FS2, L.E 4

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EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship

Learning Episode 4: Creating My Remote Teaching-Learning Management Plan

Date: October 27, 2023

School: Maliwalo National High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 12
Subject Area: Creative Nonfiction
Resource Teacher: Ms. Kimberly Mercado
Teacher’s Signature:

Read the different elements and steps of a classroom management plan. Make your own plan
which you can implement in your classroom teaching-learning plan. You may request a copy of
the Classroom/Remote Teaching-Learning Management Plan of your Resource Teacher or you
may search the internet for more samples/exemplars to guide you in creating your plan.
Be guided with the guide questions for each of the elements. Follow these reminders in writing
your plan:

 State your plan positively.

 Use simple specific terms.
 Use measurable and observable behaviors.
 Convey expected behavior


Philosophical Statement:

I will make sure to create a healthy learning environment where students feel safe, secure, and
comfortable in the presence of a teacher. I want to make my students feel at ease, enthusiastic,
jolly, and at home. In education, it is always important that students learn in a harmonious setting
where the atmosphere is light and lively. Further, since I am the second mother, I want to nurture
them and instill good values in them, as well as insights and pathways they haven't yet encountered
before. I want them to be able to talk to me without any fear or hesitation because they know that I'd
listen without judgment.

Classroom Rules and Procedures

Classroom procedures:
 Daily Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance
 Checking of Classroom
 Passing of Assignment
 Review
 Icebreaker
 Discussion

Classroom rules:
1. Keep the classroom clean at all times
2. Check any signs of trash under your table
3. Do not be late/be on time
4. Be respectful at all times
5. Talk quietly
6. Follow directions
7. No food and beverages during class discussion
8. Ask necessary questions
9. Listen attentively during class discussion

Teacher-Student Relationships

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EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 4: Creating My Remote Teaching-Learning Management Plan

I will treat my class with utmost respect since I want them to give me the same thing. Just because I
am ahead of them and I'm their teacher, doesn't mean that I won't respect their boundaries. As the
saying goes "respect begets respect". Not to mention, I serve as a role model, so I should show
myself how to become a good person and an inspiration to many. In terms of interacting with them,
I will talk to them nicely. That way, they will not be afraid of me and they will realize that I am
someone whom they can trust. However, drawing a line is important to avoid conflicts, so despite
being close with them and talking to them nicely, I will draw a line they are prohibited from crossing
in order to maintain a healthy and professional student-teacher relationship.

Schedules and Timeframes

In Junior and Senior High School, the usual time allotted per subject is one hour. As a teacher, I
should set an example of strictly following the given time so that the lesson would not be
compromised and be scrutinized thoroughly.

Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements

Since the classroom setting is important in the learning process of students as it serves as the
learning environment where you foster knowledge, values, and wisdom, it is important to ensure
that the classroom structure and arrangement are suitable for the students. Therefore, I would
organize my classroom as simple but comfortable for my students to enjoy staying inside and
listening to class without much disturbance.

Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures

To ensure the safety of my students, I plan to do the following:

 Bring a first-aid kit in case of emergency.
 Have a list of the student's guardian, contact number, and address.
 Ask them to bring a health kit to maintain good hygiene.
 Get rid of anything dangerous, which can harm my students.
 Inform them of the emergency exit.
 Impose rules such as informing me if they have concerns and that they cannot leave the school
premises without any valid reason and a guardian

Strategies for Rewards and Consequences

Some strategies I will employ for rewards and consequences are:

 To have a fair grading system, I will provide a rubric that will serve as a basis for grading their
performance tasks.
 Every time they demonstrated good behavior, I will give them rewards
 Awarding students who showed good academic performance
 Calling out students for their bad behavior
 Holding them accountable for their negative actions

1. After reading and reviewing the classroom learning management plan form different sources
and creating your own plan, answer the following questions:

 What salient components have you noted?

 Why is there a need to utilize the information to create your classroom management
 What were the significant things that you notice when you were implementing your plan?
 Were there items in your classroom/remote learning management plan which were not
tailored to the needs of your students? How will you improve on these?
2. Record your findings below

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EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 4: Creating My Remote Teaching-Learning Management Plan

I made sure to take note of the importance of a healthy student-teacher relationship since it is
one of the most important aspects of managing your classroom. Building a good relationship
with your students is one way of fostering good behavior to and knowledge. If a student doesn't
have a good relationship with her/his teacher, she/he will not be motivated to do well in school
and it will affect her performance. As a teacher, we serve as the light and backbone of a great
learning-teaching environment. Furthermore, being informed of different things makes us
capable of having solutions to address them. That said, it is crucial to base your classroom
management on factual information, thus it aids in the way we teach. We are the teacher, so it is
our duty to become a source of information to our students. Additionally, we are considered as
the second parents of our students. Consequently, we are bound to take care of their needs,
ensure their safety, and attend to their needs. Lastly, we have to make sure that everything we
include in our lesson plan is suitable for our students. To avoid employing teaching strategies
that are inappropriate for the students, we need to determine their capabilities. and level of

What elements in your classroom learning management plan were mostly

followed/complied with?

Schedules are important in a classroom management plan. As teachers, we have to take note of
the allotted time per subject matter to avoid overlapping time and ensure that students do not
miss a lesson, and will not be late to their next class.

What elements in your plan were the most difficult to implement? Why?

I observed that it is challenging to implement the "do not be late", because many of our students
go to class late, especially during first period in the morning and afternoon.

What were your realizations after creating and implementing your classroom teaching-
learning management plan?

Upon writing my classroom teaching-learning management plan, I realized how crucial it is to

consider the interests, opinions, and benefits of your students. Before we implement certain rules
and procedures, we should inform our students first and involve them in the classroom
management planning, so that they won't be left out, as well as be able to hear their thoughts
whether they are against it or they agree to it.

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EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 4: Creating My Remote Teaching-Learning Management Plan


The problems/challenges I encountered in writing my Classroom Management Plan

 Rules and procedures appropriate to my students grade level
 Differences of my students in terms of cultural, religion, ethnicity, etc.


I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by:

 Conducting a homeroom meeting to hear the thoughts and opinions of my students
 Asking my previous teachers and others of their methods in order to have a organize
classroom management


Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these situation/ problems

 Ask my resource teacher to help me in terms of writing my classroom management plan
 Ask my resource teacher to check my classroom management plan and give comments
and recommendations


The possible title of my action research on this episode is:

 “Exploring Effective Classroom Management Practices”

To further enrich my knowledge on establishing my classroom / remote management

plan in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will help me in
these activities. (include books, websites, journal articles, web articles, videos, etc.)
 20 Classroom Management Strategies and Techniques.
 24 Best Classroom Management Strategies To Ensure Success.
 Classroom Management Plan.
 Effective Classroom Management Plan Essential Features.

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Learning Episode 4: Creating My Remote Teaching-Learning Management Plan

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Learning Episode 4: Creating My Remote Teaching-Learning Management Plan

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EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 4: Creating My Remote Teaching-Learning Management Plan

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 2, Episode 4: Creating My Remote Teaching-Learning
Management Plan

Name of FS Student: Nicolette Rein S. Pereras

Year & Section: BSED ENGLISH 4-1

Date Submitted: October 27, 2023


Learning Episode Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

5 4 3 2

Accomplished All observation One to two Three observation Four or more

Observation Sheet question/tasks observation questions/tasks observation
completely questions/task not not answered/ questions/ task
answered/ answered/ accomplished. not answered/
accomplished. accomplished. accomplished.

Analysis and All questions were All questions were Questions were Four or more
Reflection answered answered not answered observation
completely; completely; completely; questions were
answers are with answers are clearly answers are not not answered;
depth and are connected to clearly connected answers are not
thoroughly theories; grammar to theories; one (1) connected to
grounded on and spelling are to three (3) theories; more
theories; free from errors. grammatical/ than four (4)
grammar and Clear but lacks spelling errors. grammatical/
spelling are free depth; supported Not so clear and spelling errors.
from errors. by what were shallow; somewhat Unclear and
Profound and observed and supported by what shallow; rarely
clear; supported analyzed were observed and supported by
by what were analyzed what were
observe and observed and
analyzed analyzed.

Action Research All questions were All questions were One or two Three or more
Prompts answered answered questions were not questions were
completely; completely; answered; not answered;
Answers are Answers are Answers are not Answers are not
reflected in the reflected in the reflected in the reflected in the
context of the context of the context of the context of the
action research; action research; action research; action research;
complete, well- complete, well- complete, not not complete, not
organized, highly organized, relevant organized, relevant organized, not
relevant to the to the learning to the learning relevant.
learning outcome. outcome. outcome.

Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
the deadline deadline after the deadline days or more

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EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 4: Creating My Remote Teaching-Learning Management Plan

after the deadline

Comments: Total Score:


_____________________________________ ___________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

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