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POTENTIAL OF GUMAMELA (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

AND MANGOSTEEN (Garcinia mangostana) EXTRACT AS


For a Homemade Pen Ink

Guian Emmanuel Bagacina BERISO

Charles Jamer ESTIVA
Jaira Mae Mojica LACERNA
Angenel Del Valle REYES
Mica Guen Isip ROSCO
Denice Caceres VALENCIA

Science, Technology and Engineering Program (STEP)

Camarines Sur National High School

Novermber 2023

In this modern world of technology, prices of products become a challenge for

every user, particularly the scarcity of resources to address the demands of consumers.

Nowadays, problems to supply the needs of markers ink are in demand especially in

the modernized and young industrialized countries throughout the world. Even the

government encourages young scientists to discover things that can be useful and

answer the needs of social changes, [1]. Ink is a liquid or paste containing dyes and

pigments, used for writing or drawing by a pen, brush, or quill for marking a text,

design, image, or colored surface, [2]. It is a simple thing that has served a great

purpose of keeping tracks, records, and knowledge. Writing through ink has been the

way of our ancestors to communicate and pass down information. Throughout the

world history, the discovery of pen and ink had been one of human's useful

inventions. Many ancient cultures around the world have discovered and formulated

inks for the main purpose of writing and drawing. Along with the evolution of the

world, the previously stationary pens and inks are now portable and handy. However,

the components for making these inks have also developed into chemicals that can be

harmful for the environment and human use, [3]. It is believed that traditional inks are

bad for the environment since it is made from materials that does not break down

naturally, [4].

Gumamela is commonly grown as an ornamental plant with a wide range of

medicinal applications. It is used against paralysis and to regulate menstruation, a

purgative, a dysmenorrheal, and sometimes it causes abortion, [5]. On the other hand,

mangosteen is used for diarrhea, urinary tract infections (UTIs), gonorrhea, thrush,

tuberculosis, menstrual disorders, cancer, osteoarthritis, and an intestinal infection

called dysentery. It is also used for stimulating the immune system and improving
mental health, [6]. Mangosteen is believed to contain chemicals that might act as

antioxidants and fight infections. In fact, people use mangosteen for serious gum

infections, obesity, muscle strength, diarrhea, and many other conditions, [7]. Local

wisdom deemed mangosteen peels as a good cure for upset stomachs, inflammation

on the skin and cure wounds in animals. Up to this day, there have been efforts to

apply mangosteen peel extracts to various medicines and products such as plasters,

gels, and surgical masks, [8]. On the other hand, gumamela floral extract has an

antimicrobial property which is influenced by the color, arrangement and petal

variation of the flowers and type of bacteria used. Extract from the red gumamela

flower is effective for Staphylococcus aureus. For Streptococcus pyogenes, floral

extract from peach double gumamela is effective, [9].

Gumamela, as an alternative ink or dye is popular and well documented. There

are many recipes for using the petals of hibiscus flowers to make red or pink ink and

the flower is also used as a natural hair colorant, [10]. Dry mangosteen leaves are one

of the raw materials used in order to produce marker ink, [11]. In addition to that,

extract of mangosteen peelings can be used as an alternative ink for NIB pens, [12].

However, in this study, both will be benefited as an alternative pen ink for chemically

based inks. By utilizing these natural substances, the environment, pen users,

agriculturists, future researchers, students, parents, businessmen and many more can

have a cheap, safe and good quality pen ink, offering an alternative to chemical-based


Natural inks are cleaner and more sustainable alternative that can help keep

dangerous chemicals away from the environment and may even bring greater

appreciation and connection with nature. It can also help reduce the amount of

harmful chemicals. In fact, naturally sourced chemicals are more easily broken down
and are more sustainable compared to their synthetic counterparts, [13]. Natural inks

are nontoxic, allergy-free and biodegradable. Many natural dyes are also


making them safer overall and especially for kids. When it comes to their effect on the

environment, natural dyes are superior. They do not contain harmful chemicals or

carcinogens found in chemical dyes, nor do they result in the hazardous runoff that

regularly pollutes our precious oceans. Furthermore, the production of natural colors

produces no waste, unlike chemical dyeing, [14].


Research study aims to find out if the combination of Mangosteen ink and

Gumamela ink can create an alternative ink for pens. Specifically, it aims to

answer the following questions:

1. Does the combination of gumamela and mangosteen extract produce an

effective ink?

2. What is the acceptability rate of the pen ink in terms of its:

a. Hue

b. Odor

c. Consistency

3. What is the extent of the utilization of the alternative pen ink in terms of:

a. Type of paper

b. Time of drying

c. Adhesive property

d. Shelf life

e. Smoothness of ink release


Ha: The combination of gumamela ink and mangosteen ink will produce an effective


Ho: The combination of gumamela ink and mangosteen ink will not produce an

effective ink.


Researchers expect themselves to create a safe, cheap and good quality pen ink.

Researchers also expects that if mangosteen ink and gumamela ink will be combined,

the researchers will be able to create a more effective ink rather than the ink of

gumamela alone and the ink of the mangosteen alone.


To create an alternative pen ink which has a good hue, odor and consistency.

To manufacture an alternative pen ink which has a good texture and rate of drying on

the different types of paper.

To manufacture a cheap but has good quality pen ink.


This research study will be beneficial to the following:

Pen Users. This study will be beneficial to the users of pens. This study will be able

to provide them a natural, eco-friendly and cheap ink for their pens.

Agriculturists. This study will provide farmers an additional source of income as

many would supply their product.

Future Researchers. This study will help other researchers since this will serve as an

additional information.

Students. This study will be very beneficial to students since when the ink of their

pen runs out, they can use this ink as a refill and they will save money.

Parents. This study will be beneficial to parents as it will provide them a cheap yet

good product so that they will be able to lessen the expenses for their children’s

school necessities.

Businessmen. This study allows the businessmen to sell pen inks which will help

them gain profit on their product.


Research study aims to assess the potential of gumamela and mangosteen extracts as

an alternative pen ink in terms of its hue, odor, consistency, texture and rate of drying

on different types of paper. This study revolves around the use of the extract of

mangosteen and gumamela in order to create an alternative pen ink. This study will be

conducted using various materials, such as ordinary bond paper, illustration board,

and ordinary intermediate paper to measure the potential of the pen ink.

Other extracts will not be used due to the main priority of gumamela and mangosteen

extract. The researchers will only measure the color, odor, consistency, texture and

rate of drying on the different types of paper of the pen ink. The researchers will only
use an ordinary bond paper, illustration board and ordinary intermediate paper to

measure the potential of the pen ink. This study will only focus in making an

alternative pen ink.

The researchers will carefully consider the seasonal harvest of mangosteen fruit in

connection to geographical limitations, data accessibility, and the plant's cyclical


The researchers will also conscientiously consider the shelf life of mangosteen,

factoring in seasonal variation, data collection challenges, interdisciplinary nature of

the research and environmental factors such as the climate, rainfall, altitude, sunlight,

pests and diseases, pruning maintenance and microclimate.


Experiment will be done with caution. When conducting the experiment, the

following should be used: Gloves, Eyewear, Face mask, Lab coat, long pants, and

closed-toe shoes. When conducting the experiment, the place should have a proper

ventilation. The materials that will be used for this experiment should be handled

properly. When using the knife, the researchers would make sure that no one will be

harmed. Not only when using the knife, the researchers would make sure that no one

will be harmed during the duration of the experimentation



The acquisition of the following materials is crucial to conduct the research. The

experiment will be conducted using the following materials: For the ink itself a ¼ cup

of red dye Mordant powder, 6 pieces of Gumamela Leaves, 4 pieces of Dried

Mangosteen Leaves, 1 cup of Water, and ½ teaspoon of liquid Gum Arabic. To aid

with the preparation of the ingredients the researchers will employ the use of Mortar

and Pestle, Knife and Strainer. And to test the outcome of the experiment the

researchers will employ the use of a Pen Cartridge and several writing mediums such

as Bond Paper, Intermediate Paper and Illustration board.


Table 2. Variables
Independent Variable Dependent Variable Controlled Variables

Gumamela flowers and Writability of Pen Ink Type of Illustration board

Mangosteen peels extract

Type of Bond paper

Type of Intermediate paper

Amount of water

Type of water

Type of the strainer

Size of the strainer

Amount of mordant powder

Amount of gum arabic

Type of knife

Size of pen cartridge

Weight of Mangosteen


Weight of Gumamela


Amount of time for testing

the time of drying of the ink


This research study is an experimental type of research and will use the experimental

design and qualitative method since the factors that the researchers will measure

which is the consistency, odor, time of drying on the types of paper, adhesive property

and color are all qualitative.


Preparation and Acquisition of Materials

Cleaning of raw materials needed

Drying of mangosteen peels and gumamela


Boiling of dried mangosteen peels and

simmering of gumamela flowers

Straining of impurities from the extract

Mixing of extract with mordant & gum arabic

Transfering of mixture to cartridge

Testing for data analysis

Gathering of data

Analyzation of data

Figure 1. Flow of Procedures

Begin with the acquisition and preparation of materials. Simmer 1 cup of fresh or 1/2

cup of dried gumamela flowers and dried Mangosteen peels along with 1 cup of water

and a mordant if necessary. After 20 to 30 minutes, strain out the plant material from

the liquid, resulting in approximately 3-4 ounces of liquid. Subsequently, whisk in 1/2

teaspoon of gum Arabic while the ink is still warm, ensuring it dissolves easily.

Proceed by pouring the ink into a small bottle, allowing it to cool, while preparing the

cartridge for transfer. Finally, transfer the cooled ink into the cartridge, ensuring it is

attached to the rest of the pen. This will make the ink ready for use.


Does the combination of gumamela & mangosteen extract produce an effective pen


Yes No

Table 3. Effectiveness

Acceptability rate of the pen ink in terms of:




Table 4. Acceptability Rate

Parameters: 4-5 2-3 1 Score:

Exemplary Satisfactory Unacceptable

Hue The hue of the The hue of the The hue of the

product is product is not product is visually

visually particularly unappealing &

appealing and appealing but cannot meet

can meet not unappealing consumer

consumer either. expectations.


Odor The odor of the The odor of the The odor of the

product is product is not product is

pleasant and can particularly unpleasant and

meet consumer pleasant but not cannot meet

expectations. unpleasant consumer

either. expectations.

Consistency The consistency The consistency The consistency of

of the product is of the product is the product is

desirable and can not particularly undesirable and

meet consumer desirable but not cannot meet

expectations. undesirable consumer

either. expectations

Table 5. Rubrics for table #4

Extent of the utilization of the alternative pen ink in terms of:

Type of Adhesive Time of drying Smoothness Shelf life

paper: property of Ink


Ordinary ! minute

bond paper

Illustration 2 minutes


Ordinary 3 minutes

4 minutes
5 minutes

Table 6. Extent of Utilization

Parameters: 4-5 2-3 1 Score:

Exemplary Satisfactory Unacceptable

Adhesive The adhesive The adhesive The adhesive

property property of the property of the property of the

product is strong product is product is weak

and consistent adequate. and inconsistent

across the However, there is across the

samples. some variation in samples.

the strength of the

adhesive across

the samples.

Time of The drying time The drying time is The drying time

drying is consistent and generally within is significantly

within the the expected outside of the

expected range. range. However, expected range.

there are some


Smoothness The ink release The ink release of The ink release

of ink of the product is the product is of the product is

release consistently adequately not consistently

smooth across smooth. Yet, with smooth across

the samples. occasional the samples.


across the


Shelf life The shelf life of The shelf life of The shelf life of
ink is within the ink is not ink is not within

expected period particularly within the expected

of time before the expected period of time

spoilage and can period of time before spoilage

meet consumers' before spoilage but and cannot meet

expectations. may meet consumers’

consumer’s expectations.


Table 7. Rubrics for table # 6


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