Electromagnetism - DPP 01 - Abhimanyu 2.0 (Telugu)

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Electro Magnetism DPP – 01

1. The most suitable material for making the core of an 7. Magnetic field is a
electromagnet is (A) scalar quantity
(A) Steel (B) Iron (B) vector quantity
(C) Soft iron (D) Aluminium (C) dimensionless quantity
(D) more than one of the above
2. The north pole of earth magnet is in the
(A) Geographical south (B) Geographical east
8. Read the following statements and choose the correct
(C) Geographical west (D) Geographical north
Assertion(A): When an electric current passes
3. Magnetic lines do not intersect on one–another because
through a wire, it behaves like a magnet
(A) They are at a distance
Reason(R): Wires are usually made up of magnetic
(B) They are in the same direction
(C) They are parallel to another
(D) At the point of intersection there will be two (A) Both A and R are correct but R is not correct
direction of the magnetic force which is impossible explanation of A
(B) Both A and R are correct and R is correct
4. A current carrying loop lying in a magnetic field explanation of A
behaves like a (C) A is correct but R is not correct
(A) A magnetic dipole (B) Magnetic pole (D) Both A and R are incorrect
(C) Magnetic material (D) Non–magnetic material
9. Magnetism at the centre of Bar magnet is ________
5. When a bar magnet is broken into two pieces? (A) Minimum
(A) we will have a single pole on each piece (B) Zero
(B) each piece will have two like poles (C) Negative
(C) each piece will have two unlike poles
(D) Maximum
(D) each piece will be lose magnetism

10. What is a magnetic field?

6. A bar of soft iron is placed flat on the table. A bar magnet
is taken and its south pole is placed on one end of the bar
of soft iron. The magnet is held almost vertically. The 11. What does a uniform magnetic field mean?
bar is stroked from one end to the other with magnet. On
the other end of the bar, magnet is lifted and again placed 12. Explain oersted experiment to show that Electricity
on the first end and the bar is again stroked. The end of
and Magnetism were related phenomena.
the bar where the magnet is lifted will be
(A) south pole (B) no pole
(C) south & north both type (D) north pole

Answer Key

1. (C) 7. (B)
2. (D) 8. (C)
3. (D) 9. (B)
4. (A) 10. Refer to Hints & Solutions
5. (C) 11. Refer to Hints & Solutions
6. (D) 12. Refer to Hints & Solutions

Hints & Solutions

1. (C) 8. (C)
When the electric current flows through a wire, it
2. (D) behaves like a magnet. The wire usually made up of
North pole indicates geographical north pole and south
pole of magnet indicates geographical south pole metals like copper, aluminum. When current flows
through them, they produce a magnetic field.
3. (D)
9. (B)
4. (A) Magnetism maxima and minima for a bar magnet
A current carrying conductor produces a magnetic Magnetism is strongest at the north poles and south
field around it. So it acts like a magnet with two poles
poles of the magnet and weakest at the centre of a bar
5. (C) magnet.
Magnet is always dipole. In nature, monopole This is because the magnetic field lines run parallel
magnets don’t exist to the length of the magnet at the centre and run closer
and denser at the poles.
6. (D)
or it can be thought of as magnetic field lines are
originated from a pole and not at the centre of the bar.
7. (B)
Due to its magnitude (the field’s strength) and 10. The region around a magnet in which the force of the
direction (its orientation), a magnetic field is referred magnet is experience is called a magnetic field.
to as a vector field.
In addition to describing the magnitude and
11. A magnetic field in which magnetic field strength is
orientation of an object, vector quantities can also be
used to indicate their size. A magnetic field is an same at each point is called a uniform magnetic field.
example of a vector quantity since it exists at every
location is space, has a specific strength, and is 12. Place a compass needle underneath a wire and then
oriented in a specific direction.
turn on electric current.
Immediately the needle of compass shows the
deflection. By this we can conclude that electricity
and magnetism are related phenomena.

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