The Effectiveness of Sharing Blended Project Based

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Short Paper—The Effectiveness of Sharing Blended Project Based Learning (SBPBL) Model…

The Effectiveness of Sharing Blended Project Based

Learning (SBPBL) Model Implementation in Operating
System Course

Wahyudi Wahyudi
STMIK Indonesia Padang, Padang, Indonesia
[email protected]

Abstract—The implementation of e-learning models in higher education

have been tested widely, in order to discover their flexibility in research to time,
place, students, courses, and other diverse conditions. This paper resulted from
testing the implementation of an SBPBL model. This model maximizes shared
e-learning resources in project based blended learning. This research used
quantitative research design, with Research and Development using the ADDIE
model in an Operating System course. Data were collected by questionnaires,
interviews, and observation, then analyzed descriptively. Validity, practicality
and effectives of the model were confirmed. Therefore, it is suitable to apply
this blended learning system in such course.

Keywords—Sharing, project based learning, blended learning, SBPBL,


1 Introduction

E-learning has been and will be an important part of higher education in Indonesia.
This is a national priority program to improve quality education in Industrial
Revolution 4.0 [1]. E-learning systems have a wide range of uses, across space, time,
and socio-economic group, for anyone, anywhere, anytime. This is a solution to
education problems, related to educational equity, expanding access to quality
education for all levels of society [2]. E-learning is an alternative to help people get
access to education. However e-learning development needs some resources: a)
computer hardware, b) computer software, c) internet device, d) human resources, and
e) content development center [3].
The main determinant of e-learning success by students is information technology
infrastructure, and organizational support. Higher education institution wanting to
implement e-learning in a quality manner for students must build and maintain the
capacity adequately. The teaching staff is asked to support and be involved e-learning
Blended Learning (BL) is a new development in education, combining face-to-face
classes with e-learning, which allows for the benefits of both teaching methods [5].

Short Paper—The Effectiveness of Sharing Blended Project Based Learning (SBPBL) Model…

Other advantages include greater flexibility [6] and reduced costs compared to
traditional classes, especially when large numbers of students are taught. BL equips
traditional classes with online materials: a) has a positive effect on student
performance [7], b) allows the promotion of a flexible learning environment and
strengthens student autonomy, reflection, and motivation [8], c) facilitates review and
control learning [9].
There are several ways to implement active learning. One of them is Project Based
Learning (PBL) which has been gaining ground and is being successfully applied in
several fields [10]. It consists of a project based methodology where students must
independently solve technical problems similar to those faced in their professional
lives [11]. However, difficulties found in PBL are a measurement of how knowledge
is generated and disseminated, and how students are still lacking teamwork skill in the
learning process [12].
Sharing (S) is a concept of shared use of resources, aimed at obtaining higher cost
reduction and flexibility. Using shared workspaces improves collaborative project
learning [13]. Students sharing technology affects the classroom environment and
what students learn [14].
To the implementation of the SBPBL model consists of five parts: a) Sharing
computer hardware; b) Sharing e-learning software; c) Sharing internet device; d)
Project Based Learning (PBL) model; e) Blended Learning (BL) model.

2 Overview of SBPBL

S is shared use of resources:

• Sharing computer hardware

• Sharing e-learning software
• Sharing internet devices; in the Personal Learning Network (PLN) (illustrated in
Fig. 1).
Computer hardware can consist of personal computers, laptops, and smartphones.
Internet devices can consist of modems, and internet storage devices. E-learning
software includes activities:

• Course design by lecturer

• Classroom Learning activities: teaching by the lecturer, classroom interaction by
the student, group activities by student
• Access by any device, anywhere by a parent, student, and lecturer
• Used in personal learning: anytime, anywhere
• Online materials: YouTube, e-journal, e-book.
BPBL consists of PBL and BL. PBL focuses on creative thinking, problem solving,
and student interaction. Projects are complex tasks based on challenging questions
from real-world problems. Students have a relatively long time working on group

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projects, and each student presents results. This paperless system concept maximizes
the shared use of e-learning resources that students have in a group.
Since 1994, higher education has been able to maximize shared e-learning
resources. The SBPBL utilizes the e-learning resources of universities, lecturers, and
students. Students have computer hardware resources, which they can share. As a
group they can rent computers at Internet cafes. Alternatively, each group can own at
least one laptop device. In this research, 66% of students did not have laptops.
Implementation of sharing computer hardware really helped students who did not
have a laptop.
Computer networking hardware resources for students and lecturers cold be
smartphones [15] as modems. To access the internet. In addition photos and videos
could be accessed using a smartphone camera. Or server computers, workstation
computers, internet access devices, and other network hardware could be the
responsibility of the higher education institution.
One e-learning software resource uses LMS Edmodo. Higher education can use it
for lecturers, and students for free. Edmodo design is standard, and cannot be
modified. Edmodo menu interactivity is linear interactive. Menus are made LIFO
(Last In, First Out). E-learning material that has been created can be edited for next
semester. Higher education does not need to buy e-learning software. E-learning
video software uses by YouTube [16]. The researcher’s, especially Operating Systems
course using e-learning software products can be accessed for free by any university,
lecturer and student.
The effectiveness of e-learning models is influenced by student characteristics such
as learning styles, learning motivation, learning behaviors and prior knowledge [17].
In this study, the effectiveness of the e-learning model was measured by the level of
student learning motivation. Motivation is the reason for human actions, desires, and
needs [18]. A person is not motivated by other individuals but from within him or
herself. Learning motivation is identified as the most important factor in individual
achievement in learning tasks. Intelligence is not enough, motivation is actually
essential in order for goals to be achieved [19].
An operating system manages all the resources on a computer system, and support
services [20]. It is the main interface between system hardware, and user applications
[21]. It works with computers, manages resources, and uses them optimally. This is
why the Operating System course is important [22]. Graduate of this course can fix
software and hardware problems.

Short Paper—The Effectiveness of Sharing Blended Project Based Learning (SBPBL) Model…

Fig. 1. SBPBL (Sharing Blended Project Based Learning)

This study aims to determine the impact of implementation of SBPBL model as a

problem solving limited e-learning resource in higher education, to increase student
motivation in Operating System course.

3 Method

3.1 Participants and the learning context

The research uses quantitative research design, with Research and Development
ADDIE model. The object of the research was 4S1E, and 4S1C group students,
Operating System courses, 4th semester at STMIK Indonesia Padang. The students in
these two groups did not have a statistically significant difference (P <0.005) in terms
of age, gender, and learning ability. The 4S1E group was the experimental class, and
the 4S1C group was the control class.
Operating System course is a compulsory subject at STMIK Indonesia Padang.
Learning is done 16 times with 62% face to face, and 38% online. This course was the
learning context in this research.

3.2 Validity data

Validity data was obtained from the results of the validation of learning plans,
learning units, website e-learning, SBPBL model e-book, and e-book of Operating
System courses. Data validity was in the form of quantitative, and qualitative data.
Quantitative data were obtained from validation questionnaires. Qualitative data was
written input from validation questionnaires, and results of consultation with the

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validators. These were six experts: two learning technologies expert, one educational
technology expert, one language expert, and two computer experts. These six expert
panel members judged the extent to which the items in the course represented the
constructs measured.

3.3 Practicality data

The practicality data was quantitative. This was obtained from the results of
observation sheets by five observers, and results of questionnaire entries from
students and lecturers. Other data was obtained from the analysis of the
implementation of Website, E-Book, and E-Book model courses. Lecturers and
institutional leaders were interviewed regarding e-learning facilities and current
blended learning systems.

3.4 Effectiveness data

The effectiveness data of the SBPBL model was measured by the level of student
learning motivation. This was obtained from observation sheets by five observers, and
results of questionnaire entries from students.

3.5 Instruments
In product development models some instruments are used to test the validity of e-
book models, learning units, websites, and e-books for Operating System courses. In
this research the aspects tested were: substance, technical, and language. Validation
used a Likert scale.
Research questionnaire answers were analyzed using Cronbach’s Alpha which
measures reliability of indicators. Cronbach's Alpha was used to detect inconsistent
indicators. Aiken's V formula was used to calculate content validity coefficients.
Practicality testing was done to measure the practicality of the implementation of
the learning model. This testing included a practicality test of the implementation
model, the learning unit, the website, and the e-book learning material. The
• Model practicality assessment sheets
• Website practicality assessment sheets
• E-book Operating System courses practicality assessment sheets
The model practicality and the website practicality assessment sheet instrument
measured the practicality of a model SBPBL used a Likert scale. The assessment
indicators were attractiveness, development process, convenience, functioning, and
The practicality assessment sheet instrument for the e-book Operating System
courses measured its practicality for students. These assessment sheets also used a
Likert scale. The indicators were learning objectives, learning stages (syntax),

Short Paper—The Effectiveness of Sharing Blended Project Based Learning (SBPBL) Model…

learning materials, learning strategies and methods, time allocation, technical aspects,
and language aspects.
The effectiveness test determined the impact of a model to produce results in
accordance with expectations. The effectiveness of the learning process was measured
by the motivation level of the students in Operating System courses. The indicators
were perseverance in learning, tenacity in doing assignments, preference for group
work, interest in various problems, interest in solving problems, boredom with
assignments, and satisfaction with the learning process.

4 Results

All the expert validated instruments used Aiken's V validity coefficient. Thus, the
data can be considered valid. The practicality of the model was assessed on five
aspects using seventeen statements and a Likert scale. Practicality testing of the
SBPBL model was in the form of a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) by six experts,
which showed that the model was very practical, with an average score of 3.45.
Lecturers considered the model very practical, with an average score of 3.35. Students
considered the model very practical, with an average score of 3.25 (see Fig. 2).

Practical Testing of The SBPBL model by

FGDs, Lecturers, and Students
Development Process

3,00 3,10 3,20 3,30 3,40 3,50 3,60 3,70

FGD Lecturers Students

Fig. 2. Practical Testing of The SBPBL model by FGDs, Lecturers, and Students

The practicality of the website was assessed on five aspects using twenty-seven
statements and a Likert scale. Practicality testing of the website was the form of an
FGD by six experts, which showed that the website is considered very practical, with
an average score of 3.38. Lecturers considered the website very practical, with an
average score of 3.31. Students considered the website practical, with an average
score of 3.17 (see Fig. 3).

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Practical Testing of Website by FGDs,

Lecturers, and Students
Development Process

3,00 3,10 3,20 3,30 3,40 3,50 3,60 3,70

FGD Lecturers Students

Fig. 3. Practical Testing of The Website by FGDs, Lecturers, and Students

The practicality of the e-book was assessed on three aspects using eight statements
and a Likert scale. Practicality testing of the e-book was in the form an FGD by six
experts, which showed that the e-book was very practical, with an average score of
3.47. Lecturers considered the e-book very practical, with an average score of 3.41.
Students considered the e-book practical, with an average score of 3.17 (see Fig. 4).

Practicality Testing of The E-books by FGDs,

Lecturers, and Students

Substance Aspect

Technical Aspects

Language Aspects


3,00 3,10 3,20 3,30 3,40 3,50 3,60 3,70

FGD Lecturers Students

Fig. 4. Practicality Testing of The E-Books by FGDs, Lecturers, and Students

Short Paper—The Effectiveness of Sharing Blended Project Based Learning (SBPBL) Model…

Effectiveness of the SBPBL model was tested regarding student learning

motivation. The control class reached high criteria, with an average score of 2.98. The
experimental class reached very high criteria, with an average score of 3.26 (Fig. 5).

Student Motivation Testing

Perseverance learning
Tenacity assignments
Prefer working in groups
Interest in various problems
Interested in solving problems
Get bored working on assignments
Satisfied in learning process

2,40 2,60 2,80 3,00 3,20 3,40 3,60

Control Class Experimental Class

Fig. 5. Student Motivation Testing

5 Conclusion

The results of the implementation of the SBPBL model in Operating System course
is that it has maximized the use of e-learning resources of institutions, lecturers, and
• The model has been evaluated to be very practical by FGD, lecturers, and students
• The e-book teaching materials have been evaluated to be very practical by FGD
and lecturers and practical by students
• E-learning website has been tested very practically by FGDs, and lecturers, as well
as practically by students
• Student learning motivation improved with very high criteria. Therefore, it is
feasible to apply a blended learning system in other subjects.

6 Acknowledgement

Thank you very much to chairman of Yayasan Amal Bakti Mukmin Padang, and
STMIK Indonesia Padang, who have contributed to completion this research. Contract
number: 037/K.A/LPPM/STMIK-I/2018.

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8 Author

Wahyudi has a degree Master of Science (Computer Science) from The University
Technology Malaysia (UTM). He has participated in Visiting Scholar Doctoral
Sandwich Program at Ohio State University (OSU), College of Education and Human
Ecology. He has an Edmodo Certified Trainer. He has done many researches in
Resources Sharing and Blended Project Based Learning.

Article submitted 2019-07-12. Resubmitted 2019-08-11. Final acceptance 2019-08-12. Final version
published as submitted by the authors.

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