Story Telling

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In a village far away, there was a lady named Mbok Rondo. She was all
alone since her husband passed away. She really wanted a child to keep her
company and play with.
One day, while she was praying for a child, a big green giant named Buto
Ijo heard her prayers. He came to her and asked, “Do you really want a child?”
Mbok Rondo was scared but she said yes. The giant told her he could give her a
child, but there was a condition. He said, “You have to take care of the child
and feed him well. When he is 6 years old, I will come back for him.” Mbok
Rondo was worried but she agreed.
The giant gave her some cucumber seeds to plant. Mbok Rondo did as
she was told and planted the seeds. Once Mbok Rondo planted the cucumber
seeds, they grew very fast and soon had big cucumbers ready to pick. But when
Mbok Rondo picked one, she found a baby girl inside! She was so surprised.
The baby was named Timun Mas because she was born from a golden
But soon, the giant came back to take Timun Mas away because she was
6 years old now. Mbok Rondo was very sad and didn’t want the giant to eat her
daughter. So she told the giant that Timun Mas was too small and skinny to eat
yet and asked him to come back in 2 years.
The giant believed her and left. Mbok Rondo was worried about Timun
Mas and prayed for a way to save her. One night, God answered her prayers and
told her in a dream about a hermit on a mountain who could help.
So Timun Mas went to find the hermit. After climbing the mountain for
many days, she finally met him. He was an old man with white hair and a white
robe. He told her that if the giant came back, she should run away as fast as she
“The giant’s steps are too big, I’ll be caught easily,” Timun Mas said, feeling
“Don’t worry,” the hermit told her. “Take these four small packets and throw
one at a time when you’re running away.”
Two years passed and the giant came back to take Timun Mas. Mbok
Rondo pleaded with him not to eat her, but the giant reminded her of the
promise she made.
Timun Mas opened the first package and threw the cucumber seeds at the
giant. Suddenly, a cucumber field grew around him and he had trouble moving
because of all the cucumbers.
The giant broke free and got even angrier. Timun Mas opened the second
package and threw the needles. They turned into tall bamboo trees, making it
even harder for the giant to catch Timun Mas.
Timun Mas opened the third package and threw the salt at the giant.
Suddenly, a big ocean appeared and the giant was able to swim across it and
still chase after Timun Mas. Timun Mas was getting scared, but she
remembered the last package the hermit gave her.
Timun Mas opened the fourth package and it was filled with shrimp
paste. She threw it at the giant and it turned into a boiling hot mud sea. The
giant couldn’t stop and fell into the mud and he couldn’t get out and drowned.
Timun Mas was relieved and walked back home. Mbok Rondo was very
happy to see her daughter and they hugged and thanked God for His help. From
then on, they lived happily together.

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful woman named Dayang Sumbi,
the daughter of the king of Sumbing Perbangkara. Her beautiful face made
Dayang Sumbi contested by the princes.
As a princess from the kingdom, Dayang Sumbi has a weaving hobby.
One time, when she was busy weaving cloth, suddenly her loom fell. Instead of
taking it herself, Dayang Sumbi said an oath: if the one who took the loom were
a man, then she would take him as her husband, but if the one who took the
loom were a woman, she would make her a sister.
Unexpectedly, sometime later, there came a male dog named Si Tumang,
which brought Dayang Sumbi’s loom. Finally, to fulfill her oath, Dayang Sumbi
married Tumang (long story short, Tumang was a god who was expelled from
heaven). From that marriage, a son named Sangkuriang was born.
Time went on until Sangkuriang grew into a handsome boy. One day,
Sangkuriang found out that his mother wanted to eat a deer’s liver. Sangkuriang
also hunted into the forest with Tumang. While hunting, Sangkuriang felt upset
because he hadn’t successfully hunted any animals. Then, he decided to kill
Tumang and gave Tumang’s heart to his mother.
Moments later, Dayang Sumbi found out that Sangkuriang had killed
Tumang. Furiously, Dayang Sumbi hit Sangkuriang’s head and threw him out
of the house.
Years later, Sangkuriang, who was kicked out of the house, had grown
into a handsome man. While Dayang Sumbi remained young, this was because
at that time Dayang Sumbi ate Tumang’s liver. One day, Sangkuriang met
Dayang Sumbi again, and they fell in love with each other.
Dayang Sumbi, who finally found out that the young man was her
biological son who had been expelled for years, insisted on refusing and
decided on Sangkuriang to do an impossible assignment.
Dayang Sumbi said that if Sangkuriang wanted to marry her, he had to
build a big boat in just one night. Sangkuriang also agreed. With the help of the
spirits, Sangkuriang almost succeeded in the task before dawn.
However, Dayang Sumbi did not remain silent. She and the women
around her pounded the mortar and made it look like the dawn had come. The
spirits fled, so Sangkuriang failed to finish his boat. This made Sangkuriang
furious and kicked the boat upside down. The overturned boat is now known as
Mount Tangkuban Perahu.

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