Thesis On Autocratic Leadership Style

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Struggling with writing a thesis on autocratic leadership style? You're not alone.

Crafting a thesis on
this complex topic can be immensely challenging, requiring in-depth research, critical analysis, and
clear articulation of ideas. The intricacies of autocratic leadership demand meticulous attention to
detail and a nuanced understanding of its implications.

From exploring the historical contexts to dissecting the psychological underpinnings, delving into
autocratic leadership style requires a comprehensive approach. You'll need to sift through a myriad of
scholarly articles, empirical studies, and theoretical frameworks to construct a well-rounded thesis
that adds value to the discourse.

Moreover, formulating a coherent argument amidst the divergent perspectives on autocratic

leadership can be daunting. Balancing contrasting viewpoints while maintaining academic rigor
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He has to handle the personal problems of his subordinates with great care and attention. What are
the Pros and Cons of Autocratic Leadership. And he know that what kind of style should be used on
what time. References Huber, D. (2006). Leadership and nursing care management. Georgia Jail
Association Captain Melinda Allen Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Department Sgt. Employees who
believe their work will be rewarded are more likely to work harder than employees who do not see
this connection. When the happy atmosphere is lost, people can't work properly and they pretend to
obey the position out of compliance. In a crisis for instance where there needs a rapid response, the
application of this style ensures that there is no time lost on consultation between staff. However, it is
important to note that this type of leadership can be useful in certain situations. Pembahasan
mengenai kepemimpinan juga melihat proses hubungan antara pemimpin dan pengikut, serta
bagaimana situasi dapat mempengaruhi bagaimana seorang pemimpin bertindak. So, the autocratic
leader should ensure that he or she consistently enforces the rules. 3. Give Employees the Training
and Resources They Need Meeting the demands of an autocratic leader is often difficult. Self-
Confidence A leader must have confidence as it is required at every step. This style of leadership is
important where the leader wants a cooperative working environment rather than a competitive one.
This type of confidence and pressure reduces the risk of the leader remaining indecisive or ignoring
the need for a decision. Autocratic leadership is when the leader holds all the decision power and
rarely consults others. Finding your leadership style. Romans 12. Different Leaders for Different
Needs. Dictators are ultimately autocratic leaders who develop a God Complex where the leader
disregards society’s conventions and has an overinflated perception of personal ability and privilege.
Autocratic leadership and dictatorship tend to be used interchangeably. Walter Elias Disney was not
consistent with his leadership style. At times, management must utilize this type of leadership to
achieve important goals. Some of these include a communication breakdown, failure to develop
worker commitment, and failure to bring up worker morale. Participants will recognize how
leadership styles relate to other styles. Employees want to be recognized for the work they do. The
agent is withdrawn after the nurses have attained familiarity with the process. He is well-known for
expecting perfection from all those working on his films and is quite strict on following instructions.
Impact Of Autocratic Leadership Management Essay - UK Essays. Need inspiration? Check out
Affiliative leadership to learn more about praise and recognition. 5. Avoid Being a Micromanager
Trust is an important part of leadership, but it is also one of the things autocratic leaders tend to
struggle with. How can team members cope with autocratic leadership. Check if you are an
autocratic leader in our Lewin Leadership Styles Test, or consider getting my book Leadership
Styles Classics: Autocratic, Democratic and Laissez-Faire (Amazon). “It’s my way or the highway!”
Sound familiar. RajThakuri Leadership Sources of Power Leadership Sources of Power Holly Justice
Autocratic leadership style Autocratic leadership style theerthapk Type of leadership Type of
leadership Jhon Ricky Salosa Power and Politics Power and Politics Sheetal Narkar What's hot ( 20 )
Leadership styles Leadership styles What is leadership What is leadership Major Leadership Theories
Major Leadership Theories Effective leader.
It involves individual control over the group with very little input from other group members. In
times of crisis or conflict, autocratic leaders are more likely to take control. As with every leadership
approach, autocratic leadership does have a set of benefits and shortcomings as well. Autocratic
leaders can be effective if they pay attention to these key characteristics of a healthy workplace. By
following the direct instructions, they immediately go into “production”. 5. Strong target focus As
long as the autocratic leader knows the direction, you can expect targets to be clear and the focus on
achieving those targets to be very high. Carmen chose Winston for the job because she recognized his
appreciation for working with others. The leader will end up with highly frustrated workers and the
organization is less likely to succeed. I finally concluded that this was a time when you should
leverage people’s skills instead of repeatedly focusing on their flaws and embraced the situation.
Recommended reading For starters, I would like to recommend my book Leadership Styles Classics:
Autocratic, Democratic and Laissez-Faire (Amazon), which teaches you everything about these three
styles including how to use them properly. Distinguish between sales force leadership, management,
and supervision. Public criticism or dissent can result in legal problems, imprisonment, or perhaps
worse. Balancing this style with other approaches including democratic or transformational styles
can often lead to better group performance. It is the constant return to the autocratic leadership style
and having consistently autocratic behavior as described above that makes you an autocratic leader.
Parents apply this theory when they reward children for being good or discipline them for
misbehavior. While those who rely on this approach too heavily are often seen as bossy or dictator-
like, this level of control can have benefits and be useful in certain situations. Upload Read for free
FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is
Scribd. Familiarizing new team members with a role so that time isn’t wasted. Discourages unique
and creative ways of thinking and action. And this might make you feel that this style is quite
negative and demoralizing. Carmen works hard to identify what motivates each of her employees.
Leadership is an important function of management which helps. Fiedler’s contingency theory
suggests that individual and team success is not always a function of a particular leadership style
such as transformational leadership or shared leadership. An Advisor to the President of the United
States, for example, may have no authority to make decisions. I'm Russian and I came to United
States 4 years ago to pursue my acting career. What are the Differences Between Autocratic
Leadership and Dictatorship. This style will make people feel unequal and not invested in their work.
Anyway, for what it’s worth, here comes the advice. 1. Be Open to Opinions Employees want to feel
as though their opinions are valued. The style lacks collaborations as well as checks and balances.
Verywell Mind articles are reviewed by mental health professionals. She worked in the public and
private sector for many years, primarily as a management trainer.
The first and foremost advantage of this type of leadership style is that it helps the company in
making a quick decision as the decision is centralized with the leader. She comes across as a warm
and gentle soul that is friendly and kindhearted. Personality trait (originality, persistence, and
enthusiasm), social traits (tact, patience, and sympathy), and even physical characteristics (height and
weight) are examined to determine good leadership. Leadership Styles. Leaders can adopt different
leadership “STYLES”. Leadership accompanied by management sets a new direction. You can also
see certain highlighted traits or qualities adapted by leaders of all kinds. Like other leadership styles,
the autocratic style has both some benefits and some weaknesses. If several groups cannot find a
way to agree and conflicts keep surfacing, there is room for an autocratic leader to emerge. What Is
The Best Programming Language For The Mobile Application Development. Correlating ethics with
leadership, we find that ethics is all about. Some employees thrive when given detailed directions by
an autocratic leader. Stepping up to the plate and making fast decisions when it is required makes
me a leader because that is what a leader sometimes must do. Based more on verbal
communication.Based more on written communication. The universal approach assumes there is one
way to lead, regardless of the circumstances. A strong leader will be able to guide the not-so-strong
group members to the right direction. Only those with a lot of experience and a great deal of
confidence will be chosen. Autocratic leaders can be effective if they pay attention to these key
characteristics of a healthy workplace. The definition of autocratic leadership can be found in the
word “autocratic” which has Greek origins. So, why struggle to make autocratic leadership work
instead of spending time on developing yourself to use other leadership styles instead. However, as
task-oriented leaders spare little thought for the well-being of their teams, this approach can suffer
many of the flaws of autocratic leadership, with difficulties in motivating and retaining staff. So
briefly speaking, autocratic leadership emphasis showcasing self-power with a firm hand to control
the business affairs. Leadership sees and evaluates individuals as having. His style was often
considered abrasive, demeaning, inflexible, and at times even arrogant. There are plenty of other
ways of leading, refer to our main article on leadership styles. Group members have little or no input
into the decision. Terdapat enam mencatat keluar pengurusan jenis, yang, kita akan membincangkan
keberkesanan, execs, dan keburukan gaya pengurusan yang demokratik. You can download the paper
by clicking the button above. The Autocratic or Authoritarian Leader The Democratic or Participative
Leader The Laissez-faire or Delegative Leader. 2 Other Styles. The Charismatic Leader The Servant
Leader. Leaders tell what targets they want to achieve and how to achieve those goals, whether they
are the main goals or the minor targets. I know pretty well how this was perceived since I asked
many of them later on.
So, there can be times when implementing autocratic leadership or adapting some of its traits can
help an organization achieve. Napoleon Bonaparte is often mentioned as an example of an autocratic
leader. This leadership style can also be used well in cases where a great deal of pressure is involved.
What is a Leader?. Thank you for giving us this time “Wise men talk because they have something to
say; fools, because they have to say something.” Plato. Content is reviewed before publication and
upon substantial updates. Autocratic leadership characteristics essay - Women s Soccer Club. JSON
Vs. XML: SON and XML both are used for storing and carrying data on the web.XML was
originally developed as an independent data format, whereas JSON was developed specifically for
use in the web. PHP. The autocratic leader has to calibrate the fear of punishment and other types of
pressure properly. She has a PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and has taught at
several institutions. Group members can end up feeling that they have no input or say in how things
or done, and this can be particularly problematic when skilled and capable members of a team are
left feeling that their knowledge and contributions are undermined. So, the autocratic leader should
ensure that he or she consistently enforces the rules. 3. Give Employees the Training and Resources
They Need Meeting the demands of an autocratic leader is often difficult. While autocratic
leadership does have some potential pitfalls, leaders can learn to use elements of this style wisely.
Who will love to work with a person who does not know “What, how, and when” of anything. This
style encourages cohesion between members of the team. In those cases, retaining and continuing the
autocratic leadership can even be part of the goals of the organization. All these features exhibit the
golden rule of this leadership that it is either the leader’s way or the highway. Switch him or her out
to another person and the basic platform everything rests upon is at stake. 5. Complete lack of trust
The leader doesn’t trust in team members and that is detrimental for engagement, team identity,
accountability, and many other things. Conclusion Each leadership style is useful in when applied to
suitable situations. Advantages Of Autocratic Leadership Pdf Free Difference between autocratic
and democratic form of leadership Disadvantages of autocratic leadership style. Autocracy has come
from Greek roots and comprises “Auto” and “Kratos.” Auto means self, and Kratos means power. As
Mark Murphy also mentions in his article, citing a study by Kurt Lewin, 19 out of 20 prefer
democratic leadership rather than autocratic leadership. This especially applies in terms of crisis and
uncertainty when quick reactions to internal and external changes are required. Characteristics,
Strengths, and Weaknesses of Autocratic Leadership. Career FAQs markets a range of courses from
leading Australian tertiary education providers. By setting clear roles, assigning tasks, and
establishing deadlines, the group is more likely to finish the project on time and with everyone
providing equal contributions. If a low-skilled person with little experienced becomes an autocratic
leader, the outcome can be disastrous. No one can interfere or stop him from doing what he wants.
Every leadership has some pros and cons, which is true. Instant decisions during an emergency- If
there comes a situation when you need to act ASAP, then an autocratic leader can be the rescuer.
There is a certain lure with autocracy and its simplicity.
An autocratic manager who is unpopular might lead a highly productive team because of their direct
style (Schoel et al., 2011). Subordinates’ individual differences play a role in determining the
effectiveness of autocratic leadership. They may also insist on being present at the interview or at
the very least having a separate interview with each person short-listed. This can sometimes result in
resentment among group members. She knows that Sheila’s need to achieve will motivate her to
prepare a well-written report. I continued declaring how it should be and what they needed to do in
order to get moving in that direction. It worked. The team was much happier afterward and we all
continued in a positive direction after this. When her team is up against a deadline, she stays late.
Hopefully, this article will enlighten you about autocratic leadership and help you form an opinion
about it. The person has the ability to decide fast sensing the gravity of the matter, without
consulting others (time won’t permit that). The British Director Ridley Scott is a great example. One
of their primary goals is to stay in power, so they will make sure that people coming into the
organization will not present a threat to that objective. Autocratic leadership is essentially based on
the following: Central authority is strong and decisions are taken without asking others (essentially
the opposite of democratic leadership ) Followers are to a certain level motivated by fear and with
awards, threats, and punishment A strong, confident autocratic leader that is trusted by the followers
The autocratic leader doesn’t have to be a bad, evil, and rude person though, even if it sounds like it
when one reads the above bullets. Good Control Each and everyone knows; whom to contact for any
important issues. Most leaders in the aforementioned industries definitely benefit from getting input
and establishing empowerment from and within their teams. There often must be a high level of
control over processes in these industries so that the right output is consistently produced but again,
this does not require you to turn to autocratic leadership. Autocratic leadership is often most
effective when it is used for specific situations. I was never a full-on autocratic leader since I build
most of my leadership on listening and involving others, but I was much more autocratic than I
normally am. The leader makes the decisions and enforces their compliance. The other side of the
coin: leaders who are exposed to stress and challenges are more likely to lean towards being more
autocratic, a defensive behavior to retain control. List the characteristics of a good leader. Starter.
What makes a good leader?. (Use the pen tool to write your ideas in the box below). What each class
member brings to identifying the central problems in a case, analyzing them, and proposing solutions
is as important as the content of the case itself. Less confusion, less uncertainty, less sitting around
for inexperienced employees who are unsure of what to do. This is very important because fair
judgment and objectivity comes only then. The work environment does not remain friendly, and
team cohesiveness becomes less. This trait to be present in a leader is essential because he deals with
human beings and is in personal contact with them. The definition of autocratic leadership can be
found in the word “autocratic” which has Greek origins. If not held in check, it makes economic
growth very difficult. This paper seeks to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the Autocratic,
democratic and Laissez-faire styles of management. Some situations where autocratic leadership can
be used with acceptable results: When team members have little to no motivation or desire to achieve
results, an autocratic leader can assign clear responsibilities and push through for results. Every
leadership has some pros and cons, which is true. That individual has complete authority over all
aspects of the organization. On the other hand, you have some who prefer working under a force
with clear orders.

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