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New Progress in Junior Mathematics 3 (Second Edition)

S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018)

Paper 1
Section A (70 marks)

( p−3 q 2 )4
−5 4
1. Simplify p q and express your answer with positive indices.
(3 marks)


Public Exam Reference: HKDSE Practice Paper Paper 1 Section A(1) Q1
( p−3 q 2 )4
p−5 q 4
p−12 q 8
−5 4
p q 1M
 p 1M
p 1A

2. (a) Solve the inequality 5 x−2≥3 (3 x+10 ) .

(2 marks)
(b) Write down the greatest integer satisfying the inequality in (a).
(1 mark)

(a) x  8
(b) 8

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New Progress in Junior Mathematics 3 (Second Edition)
S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2010 Paper 1 Section A(1) Q2
(a) 5 x−2 3(3 x +10)
5 x−2 9 x +30
5 x−9 x 30+2 1M
−4 x  32
 x  8 1A

(b) 8 1A

3. Factorize
2 2
(a) 25 a +20 ab+4 b ,
(1 mark)
2 2 2 3
(b) 25 a +20 ab+4 b −50 a b+8 b .
(2 marks)

(a) (5 a+2 b )2
(b) (5 a+2 b )(5 a+2 b−10 ab+4 b2 )

Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2012 Paper 1 Section A(1) Q3
2 2
(a) 25 a +20 ab+ 4 b
=(5a+2b) 1A

(b) 25 a 2 +20 ab+ 4 b 2−50 a 2 b+8 b 3

2 2 3
=(5 a+2 b ) −50 a b+8 b (by (a))
2 2 2
=(5 a+2 b ) −2b (25 a −4 b )
=(5 a+2 b ) −2b (5 a+2 b )(5 a−2 b ) 1M
=(5 a+2 b )[5 a+2 b−2 b(5 a−2 b )]
=(5a+2b)(5a+2b−10ab+4b ) 1A

4. A tutorial school offers two kinds of tutorial classes: English and Mathematics. The numbers of
students in the English class and the Mathematics class are 42 and 29 respectively. The tutorial
fee of each student in the English class is 1.2 times the tutorial fee of each student in the
Mathematics class, and the tutorial school receives $119 100 from all the students. Find the
difference between the fees of each student in the two classes.
(4 marks)


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New Progress in Junior Mathematics 3 (Second Edition)
S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

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New Progress in Junior Mathematics 3 (Second Edition)
S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2017 Paper 1 Section A(1) Q4
Let $ x and $ y be the fees of each student in the English class and the Mathematics
class respectively.

{x=1.2y.. ... . ... . ... . ... . . ... . ...(1)¿¿¿¿ 1M

Substituting (1) into (2),
42(1.2 y )+29 y  119 100 1M
79.4y  119 100
y  1500 1A
Substituting y = 1500 into (1),
x = (1.2)(1500) = 1800
 The required difference
= $(1800−1500)

= $300 1A

5. The prices of a desk and a chair are $342.5 and $155.2 respectively.
(a) Estimate the two prices of the desk and the chair by rounding up the prices to the nearest
10 dollars.
(2 marks)
(b) If Mary has $2000, will she have enough money to buy 2 desks and 8 chairs together? Use
the result of (a) to explain your answer.
(2 marks)

(a) Desk: $350
Chair: $160
(b) Yes

Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2010 Paper 1 Section A(1) Q8
(a) The estimated price of the desk
=$350 1A
The estimated price of the chair
=$160 1A

(b) The estimated total price

= $(2×350+8×160) (by (a))
=$1980 1A
∵ The actual total price  $1980  $2000
 Mary has enough money to buy 2 desks and the 8 chairs together. 1A

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New Progress in Junior Mathematics 3 (Second Edition)
S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

u+v +6
6. Consider the formula v+1 .
(a) Make u the subject of the above formula.
(2 marks)
(b) Let v  0. If the value of v is increased by 25%, find the percentage change in the value
of u.
(2 marks)

(a) u =v
(b) 20%

Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2014 Paper 1 Section A(1) Q5
u+v +6
(a) u+1 = v +1
(u+1 )( v+1) =u+ v+ 6
uv +u+ v+ 1 =u+ v+ 6 1M
uv = 5
u =v 1A

' '
(b) Let u and v be the new values of u and v respectively. Then
' 5
v =(1+25%)v= v
' 5
u= '=
v 5v 5 v
4 5 4
= u
5 ()
 4
The percentage change in the value of u
u −u
×100 %
= u
×100 %
= u 1M
= 20%
 The value of u is decreased by 20%. 1A

7. In a polar coordinate system, the coordinates of the points A, B and C are (25, 52), (22, 117)
and (14, 232) respectively. Let O be the pole.
(a) Prove that A, O and C are collinear.
(2 marks)
(b) Find the shortest distance between B and the line AOC.
(2 marks)

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S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

(a) (The answer is skipped.)
(b) 19.9

Public Exam Reference: HKDSE Practice Paper Paper 1 Section A(1) Q6
(a) AOC 1M
=232 °−52 °
=180 °
 A, O and C are collinear. 1

(b) Consider the figure.

B (22, 117) A (25, 52)

C (14, 232)

The required distance

=OB sin∠ AOB 1M
= 22sin(117  52)
 19.9388
=19.9 (cor. to 3 sig. fig.) 1A

8. In Figure 1, BCE and DCG are straight lines. AG // EF, AGB = 53, CDE = 82 and
CEF = 151.


Figure 1
(a) Find CBG.
(2 marks)
(b) Prove that CBG ~ CDE.
(3 marks)

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(a) 82
(b) (The answer is skipped.)

Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2010 Paper 1 Section A(1) Q9
(a) Construct a line BP such that AG // BP // EF.



GBP = 53 (alt. s, AG // BP) 1M

CBP + 151= 180 (int. s, EF // BP)
CBP = 29
CBG = 53 + 29
=82° 1A

(b) CBG = CDE (by (a))

BCG = DCE (vert. opp. s)
CGB = CED ( sum of )
 CBG ~ CDE (AAA)
Marking Scheme:
Case 1 Any correct proof with correct reasons. 3
Case 2 Any correct proof without reasons. 2
Case 3 Incomplete proof with any one correct step and one correct reason. 1

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New Progress in Junior Mathematics 3 (Second Edition)
S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

9. The table below shows the distribution of the ages of all members in the Junior Swimming
12 13 14
Boys 16 18 10
Girls 12 10 14
If a member is randomly selected from the Junior Swimming Club, find the probability that the
selected member
(a) is a 14-year-old boy,
(2 marks)
(b) is greater than 12 years old.
(3 marks)

(a) 8
(b) 20

Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2009 Paper 1 Section A(1) Q5
(a) The required probability
=80 1M
=8 1A

(b) The required probability

=80 1M + 1M
=20 1A

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New Progress in Junior Mathematics 3 (Second Edition)
S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

10. Town X and town Y are 60 km apart. Figure 2 shows the graph for a car travelling on a straight
road between town X and town Y during the period 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The car travels to town
Y at a constant speed. After staying in town Y for a while, the car travels back to town X at a
constant speed.
Y 60
Distance from town X (km)


X 0
1:00 pm 1:30 pm Time 3:40 pm 4:00 pm

Figure 2

(a) At what time does the car arrive at town Y?

(2 marks)
(b) How long does the car stay in town Y?
(2 marks)
(c) The driver claims that the average speed of the car during the period 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm is
higher than that of the car during the period 2:30 pm to 3:40 pm. Do you agree? Explain
your answer.
(2 marks)

(a) 2:12 pm
(b) 1 hour
(c) Yes

Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2014 Paper 1 Section A(2) Q10
(a) Suppose the car arrives at town Y at the time t minutes after 1:00 pm.
From the graph, the car is 25 km from town X after 30 minutes.
60 25
t =30 1M
25t = 60  30
t = 72
 After 1 hour 12 mins, the car arrives at town Y.
 The car arrives at town Y at 2:12 pm.

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S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

(b) Suppose the car leaves town Y at the time s minutes before 4:00 pm.
From the graph, the car is 25 km away from town X 20 minutes before
4:00 pm.
60 25
s =20 1M
25s = 60  20
s = 48
 The car leaves town Y at 3:12 pm.
 The car stays in town Y for 1 hour. 1A

(c) During the period 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm, the car travels (60  25) km = 35 km in
60 minutes. During the period 2:30 pm to 3:40 pm, the car travels
(60  25) km = 35 km in 70 minutes. 1M
 The average speed of the car during the period 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm is
higher than that of the car during the period 2:30 pm to 3:40 pm.
 The claim is agreed. 1A

11. In Figure 3, ABCD is a parallelogram. F is a point on BC such that AF is the angle bisector of
BAD. E and G are points on BF and AF respectively such that AB // GE. H is a point on AF
such that DH is the angle bisector of ADC.

Figure 3

(a) Prove that EFG is an isosceles triangle.

(2 marks)
(b) (i) Find AHD.
(ii) If BE = EF = FC, AH = 15 cm and DH = 36 cm, find EG.
(5 marks)

(a) (The answer is skipped.)
(b) (i) 90
(ii) 13 cm

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S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

(a) Since AF is the angle bisector of BAD, we have ∠ DAF =∠ BAF .
∠ DAF =∠ AFB (alt. s, AD // BC)
∠ BAF =∠ EGF (corr. s, AB // GE)
 ∠ AFB =∠ EGF
 EG = EF (sides opp. eq. s)
 EFG is an isosceles triangle.
Marking Scheme:
Case 1 Any correct proof with correct reasons. 2
Case 2 Any correct proof without reasons. 1

(b) (i) Let ∠ DAF =∠ BAF = a and ∠ ADH =∠CDH = b.

∠ BAD +∠ ADC = 180 (int. s, AB // DC)
2 a+2 b = 180
a+ b = 90 1M
In ADH,
AHD =180 °−∠ HAD−∠ ADH ( sum of )
= 180  (a + b) 1M
= 180  90
=90° 1A

(ii) ADH is a right-angled triangle.

AD2 = AH2 + DH2 (Pyth. theorem)
√ 2
AD = 15 +36 cm

= 39 cm 1M
BC = AD = 39 cm (opp. sides of // gram)
EF = 3 cm = 13 cm
 EG
= EF (proved)
=13 cm 1A

12. A solid metal right cylinder of base area 45 cm2 and height 21 cm is melted and recast into
two similar solid right circular cones. The ratio of the base area of the smaller circular cone to
the base area of the larger circular cone is 16 : 25.
(a) Find the volume of the smaller circular cone in terms of .
(3 marks)
(b) If the height of the smaller circular cone is 15 cm, find the total surface area of the larger
circular cone in terms of .
(4 marks)

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New Progress in Junior Mathematics 3 (Second Edition)
S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

(a) 3 20π cm3
π cm2
(b) 2

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S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2017 Paper 1 Section A(2) Q12
(a) The volume of the right cylinder
=[(45 π)(21 )] cm
=9 45 π cm 1A
Volume of smaller circular cone
Volume of larger circular cone

(√ )
= 25
 The volume of the smaller circular cone

[ (
9 45 π
64 +125 )] cm 3

=320π cm 1A

(b) Let r cm be the base radius of the smaller circular cone.

1 2
πr (15 )
3 = 320 1M
 The slant height of the smaller circular cone
√ 2
= 8 +15 cm

=17 cm
 The total surface area of the smaller circular cone
=[ π(8)(17)+π (8) ] cm2 1M
=200π cm
 The total surface area of the larger circular cone

[ ( )]
cm 2
π cm2
= 2 1A

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New Progress in Junior Mathematics 3 (Second Edition)
S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

13. (a) The annual income of Mr. Cheung was $216 000 in 2013. From 2014 onwards, his annual
income has increased by 5% every year. Find the annual income of Mr. Cheung in 2016.
(2 marks)
(b) The monthly expenditure of Mr. Cheung was $6000 in January 2014. Due to the inflation,
the monthly expenditure of Mr. Cheung has increased by 0.4% every month.
(i) Find the value of his monthly expenditure in December 2016 correct to the nearest
(ii) Someone claims that Mr. Cheung has saved at least $165 000 during 2016. Do you
agree? Explain your answer.
(5 marks)
(a) $250 047
(b) (i) $6900
(ii) Yes

(a) Annual income of Mr. Cheung in 2016
= $216 000  (1 + 5%)3 1M

= $250 047 1A

(b) (i) Monthly expenditure of Mr. Cheung in December 2016

= $ 6000×(1+0 . 4 %) 1M
 $6899.715 74

= $6900 (cor. to the nearest dollar) 1A

(ii) ∵ The monthly expenditure of Mr. Cheung is increasing.

 Expenditure in Jan 2016
 Expenditure in Feb 2016
 Expenditure in Dec 2016
Total expenditure in 2016
 (Expenditure in Dec 2016)  12 1M
 $6899.715 74  12
 $82 796.589
Amount that Mr. Cheung saved in 2016
= annual income in 2016  total expenditure in 2016
 $(250 047  82 796.589) 1M
 $167 250.411
> $ 165 000
 Mr. Cheung saved at least $165 000 during 2016.
 The claim is agreed. 1A

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New Progress in Junior Mathematics 3 (Second Edition)
S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

14. The frequency distribution table and the cumulative frequency distribution table below show
the distribution of the scores of the 40 students in class A in a Mathematics test, where a, b, l, m
and n are integers. Suppose the scores of all the students are integers.
Score Frequency Score less than Cumulative frequency
56  65 9 65.5 l
66  75 a 75.5 25
76  85 13 85.5 m
86  95 b 95.5 n
and b.
(ii) Find an estimate of the mean of the scores of the 40 students in class A in the
Mathematics test.
(4 marks)
(b) The stem-and-leaf diagram below shows the distribution of the scores of the students in
class B in the same Mathematics test.
Stem (tens) Leaf (units)
5 0 1 6
6 2 2 3 4 7 8 9 9
7 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 8
8 2 4
9 0 2 8
Someone claims that the mean of the scores of the students in class B is less than that in
class A. Do you agree? Explain your answer.
(4 marks)

(a) (i) a = 16, b = 2
(ii) 72.5
(b) No

Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2011 Paper 1 Section A(2) Q10
(a) (i) a
= 25  9
=16 1A
= 40  9  16  13
=2 1A

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(ii) The mean

(60 .5 )(9 )+(70 .5 )(16 )+(80 . 5)(13 )+(90 . 5)(2 )
40 1M
=72.5 1A

(b) The mean of the scores of the students in class B

( 50+51+56+62+62+63+64+67+68+69+69+71+71¿ ) ¿ ¿¿¿¿
=¿ 1M
= 72
Least possible value of the mean of the scores of the students in class A
=40 1M
= 68
 The mean of the scores of the students in class B 1M
 The mean of the scores of the students in class B may be greater than that
in class A.
 The claim is disagreed. 1A

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Section B (30 marks)

15. In Figure 4, A(a, b), B(a + 4, b  1), C(a + 7, b + 1) and D(a + 3, b + 2) are the vertices of a

Figure 4

(a) Prove that ABCD is a parallelogram.

(3 marks)
(b) If a = 1 and b = 2, find the area of ABCD.
(3 marks)

(a) (The answer is skipped.)
(b) 11 sq. units

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(a) Slope of AB
= a+4−a

= 4
Slope of CD
b+1−(b+ 2)
= a+7−( a+3)
= a+7−a−3

= 4
∵ Slope of AB = slope of CD
 AB // CD 1M
Slope of AD
= a+3−a
Slope of BC
= a+ 7−(a+ 4 )
= a+7−a−4
∵ Slope of AD = slope of BC
 AD // BC 1M
 ABCD is a parallelogram. (by definition) 1

(b) Consider the following figure:

The area of ABCD

(7×3−2× 12 ×4×1−2×12 ×3×2) sq. units 1M + 1M

= 11 sq. units 1A

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S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

16. A bag contains 5 number cards, 1, 1, 3, 3 and 5. In a game, a player randomly draws 2 cards
one by one from the bag without replacement. A 2-digit number is formed such that the tens
digit and the units digit are the digits of the first number card and the second number card
drawn respectively. Then the player will get the money which is equal to the 2-digit number
formed. (E.g., if the first card drawn is ‘3’ and the second card drawn is ‘1’, then the player
will get $31.)
(a) Find the probability that the player gets more than $30.
(3 marks)
(b) Peter needs to pay $29 to play the game. Should he play the game? Explain your answer.
(2 marks)
(c) A number card ‘3’ is added into the bag and Peter still needs to pay $29 to play the game,
should he play the game? Explain your answer.
(2 marks)

(a) 5
(b) No
(c) Yes

(a) Consider the following table:
2nd card drawn
1 1 3 3 5
1 11 13 13 15
1st card drawn

1 11 13 13 15
3 31 31 33 35
3 31 31 33 35
5 51 51 53 53
The required probability
=20 1M + 1M
=5 1A

(b) Expected value

= 20 1M
= $28.6
 $29
 Peter should not play the game. 1A

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S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

(c) Consider the following table:

2nd card drawn
1 1 3 3 3 5
1 11 13 13 13 15
1st card drawn

1 11 13 13 13 15
3 31 31 33 33 35
3 31 31 33 33 35
3 31 31 33 33 35
5 51 51 53 53 53
Expected value
= 30 1M
$ 29
= 3
 $29
 Peter should play the game. 1A

17. OAB is an isosceles triangle with OA = AB. Denote the incentre and the circumcentre of
OAB by X and Y respectively.
(a) Prove that A, X and Y are collinear.
(3 marks)
(b) A rectangular coordinate system is introduced so that the coordinates of O and B are (0, 0)
and (16, 8) respectively. It is given that the x-coordinate of Y is 11.
(i) Find the coordinates of Y.
(ii) Someone claims that the area of circle which passes through O, A and B is less than
400. Do you agree? Explain your answer.
(4 marks)

(a) (The answer is skipped.)
(b) (i) (11, 2)
(ii) Yes

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Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2016 Paper 1 Section B Q20
(a) Consider the following figure:

Let L be a straight line joining A and X.

Let C be the point of intersection of L and OB.
In OAC and BAC,
∵ L bisects OAB.
 OAC = BAC
OA = AB (given)
AC = AC (common side)
 OAC  BAC (SAS)
 OCA = BCA (corr. s, s)
=180 °÷2 (adj. s on st. line)
= 90
OC = CB (corr. sides, s)
 L is the perpendicular bisector of OB.
 The circumcentre of OAB lies on L.
Therefore, A, X and Y are collinear.

Marking Scheme:
Case 1 Any correct proof with correct reasons. 3
Case 2 Any correct proof without reasons. 2
Case 3 Incomplete proof with any one correct step and one correct reason. 1

(b) (i) Let (11, a) be the coordinates of Y.

∵ Y is the centre of the circle which passes through O, A and B.
 OY = YB (radii) 1M
√(11−0 ) +( a−0 ) =√(11−16) +(a−8 )
2 2 2 2

2 2
a +121=25+a −16 a+64
16 a=−32
Therefore, the coordinates of Y are (11, 2). 1A

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(ii) OY

=√ 125
Area of the circle
= π×( √125 )2 1M
= 125
 392.7
 400 1A
 The claim is agreed.

18. In Figure 5, AC is an inclined road, B is the projection of C on the horizontal ground. It is given
that AB = 5 m and BAC = 30.

Figure 5

(a) Find AC and BC.

(2 marks)
(b) A flagpole CD, which is 2 m tall, is placed at the top of the inclined road such that CD is
perpendicular to the AC.
(i) Find the distance from D to the ground.
(ii) Find the angle of elevation of D from A.
(5 marks)
(c) A man is standing at A. The distance from his eyes to the ground is 1.7 m. Find the angle
of elevation of D from his eyes.
(3 marks)

(a) AC = 5.77 m, BC = 2.89 m
(b) (i) 4.62 m
(ii) 49.1
(c) 36.1

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(a) In ABC,
cos∠CAB = AC
AC =cos30 °
¿ 5.773 503 m
=5.77 m (cor. to 3 sig. fig.) 1A
tan∠CAB = AB
BC =5 tan 30 ° m
 2.886 751 m
=2.89 m (cor. to 3 sig. fig.) 1A

(b) (i) Consider the following figure:

Let F be the foot of perpendicular from D to AB. Then DF is the

distance from D to the ground.
Let E be the foot of perpendicular from C to DF.
∵ CED = BFD = 90
 AB // CE (corr. s equal)
ACE = CAB = 30 (alt. s, AB // CE)
DCE = 90  30 = 60
In CDE,
sin ∠ DCE = CD
DE =2 sin 60 ° m
1.732 051 m 1M
Distance from D to the ground
= DE + EF 1M
= DE + BC
 (1.732 051 + 2.886 751) m
= 4.618 802 m
=4 .62 m (cor. to 3 sig. fig.) 1A

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(ii) In ACD,
AD2 = AC2 + CD2 (Pyth. theorem)

√ 2 2
AD  5.773 503 +2 m
 6.110 101 m
In ADF,
sin ∠ DAF = AD 1M
4.618 802
 6.110 101
∠ DAF = 49.1 (cor. to 3 sig. fig.) 1A
 The angle of evaluation of D from A is 49.1.

(c) Let G be the position of the eyes and H be the foot of perpendicular from
G to DF.
In CDE,
cos∠ DCE = CD
CE =2 cos60 ° m
=1 m
= AF
= AB  BF
= (5  1) m
=4m 1M
= DF  FH
 (4.618 802  1.7) m
= 2.918 802 m 1M
In DGH,
tan∠ DGH = GH
2. 918 802
= 4
∠ DGH = 36.1 (cor. to 3 sig. fig.) 1A
 The angle of elevation of D from his eyes is 36.1.


© Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company 24

New Progress in Junior Mathematics 3 (Second Edition)
S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)


1. p7
2. (a) x  8
(b) 8
3. (a) ( 5 a+2 b )2
(b) (5 a+2 b )(5 a+2 b−10 ab+ 4 b2 )
4. $300
5. (a) Desk: $350
Chair: $160
(b) Yes
6. (a) u =v
(b) 20%
7. (b) 19.9
8. (a) 82
9. (a) 8
(b) 20
10. (a) 2:12 pm
(b) 1 hour
(c) Yes
11 (b) (i) 90
(ii) 13 cm
(a) 3 20π cm3
π cm2
(b) 2
13. (a) $250 047
(b) (i) $6900
(ii) Yes
14. (a) (i) a = 16, b = 2
(ii) 72.5
(b) No
15. (b) 11 sq. units
16. (a) 5
(b) No
(c) Yes
17. (b) (i) (11, 2)
(ii) Yes
18. (a) AC = 5.77 m, BC = 2.89 m
(b) (i) 4.62 m
(ii) 49.1
(c) 36.1

© Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company 25

New Progress in Junior Mathematics 3 (Second Edition)
S3 Mock Exam 6 (2018) Paper 1 (Teacher’s Edition)

© Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company 26

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