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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 201 (2024) 123258

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Will artificial intelligence drive the advancements in higher education? A

tri-phased exploration
Satish Kumar a, *, Purnima Rao b, Shubham Singhania c, Shubhangi Verma d, Myra Kheterpal e
Indian Institute of Management, Nagpur, India
Fortune Institute of International Business (FIIB), New Delhi, India
Research Scholar, University School of Management and Entrepreneurship, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India
FPM Scholar, Fortune Institute of International Business (FIIB), New Delhi, India
The International School Bangalore (TISB), Bangalore, India


JEL classifications: This study explores the impact and potential of generative AI, specifically Open AI’s ChatGPT, on the trans­
21 formation of higher education, particularly in the domain of business education. Adopting a qualitative mixed-
23 methods research strategy, this study employs a three-phased methodology consisting of a systematic literature
review, semi-structured interviews with academics, and text analysis of opinion posts on professional platforms.
This comprehensive approach lends a holistic perspective, integrating insights from both national and global
contexts, thereby enhancing the study’s methodological rigor and ensuring a nuanced understanding of AI’s
implications in the educational landscape. ChatGPT, with its personalized and interactive features, enhances
SLR pedagogical innovation, academic integrity, and experiential engagements in the teaching-learning-assessment
Higher education (TLA) process, as revealed by these methodologies’ central themes. However, potential obstacles such as
Interviews plagiarism and diminished development of interpersonal skills were also identified. The findings have significant
Survey ramifications for academia and the evolution of AI in education, casting light on the practical benefits and ob­
stacles associated with AI implementation. The study identifies unexplored research avenues to encourage
further investigation in this field. This paper contributes to the emerging discourse on AI-enhanced education in
business institutions by providing a comprehensive and multifaceted examination of the impact of generative AI
on higher education.

1. Introduction friendly interface has increased in popularity (Caldarini et al., 2022).

Researchers, academicians, and higher educational institutions have
Technological advancements have opened new dimensions of also taken a profound interest in the contributions and implications of
learning and knowledge transfer. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has meta­ ChatGPT on teaching, learning, and research pedagogies (Fuchs, 2023;
morphosed the search and provided innovative and effective ways of Burger et al., 2023). The rationale for the increasing usage of ChatGPT in
exploring content. According to Xu et al. (2021), AI has been helpful in teaching and research could be attributed to its strong potential for
the discovery/search process, learning applications, and decision- conducting data analysis, responding to students’ queries, and sup­
making. Interactive learning environments have always received more porting literature reviews. Further, since no technical expertise or cod­
extensive acceptance due to enhanced productivity, understanding, and ing language is required to use ChatGPT, the tool becomes widely
relatability (Rospigliosi, 2023). In 2022, AI introduced a practical, accessible and user-friendly, thereby enhancing its utility (Singh and
stimulative, customized, and productive tool ChatGPT (Chat Generative Singh, 2023).
Pre-Trained Transformer) which has created a buzz throughout the Despite the tremendous growth in the broad applications of ChatGPT
globe because of its ability to provide an easy and systematic way of in various contexts such as teaching (Trust et al., 2023), research
generating outputs based on the stimulus created by the external envi­ (Sedaghat, 2023), learning-based assessments (Qureshi, 2023), etc.,
ronment (Dwivedi et al., 2023). Its seamless, interactive, and human- researchers are still apprehensive about its usage in academia due to its

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Kumar), [email protected] (P. Rao), [email protected] (S. Verma).
Received 24 August 2023; Received in revised form 30 December 2023; Accepted 30 January 2024
Available online 9 February 2024
0040-1625/© 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
S. Kumar et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 201 (2024) 123258

possible ethical aspects or breaches (Mhlanga, 2023). Several editors generative AI in higher education as an intelligent, advanced, and
have also highlighted the concerns and implications of using ChatGPT in personalized tutoring system aiming to perform complex tasks, provide
the education and research segment (Rospigliosi, 2023). Farrokhnia feedback, and interact like humans (Ross, 1987; Johnson et al., 2009;
et al. (2023) have described the potential strengths and weaknesses of Popenici and Kerr, 2017).
using ChatGPT in the education segment. However, this research is Fuchs and Aguilos (2023) undertook an exploratory study to un­
exclusively focused on Business Education in the Higher education derstand the opinion of the students, concerning the utilization of
segment and thereby performs a comprehensive review of the potential ChatGPT. They also catered to the perceived usefulness and ease of us­
usage of ChatGPT through various mediums (published literature, in­ ability of ChatGPT and how the same impacts students’ behavioral in­
terviews, and professional platforms) to accomplish the following tentions. In another study, by utilizing Twitter data, public sentiments
objectives: were analyzed to identify the prominent themes being discussed in the
educational sphere (Futterer et al., 2023). The study highlighted mixed
1. To identify the prime themes describing chatgpt as an effective tool sentiments concerning the usage of Chat GPT in higher education,
for Teaching, Learning, and Assessments (TLA) in Business Schools. ranging from the focus on personalized learning to concerns over
2. To illustrate the utility of Chatgpt in transforming learning and cheating and plagiarism. Moreover, media discourse analysis has also
adding value for learners been undertaken to understand the perceptions of mainstream Science,
3. To explore the future avenues of research in the domain of Genera­ Technology, Engineering, and Management (STEM) journals and higher
tive AI for Business Schools education magazines, and how these would impact the usage of Chat
GPT in the education and research domains. The study reveals that AI
The overview shall build a theoretical base for applying ChatGPT in can act as a support for human intelligence and can provide valuable
academia and be help set sound grounds for empirical studies. The study insights into academic discourse (Nam and Bai, 2023). ChatGPT’s in the
applies a rigorous methodology including an extensive literature review, education sector has seen phenomenal response, but are backed by
survey method, and content analysis from social media websites to un­ caution and concerns. If these are dealt with adequately, Chat GPT has
derstand the potential of ChatGPT in Higher Education institutions. The enormous potential to revolutionize learning and teaching space (Tlili
study shall also recommend future courses of action for academic in­ et al., 2023). To prominently enhance the usage of Chat GPT in the
stitutions to effectively adapt to the use of ChatGPT for various educa­ higher education space, it is imperative to focus on the development of
tional purposes. prompt development life cycle (Willey et al., 2023), such skills shall help
the students have a better understanding of the usage of prompt and will
1.1. Origin of AI also provide them with better outputs. For an effective usage of these
prompts, the thought process should also be clear in the minds of the
The development and integration of AI technologies have become a students using the same. Riapina (2023) has also attempted to develop
focal point of discussion and research. However, the concept of AI was conceptual framework based on various technological and communi­
introduced decades back and has been used extensively in areas namely cation theories, which can help in designing better learning experiences.
Information and Technology, media, entertainment, aeronautics, etc. These designs and frameworks led to the development of various AI-
Fig. 1 exhibits the sequential advancement of AI. enabled tasks such as identifying non-verbal cues, creating PowerPoint
Extant research on AIED is primarily classified into the following presentations, collaborative projects, etc. (Riapina, 2023).
categories namely i) ChatGPT Landscape in Academia ii) Application The extant research has also explored the application of AI-enabled
and Barriers in Higher Education in Implementing ChatGPT. voice assistants for various consumer-related decisions and matters
(McLean et al., 2021; Brill et al., 2022). The grounded theory of research
1.2. ChatGPT in higher education has been used as a basis to understand the consumer’s perspective,
specifically related to international students (Tajpour et al., 2021). It is
Unequivocally, the utility of AI in businesses is of paramount sig­ revealed that the co-integration of international students with AI has
nificance and therefore the future workforce requires extensive training created a set of novel ideas and initiatives that can be explored for better
before entering into the world of work. This clearly indicates the ne­ decision-making and understanding in the education contexts.
cessity of understanding the nuances of AI in higher education (popu­
larly known as AIED) and how it can be used effectively to teach and
train future professionals. The extant academic literature defines

Fig. 1. Evolution of AI.

S. Kumar et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 201 (2024) 123258

1.3. Application of Chat GPT in higher education based software are also found to lack novelty and originality as they
only replicate in an assembled form, elements which are already existent
Multiple studies have explored the potential benefits and contribu­ in the public domain. Thus, the same cannot be substituted for any kind
tion of the Chat GPT in the educational domain. For instance, Tlili et al. of academic work (Iskender, 2023). The discussion over the uses of Chat
(2023) delved into various dimensions such as ethical aspects, emotions, GPT has not explored the critical usage of Chat GPT at the University
personality, utility, and educational augmentation to examine the Chat level aspects (Dianova and Schultz, 2023).
GPT’s case. Chat GPT has been used to test against various global level The analysis of literature reveals that concentration of research is
entrances and questions such as the United States Medical Licensing primarily in understanding possible approaches of integrating AI in
Examination (USMLE), which have by far seen passing or near human higher education with cautious approach, however researchers have
potential scores (Hosseini et al., 2023). The studies have also identified agreed that the field is evolving and requires integrative approach while
the potential of Chat GPT to facilitate personalized learning, continuous discussing the utility of AI for young learners. Further, the exclusive
feedback, and quality evaluations and assessments (Hosseini et al., research on the application of AI in business education is relatively novel
2023). They can also facilitate enhanced learning by providing answers than other fields and requires attention of researchers and academicians.
to theoretical questions, stimulating creative thinking through discus­ Therefore, present study attempts to demonstrate the utility of AI
sions, summarizing complex essays in an understandable state, etc. (specifically ChatGPT) in TLA particularly in the context of business
(Michel-Villarreal et al., 2023). It can also be used as a copyediting tool, education.
translation purposes, language editing etc. which can help students and
participants weak in language to perform and learn better (Michel-Vil­ 2. Methodology
larreal et al., 2023). For the mentors, faculty, and content creators it can
assist in curriculum development, resource acquisition, and writing The study aims to understand the perspective of academicians and
work (Michel-Villarreal et al., 2023). researchers towards the usage of artificial intelligence related bots such
Based on the extant literature, it is quite evident that the integration as ChatGPT in transforming the learning outcome and by adding value
of artificial intelligence in the education sector has enormous potential to the learners. To achieve this objective we employed an interpretative,
which can be further explored, provided the ethical issues have been qualitative mixed methods research design. This approach shall allow us
mitigated (O’Connor, 2023). Researchers through a dynamic explora­ to gauge the expertise and experiences of the respondents through the
tion in the Python-based programming software also tested the di­ lens of their own discourse (Morris et al., 2023).
mensions of business analytics and found conducive results. This This study adopts a methodology of three phases designed to trian­
provides a higher order result where Chat GPT can be used for con­ gulate data (presented in Fig. 2) to delve deeper into the potential im­
ducting quizzes and assignments and the instructors shall make effective plications of the ChatGPT tool for academic theory and practice. A
use of the same (Laker and Sena, 2023). This also means that educators systematic literature review (SLR) is conducted in the first phase. We
can delegate mundane and routine tasks to the Chat GPT and can focus establish the foundation for a comprehensive understanding (Okoli,
on more cognitive-based tasks which will add to the learnings of the 2015) of the current use and impact of ChatGPT in academia by con­
students. Speculating on success and failure rates of students under­ ducting a thorough literature review. The SLR helps identify key themes,
taking formal assessment, the article evaluates the broader ethical im­ gaps, and inconsistencies in prior research (Sylvester et al., 2013; Ban­
plications for universities in recruitment and learner support, dara et al., 2015; Goodell et al., 2023), providing a strong groundwork
particularly within contemporary discourses on international student for developing and validating our research hypotheses. We compre­
attainment, mental health, and well-being (Sweeney, 2023). hensively analyzed and synthesized ChatGPT’s function and impact in

1.4. Barriers in implementing Chat GPT in higher education

Despite the identification of various potentials of Chat GPT in the

education sector, it is imperative to accept that every coin has twin sides
and the usage of Chat GPT will not be free from challenges. The explo­
ration into the user experiences highlighted cases of cheating, plagia­
rism, misleading information, manipulation, lack of updated
information, etc. (Tlili et al., 2023). These challenges have also been
addressed previously due to a lack of adequate legal regulations, data
security concerns, technical malfunctioning, etc. (Janssen et al., 2021).
Moreover, educational institutions or policymakers have not been
able to create policies or guidelines to provide clarity to the students for
the optimum usage of Chat GPT in the educational domain (Michel-
Villarreal et al., 2023). Without an optimum guideline, there will always
be concerns in the educational landscape about the content being
generated by an individual or through these artificial intelligence tools.
To further aggravate the scenario, it has been found that the content
generated through these tools is even competent to bypass conventional
plagiarism detection tools such as Turnitin. Therefore, raising questions
about the prospects of the education sector specifically in the context of
evaluation and assessments (Michel-Villarreal et al., 2023). Based on the
Chat GPT features it has been widely recognized that they are biased
algorithms and cannot be used for the admission and grading-related
elements for the students. These can be destructive for the students if
not used judiciously (Ivanov, 2023). Another prominent issue is the
usage of AI as a substitute for human educators, which may create
transparency, accountability, and a lack of human touch, leading to
disruption in decision-making (Slimi and Carballido, 2023). These AI- Fig. 2. Methodology funnel.

S. Kumar et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 201 (2024) 123258

higher education and business management disciplines. “Scopus” and their capacity to reflect current professional debates and perspectives.
“Web of Science” are two of the most reputable and exhaustive academic The diversity of its user base enables us to broaden the scope of our
databases, so we chose them for our systematic review. Our primary research beyond India and solicit faculty members worldwide for their
focus was on articles containing the terms “ChatGPT” OR “Generative perspectives on using ChatGPT in higher education. We concentrate on
AI” OR “ChatGenerative” OR GPT OR “Artificial Intelligence” OR “AI” the post section, where academicians share their opinions on tools and
AND “Higher education” OR “Management education” OR “Business technologies, such as ChatGPT. Following the preceding, we extracted
Education” “Business schools” OR “academi*”. These keywords were and analyzed LinkedIn posts pertinent to using ChatGPT in higher ed­
selected because they are pertinent to our goal of comprehending the ucation. In totality, we identified 102 Linkedin posts relevant to our
impact and applications of AI technologies such as ChatGPT in the research topic. Further cleaning of data led to the acceptance of 58 posts.
educational and business sectors. Given the importance of quality and After data extraction and collection, text analysis was performed using
rigor in our review, we limited our search to journal articles that had machine learning tools written in Python. Preprocessing, a crucial step
been peer-reviewed, as can be seen from Fig. 3 presenting the process of for successful text analysis (Liu, 2022), was performed to refine the data
Search flowchart. We manually examined the abstracts of each study for subsequent analyses. This process involved text cleaning, stopword
and, if necessary, the full papers to determine the empirical character of removal, and lemmatization. By analyzing these discussions, we can
each study. To further limit our selection, we excluded studies that did identify novel use cases and challenges, providing an up-to-date
not explicitly address particular challenges or applications within higher comprehension (Moe and Schweidel, 2017) of how the instrument is
education, business schools, or academic institutions. Through this in­ evolving in actual academic settings. Upon preprocessing, the refined
clusion and exclusion criteria we had the final 89 articles. data underwent three layers of analysis: thematic analysis, text sum­
The second phase focuses on interviews with academic professionals marization, and keyword extraction. The first layer, thematic analysis,
to obtain first-hand insight (Mallin et al., 2004) into how they perceive employed Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a well-known topic
ChatGPT’s function in academia. These discussions have the potential to modelling technique, to identify the overarching themes or topics
illuminate the practical difficulties and opportunities (Guest et al., 2003; prevalent in the interview transcripts (Blei et al., 2003; Culasso et al.,
de Villiers et al., 2022) encountered by academicians when integrating 2023). The second layer involved text summarization using the BERT
ChatGPT into their work. The data for our research was collected model, which intelligently identified and extracted the most salient
through the semi-structured telephonic interviews as based on the pre­ sentences from each transcript, thereby providing a condensed yet
vious studies, it has been found that senior experts and administrators contextually accurate overview of the content (Devlin et al., 2018). The
are reluctant towards filling the written questionnaire due to lack of next layer encompassed keyword extraction, implemented via the YAKE
availability of time and therefore low response rate was evident in such algorithm. We utilized the NRC Word-Emotion Association lexicon and
methods (Guest et al., 2003). There is bleak evidence to show that re­ the ‘syuzhet’ R package to conduct a sentiment analysis. This study
sponses through telephonic interviews differ from face-to-face in­ calculated the frequency of positive, negative, and neutral emotions
terviews in case they show consistent results (Cassell et al., 2002). The conveyed in the collected LinkedIn posts and interviews (Tokarchuk
data was collected from the respondents using semi-structured tele­ et al., 2022). We aimed to acquire a deeper understanding of public
phonic interviews which were carried during the three months period perceptions and responses by capturing the nuanced feelings regarding
ranging from March 2023 to June 2023. In all forty-five semi-structured the use of ChatGPT in higher education through this layer of analysis.
telephonic interviews were carried out with the professors, associate This global exploration has the potential to inform the implementation
professors, assistant professors, researchers, and instructors at higher of ChatGPT in the Indian academic context, thereby contributing to our
educational institutions which are listed in National Institutional research’s overarching objective. By employing this novel method, we
Ranking Framework (NIRF, 20231). The NIRF listed institutions were hope to provide a globalized and comprehensive perspective on the
chosen as these higher educational institutions are more likely to adopt implications of ChatGPT for higher education.
the technological innovations in teaching and learning space as The selected three-phase methodology aims to provide a robust and
compared to other institutions spread across India. The interviews were nuanced comprehension of the academic role of ChatGPT. By triangu­
conducted by following all the ethical guidelines and consent of the lating our findings through a comprehensive literature review, direct
respondents were taken in writing. The telephonic semi structured in­ interaction with academics, and analysis of ongoing social media de­
terviews were conducted by asking open ended questions from the re­ bates, we hope to conduct a thorough and pertinent investigation.
spondents. The interviews lasted for around 30–40 min and these were
recorded with the respondent’s permission. Further, these files were 2.1. Analysis
transcribed verbatim to maintain the authenticity of the respondents’
perspectives. Transcription of interview-based research is a fundamental 2.1.1. Phase 1 (literature profiling)
element of qualitative research (Poland, 1995). The invitations were Table 2 demonstrates the Literature Profiling. Types of research
sent to 300 experts out of which 89 participants reverted with their methods employed across 89 articles highlights the prevalence of
acceptance. Based on the acceptance we scheduled a convenient time for empirical and conceptual/general approaches over surveys and reviews.
the telephonic interview with all the 89 experts. But due to some un­ As for the type of data utilized in these articles, qualitative data was
avoidable circumstances and lack of availability we were able to conduct overwhelmingly favored. Case-study, field study, and survey data each
final interviews with 45 experts only, as presented in Fig. 4. Table 1 had only one instance of usage. Meanwhile, archival research data was
describes the demographic aspects of the participants. This qualitative employed in 2 of the surveyed articles. Quality assurance assessment
information supplements the SLR findings, allowing for a more was performed, detailing the representation of articles across varying
comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. The interviews rankings from the Australasian Business Deans Council (ABDC), Scopus
contextualize the academicians’ practical experiences within the theo­ quartile rankings, and the Academic Journal Guide (ABS).
retical frameworks uncovered in Phase 1. In the discourse analysis of keyword themes (Table 3), four primary
In Phase 3, we finally turn to professional social media platforms to themes emerged - Academic Integrity, Pedagogical Techno-Innovation,
collect and analyze opinion articles (Weismayer et al., 2021; Erfani Experiential Engagement, and Text Generation Techniques. These
et al., 2023) regarding the academic use of ChatGPT. The power of social themes encompassed sub-themes and keywords ranging from ethical
media platforms (Rathore et al., 2017; Fan and Gordon, 2014) resides in considerations to assessment methods, digital technology, and student
engagement, amongst others.
In Table 4, the literature highlighted both benefits, challenges and
1 used cases in Pedagogy, Technology, Assessment, and Ethics. These

S. Kumar et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 201 (2024) 123258

Fig. 3. Search flowchart.

Fig. 4. Sample selection process.

included the support for digital writing and automated writing evalua­ such as handling indeterminate data, ensuring the ethical use of student
tions, increased productivity, innovative assessment design, and the data, distinguishing between human-written and AI-generated text, and
enhancement of information literacy instruction. Conversely, challenges threats to academic integrity were also highlighted.

S. Kumar et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 201 (2024) 123258

Table 1 generated were read repeatedly and the prominent themes/subthemes

Demographics of the participants. were identified from each of the transcripts of the respondents. Each of
Category Participants Frequency Percentage these themes were assigned relevant codes for ease in identification and
comparison purpose (Ryan and Bernard, 2003). The codes were assigned
Gender Male 26 57.77
Female 19 42.22 independently by two researchers and the differences between the codes
Age (in years) 21–25 5 11.11 were resolved through discussion (Gupta and Singh, 2012). Post iden­
26–30 22 48.88 tification of the themes, a comparison was made between the themes/
31–35 10 22.22 codes to identify the linkages which led to the development of major
36 and above 8 17.77
Designations Professors 6 13.33
themes for our study. The above methodology has been widely used in
Associate Professors 1 2.22 previous qualitative studies employing interview methods (D’Cruz and
Instructors 11 24.44 Noronha, 2012; Strauss and Corbin, 1998).
Assistant Professors 22 48.88 Based on the thematic analysis the study has tried to answer various
Lecturers 5 11.11
research questions:
RQ1: “What is the potential of ChatGPT in improving the teaching
and learning experience in higher education?”
Table 2
Literature profiling. Each of the respondents was given an open space to answer this
Type of Number Type of Number of Journal Number of question and the majority of the respondents focused upon the ability of
Research of Data Research Ranking Research the ChatGPT to promote “personalized learnings” amongst the students
Articles Articles Index Articles in higher education. Personalized learning is a mechanism that helps
Empirical 49 Qualitative 39 ABDC: A* 1 students learn things at their own pace, based on their needs, interest
Research and aptitude (Fuchs, 2023). Personalized learning has often been found
Conceptual 23 Case-study 2 ABDC: A 3
to be correlated with a high degree of academic achievement, self-
General efficacy, and engagement (Wu, 2017). For instance, the answers given
Survey and 6 Field study 5 ABDC: B 3 by the student can be evaluated by the ChatGPT to identify the weak
Review Survey 17 ABDC: C 16 areas and students can be provided with additional support in those
Archival 2 Scopus: 29
areas. Moreover, it has been often found that when students are taught
research Q1
Scopus: 25
based on their interest and abilities, they develop a higher degree of
Q2 understanding of the topics and concepts (Fuchs, 2023). Second most
Scopus: 12 widely rated potential of using ChatGPT has been development of
Q3 “Critical thinking”, for instance professors can develop complex busi­
ABS: 1 4
ness scenarios with the help of ChatGPT and students can be involved in
ABS: 2 6
the brainstorming sessions for developing their cognitive abilities and
Notes: ABDC: Australasian Business Dean Council. making the classroom innovative (Yu, 2023). Further, in order to make
optimum utilization of the classroom timings, ChatGPT can act as a
“Unique Teaching tool” (Javaid et al., 2023) for instance in a subject of
Table 3
business laws ChatGPT can help students navigate through the various
Themes derived from keywords.
complex laws and their provisions and the classroom can be used for the
Themes Sub-Themes Keywords Count discussion and interpretation purpose.
Academic Ethical Ethics, Research Ethics 14
Integrity Considerations R1: “ChatGPT can help students and instructors by providing
Academic Standards Academic Integrity, Integrity 11 personalized learning experiences tailored to each student’s needs,
and Integrity Design strengths, and weaknesses”.
Research Research, Research Integrity 9
Methodology and R29: “ChatGPT is still in the growing phase; it can help improve
Standards teaching and learning in the coming future. The fact-based questions
Academic Publishing Publication, Scholarly 3 can give a base to students and teachers and develop critical thinking
and Ethics Publishing, Publishing
based on the classroom discussions”.
Pedagogical Assessment Methods Assessment, Online 7
R18: “ChatGPT has the potential to enhance the teaching and
Techno- and Technologies Assessment, Assessment
Innovation Design
learning experience in higher education by serving as a unique
Innovations and Pedagogical Innovations, 5 teaching tool to improve critical thinking skills and prepare students
Theory in Pedagogy Pedagogical Theory of for their careers by using ChatGPT.
Digital Learning Digital Technology, Digital 4 RQ2: What are the specific use cases where ChatGPT could bring
Technologies Literacy, Digital Learning, value to higher education, particularly in B schools?
Digital Transformation
Experiential Student Engagement Student Learning, Student 5 The rationale behind looking at the B-Schools specifically is based on
Engagement and Learning Perceptions, Student the notion that B-Schools provide the most cutting-edge learning process
Experience Character
which can provide relevant placements to the students (Rana et al.,
Text Generation Text Generation, Automatic 4
Techniques Text Generation
2022). Thereby they are the ones who are by far going to be the early
adopters of ChatGPT for the learning orientation. The major use of
ChatGPT in B-schools focussed upon “developing practical examples
2.1.2. Phase 2 and case studies” which can help students have a better understanding
The semi-structured telephonic interviews which were conducted in of the real-world scenarios. The students will be able to better access
the second phase of data collection were analyzed with the help of various examples being taught in the B-Schools and will be able to solve
thematic analysis (Lim, 2019). The treatment and data analysis were various case studies problems as well (Yu, 2023; Khan et al., 2023).
conducted based on the work of Van Manen (1998). The transcripts Moreover, from the perspective of academicians as well whose

S. Kumar et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 201 (2024) 123258

Table 4
Benefits and challenges stated in previous literature.
Theme Benefits Challenges Use Cases Citation(s)

Pedagogy ● Supports digital writing and ● Difficulty in handling ● Personalizing learning Vinichenko et al. (2020); Gallastegui and
Automated Writing Evaluations indeterminate and uncertain data ● Enhancing student Forradellas (2021); Perkins (2023); Fergus et al.
(AWE) ● Concerns about its impact on engagement (2023); Sullivan et al. (2023); Alnaqbi and Fouda
● Enhances knowledge and writing pedagogy ● Supporting second (2023); Barrot (2023); Howell and Potgieter
understanding ● Difficulty differentiating between language writing (2023); DuBose and Marshall (2023); Marron
● Complements learning and student work and AI-produced ● Creating supportive (2023); Konecki et al. (2023)
research processes content learning environments
● Potential to be an effective ● Decreasing teaching
tutor workload
● Affordance and potential
applicability in L2 writing
Technology ● Enhanced productivity across ● Consequences of biases, misuse, ● Content generation for Zhang and Yencha (2022); Dwivedi et al. (2023);
various industries and misinformation writing classes and course Farrokhnia et al. (2023); Ivanov (2023); Shoufan
● Self-improving capability with ● Potential for misuse and materials (2023); Rose et al. (2023); Alnaqbi and Fouda
personalized and real-time fabrication of information ● Detecting AI-generated (2023); Currie (2023); Lappalainen and
responses ● Disruptions to practices essays Narayanan (2023); Stojanov (2023); Rasul et al.
● Produces accurate, human-like ● Difficulty in ensuring the ethical ● Identifying AI-generated (2023); George and Wooden (2023); Johinke et al.
responses use of student data text for plagiarism checks (2023); Firat (2023); Howell and Potgieter (2023);
● Possibility of providing a more ● Fears of making researchers and Willey et al. (2023)
efficient and effective method students machine-dependent
of evaluating teaching styles ● Potential for overestimation of
● Facilitates complex learning understanding due to the speed
and decreases teaching and ease of interaction with
workload ChatGPT
● Provides quick and efficient ● Barriers from AI integration in
reference and support services education
● Provides instantaneous replies
contributing to an ‘experience
of flow’
Assessment ● Shows high performance in ● Difficulty of distinguishing ● Assisting in student work Reddrop and Mapunda (2019); Geerling et al.
various tests (e.g. TUCE) between human-written and AI- and assessments (2023); Crawford et al. (2023); Johinke et al.
● Opportunities for innovative generated text ● Testing AI’s performance (2023); Farrokhnia et al. (2023); Sánchez-Ruiz
assessment design Supports ● Concerns about authenticity of in standardized tests et al. (2023); Strzelecki (2023); Naidu and
development of critical assessment ● Designing AI-assisted as­ Sevnarayan (2023); Laker and Sena (2023)
thinking ● Impact on developing lateral sessments, Automated
● Increases student engagement, competencies essential for future Writing Evaluations (AWE)
collaboration, and accessibility engineers
Ethics ● Offers personalized feedback, ● Threats to privacy and security ● Promoting academic Iskender (2023); Eager and Brunton (2023); Rasul
adaptive learning pathways ● Issues related to academic integrity et al. (2023); Firat (2023); Lo (2023); Johinke
● Potential to shape the role of integrity and safety ● Preventing misuse of AI et al. (2023); Limna et al. (2023); Currie (2023);
digital literacy ● Risk to professionalism models Cotton et al. (2023); Yan (2023); Lancaster
● Enhances information literacy ● Challenges in detecting plagiarism ● Educating users in an AI- (2023); Chergarova et al. (2023)
instruction ● Threats to academic honesty and prevalent environment
educational equity
● Limitations in assessing learning
outcomes, potential biases and
falsified information

institutional responsibility is to develop a critical thinking approach RQ3: “In what ways can ChatGPT enhance student engagement and
amongst the students, can employ these innovative methods (ChatGPT) motivation in higher education settings?”
for efficient practical learning experiences of the students (Else, 2023).
Maintaining students’ engagement and motivation is one of the
Another specific use of ChatGPT is with respect to understanding of
crucial challenges for any higher educational institutions (Treve, 2021)
“Industry Trends and providing career guidance” (Luan et al., 2023) for
especially in the era of digital learning. Through this question we tried to
instance ChatGPT can highlight what specific skills are expected out of
address this challenge and the role that can be played by ChatGPT in this
an individual applying for a business analyst profile in the industry. The
aspect. Most of the respondents felt that ChatGPT can “gamify learning
professors as well as students can focus upon developing these skills such
experiences” which can foster engagement and motivation amongst the
that the students get placed and they are able to excel in their jobs and
students. Engagement majorly refers to the student’s attitude and
dedication towards the task which has been assigned to them (Sure­
R7: “ChatGPT can be used to create interactive case studies for stu­ ndeleg et al., 2014). Previous studies have also documented that usage
dents, allowing them to analyze real-world problems and to develop of gamification strategies in the education space can make the teaching
solutions”. activities interesting and can enhance the level of engagement and
motivation of the students (Baah et al., 2023; Heidari et al., 2021). These
R44: “ChatGPT can assist students in B schools by providing career
gamification methods and strategies with the help of behavioral and
guidance and counseling. ChatGPT can answer questions about
emotional engagement enhances the level of motivation of the students
career paths, job opportunities, and industry trends and provide
towards a better learning (Thomas and Baral, 2023). Another insightful
students with personalized recommendations based on their interests
element which can help in fostering engagement amongst the students is
and skills”.
“story creation.” With the help of ChatGPT the professors can create
engaging stories to teach various concepts and topics, this will not only
enhance the attention span of the students but will also help in deeper

S. Kumar et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 201 (2024) 123258

understanding of the concepts (Sadik, 2008). 2023).

R42: “ChatGPT can be used to gamify learning experiences, making R4: “ ChatGPT can transform the role of educators by automating
them more fun and engaging for students. This can help students to certain aspects of the teaching process, such as grading and
stay motivated in their studies and to learn more effectively.” providing feedback”.
R35: “ChatGPT technology can assist educators in analysing student
R31: “Students lack attention due to excessive use of technology,
data and identifying trends and patterns, which can help to inform
ChatGPT can provide engaging stories which can help in under­
instructional decisions and strategies.”
standing complex concepts. The students will feel more connected to
these stories as compared to the normal lectures”. R6: “Through ChatGPT, routine and mundane tasks could be passed
on to the technology, thereby, creating efficiency in the conduct of
RQ4: What are the limitations of using ChatGPT in higher education
tests, grading, feedback, etc.”
within B schools?
RQ6: What are some ethical considerations that need to be addressed
Every revolution shall be treated as a “double edged sword”, and
when implementing ChatGPT in higher education within B schools?
thereby the usage of ChatGPT in the higher education sector is bound to
have certain limitations, which gives rise to several challenges. The There are several potential ethical considerations with usage of
major limitation which has been identified in the analysis is “over- ChatGPT. The first and foremost being the “violation of copyright
reliance and overdependence on ChatGPT” which may “reduce the infringement due to plagiarism issue”. The use of ChatGPT for the
level of creativity” of the students (Yu, 2023). The ChatGPT is found to development of instructional material for teaching as well as for other
make things engaging for the students, but excessive use of ChatGPT will scientific purposes may attract copyright violation (Dave et al., 2023).
kill the analytical skills and thinking abilities of the students which shall Therefore, it is pertinent to develop adequate norms and policies with
not be beneficial for the long-term growth and development. One of the respect to the usage of ChatGPT in B-school whether by professors or by
qualities that needs to be developed amongst the students is inquisi­ the students. Secondly, there will always be an ethical issue about the
tiveness (Elnadi and Gheith, 2023), excessive use of ChatGPT will reduce “reliability as well as accuracy” of the information provided by
the curiosity level and questioning abilities of the students (Fuchs, ChatGPT. Studies have reported that ChatGPT cannot be held liable for
2023). Moreover, the use of ChatGPT also leads to deception in terms of the content and authenticity of the data (Walker et al., 2023). For
objective evaluation of the students, for instance if the students com­ Instance, Open AI has never released information with respect to the
plete their assignments with the help of ChatGPT it shall be “difficult to training models, testing of the ChatGPT system and therefore the func­
conduct an authentic evaluation” of their understanding. Some uni­ tioning of the ChatGPT is opaque, which makes the outcome unreliable.
versities have already advocated that use of ChatGPT would lead to the Third issue relates to the “Biasedness with respect to the outputs”
development of dishonesty and cheating behaviors in the students which generated through ChatGPT. The data generated from the ChatGPT is
will affect their learning outcomes (Kasneci et al., 2023). Another major based upon the internet sources, which may not be representative of the
limitation of using ChatGPT is “lack of development of soft skills,” diverse perspective and sometimes ChatGPT itself may not be able to
ChatGPT is an algorithm-based system which does not possess elements choose between the authentic and non-authentic sources leading to
like interpersonal skills, empathy and emotional intelligence which can biased results (Zhou et al., 2023).
help the students in the development of soft skills, prima facie which are
R36: “The use of ChatGPT in higher education raises concerns about
highly essential in the industry scenario (Mhlanga, 2023).
academic integrity. Educational institutions must ensure that stu­
R20: Students would turn out to be lazy and inefficient and will lose dents are not using ChatGPT to cheat on assignments or exams and
their thinking abilities, due to excessive use of ChatGPT”. that the technology is used in a way that supports academic
R32: “ChatGPT may not be suitable for teaching soft skills that
require or human interactions”. R11: “Ethical consideration is the potential for bias in the use of
R43: “It becomes extremely difficult for the professors to have a clear
idea whether the projects have been submitted with the help of R22: “ChatGPT is a technology, there are several ethical consider­
ChatGPT or otherwise”. ations that should be kept in mind - such as data and privacy issues,
leakage of personal information of students, etc.”
RQ5: How do you see ChatGPT transforming the role of educators
and their interactions with students in higher education settings? RQ7: What are the potential future developments in the use of
ChatGPT in higher educational institutions?
The use of ChatGPT has already proved to be transformative for
teachers, students, and other stakeholders (Dwivedi et al., 2023). There Though ChatGPT has brought forth significant technological revo­
are several ways which have been identified through which the working lution in higher education and other domains, there is still a lot of scope
and teaching pedagogies have seen a major shift. Firstly, ChatGPT has for improvement in the light of the limitations of the usage of ChatGPT
helped in “automating several tasks of the educators” such as creating Models. The first future development could be “integration of ChatGPT
assessments, creating study materials, case studies formulation, pre­ with other technologies” such as virtual reality or augmented reality;
sentation tools etc. (Kasneci et al., 2023). This shall give time to the this would further advance the level of engagement and enrichment of
professors to focus on more critical areas such as analytical sessions in the students in terms of the learning outcomes (Elbanna and Armstrong,
classrooms, innovative pedagogies etc. Secondly, in order to meet the 2023). Secondly, though ChatGPT can be used to a certain extent to
demands of the students with respect to the doubts, ChatGPT will be a derive personal feedbacks and helps in student learning, future versions
comprehensive tool to “resolve these doubts by providing multiple real- of development may investigate the “peer to peer and collaborative
life examples”, for example the complex legal provisions can be learning” aspects and these elements would further advance the moti­
explained with the help of real-life industry apt case studies (Rahman vation of the students and would lead to better cognitive abilities based
et al., 2023). Thirdly, “students’ learnings can be further enhanced” on the discussions (Abd-Alrazaq et al., 2023). Another future develop­
with the help of ChatGPT which enables educators in understanding the ment in ChatGPT with respect to the higher education space could be
difficulties faced by the students by identification of trends and patterns “Specialized domain specific models”, (Liu et al., 2023) these models
in their responses. This will further help them in devising the instruc­ shall provide ample space for parallel and collaborative working of
tional material by catering to the common issues in learning (Rathore, ChatGPT as well as humans. Such a system will dispel all the

S. Kumar et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 201 (2024) 123258

inadequacies which are witnessed currently with respect to ChatGPT Table 5

and will provide the highest level of cognitive development and Demographics of LinkedIn post writers.
outcomes. Position Category Count Region Count Experience (in Count
R28: “As these technologies continue to evolve, we may see
increased integration between ChatGPT and other technologies, such Assistant Professor 15 North 18 0–10 7
as virtual and augmented reality, to create more immersive and
Associate Professor 4 Europe 8 10–20 10
engaging learning experiences”. Professor 5 Asia 11 20–30 13
Dean and Director 18 Oceania 5 30–40 8
R40: “A potential future development in the use of ChatGPT is the Office 6 Africa 1 40 + 2
integration of personalized learning algorithms, which would enable Administration
ChatGPT to provide tailored learning experiences based on students’ Staff
individual needs and learning styles”.
R2: “One possible future development in ChatGPT and AI is increased
specialization”. Table 6
Topic modelling using latent dirichlet allocation (LDA).
Fig. 5 provides the bird’s eye view of the Interview findings using the Topic Keywords Topic Identified
(SCOT) Framework where we have enlisted the Strengths, Challenges, ID
Opportunities and Threats of using ChatGPT in the higher education
0 0.032*”chatgpt” + 0.025*”educ” + The Potential of ChatGPT in
sector. 0.016*”student” + 0.011*”higher” + Higher Education
2.1.3. Phase 3 1 0.020*”student” + 0.019*”assess” + Using Generative Models like
The study considers a wide variety of LinkedIn post authors in terms 0.016*”educ” + 0.014*”learn” + ChatGPT for Student
0.013*”chatgpt” Assessments
of job titles, geographic locations, and years of experience (in Table 5). 2 0.016*”gener” + 0.016*”student” + Impact of Generative Tools like
Principal academic positions include Assistant Professors and Directors, 0.016*”chatgpt” + 0.016*”educ” + ChatGPT on Students in
as well as Professors, Associate Professors, Deans, and Office Staff. 0.009*”institut” Educational Institutions
Geographically, the majority of authors are from North America, Asia, 3 0.018*”educ” + 0.013*”student” + The Role of ChatGPT in
0.010*”assess” + 0.008*”chatgpt” + Educational Assessments and
and Europe, while Oceania and Africa are underrepresented. The ma­
0.007*”learn” Learning
jority of authors have 20–30 years of professional experience, followed 4 0.030*”educ” + 0.020*”student” + Addressing the Needs of Higher
by those with 10–20 and 30–40 years. Few authors possess less than ten 0.018*”higher” + 0.013*”chatgpt” + Education Students with
or fifty to sixty years of experience. This demographic diversity provides 0.012*”need” ChatGPT
a rich context for examining the platform’s diverse content and
researchers assigned based on the most prominent and coherent key­
The application of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) in Topic
words within each topic based on literature and understanding of the
Modelling, presented in Table 6, yielded a distinct set of five themes that
context. Parallel to this, the Table 7 states the Yake algorithm’s The­
serve as essential indicators of the ongoing discourse in the field. In LDA,
matic Analysis further refined our comprehension by highlighting seven
each topic is represented as a distribution over words. The numerical
intricate themes that capture the various facets of the AI in education
values next to each keyword in Table 6 (e.g., 0.032*”chatgpt”) represent
debate. While both LDA and Yake offer valuable insights, their per­
the probability of that word being associated with a particular topic.
spectives are complementary. The LDA predominantly identifies
These probabilities are derived from the frequency of words across
broader topic areas surrounding AI applications such as ChatGPT in
different documents, adjusted by the algorithm to emphasize words that
higher education, whereas the Yake algorithm delves deeper to uncover
are more distinctive to each topic. The labels for each topic (e.g., “The
sub-themes, illuminating subtler aspects such as ‘Academic Integrity’
Potential of ChatGPT in Higher Education”) are interpretative labels
and ‘Challenges and Adaptation.’

Fig. 5. Summary of the Interview Findings Using SCOT Framework.

S. Kumar et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 201 (2024) 123258

Table 7 optimum learning and support for the students. In this context, the
Thematic Analysis using Yake algorithm. context of IT Mindfulness by Thatcher and colleagues turns out to be a
Theme Keyword(s) Count productive tool for enhancing students’ engagement with technology-
related tools (Dwivedi et al., 2023). The next prominent element was
Adaptive Learning learning approach, AI-generated content, 17
authentic assessments, learning outcomes, pedagogical innovation which emphasizes ways and means to enhance
student assignments, full potential, learning the student’s learning using technologically driven tools. ChatGPT can
environment, understanding context, project- help the students in understanding the concepts in a comprehensive
based assignments, real-world tasks, manner, aid with doubts and queries, and can also help faculty members
technology, education, adaptive learning,
contextual understanding, student
and instructors in devising course curricula and objective evaluation of
engagement the students. Furthermore, experiential engagement has been a major
Higher Education higher education reforms, education crisis, 14 dimension that has been questioned in the traditional education system,
Reforms and trigger, staff, makes, reforms in India, ChatGPT along with various other forms of AI-based bots can help in
Innovation educational innovation today, reshapes,
improving the overall experience and engagement of the students. For
integration of Artificial Intelligence,
technology implications, future of higher example, tools like pop-up messages, voice assistants, and audio-based
Student Engagement and Student engagement, learning outcomes, 12 devices help students get their queries resolved, get feedback on their
Success assessments, and success in student academic assignments, enhance response time for student support, etc.
assignments These experiential tools can reduce the administrative and teaching load
Technology and Integration of Artificial Intelligence, 10
Education technology implications, rapidly evolving
of educators.
technology, education, and implications in Apart from the above-mentioned common dimensions, adaptive
rapidly evolving technology and education learning was one of the distinct aspects discovered in the analysis with
Academic Integrity academic integrity, collaborative, honesty, 8 respect to ChatGPT. Adaptive learning is a form of learning where the
literature, and tale
systems as well as software can customize the content or the assessments
Teaching and Learning Teaching and learning, improving or 7
threatening higher education, discussions of as per the capabilities or the difficulty level set by the instructors to meet
ChatGPT, ChatGPT, and education, learning specific goals. For instance, while using ChatGPT the educators can
approach formulate the course curriculum or assessment materials as per the
Challenges and Big disruption, hurrying to adapt, initial 6 needs and requirements by specifying such prompts to the system. This
Adaptation reactions, challenges and adaptation in higher
approach shall enhance the overall effectiveness and efficiency (Zhai,
2022). Overall, the use of ChatGPT can be summarized into performing
three critical aspects of higher education i.e., content development,
The R Studio-performed Sentiment Analysis adds an affective content delivery or pedagogy, and assessments.
dimension to this discussion (in Table 8), thereby enhancing the anal­ Further, the holistic growth and development of the B-school pro­
ysis. Instead of merely identifying the predominant themes, sentiment fessional depends on two prime skill sets i.e. technical (hard skills) and
analysis identifies the tone of the dialogue. Its findings indicate a soft skills. On simple parlance ChatGPT as an AI-based tool can foster
generally optimistic attitude towards AI applications in education, technical skills through various ways and means, but the scope for the
tempered by some critical reflection on potential obstacles. High scores development of soft skills amongst the students is limited. For instance,
for ‘fear’ and ‘disgust’ indicate an awareness of potential ethical and ChatGPT cannot facilitate peer-to-peer learning and does not capture
practical obstacles. The high ‘trust’ score indicates a belief in technology human emotions, social behavior, discussions, etc. Soft skill develop­
advancement. Collectively, these analytic techniques provide a ment is predominantly dependent on human interaction and collabo­
comprehensive and nuanced comprehension of the current discourse on rative learning environments. These environments, which encourage
AI’s role in higher education. interpersonal communication, negotiation, conflict resolution, and
collaboration, are crucial for the holistic development of students.
3. Discussion Despite the significant advantages of AI tools such as ChatGPT for
facilitating self-learning, problem-solving, and enhancing digital liter­
Using triangulation, we answer the research question of how acy, they cannot fully replicate these aspects of human-led education.
ChatGPT can transform learning and add value for higher education However, incorporating ChatGPT into a comprehensive teaching,
students, specifically in the context of business schools. We obtain learning, and assessment strategy can significantly contribute to an
insightful and diverse perspectives from this triangulated data set engaging and dynamic learning environment. By providing immediate
derived from a systematic literature review (SLR), interviews, and feedback, adaptive learning opportunities, and personalized content,
LinkedIn opinion posts. There were certain elements that were found to ChatGPT can supplement regular classroom instructions, thereby
be common in all the three phases of analysis whereas some of the as­ fostering a more effective and inclusive learning environment. There­
pects were independently drawn and required our special attention. The fore, development of soft skills requires human intervention and an
common threads were related to academic integrity, pedagogical techno amalgamation of human and ChatGPT is imperative to harvest optimum
innovation, experiential engagements, etc. benefits from it.
Academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism have been critical issues Furthermore, the implementation of ChatGPT in the classroom has
of concern (Cotton et al., 2023), but the same should not turn into a proved to be an effective tool for enhancing students’ technical skills.
barrier for the instructors and they must focus on finding ways leading to This innovative tool assists students in comprehending and retaining
intricate technical knowledge by presenting complex concepts in an
easily consumable manner. A management student who is struggling
Table 8 with the complexities of programming, for instance, could use ChatGPT
Sentiment analysis using R Studio. to comprehend coding principles, thereby acquiring essential technical
Emotion anger anticipation disgust fear skills. In addition, the use of ChatGPT fosters a proactive learning
Score 131 406 70 193
environment by encouraging independent investigation and problem-
Emotion sadness surprise trust Joy solving. In this manner, students enhance both their technical and
Score 124 151 675 292 self-directed learning abilities. The AI assistant can assist students in
Emotion negative positive applying classroom knowledge to real-world situations, such as devel­
Score 340 1339
oping a data model or an app. ChatGPT helps students comprehend the

S. Kumar et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 201 (2024) 123258

broader implications of their technical skills. It is a robust instrument for Table 9

the development of technical skills, aligning with and enhancing Future directions and research questions.
contemporary pedagogical strategies. ChatGPT can provide a low-risk Theme Future Direction Research Citation(s)
environment for students to exercise and develop these skills, for Questions (RQs)
instance, by incorporating scenarios or simulations involving conflict AI-enhanced Explore the potential RQ1: How can AI Howell and
resolution or negotiation. The key, however, rests in achieving a balance Teaching of AI tools like tools enhance Potgieter (2023);
between ChatGPT and human-led interactions. A well-considered com­ and ChatGPT in student learning? Wu and Yu
bination of AI and human-led pedagogies can result in a more compre­ Learning enhancing student RQ2: How can AI (2023); Bearman
learning and be equipped with and Ajjawi
hensive and enriching learning experience for students, resulting in the engagement emotional and (2023); Stojanov
development of a vast array of hard and social skills. Teachers must be social intelligence (2023)
judicious in their use of AI, ensuring that it serves as a supplement to, to improve
rather than a replacement for, conventional educational practices. This responsiveness to
balance is necessary for an all-encompassing educational strategy that
emotions, thus
cultivates both academic and interpersonal skills in students. This re­ fostering deeper
quires redesigning pedagogical techniques by harnessing the potential of engagement?
AI. Therefore, higher education requires the vigilant attention of edu­ RQ3: How can AI
cators to improve the long-term success quotient of the young work­ tools be integrated
with multimodal
force. We need to be highly attentive as AI also seems to be restricting content (e.g., text,
cognitive ability, if not used with proper guidance, therefore it calls for images, audio,
the designing of AI policy for learners as well as educators by the reg­ video) to create an
ulators. Developing intellectual competence by instilling the skills that immersive
can enhance the usability of the existing knowledge for decision-making
experience for
is essential. This is an indication for policy makers to reinstate the new students?
skill set essential along with the directives for responsible usage of AI to Assessment Develop innovative RQ1: How can AI Bauer et al.
harness the desired potential of budding management professionals and assessment and be utilized to (2023);
without compromising on the development of cognitive ability. Evaluation feedback mechanisms innovate Chaudhry et al.
in the Age of powered by AI, and assessment (2023); Eager
AI set new benchmarks processes in and Brunton
4. Future directions for AI performance in education? (2023);
education RQ2: How can AI Cingillioglu
Artificial intelligence in education is a rapidly growing topic with be used to enhance (2023); Crawford
feedback et al. (2023)
various promising applications. ChatGPT, as an example of AI, has
demonstrated the potential to profoundly impact different elements of RQ3: What
education. Nonetheless, there are numerous unsolved questions in this benchmarks
subject. The Table 9 outlines many potential study directions, which are should be set for
organized into several thematic areas and suggest intriguing avenues for AI performance in
additional investigation. Ethical and Investigate the RQ1: What are the Dwivedi et al.
Societal ethical and societal ethical (2023); Kooli
5. Conclusion Implications implications of AI in implications of (2023);
of AI in education, including integrating AI into Chatterjee and
Education potential biases and educational Dethlefs (2023);
This paper investigates the transformative potential of ChatGPT, an
privacy issues settings? Firat (2023);
AI-based tool, in enhancing learning experiences and contributing value, RQ2: What Qasem (2023)
particularly in management schools. Through methodical analysis, we societal
identified several main themes that demonstrate how ChatGPT can in­ implications might
fluence academic learning experiences and outcomes. This includes arise from AI use
in education?
nurturing pedagogical innovation, enhancing experiential engagement, RQ3: How can
and facilitating adaptive learning. Our findings demonstrate the value of potential biases
ChatGPT in content development, content delivery, and assessments, and privacy issues
thereby transforming the academic landscape significantly. We observe in AI use in
education be
a significant correlation between the extent to which ChatGPT is used in
pedagogical practices and the concurrent improvement of students’ managed?
technical skills, highlighting the instrumental function of AI tools such Preparation Enhance readiness RQ1: What Rasul et al.
as ChatGPT in improving students’ technical skills. However, ChatGPT’s and and adaptability of strategies can (2023); Geerling
function in enhancing soft skills was revealed to be complex. Although it Adaptation educational educational et al. (2023);
for AI institutions to AI institutions adopt Rusandi et al.
contributes to developing specific soft skills, such as digital competency, Integration technologies and to effectively (2023);Shoufan
self-motivated learning, and problem-solving, the impact appears to develop skills of integrate AI (2023)
plateau and even diminish after a certain point. This is due to the lim­ faculty and students technologies?
itations of artificial intelligence in simulating human interactions, which to handle these tools RQ2: What skills
do faculty and
are crucial for the holistic development of soft skills in students.
students need to
ChatGPT offers significant value in transforming higher education stu­ effectively handle
dents’ learning experiences and outcomes. However, it should not be AI tools?
considered a replacement for human-led education but rather a valuable RQ3: How can the
supplement. Achieving a balance between AI and human-led pedagogies adaptability of
institutions to AI
will provide students with a well-rounded educational experience, technologies be
nurturing hard and social skills. enhanced?
This study’s methodological rigor is evident in its multifaceted (continued on next page)
approach, which employs diverse and complementary methodologies to

S. Kumar et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 201 (2024) 123258

Table 9 (continued ) Declaration of competing interest

Theme Future Direction Research Citation(s)
Questions (RQs) The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The Update educational RQ1: What Perkins (2023);
Intersection policies to consider changes need to be Skavronskaya Data availability
of AI and AI tools and craft made in et al. (2023);
Educational guidelines for their educational Rudolph et al. Data will be made available on request.
Policy legitimate use in policies to (2023)
education accommodate AI
RQ2: How can Acknowledgement
guidelines be
crafted for the The authors convey their deepest and most sincere appreciation to
legitimate use of the editor and the anonymous reviewers for their constructive and
AI in education?
Industry Understanding the RQ1: What is the Chatterjee and
thoughtful feedback.
Perspective industry’s industry’s Dethlefs (2023);
on AI in expectations and perspective on Lim et al. (2023)
Education recommendations for how educators Source of funding
the integration of AI should integrate
into education AI into their
No funding was received for the review.
AI and Research on the RQ1: How can AI Bearman and References
Inclusivity potential of AI in contribute to Ajjawi (2023);
in Education promoting inclusivity creating more Rasul et al. Abd-Alrazaq, A., AlSaad, R., Aziz, S., Ahmed, A., Denecke, K., Househ, M., , et al.
in education inclusive (2023); Howell Sheikh, J., 2023. Wearable artificial intelligence for anxiety and depression: scoping
educational and Potgieter review. J. Med. Internet Res. 25, e42672
environments? (2023) Alnaqbi, N.M., Fouda, W., 2023. Exploring the role of ChatGPT and social media in
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special needs Bandara, W., Furtmueller, E., Gorbacheva, E., Miskon, S., Beekhuyzen, J., 2015.
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support. Commun. Assoc. Inf. Syst. 37 (1), 8.
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which increases the depth of understanding and validates the findings, Fischer, F., 2023. Using natural language processing to support peer-feedback in the
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