculation. VAT chargers should be calculated correctly as per prevailing rates (Currently 18%)

3 Total commision calculation. Total commision amount should be calculated based on after deduction of SWIFT chargers

Verify whether VAT charges are calculated corretly after deduction on swift chgs ( currency
4 VAT charges should be calculated corretly other than currency USD
other than USD)

Exchange rate

1 Verify whether the user is able to pick the exchange rate automatically The user should be able to pick the current exchange rate automatically through the system

GL account entry

1 Check whether GL Account entries are updated. The GL Account entries should be updated.
2 Check whether the SWIFT Account Number changed to 5011132 - 194CC. The SWIFT Account Number should be changed to 5011132-194CC
1 Chargers- USD 1,210.00 Commission - 300,000/- (USD Equalent 1,000/-)
Rate - 300.00 VAT- 54,000/- (USD Equalent 180/-)
SWIFT- 9,000.00 (USD Equalent 30/-)
Total- 363,000.00 (USD Equalent 1,210/-)
2 Chargers- USD 1,210.00 Commission - 350,000/- (USD Equalent 1,000/-)
Rate - 350.00 VAT- 63,000/- (USD Equalent 180/-)
SWIFT- 10,500.00 (USD Equalent 30/-)
Total- 423,500.00 (USD Equalent 1,210/-)

Function - CBC-GTEE-Foreign BkCharges-Recd-OBC


User login to function successfully CBC-GTEE-Foreign BkCharges-Recd-OBC PASS

VAT chargers are calculated correctly as per prevailing rates PASS

Total commision amount are calculated correcty based on SWIFT chargers PASS

VAT charges calculated corretly other than currency USD PASS

The user is successfully to pick the current exchange rate automatically through the system PASS

The GL Account entries are updated. PASS

The SWIFT Account Number is changed to 5011132-194CC PASS

Commission - 300,000/- (USD Equalent 1,000/-)

VAT- 54,000/- (USD Equalent 180/-) PASS
SWIFT- 9,000.00 (USD Equalent 30/-)
Total- 363,000.00 (USD Equalent 1,210/-)
Commission - 350,000/- (USD Equalent 1,000/-)
VAT- 63,000/- (USD Equalent 180/-) PASS
SWIFT- 10,500.00 (USD Equalent 30/-)
Total- 423,500.00 (USD Equalent 1,210/-)
Test Scenario Description Expected Result Actual Result Passed / Failed

1.0 Debit & Credit SLIPS

I Transactions with DR & CR transactions codes Pass

Status "OPEN" should accept

Status "PURGE" should reject 8103194501 / 1200019450 Pass
Status "NO DR ALLOWED" should reject 8142000524 / 1060013677 Pass
Credit Transactions with different originating accounts (Different Status "CLOSED" should reject 8110008742 / 2408595703 Pass
ICBS account status) [Shiromi] for Saving, current, GL, credit card Status "DORMANT" should reject 8350003799 / 1057738316 Pass
Status "NEW AC THIS MONTH" should accept 8230024528 / 1041041041 Pass
Status "CLOSED TO POSTING" should reject 8720005701 / 1180002271 Pass
Status "DECEASED" should reject 8520009661 / 1210000801 Pass
[Shiromi] Different ICBS product types (eg: minor/Super server/Anagi) 8710326701 / 8540006550 / 8102000658
[Shiromi] accounts with cautions 8060058937
[Shiromi] accounts with direct deposit facility enabled 1050052201
[Shiromi] Freign currency accounts 8180004457 / 1680007153 / 6130020557
[Shiromi] NSF accounts 8020031026

Status "OPEN" should accept

Status "PURGE" should reject
Status "NO DR ALLOWED" should accept
Debit Transactions with different originating accounts (Different Status "CLOSED" should reject
ICBS account status) [Shiromi] for Saving, current, GL, credit card Status "DORMANT" should reject
Status "NEW AC THIS MONTH" should accept
Status "CLOSED TO POSTING" should reject
Status "DECEASED" should reject
[Shiromi] Different ICBS product types (eg: minor)
[Shiromi] accounts with cautions
[Shiromi] accounts with direct deposit facility enabled
[Shiromi] Freign currency accounts
[Shiromi] NSF accounts

IV Transaction amount with minus value Should not allow

[Shiromi] Transaction amount with zero value
[Shiromi] Foreign currency amounts

After the final authorization, memo balance of the originating & branch
2.0 Authorization of branch SLIPS unposted account need to be increased or decrease based on the
transaction type (Transaction value+charges)

2.1 Transactions within the first authorization limit Can authorize using the 'Trn.confirmation officer 1' function only

Initially can authorize using 'officer 1' function & after confirm by the
2.2 Transactions exceed the first authorization limit officer 1, will direct to officer 2 for authorization. Same user will not be
able to get the both officer I & officer 2 functions

3.0 Entries relate to branch SLIPS Entries need to be posted via EBK PROCESS trickled feed. Entries will be
written to the trickled feed after validate the SLIPS outward file. Once
complete the trickle feed, memo hold need to be removed.
DR-Originating account (Narration - "SLP - Bene. AC - Bene. Name")
3.1 Credit SLIPS CR-Transaction originating branch unposted account (Narration "SLP -
Sender. AC - Sender. Name")
*** If a transaction authorize after the final SLIPS out ward file creation, those
3.2 transactions will be sent next day. So above 2.0 mentioned memo
increase/decrease need to be re-post with the 'start of the day' process

DR-Originating account by total bank fee (Narration - "SLP Chg - Bene.

3.3 Commission for Credit SLIPS
CR-Commission account - branch (Narration - "SLP Chg - Sender. Name")
CR-Commission account - Lanka Clear Fee (Narration - "SLP Chg - sender.
3.3 Commission for Credit SLIPS

CR-Commission account - Lanka Clear Fee (Narration - "SLP Chg - sender.


DR-Transaction originating branch unposted account (Narration "SLP -

3.4 Debit SLIPS Sender. AC - Sender. Name")
CR-Originating account (Narration - "SLP - Bene. AC - Bene. Name")

4.0 Level Down of branch SLIPS During the current day i.e after written to SLPTRN/SLIPS & roll back to the initiator level

4.1 Single transaction by transaction number Transaction need to be deleted from SLPTRN/SLIPS & appear under the
initiator's pending transactions

All transactions need to be deleted from SLPTRN/SLIPS & appear under

the relevant initiator's pending transactions

4.2 All transactions of the branch by selecting the branch code

*** on above 4.1 & 4.2 instances, the memo holds applied on the authorisation point
(above 2.0) need to be removed.
Since the accounting entries generate after validate the outward file, at
5.0 Reversal entries of the level down SLIPS this stage entries for the original transactions have not been generated.
So no need of reversal entries. Only the memo holds need to be removed

Final entries will be routed through SLIPS trickled feed

DR-Branch unposted account for the total of manual SLIPS
CR-SLIPS account(2318850) for the total of each branch manual SLIPS
6.0 Entries relates to the outward process
DR-SLIPS account(2318850) for the total of the bank manual SLIPS
CR-SLIPS suspense account(1888889/1207) for the total of the bank
manual SLIPS
[Shiromi] Simaltanious accouunt posting request's for Outward (if
possible more than 2 at once)
[Shiromi] Repeat above process for outward transactions in both
Teller mode and memo mode for Account Posting
[Shiromi] Repeat above process for outwrd transactions in both
Teller mode and memo mode for Balance inquiry
1060027826 saving - close, current open
Test Scenario Description Expected Result Passed / Failed

Day Mode Night Mode

After the final authorization entries will be
posted via EFT API. No memo holds will be
1.0 ETF / EPF Payments placed

*** At the final authorization, available balance will

be checked via the EFT API. If the balance inquiry
respon is unsuccessful, Further proceeding should be
held & a message should be displayed.

Dr - Customer
2.0 Entries relate to ETF payments * Narration ( IB-PAID ETF-'Registration No' Screen Print pass
Cr - ETF collection AC.
* Narration ( 'Registration No' - 'Registered
Name' Screen Print Pass
No charges entries.

Dr - Customer
3.0 Entries relate to EPF payments * Narration ( IB-PAID EPF-'Registration No' Screen Print pass
Cr - EPF collection AC.
* Narration ( 'Registration No' - 'Registered
Name' Screen Print Pass
No charges entries.
Test Scenario Description Expected Result Actual Result Passed / Failed
1 Debit & Credit CEFTS

1.1 Transactions with DR & CR transactions codes Pass

Status "OPEN" should accept Pass

Status "PURGE" should reject Pass
Status "NO DR ALLOWED" should reject Pass
Credit Transactions with different originating accounts (Different Status "CLOSED" should reject Pass
ICBS account status) [Shiromi] for Saving, current, GL, credit card Status "DORMANT" should reject Pass
Status "NEW AC THIS MONTH" should accept Pass
Status "CLOSED TO POSTING" should reject Pass
Status "DECEASED" should reject Pass
[Shiromi] Different ICBS product types (eg: minor)
[Shiromi] accounts with cautions
[Shiromi] accounts with direct deposit facility enabled
[Shiromi] Freign currency accounts
[Shiromi] NSF accounts

Debit Transactions with different originating accounts (Different

1.3 Transactions with debit codes are not allowed
ICBS account status) [Shiromi] for Saving, current, GL, credit card

1.4 Transaction amount with minus value Should not allow

[Shiromi] Transaction amount with zero value
[Shiromi] Foreign currency amounts

After the final authorization, TAP007 memo hold will not be placed &
entries will be posted in real time.
2 Authorization of branch CEFTS

Balance will be diplay using EFT available balance retrieval API. (EFT
response = '00' authorized) [Shiromi] use accounts with TAP007 memo
2.1 holds, TAP003 holds, TAP014 OD's, TAP030/TAP031 unrealized funds
Transactions within the first authorization limit - Display available

If the EFT response receive as 99 or 98, a message will be display for the
2.2 user to try the function again (refresh the page to get the available
balance). On such instances, the available balance will be display as zero
to the user
2.3 On above 2.2 instances, authorization will not be allowed untill the user
refresh the page & get the balance successfully.

Transactions exceed the first authorization limit - Display available If the EFT response receive as 99 or 98, a message will be display for the
2.4 user to try the function again (refresh the page to get the available
balance). On such instances, the available balance will be display as zero
to the user

2.5 On above 2.4 instances, authorization will not be allowed untill the user
refresh the page & get the balance successfully.
3 Entries relate to branch CEFTS Entries will be posted in real time via EFT API's & 'EBK PROCESS' trickled
feed will not be used.

Entries will not be written to CEFTS common trickle feed input file
3.1 CGP13901/ICBSPRDDT1 & 'EBK PROCESS' ([Shiromi] File
EXP1002/SV90CRXSRL) trickle feed will not have any CEFTS transactions
Entries as below
DR-Originating account with the transaction amount (Narration - "EFT -
Bene. AC - Bene. Name")
CR-CEFTS collection account with the transaction amount (Narration "EFT
- Sender. AC - Sender. Name")
DR-Originating account by total bank fee (Narration - "EFT Chg - Bene. AC
- Bene. Name")
CR-intermediate charges collection account by total bank fee (Narration -
"EFT Chg - sender. AC - sender. Name")
DR-intermediate charges collection account by E-Bank potion ([Shiromi] E
Bank-Charges) (Narration - "EFT Chg - sender. AC - sender. Name")
CR- E-Bank charges account (Narration - "EFT Chg - sender. AC - sender.

DR-intermediate charges collection account by branch potion ([Shiromi]

3.5 Lank Pay-Charges) (Narration - "EFT Chg - sender. AC - sender. Name")
CR- Branch ([Shiromi] Lanka Pay) charges account (Narration - "EFT Chg -
sender. AC - sender. Name")

** If above all account entries (i.e 3.2 to 3.5) are successfully completed, CEFTS
ISO message will be delivered to LankaPay. [Shiromi] All entries will be written to

3.6 If there's any breach of above 3.2 to 3.5 entries (i.e EFT response did not
receive as 00 = Authorized) proceeding to next level will be stoped & send
reversal entries to all previous successful entries. [Shiromi] All entries will
be written to EFP1040/ICBSPRDDT1 File

3.7 If any of above 3.2 to 3.5 entrie get the EFT response as '98 = Time out' ,
that entry will be written to EFP1050/ICBSPRDDT1 File [Shiromi] And
required to check manually and reverse respective DR or CR entry. And All
entries will be written to EFP1040/ICBSPRDDT1 File as well

3.8 On an instance of above 3.6, Transaction status will not be changed & will
available to confirm again. [Shiromi] Speifically checked for dupicate
transaction entries for CEFTS

If above 3.6 mentioned reversal entries did not get EFT response as '00 =
3.9 Authorized' , those failed reversal entries will be written to
EFP1050/ICBSPRDDT1 File [Shiromi] And All entries will be written to
EFP1040/ICBSPRDDT1 File as well
CEFTS ISO message delivered to LankaPay & does not receive the
4 response as '00 = Approved' (i.e Transaction is failed in CEFTS

4.1 3.2 to 3.5 entries will be reversed

If there's any breach/faile (i.e EFT response did not receive as 00 =
4.2 Authorized) of above 4.1 process, still the rest of the entries will be get
4.3 Failed entries of above 4.1 process, will be written to
EFP1060/ICBSPRDDT1 file [Shiromi] And required to check manually and
apply respective DR or CR entry.
4.4 Transaction status will be changed as 'Failed
[Shiromi] If there's no response form Lanka pay 68=Time out, send 420

5 CEFTS inward transactions Entries will be posted in real time via EFT API's & 'EBK PROCESS' trickled
feed will not be used. Memo balance of the beneficiary account will not
be increased. Before start the accounting entries, we reply the
originating bank that the transaction is success. [Shiromi] And all EFT
entries will be written to EFP1040/ICBSPRDDT1 File
Entries as below

DR-CEFTS collection account (Narration "EFT - Bene. AC - Bene. Name")

CR-Beneficiary account (Narration "EFT - information in Reference field")
[Shiromi] Tran.code 22,31,32, 33,34,36,41,51,54,56,57 narration will be
the incoming message "reference" field details

If the EFT response did not receive as '00 = Authorized' for above 5.1
5.2 entries, those failed entries will be written to EFP1060/ICBSPRDDT1 file.
[Shiromi] And required to check manually and apply respective DR or CR

An inward transaction received & we respond as successful. Then we

6 CEFTS inward transactions - Reversal request (420 message) receive a reversal request (420) & we reply as approved with a 430
[Shiromi] And all EFT entries will be written to EFP1040/ICBSPRDDT1
6.1 Above 5.1 entries should be reversed.

When reverse 5.1 entries, If the EFT response did not receive as '00 =
6.2 Authorized', those failed entries will be written to EFP1060/ICBSPRDDT1
file. [Shiromi] And required to check manually and apply respective DR or
CR entry.
[Shiromi] Simaltanious accouunt posting request's for
Inward/Outward (if possible more than 2 at once)

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