The Impact of Duolingo As Language Learning Tool On English Proficiency of Students Group 4 1

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The Impact of Duolingo as Language Learning Tool on English

Proficiency of Students

A Quantitative Research
Presented to the Faculty, College of Education
Eduardo L. Joson Memorial College

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Secondary Education
(Major in English)

Prepared by:
Gamit, Jedidiah
Hinayop, Jiellyka Mae C.
Caning, Marife
Edades, Elyza Magdaline B.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1...................................................................................................................................................2
THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND........................................................................................................2
Theoretical Framework...............................................................................................................5
Conceptual Framework.................................................................................................................6
Statement of the Problem........................................................................................................7
Significance of the Study......................................................................................................8
Scope and Delimitation.............................................................................................................9
Definition of Terms..................................................................................................................10
CHAPTER II.................................................................................................................................................12
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE.............................................................................................................12
Language Proficiency Level in Terms of Vocabulary and Grammar Before
and After the Exposure to Duolingo..............................................................................12
Deficiencies of Duolingo......................................................................................................15
Mobile Language Application Teaching..........................................................................16
Synthesis of the Study...........................................................................................................17
Chapter 3...................................................................................................................................................21
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................................................21
Research Design...........................................................................................................................21
Research Locale...........................................................................................................................21
Respondents of the Study......................................................................................................22
Data Gathering Instrument....................................................................................................22
Data Gathering Procedure......................................................................................................22
Data Analysis................................................................................................................................25

Chapter 1


English has been a significant language to learn in the

Philippines for many years for it is considered as an official

language of the Philippines based on the 1987 Constitution

Section 7 of Article XIV. According to (Cabigon, 2015),

Philippines is regarded as one of the largest English-speaking

nations in the world. However, the Philippines' rating fell from

14th in 2018 to 20th in 2019, according to the EF English

Proficiency index (an annual ranking by their level of English),

and then fell to 27th in 2020. Despite moving up to position 18

in 2021, the Philippines is still a long way from its position of

13 in 2016. Furthermore, according to San Juan (2019), Filipinos

scored a mean of 7.18 for listening, writing, speaking, and

reading, a very low number based on international standards.

In the recent result of research conducted by the

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2018,

the Philippines ranked the lowest in reading comprehension with a

score of 340. As reading comprehension is one of the indicators

of English language learning for it requires the knowledge of

vocabulary (Qunayeer, 2021), the result of the research conducted

by PISA implies that the proficiency level of Filipino learners

in English language is somehow decreasing. To intervene, the

Department of Education launched the National Reading Program

which promotes literacy development from Key Stages 1 to 3. To

conform to the objectives of the National Reading Program, policy

makers, heads, and teachers may provide various authentic

strategies and methodology that may help in improving the reading

comprehension of the learners.

To improve the proficiency level of Filipino learners

in English, teachers may focus on developing the grammar and

vocabulary for they both constitute fundamental areas in language

instruction (Cuesta, 2020). In fact, vocabulary knowledge is

widely considered as the building block of language learning

since students´ success usually depends on the amount of

vocabulary they can use in communication (Milton, 2009, as cited

by Charfi & Bouaddi, 2023).

Considering the importance that both grammar and

vocabulary have in ESL learning, Cuesta (2020) mentioned that the

use of digital games is effective in contextualizing grammar and

making it easier for students to learn vocabulary. According to

Redjeki and Muhajir (2021), gamification is the process of

integrating gameplay into educational and pedagogical settings

(such as classrooms and textbooks). The use of this innovative

tactic has been considered as having potential for overcoming

challenges associated with language instruction and acquisition.

Also, gamification enhances the teaching and learning process of

a language and it empowers students with motivational skills,

which is a fundamental aspect of ESL learning (Krishnan, Norman,

& Yunus, 2021).

A digital game or web-based application for learning

language, specifically grammar and vocabulary, has been created.

Users can download and install this application on their

smartphones. This application is called Duolingo, and it is

available as an open language learning application on the Play

Store. The gamified language learning program Duolingo is used by

more than 300 million people all around the world (Shortt,, 2021). This well-known educational platform gives away

free classes in a variety of languages on the internet and

through several mobile applications (Jiang et. al., 2021: 974).

Duolingo is a popular and widely used language-learning

platform and mobile application. It provides a gamified and

interactive approach to language education, allowing users to

learn and practice a variety of languages, including but not

limited to English, Filipino, Japanese, and many others. Duolingo

offers a range of lessons, exercises, and quizzes to help users

develop their language skills in reading, writing, listening, and

speaking. It is accessible on various devices, making it a

convenient tool for self-paced language learning and is known for

its user-friendly interface and engaging approach to language


Considering that Duolingo is one of the effective media in

teaching-learning vocabulary (Ajisoko, 2020), the researchers

would like to investigate the impact of Duolingo as language

learning tool on language proficiency of students. Furthermore,

the primary objective of this study is to improve the English

proficiency level of Grade 7 learners by devising an action plan

on the use of Duolingo. This type of research can be useful for

educators and linguists interested in effective teaching

strategies and language acquisition results.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the Input Hypothesis of Krashen as

cited by Liu (2015). In this Hypothesis, Krashen (1985) claims

that “comprehensible input” can lead to acquisition (Liu, 2015).

Krashen's Input Hypothesis posits that language acquisition

occurs when learners are exposed to language input that is

slightly above their current proficiency level. In the context of

Duolingo, this theory suggests that the effectiveness of the

platform may be influenced by the appropriateness and quality of

the language input provided.

Research Paradigm

Level of Language Proficiency

Before Exposure
The Input
a. Vocabulary Hypothesis
b. Grammar (Krashen)
Krashen called
this level of
Integration of Duolingo App in input "i+1",
Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary where "i" is the
Level of Language Proficiency and "+1" is the
After Exposure next stage of
a. Vocabulary acquisition.
b. Grammar

The Impact of Duolingo as Language

Learning Tool on Language Proficiency of

Action Plan on the Use of Duolingo in

Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary

Improved English Proficiency Level of

Grade 7 Learners

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

The conceptual framework of the study, shown in Figure 1, focuses

on the improvement of English Proficiency Level of Grade 7

learners using Duolingo Application guided the Input Hypothesis

by Stephen Krashen. In this study, the researchers would like to

investigate on the impact of Duolingo as a language learning tool

in English language instruction which will be the basis for the

construction of action plan on the use of Duolingo in Teaching

Grammar and Vocabulary.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the impact of Duolingo as

language learning tool on vocabulary and grammar of grade 7 ICT

students of Talabutab Norte National High School. Furthermore, it

seeks to answer the following questions:

1. How may the level of language proficiency before their

exposure to Duolingo be described in terms of:

1.1. vocabulary; and

1.2. grammar?

2. How may the level of language proficiency after their

exposure to Duolingo be described in terms of:

2.1. vocabulary; and

2.2. grammar?

3. Is there a significant difference between language

proficiency level of the students before and after their

exposure to Duolingo?

4. What Action Plan maybe suggested to teachers in using

Duolingo as a language teaching and learning tool in

teaching grammar and vocabulary based on the findings of the



1. There is no significant difference between language

proficiency level of the students before and after their

exposure to Duolingo.

Significance of the Study

This study is an embodiment of the profound desire to

determine the impact of Duolingo as Language Learning Tool on

Language Proficiency of Students hopefully anticipates the

following benefits to the following:

Teachers. By developing an Action Plan like workshops and

training sessions, teachers can gain a better understanding of

how to integrate technology like Duolingo into their teaching

methods, making language education more engaging and effective.

Learners. By developing recommendations for learners on how to

use Duolingo effectively, learners can make informed choices

about their language learning strategies. They can optimize their

use of the platform, set realistic expectations, and monitor

their progress more effectively.

Researchers. The primary significance of this study lies in its

contribution to the body of research within the field of language

education and technology-mediated learning. Researchers involved

in this study will gain experience in designing, conducting, and

analyzing research in a highly relevant and evolving area. They

will develop valuable research skills, methodological expertise,

and a deeper understanding of the complexities of assessing the

impact of technology on language proficiency. Additionally, the

study may lead to new research questions and avenues, encouraging

continued exploration of Duolingo's role in language education.

Researchers can publish their findings, thereby contributing to

the broader academic community and informing educators,

policymakers, and language learners about the potential of

Duolingo as a language learning tool.

Future Researchers. This study can inspire future researchers to

explore the impact of technology in education, particularly in

the context of language learning. It can serve as a foundation

for more extensive research and studies that investigate the

long-term effects, optimization strategies, and evolving role of

language learning tools like Duolingo.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to determine the impact of Duolingo on the

language proficiency, in terms of grammar and vocabulary, of 24

Grade 7 ICT learners during the academic year 2023-2024 at

Talabutab Norte National High School in General Natividad. The

primary focus is to determine how the utilization of Duolingo

affects the English language proficiency of these students to

develop an action plan for teachers, focusing on the integration

of technology, specifically Duolingo, into language teaching

practices. The study will be conducted through an experimental

research design involving the administration of a pre-test before

the introduction of Duolingo and a post-test after a designated

period of using the language learning tool. This study will be

conducted in February 2024.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined according to how they are

going to be used in this research for clarity and better

understanding of this study:

Duolingo. Duolingo is one of the effective media in teaching-

learning vocabulary (Ajisoko, 2020). It provides a gamified and

interactive approach to language education, allowing users to

learn and practice various languages through a range of lessons,

exercises, and quizzes.

Vocabulary. Vocabulary knowledge is frequently considered as the

building block of learning a language as students' ability to

communicate effectively is often based on how much vocabulary

they know. Furthermore, developing one's vocabulary is essential

to become proficient in speaking, writing, listening, and reading

(Cuesta, 2020).

Grammar. Grammar has been considered a key area of language

instruction which refers to the types of words and word groups

that build sentences in any language (Cuesta, 2020).

Gamification. Gamification is a learning technique that transfers

game mechanics to the educational field (Cuesta, 2020). It is the

process of integrating gameplay into educational and pedagogical

settings, such as classrooms and textbooks ( Redjeki and Muhajir,



This chapter reviews pertinent literature and studies that

the researcher has incorporated to underscore the significance of

the current study. Additionally, it provides a synthesized

overview of the existing body of knowledge to enhance

understanding and facilitate a more comprehensive grasp of the


Language Proficiency Level in Terms of Vocabulary and

Grammar Before and After the Exposure to Duolingo

In 2020, a study conducted by Ajisoko investigated the

effectiveness of Duolingo in improving English vocabulary

learning among Borneo University of Tarakan students. The study

used tests and questionnaires as instruments and had 10 sample

students use Duolingo regularly for 30 days. The study found that

the students' vocabulary abilities significantly improved and

recommended the use of application media, like Duolingo, to

enhance other English language skills.

Likewise, Jaelani & Sutari (2020) conducted a study to

investigate how students perceive learning vocabulary using

Duolingo. The qualitative research used questionnaires and

interviews to gather data from a group of 30 junior high school

students. The findings showed that the students had a positive

attitude towards using Duolingo as a tool for vocabulary

learning. Additionally, the study revealed that Duolingo had a

positive impact on the students' learning experience,

particularly in improving their English vocabulary. They found

the material easier to comprehend and felt more engaged and

motivated to learn.

Furthermore, a study conducted by Munday (2016), the

effectiveness of combining traditional teaching methods with

Duolingo for university courses at beginner and intermediate

levels was investigated. Feedback from 46 beginner level and 16

intermediate level participants who used Duolingo indicated that

it was more enjoyable and beneficial for those at the novice

level. A higher percentage of beginner level participants agreed

that Duolingo was advantageous compared to intermediate level


Moving on to another study, Rachels et al. (2017) examined

the impact of the gamification app Duolingo on the Spanish

language skills of 164 native English-speaking students in grades

3 and 4. Using a pretest - posttest design, the study found no

significant difference between the experimental and control

groups (with a value of 0.60, higher than 0.05), but there was a

noticeable improvement in scores for both groups. The mean score

for the control group increased from 11.78 to 20.94, while the

experimental group increased from 11.78 to 21.47, suggesting that

Duolingo can be an effective tool for language learners.

On the other hand, Guaqueta et al in 2018 examined the impact

of language learning apps, such as Duolingo and Kahoot, on

vocabulary building among 10th graders in an EFL environment. The

results showed that the use of these apps had a positive effect

on vocabulary building, with the group test score increasing from

36.7 before the treatment to 73.45 after the treatment. The

survey conducted after the treatment indicated that students

found technology to be a helpful and enjoyable tool that enhanced

the learning experience.

Moreover, De Castro and his team in 2016 revealed that the

Duolingo app can aid in the improvement of vocabulary,

pronunciation, and grammar skills in language learners. The app

also motivated students to practice their foreign language skills

regularly. The focus of the research was to assess the

effectiveness of Duolingo in teaching English and enhancing

students' vocabulary, while also gauging their perception of the

app. The research was a pre-experimental study conducted on a

single class, which involved five sessions of using Duolingo.

Data was collected through pre- and post-tests as well as a

questionnaire. Based on the quantitative data collected, the

students' scores for each indicator significantly increased. The

questionnaire also revealed that students had a positive attitude

towards the implementation of Duolingo in teaching English.

Niño conducted a survey in 2015 to examine the impact of

mobile language learning apps on students' vocabulary. The study

focused on evaluating the effectiveness of Duolingo in enhancing

English language skills and vocabulary mastery among students.

The research methodology involved pre-experimental research,

where one class was selected, and Duolingo was used in five

sessions. The data collection techniques included pre and post-

treatment tests and a questionnaire. The results of the study

showed that most students reported an improvement in their

vocabulary scores after using Duolingo. The study concluded that

Duolingo had a positive effect on students' mastery of

vocabulary, and the students found the app helpful, motivating,

and easy to use.

Deficiencies of Duolingo

In contrast, Oreški, Mikulan, and Legac (2018) conducted a

study on language learning applications, revealing limitations

identified by students. The research, presented at the Ireland

International Conference on Education (IICE-2018 Proceedings),

highlighted concerns about the excessive use of drills and

repetitions. While some students acknowledged the benefits of

repetitions for mastery, a significant number found them

contributing to monotony and boredom, especially when applied to

easy words. Another drawback highlighted by students was an

overemphasis on literal translation within these applications.

The study indicated that students favored applications with

superior design, clearer explanations of word meanings and

grammar usage, and a more engaging approach to language learning.

Notably, Duolingo received more positive feedback compared to

other language platform in terms of efficiency in acquiring

grammar rules, correct pronunciation, and vocabulary items.

According to survey findings of Aranda (2020), the majority of

respondents were negative about the app's impact on their foreign

language acquisition and motivation. Individual evaluations of

language skills, including vocabulary and grammatical knowledge,

listening, writing, reading, and speaking, were examined in the

survey. In general, participants claimed that the app had little

or no impact on their language proficiency. Nonetheless, there

was a significant beneficial effect on vocabulary learning,

supporting Garca-Botero's (2019) claim that the Duolingo method

largely stresses vocabulary development. The evaluation of

learner motivation showed overwhelmingly negative findings, with

only one of the 12 tested game elements ("levels") earning a good


Mobile Language Application Teaching

The study of Godwin-Jones (2014) suggested that technology can

provide interactive grammar exercises that give immediate

feedback, enabling learners to understand and correct their

mistakes in real-time. The use of mobile-assisted language

learning (MALL) for vocabulary and grammar learning was discussed

by Burton (2015). MALL can offer personalized and contextualized

learning experiences that improve vocabulary and grammar

proficiency. A blended learning strategy was put forth by Bower

and Brush (2016), which combines in-class time for grammar

instruction and conversation practice with online resources for

homework and vocabulary practice. According to their research,

this strategy can aid students in concentrating more effectively

on grammar instruction and conversing more effectively. According

to Liaw and English's study (2019), social media and online

discussion forums can be used as a platform for learners to

practice and discuss grammar and vocabulary. Their competence in

both fields can be improved by doing this. Therefore, technology,

such as mobile apps, online tools, adaptive learning technology,

and online discussion forums, can offer flexible, interesting,

and personalized learning experiences that can improve vocabulary

and grammar proficiency.

Synthesis of the Study

The reviewed literature had positive and negative impact to

the students. For instance, in the study of Ajisoko's (2020)

investigation with Borneo University of Tarakan students

highlights significant enhancements in English vocabulary after

consistent Duolingo use, showcasing a tangible benefit for

students aiming to improve their language proficiency. Likewise,

Jaelani & Sutari's (2020) study among junior high school students

emphasizes positive attitudes and improved comprehension,

showcasing how Duolingo positively influences students' learning

experiences, fostering a conducive environment for vocabulary


Additionally, Munday's (2016) exploration of combining

Duolingo with traditional teaching methods demonstrates the

enjoyment and benefits, especially for novice learners,

suggesting that incorporating Duolingo into educational practices

can enhance the learning experience for beginners. Also, Rachels

et al.'s (2017) research on Spanish language skills suggests

Duolingo's potential as an impactful language learning tool,

offering a valuable resource for students seeking to improve

their proficiency in a foreign language.

Guaqueta et al.'s (2018) study with 10th graders

demonstrates positive effects on vocabulary building,

underscoring the practical benefits for students using Duolingo

to enhance their language skills. De Castro and team's (2016)

research indicate Duolingo's contribution to vocabulary,

pronunciation, and grammar skills, motivating regular practice

and providing students with a tool for consistent improvement.

Niño's survey (2015) supports the positive trend, indicating

improved vocabulary scores and high student satisfaction,

illustrating the positive influence of Duolingo on student


Godwin-Jones (2014), Burton (2015), Bower and Brush (2016),

and Liaw and English (2019) contribute by emphasizing

technology's role in offering flexible, personalized, and

interactive learning experiences. These perspectives highlight

the broader implications of incorporating technology, such as

Duolingo, into educational settings, providing students with

adaptable and engaging tools for language acquisition.

These studies suggest that the reviews collectively

influenced the understanding of Duolingo's effectiveness in

enhancing language proficiency, providing tangible benefits to

students across diverse educational settings and levels.

Moreover, Duolingo has proven to be an effective and engaging

tool for language learning, offering students an enjoyable

experience while positively impacting their vocabulary and

grammar skills. The influence of this study extends to promoting

the integration of technology, like Duolingo, as a valuable

resource in language education, offering students enjoyable and

interactive learning experiences that boost their motivation in


However, there are studies proved that duolingo had negative

impact, for instance in language learning applications conducted

by Oreški et al. (2018) the research, presented at the Ireland

International Conference on Education (IICE-2018 Proceedings),

highlighted concerns about the excessive use of drills and

repetitions. A significant number found them contributing to

monotony and boredom, especially when applied to easy words.

Alson, the study conducted by Aranda (2020) found that while

Duolingo had a significant beneficial effect on vocabulary

learning, it had little or no impact on language proficiency. The

learners also showed overwhelmingly negative findings on their

motivation to learn, with only one tested game element earning a

good rating.

The studies reviewed in this chapter were conducted in

various settings, including university courses, junior high

schools, and EFL environments. It also has a different style of

conducting the research; the reviewed research was qualitative

and pre-experimental, whereas our study was quasi-experimental.

Most of the reviewed studies only focused on the students and not

on the teachers’ strategies for integrating Duolingo in the

classroom. To make this study unique, it will focus on how

Duolingo will be integrated in the classroom. Duolingo will be

integrated as a supplementary activity in the classroom.

This study will help determine the impact of Duolingo on the

vocabulary and grammar skills of the students. As there are only

a few studies in the Philippines that study the impact of

Duolingo as a language learning tool, this study will be a great

help to students and teachers.

Chapter 3

This chapter presents all the methodologies and designs to be

used in the conduct of the study. It will include the population,

sample, and sampling designs to be employed.

Research Design

The quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test

method will be used in this study. Quasi-experimental research

designs, like experimental designs, test causal hypotheses

(White, H., & S. Sabarwal, 2014). The pretest and post-test

method determine the effectiveness of the integration of Duolingo

in classroom by gathering the results of the posttest of

respondents that the researchers have experimented with.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted at Talabutab Norte National

High School (TNNHS) located in Talabutab Norte, General Mamerto

Natividad, Nueva Ecija. The specific school is selected for their

students have the access in mobile phones and internet. Hence,

their teacher would allow them to use the Duolingo application.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study will be the grade 7 regular

students at the specific school. Their adviser-teacher will be

their facilitator and will also be the cooperating teacher of the


The 24 grade 7 regular student-respondents will be selected

for they are the only grade 7 students who are enrolled in the


Data Gathering Instrument

This study will use the following instruments in the

gathering of data.

Pretest. This will be used to measure the students’ grammar

and vocabulary level before the intervention of Duolingo by

gathering its results.

Post-test. This will be used to measure the students’

grammar and vocabulary level after the intervention of Duolingo

by gathering its results.

Data Gathering Procedure

First, the researchers will seek permission to the principal

of the school and to the teacher of respondents regarding the

conduct of the study. Once permission is sought, the researcher

will communicate with the teacher of the respondents regarding

the goals of the study. Permission to have the teacher’s

cooperation in helping the researchers to conduct the study by

allowing his students to use the Duolingo continuously in the

given date.

Once permissions are given, the following will be observed:

Date of Procedure Materials Duration


Feb. 5-9,  Distribution of pre-  Test paper 150

2024 (Mon- test. and pen mins.

Fri)  Introduction/  Duolingo

Demonstration of app on

Duolingo. smart phone

 Utilization of


 Unit: 1-2.

 Level: Advanced


Feb. 12-16,  Utilization of  Duolingo 150

2024 (Mon- Duolingo. app on mins.

Fri)  Unit: 3-4. smart phone

 Level: Advanced


Feb. 19-23,  Utilization of  Duolingo 150

2024 (Mon- Duolingo. app on mins.

Fri)  Unit: 5-6. smart phone

 Level: Advanced


Feb. 26 to  Utilization of  Duolingo 150

Mar. 1, 2024 Duolingo. app on mins.

(Mon-Fri)  Unit: 7-8. smart phone

 Level: Advanced  Test paper

beginner and pen

 Distribution of post


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
No. of No. of No. of No. of
Days Days Days Days
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
of Pre-test

of Post test

of Duolingo

n of

Figure 2. Gantt Chart

Data Analysis

The following tools will be used in the analysis of data:

1. To describe the impact of Duolingo on the English

proficiency of students, pre-test and post test scores will

be used.

2. To identify the impact of Duolingo in the vocabulary and

grammar skill of the respondents, rating scale will be used

from Simanjutak, M.K., Napitupulu, F.D.,& Siahaan, S.T.,


Score Classification

24-25 Excellent

22-23 Very Good

20-21 Good

17-19 Fairly Good

15-16 Fairly

10-14 Poor

0-9 Very Poor

Figure 3. Classification of Scores

3. T-test will be used to test the results of the mean

difference in scores between before and after utilization of

Duolingo, whether there is a significant difference or not.

The researchers want to compare the tests’ results of the

post-test and pretest of the students.

4. The findings of the study will be used to develop an action

plan that facilitates grade 7 ICT students in acquiring

language proficiency, specifically in vocabulary and



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Vocabulary Learning. Borneo University of Tarakan,

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San Juan, R., (2019). “Philippines has the lowest reading

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