Ammonia Refrigerating Machine

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USO0S688433A_ United States Patent 1s uj) Patent Number: 5,688,433 Kasahara et al. [45] Date of Patent: Noy. 18, 1997 (54) AMMONIA REFRIGERATING MACHINE, 6.179458 971985. Sun WORKING FLUID COMPOSITION AND 3.100452 5/1991 Span METHOD $306555 121982 Tapa 59483 1/1953 Japan [75] Inventors: Keisuke Kasahara, Tokyo; Kuniaki 2111661 7/1983 United Kingdom Kawamura, Ibaragi-ken; Takashi OTHER PUBLICATIONS 73) ey 22] (86) 187) [63] (sy) [52] 158] (56) Kaimai; Hisashi Yano, both of Saitama-Ken, all of Japan japan Energy Corporation; Mayekawa Manufacturing Co., Ltd., both of Tokyo, Japan o7ss13 PCT Filed: Nov. 27, 1992 PCT No, PCT/TP92/01551 §371 Date: Jam. 7, 1994 § 102(e) Date: Jan. 7, 1994 PCT Pub. No: WO94/12594 PCT Pub. Date: Jun. 9, 1994 Related US. Application Data Continuation of Sez. No. 175,391, Jn. 7, 1994, abandoned, Int. CLE COOK 5/04; C1OM 105/18 us. Cl. 252/68; 62/468; 25267; 508/579 Field of Search 52168, 67; S08/S79; 62/468 References Cited 8. PATENT DOCUMENTS. 4248726 2/1981 Uchinuma et al 4267.06 5/1981 Sasaki et al. (List continued on next page.) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (0490810 11/1991 European Pat, Of, 2345540 4/1975 Germany 5.27979 2/1984 Japan 5 16 oH S i 15d 20 19 173 72. Lippold et al, “Tribological Investigations of Ammonia- Cooling Oil Mixtures”, Chem Abs, 120:111241, 1992 no ‘month available. Bock, “Ammonia-Soluble Refrigerator Oils”, Chem. Abs 120:274750, 1993 no month available, “Synthetic Lubricants and their Refrigeration Applications”, CPL Engineering Services, Inc/Michigan Lubrication Engi nneering/vol. 46, 4, 239-247, May 1989, Primary Examiner—Christine Skane Attomey, Agent, or Firm—Keck, Mahin & Cate 171 ABSTRACT ‘The present invention provides a working fluid composition for a reftigerating machine obtained by mixing an ammonia refrigerant with a lubricating oil which is extremely excel- lent in solubility with the ammonia refrigerant, and a method for lubricating a refrigerating machine suitable forthe use of the working fluid composition ‘The working fluid composition comprises a mixture of ammonia and one or more kinds of polyether compounds represented by the formula (1); the refrigerating machine is characterized by constituting a refrigerating cyele or @ heat ‘pump cycle through Which the working fluid composition is circulated; and the method for lubricating a refrigerating compressor is characterized by lubricating the ammonia reftigerant compressor with the lubricating oil comprising cone or more kinds of ether compounds represented by the formula (1) ReA-O-PO EOFs, ® wherein R, is a hydrocarbon group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms, R, is an alkyl group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms, PO is an oxypropylene group, BO is an oxyethylene group, x is, an integer of from 1 to 4, mis a positive integer, and n is 0 co a positive integer. 14 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets 4474019 4755316 45144 US. PATENT DOCUMENTS TOMBE Albert ann A988 Magid et al. A989. MeGraw eta. 5,688,433 Page 2 252168 252152 A 4gn.n, 5254280, 513,728 51560,854 51595,678 11380 10/1993 5/1995 10/1996 1997 USS. Patent Nov. 18, 1997 Sheet 1 of 6 5,688,433 15 US. Patent Nov. 18, 1997 Sheet 2 of 6 5,688,433 @ l2 FIG. 2 22 F (72 US. Patent Nov. 18, 1997 Sheet 3 of 6 5,688,433 FIG.3 US. Patent Noy. 18, 1997 Sheet 4 of 6 5,688,433 FIG.5 US. Patent Nov. 18, 1997 Sheet 5 of 6 5,688,433 FIG.6 Cy 60d~3 56 5,688,433 Sheet 6 of 6 Nov. 18, 1997 US. Patent vISt ogy 5,688,433 1 AMMONIA REFRIGERATING MACHINE, WORKING FLUID COMPOSITION AND METHOD ‘This is a continuation application of Ser. No. 08/175,391, filed on Jan. 7, 1994, now abandoned. TECHNICAL FIELD The present invention relates to a refrigerating machine using @ refrigerant mainly comprising ammonia, a working fluid composition comprising a mixture of a reftigerant and a lubricating oi for use in a heat pump and the refrigerating ‘machine, and a method for lubricating an ammonia com- ressor. BACKGROUND ART Heretofore, Flon has been widely used as a refrigerant for a refrigerating machine and a heat pump (hereinafter referred to generically as “the refrigerating machine”). However, when discharged into the atmosphere, the Fon is accumulated and then decomposed by ultraviolet rays of the sun to produce chlorine atoms, and these chlorine atoms destroy the ozone layer having a function to protect the earth from the intensive ultraviolet rays ofthe sun. For this reason, the use of the Flon is getting limited. In recent years, much attention is thus paid to ammonia as an alternative refriger- ant of the Floa, ‘An ammonia refrigerant does not destroy the environ- ments of the earth in contrast to the Flon, and the reftigera tion effect of ammonia is comparable to that of the Flon, and ‘what is beter, ammonia is inexpensive. However, ammonia is toxic, combustible, and insoluble in a mineral oil which is used as a lubricating oil for a compressor. In addition, ‘ammonia has the drawback that its discharge temperature of the compressor is high. Accordingly, a refrigerating system ‘which is now utilized is constituted 50 as not to bring about inconveniences owing to these drawbacks. ‘A typical constitution of the refrigerating system will be ‘described in reference to FIG. 6. Reference numeral 50 is a direct expansion refrigerating system of a single-step com- pression type for providing heat of —10° C. om the side of an evaporator and heat of 435° C. on the side of a condenser. ‘The function of this refrigerating system will be mainly described. An oil-containing ammonia refrigerant which is compressed by a refrigerant compressor 51 is treated in an oil separator 52 to separate the oil therefrom, and it is then subjected to heat exchange with a cooling water 64 in a condenser $3 (taken heat: about 35° C.), whereby the ‘amumonia refrigerant is condensed/liquefied in the condenser 53. ‘The oll liquefied and separated atthe time of the conden- sation is further separated in an oil reservoir 55 disposed under the bottom of a high-pressure liquid receiver 54, and. the ammonia refrigerant is then vaporized under reduced ‘pressure through an expansion valve 56, In an evaporator S7, heat exchange is eartied out with blast load fed by a fan 58 (Gaken heat: -10° C.), and the ammonia refrigerant is then sucked into the compressor 51 via an ammonia oil separator 59. Afterward, this refrigerating cycle is repeated. ‘The oils stored on the bottoms of the oil separator $2, the oil reservoir 55 disposed atthe bottom of the liquid receiver ‘34, the ammonia oil separator 59 and the evaporator 57 are all collected in an oil receiver 61 via oll drawing valves 60a, 605, 60c and 60d, respectively, and the thus collected oil is returned to the compressor 51 through an oil jt portion 52a of the compressor 51 to carry out lubrication, sealing and cooling of sliding part. 1s 20 3s ss 6s 2 In this connection, i is well known thatthe refrigerating ‘machine 50 can be applied as a heat pump device by taking out heat from the side of the condenser 53, and therefore, they will be generically called the reftigerating machine, AA the above-mentioned lubricating oil, there is usually used 2 mineral lubricating oil comprising of 2 parafinic- based oll, a naphthenic-based ol or the lke. However, since the lubricating oi is insoluble in ammonia, the oil separator is provided on the discharge side of the compressor to separate the ammonia gas and the lubricating oil discharged from the compressor. Even f the above-mentioned separator is provided, the lubricating oil in a mist state cannot be completely removed. Moreover, since the discharge side of the compressor has a high temperature, the lubricating oil is slightly dissolved in ammonia or the mist of the lubricating oil is mixed with ammonia, and the lubricating oil gets into the refrigerating cycle together with ammonia and tends to Accumulate in pipe passages of the eycle because of being insoluble in ammonia and having a larger specific gravity than ammonia. Therefore, oil drawing portions 55, 60d are must be provided at the bottom of the high-pressure liquid receiver 54 and on the lower inlet side of the evaporator 57, respectively, and the ol separator 59 must be also provided on the gas suction side ofthe compressor 51. In addition, the separated oil, after recovered in the oil receiver 61, is required to return to the compressor agai. In consequence, the constitution is noticeably complicate. ‘As described above, the lubrication il is insoluble inthe refrigerant, and therefore the oil tends to adhere to wall surfaces of heat exchange coils in the condenser 53 and the evaporator 57, so that a heat transfer efficiency deteriorates. Particularly in the evaporator having a low temperature, the ‘viscosity of the oil increases and an oil drawing fluidity lowers, so that the heat transfer efficiency further deterio- rates. Therefor, itis necessary to separate the insoluble oil on the inlet side of the evaporator 57 as much as possible. However, ifthe refrigerant having a reduced pressure which has passed through the expansion valve 56 is introduced from the upper portion of the evaporator 57, the lubricating oil cannot be prevented from getting into the evaporator $7 ‘owing to a difference between specific gravities, even if a specific separator is used. For tis reason, the system having the above-mentioned constitution cannot help taking the so-called bottom feed structure in which the inlet portion of the refrigerant is disposed on the bottom of the evaporator 57. However, if the bottom feed structure is taken, the so-called full liquid structure must be naturally taken in Which the refrigerant can be discharged through the upper end ofthe evaporator against a gravity corresponding tothe height of the evaporator $7, and as a result, a large amount of the refrigerant is required in the refrigerating cycle. In the ease ofthe above-mentioned ammonia refrigerating system, its use is limited to about 20° C., but in recent years, the temperatures of industial processes remarkably lower, and particulaly in food fields, most of required refrigeration temperatures are ~30° C. or less from the viewpoints of preventing the melting of fat at the time of ‘thawing and keeping qualities. Particularly in the case of an expensive food such as tuna, a freezing preservation tem- perature is very low, inthe range of ~50° C. to ~60° C.. Such a freezing temperature cannot be obtained by the above-mentioned single-step compressor, and in general, a ‘two-step compressor is used. However, when the tempers- ture of the evaporator is cooled to ~40" C. of less by means 5,688,433 3 of the above-mentioned conventional technique, the fluidity of the lubricating oil noticeably lowers as shown in Table 3 given below, so that the evaporator is liable to be cloged. In order to overcome the above-mentioned drawback, such an extremely low temperature ammonia two-step com- ‘pression type liquid pump recycling system as shown in FIG. 7 has been suggested. ‘The constitution of the suggested recycling system wil be briefly described mainly in reference to differences between this recycling system and the above-mentioned conventional technique. A compressed liquid discharged from the high- ‘pressure liquid receiver $4 to a liquid pipe 66 cools the interior of an intermediate cooler 68 by an expansion valve ‘On the other hand, the terminal end of the liquid pipe 66 {s introduced into a supercooling pipe 69 in the intermediate cooler 68, and the compressed liquid is then cooled to about =10° C. in the subcooling pipe 69. Afterward, the com- ‘pressed liquid is vaporized under reduced pressure by an expansion valve 74 to be introduced into a low-pressure liquid receiver 70, ‘As a result, the refrigerant cooled to from 40? to -50° C. ¢ less is stored in the liquid receiver 70. ‘This refrigerant is introduced into an evaporator 73 via a Liquid pump 71 and a flow rate regulating valve 72, and the refrigerant evaporated by heat exchange (taken heat: ~40° C.) with blast load fed by a fan 74 in the evaporator 73 is introduced into the low-pressure liquid receiver 70 to be cooled and condensed/iquefied. ‘On the other hand, the evaporated refrigerant in the low-pressure liquid receiver 70 is sucked into 2 low step compressor 75 and compressed, and this compressed gas is ‘cooled in the intermediate cooler 68 and then introduced {nto the supercooling pipe 69 for heat exchange in the interme- diate cooler 68 to supercool the condensed reftigerant com- ing through the above-mentioned liquid pipe 66 to about =I0° C. The thus supercooled liquid is vaporized under reduced pressure by the expansion valve 74, while intro- duced into the low-pressure liquid receiver 70. ‘The vaporized refrigerant in the intermediate cooler 68 is compressed by a high step compressor S1', and this cycle is then repeated. Under all of the high-pressure liquid receiver $4, the intermediate cooler 68 and the low-pressure liquid receiver 70, the oil reservoirs $5, 682 and 70a are disposed, respectively, and the separated oils in these reservoirs are collected in the oil receiver 61 and then returned again to oil jet portions 51a, 75a on the sides of compressor S1' and 75. In this connection, reference numeral 76 in the drawing is a liquid surface float valve. However, also in such a conventional technique, funda- ‘mental drawbacks such as the complication of the oil recovery constitution and the deterioration ofthe heat trans- fet efficiency cannot be overcome. Particularly on the side of the above-mentioned low-pressure liquid receiver 70, the refrigerant cooled to from —40° to -50? C. is stored, so that the lubricating oil stored in its oil reservoir is similarly ‘cooled to from about ~40” to -50* C., so that the fuidity of the lubricating oil noticeably deteriorates. Thus, when the oil is drawn, itis necessary to temporarily rise the temperature ‘of the oil, and as a result, the continuous operation of the refrigeration cycle is disturbed. In consequence, the main- tenance that the above-mentioned cycle is stopped to recover, the ol is necessary, each time the oil is accumulated as much, as a predetermined amount. (On the other hand, an enclosed compressor is often used in a domestic refrigerator or air conditioner, and CFC and. 2» ss 4 HCFC refigerants such as dichlorodiluoromethane (R12) and chlorodiluoromethane (R22) have been heretofore Used. In the future, HFC containing no chlorine, for example, 11)1,2-ttrafuoroethane (R134a) will be used, but such a Flon is expensive. On the other hand, ammonia is ‘more inexpensive than the above-mentioned Flons. In addition, ammonia is excellent i the heat transfer efficiency, hhasa high allowable temperature (a eritical temperature) and 4 high allowable pressure as the refrigerant, is soluble in ‘water to prevent the expansion valve from plugging, and has large evaporation latent heat to exert a large refrigeration effect. For these reasons, the employment of ammonia is advantageous. However, the enclosed compressor has a structure in which an electic motor andthe compressor are integrally enclosed, and therefore ammonia itself corrodes, ccopper-based materials, which makes the use of ammonia impossible. Tn addition, ince ammonia is insoluble withthe lubricating ol iis extremely dfficlt to recover and recycle the oil alone. For these reasons, ammonia cannot be used nowadays. However, if @ lubricating ofl which as an excellent solubility with ammonia and in which quality does not deteriorate even by a long-term use is developed, most ofthe above-mentioned problems will be solved. The lubricating oil having such a solubility has already been suggested in the field of the Flon, and for example, an ester ofa polyvalent alcohol and a polyoxy-alkylene glycol series compound are known. However, any example of the lubricating oil for the ammonia refrigerant has not been present. Ammonia is strongly reactive, and so even when the ester slightly hydrolyzes, an acid amide is formed which ‘causes a sludge to deposit. Moreover, these kinds of lubri- cating oils are poor in the solubility with ammonia, and hence it is dificult to use these lubricating oils in combi- nation with the ammonia refrigerant. Tn view of such technical problems, an object of the present invention isto provide a working fluid composition fora refrigerating machine (hereinafter referred to simply as “the working fd composition”) which is extremely excel- lent in the solubility with the ammonia refrigerant and which can be obtained by mixing a lubricating ol having excellent lubricating properties and stability with an ammonia refrig- eran. ‘Another object of the present invention is to provide a refrigerating machine suitable for the above-mentioned ‘working fluid composition. 10 Still another object of the present invention is to provide a method for lubricating a refrigerating machine and a refrigerating compressor mounted in the refrigerating machine by the use of the above-mentioned working fluid composition, and according ‘to this method, the above-mentioned drawbacks of ammonia can be removed. DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION "The present inventors have intensively researched in order ‘to obtain the above-mentioned working fluid composition, and they have found that an ether compound having a specific structure in which all ofthe terminal OH groups of a polyoxyalkylene glycol are replaced with OR groups (hereinafter referred to simply as “the polyether”) is excel- Tent in solubility with ammonia, and thatthe ether compound ccan exert excellent lubricating properties and stability even in the presence of ammonia. In consequence, the present invention has now been completed. ‘Thats, the first aspect ofthe present invention is directed to a working fluid composition which comprises a mixture 5,688,433 5 of ammonia and a lubricating oil for an ammonia reftiger- ating compressor containing, as a base oi of the lubricating oil, a compound represented by the formula (1) R, 0-40}, (80), © wherein R, is a hydrocarbon group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms, R, is an alkyl group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms, PO is an oxypropylene group, EO is an oxyethylene group, x is ‘an integer of from 1 to 4, is a positive integer, and n is O or a positive integer. The second aspect of the present invention is directed to a refrigeration cycle or a heat pump cycle which is consti- tuted by putting an ammonia refrigerant and a lubricating oil into a refrigerating machine, a ratio of the lubricating oil to ‘the ammonia refrigerant being 2% by weight or more, the lubricating oil being soluble in the ammonia refrigerant and being free from phase separation even at an evaporation ‘temperature of the refrigerant. {In this case, the ammonia refrigerant and the lubricating cil may be previously mixed to form the working fluid ‘composition, or they may be separately put into the reftig- cration cycle or the heat pump cycle and the working fluid ‘composition may be formed in the cycle. Furthermore, the lubricating oil which can be used in the present invention isnot limited to the lubricating oil defined in the first aspect of the present invention, and any lubri- cating oil is acceptable, so long as itis easily soluble in the ammonia refrigerant and does not bring about the phase separation even atthe evaporation temperature of the refrig- rant, ‘A preferable ammonia reftigerating machine using an enclosed ammonia compressor directly connected to an electric motor can be provided by disposing a stator core around a rotor so as to surround the rotor via airtight sphragms and s0 a$ to suround the rotor via a predeter- ‘mined space, and disposing an introducing portion through which the above-mentioned composition can be introduced between a space of the above-mentioned rotor and the ‘compressor. Furthermore, the lubricating oil in which the compound of ‘the formula (Dis employed as the base oil is not always used only as the working fluid in which the lubricating oil is dissolved in ammonia, but it can also be used singly as a lubricating oil for the ammonia compressor. This is the third aspect of the present invention, ‘Next, the above-mentioned aspects of the present inven- tion will be described in detail In the first place, the compound represented by the formula (1) is a polyether which is a polymer of propylene ‘oxide, of a polyether which is a random copolymer or a ‘block copolymer of propylene oxide and ethylene oxide. The compound of the formula (D is the so-called poly- coxyalkylene glycol compound, and there are Known many ‘examples in Which this compound is used as the lubricating oil for a refrigerating machine using HCFC or CFC as the refrigerant. For example, U.S, Pat. No. 4,948,525 (which corresponds to Japanese Patent Application Laid-open Nos. 43290/1990 and 8491/1990) suggests a polyoxyalkylene glycol monoether having the structure of Ry—{OR,),—OH, (wherein R, is an alkyl group having 1 to 18 carbon atoms, and R, is an alkylene group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms); US. Pat. No. 4,267,064 (which corresponds to Japanese Patent Publication No. 52880/1986) and US. Pat. No. 4.248726 (which corresponds to Japanese Patent Publica- tion No. 42119/1982) suggest a polyglycol having R,—O— (R,0),-—Rs (Wherein cach of R, and R, is hydrogen, a hydrocarbon group or an aryl group); U.S. Pat. No. 4,755, 0 15 0 as 0 45 0 5s 6 6 316 (which corresponds to Japanese Patent Disclosed Pub- lication No, 502385/1990) suggests a polyalkylene glycol having a least two hydroxyl groups; U.S, Pat. No. 4,851,144 (which corresponds to Tapanese Patent Application Laid- ‘open No. 276890/1990) suggests a combination of a poly- ether polyol and an ester; and U.S. Pat. No. 4.971,712 (which corresponds to Japanese Patent Application Laid- open No. 103497/1991) suggests a polyoxyalkylene glycol having one hydroxyl group obtained by copolymerizing EO and PO. In all ofthese publications, it is described thatthe solubility of these lubricating oils in HEC and HCFC is excellent. ‘On the other hand, the present applicant has fled Japanese Patent Application Laid-open Nos. 259093/1989, 259004/ 1989, 259095/1989 and 109492/1991 regarding polyoxy- alkylene glycol monoethers and polyoxyalkylene glycol diethers having structures of R,—O—{A0),—H and R,—O—{A0),—R, as the lubricating oils of the compres- sors for HFC. However, these known publications do not refer to any ‘elation with ammonia. In view of the fact that HFC and HCFC are inactive the fact that ammonia is largely reactive, and the fact that both of them are quite different from each other in solubility, the above-mentioned pieces of the infor- ‘ation are not useful for the completion of the present invention using the ammonia refrigerant. ‘With regard to the ammonia refrigerant, itis described in “Synthetic Lubricant and Their Refrigeration Applications”, Lubrication Engineering, Vol. 46, No. 4, p. 239-249 that poly-c-olefin and isoparaffinic mineral oils having high viscosity indexes are useful as the lubricating oils for the ammonia refrigerant, and an ester produces a sludge and solidifies by a long-term use. In addition, U.S. Pat. No. 4,474,019 (which corresponds to Japanese Patent Applica- tion Laid-open No, 106370/1983) suggests the improvement of a refrigerating system using an ammonia refrigerant. However, also in these known publications, there is not described any relation between the ammonia refrigerant and the polyether compound. ‘The polyether ofthe formula (I has a viscosity necessary asthe lubricating ofl, and in compliance with its use, it can have a viscosity of 22-68 cSt at 40° C. or 5-15 eSt at 100° C. A factor which has a large influence on this viscosity is ‘molecular weight, and the molecular weight necessary to attain the above-mentioned viscosity is preferably in the range of 300 to 1800. ‘The polyether of the formula (1) is an polyether in which all ofthe terminals are sealed with R, and R. Here, R, is a hydrocarbon group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms, and this hydrocarbon group means the following (i) or (i). That is, RR, is (i) a saturated straight-chain or branched hydrocarbon ‘group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms, typically an alkyl group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms derived from an aliphatic ‘monovalent alcohol having 1 to 6 carbon atoms, that is, any ‘one of a methyl group, an ethyl group, a propyl group, an isopropyl group, a butyl group, an isobutyl group, a pentyl ‘group, an isopentyl group, a hexyl group and an isohexyl ‘group. In particular, R, is preferably an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms, more preferably an alkyl group having 1 to 2 carbon atoms, that is, a methyl group or an ethyl ‘group. And, R, is (i) a hydrocarbon residue derived from a divalent to a tetravalent saturated aliphatic polyvalent alcohol, typically ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, dieth- ylene glycol, 1,3-propanediol, 1,2-butanediol, 1,6- hexanediol, 2-cthyl-1,3-hexanediol, neopentyl glycol, trimethylolethane, trimethylolpropane, triemathylolbutane of ‘pentaerythritol, that is, a hydrocarbon group in which all the 5,688,433 7 hhydrogen atoms of 1 to 2 hydroxyl groups inthe divalent to the tetavalent alcohol are substituted. Therefore, x ofthe formula (1) is an integer of from 1 to 4 corresponding to the valence of te alcohol which is the source compound ofthe hydrocarbon group of the above-mentioned Ry. In order to particulary increase the solubility ofthe lubricating ol in mumonia, itis preferred tha x is 1 andR, isa methyl group or an ethyl group. Furthermore, R, is an alkyl group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms. Ifthe alkyl group having 7 or more carbon atoms is. ‘used, the phasic separative temperature of the lubricating oil and ammonia is caused rises, so that the objects of the present invention cannot be achieved. 1F Ra is the alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms, moreover, 1 to 2 carbon toms, the solubility of the lubricating oil with ammonia increases, that i, the phasic separative temperature further lowers preferably. If x is from 2 to 4, R, are 2 to 4 alkyl groups. These alkyl groups may be same or diferent, and in ccder to maintain the preferable solubility, Ris preferably the alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms, particularly preferably 1 to 2 carbon atoms. Generally speaking, asthe aumber of the carbon atoms in R, and R, increases, the phase separation temperature of the lubricating oil and ammonia tends to increase. Therefore, in order to maintain the good solubility, the total aurmber of the carbon atoms of R, and R, is preferably 10 or less, more preferably 6 or less, further preferably 4 or less, most ‘Preferably is 2, Inthe case that One or both of R, and R, are hydrogen the lubricating il reacts with ammonia to form a sludge, with the result that the object ofthe preset invention cannot be achieved. only a portion ofthe hydroxyl groups of the monovalent to the tetavalent aleohol remains unreacted inthe synthesis of the compound ofthe formula (D, the obtained polyether will unpreferably form the sludge during a use for a long time. Therefor, itis preferable thatthe remaining hydroxyl ‘70s ofthe alcohol ae as litle as possible, and typically, ‘hydroxyl value ofthe compound having the formala (Dis 10 mg KOH/e or less, preferably 5 mg KOH/g or less. ‘As desczibed above, the viscosity ofthe lubricating oil in which the polyether compound represeated by the formula (Dis used as the base oil is in the range of from 22 to 68 cSt at 40° C., oF from 5 to 16 «St at 100° C. This viscosity is ‘necessary to maintain good lnbrcating properties under the coexistence with ammonia. In order to maintain the good solubility of the lubricating oil in ammonia, the average molecular weight of the ubeicating cil is preferably inthe range of from 300 to 1800. Ifthe average molecular weight ofthe lubricating oil is less than 300, the viscosity is low, 30 that the good lubricating properties cannot be obtained. On the other hand, it is mere than 1,800, the solubility with ammonia is poor. The contol of the average molecular ‘weight can be achieved by suitably selecting R, and R,, and polymerization degrees m and n. Furthermore, relative ratio between the polymerization degree (m) ofthe oxypropylene group and the polymeriza- tion degree (a) of the oxyethylene group, i. a value of uma), is important for the lubricating properties, a low temperature fluidity and the solubility with ammonia. That is, ms too large with respect to m, a pour point is high and the solubility with ammonia deteriorates. In view of this viewpoint, the value of mu(m+n) is preferably 0.5 oF more. ‘A compound of the formula (1) in which mis 0 is excellent in the solubility with ammonia and the lubricating proper- ties. However, a polyether which isa copolymer of oxypro- pylene (PO) and oxyethylene (EO) and which m/(mtn) is (0.5 or more maintains the better solubility and has the more 2s ss “ 8 improved lubricating properties than a monopolymer of oxypropylene (PO). On the other hand, polyether obtained by polymerizing oxyethylene alone or polymerizing oxyeth- ylene and oxypropylene in a larger amount of oxyethylene hhas the high pour point and a high hygroscopicity, and therefore care should be taken o avoid such results. On the viewpoints ofthe solubility with ammonia, te lubicating properties and the fluidity, the value of m/(m) is prefer- ably in the range of from 0.5 to 1.0, more preferably from 0.5 w 09, most preferaby from 0.7 to 0.9. Furthermore, a8 the copolymer of oxyethylene and oxypropylene block copolymer is shown inthe formula (0) for convenience, butin practice, arandom copolymer and an alternating copolymer are also acceptable in addition tothe block copolymer. In the block copolymer, the bonding order of the oxyethylene portion and the oxypropylene portion is not restrictive, and in other words, ether ofthe oxyethylene portion and the oxypropslene portion may be bonded to R,. However, a polyether compound obtained by polymerizing an oxyalkjlene having 4 or more carbon atoms such as cxybutylene is nt preferable, because of being soluble with ammonia. ‘Next, the determination ofthe solubility with the ammo- nia refrigerant, ic, the phase separation temperature, is made in compliance with ause to be selected. For example, in the case of an extremely low temperature refrigerating machine, the lubricating oil having a phase separation tem- perature of ~50° C. oles is necessary. I the case of a usual ‘eigerator, the lubricating oil having that of 30° C. or less is used, and in the ease of an air conditioner, the lubricating oil having that of -20° C. or ess is usable. Particularly when the lubricating ol having the low phase separation temperature is necessary R, is most preferably a methyl group. "The compounds of the formula (1) may be used singly oF in a combination of two of more thereof. For example, a polyaxypropylene dimethyl ether having a molecular weight ‘0F 800-1000 and a polyoxyethylene propylene diethyl ether having a molecular weight of 1200-1300 may be used singly or inthe form of a mixture thereof in a ratio of 10:90 to 90:10 (oy weight), and in this case, the viscosity of the rixture at 40° C. isin the range of from 32 to 50 cSt "The polyether compound of the formula (1) can be obtained by polymerizing a monovalent to teravaleatalco- hol having 1 to 6 carbon atoms or its alkaline metal salt as a starting material with an alkylene oxide having 2 to 3 carbon atoms to prepare an ether compound in which one terminal ofthe chain polyalkylene group is combined with the hydrocarbon group of the material alcohol by an ether ‘bond and the other terminal ofthe polyalkylene group is a hydroxyl group, and then etheifying this hydroxyl group. Th order to etherify the hydroxyl group atthe terminal of. the ether compound, there are a method in which this ether compound is frst reacted with an alkaline metal such as ‘metal sodium of an alkaline metal salt of a lower aleohol such as sodium methylate to form an alkaline metal salt of the ether compound, and this alkaline metal salt is then reacted with an alkyl halide having 1 (0 6 carbon atoms; and a method in which the hydroxyl group of the ether com Pound is converted into a halide, and the compound is then Teacted with a monovalent aleohol having I to 6 carbon atoms. “Therefore, it is not always necessary 10 use the aleohol as the starting material, and a polyoxyalkylene glycol having hydroxyl groups at both terminals can also be used as the starting material In any case, the polyether compound of the formula () can be prepared in a known suitable method. 5,688,433 9 ‘The reftigerating machine oil of the present invention stably dissolves in ammonia in an extremely wide mixing ratio, and can exert good lubricating properties in the presence of ammonia, ‘As described below, the mixing ratio ofthe ubricating oil cean be lowered by adding an additive such as diamond cluster, while the above-mentioned lubricating properties are kept up. Therefore, the refrigerating machine cil of the present {invention contains the compound represented by the formula (Daas the base oil, and the working fluid composition which {s circulated through the refrigeration eycle or the heat pump cycle of the present invention preferably comprises ammo- nia and the polyether compound of the formula () in a ratio of 98:2 (by weight) or more. To the lubricating oil and the working fluid composition for the refrigerating machine of the present invention, vati- ous kinds of additives can be added, if necessary. Examples of the additives include an etreme-ressure reagant such 35, tricresyl phosphate, an amine-based antioxidant, a benzotriazole-based metallic inactivating agent and an foaming agent of silicone or the like. In this case, those ‘which do not react with ammonia to form a solid should be selected. Therefore, a phenolic antioxidant cannot be used. Furthermore, a lubricating oil which has possibility of reacting with ammonia, for example, a polyol ester should not be added, and a mineral oil-based lubricating oil which is insoluble in ammonia should not be mixed. Neat, reference will be made to the second aspect of the present invention in which the above-mentioned working {uid composition is used. In this aspect of the 10 present invention, an ammonia refrigerant and a lubricating oil ‘Which is soluble in the ammonia refrigerant and which does ‘not bring about the phase separation at the evaporation temperature of the refrigerant are pat into a refrigerating ‘machine so as to form a refrigeration cycle or a heat pump cycle, and the ratio of the lubricating oil to the ammonia refrigerant is 2% by weight or more. ‘The ratio between ammonia and the lubricating oil depends upon the kind of compressor, but fundamentally, it is preferable to decrease the amount ofthe lubricating oil as much as possible for the sake of improving a heat transfer efficiency, s0 long as a lubricating performance is main- tained. For example, in the refrigerating machine using a rotary compressor of ‘the present invention, even if the blend ‘weight ratfo ofthe ammonia refrigerant and the lubricating cil is set to about 70-97:30-3, sufficient lubricating prop- erties and a refrigerating capacity can be obtained, and the ‘undermentioned performances can be remarkably improved, ‘That i, if 3% or more ofthe oil is dissolved in ammonia, the dissolved oil is liable to get into sliding portions of the ‘compressor, whereby a scratch can be decreased and the refrigerating cycle constitution can be extremely simplified. In addition, when ultrafine diamond having an average particle diameter of 150 A or les, preferably 50 A or less o ultrafine diamond covered with graphite is added to the Inbricating oil constituting the working fluid composition, the blend rato ofthe lubricating oil can be lowered to about 2% without any problem. ‘As such diamond, there is preferably used cluster dia- ‘mond obtained by exploding an explosive substance in an explosion chamber filled with an inert gas to synthesize Ultrafine diamond, and then purifying the same, or carbon cluster diamond obtained by covering the cluster diamond with graphite, for example, as described in New Diamond, “Characteristics of Ultrafine Diamond Powder by New 10 1s 20 35 0 4 ss 10 Explosion Method and its Application”, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1991. ‘When 2-3% by weight of this kind of diamond is added to the lubricating oil, the blend ratio of the ubricating oil in the working fluid can be lowered to 2% by weight. Furthermore, the above-mentioned lubricating oil does not give rise to the phase separation even at the evaporation temperature of the refrigerant and is excellent in low tem- perature fluidity, and hence there is not the fear that the separated oil adheres to heat exchange coils not only on the condenser side but also on the evaporator side. In consequence, the heat transfer efficiency can largely {improved and itis not necessary to dispose the oil recovery ‘mechanism and the oil separator in the above-mentioned refrigerating cycle, whereby a circuit constitution can also be largely simplified. Jn the compressor, the lubricating oil is dissolved in the refrigerant and gets into the sliding portions, which is useful to further prevent the scratch. In this case, another constitution may be made so that the working fluid obtained by mixing the ammonia refrigerant and the lubricating oil which has been compressed by the above-mentioned compressor may be circulated through the reftigerating cycle and the heat pump cycle without inter- posing the oil recovery device. In this case, even if the blend ratio of the lubricating oil is 10% by weight or more, a certain amount of the lubri- cating oils stored in the compressor, and therefore the blend. ratio ofthe lubricating oil inthe refrigerating cycle, particu- larly the blend rato ofthe lubricating oil in the working fluid composition in the evaporator can be set to 7% of less, ‘whereby a more preferable heat transfer efficiency can be obtained. ‘Still another constitution may be made so that a part of the lubricating oil in the working fluid composition Which has been compressed by the compressor can be returned to the ‘compressor. Particularly in the latter case, the blend ratio of ‘the lubricating oil can be easily increased on the side of the ‘compressor, and the blend ratio of the lubricating oil which, is introduced into the circulating cycle, particularly the side of the evaporator can be easily decreased as much as possible. ‘Needless to say, the present invention is applicable not only to the single-step compression type refrigerating machine but also to the two-step compressor type refriger- ating machine. ‘The above-mentioned composition has excellent lubricat- ing properties and solubility even the evaporation tempera ture or less of the refrigerant, and therefore a top feed structure can be taken in which the composition passed ‘through the expansion valve or the intermediate cooler is introduced into the evaporator through its top side, whereby itis unnecessary to employ the so-called liquid full structure. In consequence, the amount of the refrigerant (composition) to be circulated can be reduced and the high refrigerating effect can be obtained. Furthermore, the composition is soluble with the lubei- cating oil even at the evaporation temperature or less of the refrigerant, but there is the fear that the composition is separated under severe conditions of the low-temperature ‘vaporization in the compressor. In addition, if the evaporator hhas the top feed constitution, the separated oil is directly introduced into the compressor to cause problems of knock- ing and the like. ‘Thus, it is preferable to dispose an oil reservoir for temporarily storing the separated oil, for example, as the double riser, in the middle of an introductive pipe passage ‘connecting the evaporator to the compressor and a remixing 5,688,433 pet portion for remixing the lubricating oil in the oil reservoir ‘with the working fluid composition to be introduced into the ‘compressor in the pipe passage. ‘The employment of the above-mentioned constitution can solve the problem regarding the insolubility of the lubricat- ing oil in ammonia as the reftigerant. The regarding the strong comosive properties and the electrical conductivity of ammonia are not solved yet, and in particular, the problem of the corrosive properties to a copper material still remains. If this problem is not solved, it is difficult to apply ammonia to an enclosed ‘compressor, particularly 2 domestic refrigerator. ‘Thus, the present invention provides an ammonia refrig- crating machine using an enclosed ammonia compressor in which an electric motor is directly connected to the ammo- nia refrigerant compressor, said ammonia refrigerating machine being characterized by disposing a stator core around a rotor onthe side ofthe electric motor via an airtight sealing portion formed on the side surface ofthe stator core so as to surround the rotor via a predetermined space, and disposing an introducing portion through which the above- ‘mentioned composition can be introduced between a space in the above-mentioned rotor and the compressor. According to the present invention, the side of the rotor provided with windings is isolated from a rotor receiving space into which the ammonia refrigerant and the like flow, by the airtight scaling portion, and therefore the windings and the like are not attacked. In addition, the composition containing the lubricating oll ows through the rotor receiv- ing space side, so that the lubrication of bearings of the rotating shaft of the rotor and the like is not impaired and the ‘pressure of the fluid composition in both the spaces can be “uniformed. In this case, the above-mentioned airtight sealing portion may be constituted by cylindrical can for surrounding the rotor, but in the case that the can is used, an alternating ‘magnetic flux by the excitation of a rotor coil becomes a revolving flux and penetrates the can in the above ‘mentioned space to revolve the rotor. However, eddy current flows in the can fo generate an eddy-current loss, which ‘occupies about half of a motor loss, heats the motor and deteriorates its efficiency. ‘Thus, the stator core can be constituted as a pressure- resistant enclosed structure container. Furthermore, an insu- lating thin film can be formed on the inner periphery of the stator core, or a seal member can be arranged on the front surfece of the stator core which confronts the rotor in which the windings of the stator core have been inserted into open. ‘grooves, and the open grooves may be constituted via the seal member so as to be capable of airtightly sealing. Tn consequence, the above-mentioned drawbacks of the can are solved, and since the stator core itself functions as 2 pressure-resistant container, the can is unnecessary. In addition, the stator core is made of thick field cores, and hhence sufficient pressure-resistant strength can be given. ‘When a constitution is made so that the composition can {ak through a transmission shaft portion for transmitting the revolution of the rotor to the compressor side, the electric motor side can be easily lubricated and its constitution is ‘easy, because the sealing is incomplete. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic view showing a direct expansion refrigerating machine of a single-step compression type regarding an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 1A is a detail of FIG. 1, as shown, FIG. 2 is a schematic view showing an extremely low refrigerating machine of a two-step compression type regarding an embodiment of the present invention. 0 3s 12 FIG. 3 is a schematic view showing a direct expansion reftigerating machine of a single-step compression type regarding another embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 4 is a vertical section of an enclosed compressor directly connected to an electric motor regarding an embodi- ment of the present invention, FIG. 5 is an enlarged view of the main portion showing a sectional structure of a stator in FIG. 4. FIG. 5(A) is a detail of FIG. 5, as shown, FIG, 5(B) is an alternative embodiment of the detail shown in FIG. (A). FIG. 6 is a schematic view showing a direct expansion refrigerating machine of a single-step compression type regarding a conventional technique. FIG. 7 is a schematic view showing an extremely low refrigerating machine of a two-step compression type regarding a conventional technique. BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE INVENTION In the first place, as a lubricating ofl, there were used polyether compounds (Examples 1 to 8) shown in Table 1, a naphthenic mineral refrigerating oil (Comparative Example 1), @ branched alkylbenzene (Comparative Example 2)’ and (poly)ether compounds (Comparative Examples 3 to 8) shown in Table 2, and evaluation was made by measuring solubility with ammonia, falex seizure load, color total acid numbers and the change of appearance of samples before and after bomb tests under an ammonia atmosphere. In this connection, physical properties of the naphthenic ‘mineral refrigerating oil in Comparative Example 1 and the branched alkylbenzene in Comparative Example 2 in Table 2 were as follows: ‘Nepbese Minerad Refrigersting Brancied on Alkylbeasene Density rr oa Kivemate Viscosity 496 435 estore) Flas Point CC.) 180 178 Furthermore, the procedures of each test used in the evaluation of compositions of the present invention were as follows: Average molecular weight: average molecular weight was ‘measured by GPC (gel penetration chromatography). Kinematic viscosity: This was measured in accordance ‘with JIS K 2283. Solubility with ammonia: 5 g of a sample oil and 1 g of ammonia were placed in a glass tube, and then cooled at a rate of 1° C. per minute from room temperature, whereby a temperature at which the phase separation occurred was measured. Falex scizure load: This was measured in accordance with ASTM D-3233-73. Bomb test: 50 g of a sample oil was poured in a 300 ml bomb in which 3 m of an iron wire having a diameter of 1.6 zm was placed as a catalyst, and the bomb was pressurized up to 0.6 kglem*G with ammonia and further pressurized up to 5.7 kg/enrG with a nitrogen gas, Afterward, the sample was heated up to 150° C. and then maintained at this temperature for 7 days. After it was cooled to room 5,688,433 13 temperature, ammonia was removed from the sample oil under vacuum condition. In this case, color and total acid number of the sample were measured before and after the test. The stability of the sample under the aramonia atmo- sphere was evaluated by the change ofits appearance. In this connection, the evaluation of the appearance was graded as follows: ‘No change: Inthe case that the appearance did not change before and after the test. Solidification: In the case thatthe sample solidified after the test. ‘The resulls of the test are set forth in Tables 1 and 2. eis apparent from the results in Tables 1 and 2 thatthe polyether compounds in Examples 1 to 8 are excellent in solubility with ammonia, lubricating properties and stability under the ammonia atmosphere. The mixtures of these polyether compounds and ammonia can exert their functions, when put into an ammonia compressor and then used. As'a result, the ammonia compressor can take compact and maintenance-free constinition, and therefore the applications of the ammonia compressor can be effec- tively increased However, the naphthenic mineral reftigerating oil, the branched alkylbenzene and the (poly)ethers in Comparative Examples 3 to 8 shown in Table 2 are insoluble at room temperature or have the solubility at a low temperature of 50" C., but they solidify in the bomb tests. Asa result, these oils cannot be used in a refrigerating cycle in which compression, condensation and expansion are repeated. Next, reference wil be made tothe refeigerating system using a working fluid composition in which a lubricating oil and an ammonia refrigerant are mixed. FIG, 1 shows a direct expansion refrigerating machine of a single-step compression type regarding the embodiment of the present invention, and a refrigerating cycle i fed with R-717 (the ammonia refrigerant) as the refrigerant and the polyether in Example 1 asthe lubricating ol in a ratio of 90 Darts by weight 10 parts by weight, Tn this drawing, reference numeral 11 is a refrigerant compressor, and the refrigerant working Suid formed by mutually dissolving the ammonia reftigerent compressed in the refrigerant compressor 11 and the lubricating oil is directly led to a condenser 12 without passing through an oil separator, and then condensed/iquefied by heat exchange (taken heat: 30° C. or so) with cooling water in the con- denser 12. ‘The thus condensed working fuid is stored in a high- pressure liquid receiver 14, evaporated under reduced pres- sure by means ofan expansion valve 13, introduced ito an evaporator 1S through an inlet 1Se provided atthe upper end of the evaporator 15 in accordance with top feed, heat- exchanged with blast load fed by a fan 16 (taken heat: -15° to~20"C. or so), and then sucked on the gas suction side of the compressor 11 via a double riser 17. Afterward, the above-mentioned reftigerating cycle is repeated. Here, the double riser 17, as already known, as 2 main pipe passage 171 having a U-shaped local ol reservoir 172 fn the outer side of an outlet 15 of the evaporator 15 and «by-pass pipe passage 173 for by-passing the main pipe passage. Thus, the oll slighily separated by evaporation in the evaporator 15 is stored in the oll reservoir 172 and simultaneously led to a low-pressure sucking pipe 19 via the main pipe passage 171. The by-pass pipe passage 173 is constituted in the form of a thin pipe to give a chock resistance. Thus, when the main pipe passage 171 is clogged by the oil reservoir, the clogging oil is led to the low pressure sucking pipe 19 by the flow rate ofthe evaporated 0 1s 2s a «0 3s 6 14 refrigerant containing the lubrication oil which flows ‘through the by-pass pipe passage 173, so that they are mixed and dissolved again, and then led to the suction side of the ‘compressor 11. ‘Therefore, according to this embodiment, an oil separator and the like are unnecessary, and it is also unnecessary to provide any oil reservoir on the bottom of the liquid receiver as in the case of a conventional technique shown in FIG. 6. Furthermore, the local oil reservoir 172 is provided in the

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