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Mukabbir Gujrat “Pharm-D”

Course Break-Up/Outline (Session 2023-27)

Course Information
Department Pharm-D Campus Mukabbir-Gujrat
Course Title Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I Course Code Paper-1
(Organic Chemistry)
Credit Hours 3+1 Course Level 1st Year

Outline 14 11 2023 Outline Revised d m y

Instructor Information
Name Saleha Shabbir Office Pharmacy Block
Email [email protected] Contact No. 0344-8239439

Course Details
1: Course Description
This course provides a systemic study of theories, and techniques of organic Chemistry. Topics
include nomenclature, structure, properties, reactions, and mechanisms of organic componds; further
topics include stereochemistry, free radicals, Heterocyclic compounds.
2: Course Objectives
Predict and explain patterns in shape, structure, bonding, hybridization, formal charge, stability,
acidity, basicity, solubility, and reactivity for hydrocarbons, halocarbons, alkenes, dienes, and
arenes, by understanding and applying concepts of organic chemical structure and bonding and
3: Course Learning Outcomes
In organic chemistry, we will learn about the reactions, Chemists use to synthesize crazy carbon
based structures, as well as the analytical methods to characterize them. We will also think
about how those reactions are occurring on a molecular level with reaction mechanisms.
4: Course Pre-requisite/s
F.Sc Pre-medical or B.Sc
5: Recommended Textbooks and Journals
Organic Chemistry by M.Younus,
Pearson Organic Chemistry,
A text book of Organic Chemistry by Ghulam Rasool Chaudhary,
Textbook of Organic Chemistry by S. CHAND,
Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
6: Course Readings
Library Resources
7: Course Evaluation
Criteria 1st term 2nd term 3rd term Post terms
1. Assignments 0 0 0 -
2. Quizzes - - - -
3. Project presentation - - - -
4. Term Examinations 1 1 - -
5. Sendup Exam - - - 01
6. Final Exam - - - -

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Mukabbir Gujrat “Pharm-D”
Course Break-Up/Outline (Session 2023-27)

8: Plagiarism Policy
Be very careful to avoid plagiarism
Material submitted for assessment in connection with coursework assignment must represent the
student's own efforts, and be his / her work (except group work). Brief quotations from the published
or unpublished work of another person may be used, but must always be attributed. quotations, or
close paraphrasing or copying from the work of another person (including another student) without
acknowledgement both at the relevant point in the text, and in any bibliography, constitutes
plagiarism, which is an assessment offence.
9: Class Attendance and Missed Exam Policy
Students are required to attend all classes in the course. Students who miss classes are far likely to
meet the requirements of the course. A student who misses more than 5 classes will get zero in class
participation. If a student does not attend minimum of 75% of total classes, he/she will not be
permitted to take final examination in the course.
Students are advised not to miss any exam under any circumstances. A makeup exam will be
allowed only under very special circumstances and that too only after the approval of the
Chairperson/ HOD of the department.

Academic Plan

Month Date Unit/ Topic/ Sub-topic

November, Week 1 Orientation
2023 (15-17 Nov) Title Introduction
Practical General Instructions for safe work in
Week 2 Basic Concepts: Introduction to organic chemistry
(20-24 Nov) Chemical bonding
Concept of Hybridization
Practical Scheme of Identification
25 Nov Welcome Party
Week 3 Conjugation
(27-01 Dec) Resonance\Mesomerism
Practical#01 Analysis of Urea
December, Week 4 Aromaticity
20223 (04-08 Dec) Practical#02 Analysis of Thiourea
Inductive Effect
Electrometric Effect
09 Dec Mukabbir Fiesta
Week 5 Hydrogen Bonding + Nomenclature
(11-15 Dec) Practical#03 Detection of Benzamide
Steric Effect
Effect of structure on reactivity of compounds
18 Dec Industrial Tour
Week 6 Tautomerism of carbonyl compounds

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Mukabbir Gujrat “Pharm-D”
Course Break-Up/Outline (Session 2023-27)
(18-22 Dec) Practical#04 Analysis of Acetanilide
Steriochemistry, Sterioisomerism
25 Dec 23- 05 Jan 24 Winter vacation
Week 7 Optical isomerism
January, (08-12 Jan) Practical#05 Analysis of Adipic Acid
2024 Optical isomerism
Molecules with more than one chiral center
Week 8 Geometrical Isomerism
(15-19 Jan) Resolution of racemic Mixture
Conformational Analysis + Terms
Practical#06 Analysis of Resorcinol
20 Jan BBQ Night/ Drama Night
Week 9 General Methods of Alkanes/Alkenes/Alkynes
(22-26 Jan) preparation,
identification test and
applications of the
following classes and
their analogues:

February, Practical#07 Analysis of Aspirin

2024 Week 10 Aromatic Compounds
(29 Jan-02 Alkyl Halide
Feb) Alcohols
Practical#08 Analysis of Salicylic Acid
Week 11 5th Feb Kashmir Day
(05-09 Feb) Phenols
Week 12 Ketones
(12-16 Feb) Aldehydes
04-06 March
Acids +Esters
Practical#9 Analysis of Glucose
19Feb- 01 Mar Sessional/ Term I
04-06 March Sports festival
Week 13 Amides & derivatives
(11-15 Mar) Practical#10 Analysis of Succinic Acid
Neucleophilic, Neucleophilic, Electrophilic substitution reaction
Electrophilic in Aliphatic and aromatic System
substitution reaction in
Aliphatic and aromatic

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Mukabbir Gujrat “Pharm-D”
Course Break-Up/Outline (Session 2023-27)
Week 14 Neucleophilic, Electrophilic substitution reaction
(18-22 Mar) in Aliphatic and aromatic System

March, Neucleophilic, Electrophilic substitution reaction

2024 in Aliphatic and aromatic System
Practical#11 Analysis of Malic Acid
23rd March Pakistan Day
Week 15 Orientation in Orientation in electrophilic substitution reactions
(25-29 Mar) electrophilic on benzene ring
substitution reactions
on benzene ring:
Orientation in electrophilic substitution reactions
on benzene ring
Practical#12 Analysis of Citric Acid
Week 16 Heterocyclic Preparation and properties of medicinally
(01-05 Apr) Chemistry important Heterocyclic Compounds:Pyrol
Practical#13 Analysis of Tartaric Acid
10-12 April Eid ul Fitr Holidays

April, Pyrimidine
2024 Pyrazine
Week 18 Practical#14 Analysis of Phthalic Acid
(15-19 Apr) Preparation and properties of Heterocyclic
Compounds in which benzo-ring is fused with
five and six membered ring containing one hetero
atom: Indole
Quinoline + Isoquinoline
Practical#15 Analysis of Oxalic Acid
Week 19 Reaction Mechanism: Arndt Eistert Reaction
(22-26 Apr) Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation + Diel Alder reaction
Practical#16 Preparation of Aspirin
Grignard’s Reaction
Week 20 Metal Hydride Reactions
(29 Apr- 03 Wolf-kishner Reduction
01 May Labor Day
Practical#17 Preparation of Acetanilide
May, 2024 Week 21 Friedal Craft’s Reaction
(06-10 May) Perkin Reaction
Cannizzaro’s Reaction + Mannich
Practical#18 Preparation of Iodoform
Week 22 Reactive intermediate Carbocations
(13-17 May) and free radicals

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Mukabbir Gujrat “Pharm-D”
Course Break-Up/Outline (Session 2023-27)
Practical#19 Preparation of Benzoic Acid from Benzamide
Week 23 Nitrenes
(20-24 May) Benzynes
Types of reactions + Free Radicals
Practical#20 Preparation of Methyl Salicylate
June, 2024 27 May-07 June Sessional/Term II Exam
17-19 June Eid ul Azha Holidays
10-30 June Summer Vacation
July, 2024 Week 24 Carbonium Ion Pinacol-Pinacolone
(01-05 July) Rearrangement
Wagner Meerwein
Practical#21 Preparation of 3-nitro-phthalic Acid
Week 25 Hofmann
(15-19 July) 16-17 July Ashura Holidays
Backman Rearrangement
Week 26 Carbanions Aldol Condensation
(22-26 July) rearrangements
Reaction Mechanisms
Favorskii rearrangement
Week 27 Witting rearangement
29-31 July Rearragements
August, 01-16 Aug Sendup Exams
2024 14 Aug Independence Day
September 16th Sep Eid Milad un Nabi
, 2024

Signature Signature
Course Coordinator Head of Department

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