Closed Book Exam Questions Canto 1 Chapter 1 3

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1. What is the only qualification one needs to study this great book of transcendental


1. Discuss the role of Srimad Bhagavatam in Srila Prabhupada’s mission.

1. List three features of the Absolute Truth listed in the purport to 1.1.1.
2. List the four primary subjects of religion as mentioned in purport 1.1.1.
3. What portion of Srimad Bhagavatam is the most confidential? (1)
4. Explain why Srila Vyasadeva purposely invokes a Gayatri mantra, Dhimahi. (1)
5. Discuss the significance of the words ‘abhijnah’ and ‘svarat’. (1)
6. Give the English meaning the terms:
a. asamaurdhva
b. param satyam (1)
7. Srimad Bhagavatam can only be understood by whom? Give reference to specific Sanskrit
words from 1.1.2 in your response.
8. What is the English translation of the phrase – ‘vastavam atra vastu sivadam’? (2)
9. List the three categories (kanda) of the Vedic literature. (2)
10. Why is Srila Sukadeva Gosvami compared to a parrot? (3)
11. List the 12 rasas in English or Sanskrit. (3)
12. In what mood should one put questions before the speaker of the Bhagavatam (5)?
13. List four qualities of a representative of Srila Vyasadeva. (5-8)
14. Explain the meaning of the titles ‘Prabhupada’ and ‘Visnupada’. (15)


1. Explain the analogy of the chief engineer of a complicated construction. (1)
2. Explain the analogy of the desert mirage. (1)
3. Discuss the meaning, and significance, of the word ‘susrusu’, as mentioned in purport to
4. Explain the significance of dharmah projjhita-kaitavo ’tra paramo, as mentioned in 1.1.2.
5. Explain why the Srimad Bhagavatam is described as the ripened fruit of all Vedic
knowledge, as mentioned in 1.1.3.
6. Summarize the essence of each of the first three verses of Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1,
and the conceptual flow between them.
7. Describe the glories of Srimad Bhagavatam with reference to at least four specific sanskrit
words, or phrases, from Canto 1 verses 1-3.
8. Explain the analogy of the detached branches and leaves. (4)
9. Describe the standard of the people in this age of Kali with reference to the Sanskrit in
1.1.10. Give examples from your own experience which reflects this description.
10. Why are the so-called vanaprasthas and sannyasis, in this iron Age of Kali easily deviated
from the rigid path? (10)
11. Explain how pure devotees are more powerful than the waters of the Ganges. (15)
12. Summarize the six questions of the sages. (1.1.9-23).



1. Who is Ugrasrava and who is his father? (1)
2. Why there was no need for Srila Sukadeva Gosvami to undergo all the processes of the
varnasrama institution. (2)
3. Describe the relationship between the Puranas and the Vedas? (2)
4. What is the ‘Sariraka Bhasya’? (3)
5. Give the root meaning of the word ‘dharma’? (6)
6. Cite the two kinds of occupation, the Vedas prescribe for the human being? (6)
7. What two principles are important factors on the path of transcendental realization? (7)
8. Briefly explain the term ‘naiskarma’. (7)
9. Explain the ‘cleansing the cage of the bird’ analogy. (8)
10. Give the meaning of ‘bhaktya sruta-grhitaya’. (2.12)
11. Briefly cite the four principles a second-class devotee can see. (12)
12. Give the English meaning of ‘indriya-priti’. (13)
13. How does one gain affinity for hearing the messages of Vasudeva? (16)
14. The devotee fixed in the mode of goodness makes further progress to rise to which
position? (19)
15. What is the ‘tandava nritya’? (23)
16. How does the rajas stage of life gives a slight clue to the realization of the Absolute Truth?
17. Explain the king sometimes comes in the prison analogy. (28-29)
18. List the two analogies which describe how the presence of the Lord as Paramatma can be
felt by the process of legitimate hearing and chanting. (32)
1. Discuss the significance of Suta Gosvami not wearing a sacred thread. (2.2)
2. Describe the respective stages of dvija, vipra and vaisnava. (2.2)
3. Explain why the materialistic world is called the darkest region of God’s creation. (2.3)
4. Explain how materialists are compared to the camel. (2.3)
5. Compare the concepts explained in 1.2.6 with Srila Rupa Goswami’s definition of pure
devotional service, as described in Nectar of Devotion. Give reference to Srimad
Bhagavatam 1.2.6 and Srila Prabhupada’s Introduction to Nectar of Devotion in your
6. Srila Prabhupada writes in purport to 1.2.6: “This relation of servant and the served is the
most congenial form of intimacy.” Discuss the import of this statement in relation to your own
practice of devotional service.
7. “Bhakti, or the devotional service of the Lord, is meant for those who cannot perform the
high-grade activities.” Refute this statement, giving reference to 1.2.7.
8. Explain significant principles presented in 1.2.10 verse and purport. What is the relevance
of these principles for devotees in ISKCON? What changes could be made in your life in
order to improve your application of these principles? Give reference to 1.2.10 verse and
purport in your response.
9. Srila Prabhupada writes in purport to 1.2.6: “A sincere devotee must, therefore, be prepared
to hear the Vedic literature like the Upanisads, Vedanta and other literatures left by the
previous authorities or Gosvamis, for the benefit of his progress.” Discuss the import of this
statement for devotees in ISKCON.
10. Srila Prabhupada writes in purport to 1.2.14: “Any man from any social status becomes a
well-known man in human society within a very short time if he is simply glorified truly or
falsely in the daily newspapers. Sometimes political leaders of a particular party are also
advertised by newspaper propaganda, and by such a method of glorification an
insignificant man becomes an important man — within no time.” Discuss this statement in
relation to preaching Krsna consciousness in modern times.
11. Describe the development of progress in bhakti with reference to specific Sanskrit
words/phrases, and statements from Srila Prabhupada’s purports, from SB 1.2.16-22.
12. Explain the analogy of the prison house with as mentioned in 1.2.28-29 purport.



1. List in Sanskrit, the three purusa avataras. (1)
2. Who is the collective Paramatma of all living beings? (2)
3. All the incarnations within the universe are emanations from which purusa-avatara? (5)
4. How many Manus are there in one day of Brahma? (5)
5. What are indirectly empowered incarnations called? (5)
6. List the 4 stages of sannyasa. (13)
7. What is the general test to identify an incarnation of the Lord? (26)
8. Give the English meaning of Avatara. (28)
9. List the Lord’s six opulences. (36)
10. Give the English meaning of the term ‘amogha-lila’. (36)
11. Give the English meaning of the phrase ‘puranam brahma-sammitam’. (40)
12. When did Sri Krsna appear? (43)
13. How can certainly see directly the presence of Lord Sri Krsna in the pages of Srimad
Bhagavatam? (44)


1. Explain the analogies of the tree decorating itself and the fleshy bags on the neck of a goat.
2. Explain how Lord Siva is not exactly in the same transcendental position as Lord Visnu.(5)
3. Briefly describe how incarnations enter into a universe as mentioned in SB 1.3.1-5.
4. List some of the specific powers displayed by four of the various incarnations of the Lord.
5. Explain the analogy of small electric bulbs. (28)
6. Give the percentages of Sri Krsna’s attributes possessed by His personal expansions, Lord
Siva, Lord Brahma and the jivas respectively. (28)
7. Explain the analogy of the car with the president. (31)
8. Explain the analogy of the expert electrician can utilize the electrical energy for both heating
and cooling. (34)
9. Explain why Srimad Bhagavatam is compared to the cream of the milk. (41)
10. Srila Prabhupada writes in 1.3.41: “Srimad Bhagavatam should therefore be received from
the representative of Śukadeva, who must be in the renounced order of life without family
encumbrance.” Discuss appropriate and inappropriate application of this statement in
relation to spreading Krsna consciousness. Give reference to the first Canto of Srimad
Bhagavatam Chapters 1-3, and at least two Bhakti Sastri verses in your response.

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