Assignment-4 (Dict, Functions)

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Velocity Corporate Training Center, Pune

Python Programming Questions(Dict, Function)

Write Python programs using Functions:
1. Python program to sort Python Dictionaries by Keys
2. Python program to sort Python Dictionaries by Values
3. Python program to find the sum of all items in a dictionary
4. Python program to remove a key from a dictionary
5. Python program to merge two Dictionaries
6. Program to create grade calculator in Python
7. Print anagrams together in Python using List and Dictionary
8. Check if binary representations of two numbers are an anagram
9. Python Counter to find the size of the largest subset of anagram words
10. Python Dictionary to find mirror characters in a string
11. Counting the frequencies in a list using a dictionary in Python
12. Python program to convert a list of Tuples into Dictionary
13. Python dictionary, set and counter to check if frequencies can become the same
14. Scraping And Finding Ordered Words In A Dictionary using Python
15. Create a list of tuples from the given list having a number and its cube in each tuple
16. Sort a list of tuples by the second Item
17. Python Program for Insertion Sort, QuickSort, Selection, Bubble Sort and Merge Sort
18. Python program to convert time from 12 to 24-hour format(08:30:25 PM to 20:30:25)
19. Python Program for Find largest prime factor of a number
20. Python Program for Product of unique prime factors of a number
21. Python Program for Find sum of odd factors of a number
22. Python Program to Check if binary representation is a palindrome
23. Python Program for Number of elements with odd factors in a given range
24. Python Program for Common Divisors of Two Numbers
25. Python Program to Check if a count of divisors is even or odd
26. Python Program to Find the minimum sum of factors of a number
27. Python Program to find Difference between sums of odd and even digits
28. Python Program for Largest and Smallest K digit number divisible by X
29. Python Program to calculate the area of a Tetrahedron
30. Python Program to Find the perimeter of a cylinder
31. Python Program to Find the vertex, focus, and directrix of a parabola
32. Python program to find the most occurring character and its count
33. Python Program to Find the sum of even factors of a number
34. Python Program to Check if all digits of a number divide it
35. Python program to convert float decimal to Octal number
36. Python program to copy odd lines of one file to other
37. Write a Python program to replace whitespaces with an underscore and vice versa
38. Write a Python program to convert a date or yyyy-mm-dd format to dd-mm-yyyy
39. Write a Python program to find all words starting with 'a' or 'e' in a given string.
40. Write a Python program to abbreviate 'Road' as 'Rd.' in a given string.

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