Grade 4

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Time 1 hour 30 minutes

Section A: (20 marks) Answer either 1(a) or 1 (b)

1 (a) Write a composition about your pet. Your composition should be 10-12 lines. Use all the
following points and any other your may think of.

-what is it

-its name and colour

-its favorite food

-what you like doing with your pet.

1(b) Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to your birth day party. The body of your letter
should be between 10-12 lines in length. Use the following points and any other of your own.

-date and time


-how many years will you be turning

-presents you wish to get.

Read and answer the questions that follow.

MrMoyo was a hardworking man. Every season people flocked to his piece of land to buy
tomatoes. MrMoyo had two sons who helped him to grow the tomatoes. The two sons did not
enjoy working on the land. They wanted to go and look for jobs in the city.

Before he died MrMoyo told his sons that there was treasure on the piece of land. Treasure is a
collection of something that is valuable, like gold or diamonds. When the two sons heard this
they were excited. After the death of their father the two brothers started digging and planting
tomatoes on the land which they had dug. They got a bumper harvest of healthy tomatoes. They
sold them and got a lot of money.


a) MrMoyo was a ____________ (1)

b) MrMoyo was well known for __________ (1)
c) How many people worked on MrMoyo’s farm? (1)
d) What did the two sons want? (1)
e) Which word in the passage tells us that many people went to buy tomatoes from
MrMoyo? (2)
f) After the death of their father, the two sons dug on the piece of land looking for ___ (1)
g) What does this story teach the young boys and girls of today? (2)
h) The farmers will plant their crops when the rain ___________ (1)



Time 2 hours

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

A busy rural shopping centre.

The shopping centre is the busiest place in the rural areas. It is a place where people are always
in a hurry. They are shopping, selling vegetables and fruits, and getting on to and off the buses.
When a bus arrives sellers run from their stalls towards the bus with their tomatoes, eggs, fruits
and sweet mealies to sell to the passengers. They shout in order to catch the attention of their
customers. Sometimes the bus driver is in a hurry, and quickly drives off before all the vendors
have been paid. The unhappy sellers are upset.
1The vends run to meet the buses because they want to _______ A greet passengers B see their
friends. C meet relatives D sell their goods.

2. The vendors shout because __________ A they want to catch the attention of their customers
B the want the passengers to get out of the bus. C they always shout. D they will be happy.
3. The rural shopping centre is always busy because __________ A sellers run from their stalls
towards the bus. B people are always in a hurry. C people are shopping,selling vegetables and
fruits. D. they want to go home.
4. why does the bus driver sometimes drives off quickly? A sellers are upset. B people are
always in a hurry. C the shopping centre is busy. D he will be in a hurry.
5. the other name for sellers is _______ a vendors B passengers C stalls D drivers.
6 The word unhappy as used in the passage is the same as __A stalls. B vendors C upset D hurry.

Complete the sentences with the best word

7 the boys are making ________ noise.A a lot of B much C very much D many noise.

8. those good children ____ helping their mother in the house. A having beenB wasC have
been D has.

9. Nancy was good in all her subjects ______ Maths. A except for B for C despite D even.
10. Grandmother lived _____ a small village. A on B in C over D along
11.Mr and MrsMoyo _____ coming tomorrow. A is B was C will D are

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Michaeland his friends Yona and Tongai were herding cattle early one morning. There were big
dark clouds in the sky. Just then a big drop of rain fell on Michael’s face and they heard thunder
and saw a flash of lighting over the hills. The rain started and it poured some time. The three
boys drove their cattle towards the bridge. When they arrived they saw that the water was
flowing over the bridge. The boys were scared to cross the bridge so they just sat at the river
bank and watched the fast flowing water.
12. What was Michael and his friends doing when the rain started? A swimming B cleaning C
herding cattle D sitting at the river bank.

13. How many boys were herding cattle? A one B three C four D two
14. Why did the boys drive their cattle towards the bridge? A drink water B water their cattle C
cross the river D see the lighting.
15. How can we tell that the rain was about to start? A it was windy B there were big dark
clouds in the sky. C the cattle were making a lot of noise. D it was dark.
16. Why were the boys scared to cross the river? A the cattle were running fast. B the river was
flowing very fast. C there was thunder over the hills. D it was dark.
17. ‘It poured’ is the same as ________ A rained B grazed C flashed D ran

Language .
18. ______ of the boys crossed the river. A many B none C few D lot
19. This is Sam’s toy. It is _____ A mine B yours C his D him
20. The rain began _________ 10 o’clock in the morning. A on B at C in D for.

21. The _________ is sunny. A whither B weather C wheather D wether.

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

All the colours in the flag tell us something. Green is for the crops we grow on the farms. Yellow
is for the minerals that we mine like gold and copper. Red is for the blood of the people who died
in the war for independence which ended in 1980. The bird is like the stone carving that were

carved at Great Zimbabwe long ago. The flag fly during the dayin all government buildings like
school, post office and banks.

22 Green tells us that Zimbabwe is _______ A a beautiful country B full of life C a farming
country D always green.
23. The Zimbabwe bird is _______A the national flag Ba symbol of Zimbabwe C still flying
around Great Zimbabwe D a sign of peace
24. Where would you find the flag flying? A schools only B post offices C all government
buildings D banks only.

25.When did Zimbabwe became independent? A 1980 B 2018 C 2019 D 1918

26. One example of mineral that we mine is _____ A vegetables B gold C blood D crops

Use the best word to complete the sentences.

27. People __________ A peoples B people C pupil D pupils
28. mineral _______ A mineral B mine C minerals D mines.
29. The school children are not ______ to take drugs. A aloud B allow C allows D allowed

30. Which word is spelt correctly? A govement B gorvernet C goverment D government

Read the following letter and answer the questions that follow.
8681 Gwabalanda
P O Luveve
19 February 2019
My dear Anna.
I am very happy to write this letter about my new school in the city of Bulawayo. My school is
called Fusi Primary School. It is in Gwabalanda Township a few kilometers south of the city.
Our house is close to the school. Fusi is a beautiful school is surrounded by a Dura wall. There
are eight blocks of classrooms and wide play grounds. The headmaster is Mr M Shoko. My class
teacher Miss Goto. All our teachers want polite, obedient and hardworking students.
There are forty two learners in my class. My favourite subject is Maths. I am the class prefect.
Please tell me about your school.

Your loving friend

31. Who wrote this letter? A Anna B Susan C Miss Goto D Mr Shoko

32. To whom was this letter written to? A Anna B Susan C Miss Goto D Mr Shoko
33. When was this letter written? A February B January C April D May
34.The head of Fusi primary is _________ A Miss Goto B MrMoyo C Miss Goto D Mr Shoko
35. Fusi Primary school isin _______ Township. A GwabalandaB Fusi C Luveve D Bulawayo

36. Susan stays _________ to the school. A far B close C away D high

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

37. opposite of ‘happy’ is _____ A angry B unhappy C hungry D smile
38. Yesterday I _____ sadza and chicken. A eaten B eat C ate D eated
39.Yesterday I ______ my clothes. A washed B washing C washes D wash.
40. Sam was absent ____ school on Friday. A at B to C for D from

41. You should ______ when you have done something wrong. A cry B complain C apologise
D reply
42. Parents should love ______children. A their B they C there D them
43. I am afraid __________ a lion.A at B of C from D on

44. Yesterday I saw _________ elephant.A a B some C an D are

45. what you enjoy doing most during your free time is your _________ A job B duty C
hobby D game.
46. No one gets money ____ without working hard for it. A nicely B already C hardly D easily

47. Father sold many cattle and got _______ money A big B much C many D high
48.My sister Janet is the only _________ in our family. A child B son C brother D daughter

Which sentence is written correctly?

49. A Harare is the capital city of Zimbabwe. B Harare, is the capital city of Zimbabwe C
Harare is the capital city of Zimbabwe? D Harare is the capital city of Zimbabwe
50. Oh! What a wonderful !goal? B Oh! What a wonderful! Goal! C Oh! What a wonderful goal?
D, Oh what a wonderful! goal



1. Everyone in a family has a _______

A) Bed
B) Cup
C) Status
D) Book
2. What is the role of a child in a family?
A) To steal from his/her parents.
B) To help his/her family with different chores.
C) To feed his/her family.
D) To run away from his/her family.
3. ____________ is valued by a child with a good personality.
A) Stealing
B) Ubuntu/unhu/vumunhu
C) Food
D) Money
4. A family is part of a________.
A) Country
B) House
C) Community
D) Jungle
5. Indigenous processing tools make processing work ________.
A) Easier and faster
B) Difficult and slow
C) Tiresome
D) Heavy

This is called a___________.

A) Grinding stone (guyo/imbokodo)
B) Furnace(imvutho)
C) Mortar and pestle(ingiga)
D) Pot
7. The processing tool in picture above in item number 6 is used for____.
A) Cooking
B) Storing water
C) Smelting iron
D) Processing food into a fine paste or powder
8. Zimbabwe is a _______ society.

A) Multi-cultural
B) Shona
C) Big
D) Small
9. The Shona use thatched houses to do their ceremonies and built a slab inside for placing the dead
before burial called _____
A) Chikuba
B) Emsamo
C) Chigaravakwati
D) Guva
10. When a baby is born the first thing that is done to welcome the baby is ______.
A) Crying
B) Laughing
C) Dancing
D) Ululating
11. The ________ pays the bride price (lobola) to the bride’s family before they are married.
A) Wife
B) Uncle
C) Sister
D) Groom
12. In some cultures, like the __________ in Mbembesi and the _______ in Mberengwa when boys
come of age they are taken to the bush by elderly men for a month.
A) Ndebele, Shona
B) Xhosa, vaRemba
C) Xhosa, Zulu
D) vaRemba, Ndebele
13. Isihaqa roots are used to cure_______
A) Cough
B) Chipande
C) Stomach ache
D) Head ache

What is the name of the instrument in the picture above?

A) Drums
B) Guitar
C) Tambourine
D) Marimba
15. The first people to live in Zimbabwe were called the ______.
A. San

B. Shona
C. Ndebele
D. Kalanga

The picture shows a ________family.

A) Shona
B) Religious
C) San
D) Ndebele
17. How did the early people preserve their meat?
A) They boiled it
B) They dried it
C) They ate it
D) They refrigerated it
18. The national school pledge is meant to __________ a sense of belonging.
A) Kill
B) Promote
C) Fight
D) Respect
19. It is not the duty of the police to ___________.
A) Arrest accused persons
B) Help break the law
C) Enforce road traffic laws
D) Send law-breakers to jail
20. The most important duty of every citizen is to________.
A) Bribe the police
B) Respect the law
C) Avoid paying taxes
D) Recite the national school pledge
21. City councils are headed by _____________.
A) Mayors
B) Provincial Affairs Ministers
C) Members of Parliament
D) Senators
22. The Zimbabwe Republic Police falls under the Ministry of ________.

A) Defence
B) Justice
C) Home Affairs
D) Local Government
23. People who violate human rights should be _______.
A) Punished
B) Praised
C) Killed
D) Hanged
24. Children should not take alcohol because it makes them ________.
A) Clever
B) Drunk
C) Strong
D) Well
25. Which of the following is not a right?
A) Right to health
B) Right to food
C) Right to steal
D) Right to life
26. Child labour is a form of _______.
A) Responsibility
B) Child abuse
C) Rights
D) Training

The shelter above is used by people called the _________.

A) Nomads
B) Khoisan
C) Eskimos
D) Ndebele
28. Eskimos use ______to build igloos.
A) Bricks
B) Snow
C) Ice
D) Mud
29. What shape is the base of a pyramid?
A) Square

B) Triangle
C) Circle
D) Rectangle
30. The most common shelter in rural Zimbabwe is ________.
A) the ngazi
B) the igloo
C) the tent
D) the hut
31. Pyramids are found in ___________.
A) Zimbabwe
B) Egypt
C) Alaska
D) Zambia
32. Teachers, nurses and doctors are paid by who?
A) The government
B) Donors
C) Plan Zimbabwe
D) Mbada Diamonds
33. A volunteer works for ________.
A) The government
B) Donors
C) Food
D) No pay
34. Which of the following is a local voluntary and humanitarian organisation?
A) The Zimbabwe Red Cross Society
B) The Jairos Jiri Association
C) The Justice for Children Trust
D) The Legal Resources Foundation
35. Braille is a reading system for _________ people.
A) Deaf
B) See
C) Blind
D) Speak
36. _________ gives free legal help to children in difficult situations.
A) The Legal Resources Foundation
B) Plan International
C) The Zimbabwe Red Cross Society
D) The Justice for Children Trust
37. The African Albino foundation donates ______ lotion to albinos.
A) Water
B) Sun
C) Earth
D) Silky
38. _________helps in paying for the education of underprivileged children.
B. Zimbabwe

D. Red Cross
39. Which of the following minerals is mined at Chiadzwa in Marange?
A. Gold
B. Coal
C. Diamonds
D. Tin
40. We must conserve our natural resources for ______.
A) Foreigners
B) Future generations
C) Ourselves only
D) Other countries
41. One of the causes of the First Chimurenga was the unfair distribution of an important resource.
What is the resource?
A) Water
B) Minerals
C) Land
D) Vegetation
42. Solar energy comes from _______.
A) The water
B) The soil
C) The sun
D) Vegetation
43. Veld fires must be avoided because ________.
A) They cause drought
B) They make hunting difficult
C) The destroy the environment
D) They force people to have fireguards
44. The Ruala Arabs make tents and ropes from ______.
A) Camel skins
B) Goats’ hair
C) Sisal fibre
D) Ostrich feathers
45. Some geographical factors influencing the type of shelter in an area are ______.
A) Weather, soil type and building materials
B) Weather, wild animals and people
C) Weather, machines and people
D) Weather, crops grown and people
46. Responsible children should ________.
A) Bully one another
B) Take care of their bodies
C) Lie to their parents
D) Drink lots of alcohol
47. Good parents __________.
A) Leave their children with strangers
B) Leave their children playing far from home
C) Sexually abuse their children
D) Guide and counsel their children

48. A village court is held by a _________.
A) Father
B) Headman
C) Elder
D) Chief
49. Our national heroes’ acre is found in _______.
A) Bulawayo
B) Mutare
C) Masvingo
D) Harare
50. In indigenous culture, women _______ to greet people they meet on the road.
A) Kneel
B) Crouch
C) Bend their knees
D) Bow




Answer all questions

1. A family is a ……………….(1)
2. Children help their parents with ………………..(1)
3. Families gather at events like ………………..(1)

This is a …………………………….(1)

5. Indigenous processing tools make processing work …………(1)

6. Marriage in Indigenous Religion brings together ……………. families.(1)
7. Who pays the bride price?(1)
8. When accepting a parcel or present, girls bend their knees as a sign of
9. Medicinal herbs are medicines made from …………………(1)
10. Njelele is found in …………….(1)
11. Name one indigenous game………….(1)
12. The Khoisan’s main activity was ………………(1)
13. What makes the community live peacefully? (1)
14. Give one example of a school rule.(1)
15. The role of the police is to ……………(1)
16. State one of the children’s rights……..(1)
17. Parents cannot abuse their children. True/False (1)
18. Why do people need shelter?(1)
19. The Tonga hut is built on stilts to protect people from ………………(1)
20. One of the factors influencing the type of shelter is …………………..(1)
21. Braille is a reading system for the ……………………………(1)

22. Which method was used to prepare grain crops? (1)
23. The exchange of what you have for what you need is ………….(1)
24. One example of a natural resource is …………….(1)
25. There are ………….. types of industries in Zimbabwe.(1)
26. Money that we get from other countries is ……………(1)
27. The fastest means of transport is ………………(1)
28. To send a message to many people at the same time, one can use a ……..(1)
29. Pedestrians should always walk on the …………. side of the road.(1)
30. A person who is trained to do a particular job is said to be ……….(1)


There are six questions in this section, choose any four questions.

1. What do you call the following people:

a. Your mother’s brother?
b. Your father’s sister?
c. Name one gathering that brings families together. ………………….
d. An example of an indigenous processing tool is a ……………
e. Tools make work ………………

2. Complete the table below

Source Part used Treatment
a………….. Whole plant Stomach
Umvagazi Bark/leaves/seeds b….…….
Aloe c…..…… Stomach ache
d. Medicine from local herbs are called ……………
e. Children’s games train them to be ………………..
3. a Long ago people lived in ………………………

b. How did the San preserve their meat?

c. The Bantu called their creator …………….

Totem Totem animal

e.g. Nyathi Buffalo
Shumba ……………..

……….. Zebra

4. Children have many rights according to the constitution. Give any two
children’s rights.
a. ……………………
b. ……………………
c. When a person does wrong, he is tried in a ……………………
d. Child labour is a form of child ……………………
e. Children have a responsibility to ……………….
5a. The conical roof of a hut is usually thatched with ………………………….

b. An igloo is built of ………………….

c. Pyramids are found in …………………..

d. Two materials used to build a contemporary shelter are ……… and


6a. On the second Monday of August we celebrate ………………………

b. Zimbabweans got Independent on ……………………

c. The Zimbabwean flag has …………….. colours.

d. The black colour stands for ……………….

e. An example of a uniformed force is ……………..



Time 1hour 30 minutes

Bala indatshana elandelayo ubusuphendula imibuzo.

Ngokucwayiza kweso uDlodlo weqa wathi tshopo. Wema laphaya wavula inkalakatha zamehlo
ezazibomvu okwegazi. Inhliziyo yakhe yayisitshaya kungathi yingungu ekhalela phansi.
Dukuduku wabona inkuzi yegundwane ikhwela esihlahleni esasiseduzane lendlela.
Wanxapha esesula izithukuthuku ezasezijuluka kungathi unethwe ngeluikazamcolo, kwazise
wayeyethukile umuntu omdala.
1 UDlodlo weqa wathi ________ A maye B tshopo C tshompo D mpo.
2. Amehlo kaDlodlo ayebomvu _______ A okwegazi B mbijana C bomvu D okweso
3. kuyini okwakutshaya sangungu? A nguDlodlo B yinkuzi C yinhliziyo. D ngamaphaphu
4. Yiliphi ibala elisendabeni elitsho okufanana lokuthi ‘ngokucwayiza kweso’ A masinyane B
amehlo C dukuduku. D ebusweni
5. Ngokubona kwakho kuyini elikazamcolo? A lizulu B yizithukuthuku C ngamanzi D

6. Ngokubona kwakho kuyini okwethusa uDlodlo? A ngamehlo B lunyawo C ligundwane D


Phana ubunengi balokhu

7. igundwane A amagundwane B izigundwane C igundwane D izigundwane

8. isihlahla A isihlahla B ihlahla C amahlahla D izihlahla

Sithini lapha?
9. Unabe wathi ______ A mpo B nta C thwitshi D nabi
10.kubaba A babi B zi Cgamu D bhe

11. UNdlovu _______ ogamule isihla lesi. A yena B nguye C yibo D nguwe

Bala indaba ubusuphendula imibuzo elandelayo

Umvundla wakewaba phakathi kwelitshe lembokodo. Inyamazana zonke zasendle zazimsongela
zimdinga ngamehlo abomvu. Zazisithi zifuna ukumbulala ngoba wayehlala eziqila njalo
ezihlupha. Ngakuye umvundla uvalo lwaluzithathela, esefisa lokuthi inyawozimbelethe
ziyemfihla kude. Pho –ke kwakungasancedi ngoba zasezimgombolozele.
12. indba oyibalileyo imayelana ____A lembokodo B lovalo C loMvundla D loMsongelwa
13. kungani zazifuna ukumbulalauMvundla? A wayezizonda B wayehlala eziqila C
wayetshaywa luvalo D wayeloya
14. Izinyamazana zasendle ___ A ngezentabeni B ngezekhaya Cngezeganga D ngezedwaleni
15. UMvundla efisa ukuthi ‘nyawo ngibeletha wayesefuna ___ A ukubeletha inyawo B
ukuqamuka inyawo C ukubaleka D ukuhamba

16. ukuthi inyamazana zazimdinga ngamehlo abomvu kutsho ukuthi ____ A zazingela ndaba
laye. B zazimswela C zazimdinga kakhulu D zazimzonda
17. Ukuthi uvalo lwazithathela kutsho ukuthi _ A wafa B wayesesaba C wabaleka D wacatsha

Khetha ibala eliqondileyo ugcwalise imitsho

18. USihle uhamba _____ bhasi. A le B nge C ngo D ngabo
19. Usisi uhamba ___mnawakhe.. A labo B laba C lo D lezi
20.USinikiwe welusa ______zakwabo. A izifuyo B imfuyo C inyamazana D amathole
21Odadewethu ______ inkuni egangeni. A badinga B bafuna C bakhangela D batheza
22. Obanda inkuni usebenzisa _______ A uqhweba B umthanyelo C isigelo D ihloka
23. othanyela indlu usebenzisa _______ A uphini B umthanyelo C ugcamo D ukhomane.

Bala incwadi elandelayo ubusuphendula imibuzo

Mganwini Primary Schooll
P B Ts413
17 Nhlolanja 2018
Kuwe babakazi

Ngibhala incwadi ngikwazisa ukuthi ubaba uthole umsebenzi epulazini lakomeki. Ukulala
ngenqweqwe zomlomo sokuzaba ngumdlalo wensema emulini yethu. Umnawami usenzeni

kunye lami sezaphumula ukuswela imaliyokubhadala esikolo. Ngokuthola kukababa umsebenzi
silelethemba lokuphumelela ezifundweni zethu.

Banjani abazawami unkosi loMaGumede?

Yimi umntanomnewenu
24. ngubani owabhala incwadi le? A MaGumede B babakazi C Sazini D Nkosi
25. Incwadi le yabhalwa ngenyanga ka __________ A Nhlangula B Ntulikazi C Nhlolanja
D Mbimbitho
26.Ngubani owathola umsebenzi? A ngusazini B nguyisekazi C ngunina D nguyise
27. yiliphi ipulazi eliqanjwe lapha? A nelakomalaki B ngelakoMeki C ngelakoBeki D
28. uSenzeni uthiusazini ngu_____ A dadewabo B mnawakhe C nina D yisekazi
29. Ukudla inqweqwe zomlomo yiku _____ A lamba B swela C hlupheka D sutha
30. bangaki abantu abaqanjwe ngamabizo kule indaba? A babili B bathathu C bane D
31. Owesifazana ozalwa lobaba ngu ___________ A malume B babakazi C dadewethu D

Phana umntwana walokhu

32. Inja A ithole B iphuphu C injakazi D umdlwane
33. Imbuzi A impongo B intondolo C izinyane D imbuzikazi
34. inkomo A ithole B izinyane C iqhude D umdlwane

Gcwalisa imitsho
35. Inkomo zisinika ______ A inyosi B uluju C uchago D amabele
36. inkukhu zisinika. A inyosi B uluju C uchago D amaqanda.

Phana ibala lenhlonipho endaweni yaleli elidwetshelwe umzila

37. UMaNcube unonile. A uyisidudla B uzimukile C uvuvukile D uqatha
38. Unina uzele umntwana ongumfana. A ubelethe B uunyeleze C wephuke D ukhuphe
39. isilonda siphuma _______ A amanzi B ubomvu C inyama D iphunga
40 isigogo sigoqwa __________ A sisemanzi B sesomile C ekuseni D ntambama.



Time 1hour 45 minutes

Isigaba 1 (20 marks)

1. Khetha isihloko kwezilandelayo ubhale indaba ingabe incwadi ngaso

2. Indaba yakho ingaba yimizila elitshumi ubude bayo.
a) Umdlalo webhola engawukholisayo
b) Bhala idaba elesihloko esithi ‘Ilanga engingasoze ngife ngalikhohlwa empilweni
c) Bhalela umnewenu incwadi ubonga imali yesikolo akuthumezela yona.
d) Bhala inkondlo ngokudla okuthandayo.
e) Bhala indaba ngesaga esithi esalakutshelwa sibona ngomopho.

Isigaba 2 (10 marks)

Bala indaba elandelayo ube usuphendula imibuzo elandelayo ngemitshgo egcweley.

Abelusi babevuka ekuseni besiyakwelusa izifuyo zabo emadlelweni akhatshana lekhaya.

Abadala babengakuthandi ukuthi izifuyo zeluselwe eduzane lemilimela. Umelusi obedkisa
amabele wayexathulwa. Kwesinye isikhathi owayedliselwe amabele wayemangala enduneni
kuthi nxa inkomo zone kakhulu umnini wazo ahlawuliswe. Okwasenza abelusi badlise amabele
yimidlalo ababeyidlala ekweluseni.

a) Khuthiwa izifuyo zazeluselwa ngaphi? (1)

b) Ngobani abangathandiyo ukuthi izifuyo zeluselwe eduzane lemilimela? (1)
c) Umuntu olezifuyo ezona kakhulu emasimini wenziwani? (1)
d) Kungani kungavunyelwa ukuthi inkomo zeluselwe eduzane lemilimela? (1)
e) Kuyini okulibazisa abelusi ekweluseni? (10
f) Endabeni le kuthiwa kwakumangalwa ngaphi? (1)
g) Chaza amabala alandelayo ngendlela asetshenziswe ngayo endabeni.
1) Lemilimela (1) ii) wayexathulwa.
2) Wayemangala (1) iv) ahlawuliswe.


1. Sand, clay and loam are all types of____. A. water B rivers C. tree D. soil
2. Agriculture is the growing of crops and keeping of ____.
A. oil B. nutrients C. animals D. diseases
3. To improve soil fertility we add____. A. water B. manure C. earth D.
4. Planting of trees and grass helps to control_____.
A. soil erosion B rainfall C fertilization D. weather.
Nail Mattock Knife Dish

Gr. A Gr. B Gr C Gr. D

A. digging tool is in group______________
6. Keeping away tools on moist places helps to prevent________
A. rust B. vegetables C. erosion D. rainfall
7. A_____ is a garden tool. A. spoon B. spade C. tractor D. plate
8. All vegetables provide the body with_____ A. carbohydrates B. fats C. vitamins D.
mineral salts.
Study the diagram of a plant below and answer Queen 9-11


9. The diagram shows a young plant. It is a____. A. tree B. seedling C. seed

D. green
10. Which part absorb water under the ground? A. C B. A C. A D. none
11. Part B is a______. A. plant B. leaf C. stem D. trunk
12. A____ is a fruit vegetable. A. tomato B. onion C. cabbage D. beetroot
13. Which of the following is not a vegetable crop? A. onion B. maize C. beetroot
D. tomatoes
14. Covering of beds with saw dust or grass to prevent water loss by the sun is called___.
A. watering B. weathering C. irrigation D. mulching
15. The removal of unwanted branches from a tree is called________.
A. planting B. pruning C. vegetables C potatoes
16. Fowls lay ____. A. meat B. onions C. tomatoes D. eggs.
17. We get ____ from a cow as food. A. manure B. milk C. leather D. water.

18. Meat, milk, beans and eggs provides the body with____. A. fats B. carbohydrates
C. mineral salts D. proteins


The diagrams shows types of soil. Which diagram shows clay soil? A. B B. E C. D
20. Which soil has coarse particles? A. E B. D C. B
21. Which of the following is a field crop? A. beetroot B. sorghum C. onions
D. rape
22. An example of a legume crop is_____. A. maize B. millet C. cotton D.
23. Legume crops have____ on their roots. A. nodules B. leaf C. vegetables D. carrots
24. Crops such as millet, sorghum, maize and rapoko are called______
A. grain B. fast C. vegetables D. compost
25. A_______ is rich in plant nutrients. A. compost B. dam C. garden D.

26. The tool is a_______. A. garden fork B. rake C. plough D. mattock

27. The above tool is used in the______. A. office B. church C. classroom D.
28. Which of the animals lay eggs? A. fish B. guinea fowl C. cow D. goat
29. A male cock is called a _____. A. rooster B. hen C. fowl D. bull
30. Birds kept at home live in a______. A. cage B. fowl run C. kraal D. toilet
31. We get _____ from trees as food. A. fruits B. leaves C. tomatoes D. soil
32. Leaves of plants are _______ in colour. a. yellow B. green C. purple D. red
33. The keeping of animals for meat on a farm is called______.
A. gardening B. ranching C. irrigation D. compost
34. Which of the following foods is a product of milk? A. jam B. royco C. onion
D. cheese
35. The keeping of animals for milk on a farm is called ____ farming.
A. cotton B. runner grass C. dairy D. sand soil.

36. It is a____ tool. A. cutting tool B. moving C. watering D. dogging.

37. Seeds are sowed___ bed. A. Flat bed B. nursery bed C. compost D.
38. We water seedlings using a_______. A. mattock B. watering can C. shovel
D. compost
39. What is grown in Chiredzi under irrigation? A. cotton B. maize C. sunflower
D. sugarcane

40. In SADC Zimbabwe is known for_____ security? A. war B. malaria C. water
D. food.

41. What is the name of lake marked C? A. Antelope B. Kariba C. Mutirikwi D.

42. What food do we get from Lake C? A. frogs B. hyena C. fish D. cows
43. Bee keeping is a type of ____. A. irrigation B. vegetables C. faming D. manure.
44. Fruit trees are grown in an_____. A. orchard B. plantation C. garden D.
45. An example of a fruit tree is _____. A. tomatoes B. rapeC. cabbage D. hedge
46. For plants to make food they need____. A. clothes B. sunlight C. erosion D.
47. The green colour on the leaves of plants is called______.
A. maize B. sorghum C. red D. Chlorophyll
48. The washing away of top soil by running water, wind is called______
A. weathering B. soil erosion C. mulching D. compost.
49. Which of the following machines is used on a commercial farm?
A. rake B. combine harvester C. bus D. shovel.
50. Which one is an important use of crops?
A. Makes the land green B. Give us money C. Makes wild bird live D. Makes us


Answer all questions

1. a. What is Agriculture [2]
b. Name one importance of agriculture. [1]
c.____ is another name of shifting cultivation. [1]
d. Tools have____ main parts. [1]
e. Name one material which is not used to make tools. [1]
i. Name two tools used for digging. [2]
ii. What tool is shown below?

iii. What is it used for? [1]

2. a.

This is a____ warning sign. [1]

b.i. Chemicals are _____ if not properly used. [1]
ii. Skin contact with chemicals may cause_____. [1]
iii. When using chemicals one should wear_____ clothing. [1]
c. i. What are thefour main seasons in Zimbabwe? [4]
ii. Write any two agricultural activities carried out in the rainy season [2]

3. a. What is soil? [2]

b. Name any two soil composition. [2]
c. Water in the soil is known as_____. [1]
d. Name any three types of soil [3]
e. Give one difference between sandy soil and clay soil. [2]

Section B
Choose any two questions from this section
4. a. Name three major plant nutrient [3]
b. Plant roots absorbs their nutrients from_____. [1]
c. What is soil erosion? [2]
d. State any two agents of soil erosion. [2]
e. State two ways of preventing soil erosion. [2]

5. a. list any two uses of water in agriculture. [2]

b.i. This above source of water is______. [1]

ii. It is a _____ source of water. [1]
c. State any two man-made sources of water. [2]
d. Name any one animal that live in water. [1]
e. Why do crops need water? [1]
f. Name any two tools for watering. [2]

6. a. Name two major groups of plants. [2]

b. Give three uses of plants. [3]
c. Name any wild plant found/ common in your area. [1]
d. Fertilizer from decaying waste of living things are called. [1]
e. Fertilizer made from chemicals is called_____. [1]
f. Why do farmers apply fertilizer to plants? [2]

7. a. Name four classes of vegetables [4]

b. Study the picture and answer the questions which follow.

i. What is the name of the vegetable? [1]

ii. In which vegetable class does it belong? [1]
c. What is a legume? [2]
d. Give example of leguminous plants. [2]


Family, Religious and Moral Education Paper 2

Time 2hours


1 Name two types of families. (2)

i) __________________________________________________
ii) __________________________________________________

2. A _____________________ family is made up of father and many mothers and children. (1)

3. Children usually use the totem of their ____________________ (1)

4. ______________________ should provide for the needs of their children.(1)

5. a)______________________ should respect their parents and siblings. (1)

6. In a single parent family ___________ parent takes care of the children. (1)

7. When parents divorce children can either stay with father or mother. (True/False) (1)

8. Write two good things you an do for your family. (2)

i) ________________________________________________

ii) ________________________________________________

9. In a ____________ family children are looked after by another child.(1)

10. Married women often use the husband’s _____________________ (1)

11. A totem can be part of the body, an object or an ________________ (1)

12. If you eat an animal of your totem you may lose your _____________ (1)

13.Write two totems you know.(2)

i) __________________________________________

ii) __________________________________________

14.sacred means:_______________________________ (1)

15. Name any two family resources found at tour home. (2)

i) _________________________________________________

ii) _________________________________________________

16.My aunt’s daughter is my ____________________________ (1)

17. The Shona name for God is __________________________ (1)

18. Njelele is found in the ___________________________ hills. (1)

19. A _________________________ is the water spirit. (1)

20. Music and dance are said to make the spirits _________________________ (1)

21 Name one Indigenous Religion artifact

i) ______________________________________________

22 A day set aside for rest in Indigenous religion is ________________________(1)

23. The symbol of authority in Indigenous religion is _________________________ (1)

24. Into how many sections is the Holy book for Christians divided into (1)

i) _______________________________________

25. Christians worship in a _______________________________ (1)

26. What will Christians be celebrating on Christmas day? (1)

i) ________________________________________

SECTION B: Answer any four questions in this section:

27.a) Who is the founder of Christianity? (1)

i) ______________________________________

b)We call the people who believe in Christianity _______________________________ (1)

c) The holy book for Christians is called _______________________________________ (1)

d) Name one Christian festival. (1)

i) ___________________________________________

e) Which is the day of worship for Christians? (1)

i) ____________________________________________

28. a) Mohammed is the founder of which religion? (1)

i) _________________________________________

b) How many times do Moslems pray a day? (1)

i) ____________________________________

c) The holiest period in the life of a Moslem is _______________________________ (1)

d) The Islamic symbol is the cresent and a ________________________________(1)

e) Why do the Moslems pray facing the city of Mecca? (1)

i) ____________________________________________________________________

29. In which continent did the Indigenous religion originate? (1)

i) _____________________________________________________

b) State any one name for the Supreme Being among the Ndebeles. (1)

i) ________________________________________________________

c) In Indigenous religion they believe in __________________________ (1)

d) Name any one dance in indigenous religion.(1)

i) _________________________________________________

e) In indigenous religion ____________________ heal people using traditional medicine (1)

30. a) Parents should __________________ their children (1)

b) State two ways of helping the needy. (2)

i) _________________________________________________________

ii) _________________________________________________________

c) Name any two of the children’s rights. (2)

i) __________________________________________________

ii) __________________________________________________

31. Who is the founder of Judaism? (1)

i) _______________________________________________

b)The Jewish symbol of worship is a ________________________________________ (1)

c) Name any two practitioners in Jewish religion. (2)

i) _______________________________________________________

ii) ______________________________________________________

d) A taboo is something which is not __________________________ (1)

32. Name any two groups of needy people (2)

i) __________________________________________________________

ii) __________________________________________________________

b) During ceremonies families _______________________ each other. (1)

c) Children are a _____________________________ from God (1)

d) My father’s parents are my _________________________ (1)



Family, Religious and Moral Education Paper 1

Time 2hours

1 Families make up a__________ A house hold B community C family D church.

2. We should ___________our neighbours. A kill B trust C hate D love .

3. __________should be given toneedy people instead of money. A nothing B services C

beatings D stones

4. A good child knows what is wrong or _________ A correct B wrong C big D right.

5. A good friend ____________ A respects B steals C teaches you bad things D tell lies

6. Without our legs we cannot __________ A see B talk C taste D walk

7. After __________ days a Muslim baby is shaved. A two B seven C five D three

8.Christians believe in _________ A Brahman B Allah C God D Ancestors

9. Families must spend time together to ___ a special bond. A build and maintain B destroy
C start D hate.

10. A group of people who are connected to each other through birth, marriage or adoption is
a_A church B community C family D society

11. What kind of a family is made up of father, mother and children? A polygamous B
nuclear C child headed D single parent.

12. People do not eat meat from their __ A names B totems C beasts D cattle

13. Who is the Supreme Being? A God B Ancestral spirits C People D Elder.

14. What is the Ndebele name for God which shows that he is thwe creator?A Mninimandla B
Somandla C Mdali D Thixo .

15. We learn about Indigenous religion by _____ A reading the holy book B listening to our
elders C learning on our own. D reading the bible.

16.In Indigenous Religion people believe that the spirit of the___ lives. A father B dead C
living D adults

17. Who is the founder of Christianity? A Mohammed B Jesus C God D Buddha

18. What other things were created by God other than people? A houses B trees C clothes
D bridges

19. When do Christians celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus? A Christmas B
Pentecost C Easter D Festival of lights

20. What is a symbol ofworshipin Christianity? A star of David B cross C Bible D stuff

21. Who is the supreme being for Christians? A Allah B Buddha C Mohammed D God

22. Who is the founder of Judaism? A Jesus B God C Abraham D Lot.


Name this symbol. A cross B Star of David C crescent D Tenack

24. State any one right thing one must do. A stealing B bullying Crespecting D kicking

25. Name any case of conflicts at home. A laughing B cheering C working together D

26. What is the name of the supreme being in Judaism? A Allah B BrahmanC Yahweh D Jesus

27. A synagogue is a house for worship in which religion?A Christians B Jews C

Muslims D Buddhists

28. The sacred day for Jews is ______ A Monday B Saturday C Friday D Sunday

29. What is the symbol of worship for Jews? A crescent B cross C moon D star.

30.What is the holy book for Jews? A old testament B new testament C Torah D

31.The Jews believe in ____as their prophet. A Jesus B Mohammed C Abraham D Gautama

32. What is the place of worship for Muslims? A temple B church C mosque D synagogue

33. The holiest period for the Islamic year is the ____ A Ramadan B Easter C Pentecost D

34. State the holy book for Muslims.A bible B Quran C Tanakh D New Testament

35. Who wrote the Quran? A Jesus B Allah C Mohammed D Abraham

36. In Islamic religion ___ clothes are forbidden A tight fitting B long C loose fitting D dark

37. Who was Mohammed’s wife?A Miriam B Martha C Khadija D Dorcas

38. How many times do Muslims pray a day? A ten B three C five D six

39. The Angel ____ appeared to Muhammad.A Michael B GabrialC Moses D burning bush

40. Which is the holy city for Muslims?A Mecca B Jerusalem C Judea D Harare

41. In which continent did Indigenous religion originate? A America B Europe C Africa
D Australia

42. The belief in the existence and worship of God is ___ A Buddhism B Christianity C
indigenous D Muslim

43. When a man has many wives it is called_____A monogamy B nucleus C polygamy D
extended family

44. At funerals people gather to ___those who have lost their loved ones. A talk to B comfort
C laugh at D eat with

45. All religions believe in ___ the needy. A being cruel to B ignoring C beating D helping

46. What do we call parents who adopt children who are orphans? A nuclear B foster Csingle
D grand

47. Knowing about yourself is called ____A esteem B self-awareness C hygiene D fear.

48. When a child takes care of his/her brothers and sisters it is called ____ A an orphan family B
polygamy family C extended family D child headed

49.My mother’s brother is my ___A father B uncle C brother in law. D grandfather .

50. Marriage between people of the same totem is ___ A allowed B a sin C taboo D good



1. ICT stands for________________.

A) Computer processing unit. B) Central processing unit C) Compact processing unit
D) Common processing unit
2. All of the following are ICT tools except ____________.
A)Smartphone B) Digital camera C) Laptop D) an exercise book.
3. which part of a computer is this?

A) keyboard B) monitor C) mouse D) CPU

4. Give one example of a palm top./
A) tablet B) desktop C) Laptop D) television
5. Which one is an audio equipment?
A)earphones B) joystick C) projector D) memory card
6. The diagram shows a ____________ of a computer.

A) charger B) log out C) pause button D) picture

7. A__________is an example of a storage device.
A) mouse B) keyboard C) speaker D) flash drive.
8. A _______________ is not a portable computer.

A) smartphone B) tablet C) desktop D) lap top
9. Letters of the alphabet are on the ____________.
A) keyboard B) monitor C) CPU D) mouse
10. we use a ___________ for typing.
A) computer disc B) memory card C) keyboard D) scan
11. A ____________ is used for moving a casser.
A) mouse B) keyboard C) speaker D) monitor
12. Which ICT tool is found at home?
A) A wheel barrow B) A radio C) a refrigerator D) Cyber security

13. f this is a ____________ icon.

A) tweeter B) Skype C) Whatsapp D) facebook
14. The computers display pictures on the _________________.
A) mouse B) CPU C) Keyboard D) monitor
15.what are images?
A) Photographs B) words C) graphs D) applications
16. you should ____________ a computer before switching off the plug.
A) repair B) Press C) Shutdown D) pause
17. audio recording can be done using a _____________.
A)remote B) radio C) television D) memory card
18. A printer is used to produce ____________.
A) Sound B) texts C) waves D) videos
19. what is used to space letters when typing?
A) space bar B) casser C) capslock D) any button
20. what is Microsoft word?
A) computer programs B) Word processing softwares C) logo D) information
21. The diagram shows a _____________.

A) satellite B) dish C) desk top D) laptop.

22. Which of these is a pause button?

A) B) ► C) ◄ D) ♫
23. If you want to view pictures on a smartphone you go to ____________.

A) skype B) gallery C) document D) file
24. On a computer you go to multimedia when you want to _____________.
A) type B) save typed information C) send information D) play videos
25. what is a computer program ?
A) instructions B) rules and laws C) applications D) tools.
26. _____________ is used to protect data from getting destroyed.
A) A password B) A Microsoft word C) An anti virus D) A document
27. Who operates a Public address system?
A. Programmer B) Hacker C) Sound technician D) An electrician
28. What does a data capture collect?
A) Internet B) Waves C) Devices D) Information
29. What is computer security?
A) protection of a computer B) protection of input devices C) protection of output
30. which one is not a hardware?
A) CPU B) Keyboard C) Tweeter D) Monitor
31. What is software?
A) Programs that run a computer B) Physical components of a computer.
C) ICT tools D) Any part of a computer.
32. you can use a ____________ to access internet.
A. battery B) radio C) cellphone D) Compact disc
33. The icon ‘U’ on a computer is used for __________________.
A) colour B) underlining C) Writing in capitals D) drawing graphs
34. All the following are soft copies except________________.
A) compact disc B) memory card C) flash drive D) a text book
35. DVD stands for ______________.
A) Digital video decorder B) Digital Video Disc C) Digital versatile disc D) Digital
Vertile Drawing.
36. how many letters af the alphabet are displayed on the keyboard?
A) 21 B) 23 C) 26 D) 30
37. After typing a question you can insert ________________.
A) ? B) ! C) “ “ D) @
38. Where do you find computers at a school?
A) in the toilet B) at the play ground C) in a computer lab D) at a garage
39. besides capturing data, computers can also be used for ________________.
A) killing people B) stealing C) travelling D) playing games
40. Computers need ______________ to function.
A) electricity B) water C ) fire D) petrol.


SECTION A ( 25 marks)


1. What is a computer? (2)

2. Name three types of computers. (3)
3. Give any two uses of a computer. (2)
4. The biggest computer is the ___________. (1)
5. Name two input devices. (2)
6. List two output devices. (2)
7. ICT stands for __________________. (1)
8. Give two ICT tools that are used for capturing images. (2)
9. The diagram below shows a computer.

a) Name this computer. (1)

b) Part A shows the ________________.(1)
c) Which part processes information? (1)
d) The mouse is labelled __________________.(1)
e) If you want to type , you click your letters on part___________-. (1)
10. What type of a computer is a smartphone? (1)
11. The diagram below shows a device.

a) This is a ______________. (1)
b) This device can be used for ____________. (1)
12. Name any two icons used for quick communication. (2)

There are five questions in this section. Answer any three.

13. Copy and complete the table below.(5)

Input Device Output Device
a) Microphone Printer
b) ________________ ___________________
c) __________________ _______________________-
d)____________________ ________________________
14. i) This is a ____________. (1)

ii) It is used for _____________. (1)

iii) Name any three ICT tools on which this device can be used. (3)

15. a) A computer has four parts. Name two parts of a computer. (2)
c) List any two good things about computers. (2)
d) What is a keyboard used for? (1)
a) A projector is an output device. True/False. (1)
b) What is a projector used for? (1)
c) Computers are kept in a ________________. (1)
d) Name any two storage devices. (2)
17. Study the table and complete it. (3)
Logo Name



b) How many hands are used when typing? (1)
c) State one use of a camera. (1)


1. Write seven hundred and twenty-five in figures.
A) 725 B) 7025 C) 752 D) 7.25
2. The picture shows.

Th H T U A) 4230 B) 423 C) 4203 D) 4320

3. What is the value of the underlined digit? 3764
A) 7000 B) 700 C) 70 D) 7
4. Round off 568 to the nearest 100. A) 1000 B) 500 C) 560 D) 600

5. 145+40+3= A) 180 B) 188 C) 1880 D) 575

6. XL in Arabic numerals is _____. A) 160 B) 40 C) 60 D) 510
7. 27 count on 4 = A) 23 B) 67 C) 108 D) 31
8. 475- 150= A) 325 B) 625 C) 525 D) 320
9. Multiply 9 by 8. A) 17 B) 27 C) 72 D) 1r1
10. Fill in the missing number 342; 352; 362; ; 382; 392
2 4 4 4 4
11. 5 is equivalent to ___. A) 8 B) 10 C) 100 D) 5

12. Compare using >, < or = 1009 9001

A) None B) = C) > D) <

13. What fraction is shaded?
1 1 3 6
A) 4 B) 2 C) 4 D) 10

14. A B C D
Who is the third?
15. Arrange the following numbers in ascending order. 28; 7; 14; 21; 35
A) 35; 21; 28; 7; 14 B) 14; 7; 21; 28; 35 C) 7; 14; 21; 28; 35 D) 35; 28; 21; 14; 7
8 2 4 2 1
16. Reduce to its lowest term. A) B) C) D)
10 5 5 4 2

17. Write 4 as a decimal. A) 2.5 B) 0.4 C) 0.2 D) 0.5

1 1
This number is _______. A) 34 B) 3.1 C) 32 D) 4

19. 4.8 to the nearest whole number. A) 9 B) 5 C) 4.0 D) 0.5

20. What is the difference between 275 and 195?
A) 80 B) 470 C) 180 D) 460
21) Express 5 as a percentage. A) 20 B) 0.6 C) 60 D 15
3 4 7 1 7
22) 10+10= A) 7 B) 10 C) 10 D) 20
7 7
23. What is the value of 7 in 1.47? A) 10 B) 100 C) 7units D) 7hundred

24. 9 81 = A) 89 B) 72 C) 9 D) 729
25. What is of 36? A) 18 B) 9 C) 11 D) 9r2

26. What is the product of 18 and 6? A) 24 B) 3 C) 108 D) 12

27. 3942
+ 5858 A) 2116 B) 1816 C) 9890 D) 9800

11 3 1 1
28. Write as a mixed number. A) 44 B) 2 C) 2 D) 1
4 4 4 4

29. ______ is a multiple of 4. A) 9 B) 15 C) 14 D) 20

30. Share 84 oranges among 7 learners. How many will each get?
A) 12 B) 77 C) 91 D) 58.8
31. In a class of 72 children, 3 are girls. How many are girls?

A) 144 B) 24 C) 48 D) 36
4 2 1 3 4 2 7
32. 5-5-5= A) 5 B) 5 C) 5 D) 5

33. Expand 3269. A) 300+200+60+9 B) 300+200+60+9

C) 3000+20+60+9 D) 3000+200+60+9

34. 1.4ℓ×9= A) 1.26ℓ B) 12.6ℓ C) 126ℓ D) 3.3ℓ

35. A shopkeeper put 6 sweets in a packet. How many sweets are in a packets?
A) 240 B) 46 C) 34 C) 64
36. 4920 to the nearest 1000 is _____. A) 4900 B) 4000 C) 5000 D) 5900
37. Find the total of 1.76 and 4.28. A) 1.52 B) 6.04 C) 5.04 D) 6.94
1 1 1 1
38. Arrange the following fractions in descending order. ; ; ;
2 5 10 4

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
A) 10; 5; 4; 2 B) 10; 4; 5; 2 C) 2; 4; 5; 10 D) 10; 2; 4; 5

39. Mr Ncube has 35 cows, 54 goats, 19 sheep and 12 donkeys. How many animals are there
altogether? A) 101 B) 210 C) 108 D) 120
1 2 3 2 2 2
40) 2×4= A) 6 B) 4 C) 8 D) 6

41) A bakes so buns a day. How many buns can the baker bake in a week?
A) 350 B) 305 C) 35 D) 355
42) 100 as a percentage is ______. A) 31 B) 69 C) 169 D) 690

43) 4752
- 1843 A) 2909 B) 6595 C) 2911 D) 5595

44. Divide 96 by 2. A) 84 B) 48 C) 98 D) 192
45. Tom got 5 in maths. What is his percentage?

A) 500 B) 50 C) 20 D) 10

46. Subtract 5.92 from 6.75

A) 12.67 B) 83.0 C) 8.3 D) 0.83
1 1 2 1 2 1
47. 4+4= A) 4 B) 2 C) 8 D) 4

48. Write 50 in Roman numerals. A) L B) LC C) LX D) CX

49. 0.01 1.01 A) > B) < C) = D) none
50. Mr. Dube had 250 bags of maize. He sold 79 bags. How many bags are left?

A) 179 B) 329 C) 229 D) 171

Answer all questions in this section
1a) Write 438 in words. (1)

b) Expand 7 605 (1)

2a) Round off 526 to the nearest 10 (1)
b) What is the value of 9 in 91,24? (1)
3a. Expand 4,31 (1)
b) 0,0 1 + 2,41 + 5,37 (1)
4a) What is the product of 7 and 8? (2)

b) 5 334 take away 705 (2)

5a) 36 eggs were in a basket. 4 of them were bad. How many eggswere not bad? (2)
b) XLVii in Arabic numerals is ------- (1)
6a) Arrange the following numbers in descending order. (1)
103, 89, 115, 110
b) Compare the numbers using >,< or = sign (1)

3 929 3 299
7) In a school of 400 children. of them are always absent from school.

a) How many children are always absent. (2)

b) How many children go to school everyday? (3)
8) Mother shared 44 eggs among 7 girls.
a) How many eggs did each get? (2)

b) What was the remainder? (1)

c) Draw an abacus to show 34, 12. (2)


Answer any three questions.
9a) Find of 40. (2)

b) Compare fractions using >,< or = sign
7 4
10 5

c) ---- is shaded. (answer in lowest term) (1)

10a) 923- 875= ----- (1)

b) Find the total of 9 802 and 7 425. (2)

c) MrMoyo has 79 pigs and 93 donkeys. Calculate the difference between the animals. (2)
11a) 4 × 2 (2)
b) Write 6 as an improper fraction. (1)

c) 80 people were running. 2of them were women. How many were children? (2)
12a) as a decimal is ---- (1)

b) Express 4 as a percentage. (2)

c) In a grade four classroom, there are 10 boxes of textbooks. Each box contains 12 books.
How many books are there altogether? (2)
13) In a village of 1 000 people, there are 400 women, 60 girls, 150 boys and the remainder are
a) How many are men? (3)

b) What is the difference between women and men? (2)



Time 2 hours

Section A: (30 marks) Answer all the questions from this section

1 a) Name one external body part. (1)

i) __________________________________________________

b) List any two internal body parts. (2)

i) _____________________________________________________

ii) _____________________________________________________

c) I see with my ___________________________________________ (1)

d) The whole body should be cleaned ___________________________ (1)

2 a)Name any two health related elements of fitness. (2)

i) ___________________________________________________
ii) ___________________________________________________

b) What is a habit? (1)


c) List any two warm up activities? (2)

i) _____________________________________________________

ii) ______________________________________________________

3 a)What nutrient do you get from caterpillar worm? (1)

i) _________________________________________________

b) Name any two strokes you know in swimming.(2)

i) ______________________________________________________


c) State any two components of a balanced diet. (2)

i) ______________________________________________________

ii) ______________________________________________________

4 a) Name any two use of water. (2)

i) __________________________________________________
ii) __________________________________________________

b) List one ways in which ground water can be brought to the surface. (1)

i) ______________________________________________________

c) Name any two uses of water. (2)

i) _______________________________________________________

ii) _______________________________________________________

5 a) The girl is __________________________ (1)

b) We must always ____________ our hands after using the toilet (1)

c) An example of good food is ____________________________________ (1)

d) When bathing we use ________________________ to remove germs. (1)

e) We must _______________________ our teeth every day. (1)

6 a) Sporting equipment must be stored in a __________________________(1)

b) One rule in sport is to start every activity with a _________________________ (1)

c) Name any two skills in soccer. (2)

i) _______________________________________________________________

ii) _______________________________________________________________

d) In relay we exchange a ___________________________________________ (1)

Section B: (20 marks) Answer any two questions from this section

7 a) Food is anything we eat or _________________ (1)

b) List any two sources of unsafe water. (2)

i) ___________________________________________________

ii) __________________________________________________

c) Paw-paws are rich in ________________________________________salts. (1)

d) Give any two healthy related habits. (2)

i) ____________________________________________________________

ii) ____________________________________________________________

e) Why do we do warm before any sporting activity. (2)


f) List any two cool down activities.

i) ______________________________________________________________________

ii) ______________________________________________________________________

8 a) Name any two forms of button exchange. (2)

i) _________________________________________________________________
ii) _________________________________________________________________

b) Name any two throwing events in athletics.(2)

i) _____________________________________________________________________

ii) _____________________________________________________________________

c) In rope skipping you hold the rope with ___________ hands. (2)

d) The javelin throw is measured at an angle of ____________________________________ (1)

e) Name any two jumps in athletics. (2)

i) __________________________________________________________________________

ii) __________________________________________________________________________

f) _____________________________________ improve running skills. (1)

9 a) What is mass displays? (2)


b) Background Art is made up of many pictures and _________________________________(1)

c) Name any two primary colours. (2)

i) _______________________________________________________________

ii) ______________________________________________________________

c) Name any two balances in gymnastics. (2)

i) _____________________________________________________

ii) ____________________________________________________

d) Calisthenics are _________________________________ exercises. (1)

e) Exercise is ____________________________________ for our health.(1)

f) The act of moving with beauty and movement is____________________________ (1)

10 a) What is space (2)


b) _____________ are games where the aim is to get into an opponent’s area to attack (1)

c) Why is team work needed in invasion games? (2)


d) Position in games are played by different _______________________________ (1)

e) ________________________ and ___________________ are examples of invasion games (2)

f) When dribbling the ball we use our ____________________________________________ (1)

g) A swimming pool has ___________________________ ends. (1)



Time 2 hours

1 The way a person lives life is __________ A structure B female C lifestyle D function

2. The whole structure of a person is called ______A headB human body C woman D skeleton

3. I _______ with my nose. A talk B chew C clap D breathe

4. Which body part pumps blood? A hand B heart C ear D liver

5. ______ tastes sour. A coffee B cake C lemon D salt

6. One example of internal body part is ___________ A intestines B finger C nose D head

7. An act that prevents one from getting hurt is _____ AenergyB apparatus C health practices D
balanced meal.

8.Which of the following are ways of exercising? A running B eating C drawing D bathing

9. One healthy habit at home is _________ A playing in the mud B doing household chores C
climbing thorny bushes D playing on the road.

10. Wemust _________ our teeth every day.A comb B brush C wash D break

11. On cleanup campaign we must put on ________ A gloves B cap C jerseys D hats

12. Bathing helps to keep our bodies __________and fit.A brush B healthy C weak D dirty.

13. One example of a sport related exercise is ____A smiling B crying C cycling D laughing

14. Drinking water adds ___________ to our bodies. A heart B lungs C blood D weight

15. Picking up ___________ keeps the environment clean.A water B litter C sand D stones.

16. The boy is _______ A walking B skipping C running D jumping

17._____ is a way of doing thing things every day. A habit B health C excess D endurance.

18. We get________from maize cobs. A proteins B fats C vitamins D carbohydrates.

19. A ____ ensures that you have a nutrient from each food group. A iron B balance diet C egg
D habit

20. The _________ is the activity done to get the body ready for the main activity. . A warm up
B cool down C warm down D running.

21. The following are examples of a cool down activities. . A light jogs B breathing in and out.
C sprinting D dynamic stretches.

22. Sporting equipment must be stored in a _______ .A kitchen B ground C lab D storeroom

23.We wear a swimming _____when swimming. . A coat B costume C short D shirt

24. Which action is locomotion? .A sleeping B eating C smelling D running

25. Skipping is done on _______ legs. . A five B two C three D four.

26. I balance a bean bag on my _________ .A head B heard C hat D leg.

27. One rule in sports is to start every activity with ____ .A cool down B warm up C song D

28. Use of water in an around the home is called ___use. .A careful B hot C domestic D wild.

29. _____ is movement made when one swims in water. . A stroke B drown C sink D gliding

30. _____ are worn when playing football.. A boots B sun hats C farmer shoes D slippers

31. _____ is a water hazard. . A drinking B swimming C washing D drowning

32. A ____ can be used so that we float in water. . A life jacket. B rope C boat D an ark

33. _________ is an example of throws in athletics. . A jogging B throwing C balls D javelin

34. A _________ is a skill in volleyball. . A chest pass. B digging C bowling D throwing

35. Netball team consists of ____________ players. . A 7 B 6 C 11 D 4

36. Do not __________ whilst in a pool to avoid risks. . A eat B swim C move D dive

37.________ prevents water from entering our mouth. A water entry B blowing bubbles
C crying D laughing.

38. _________ is a swimming style. . A back stroke B running C jogging D digging

39.Which disease is caused by swimming in untreated water. . A malaria B cholera C

bilharzia D coughing.

40. __________ is running with a ball controlling it with your feet. . A dodging B griping C
bouncing D dribbling.

41. The girl is _________ the ball. A throwing B catching C bouncing D


42. What do you use to kick a ball? A head B hand C foot D stomach.

43. _______ requires speed and strength in order to cover distance. A playing pada B walking C
sitting D sprinting.

44. When jumping I land with my ______ A mouth B nose C hands D feet

45. _______ is a primary colour. A green B grey C yellow D black.

46. _______ is sports equipment in gymnastics exercises. A dance B apparatus C movement

D calisthenics.

47. The term used to describe designing a practice of sequences of movements is ___A
choreography B gymnastics C apparatus D calisthenics.

48. How a performing group chooses to enter the stage is called ____A count B formation C
people D exercises.

49. Mass displays include gymnastics and ______ A dance B event C public D soccer.

50. Which of these is not a ball game? A athletics B tennis C volleyball D netball


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