Unit 9 Medication
Unit 9 Medication
Unit 9 Medication
1. Capsules 6. Ointment
2. Drops 7. Spray
3. Inhaler 8. Suppository
4. Injection 9. Syrup
5. IV drip 10. Tablets
Task 1
Look at these notes and match the five rights of medication (1 – 5) to illustrations A – E!
+ ÷ = ×-
1. Minus/ substracted from _______
2. Plus/added to _______
3. Multiplied by/times ______
4. Equals/is ______
5. Divide (d) by _______
Task 3
Write these calculation in words! Then practice saying them aloud!
1. 100 mg + 150 mg = 250
2. 80 ml + 45 ml = 35 ml
3. 60 mg ÷ 5 mg = 12 mg
4. 3 ml × 5 ml = 15 ml
1.3 Writing
Lecturer can explain about instruction for giving medication. When we give a dose in tablet
form, we must make up the weight on the prescription from the smallest number of tablets.
Example: !"#$ %#&'$ ()*+$ ,$ (-.%$ "/$ 0#1/.)3)4+5$ 67+$ '.81+'&$ .-+$ 1.8+11+3$ 9:;$ %(5$
Task 4
,5 !"#$%#&'$()*+$;5:$(-.%$"/$.&A)-)45$!"#$7.*+$9$2$9:;$%($'.81+'&$.43$,;$2$:;$%($
95 !"#$%#&'$"-3+-$%+3)C)4+$/"-$'7+$A-+&C-)A')"4$E+4)C)11)4$9;$%1$853$FG.')45$8)&$3)+H$
'=)C+$ .$ 3.>I$ 2$ J$ 3.>&5$ <"=$ %.4>$ "/$ E+4)C)11)4$ =)11$ >"#$ 4++3$ /"-$ '7-++$ 3.>&?$
J5 !"#$%#&'$()*+$9;$%($"/$E-+34)&"1"4+$'535&$FG.')45$'+-$3+)$&#%+43#%H$'7-++$')%+&$
@5 !"#$%#&'$()*+$:$%($"/$.$3-#($/"-$+*+->$,$L($"/$.$A.')+4'&M&$8"3>$=+)(7'5$<+$=+)(7'$
:5 O$C.A+$C"4'.)4&$:;;$%($"/$.$3-#(5$<"=$%.4>$(-.%$"/$'7+$3-#($.-+$'7+-+$)4$,;$
1.4 Prescription
Task 5
Tsp Teaspoon
100 mg total
Mrs. Ruby
IM or ID qam
Effects of Medication
Task 6
Role play
a. Complete the dialogue using the verbs below in the correct form!
b. Work in pairs. Act out the dialogue with your partner!
Nurse : I know they are good, bet people who take them
___________10 a tolerance quite quickly so
they no longer work after a while. Are you
able to ___________11 the headaches when they