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Unit 9 Medication

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Teaching media : Picture, realia, real object (prescription)

Time allocation : 3 x 50 minutes.
Task type : Reading and writing activity, listening, role play,
classroom discussions.
Notes for teacher : For more exercises, students can compare answers
together before they check their answers. If they
disagree or fail to find the right answer, lecturers can
provide feedback to help them to find the correct answer
Variation/ : Task could be optional considering the class situation.
modifications to
the activity
Key concepts : Types of Medication, Dosage, Frequency.
Pre task

Match words 1 – 10 to the pictures A – J!

1. Capsules 6. Ointment
2. Drops 7. Spray
3. Inhaler 8. Suppository
4. Injection 9. Syrup
5. IV drip 10. Tablets
Task 1
Look at these notes and match the five rights of medication (1 – 5) to illustrations A – E!

1. Right patient 4. Right dose

2. Right time 5. Right route
3. Right medication


Task 2
What do the symbols in the box mean? Match them to term 1 – 5!

+ ÷ = ×-
1. Minus/ substracted from _______
2. Plus/added to _______
3. Multiplied by/times ______
4. Equals/is ______
5. Divide (d) by _______

Task 3
Write these calculation in words! Then practice saying them aloud!
1. 100 mg + 150 mg = 250
2. 80 ml + 45 ml = 35 ml

3. 60 mg ÷ 5 mg = 12 mg
4. 3 ml × 5 ml = 15 ml
1.3 Writing
Lecturer can explain about instruction for giving medication. When we give a dose in tablet
form, we must make up the weight on the prescription from the smallest number of tablets.
Example: !"#$ %#&'$ ()*+$ ,$ (-.%$ "/$ 0#1/.&#2)3)4+5$ 67+$ '.81+'&$ .-+$ 1.8+11+3$ 9:;$ %(5$

Task 4

Read the instructions and write the medicine for prescription!

,5 !"#$%#&'$()*+$;5:$(-.%$"/$.&A)-)45$!"#$7.*+$9$2$9:;$%($'.81+'&$.43$,;$2$:;$%($
95 !"#$%#&'$"-3+-$%+3)C)4+$/"-$'7+$A-+&C-)A')"4$E+4)C)11)4$9;$%1$853$FG.')45$8)&$3)+H$
'=)C+$ .$ 3.>I$ 2$ J$ 3.>&5$ <"=$ %.4>$ "/$ E+4)C)11)4$ =)11$ >"#$ 4++3$ /"-$ '7-++$ 3.>&?$
J5 !"#$%#&'$()*+$9;$%($"/$E-+34)&"1"4+$'535&$FG.')45$'+-$3+)$&#%+43#%H$'7-++$')%+&$
@5 !"#$%#&'$()*+$:$%($"/$.$3-#($/"-$+*+->$,$L($"/$.$A.')+4'&M&$8"3>$=+)(7'5$<+$=+)(7'$
:5 O$C.A&#1+$C"4'.)4&$:;;$%($"/$.$3-#(5$<"=$%.4>$(-.%$"/$'7+$3-#($.-+$'7+-+$)4$,;$
1.4 Prescription

Task 5

Write the prescriptions in full sentences. Example:

Unit Abbreviation Meaning

qqh prn Every four hours, as needed (Latin)

Tbsp Tablespoon (Latin)

Tsp Teaspoon

c.f. t.i.d With Three times a day

Qam Every morning

s.a. Sustained action

Mr. Hasbi Give six milligram bolus followed by

6 mg followed by 54 mg 54 mg milligrams in the first hour.
in 1st h. Then 20 milligrams per hour for two
hours up to a total of 100 milligrams.
20 mg/h for 2 hs nmt

100 mg total

Mr. Kadir Mr. Usman

1 caps acetaminophen Agit. 1 tbsp (3tsp)

c.f. t.i.d.
+ 30 mg codeine, qqh prn

Mrs. Ruby

300 – 500 mcg (0.3 – 0.5 mg)

IM or ID qam

s.a. after 3 days

1.5 Speaking

Effects of Medication

Task 6

Role play

a. Complete the dialogue using the verbs below in the correct form!
b. Work in pairs. Act out the dialogue with your partner!

built up react stand

discontinue re-evaluate suffer

go away renew tolerate

notice report worry

put on run out

Nurse : I want to review your medication, Mr. Andika.

How are you getting on with the new tablets?
Mr. Andika : They’re big improvement.

Nurse : Your notes say we gave you Atenolol, but you

stopped taking it. Did you ___________ 1 badly
to it?

Mr. Andika : Yes, I felt tired all the time.

Nurse : So the doctor tried something different and

you were ___________ 2 an alternative regime.
Is that right?

Mr. Andika : Yes, I was. That was Captopril. It was no good


Nurse : No? Did you ___________ 3 an allergic

reaction? A lot of people ___________ 4 having
breathing difficulties with that drug.
Mr. Andika : Yes. My mouth and throat swelled up – like I
was swallowing a tennis ball.

Nurse : I see. How about the new medication? Do you

___________ 5 any changes in your body from
taking it.
Mr. Andika : Well, yes. It is effecting my sex life.
Nurse : I see. Well we can’t ignore that. We probably
need to ___________ 6 your medication regime
and it may be necessary to ___________ 7 this
treatment as well and think about different
one in the meantime, how are headaches? Do
they ___________ 8 when you use the new

Mr. Andika : The capsules are great for headaches. They

are very powerful and fast - acting
Nurse : Have you ___________ 9 of them.

Mr. Andika : Yes. They’re all gone.

Nurse : I know they are good, bet people who take them
___________10 a tolerance quite quickly so
they no longer work after a while. Are you
able to ___________11 the headaches when they

Mr. Andika : Honestly, I can’t. They unbearable.

Nurse : If you can’t ___________ 12 the pain, I think

you’d better go back specialist before we
___________ 13 your prescription. I am
starting to ___________ 14 about all these

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