Unit 6 - Ecommerce Marketing and Advertising

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E – Commerce marketing
and Advertising

Prepared by
• Internet Audience and Consumer Behavior, Consumer Behavior Models, Online
Purchase Decision;
• Online Advertisement, Ad Targeting, Search Engine Marketing and Advertising,
Display Ad Marketing, E-mail Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Viral Marketing, Lead
Generation Marketing, Social, Mobile and Local Marketing, Multi-Channel Marketing;
• Costs and Benefits of Online Marketing: Online Marketing Metrics Lexicon, Costs of
Online Advertising, Pricing Models for Online Advertisements; Social Marketing
Process, Facebook Marketing: Features and Tools; Twitter Marketing: Features and
Tools;Pinterest Marketing: Features and Tools; Location Based Marketing Tools

D Marketing

Online Consumer

Internet Audience and Consumer Behaviour

Consumer Behavior Model

General Model of Consumer Behavior

Background Demographic Factor

Online Purchasing Decision

Online Advertisement

• It is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the internet to deliver promotional marketing
messages to consumers.
• When software is used to do the purchasing, it is known as programmatic advertising.
• Online advertising includes email marketing, search engine marketing(SEM),social media marketing,
many types of display advertising(including web banner advertising), and mobile advertising.
• Like other advertising media ,online advertising frequently involves a publisher, who integrates
advertisements into its online content, and an advertiser, who provides the advertisements to be
displayed on the publisher’s content.
• Online advertisement is a paid message on a website, online service, or other interactive medium.
• Online advertising also includes display(banners, video and rich media),search, mobile messaging,
sponsorships etc.
• The gross revenue of online advertisement is rapidly increasing in comparison to the declining
traditional marketing.

Ad Targeting
• Ad Targeting is when marketers place advertisements in specific areas on specific
platforms to increase visibility and engagement with target audience.
• It is also known as targeted advertising.
• What the ads look like and where they are placed are determined by audience
behaviors and interests.
• Rather than placing a general ad anywhere on the web, a targeted advertisement is
strategically placed to reach a clearly defined audience based on past customer
behavior and other data.
• More and more consumers are looking for personalized messages,products and
services relevant to their wants and needs.
• Therefore, when a consumer sees an ad that is relevant to them on a platform they
frequently visit the site or platform.
• They become more interested in what we have to offer.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
• SEM is one of the most effective ways to grow your business in an increasingly
competitive marketplace.

• With millions of businesses out there all vying for the same eyeballs, it’s never been
more important to advertise online, and search engine marketing is the most effective
way to promote your products and grow your business

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
• SEM is the practice of marketing a business products/services using paid
advertisements that appear on search engine results pages.
• Advertisers bid on keywords that users of services such as Google and Bing
might enter when looking for certain products or services, which gives the
advertiser the opportunity for their ads to appear alongside results for those
search queries
• These ads, often known by the term pay-per-click ads, come in a variety of
• Some are small, text-based ads, whereas others, such as product listing ads
(PLAs, also known as Shopping ads) are more visual, product-based
advertisements that allow consumers to see important information at-a-glance,
such as price and reviews

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
• greatest strength of SEM is that it offers advertisers the opportunity to put their
ads in front of motivated customers who are ready to buy at the precise
moment they’re ready to make a purchase.
• No other advertising medium can do this, which is why search engine
marketing is so effective and such an amazingly powerful way to grow your

Digital Marketing : Keyword Advertising
• Keyword advertising is a method of advertising on search engines using
keyword research.
• By determining the keyword searches that are most relevant to your business's
offerings, you can then bid to place your ads in the search results for relevant
• For example, if you sell footwear, you can make sure people searching for
keywords like "sneakers" or "women's boots" see your advertisements.
• Almost all of search marketing revolves around keywords.
• Choosing the right keywords for advertising can make or break your ad

Digital Marketing : Keyword Advertising
• The most important element of keyword search advertising is to bid on highly
relevant keywords.
• The more relevant your keywords are to your business and website, the more
cost-effective your online marketing campaign will be
• As a best practice when doing keyword advertising, first select keywords that
relate to your business, then craft text ads that incorporate these advertising
• When visitors click on your ads in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), you
pay the amount that you've bid on the keyword (with a discount, if your ads
are very high-quality). This process is known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

Display Ad Marketing
• Although the term “display ad” may be unfamiliar, you’re almost certainly
familiar with display ads themselves.
• They’re the visual-based ads you see while reading an article on your favorite
blog, watching a video on YouTube, or using a mobile app etc.
• Display advertising is a method of attracting the audience of a website, social
media platform or other digital mediums to take a specific action.
• These are often made up of text-based, image or video advertisements that
encourage the user to click-through to a landing page and take action (e.g.
make a purchase).
• Most display and online advertising campaigns are charged on a cost per click
(CPC) basis.
• That is to say, every time the user on a search engine clicks on your ad, you’ll
get charged an amount based on your overall bidding strategy
Display Ad Marketing
• Display ads can come in several shapes and sizes, which include the following :
– Banner Ads : One of the oldest and traditional forms of advertising, usually
appear at the top of websites in a “banner” format.
– Interstitial Ads : These ads appear as web pages that are served to users before
they are directed to the original page they requested or an advertisement that
appears while a chosen website or page is downloading
– Rich Media : These ads include interactive elements, such as video, audio and
clickable elements.
– Video Ads : The YouTube advertising platform, as well as social networks like
Instagram and Facebook, have opened a whole new avenue for marketers. Video
ads allow you to reach your audience and connect with them on a personal level,
and are well worth investing in.

Display Ad Marketing : Pros
• Diversity :
– Display ads come in many shapes and sizes. And they can be presented in a
number of formats, too.

• Reach :
– Google Display Network (GDN), can access millions of sites straight from your
Google Ads account.
• Targeting :
– Because of GDN’s extensive reach, you can also target the right audience by
placing your ads on the right websites.
– This includes demographic and geo-targeting, along with specific interests of your
target audience.

• Measurable :
– Clicks, impressions and conversions can all be tracked from Google Ads, as well as
Google Analytics for more [email protected]
performance and engagement tracking.
Display Ad Marketing : Cons
• Banner Blindness :
– Because of the prolific nature of display ads, many users have come to ignore
them completely.
– This means a lower click-through rate.
– However, this can be circumvented using rich media ads

• Ad Blockers :
– ad blocker technology has risen in popularity over the last few years.

Email Marketing
• Email marketing is the use of email to promote products or services while
developing relationships with potential customers or clients.
• It is essentially direct mail done electronically instead of through the postal
• Email marketing can include newsletters with updates on the company, or
promotions of sales and exclusive deals for subscribers.
• Marketing emails may also seek to share a general message on the company's
behalf, such as in the wake of a natural disaster or company scandal.
• At its best, email marketing allows businesses to keep their customers informed
and tailor their marketing messages to their audience.
• At its worst, this kind of marketing can drive customers away with persistently
annoying spam emails.
Email Marketing
• It's easy to set up and track an email marketing campaign, which makes it
accessible for small businesses.
• You can add a newsletter sign-up option to your website, for instance.
• As people sign up, you can send newsletters to a growing audience.
• You can also direct customers to the newsletter from your social media profiles.
• Note : The two biggest advantages of email marketing are price and ease.
Compared to other types of marketing, emailing is an inexpensive way to
advertise your company and its products or services
• Email marketing can substantially increase your income if you do it correctly.
• It's a great way to get people to visit (and revisit) your website or blog.
• More traffic usually equates to more income.
Email Marketing Strategies
• Build Your Own List
• Follow the Law
• Mix Up Your Messages
• Respect Your Subscribers
• Follow a Schedule
• Optimize for Mobile

Affiliate Marketing
• Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates
third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products
and services.
• The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes
them to find ways to promote the company.
• The Internet has increased the prominence of affiliate marketing.
• Amazon popularized the practice by creating an affiliate marketing program
whereby websites and bloggers put links to the Amazon page for a reviewed or
discussed product to receive advertising fees when a purchase is made.
• In this sense, affiliate marketing is essentially a pay for performance marketing
program where the act of selling is outsourced across a vast network.
• Firms typically pay per sale and less frequently by click or impression
Viral Marketing
• With the rise of social networking and digital media platforms like TikTok and YouTube, anyone and
anything can go viral (including cats or Gigi Hadid's pasta). Viral marketing is based on the idea of
creating exciting content that viewers are compelled to share and forward to others.
• Viral marketing is a marketing strategy that involves producing captivating content that raises
awareness of a product or brand by creating word-of-mouth.
• Viral marketing occurs on the Internet, frequently through social networking sites like Twitter,
Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook. Additionally, the virality of a campaign is often impacted by the
advertising appeal used to engage customers.
• Viral marketing is when a brand’s content or ads catch the attention of their target audience so well
that they feel compelled to share it with others.
• A campaign is usually deemed to have reached viral status when it is being shared by the public at
large, if it gets mentioned or covered in the news, or if it reaches a global audience.
• The goal of the best viral marketing campaigns is to have the brand’s message or content become such
a trending topic that your brand awareness reaches exponential growth. As viral campaigns are
organic, this is one of the most cost-effective ways for a business to reach new audiences and generate
potential leads.

Viral Marketing

• Once a campaign goes viral, your brand loses control of how people perceive or
interact with your message. This means that things can also "go viral" in a negative
way, and just as viral marketing can amplify awareness, it can also amplify backlash.
• Viral marketing is the name given to promotional methods that naturally explode
through word of mouth and digital buzz. Viral marketing naturally generates interest
through valuable, entertaining material that spreads like a virus throughout the

Viral Marketing

Lead Generation Marketing
• E-commerce lead generation is a crucial aspect of any online business strategy,
playing a key role in the growth and success of an e-commerce venture.
• Here are several reasons highlighting the importance of e-commerce lead generation:

Social Marketing
• eCommerce is a vital part of business in the modern online world, there are a few things you need to
do to make sure your eCommerce activity isn’t doomed from the beginning.
• Of course social media is also enormous, and is continuing to grow so it makes sense that the two go
hand in hand.
• If done right social media allows you the opportunity to direct your audience towards your products
and services and engages them to the point that they feel part of the brand.
• A social media ecommerce strategy is a set of social media tactics you can use to market your
ecommerce business.
• Depending on your business model and goals, your strategy may focus on:
• Promoting an ecommerce destination, i.e. driving traffic to a website or branded app
• Selling products directly on social media
• Communicating with customers, both pre-purchase and post-purchase
• Collecting insights about your industry (your audience, competitors, benchmarks for success)

Mobile Marketing
• is the art of marketing your business to appeal to mobile device users.
• When done right, mobile marketing provides customers or potential customers
using smartphones with personalized, time and location-sensitive information
so that they can get what they need exactly when they need it, even if they're
on the go
• As we know mobile is the future of marketing, but really the era of mobile has
already arrived.
• If you're not implementing some kind of mobile marketing strategy, you're
already trailing behind!

Mobile Marketing
• Mobile marketing consists of ads that appear on mobile smartphones, tablets,
or other mobile devices.
• Mobile marketing ad formats, customization, and styles can vary, as many
social media platforms, websites, and mobile apps offer their own unique and
tailored mobile ad options.
• Mobile marketing consists of ads that appear on mobile smartphones, tablets,
or other mobile devices.
• Mobile marketing ad formats, customization, and styles can vary, as many
social media platforms, websites, and mobile apps offer their own unique and
tailored mobile ad options.

Digital Marketing : Mobile Marketing Strategies/Types
• App Based Marketing :
– This is mobile advertising involving mobile apps.
– While 80% of mobile time is spent engaged with apps, you don’t have to create an
app yourself to get in on the action.
– Services like Google AdMob help advertisers create mobile ads that appear within
third-party mobile apps
– Facebook also allows advertisers to create ads that are integrated into Facebook’s
mobile app.
– Facebook’s mobile Promoted Post ads integrate so seamlessly with Facebook’s
news feed that users often don’t realize they’re looking at ads

Digital Marketing : Mobile Marketing Strategies/Types
• In-game mobile marketing :
– refers to mobile ads that appear within mobile games
– In-game ads can appear as banner pop-ups, full-page image ads or even video ads
that appear between loading screens.

• QR Codes :
– QR codes are scanned by users, who are then taken to a specific webpage that the
QR code is attached to.
– QR codes are often aligned with mobile gamification and have an element of
mystery to them, since users who scan them don’t always know exactly which
rabbit hole they’re jumping down

Digital Marketing : Mobile Marketing Strategies/Types
• Location-based Marketing :
– are ads that appear on mobile devices based upon a user’s location relative to a
specific area or business.
– For example, some advertisers may only want their mobile ads to appear when
users are within a 1-mile radius of their business

• Mobile Search Ads :

– These are basic Google search ads built for mobile, often featuring extra add-on
extensions like click-to-call or maps

• Mobile Image Ads :

– Image-based ads designed to appear on mobile devices

• SMS :
– SMS marketing involves capturing a user’s phone number and sending them text
offers. This is considered somewhat out of date.
Local Marketing
• Local marketing is a strategy that targets potential customers within a specific
radius - typically 50 miles of the physical location of a business.
• It’s also known as location-based marketing, neighborhood marketing, or local
store marketing
• Local marketing can work for any brand that has a physical location, like shops
and bars, or any locally-based businesses that travel to a customer’s location,
such as plumbers and electricians.
• Local businesses can use a range of outbound and inbound marketing methods
to attract customers, including
– Inbound : Google My Business, Local SEO, social media marketing, etc.
– Outbound : Display ads, attending local events, community involvement, etc.

Multichannel Marketing
• Multichannel marketing is the process of using multiple channels to reach your target
market. This could include online channels like your website and social media to
offline channels like print ads and direct mail. The important thing to remember is
that each channel should work together to create a cohesive customer experience.
• Let's say you're an outsourced eCommerce business selling premium coffee from
around the world. You might use a combination of the following channels to reach
your target market:
 Your website: This is where customers can learn more about your product and make
a purchase.
 Search engine marketing (SEM): You can use SEM to drive traffic to your website
through paid ads on Google and other search engines.
 Social media: You can use social media marketing to build relationships with potential
and current customers and promote your product.
 Email marketing: You can use email marketing to stay in touch with potential and
current customers and drive traffic to your website.
Costs and Benefits of Online Marketing
• With online marketing, there are no travel costs, and you don’t have to pay for printing to distribute materials.
Server costs, by contrast, are relatively low.
• Some of your advertising costs can be replaced by online marketing tools, as well – and these online tools usually
“pull more weight” by integrating with the rest of your online marketing program.
• Guest posts on industry blogs or publications, for example, can drive traffic to your site, build your reputation, and
fuel conversation on social media.
Ads Retargeting
• Traffic is more than just people visiting your website. You will need to produce targeted traffic in order to make
your business's digital marketing effort successful.
• The term "targeted traffic" describes internet visitors who are actively searching for items and information rather
than simply browsing your site. When you are able to draw in targeted traffic to your website, you will see greater
conversion rates because these visitors are more likely to make purchases, use your services, and ask questions.

Costs and Benefits of Online Marketing

Connecting & Converting Through Social Selling

• Consumers nowadays are more savvy and knowledgeable than ever. People utilize these platforms to study items,
make or read recommendations and make informed purchasing decisions as a result of social media's growing
• Top salespeople credit social selling with 62% more deals closed. In order to benefit from key touchpoints in the
buyer's journey, more efficient social selling training sessions are required. Given that consumers are spending
more time doing research, it is essential to give them the resources and support that they need to find the
answers they're looking for.

Online Marketing Metrices
• Digital Marketing Metrics and KPIs(Key Performance Indicator) are values used by
marketing teams to measure and track the performance of their marketing campaigns.

• Digital marketing teams use a number of tools to promote their services and products,
and tracking the results can often be time consuming and difficult.

• By creating specific digital marketing KPIs, it’s easy to determine targets and goals and
measure performance based on those values

• Examples :
– Returning Visitor Metric
– Brand Awareness Metric
– Incremental Sales
– Web Traffic Sources
– Content Downloads etc.
– Google analytics tools @Er.S.N.Mishra
Costs of Online Advertising

• Online advertising costs vary widely depending on factors such as the channels you
advertise on, the services you use, the size of your campaigns, and more.
• Every online advertising platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, and there
are dozens of ad formats, campaign types, and performance metrics for advertisers to
consider. Underneath it all, however, is always the same burning question:
“How much is this going to cost me?”
• Today we’ll be taking an in-depth look at advertising costs on three of the largest
online advertising platforms – Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and Instagram.
• We’ll examine the relative costs of advertising on Google, Facebook, and Instagram,
as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each online ad platform.
• Finally, we’ll investigate how each platform measures up in terms of performance,
and there will be plenty of real-world data and research throughout.

Pricing Models for Online Advertisements
• There are several different ways to price online ads.
• The pricing model depends on the campaign goals, the platform hosting the ad
and the type of ad itself.
• Not all digital advertising pricing models are created equally.
• Some models are more advertiser-friendly than others.
• These are the four most common pricing models used in the online
performance advertising model :
– Cost-per-Thousand (CPM)
– Cost-per-Click (CPC)
– Cost-per-Lead (CPL)
– Cost-per-Action
Pricing Models for Online Advertisements
• Cost-per-Thousand (CPM)
– most common pricing model for video advertising.
– display advertising also commonly uses the CPM model, but display ads are
starting to move towards other pricing models, such as cost-per-lead (CPL) or cost-
per-action (CPA).
– the CPM pricing model sets a flat rate for every 1000 views an ad gets
– One of the major issues with this pricing model is that advertisers are charged
regardless of whether anyone clicks their ad.
– Youtube, for example, bills advertisers on a CPM basis.
– Advertisers are charged a flat rate per thousand views.

Pricing Models for Online Advertisements
• Cost-per-Click (CPC)
– It charges advertisers only when someone clicks on the ad.
– This model corrects one of the major issues with the CPM model, where
advertisers are charged, regardless of how many people click on the ad.
– That doesn’t mean the CPC model is perfect, in search advertising, keywords have
become very expensive (and prices are steadily rising).

Pricing Models for Online Advertisements
• Cost-per-Lead (CPL)
– are the most advertiser-friendly pricing model.
– In the CPL model, advertisers only pay for every qualified lead.
– This model eliminates the possibility of paying for accidental clicks and views.
– To qualify as a lead, someone has to explicitly fill out a form on the advertiser’s
website after clicking the ad (usually to provide contact information.)
– CPL advertising allows advertisers to generate guaranteed returns from their online
advertising budget.
– Example : In 2008, the Obama campaign used CPL advertising to build email lists.
A lead was only considered qualified if they signed up for an eNewsletter, making
the campaign very cost effective

Pricing Models for Online Advertisements
• Cost-per-Action(CPA)
– requires even more specific actions than CPL before an advertiser pays.
– Usually, that action involves the customer making a purchase or signing up for a
– In CPA advertising, the advertiser usually only pays after a credit card transaction.
– That means the CPA model is best for motivating immediate action when the
advertiser wants a customer to buy something right away.
– For that reason, CPA advertising can be ineffective for industries with a high barrier
to purchase such as financial services, insurance, and professional services.

Social Marketing Process

Facebook Marketing: Features and Tools:
Reaction Buttons: A feature that allows users to express support for content on social
sites to their friends and friend of friends.
The one tool that marketers cannot control, currently free.
Brand Pages: Engagement and community building. Similar to a business web page, but
much more social by encouraging user interaction and responses, ongoing discussions
among the community of fans, Brand pages are currently free.
News Feed page Post Ads: Fan acquisition. Paid brand messages can be inserted into the
news feed. Requires payment. Buy button that can be embedded in News feed page
Post Ads currently being tested.
Right-hand Column Sidebar Ads: Fan acquisition. Display ads in the sidebar similar to
display ads elsewhere on the web. Requires Payement.
Facebook Live: video streaming service within facebook. Can be used to stream live
content that followers can interact with by connecting, linking, and sharing. Video can
be saved on a brand’s page and followers can continue to interact with it free.
Facebook Marketing: Features and Tools:

Video Ads: Video ads autopay in silent mode on both desktop and mobile news feed. Requires Payment.
Mobile Ads: Mobile news feed page post Ads are delivered to smartphones and tablets .Requires payment.
Facebook Exchange(FBX): fakebook's real time exchange, which sells aids and retargets ads through online building.
Advertisers place cookies on user browsers when they visit a site, and when they return to Facebook, they are shown
ads on the right side from the site they visited, Requires payment.

Twitter Marketing: Features and Tools: Assignment

Pinterest Marketing: Features and Tools :Assignment

Location Based Marketing Tools :Assignment


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