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READING : Essential English for IT

Basic IT Vocabulary examples

App (application)
- a software program which allows a user to perform specific tasks such as word processing,
email, accounting, database management

#Examples of popular applications include Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, and Mozilla

- Component
Any device internal to the computer, such as a primary hard disk drive or motherboard.

#A hardware geek is constantly upgrading components in his computer to achieve more


- Peripheral
An external computer add-on, such as a printer or a scanner; also known as an ‘accessory’

#The woman hated the look of all the tangled wires behind her desk, which were caused by
so many peripherals.
Listen to the radio programme about tech
addiction to practise and improve your
listening skills.
Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the
audio and do the exercises.

Click on the link below :

01 02
Record yourself and a Work with a partner.
friend talking about your Make a conversation
future jobs in software about (choose) :
engineering field. 1. Talking about computers Listening and speaking exercise. Click on the link below.
2. How many hours do you
spend on your gadgets skills/speaking-skills-talking-about-computers
3. Tips for buying a new
mobile phone.
1. Students think of ideas for their writing without worrying too
much if their ideas are important or not important.
Brainstorming or mind-mapping are good ways to come up
with ideas.

2. Students prioritise their ideas and put them in order of


At this organising stage, students may arrange their ideas in

other ways (in a table, or against a series of questions).

3. Students produce a first draft of their writing.

4. Students compare their writing with each other and students

comment on each other's writing.
5. Students check, correct and reorganise their work again.

6. Students can ask for help and feedback from the teacher on
their writing.

7. Students produce a second draft of their work.

8. Students check and correct their work a final time to make

sure they haven’t made any silly mistakes.
Write a story about Write about what Write a reflection
your hobby and do you want to be in about studying
after school the future. English in school.
activities which are
related to the study
of software
Site error: the file
For as long as there has been Be careful, because the term 'execute'
computer hardware, there has also also means (in another context) to put
blog/core.php requires the ionCube
been computer software. But what is someone to death! Some other
PHP Loader
software? Software is just instructions common verbs used to start a
ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so to be
written by a programmer which tells software program you will hear are
installed by the site administrator.
the computer what to do. 'run', 'launch, and even 'boot' (when
Programmers are also known as the software in question is an
'software developers', or just plain operating system). Sometimes when software stops
'developers'. responding you are forced to manually
abort the program yourself by pressing
Nothing much is simple about Software normally has both features some strange combination of keys such
software. Software programs can and bugs. Hopefully more of the as ctrl-alt-delete.
have millions of lines of code. If one former than the latter! When software
line doesn't work, the whole program has a bug there are a few things that Because of poor usability,
could break! Even the process of can happen. The program can crash documentation, and strange error
starting software goes by many and terminate with a confusing messages, programming still seems
very mysterious to most people. That's
different names in English. Perhaps message. This is not good. End users
too bad, because it can be quite fun
the most correct technical term is do not like confusing error messages
and rewarding to write software. To
'execute', as in "the man executed the such as :
succeed, you just have to take
computer program."
everything in small steps, think very
hard, and never give up.
QUIZ : Reading Questions

1. End users cannot execute a program, only a programmer can do that.

2. According to the reading, features and bugs are essentially the same thing.
3. When programs crash, end users often need to manually abort them and
sometimes even restart their computer.
Find a text about a Find an article or Choose a book or e-
topic of your news related to book related to
interest and record software software
yourself reading it. engineering and engineering to read
present it in front of on weekends. Make
the class using your a summary of what
own words. you have read.
Reina W. 2024
English For Information Tech.english4it.com



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