D'Oliveira - Physical Exercise Is Associated With Better Fat Mass Distribution and Lower Insulin Resistance in Spinal Cord Injured Individuals

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Research article

Physical exercise is associated with better fat

mass distribution and lower insulin resistance
in spinal cord injured individuals
Giselle Louise C. D’ Oliveira 1, Flávia A. Figueiredo 1, Magna Cottini
Fonseca Passos2 , Amina Chain 1, Flávia F. Bezerra1, Josely Correa Koury1
Department of Basic and Experimental Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition, State University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ,
Brazil, 2Department of Applied Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,
RJ, Brazil

Objectives: The aim of the study was to compare total and regional body composition and their relationship with
glucose homeostasis in physically active and non-active individuals with cervical spinal cord injury (c-SCI).
Methods: Individuals with lesion level between C5–C7 were divided into two groups: physically active (PA;
n = 14; who practiced physical exercise for at least 3 months, three times per week or more, minimum of
150 minutes/week): and non-physically active (N-PA n = 8). Total fat mass (t-FM) and regional fat mass
(r-FM) were assessed by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Fasting plasma insulin (FPI) was determined
by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
Results: PA group present lower (P < 0.01) total fat mass (t-FM), % and kg, regional fat mass (r-FM), % and kg,
FPI levels and HOMA index, while they had higher (P < 0.001) total free fat mass (t-FFM), %, and regional free fat
mass (r-FFM), %, compared to the N-PA group. In the N-PA group, FPI and HOMA index were negatively (P <
0.05) correlated with FFM% (r = −0.71, −0.69, respectively) and positively correlated to trunk-FM (r = 0.71, 0.69,
respectively) and trunk-FM:t-FM (kg) ratio (r = 0.83, 0.79, respectively).
Conclusion: Physical exercise is associated with lower t-FM, r-FM, and insulin resistance, which could contribute
to the decrease of the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic conditions in individuals with c-SCI.
Keywords: Cervical injury, Insulin, Physical activity, Regional fat mass

Introduction population.7,8 However, the correlation between

The incidence of spinal cord injury (SCI) is approxi- chronic disorders and specifically subcutaneous and
mately 12 000 new cases per year in the United visceral fat (VF) has just recently been studied in indi-
States.1 Cervical lesions represent approximately 55% viduals with SCI.9 VF has been considered an indepen-
of cases, and complete lesions affect 56% of individuals.2 dent risk factor for insulin resistance,10 type 2 diabetes,11
Individuals with SCI undergo substantial changes in and cardiovascular disease.12 Large amounts of VF and
body composition including increased fat mass (FM) high VF: subcutaneous fat ratio was observed in individ-
and decreased free fat mass (FFM) as a result of immo- uals with SCI compared to individuals without SCI,
bilization3,4 and impaired sympathetic nervous system.5 matched by age, gender, and waist circumference.13
These changes in body composition can be regional3 The most effective strategy known to delay these body
and cause many consequences to health.4,6 The associ- composition changes is regular physical exercise controlled
ation between body fat accumulation and the risk of for frequency, duration, and intensity.14 Therefore, the
developing diseases is well known by the general evaluation of training programs effectiveness can be deter-
mined through the assessment of body composition.
Correspondence to: Magna Cottini Fonseca Passos, Department of Applied Studies showed that the electrically induced cycle
Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rua São training is associated with increased insulin sensitivity
Francisco Xavier 524, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20550-900, Brazil.
Email: [email protected] in individuals with chronic SCI.15,16 Recently, we

© The Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals, Inc. 2014

DOI 10.1179/2045772313Y.0000000147 The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 2014 VOL. 37 NO. 1 79
Oliveira et al. Physical exercise and fat mass distribution and lower insulin resistance in spinal cord injured individuals

demonstrated that time of physical exercise practice after practiced, the time spent in total daily physical activity
injury in men with cervical spinal cord injury (c-SCI) is (minute), and the time of physical activity practice
related to the body fat reduction with consequent after injury (months).
increase in insulin sensitivity, which play an important The participants were divided into physically active
role in preventing cardiovascular disease.17 (PA, n = 14) and non-active (N-PA, n = 8) groups, this
Thus, the aim of this study was to compare total and was a convenience sample. Individuals were considered
regional body composition and their relationship with as physically active when practicing regular adapted
glucose homeostasis in physically active and non- physical exercise according to the following criteria:
active individuals with c-SCI. having a minimum of two and a half hours per week
of exercise practice, three times per week or more14 for
METHODS at least three months.
Subjects Information on causes and duration of injury, age,
This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of hours per week of exercise practice and time of continu-
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro–Brasil ous practice of physical exercise since injury was col-
(COEP052/2009) and written informed consent from lected by trained interviewers using a structured
each subject was obtained prior to data collection. questionnaire. The causes of c-SCI in enrolled partici-
Twenty-two male individuals with c-SCI (C5–C7) par- pants were as follows: diving accidents (n = 11; 50%),
ticipated in this study. Participants were examined motor vehicle accidents (n = 9; 41%), and violence
adopting modified Frankel score, a five-scale subdivi- (n = 2; 9%).
sion was used: A = complete motor and sensory func- Body composition
tion disorder; B = complete motor and incomplete Body composition was assessed using dual-energy X-ray
sensory function disorder; C = incomplete motor and absorptiometry (DXA–Lunar, with software enCore
sensory function disorder; D = useful motor function 2008 version 12.20, GE Healthcare, WI, USA).
with or without auxiliary means; E = no motor or Individuals wore lightweight clothing and removed all
sensory function disorder.18 These individual character- jewelry. Orthopedic surgical pins or other implants
istics are showed in Table 1. Data on physical activity that could affect the scan were identified as artifacts
were obtained through a structured questionnaire in and removed from the analysis. The legs were strapped
which volunteers described the type of physical activity to the DXA table to ensure there was no spasticity
during the scan. A licensed X-ray technologist per-
Table 1 Individual cervical spinal cord injury characteristics formed all DXA scans and calibration was made
Cervical lesion Frankel according to the manufacturer’s protocol.
Participant level Type lesion grade A whole-body scan was performed to determine total
and regional (arms, trunk, and legs) FM and FFM.
active Additionally, in order to better investigate the FM dis-
1 7 Incomplete C tribution trunk-FM:t-FM ratio was calculated.
2 6 Incomplete C
4 5 Incomplete E
5 5 Complete A
6 5 Incomplete C While lying supine on the DXA table, the individual’s
7 5 Incomplete C length from the top of the head to the bottom of the
13 7 Incomplete D
18 6 Incomplete C heal was measured by using a flexible non-elastic
20 6 Incomplete C measuring tape (Sanny®, SP, Brazil). Total body mass
21 7 Incomplete D (kg) was taken as the sum of FM, lean tissue mass and
23 5 Incomplete C
24 6 Incomplete C bone mineral content. The body mass index (BMI)
25 5 Complete A was calculated as body weight/height2 (kg/m2).
Non-physically active
3 5 Incomplete C
9 6 Incomplete C
Sample collection and laboratory assay
10 7 Incomplete D The individuals were instructed not to eat for 12 hours
11 5 Incomplete C before sample collection. Blood samples (5 ml) were
12 5 Complete A
14 5 Incomplete C
obtained in the morning (08:00 hours) by venous punc-
15 5 Incomplete C ture and placed into tubes containing heparin as antic-
16 5 Complete A oagulant (30 U per tube). These tubes were
17 5 Incomplete B
centrifuged at 1800 g for 10 minutes for obtained

80 The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 2014 VOL. 37 NO. 1

Oliveira et al. Physical exercise and fat mass distribution and lower insulin resistance in spinal cord injured individuals

plasma. Blood samples were stored at −20°C until FFM percent on arms (P < 0.001), legs (P = 0.005),
analysis. Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) was measured trunk (P < 0.001), and total (P < 0.001) compared to
by enzymatic colorimetric assay (Gold Analyzes, RJ, the N-PA group. The trunk FM:t-FM ratio showed
Brazil; kit reference value was 80–110 mg/dl) and that trunk FM corresponded to 58% of the total FM
fasting plasma insulin (FPI) by human ELISA kit in N-PA group and 49% in PA group (Table 3).
(EMD Millipore, MA, USA). The homeostasis model FPG was similar in PA and N-PA groups. The PA
assessment for the insulin resistance (HOMA2-IR) group showed significantly lower (P < 0.05) FPI levels
index was calculated using the HOMA calculator.19 and HOMA index (Table 4).
The associations between t-FM and FPI and HOMA;
Statistical analysis and between r-FM and FPI and HOMA in all partici-
Normality of distribution for the continuous outcome pants (n = 22) and in each group were shown in
variables was tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Table 5. Considering all participants, FPI levels, and
test. Data are express as mean ± standard deviation HOMA-IR were positively associated with t-FM (r =
(SD). Comparisons between active and non-active 0.59, P = 0.004; r = 0.58, P = 0.004, respectively), r-
groups were performed by unpaired t-tests. Pearson cor- FM (arms r = 0.53, P = 0.012; r = 0.51, P = 0.015,
relation performed the relationship between body com- respectively; trunk r = 0.61, P = 0.003; r = 0.59, P =
position and plasma glucose, insulin and HOMA-IR.
Statistical analyses were performed for using SPSS for Table 3 Fat mass distribution obtained by DXA and
windows v.12.0 and P values ≤0.05 were considered comparison between non-physically active and physically
active groups
Non-physically Physically
active (n = 8) active (n = 14) P
The age, length, and duration of injury were similar Fat mass (%)
Total 35.2 ± 4.9 24.2 ± 5.8 <0.001
between PA and N-PA groups. Body weight and BMI Arms 26.8 ± 5.5 16.0 ± 4.8 <0.001
were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in the PA group. Legs 34.9 ± 5.0 27.5 ± 5.3 0.004
The time of continuous practice of physical exercise Trunk 39.5 ± 6.3 25.0 ± 7.9 <0.001
Fat mass (kg)
since injury in active group was on average 14 ± 10 Total 25.8 ± 4.1 15.6 ± 5.0 <0.001
months with 13 ± 7 hours/week of exercise practice Arms 2.5 ± 0.4 1.3 ± 0.4 <0.001
Legs 7.3 ± 1.1 5.6 ± 1.6 0.020
(Table 2).
Trunk 15.0 ± 3.4 7.8 ± 3.2 <0.001
The PA group had 39% lower total FM (P < 0.001) Trunk FM:total FM 0.58 ± 0.19 0.49 ± 0.14 0.003
and 48, 23, and 48% lower FM in arms (P < 0.001), Fat free mass (%)
Total 64.8 ± 4.9 75.8 ± 5.8 <0.001
legs (P < 0.04), and trunk (P < 0.001), respectively, Arms 73.2 ± 5.4 84.0 ± 4.8 <0.001
compared to N-PA group. FFM represented an Legs 65.1 ± 5.0 72.5 ± 5.4 0.005
average of 70% of total body composition for all indi- Trunk 60.4 ± 6.3 74.9 ± 7.9 <0.001
Fat free mass (kg)
viduals. There were no differences in FFM (kg) Total 47.5 ± 5.2 48.0 ± 6.7 0.853
between the groups but the PA group presented higher Arms 6.9 ± 1.4 7.0 ± 1.0 0.886
Legs 13.7 ± 2.6 14.5 ± 2.5 0.472
Trunk 22.7 ± 1.8 22.5 ± 3.0 0.885
Table 2 General characteristics and anthropometric
measurements of the non-physically active and physically Comparison between groups by independent t-test; P < 0.05 was
active spinal cord injury men considered significant.

Non-physically Physically active

active (n = 8) (n = 14)
Table 4 Comparison of glucose homeostasis between non-
Age (years) 35 ± 12 29 ± 8 physically active and physically active groups
Length (m) 1.72 ± 0.7 1.72 ± 0.6
Duration of injury 14 ± 10 8±7 Non-physically active Physically active
(years) (n = 8) (n = 14)
Body weight (kg) 73.3 ± 4.6 63.5 ± 9.4* (mean ± SD) (mean ± SD)
Body mass index 24.8 ± 3.1 21.3 ± 2.4*
(kgm−2) Fasting plasma 89.0 ± 9.5 84.3 ± 6.5
Time of physical activity – 14.0 ± 10.0 glucose (mg/dl)
practice (months) Fasting plasma 13.4 ± 5.5 8.3 ± 4.4*
Hours/week of exercise – 13.0 ± 7.0 insulin (μU/ml)
practice HOMA-IR 1.7 ± 0.7 1.1 ± 0.5*

Comparison between groups by independent t-test; *P < 0.05. Comparison between groups by independent t-test; * P < 0.05.

The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 2014 VOL. 37 NO. 1 81

Oliveira et al. Physical exercise and fat mass distribution and lower insulin resistance in spinal cord injured individuals

Table 5 Correlation between plasma insulin, glucose and HOMA with FM and FFM considering non-physically active (n = 8),
physically active (n = 14), and all participants (n = 22)

Non-physically active
(n = 8) Physically active (n = 14) All (n = 22)
r P r P r P

Fasting plasma insulin

Total FM (%) 0.55 0.139 0.33 0.238 0.59 0.004
Arms (%) 0.21 0.578 0.17 0.562 0.53 0.012
Legs (%) −0.17 0.662 0.06 0.832 0.29 0.186
Trunk (%) 0.71 0.037 0.34 0.231 0.61 0.003
Trunk FM:total FM (kg) 0.83 0.005 0.37 0.189 0.59 0.004
Total FFM (%) −0.55 0.139 −0.03 0.238 −0.59 0.004
Arms (%) −0.22 0.578 −0.12 0.182 −0.51 0.016
Legs (%) 0.17 0.662 0.01 0.964 −0.27 0.228
Trunk (%) −0.71 0.037 −0.37 0.184 −0.62 0.002
Fasting plasma glucose
Total FM (%) 0.36 0.353 −0.22 0.435 0.09 0.694
Arms (%) 0.10 0.794 −0.50 0.064 −0.08 0.713
Legs (%) 0.53 0.160 −0.49 0.069 −0.06 0.797
Trunk (%) 0.13 0.705 −0.28 0.324 0.03 0.912
Trunk FM:total FM (kg) 0.36 0.353 −0.06 0.820 0.15 0.504
Total FFM(%) −0.359 0.353 0.22 0.435 −0.09 0.694
Arms (%) −0.168 0.662 0.53 0.049 0.08 0.705
Legs (%) −0.527 0.160 0.49 0.075 0.05 0.801
Trunk (%) −0.132 0.705 0.25 0.373 −0.04 0.872
Total FM (%) 0.51 0.182 0.38 0.178 0.58 0.004
Arms (%) 0.15 0.705 0.23 0.416 0.51 0.015
Legs (%) −0.24 0.537 0.12 0.659 0.28 0.204
Trunk (%) 0.69 0.047 0.35 0.212 0.59 0.004
Trunk FM:total FM (kg) 0.79 0.015 0.33 0.238 0.57 0.006
Total FFM (%) −0.51 0.182 −0.38 0.178 −0.58 0.004
Arms (%) −0.16 0.662 −0.18 0.532 −0.49 0.020
Legs (%) 0.24 0.537 −0.05 0.844 −0.25 0.251
Trunk (%) −0.69 0.047 −0.38 0.173 −0.59 0.003

P and r values obtained by the Spearman correlation.

0.004, respectively) and with the trunk FM:t-FM (kg) matched by age, sex, and level of injury. In this study,
ratio (r = 0.59, P = 0.004; r = 0.57 P = 0.006, respect- the primary finding is the lower total and regional FM
ively). However, FPI and HOMA were negatively in PA individuals with c-SCI compared to the N-PA
associated with total FFM (r = −0.59, P = 0.004; group.
r = −0.58, P = 0.004, respectively), r-FFM (arms, The use of DXA in this study was essential for obtain-
r = −0.51, P = 0.016; r = −0.49, P = 0.020, respect- ing regional data of body composition in individuals
ively; trunk: r = −0.62, P = 0.002; r = −0.59, P = with c-SCI. This method can effectively assess segmental
0.003, respectively) and with the legs FM: t-FM (kg) body composition based on the entire body measure-
ratio (r = −0.57, P = 0.005; r = −0.55 P = 0.008, ment and has been suggested to be the most appropriate
respectively). method of measuring the body composition of individ-
In the PA group the correlations were not statistically uals with SCI.20
significant, while in the N-PA group the FPI levels and Fat depots from different sites of the body exhibit par-
HOMA-IR were positively associated with trunk ticular functionality and structural characteristics that
FM and with the trunk FM:t-FM (kg) ratio. lead to pathology.21 Individuals with SCI have increased
Consequently, these parameters were negatively associ- risk for metabolic disorders compared to the general
ated with the legs FM:t-FM (kg) ratio. No measures population including impaired glucose tolerance and
of fat distribution were related to FPG in either group insulin resistance.22,23 Therefore, for prevention of
(Table 5). these metabolic disorders, an important question in
people with SCI is whether an increase in adipose
Discussion tissue or loss of muscle tissue is the major contributor
To our knowledge, there are no studies evaluating the to these metabolic disease risks. Some studies have
regional fat distribution in PA c-SCI individuals shown the impact of physical activity on the relation

82 The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 2014 VOL. 37 NO. 1

Oliveira et al. Physical exercise and fat mass distribution and lower insulin resistance in spinal cord injured individuals

between adipose tissue and risk for insulin resistance in the PA group may be partly explained by the relatively
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exercise practice after injury in men with c-SCI is values of total FM (% and kg) and trunk FM.
related to lower body fat.17 This study reinforces this Besides, it is probable that inter muscular adipose
finding and shown that the FM in all regions of the tissue may be higher in the PA group.20
body was also lower in the PA group, indicating that In conclusion, physical exercise is associated with
the exercise practiced at least three times a week for at lower t-FM, r-FM, and insulin resistance, which could
least 3 months was sufficient to promote positive contribute to the decrease of the risk of cardiovascular
changes in fat distribution in individuals with c-SCI by and metabolic conditions in individuals with c-SCI.
mechanisms not yet clearly identified. Furthermore,
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