Ipc Questions

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Rajesh, a wealthy businessman, and his longtime friend, Sanjay, have been engaged

in a bitter dispute over a lucrative business deal. The disagreement escalated to the
point where Rajesh accused Sanjay of embezzling funds from their joint venture.
Despite attempts at reconciliation, tensions between the two continued to mount.
One evening, Rajesh organized a meeting at his mansion to discuss a potential
resolution to their conflict. Unbeknownst to Sanjay, Rajesh had hired a group of goons
to intimidate him into confessing to the alleged embezzlement. As the meeting
progressed, emotions flared, and the discussion turned into a heated argument.

In a fit of rage, one of the hired thugs, armed with a deadly weapon, lashed out and
struck Sanjay with fatal force, causing him severe head injuries. Despite immediate
medical attention, Sanjay succumbed to his injuries shortly after.


In a bustling city in India, two neighbors, Raj and Amit, have been embroiled in a
longstanding dispute over a property boundary. The tension between them has
escalated over time, fuelled by heated arguments and occasional altercations. One
fateful evening, their disagreement reaches a boiling point.

Raj, feeling increasingly agitated by Amit's encroachment on what he believes is his

property, confronts Amit outside their homes. Tempers flare, and a verbal altercation
quickly turns physical. In a fit of rage, Raj grabs a nearby blunt object and strikes Amit
on the head repeatedly, causing fatal injuries. Amit collapses unconscious on the
ground, and despite efforts to seek medical help, he succumbs to his injuries before
reaching the hospital.

On a sunny afternoon in the quaint town of Willowvale, a bustling farmer's market

was in full swing. Families strolled leisurely among the stalls, enjoying the sights and
sounds of the lively marketplace. Amidst the crowd, the acccused, operated a vintage
steam-powered carousel, a beloved attraction at the market.

The Incident:

As the carousel whirled with laughter and excitement, the defendant, distracted by
the joyous atmosphere, failed to notice a loose bolt on the ride's mechanism. Ignoring
maintenance protocols, the defendant neglected to secure the bolt, believing it to be a
minor issue. However, as the carousel spun faster, the loose bolt gave way, causing
the ride to malfunction.

Tragic Outcome:

In the chaos that ensued, several riders were thrown from their seats, sustaining
injuries as they collided with the ride's metal structure. Among the injured was a
young child, Sarah, who suffered a fractured arm and head trauma. Despite prompt
medical attention, Sarah's injuries left her hospitalized and in critical condition.

On a tranquil summer evening in the picturesque town of Willowdale, residents were

enjoying a community festival in the town square. The atmosphere was festive, with
music, food stalls, and laughter filling the air. Amidst the celebration, tragedy struck
when a series of events unfolded that would forever change the lives of those

The Incident:

As dusk descended and the festivities reached their peak, a hot air balloon ride was
offered to festival attendees as a thrilling attraction. The balloon, operated by the
accused, soared gracefully into the sky, carrying passengers on a breathtaking journey
above the town. However, what began as an exhilarating adventure soon turned into
a nightmare.

Tragic Outcome:

In a harrowing turn of events, the hot air balloon, piloted by the accused, encountered
unexpected turbulence due to inclement weather conditions. Despite warnings from
aviation authorities and experienced balloon operators to suspend flights during
adverse weather, the accused proceeded with the ride, disregarding the potential

As the balloon descended rapidly, panic ensued among the passengers. Efforts to
stabilize the balloon proved futile, and it crash-landed in a nearby field, resulting in
the tragic death of one of the passengers. The serene evening was shattered by the
sound of the impact, and the once joyous festival turned into a scene of chaos and

On the night intervening 31.08.2019 and 01.09.2019 (“P” strangulated his wife
“X” and caused her death at around 11:00 PM on the rooftop of the premises. On
01.09.2019, a case was registered against “P” under Section 302 IPC. “P” was tried
by the Court of Sessions. To prove its case, the prosecution examined 10 witnesses.

Main Characters

Deceased – X, Wife of Accused

Accused – P

Son of the deceased – C (7 years of age)

Date/Time of commission of offence – On 31.08.2019 at 11pm

Place – Rooftop of the premises

Issue: Whether P is liable for murder of his wife X under Section 302 of Indian Penal
Code (hereinafter referred as “IPC”)?
A' placed a bomb in a medical store and gave the people inside three minutes time to
get out before the bomb exploded. 'B' an arthritic patient, failed to escape and was
killed. 'A' is liable for:

A, a child below 7 years of age attacks B by a sword. Before A could cause death or
grievous hurt to B, B opened fire by a gun on the child A (below 7 years of age), A is
killed. B is prosecuted under Section 302 I.P.C for murder of A.

W, a woman intentionally put poison into the food of her husband H for causing the
death of H. H died sometimes afterwards from inflammation of the brain. During trial
the prosecution could adduce no evidence that the poison was even the secondary
cause of the death of H. Is W guilty of 'murder' or 'attempt to murder' of H under
section 302 or under section 307?

A intending to murder B buys a gun and loads it. Discuss liability of A?

The accused was beating a person with fists. The wife of the man being beaten
intervened with her baby in arms with a view to rescue her husband. The accused
gave a fist blow to her also, which struck the baby, as a result of which it died. On
being prosecuted, the accused pleads accident. Decide.

‘A’ find that ‘B’, a feeble old woman, was stealing his crops. ‘A’ beat her so violently
that she died on the spot. ‘A’ was prosecuted under Section 302, I.P.0 for murder of
‘B’. ‘A’ took the defence that he killed ‘B’ in exercise of ‘right of private defence’. Is
the defence of ‘A’ sustainable.

A, a passer-by, sees B beating his wife mercilessly. A gives a blow to B who dies
immediately at the spot. What offence, if any, has ‘A’ committed? Give reasons for
your answer.
A, a woman administers `dhatura’ (a type of poison) to her father-in-law B and
mother-in-law C but she had no intention to kill B and C. As a result of
administration of `dhatura’ B and C suffered serious bodily pain resulting in
vomiting etc. but did not die. Is A guilty of ‘attempt to murder’ B and C under
Section 307, I.P.C.? Give reasons and also refer to case law, if any, on the point.

A while driving his car is a rash and negligent manner causes death of B, C, D and E
at different points of the same road on the same night. Prosecution alleged that it is a
case of commission of offences under Section 304 of IPC. It is argued on behalf of the
accused that the case falls under the ambit of Section 304A of IPC. Which fact would
be relevant to determine negligence, intention or knowledge of the accused for
commission of aforesaid offence? Discuss

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