4. Objections (Section 100): Section 96. Actions Suspended. - Upon motion filed by the individual
➢ Creditors who dissent from the majority vote can file debtor, the court may issue an order suspending any pending
objections within ten (10) days. execution against the individual debtor. Provide, That properties
held as security by secured creditors shall not be the subject of such
5. Effects of Approval of Proposed Agreement (Section 101): suspension order. The suspension order shall lapse when three (3)
➢ The court upholds the approval if no opposition or months shall have passed without the proposed agreement being
objections are raised. accepted by the creditors or as soon as such agreement is denied.
➢ The order confirming the agreement is binding on
creditors in the debtor's schedule of debts, with No creditor shall sue or institute proceedings to collect his claim
exceptions for specific creditors. from the debtor from the time of the filing of the petition for
suspension of payments and for as long as proceedings remain
6. Failure to Perform Agreement (Section 102): pending except:
➢ If the debtor fails to perform the agreement, creditors (1) those creditors having claims for personal labor,
regain their rights. maintenance, expense of last illness and funeral of the
➢ The debtor may be subject to insolvency proceedings as wife or children of the debtor incurred in the sixty (60)
outlined by the law. days immediately prior to the filing of the petition; and
(2) secured creditors.
These numerical details highlight the specific timeframes and
requirements involved in the procedures for handling insolvency of Section 97. Creditors' Meeting. - The presence of creditors holding
individual debtors. claims amounting to at least three-fifths (3/5) of the liabilities shall
be necessary for holding a meeting. The commissioner appointed by
CHAPTER VI the court shall preside over the meeting and the clerk of court shall
INSOLVENCY OF INDIVIDUAL DEBTORS act as the secretary thereof, subject to the following rules:
(A) Suspension of Payments. (a) The clerk shall record the creditors present and amount of their
Section 94. Petition. - An individual debtor who, possessing respective claims;
sufficient property to cover all his debts but foreseeing the (b) The commissioner shall examine the written evidence of the
impossibility of meeting them when they respectively fall due, may claims. If the creditors present hold at least three-fifths (3/5) of
file a verified petition that he be declared in the state of suspension the liabilities of the individual debtor, the commissioner shall
of payments by the court of the province or city in which he has declare the meeting open for business;
resides for six (6) months prior to the filing of his petition. He shall
attach to his petition, as a minimum: (a) a schedule of debts and
Quitiol, Exxa Cheska S.
(c) The creditors and individual debtor shall discuss the The Order confirming the approval of the proposed agreement or
propositions in the proposed agreement and put them to a any amendment thereof made during the creditors' meeting shall be
vote; binding upon all creditors whose claims are included in the schedule
(d) To form a majority, it is necessary: of debts and liabilities submitted by the individual debtor and who
(1) that two-thirds (2/3) of the creditors voting unite upon the were properly summoned, but not upon: (a) those creditors having
same proposition; and claims for personal labor, maintenance, expenses of last illness and
(2) that the claims represented by said majority vote amount funeral of the wife or children of the debtor incurred in the sixty (60)
to at least three-fifths (3/5) of the total liabilities of the days immediately prior to the filing of the petition; and (b) secured
debtor mentioned in the petition; and creditors who failed to attend the meeting or refrained from voting
(3) After the result of the voting has been announced, all therein.
protests made against the majority vote shall be drawn up,
and the commissioner and the individual debtor together Section 102. Failure of Individual Debtor to Perform Agreement. - If
with all creditors taking part in the voting shall sign the the individual debtor fails, wholly or in part, to perform the
affirmed propositions. agreement decided upon at the meeting of the creditors, all the
rights which the creditors had against the individual debtor before
No creditor who incurred his credit within ninety (90) days prior to the agreement shall revest in them. In such case the individual
the filing of the petition shall be entitled to vote. debtor may be made subject to the insolvency proceedings in the
manner established by this Act.
Section 98. Persons Who May Refrain From Voting. - Creditors who
are unaffected by the Suspension Order may refrain from attending 7. Rehabilitation
the meeting and from voting therein. Such persons shall not be A. Definition
bound by any agreement determined upon at such meeting, but if Rehabilitation shall refer to the restoration of the debtor to a
they should join in the voting they shall be bound in the same condition of successful operation and solvency, if it is shown that its
manner as are the other creditors. continuance of operation is economically feasible and its creditors
can recover by way of the present value of payments projected in
Section 99. Rejection of the Proposed Agreement. - The proposed the plan, more if the debtor continues as a going concern than if it is
agreement shall be deemed rejected if the number of creditors immediately liquidated.
required for holding a meeting do not attend thereat, or if the two B. Types (describe and discuss in summary the procedure
(2) majorities mentioned in Section 97 hereof are not in favor for each type)
thereof. In such instances, the proceeding shall be terminated (1) Court Supervised Rehabilitation
without recourse and the parties concerned shall be at liberty to (2) Pre-negotiated rehabilitation
enforce the rights which may correspond to them. (3) Out-of-court or informal restructuring agreements or
rehabilitation plans
Section 100. Objections. - If the proposal of the individual debtor, or
any amendment thereof made during the creditors' meeting, is Court Supervised Rehabilitation
approved by the majority of creditors in accordance with Section 97 - Inititiation proceedings:
hereof, any creditor who attended the meeting and who dissented Court Supervised Rehabilitation
from and protested against the vote of the majority may file an 1. Initiation proceedings:
objection with the court within ten (10) days from the date of the Voluntary: When approved by the owner in case of a sole
last creditors' meeting. The causes for which objection may be made proprietorship, or by a majority of the partners in case of a
to the decision made by the majority during the meeting shall be: (a) partnership, or in case of a corporation, by a majority vote of the
defects in the call for the meeting, in the holding thereof and in the board of directors or trustees and authorized by the vote of the
deliberations had thereat which prejudice the rights of the creditors; stockholders representing at least two-thirds (2/3) of the
(a) fraudulent connivance between one or more creditors and outstanding capital stock, or in case of nonstock corporation, by
the individual debtor to vote in favor of the proposed the vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members, in a
agreement; or stockholder's or member's meeting duly called for the purpose,
(b) fraudulent conveyance of claims for the purpose of insolvent debtor may initiate voluntary proceedings under this
obtaining a majority. The court shall hear and pass upon Act by filing a petition for rehabilitation with the court and on
such objection as soon as possible and in a summary the grounds hereinafter specifically provided. The petition shall
manner. be verified to establish the insolvency of the debtor and the
viability of its rehabilitation, and include, whether as an
In case the decision of the majority of creditors to approve the attachment or as part of the body of the petition, as a minimum
individual debtor's proposal or any amendment thereof made during the following:
the creditors' meeting is annulled by the court, the court shall (a) Identification of the debtor, its principal activities and
declare the proceedings terminated and the creditors shall be at its addresses;
liberty to exercise the rights which may correspond to them. (b) Statement of the fact of and the cause of the debtor's
insolvency or inability to pay its obligations as they
Section 101. Effects of Approval of Proposed Agreement. - If the become due;
decision of the majority of the creditors to approve the proposed (c) The specific relief sought pursuant to this Act;
agreement or any amendment thereof made during the creditors' (d) The grounds upon which the petition is based;
meeting is uphold by the court, or when no opposition or objection (e) Other information that may be required under this Act
to said decision has been presented, the court shall order that the depending on the form of relief requested;
agreement be carried out and all parties bound thereby to comply (f) Schedule of the debtor's debts and liabilities including
with its terms. a list of creditors with their addresses, amounts of
claims and collaterals, or securities, if any;
The court may also issue all orders which may be necessary or (g) An inventory of all its assets including receivables and
proper to enforce the agreement on motion of any affected party. claims against third parties;
Quitiol, Exxa Cheska S.
(h) A Rehabilitation Plan; 1. Initiation: An insolvent debtor, by itself or jointly with any of its
(i) The names of at least three (3) nominees to the creditors, may file a verified petition with the court for the
position of rehabilitation receiver; and approval of a pre-negotiated Rehabilitation Plan which has been
(j) Other documents required to be filed with the petition endorsed or approved by creditors holding at least two-thirds
pursuant to this Act and the rules of procedure as may (2/3) of the total liabilities of the debtor, including secured
be promulgated by the Supreme Court. creditors holding more than fifty percent (50%) of the total
secured claims of the debtor and unsecured creditors holding
A group of debtors may jointly file a petition for rehabilitation under more than fifty percent (50%) of the total unsecured claims of
this Act when one or more of its members foresee the impossibility the debtor. The petition shall include as a minimum:(a) a
of meeting debts when they respectively fall due, and the financial schedule of the debtor's debts and liabilities;(b) an inventory of
distress would likely adversely affect the financial condition and/or the debtor's assets;(c) the pre-negotiated Rehabilitation Plan,
operations of the other members of the group and/or the including the names of at least three (3) qualified nominees for
participation of the other members of the group is essential under the rehabilitation receiver; and (d) a summary of disputed claims
terms and conditions of the proposed Rehabilitation Plan. against the debtor and a report on the provisioning of funds to
account for appropriate payments should any such claims be
Involuntary: Any creditor or group of creditors with a claim of, or the ruled valid or their amounts adjusted.
aggregate of whose claims is, at least One Million Pesos
(Php1,000,000.00) or at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the 2. Within five (5) working days, and after determination that the
subscribed capital stock or partners' contributions, whichever is petition is sufficient in form and substance, the court shall issue
higher, may initiate involuntary proceedings against the debtor by an Order, which shall:
filing a petition for rehabilitation with the court if:
(a) identify the debtor, its principal business of activity/ies and
(a) there is no genuine issue of fact on law on the claim/s of the its principal place of business;
petitioner/s, and that the due and demandable payments (b) declare that the debtor is under rehabilitation;
thereon have not been made for at least sixty (60) days or that (c) summarize the ground./s for the filling of the petition;
the debtor has failed generally to meet its liabilities as they fall (d) direct the publication of the Order in a newspaper of
due; or general circulation in the Philippines once a week for at
(b) a creditor, other than the petitioner/s, has initiated foreclosure least two (2) consecutive weeks, with the first publication
proceedings against the debtor that will prevent the debtor from to be made within seven (7) days from the time of its
paying its debts as they become due or will render it insolvent. issuance;
(e) direct the service by personal delivery of a copy of the
The creditor/s' petition for rehabilitation shall be verified to establish petition on each creditor who is not a petitioner holding at
the substantial likelihood that the debtor may be rehabilitated, and least ten percent (10%) of the total liabilities of the debtor,
include: as determined in the schedule attached to the petition,
within three (3) days;
(a) identification of the debtor its principal activities and its address; (f) state that copies of the petition and the Rehabilitation Plan
(b) the circumstances sufficient to support a petition to initiate are available for examination and copying by any interested
involuntary rehabilitation proceedings under Section 13 of this party;
Act; (g) state that creditors and other interested parties opposing
(c) the specific relief sought under this Act; the petition or Rehabilitation Plan may file their objections
(d) a Rehabilitation Plan; or comments thereto within a period of not later than
(e) the names of at least three (3) nominees to the position of twenty (20) days from the second publication of the Order;
rehabilitation receiver; (h) appoint a rehabilitation receiver, if provided for in the Plan;
(f) other information that may be required under this Act and
depending on the form of relief requested; and (i) include a Suspension or Stay Order as described in this Act.
(g) other documents required to be filed with the petition pursuant
to this Act and the rules of procedure as may be promulgated by 3. Approval of plan: Within ten (10) days from the date of the second
the Supreme Court. publication of the Order, the court shall approve the Rehabilitation
Plan unless a creditor or other interested party submits an objection
2. Action on the Petition and Commencement of Proceedings. to it in accordance with the next succeeding section.
• If the court finds the petition for rehabilitation to be sufficient in
form and substance, it shall, within five (5) working days from 4. Objection to the Petition or Rehabilitation Plan. - Any creditor or
the filing of the petition, issue a Commencement Order. other interested party may submit to the court a verified objection to
• If, within the same period, the court finds the petition deficient the petition or the Rehabilitation Plan not later than eight (8) days
in form or substance, the court may, in its discretion, give the from the date of the second publication of the Order mentioned in
petitioner/s a reasonable period of time within which to amend Section 77 hereof
or supplement the petition, or to submit such documents as may
be necessary or proper to put the petition in proper order. 5. Hearing on the Objections. After receipt of an objection, the court
➢ In such case, the five (5) working days provided above shall set the same for hearing. The date of the hearing shall be no
for the issuance of the Commencement Order shall be earlier than twenty (20) days and no later than thirty (30) days from
reckoned from the date of the filing of the amended or the date of the second publication of the Order mentioned in Section
supplemental petition or the submission of such 77 hereof.
• The rehabilitation proceedings shall commence upon the If the court finds merit in the objection, it shall direct the
issuance of the Commencement Order, debtor, when feasible to cure the detect within a reasonable period.
If the court determines that the debtor or creditors supporting the
Pre-Negotiated Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Plan acted in bad faith, or that the objection is non-
Quitiol, Exxa Cheska S.
curable, the court may order the conversion of the proceedings into Section 15. Action on the Petition. - If the court finds the petition
liquidation. A finding by the court that the objection has no for rehabilitation to be sufficient in form and substance, it shall,
substantial merit, or that the same has been cured shall be deemed within five (5) working days from the filing of the petition, issue a
an approval of the Rehabilitation Plan. Commencement Order. If, within the same period, the court finds
the petition deficient in form or substance, the court may, in its
6. Period for Approval of Rehabilitation Plan. - The court shall have discretion, give the petitioner/s a reasonable period of time within
a maximum period of one hundred twenty (120) days from the date which to amend or supplement the petition, or to submit such
of the filing of the petition to approve the Rehabilitation Plan. If the documents as may be necessary or proper to put the petition in
court fails to act within the said period, the Rehabilitation Plan shall proper order. In such case, the five (5) working days provided above
be deemed approved. for the issuance of the Commencement Order shall be reckoned
from the date of the filing of the amended or supplemental petition
Out-Of-Court Or Informal Restructuring Agreements Or or the submission of such documents.
Rehabilitation Plans
2.) Contents?
1. For an out-of-court or informal restructuring/workout agreement Section 16. Commencement of Proceedings and Issuance of a
or Rehabilitation Plan to qualify under this chapter, it must Commencement Order. - The rehabilitation proceedings shall
meet the following minimum requirements: commence upon the issuance of the Commencement Order, which
(a) The debtor must agree to the out-of-court or informal (a) identify the debtor, its principal business or activity/ies and its
restructuring/workout agreement or Rehabilitation Plan; principal place of business;
(b) It must be approved by creditors representing at least sixty- (b) summarize the ground/s for initiating the proceedings;
seven (67%) of the secured obligations of the debtor; (c) state the relief sought under this Act and any requirement or
(c) It must be approved by creditors representing at least seventy- procedure particular to the relief sought;
five percent (75%) of the unsecured obligations of the debtor; (d) state the legal effects of the Commencement Order, including
and those mentioned in Section 17 hereof;
(d) It must be approved by creditors holding at least eighty-five (e) declare that the debtor is under rehabilitation;
percent (85%) of the total liabilities, secured and unsecured, of (f) direct the publication of the Commencement Order in a
the debtor. newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines once a week
for at least two (2) consecutive weeks, with the first publication
2. Standstill Period. - A standstill period that may be agreed upon by to be made within seven (7) days from the time of its issuance;
the parties pending negotiation and finalization of the out-of-court or (g) If the petitioner is the debtor direct the service by personal
informal restructuring/workout agreement or Rehabilitation Plan delivery of a copy of the petition on each creditor holding at
contemplated herein shall be effective and enforceable not only least ten percent (10%) of the total liabilities of the debtor as
against the contracting parties but also against the other creditors: determined from the schedule attached to the petition within
Provided, That (a) such agreement is approved by creditors five (5) days; if the petitioner/s is/are creditor/s, direct the
representing more than fifty percent (50%) of the total liabilities of service by personal delivery of a copy of the petition on the
the debtor; (b) notice thereof is publishing in a newspaper of general debtor within five (5) days;
circulation in the Philippines once a week for two (2) consecutive (h) appoint a rehabilitation receiver who may or not be from
weeks; and (c) the standstill period does not exceed one hundred among the nominees of the petitioner/s and who shall exercise
twenty (120) days from the date of effectivity. The notice must invite such powers and duties defined in this Act as well as the
creditors to participate in the negotiation for out-of-court procedural rules that the Supreme Court will promulgate;
rehabilitation or restructuring agreement and notify them that said (i) summarize the requirements and deadlines for creditors to
agreement will be binding on all creditors if the required majority establish their claims against the debtor and direct all creditors
votes prescribed in Section 84 of this Act are met. to their claims with the court at least five (5) days before the
initial hearing;
3. Cram Down Effect. - A restructuring/workout agreement or (j) direct Bureau of internal Revenue (BIR) to file and serve on the
Rehabilitation Plan that is approved pursuant to an informal workout debtor its comment on or opposition to the petition or its
framework referred to in this chapter shall have the same legal effect claim/s against the debtor under such procedures as the
as confirmation of a Plan under Section 69 hereof. The notice of the Supreme Court provide;
Rehabilitation Plan or restructuring agreement or Plan shall be (k) prohibit the debtor's suppliers of goods or services from
published once a week for at least three (3) consecutive weeks in a withholding the supply of goods and services in the ordinary
newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines. The course of business for as long as the debtor makes payments
Rehabilitation Plan or restructuring agreement shall take effect upon for the services or goods supplied after the issuance of the
the lapse of fifteen (15) days from the date of the last publication of Commencement Order;
the notice thereof. (l) authorize the payment of administrative expenses as they
become due;
4. Amendment or Modification. - Any amendment of an out-of-court (m) set the case for initial hearing, which shall not be more than
restructuring/workout agreement or Rehabilitation Plan must be forty (40) days from the date of filing of the petition for the
made in accordance with the terms of the agreement and with due purpose of determining whether there is substantial likelihood
notice on all creditors. for the debtor to be rehabilitated;
(n) make available copies of the petition and rehabilitation plan for
C. Commencement Order
examination and copying by any interested party;
Commencement Order shall refer to the order issued by
(o) indicate the location or locations at which documents regarding
the court under Section 16 of this Act.
the debtor and the proceedings under Act may be reviewed
and copied;
1.) When issued?
(p) state that any creditor or debtor who is not the petitioner, may
submit the name or nominate any other qualified person to the
Quitiol, Exxa Cheska S.
position of rehabilitation receiver at least five (5) days before (d) The rehabilitation receiver submits a report, based on preliminary
the initial hearing; evaluation, stating that the underlying assumptions and the goals
(q) includes Stay or Suspension Order which shall: stated in the petitioner's Rehabilitation Plan are realistic and
(1) suspend all actions or proceedings, in court or otherwise, reasonable or if not, there is, in any case, a substantial likelihood for
for the enforcement of claims against the debtor; the debtor to be successfully rehabilitated because, among others:
(2) suspend all actions to enforce any judgment, attachment
or other provisional remedies against the debtor; (1) there are sufficient assets with/which to rehabilitate the debtor;
(3) prohibit the debtor from selling, encumbering, transferring (2) there is sufficient cash flow to maintain the operations of the
or disposing in any manner any of its properties except in debtor;
the ordinary course of business; and (3) the debtor's, partners, stockholders, directors and officers have
(4) prohibit the debtor from making any payment of its been acting in good faith and which due diligence;
liabilities outstanding as of the commencement date (4) the petition is not s sham filing intended only to delay the
except as may be provided herein. enforcement of the rights of the creditors or of any group of
creditors; and
3.) Effects? (5) the debtor would likely be able to pursue a viable Rehabilitation
Section 17. Effects of the Commencement Order. - Unless otherwise
provided for in this Act, the court's issuance of a Commencement (e) The petition, the Rehabilitation Plan and the attachments thereto
Order shall, in addition to the effects of a Stay or Suspension Order do not contain any materially false or misleading statement;
described in Section 16 hereof:
(f) If the petitioner is the debtor, that the debtor has met with its
(a) vest the rehabilitation with all the powers and functions creditor/s representing at least three-fourths (3/4) of its total
provided for this Act, such as the right to review and obtain records obligations to the extent reasonably possible and made a good faith
to which the debtor's management and directors have access, effort to reach a consensus on the proposed Rehabilitation Plan if the
including bank accounts or whatever nature of the debtor subject to petitioner/s is/are a creditor or group of creditors, that/ the
the approval by the court of the performance bond filed by the petitioner/s has/have met with the debtor and made a good faith
rehabilitation receiver; effort to reach a consensus on the proposed Rehabilitation Plan; and
(b) prohibit or otherwise serve as the legal basis rendering null and (g) The debtor has not committed acts misrepresentation or in fraud
void the results of any extrajudicial activity or process to seize of its creditor/s or a group of creditors.
property, sell encumbered property, or otherwise attempt to
collection or enforce a claim against the debtor after
commencement date unless otherwise allowed in this Act, subject to D. When is the stay or suspension order issued? What are
the provisions of Section 50 hereof; the exceptions to the order?
If the court finds the petition for rehabilitation to be sufficient in
(c) serve as the legal basis for rendering null and void any setoff after form and substance, it shall, within five (5) working days from the
the commencement date of any debt owed to the debtor by any of filing of the petition, issue a Commencement Order.
the debtor's creditors;
The Commencement Order shall include a Stay or Suspension Order
(d) serve as the legal basis for rendering null and void the perfection which shall:
of any lien against the debtor's property after the commencement
date; and (1) suspend all actions or proceedings, in court or otherwise, for the
enforcement of claims against the debtor;
(e) consolidate the resolution of all legal proceedings by and against (2) suspend all actions to enforce any judgment, attachment or other
the debtor to the court Provided. However, That the court may allow provisional remedies against the debtor;
the continuation of cases on other courts where the debtor had (3) prohibit the debtor from selling, encumbering, transferring or
initiated the suit. disposing in any manner any of its properties except in the ordinary
course of business; and
4.) Effectivity and duration
(4) prohibit the debtor from making any payment of its liabilities
Section 21. Effectivity and Duration of Commencement Order. - outstanding as of the commencement date except as may be
Unless lifted by the court, the Commencement Order shall be for the provided herein. (Section 16)
effective for the duration of the rehabilitation proceedings for as
long as there is a substantial likelihood that the debtor will be Section 18. Exceptions to the Stay or Suspension Order. - The Stay or
successfully rehabilitated. In determining whether there is Suspension Order shall not apply:
substantial likelihood for the debtor to be successfully rehabilitated,
the court shall ensure that the following minimum requirements are (a) to cases already pending appeal in the Supreme Court as of
met: commencement date Provided, That any final and executory
judgment arising from such appeal shall be referred to the court for
(a) The proposed Rehabilitation Plan submitted complies with the appropriate action;
minimum contents prescribed by this Act;
(b) subject to the discretion of the court, to cases pending or filed at
(b) There is sufficient monitoring by the rehabilitation receiver of the a specialized court or quasi-judicial agency which, upon
debtor's business for the protection of creditors; determination by the court is capable of resolving the claim more
quickly, fairly and efficiently than the court: Provided, That any final
(c) The debtor has met with its creditors to the extent reasonably and executory judgment of such court or agency shall be referred to
possible in attempts to reach consensus on the proposed the court and shall be treated as a non-disputed claim;
Rehabilitation Plan;
Quitiol, Exxa Cheska S.
(c) to the enforcement of claims against sureties and other persons F. What is the management committee? The qualifications
solidarily liable with the debtor, and third party or accommodation of the members?
mortgagors as well as issuers of letters of credit, unless the property
subject of the third party or accommodation mortgage is necessary Section 37.Role of the Management Committee. – When appointed
for the rehabilitation of the debtor as determined by the court upon pursuant to the foregoing section, the management committee shall
recommendation by the rehabilitation receiver; take the place of the management and the governing body of the
debtor and assume their rights and responsibilities.
(d) to any form of action of customers or clients of a securities
market participant to recover or otherwise claim moneys and The specific powers and duties of the management committee,
securities entrusted to the latter in the ordinary course of the latter's whose members shall be considered as officers of the court, shall be
business as well as any action of such securities market participant or prescribed by the procedural rules.
the appropriate regulatory agency or self-regulatory organization to
pay or settle such claims or liabilities;
Section 38.Qualifications of Members of the Management
(e) to the actions of a licensed broker or dealer to sell pledged Committee. - The qualifications and disqualifications of the members
securities of a debtor pursuant to a securities pledge or margin of the management committee shall be set forth in the procedural
agreement for the settlement of securities transactions in accordance rules, taking into consideration the nature of the business of the
with the provisions of the Securities Regulation Code and its debtor and the need to protect the interest of all stakeholders
implementing rules and regulations; concerned.
(f) the clearing and settlement of financial transactions through the G. What is a Rehabilitation Plan?
facilities of a clearing agency or similar entities duly authorized, A plan by which the financial well-being and viability of an insolvent
registered and/or recognized by the appropriate regulatory agency debtor can be restored using various means including, but not limited
like the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and the SEC as well as any to, debt forgiveness, debt rescheduling, reorganization or quasi-
form of actions of such agencies or entities to reimburse themselves reorganization, dacion en pago, debt-equity conversion and sale of
for any transactions settled for the debtor; and the business (or parts of it) as a going concern, or setting-up of new
business entity as prescribed in Section 62 hereof, or other similar
(g) any criminal action against individual debtor or owner, partner, arrangements as may be approved by the court or creditors.
director or officer of a debtor shall not be affected by any
proceeding commend under this Act. Dacion en pago - (dacion in payment) property is alienated to the
creditor in satisfaction of a debt in money.
E. Who is a rehabilitation receiver and what are the H. What are the contents of a rehabilitation plan?
qualifications to be appointed as such?
Section 62.Contents of a Rehabilitation Plan. – The Rehabilitation Plan
Section 28.Who May Serve as a Rehabilitation Receiver. - Any shall, as a minimum:
qualified natural or juridical person may serve as a rehabilitation
receiver: Provided, That if the rehabilitation receiver is a juridical a. specify the underlying assumptions, the financial goals and
entity, it must designate a natural person/s who possess/es all the the procedures proposed to accomplish such goals;
qualifications and none of the disqualification’s as its representative, b. compare the amounts expected to be received by the
it being understood that the juridical entity and the representative/s creditors under the Rehabilitation Plan with those that they
are solidarily liable for all obligations and responsibilities of the will receive if liquidation ensues within the next one
rehabilitation receiver. hundred twenty (120) days;
c. contain information sufficient to give the various classes of
Section 29.Qualifications of a Rehabilitation Receiver. - The
creditors a reasonable basis for determining whether
rehabilitation receiver shall have the following minimum
supporting the Plan is in their financial interest when
compared to the immediate liquidation of the debtor,
including any reduction of principal interest and penalties
(a) A citizen of the Philippines or a resident of the Philippines
payable to the creditors;
in the six (6) months immediately preceding his nomination;
d. establish classes of voting creditors;
(b) Of good moral character and with acknowledged integrity, e. establish subclasses of voting creditors if prior approval has
impartiality and independence; been granted by the court;
f. indicate how the insolvent debtor will be rehabilitated
(c) Has the requisite knowledge of insolvency and other including, but not limited to, debt forgiveness, debt
relevant commercial laws, rules and procedures, as well as rescheduling, reorganization or quasi-reorganization.
the relevant training and/or experience that may be dacion en pago, debt-equity conversion and sale of the
necessary to enable him to properly discharge the duties business (or parts of it) as a going concern, or setting-up of
and obligations of a rehabilitation receiver; and a new business entity or other similar arrangements as may
be necessary to restore the financial well-being and
(d) Has no conflict of interest: Provided, That such conflict of visibility of the insolvent debtor;
interest may be waived, expressly or impliedly, by a party g. specify the treatment of each class or subclass described in
who may be prejudiced thereby. subsections (d) and (e);
h. provide for equal treatment of all claims within the same
Other qualifications and disqualification’s of the rehabilitation class or subclass, unless a particular creditor voluntarily
receiver shall be set forth in procedural rules, taking into consideration agrees to less favorable treatment;
the nature of the business of the debtor and the need to protect the i. ensure that the payments made under the plan follow the
interest of all stakeholders concerned. priority established under the provisions of the Civil Code