Respiratory System

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The Respiratory System

How we get our oxygen and get

rid of carbon dioxide
Human Lungs
NOT Hollow Balloons but, A Spongy Organ
Why Does Our Body Need

The energy releasing reactions that take place

in every single cell, and you have trillions,
requires oxygen and glucose.

Carbon dioxide is a waste product of this

energy releasing reaction.
The Difference Between
Respiration and Breathing
Breathing – Movement of air in and out of the

Respiration – Also known as cellular respiration,

is the energy releasing reaction that takes
place inside of cells. Oxygen combines with
sugar to release energy.

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The Path of Air
1. Nose or Mouth – moistens and heats the air
before going into the trachea. Cilia and
mucus trap dirt in the air.

2. Larynx – part of the trachea where our vocal

cords are located.

3. Trachea – the tube that leads from the nose

and mouth to the lungs. The walls have
rings of cartilage to protect the trachea and
prevent it from collapsing.
The Path of Air (Cont.)
4. Bronchi – the trachea splits into right and left
bronchi, each one leading into your right and
left lung. Each bronchus (singular) leads air
into the lungs and divides into smaller and
smaller tubes, like a tree trunk divides into
smaller and smaller branches.

5. Alveoli – grape-like structures at the end of

the bronchi. This is where our blood picks
up the oxygen we need.
The Path Air Takes In The Body
The Diaphragm

Diaphragm – a large dome-shaped muscle, just

under the lungs, that moves to inflate the lungs
with air.

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Large Surface Area
The alveoli greatly increase the surface
area of our lungs. If they were cut open
and spread out evenly, the alveoli would
cover an area the size of a tennis court!

Capillaries, very tiny blood vessels,

surround each alveoli cluster so the blood
can pick up large amounts of oxygen.
Vocal Cords
The The Respiratory System: Review

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