Batista Thesis

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When analyzing an ECG, a cardiologist focuses on the morphology and time domain features to
reach a diagnosis. As such, my artwork’s overarching goal is to explore the search for a Mexican
American self-identity.”. Additionally, it may be worthwhile to adapt the features to the type of
rhythms we sought to distinguish. Small metallic discs are placed on the back of the device and work
as electrodes. P waves differ from normal sinus rhythm P waves by their morphology and may be
hidden in the preceding T wave. A 10 s extract of a sinus rhythm ECG is shown in Figure 30. In
order to understand which types of rhythms were more prone to detection errors, the following
experiment was implemented. It should also be mentioned that a total of 632 false positives were
obtained. A premature junctional contraction (PJC) is an early beat originating in the AV junction.
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on, 11(7), pp.674--693. Martinez, J.,
Almeida, R., Olmos, S., Rocha, A. and Laguna, P. (2004). A wavelet-based ECG delineator:
evaluation on standard databases. The performance in such tasks of the minimum distance classifier,
the k-NN classifier and Bayes minimum error classifier was accessed. Expert Systems with
Applications, 39(9), pp.7845--7852. Silipo, R. and Marchesi, C. (1998). Artificial neural networks for
automatic ECG analysis. Markov process models with different averaging techniques (e.g. filter and
interpolation) were tested, as well as a RR predictor array. It is important to keep in mind that the
usefulness of each device depends on the purpose of monitoring. The types of beats and rhythms
present in this database are summarized in the table below. First, I thank Dr. Eduardo Antunes for the
enthusiasm towards this project. Like for the Experiment A, filtered and raw segments were used. A
total of 7 features are in this way selected to represent each pattern. The worst results correspond
however to aberrated atrial premature beats and unclassifiable beats, with error rates of, respectively,
33.33 and 53.33%. Referring to Figure 38 and Figure 39 it is understandable why such high error
rates were obtained. Particular interest is given to the features extracted for classification and the
type of classifier used. The only substantive issue that lay outside this paradigm was that of Cuban
autonomy. When pacemaker cells in the AV junction fire, the impulse spreads backward into the atria
(resulting in an inverted P wave) and forward into the ventricles. Or do you Cagesiders think a one
and done is in order. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, 59(10), pp.2930--2941.
Zimetbaum, P. and Goldman, A. (2010). Ambulatory Arrhythmia Monitoring Choosing the Right
Device. The smallest values of sensitivity and positive predictive values were obtained for ventricular
tachycardia. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 32(2), pp.217--220. Page 95.
Atrial Fibrillation The first set of experiments focused on the distinction of normal sinus rhythm and
the most common arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation (AF). IT Instructor in a college level environment,
teaching all computer related subjects. After the delay at the AV node, the electrical impulse moves
through the bundle of His. For supraventricular ectopic beats sensitivity and positive predictive
values of 75.9 and 38.5% were obtained. Regarding ventricular ectopic beats, the sensitivity was
77.7% and the positive predictivity was 81.9%. In (Melgani and Bazi, 2008) multiple tests were
performed to compare the performance of different classifiers on distinguishing between normal
beats, atrial premature beats, ventricular premature beats, right bundle branch block, left bundle
branch block and paced beats.
Thus, for each run, 98 segments of each class are selected and the validation process is carried out.
Biomedical engineering online, 1(1), p.5. Guerreiro, J., Martins, R., Silva, H., Lourenco, A. and Fred,
A. (2013). BITalino-A Multimodal Platform for Physiological Computing. The below image
showcases how the system makes decisions. Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on, 13(2), pp.415-
-425. Hu, Y., Tompkins, W., Urrusti, J. and Afonso, V. (1993). Applications of artificial neural
networks for ECG signal detection and classification. The inputs to the network were the cells of a
so-called generalized interval transition matrix. When the underlying regular rhythm is interrupted by
an early beat originating from the atria this is referred to as premature atrial contraction (PAC). And
now, people that are not his family are profiting from it. The QRS complex should be measured from
the beginning of the first wave to the end of the last wave of the complex. In order to do so, the
classification algorithm was reapplied, using this time R Page 80. Secondly, using 12 samples per
rhythm, an attempt was made to distinguish between the six rhythms. These results are summarized
in Table 21. Figure 32: PSD of each one of the approximation (A6) and detail (D1 to D6) wavelet
coefficients. Table 6 indicates the best classifiers’ parameters. Control of ventricular rate, assessing
anticoagulation needs and convert the rhythm are the intervention steps to follow. The architecture
of one such network, feedforward in nature, is represented in Figure 19. A QRS pattern matrix was
constructed (holding information about amplitude-temporal distribution of QRS) and deviation of
RR interval from the mean RR interval was also considered. An accuracy of 99.07% with a
specificity value of 99.39% was obtained. In a second step an attempt was made to distinguish
between VT and VF. The electrical impulse will not follow the normal conduction pathway and an
asynchronous depolarization of the ventricles occurs. Atrial fibrillation? 154 Sinus rhythm. 155 Sinus
rhythm. 156 Sinus bradycardia. 157 Sinus bradycardia and left ventricular hypertrophy. Page 103.
Decreasing the TH will lead to a higher number of correct detections, at the expense of false
detections. Again, recognition of paced rhythm and sinus bradycardia is more precise than the two
other rhythms. Page 83. The new nation was polarized between the Liberal and the Moderate parties
(the latter metamorphosised into the Conservative and eventually the Democratic Party). The wavelet
transform of the signal was computed and energy parameters were retrieved from the scalogram
(squared magnitude of the wavelet transform). Although a two- dimensional problem is pictured here
(only two features for each pattern), the idea is exactly the same for N-dimensional linearly separable
data. During this period between 3 and 7 electrodes are attached to the patient’s chest. The partial
derivative relative to a weight is then simply given by the product of the inputs of the branches
corresponding to that weight in the original network and in the backpropagation network. Sinus
arrhythmia is frequently associated with respiration: during inspiration the heart rate increases and
during expiration it slows down. In third-degree AV block, or complete heart block, all the impulses
arriving from the atria are blocked by the AV node and incapable of reaching the ventricles. Table 4:
Results of the R peak detection algorithm per beat type. Wandering atrial pacemaker is commonly
asymptomatic and not clinically significant; it is more frequent among young patients and athletes.
Atrial fibrillation sensitivity and positive predictive accuracy were respectively of 92.86 and 92.34%.
More recently other studies continued to use RR-based features for ECG classification tasks.
These ought to be particularly interesting in the distinction of rhythms such as atrial fibrillation and
normal rhythm due to the inherent irregularity of atrial fibrillation (refer to Figure 33). The
terminology used among authors slightly differs. They were interested in distinguishing atrial
fibrillation ECG records from normal ones which may include supraventricular extrasystoles or
ventricular extrasystoles. Figure 37: Sensitivity-positive predictive value curve for different threshold
(TH) values. Different stages of the classifier were determined by the Euclidean distances between
mean autoregressive coefficients from various classes. Record Rhythm and other meaningful
information 001 Sinus rhythm with borderline PQ interval. 002 Sinus rhythm with PVC. 003 Sinus
rhythm with PAC. 004 Sinus rhythm. 005 Sinus rhythm with borderline PQ interval and negative T
wave in D1. 006 Sinus rhythm. 007 Sinus rhythm. Inferior myocardial infarction scar. Wavelet theory
was used to decompose the 60 seconds signals until the sixth level and power spectral density of
each one of the 6 details and one approximation signals were computed. The best recall values for
the arrhythmias and the paced rhythm were also obtained with this classifier, whereas SVM tended
to reach the best results in terms of precision. The initial experiments carried out with records from
the BITalino attested the possibility of automatically classifying ECGs acquired with this device.
Consecutive ventricular escape beats form a slow but regular rhythm, the idioventricular rhythm.
With further developments, more rhythms can be included in the analysis and real time applications
can be considered. A lot of people also made promises to be the change in the wake of the racial
inequities that have come to light in recent years. This wave is not always visible in the record and
its absence is not a sign of abnormality. Even though paced and sinus bradycardia rhythms present
precision and recall values above 90% for all classifiers, the recognition of the remaining rhythms is
considerably worst. A new network, the error propagation network, is constructed from the initial
network by linearizing nonlinear elements and reversing it. Concerning the SVM classifier, values of
1 and 10 respectively for the penalty, ??, and kernel, ??, parameters led to a more successful
classification. All signals were digitized at a sample rate of 360 Hz. The kNN classifier achieved the
best performance whilst the worst results were obtained with the SVM classifier. As can be seen
these are the samples that lie the closest to the boundary. Some subjects, although instructed
otherwise, tended to hold the electrodes too tight, which also resulted in muscular noise. The focus
is put on the features to extract from the records and the classifiers used. The wavelet transform can
therefore be seen as the decomposition of the signal by this set of basis functions. Overall, there was
a tendency to obtain very poor recall values for AF. This analysis is carried out while trying to
distinguish between normal sinus rhythm and the most common arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation. For
time-frequency analysis, short time Fourier transform and 18 time-frequency distributions were used
to compute the power spectral density and 6 features were chosen to represent each case. Bachelor
of Science in Computer Engineering April 2004. As with atrial flutter, the AV node will block the
conduction of the majority of the impulses thus protecting the ventricles. With a more thorough
analysis, including a fine tuning of the classifiers’ parameters, a larger amount of samples, and the
inclusion of more rhythms, we should be able to successfully apply the automatic ECG analysis
methodology described in this work. Page 92. Children during sleep, or healthy athletic adults, may
present an asymptomatic, not harmful, junctional escape rhythm. A combined neural network model,
where the outputs of the first set of networks were fed to a second level network, was employed.
As a future development, it may be interesting to develop a step-by-step classification process.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering April 2004. The basic components of the ECG
complex are represented in Figure 2. The technologies that are going to be used such as the
communication protocol (Modbus TCP). International thought leader. Marketer. Engineer. Rapper.
Entrepreneur and now - AUTHOR. Researchers have therefore been able to deal with statistical
parameters, frequency domain features or even more complex information drawn from such theories
as the chaos theory. A relatively small number of ECG records was used and sensitivity and
specificity values lied between 83.3 and 92.3%. In (Al-Fahoum and Howitt, 1999) an attempt was
made to distinguish between the same four rhythms. Wavelet transforms (WTs) were used to extract
features and a radial basis function neural network was adopted as classifier. Although non-
symptomatic sinus bradycardia is not a cause of alarm, when symptoms appear treatment must be
initiated. Although atrial rhythm is regular, the ventricular rhythm will be irregular and ventricular
rate will depend on the number of impulses being conducted through the AV node. Accuracy values
varied from 93.2% (for normal segments) to 100% (for ventricular tachycardia segments). Page 39.
Hence, the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias, which can be achieved by analyzing ECG records, is an
important medical topic. Equations (20) and (21) are obtained and can be combined into equation
(22). Last but not least, I thank my supervisor, Ana Fred, for the knowledge transmitted, the ideas
shared, and the advice given during the elaboration of this thesis. Page 4. The remaining of this
work is organized as follows. The only substantive issue that lay outside this paradigm was that of
Cuban autonomy. This was meant to deal with bigeminal and trigeminal rhythms. Because of the
similarities between these two arrhythmias, and considering the small number of segments available,
the following experiments were carried out. Finally, the sensitivity for segments of atrial flutter and
atrial fibrillation is also below average. This cost function can simply be a measure of the error
between output and desired output. The best results, presented in Table 8, were obtained with the
parameters specified in Table 6. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip
carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The system specifically made changes to
URLs and injected rel-canonical tags to improve duplicate content issues. The choice of mother
wavelet is an important step in all these applications and multiple functions have been tested
including Daubechies, Morlet, spline, raised cosine and quadratic spline wavelets. 3.3 Power Spectral
Density The power spectral density (PSD) represents the distribution of the signal power over
different frequencies. The three feature sets described in the previous chapter were considered, first
individually and then in combination. Regarding the SVM, higher accuracies were found with a. An
overall correct classification of almost 93% was achieved with the SVM classifier. For instance, if
the occurrence of bigeminal or trigeminal rhythms is of no practical relevance, these rhythms may be
included in the normal class instead of considered individually. It is this biological electrical activity
that can be recorded in an electrocardiogram (ECG) and is very useful in the diagnosis of an
important number of conduction abnormalities. In the following subsections all the steps mentioned
above will be detailed. 4.1 Signal Acquisition and Processing 4.1.1 BITalino system The BITalino is a
low-cost biosignal acquisition system (Guerreiro et al., 2013). It includes sensors for multiple
physiological signals: electromyography, electrodermal activity and ECG. Interestingly, when
forming a class with normal, bigeminy and trigeminy segments, the results are only slightly worse. It
can be used for up to 14 days, and the patient can press a button on the patch to signalize a
symptomatic event.
In terms of hidden neurons, the range 6 to 10 offered very similar results, with a poorer performance
when selecting fewer or more neurons. Markov process models with different averaging techniques
(e.g. filter and interpolation) were tested, as well as a RR predictor array. A 10 s extract of a sinus
rhythm ECG is shown in Figure 30. PVCs are common events and can occur in healthy individuals
but are more frequent in individuals with coronary heart disease. In order to understand which types
of rhythms were more prone to detection errors, the following experiment was implemented.
Sensitivity and specificity values were reported to be respectively 99.81 and 98.87% in a noise-free
test set. This assures that the performance of the algorithm is not affected by possible mistakes on the
detection of the peaks. One of these devices, from Philips, is shown in Figure 11. For
supraventricular ectopic beats sensitivity and positive predictive values of 75.9 and 38.5% were
obtained. Regarding ventricular ectopic beats, the sensitivity was 77.7% and the positive predictivity
was 81.9%. In (Melgani and Bazi, 2008) multiple tests were performed to compare the performance
of different classifiers on distinguishing between normal beats, atrial premature beats, ventricular
premature beats, right bundle branch block, left bundle branch block and paced beats. Bias terms
were included in the hidden and output layers. For instance, due to the characteristics of the
rhythms, it is possible that distinguishing between normal sinus rhythm and sinus bradycardia could
rely solely on the heart rate. As expected, the results are poorer with trigeminy segments than with
bigeminy. The recognition of arrhythmias is one important part of the problem and pattern
recognition methods have been successfully applied. However, I consider this is a remarkable asset
to capture user coordinates and it would be great if deminers or canine members of the demining
team can wear this device in order to track their movements and collect information. This was true
for the two combinations and for all three classifiers. Although a two- dimensional problem is
pictured here (only two features for each pattern), the idea is exactly the same for N-dimensional
linearly separable data. The derivative is then calculated and its absolute value is computed.
Depending on the type of block and the symptoms experienced by the patient, it may be necessary
to insert a temporary or permanent pacemaker. 2.3.4 Ventricular Arrhythmias and Bundle-Branch
Blocks When a bundle-branch block is present ventricular depolarization is said to be sequential: one
ventricle will depolarize before the other. Figure 50 shows the performance, in terms of test error, of
the three classifiers, for the three feature sets used. In such cases intervention consists of increasing
the heart rate and attempt to correct the underlying cause of the rhythm. The best results, presented
in Table 8, were obtained with the parameters specified in Table 6. This concept has since evolved to
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testing technologies work. The SVM classifier stood out, with a mean test error of 2.55%. Very high
values of precision and recall, respectively for normal sinus rhythm and AF, were obtained with the
ANN (above 99%). Figure 43 shows the heat map of the accuracy of the SVM classifier for different
values of the penalty and kernel parameters. The trappings of democracy were maintained but their
hollowness was evident in Machado's purge of the ruling Liberal Party and of the opposition
Conservative Party. As shown in Table 5, 98 atrial fibrillation segments and 911 normal sinus rhythm
segments are available. Biomedical engineering online, 9(1), p.43. Artis, S., Mark, R. and Moody, G.
(1991). Detection of atrial fibrillation using artificial neural networks. This rhythm is regular and
atrial and ventricular rate are the same. He holds a bachelor degree in Industrial Design from
Javeriana University. In terms of classifiers, SVM proved to be the most promising choice whilst
ANN achieved the worst results for all sets of features.

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