17 Fernandez
17 Fernandez
17 Fernandez
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4 authors, including:
Evangelos Boulougouris
University of Strathclyde
All content following this page was uploaded by Evangelos Boulougouris on 18 October 2016.
ABSTRACT: This paper presents the work carried out to assess the structural calculation of a tanker ship in
intact and damage conditions, in order to know the areas of the central cargo ship exposed to greater stresses.
Analysing the results obtained from the intact condition and damage conditions due to grounding. The method
selected to simulate the damage conditions has been done applying a change in the mechanical properties of
the material; reductions of 40, 60 and 80 % of Young Modules were applied. The validation of the results was
made following the guidelines “Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers” from IACS. The
finite element method and finite element analysis software (Ansys®) were used to analyse intact and ground-
ing cases. For intact case only one scenario was done, full load condition. For grounding, three scenarios were
done. The results presented correspond to the validation of the finite element model, and the results concern-
ing the maximum value of Von Mises Stress for each load condition, verifying if the permissible stress has
been exceeded in each of the conditions analysed.
KEYWORDS: intact; damage; grounding; collision; finite element analysis; young module; IACS
Nageswara (2015) studied the utilization of finite
element analysis applied on a cargo ship.
Attending the importance of factors such as
model generation, selected material, applied loads
and constraints imposed, in order to validate the re-
sults obtained, this project has followed the guide-
lines stablished mainly by IACS (2006), IACS
Regarding the literature consulted about strength
analysis on ships, it is necessary to emphasize the
work done by (Saad-Eldeen, et al., 2016) regarding
hull girder ultimate strength, also the research done
by (Dimitris et al., 2003), another important litera-
ture consulted was the research done by (Gaspar,
2016) and (Heinvee et al., 2013) regarding predic-
tion of bottom damage in tanker due to grounding.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents and methodology applied. The main char-
acteristics of the model selected as well as the pro-
cess follows to generate the model developed is ex-
plained. Section 4 shows the values of the mesh
generated. In Section 5 an explanation about mate-
rial selection is done. Section 6 shows the boundary
conditions applied. The information regarding
Loads applied were described in Section 7. Section
8 shows the information regarding the validation of
the model. The Von Mises Stress results for intact
and damage conditions are presented in Section 9.
The conclusions are presented in the last section.
Following the guidelines indicated by IACS (2012), 3.2 Materials
three cargo holds have been modelled to represent For this project has been decided to select the mate-
the midship section of the ship (two whole holds rial from the material library of Ansys®. The reason
and two half holds at the fore and aft of the midship why this steel has been selected is because it has
areas. The structure consists of shell elements rep- the same mechanical properties as used in the naval
resenting plates and beam elements representing industry, at the same time this steel conforms the
stiffeners. The distance between web frames is 4.75 requirements established by IACS (2012) in regards
m. The watertight bulkheads are located at the end to material properties. As was mentioned in the sec-
of every cargo tank, with a distance equal to 28 m. tion 2 of this project regarding to material used, it
Figure 2 shows the location of the cargo tanks ex- has had in consideration the specifications collected
amined. in IACS (2012), regarding to thickness tolerances
of steel plates. The material properties of the steel
selected are displayed in Table 2.
Table 3. Loads description.
Load type Description
Structural weight Steel and Outfit weight
Internal pressure Crude oil hydrostatic load.
External pressure Sea water hydrostatic load.
Bending moments Sagging condition.
Next Poseidon results will be presented, moments Now the attention is centred from -15 m to -20 m
of inertia, section modulus on bottom and deck, which corresponds with port side, the stress in this
bending moments and shear forces. Table below area is equal to 100 MPa and from 0 m to 20 m cor-
shows the normal tensions and the difference of er- responding to starboard side with an approximate
ror obtained from Poseidon and Ansys®. value of 60 MPa. In conclusion, these differences
are found, because the elements affected for the re-
Table 5. Results comparison. ductions of mechanical properties absorb less
Normal Ten- Normal Ten-
Error stress. Therefore, the structure of the starboard side
sion DNV-GL sion ANSYS has to support the stress that cannot be absorb by
(MPa) (MPa) (%)
the structure with the reduction of mechanical
Deck 37.22 35.83 3.73
Bottom 26.62 23.80 10.59
σyd = specified minimum yield stress of the material, in N/mm2
S = Static condition
Young Modulus
166 MPa - - -
Reduction 0 % Figure 13. Von Mises stress – damage condition 2 – 80 % re-
Young Modulus
- 167 MPa 167 MPa 168 MPa duction Young’s modules.
Reduction 40 %
Young Modulus
- 182 MPa 184 MPa 191 MPa
Reduction 60 %
Young Modulus
- 214 MPa 218 MPa 234 MPa
Reduction 80 %
Table 8. Von Mises results.
σvm σyd
Reduction λy ≤ 0.72
N/mm2 N/mm2
0% 166 250 0.664
40 % - - -
60 % - - -
80 % - - -
Next results correspond with the damage condition Table 11. Von Mises results.
2 (D.C.2). According Figures13 and 17, the area σvm
Reduction σyd N/mm2 λy ≤ 0.72
with maximum stress is the starboard side in this N/mm2
case between the double bottom and the transversal 0% - - -
bulkhead, to study the permissible stress has been 40 % 168 250 0.672
applied a yield utilization factor of 0.72, the results 60 % 191 250 0.764
are shown in Table 10. 80 % 234 250 0.936
The conclusions from the static analysis done for This paper is partially funded by INCASS project.
the finite element model of Aframax oil tanker, INCASS has received research funding from the
concerning intact condition, damage condition 1, European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme
damage condition 2 and damage condition 3, will under grant agreement No. 605200. This publica-
be showed below. The validation of the results was tion reflects only the author’s views and European
done following the guidelines Common Structural Union is not liable for any use that may be made of
Rules for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers issued by the information contained herein.
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