Pe1 Las3 Week5 6 Q1
Pe1 Las3 Week5 6 Q1
Pe1 Las3 Week5 6 Q1
Health 1
for Grade 11 SHS Learners
This Learning Activity Sheet aims to guide the senior high students
in finding physical activities that they can maintain for the rest of their
lives. It equips students with 21st century skills that enhance them as
independent learners as well as leaders in their community. This module
reviews students’ knowledge on various recreational activities and
encourages them to practice these activities to increase should be
viewed as vehicles of learning important like skills such as
communication, collaboration, time management, and environment
c. Rainy season
A. Warm-up Exercises
One factor that must be emphasized is the need for a warm-up
before participating in any activity.
A warm-up is any activity that prepares your muscles, joints, and your
entire body system for strenuous activity. Warm-up exercises help to
prepare your body mentally and physically in different activities.
B. Cool-Down Exercises
In order to prevent injuries during physical activity, it is important to
start and finish properly. You also need to be cool-down activities after
you exercise. A cool-down is a period of three to five minutes of activities
with lesser intensity. A cool-down helps your body return to normal state
resting rate
Your Body Conditions During Moderate to Vigorous Physical
Sweating. On a normal day, the body loses about 2.5 liters of water
from the lungs and skin, from urine and feces, and from perspiration.
The body must replace this through proper hydration. To offset fluid
losses, it is suggested that 150 to 250ml of fluid should be taken every
15 minutes.
Thirst. Thirst is a sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat
associated with a desire for liquids. Maintaining water balance is an
important consideration during exercise. Physical activity results in
increased heat production, and evaporation of sweat from the skin
allows the body to dissipate this heat and maintain a normal body
temperature. The amount of fluid lost as sweat varies according to
factors such as the intensity and duration of activity and the air
temperature or humidity.
This is especially important when an individual exercises in the heat or
does so for an extended period of time.
Overexertion or Overtraining
if the humidity is above 60%. To exercise safely, watch for the signals of
heat disorder,
regardless of the weather.
Heat Acclimatization
Slow down exercise and add rest breaks to maintain prescribed target
heart rate. As you
become acclimatized, you can gradually increase intensity and duration.
Drink 2 cups of fluids 2 hours before you begin exercising and drink 4-
8 ounces of fluid
every 10-15 minutes during exercise (more frequently during high
intensity activities).
Wear clothing that “breathes,” allowing air to circulate and cool the
body. Wearing white or
light colors will help by reflecting rather than absorbing heat. A hat can
keep direct sun off
your face. Do not wear rubber, plastic, or nonporous clothing.
Rest frequently in the shade.
Slow down or stop if you begin to feel uncomfortable. Watch for the
signs of heat
disorders. If they occur, act appropriately
Early signs If the victim is unconscious, open
Shivering airway
Pale, cold skin and check for breathing.
Cold environment
As the condition worsens shelter
No shivering, even though the or keep in warm room.
person is
Increasing drowsiness drinks.
Irrational behavior and confusion
heat is lost through the extremities.
Slow, shallow breathing
Slow, weak pulse
Walking becomes clumsy and since the core temperature is
tendency of dropping.
wanting to lie down and rest Without treatment, one might lose
escalates consciousness and die.
as quickly as possible
If you dress warmly in layers and do not stay out in very cold
temperatures for too long, exercise can be safe even in subfreezing
temperatures. Take both the temperature and wind-chill factor into
account when choosing clothing. Cold weather clothing provides an
insulating barrier to air and can be removed as temperature rises and
put back on as it falls.
Wool may be used as well as windproof or rainproof ones. Dress in
layers so you can remove them as you warm-up and put them back on if
you get cold. A substantial amount of heat loss comes from the head
and neck, so keep these areas covered. In subfreezing temperatures,
protect the areas of the body most susceptible to frostbite such as the
fingers, toes, ears, nose, and cheeks with warm socks, gloves, cap, or
hood. Wear clothing that “breathes” and will absorb or drain moisture
away from your body to avoid being overheated by trapped perspiration.
Warm up thoroughly and drink plenty of fluids.
Others Concerns:
Directions: Present the case of Nonito Donaire, Jr.’s April 23, 2016 title
defense fight against Zolk Bedak in Cebu. Around that time, the
Philippines was experiencing one of the hottest temperatures. Ask the
students what the two boxers needed to do to be able to give out their
best in such hot temperature.
You can show video reports on Donaire’s training regimen to
prepare for his fight in Cebu or present newspaper clippings
instead. Emphasize those athletes like the two boxers need to
adjust their training regimens and nutrition to suit the event venue
conditions and weather temperatures.
You can also add here other athletes’ adjustments in similar
conditions such as Manny Pacquiao fighting in the US, Philippine
Azkals playing in Europe, etc to emphasize the next topic.
Take note:
Place this in a long bond paper
Be sure to describe what happened during the fight
If you have picture clip in the newspapers or any form of media..
You can have it.
Take note format for your answer sheets.. Please be guided accordingly. Please
follow. The teacher will add additional points if you will follow the directions carefully.
Teacher: _______________________________
Date Submitted:_________________________________________________________
Student’s Signature:______________________________________________________
Parent’s/Guardians Signature:______________________________________________
Compiled by:
PE Teacher