Mock Meat and Its Role in Health A Review
Mock Meat and Its Role in Health A Review
Mock Meat and Its Role in Health A Review
Review Article
Department of Biochemistry, Sri Ramachandra Institute of higher education and research (SRIHER), Chennai,
Tamilnadu, India
Dr. Vinod A. N.,
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Meat doesn’t have to come from animals. The definition of meat is shifting radically from being a product of animal
origin with limited choices to innovative creation with similar composition and structure like meat. Mock meat is in
news for many reasons in corporate or industrial meets and research communities. These plant-based meat substitutes
intended to reduce the environmental impact caused by farm animals and the potential to unravel one of the stickiest
crises in the climate fight. This research was conceived as a scoping literature review and a novel attempt as a full-
fledged review article on mock meat on the basis of recent proofs provided by review and research articles from
various genuine sources including electronic media, newsletters, and experts in food industries. The present article
touches upon the health benefits of vegan meat as well as different health problems emerge from a large-scale
replacement of natural animal meat by fake one also discussed here. The next few years will be crucial to how
traditional meat products and meat analogs will coexist in the consumer market. These articles when compiled
together point at the same fact that there is a lot of potential may be a game changer in the field of food industries,
corporates and scientific communities.
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | March 2021 | Vol 8 | Issue 3 Page 1533
Vinod AN et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2021 Mar;8(3):1533-1537
reason, global demand for meat is projected to skyrocket. vegan chicken, vegan beef, jumbo-sized shrimps, veggie
In recent times scientists are using food science, tissue patties, turkey meat and any kind of meat.
engineering and biotechnology to develop new meat
substitutes with the texture, taste, and appearance of meat WHY GOING FOR A MEAT SUBSTITUTE?
to deliver the pleasure, without the environmental
consequences. Mostly these food products are funded by The vegan population reportedly increased from 1% to
multinational companies. Whether driven by a desire to 6% from the year 2014 to 2018 in the US. The younger
save the planet or make healthier foods, these food population was inclined towards reduced meat
innovators hope high-tech toolkits will help to create consumption due to environmental reasons.10 At the same
products that meat-eaters love.6 Health-conscious and time across the ocean in UK, a study report indicated that
ecosystem concerned generation trying to stay away from 56% of respondents felt the meat is not compulsory in
meat consumption. This led to growing attraction towards their regular meal. Due to change in the eating habits of
plant-based mock meat, that mimic the texture and taste people citing religious, ethical, environmental and health
of real animal meat.7 concerns the ratio of meat-eaters continue to decrease
year after year. Yet, the eating pattern has transformed
DIETARY PROTEINS from consuming real meat to alternative meat products.11
Some vegetarian meat analogs are based on centuries-old
Meat is considered as the highest quality protein source recipes like seitan, wheat gluten rice. Also, other products
due to its nutritional characteristics. It contains all the like mushrooms, legumes with added flavors to taste like
nine essential amino acids along with other non-essential natural animal meat. Another popular meat alternative
amino acids and for its pleasant taste.8 Proteins are an is modified defatted peanut flour, textured vegetable
essential component of our diet, helps in building, repair protein (TVP) is used as soy-based meat analogues.
and maintaining the body’s structure. It can be derived
from plant and animal food sources but there are some Tofu, a popular meat analog made from soybeans and it
differences. There are 20 amino acids present in different was invented in China during the Han dynasty. According
combinations and numbers in different proteins. Among to Tao Gu’s ancient document tofu was called as small
them, nine amino acids cannot be synthesized by our mutton and regarded as imitation meat those days.12 Tofu
bodies. They are called essential amino acids and rest are and wheat gluten are associated with Buddhist cuisine in
called nonessential amino acids. A complete protein diet many East Asian countries especially in China.13 Gluten,
refers to a type of food that contains all essential amino which is derived from the Latin gluten for “glue,” is the
acids. One of the major differences between plant and blend of two proteins called gliadin and glutenin. These
animal protein is in their amino acid composition. Most proteins comprise about 80% in addition to starch in
of the plant proteins are incomplete since they are lacking wheat and barley.14 Soybean proteins possess interesting
at least one of the essential amino acids. Also, some plant nutritional and functional properties. In the food industry,
proteins may take a longer duration for the body to digest. they used as meat extenders other than health and
It is important for vegetarians to mix their protein sources economic reasons. Despite the good properties it
and ensure that they are getting all of the essential amino possesses soya protein usage is forbidden or limited to a
acids in a balanced mode.9 certain extent in some parts of the cuisine world.15 Soy
protein though considered as an important element in
HISTORY OF MOCK MEAT Asian cuisine often plays an underutilized role in North
America and many European countries. It has become
In 1931, Sir Winston Churchill said it was absurd to rear more and more popular in non-Asian countries too. By
a whole chicken just to eat the breast or wing. This was easily integrating into western diets, it improves the
the food for thought for scientists to grow these parts nutritional value of the food.16
separately under a suitable medium. Subsequently, in two
years wheat-based fake meats and soy products appeared During the early 1960s, scientists were predicted that
in the market commercially. Back into history, 10th exponential population growth would lead to a global
century Buddhist monks during the Song Dynasty were shortage of proteins in the future. This made the
already dishing out vegetarian sausages and mock meat nutritional researchers develop a microbial protein source
dishes for their meat-loving guests with the ulterior that would be an inexpensive and palatable food product.
motive to give a feel of the homemade cuisine. Presently This is the origin of Mycoprotein, a filamentous fungus
we are witnessing the evolution from tofu-based meats to that is commonly found in soil as an alternative source of
variety of plant-based creations like combination diets of protein.17 Mycoproteins are prepared by fermenting the
tofu, rice, peas and more. Innovation in the food industry fungus Fusarium venenatum in a broth of glucose
opens up many lab-grown plant-based types of meat along with some minerals. Later on, these solid
which almost mimic the intense taste of real meat with a fermented products mixed with egg white and wheat
naturally chewy texture. Although most food varieties are protein binders to form meat like the product. 18 They
fully vegan, some may contain eggs and dairy-based have been found to deliver a unique combination of
products. These pseudo meats can be shaped, textured health benefits. Though they are vegetable in origin,
and even coloured to produce unique imitate items like mycoprotein contains all nine essential amino acids
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Vinod AN et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2021 Mar;8(3):1533-1537
thereby falls into the category of first-class protein FAKE MEAT AND HEALTH
comparable with other animal proteins.19 One of the
studies reported that mycoproteins are suitable for In contrast to dairy substitutes, meat substitutes are
human consumption by providing superior satiety generally not fortified. Hence, these vegetarian
value than other traditional protein-rich foods because alternatives provide no compensation for nutrients
of low calorie and high-quality protein content. This is derived from animal products. Unfortunately, these
a promising outcome for weight management alternatives often contain high amounts of salt along with
programs.20 additives such as flavouring agents or preservatives.26
These mock meats which are generally priced higher than
BENEFITS AND POTENTIAL IMPACT OF their traditional counterparts may become more pocket-
CONSUMING MOCK MEAT friendly in the near future as people are very much
concerned about food safety globally.
Even the process of mock meat making is therapeutic to
watch. These meat substitutes are designed to equal Gluten based mock meat may taste good but only hitch is
animal alternatives in taste and texture. Similarly, the they come with zero nutritional value, digestive disorders,
nutrient composition of vegetarian products to a great mood swing and reduced energy balance in the body
extent is analogous to the corresponding meat products in (Kumar S). Studies have been reported that 1 in 133
the market. The benefits of the plant-based substitutes people in Canada suffer from celiac disease, a disorder
over animal food are the presence of a low amount of causing changes in the immune response of the body
saturated fat in addition to high fibre content depending triggered by eating gluten-based food. At the same time,
on the ingredients. People are switching over from eating non-celiac gluten sensitivity is estimated to be six to 10
natural meat to plant-based mock meat either contains an times more prevalent than celiac disease.27Another study
optimal amount of vitamins, protein, fiber and lower has shown that eating gluten may contribute to irritable
saturated fat thus anticipating long term health benefits bowel syndrome, obesity, diabetes, and autoimmune
such as the reduced risk of cancer, heart ailments, and disease.28 Presence of many eateries promoting vegan
diabetes. Other than that, relatively less land space and food but offering fake meat in the market makes us
water availability are required for cultivating plants for rethink our relationship with food. The number of people
food than rearing animals for meat.21 Many Asian turning to veganism is on the rise for both health reasons
countries like Singapore, Hong Kong serves plant-based and ethical ones depending on type of fake meat we
protein foods as their signature dishes which are consume.29 But on the flip side, people after consuming
impossible to differentiate from the real thing. Some these food products reported with digestive
noteworthy items like plant-based pork products having complications due to high fiber and protein content.
the functionality, consistency, and flavor of traditional Some are allergic to mycoproteins developed adverse
ground pork. They are sometimes called superfoods as it reactions like abdominal pain, vomiting and throat
contains a high-quality vegan protein with high fiber, is infections. One such UK based brand in the 1980s
233% more calcium and 53% high in iron. In addition, created ripples by promoting mycoproteins as a meat
nutritionists claim they are free from cholesterol, substitute, which is almost vanished in the year 2000
antibiotics, and hormones and this bowel full of a healthy when these products ended on American shelves due to
diet is 62% lower in calories and 71% lower in saturated consumer complaints. 30 Research has shown that soy
fat compared to real pork.22 contains estrogen-like compounds called genistein and
daidzein. These are isoflavones believed to interfere
Studies suggest that mycoproteins help maintain normal with female sex hormones causing breast cancer in
blood cholesterol levels and can even lower LDL women and also contribute to dysfunctions of thyroid
cholesterol levels as they are cholesterol-free, low in hormone metabolism.31
saturated fat content and no trans fatty acids.23 Studies
proved that soy proteins directly lower the LDL- The gluten-free diet is highly recommended and an
cholesterol level and blood pressure. The most unique absolute necessity for people with celiac disease or non-
aspect of the soy protein is its high isoflavone content, celiac gluten sensitivity. According to a 2013 study, 65%
which is considered as having a lot of health benefits of American adults think gluten-free foods are healthier
although different studies show a variable degree in and 27% choose gluten-free products with the sole
claiming such a view Messina M.24 Nutritionally, tofu is intention of losing bodyweight (Jones AL).32 Shockingly,
free of cholesterol, low in saturated fat and high in protein some studies have reported that long term consumption of
content (approximately 50%). It also contains about 27% the gluten-free diet may lead to a reduced level of fiber
essential fatty acids and a good amount of calcium. In and minerals like iron, zinc, and potassium in the body.33
1999, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration regarded Meanwhile, there is an increased risk of nutritional
highly on numerous health benefits of this soy-based deficiencies such as B-complex vitamins and trace
product. One of the recent researches has focused on minerals considered as a major setback due to the impact
healthier utilization of the by-products of tofu processing of a gluten-free diet.34 It is well known fact that, COVID
which contain nutritionally rich proteins and fats that 19 was spread by an animal to a human by means of meat
taste good and can be beneficial to human health.25 consumption, like many strains of flu and other
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Vinod AN et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2021 Mar;8(3):1533-1537
respiratory diseases that have posed potentially mock meats are the best way for a transition from non-
pandemic over last few decades. Interestingly, Canada vegetarian to a vegan diet it does not serve the purpose. If
is the one of the countries showed spike in meat free our goal is to eat less meat just go ahead, add more
consumerism and growing demand for vegan food since vegetables and plant-based proteins. Instead of finding
COVID-19. From the moment it was reported that replacements in mock meat or fake meat simply
COVID-19 had been transmitted at a meat market in convolute our health.
China in late 2019, people around the world self-analysed
upon their own eating behaviour. Meat aisle in many ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
supermarkets remained empty and unsold at the peak of
COVID 19 and many turned into plant-based and vegan We would like to thank all healthcare professionals.
alternatives popularly called as mock meat. We are aware
that this behaviour may be temporary and customers may Funding: No funding sources
return to old habits once meat serving restaurants, meat Conflict of interest: None declared
processing centres open again, it is reasonable to assume Ethical approval: Not required
that during COVID 19, a pandemic blessing in disguise
changed people perception on plant-based diet and REFERENCES
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