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Thesis On Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete

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Writing a thesis on steel fibre reinforced concrete can be a challenging task.

This topic requires a

deep understanding of concrete technology, steel fibres, and their interaction. Researching and
gathering relevant literature can be time-consuming, and analyzing data to draw meaningful
conclusions demands attention to detail and analytical skills.

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Case study 2 is the 4-panel pile-supported SFRC slab with and without rebar. Like in Case Study
1A, increase in fibres volume leads to higher load bearing capacity in round-plates on continuous
supports. 226 Strength Ratio Figure 5.37 shows the ratio between round-panel with different
??’s maximum load and. Only solid slabs will be discussed Flat slab arrangement in a floor is shown
in Figure 2.34 for floors with square columns and drop panels. Author (2007) 63: TR63 - Guidance
for the design of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete. Mia madre ha trovato online l'annuncio di questa
scuola e mi sono iscritta. The point that the load-displacement curve diverges from the linear elastic
response correlates with the tensile strength parameter. A strain hardening post-cracking behaviour is
observed. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 4(5), pp. 123-131. Rana, A. (2013)
'Some Studies on Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete', International Journal of Emerging Technology
and Advanced Engineering, 3(1), pp. 120-127. Regan, P. E. (1989) Behaviour of Reinforced
Concrete Flat Slabs, London: CIRIA. The specified coefficient of friction 0.5 in Eurocode 2 (British
Standard Institute, 1994) was used for the contact faces between the concrete and steel members for
beam and supports respectively. The compressive strength of concrete, characteristic strength in steel
and other properties of the beam and materials are presented in Table 4.1. Figure 4.1: Cross-section
of the Bresler-Scordelis (1963) beam 132 Figure 4.2: Test setup for Bresler-Scordelis (1963) beam
Table 4.1: Geometrical details and material properties of the beam. The addition of the rebar
enhances the load carrying capacity of the slab. However, it is recognised that a separate
serviceability check is required using the latter. The convergence criteria based on the residual forces
tolerance is 5%. Author (2003): TR34 Concrete IGF - third edition - 2003. Calibrate and validate the
constitutive models into the FE models using ADINA and ABAQUS to Produce complete load-
deflection histories from the start of loading to collapse. This makes the onset of cracking a bit 206
difficult to perceive. The displacement at failure in FEA is 0.77% higher than that of the experiment.
On the other hand, the statically indeterminate plates are mainly used to understand the structural
behaviour of SFRC concerning some applications (Bernard, 2000, British Standard Institute, 2006,
ArcelorMittal, 2011) and not to get their material properties. The reason for its extensive use is that it
provides good workability and can be moulded to any shape. However, as it will be shown 123 here,
the approach can simply be adopted in other numerical and analytical models, but it relies on some
assumptions. Figure 3.30: Schematic diagrams of crack opening without and with fibres adapted
from (RILEM, 2002a) At the formation of a crack in fibre reinforced concrete, the fibres will
naturally stay unbroken within the matrix. Therefore, to satisfy the equilibrium in the structure, the
residual forces are applied. To further examined the response of the round-plate to apply loads,
different amount of characteristic strength of concrete are considered. The continuous sides x-x and
z-z were restrained in their plane to show the continuity. The other options are 51 elastic and yield
line methods. Fibre Reinforced Concrete under Compression”, Journal of. It was observed from
Fig.8 for the Reinforced Concrete Beam (i.e. control beams) that in. A further comparative study of
the RP panels’ response and that of the experimental RP panel is provided in a subsequent section of
this Chapter 5. 5.2.4 Cracking Pattern In the test of round plate on three supports, the three
governing cracks are initiated before entering the post-cracking behaviour. After the yield stress, the
material response becomes plastic with stress 117 hardening and followed by strain softening beyond
the peak compressive stress. Conclusively, it can be established that the load-carrying capacity of the
plates are enhanced by the addition of steel fibres and ensures a more ductile structural response
(thus avoiding a brittle failure mode), which is preferred in design. End-hooked steel fiber with the
length of 33 mm and 50 mm and the percentage of steel fiber 0.5 %, 1.0 % and 1.5 % used in this
With a heritage deeply rooted in Eastern Ontario, Jon is committed to delivering quality and
reliability in every project. Such natural materials impart greater strength than ordinary concrete.
Articles Get discovered by sharing your best content as bite-sized articles. The propagation of the
cracks continue as the loading exceeds the yield load. This implies that design parameters can be
assumed in advance of carrying out the design, which is verified later by tests on control specimens.
The characteristics during the fresh concrete were also investigated by conducting the slump test,
compaction test and vebe test. The 75mm mesh produces a result lower than experimental work
while that of 100mm was much lower. In this modern age, civil engineering constructions have their
own structural and durability requirements, every structure has its own intended purpose and hence
to meet this purpose, modification in traditional cement concrete has become mandatory. For a mesh
independent solution, the fracture energy Gf is provided instead of. The fracture energy model was
used to evaluate the post-peak tensile behaviour, and a numerical model was developed. Likewise,
the result shows that using the Lok and Xiao proposed model in ABAQUS CDP, a compatible
agreement with the experimental result was achieved. There has been a significant improvement both
in the art and usage of concrete over the years compared to when it was first used for masonry work
by the Romans in which pozzolanic mortar was used as a binder. The compression and tensile
stresses and damaged parameters values are also stated in Table 4.14. Table 4.14: Compression and
Tensile Parameters for Tlemat et al SFRC Beam 2005 Yield Compressive Inelastic Lok and Xiao
(1999) Tlemat et al (2005) Stress Damage Strain Tensile Tensile Cracking Tensile Tensile Cracking. It
makes further provisions for the design of fibre-reinforced structures. This cost is based on the
assumption that you are using 1.5 pounds per cubic yard of concrete. Input the number of links to be
provided in Number of Copies and click the button in front of transformation label to have define
Transformation window popping out. In this research, two parameters will be investigated which is
the volume friction of the steel fiber and the length of the steel fiber. These fibres produce a good
amount of resistance to any natural phenomena like earthquakes and winds. Available guidance on
the calculation of crack width, such as the RILEM guidelines, applies to structural members that are
reinforced with conventional reinforcement as well as fibres. Fiber reinforcement is mainly used in
shocrete, but can also be used in normal. To avoid early localised failure, steel plates of 10 mm
thickness were added at the support and loading points. Table 4.15 and Figure 4.35 describe the
relationship of the tensile stress and strain using the Lok and Xiao (1999) Model. Properties and
Applications ofFiber Reinforced Concrete. Their 16 main argument for using small circular panels
instead of beams is that responses of beams cannot predict the behaviour of the slab. Available
experimental data were used to study the effect of steel fibres on the post- cracking response of
concrete. Author (2014): TR 34 - Concrete Industrial Ground Floors. Graduation book - BFRP
Graduation book - BFRP Experimental investigation of concrete beams reinforced with gfrp bars
Experimental investigation of concrete beams reinforced with gfrp bars Experimental Study of the
Flexural Behaviour of Damaged RC Beams Strengthened. The membrane is to reduce the friction
between the top of the pile and the slab. This method is also widely used for port pavements,
container storage and handling areas, bulk storage warehouses, and military warehouses. A vital
criterial is choosing the appropriate values for the input of the failure surfaces and other parameters.
Therefore, he 80% damaged was used for all the simulations. Table 3.2: Plasticity Parameters for
Concrete Damaged Plasticity Model Dilation Angle Eccentricity ? ??0???0 K Viscosity.
Three panels were used to understand the response of the slab in ULS with various loading
conditions. And How They Help In Concrete Construction Whether you’re building a concrete patio
or a skyscraper, you’re going to need concrete forms to get. The concentration of the vectors is at the
bottom of the point of the application of load. Two set of slabs were examined (a) SFRC slab
without rebar and (b) SFRC slab with rebar along the pile supports. IRJET Journal Effects of Hybrid
Steel Fibers on the Mechanical Properties of Steel Fiber Re. Fibers help reduce early stage cracking
for the first 10 hours after pouring. The load-deflection curve is shown in Figure 2.15. Figure 2.15:
Load-deflection curve adapted from (JCI Test). IRJET- Impact on Concrete by using Steel Fibre and
Silica Fume As Partial. The methods by which the properties of FRC are tested should also be
considered. Bending Moment A series of inverse analysis is used to derive the stress-crack
opening relationship. The tests form a reliable datum for comparing different types of fibres with one
other. This also leads to a rise in ductility and strength enhancement. 241 Chapter 6: CASE STUDY
242 6.1 Introduction The case studies 2 present the use of steel-fibres in structural pile-supported
ground floors. The percentage of volume fibre used was 0.5%. The slab was supported at the edge
with support equal to the half of the length of the side and placed at the centre. Therefore, there is a
need for appropriate limits to be derived to suit stringent surface regularity requirements in industrial
floors. The reinforcement is treated as an embedded member in the concrete beam using the
embedded constraint method. The load-displacement curve and extract from it are presented in
Figure 5.28 and Table 5.8 respectively. The fibre volume ratios influence can be observed clearly as
the fibre content increases. Land Management and sourcing land for sustainable Urban
Development. At every point of crack formation, the fibres bridge the cracks. Multiple cracking
follows as experienced in SFRC members with high fibre volume dosage. Microstrip Bandpass Filter
Design using EDA Tolol such as keysight ADS and An. Flexural toughness can be measured by
taking the useful area under the load-deflection curve in flexure. To imitate the experimental process,
the loading on the quarter slab was modelled with static analysis using displacement-based loading.
The continuous sides x-x and z-z were restrained in their plane to show the continuity. The tests
show mostly a considerable scatter in load-deflection relations. Figure 2.41 shows the simplified
stress block adapted in the fib Model Code 2010 76 Figure 2.41: Simplified Stress block adapted fib
Model Code 2010 (MC2010) Equating the internal moment of resistance. The aim of this project is
to present the findings of the investigation and equations obtained for predicting the desired flexural
toughness and in turn the toughness indices for SFRC. Principally, it is intended for reinforced
concrete structures, but it can be used for plain concrete as well. The YLM considered most efficient
for pile-supported slabs is deficient in the choice of design bending moment. The design moment of
resistance can be determined from plate tests by yield line analysis. Bending Moment The
guidance made provisions for bending moments to be used in the design of SFRC to be derived
from either elastic or plastic analysis. IJERA Editor Behaviour of beam column joint under cyclic
loading Behaviour of beam column joint under cyclic loading eSAT Publishing House Seismic
optimization of an I shaped shear link damper in EBF and CBF systems Seismic optimization of an I
shaped shear link damper in EBF and CBF systems IRJET Journal Similar to Steel fiber reinforced
concrete ( 20 ) IRJET- Flexural Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beam with Hollow Core at Vari.
The compression test results after 28 days using the cylindrical tests give a mean compressive
strength of 65.96MPa and Young's modulus of 40400MPa. Fiber reinforced concrete also: Reduces
plastic shrinkage cracking and drying shrinkage cracking; Decreases permeability of concrete, so
water won’t bleed out; Is resistant to abrasion, impact, and shattering; Is resistant to creep
(especially when using glass and graphite fibers); and, Reduces air and water voids.
Flexural toughness can be measured by taking the useful area under the load-deflection curve in
flexure. The largest one was used for this validation, calibration and Case Study 1C. There is no
need to multiply the result with any factor as the full panel was in the model. At every point of crack
formation, the fibres bridge the cracks. It is an upper bound analysis requiring the postulation of a
failure mechanism. The results from the different mesh sizes are given in the Load-Displacement
curve of Figure 7.3. From the result, the mesh size 75mm is the most compatible with the
experimental result. Detailed experimental investigation was carried out to determine flexural
toughness and toughness indices of SFRC the variables used in investigation were: reinforcement,
steel fiber percentage by volume. IRJET- Effect on Strength of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete with
Variati. The reliability of the FE numerical model predictions was ensured by calibrating it against
existing experimental data. Characteristic compressive cylinder strength of concrete at 28 days. As
Point III is reached, the stresses in the SFRC panel drop instantaneously to zero at Point IV (tensile
stress-strain constitutive model described in Figure 5.2). This rapid drop from III to IV is more
prominent for panels with a high fibre volume ratio (1.75% - 2.5%), which are described by “strain
hardening” behaviour. Manual Of Concrete Practice Naples FL: American Concrete Institute. There
is an increase in the strength ratio as ?? increases. Ductility, on the other hand, reduces after an
optimum value of fibre dosage. The SFRC beam is 600mm long over a clear distance of 450mm with
a 150mm square cross-section. To guide against localised failure, a steel plate, 10mm thick was
modelled for the loading rig. After the failure stress, the micro-cracks formation is macroscopically
denoted with a softening stress-strain response, which induces strain localisation in the concrete 119
structure. Scuola di lingue di Ionta Matteo, Via Toscana 15 09032 Assemini (CA) P.IVA
03387470929. American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, 130-140. Destree, X. and
Silfwerbrand, J. 'Steel fibre reinforced concrete in free suspended slabs: Case study of the Swedbank
Arena in stockholm'. IRJET Journal 5.FIBRE REINFORCED CONCRETE (1).pptx 5.FIBRE
REINFORCED CONCRETE (1).pptx AkanshaJin Flexural characteristics of sfrscc and sfrnc one
way Flexural characteristics of sfrscc and sfrnc one way eSAT Publishing House Flexural
characteristics of sfrscc and sfrnc one way slabs Flexural characteristics of sfrscc and sfrnc one way
slabs eSAT Journals IRJET- Durability Study on OPC and Slag based Cement Reinforced with Steel
Fi. It is the practice of generating a polygonal or polyhedral mesh that approximates a geometry
domain. The loading rig, 300mm in diameter, is placed at the centre of each panel. In the
experimental work, the loading rig was unloaded twice being the last test on the slab. Therefore, he
80% damaged was used for all the simulations. Table 3.2: Plasticity Parameters for Concrete
Damaged Plasticity Model Dilation Angle Eccentricity ? ??0???0 K Viscosity. Current design
guidance accounts only for uniformly-distributed loads and concentrated load (whether single or
multiple), often encountered in practice, are not considered. Pile-supported slabs are rarely provided
with shear links, but if punching shear stresses are critical, the slab should be made thicker, top
reinforcement over the pile increased or a larger pile head provided. Limit
State For SLS, applying an upper limit on the elastic negative (hogging) moment over the pile can
reduce the risk of flexural cracking at SLS in relation to the moment capacity of the plain, uncracked
concrete section. It also involves the materials that are in harmony with each element type, their
application to large strain and displacement problems. 107 Figure 3.16: Element models in ABAQUS
adapted from ABAQUS (2009) The Abaqus element library contains several types of beam elements.
A linear elastic analysis is carried out to determine the moments and shear forces due to applied
loads in each direction. At 28days, the average crushing strength of cube test was 43.7MPa. The
panels were loaded to failure. Experimental Study of Strength Parameters of Hybrid Fibre
Reinforced C.
The method comprises the load application in small increments. It consists of 4- to 20-node shapes as
shown in Figure 3.18. For every node, there is a minimum of 3 degrees of freedom. British Standard
Institute (2004) BS EN 1992, Eurocode 2, Design of concrete structures, Part 1- 1: General rules and
rules for buildings. To determine whether the material has failed, the principal stresses are used to
locate the current stress state. At this stage, the micro-crack is bridged by a combination of aggregate
interlock and steel fibres. The post failure material behaviours considered in the concrete model in
ADINA include post tensile cracking, post compression crushing, and strain- softening. 101
Data-Fitted concrete model The data fitted concrete material model present a simpler modelling
alternative in ADINA. Fig.-9: The crack patterns of Fully Fiber RC Beam Specimens. The
parameters play a significant role at each stage of the tensile stress-strain response through an easy
and straightforward multi-linear diagram. The tensile cracking is examined both at soffit and two
sides of the slabs. Technology for this manufacture of SFRC light, medium and heavy duty manholes
covers has been developed in India by Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai. The grove
of the notch is 45mm deep, making it slightly different from others. Land Management and sourcing
land for sustainable Urban Development. The cracks start to develop when the peak stress is reached.
Each can be used for modelling concrete at low confining pressures in all types of elements. Fibre
Reinforced Concrete under Compression”, Journal of. Johansen, K. (1972) 'Yield-Line Formulae for
Slabs, Cement and Concrete Association', London, UK. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your
own pace. The slabs sag at the mid-span due to load-application. The volume fraction (Vf) is the
percentage of fibers in a concrete mix, a percentage of the total volume of the composite mixture of
concrete and fibers. As done in section 7.5, a quarter-size of the experiment was modelled to full
scale. The test was a 4- 156 point bending test conducted over 24 samples with different fibre sizes
and concrete properties. Figure 4.34: Experiment Setup for R.S. Olivito and F.A. Zuccarello (2010)
SFRC Beam A sketch of the beam model is given in Figure 4.34 and due to the size of the beam, a
full scale was modelled. Implanting these fibers in concrete delivers changes in properties of concrete
like resistance to fire, cracking, bending, segregation, bleeding, and many more. The FEA agrees
with the experimental outcome with 99% accuracy. The experimental program consists of casting and
testing of 3 beams with steel fibers to compare our results with the steel fiber reinforced concrete.
The convergence criteria based on the residual forces tolerance is 5%. Moreover, the energy
absorption of the SFRC structures showed improvement with more controlled crack propagation. The
set-up of the test is shown below in Figure 2.12: Figure 2.12: 3-Point bending test set-up adapted
from (Fall, 2014) The test specimen is a rectangle with a minimum length of 550mm and a square
cross- section of 150mm over a span of 500mm and a notch of 25mm. Therefore, it is hypothetically
possible to increase the strength of the material by adding fibres (Dossland, 2008). In addition to
adopting the minimum shear resistance as the contribution of concrete and. This further attest that the
ABAQUS CDP can model an SFRC beam. R.S. Olivito and F.A. Zuccarello (2010) SFRC
Beam In the experimental works of Olivito and Zuccarello (2010) on the notched beam for the
determination of the static mechanical behaviour (including the tensile response) of SFRC beam.
Moreover, the energy absorption of the SFRC structures showed improvement with more controlled
crack propagation. The cracks can be seen as the concentration of the vector at the points of contacts
between the slab and loading point and top of the piles. Its tensile behaviour incorporates a bilinear
strain softening. The flexural strength of the SFRC matrix come into play by preventing the sudden
collapse of the slab. It also involves the materials that are in harmony with each element type, their
application to large strain and displacement problems. 107 Figure 3.16: Element models in ABAQUS
adapted from ABAQUS (2009) The Abaqus element library contains several types of beam elements.
TR 63 recognises the reasons why some manufacturers of steel-fibres prefer plate tests to beam tests.
It reaches a peak load 2% greater than the experiment and then undergoes a softening behaviour.
Vandewalle, L., Rossi, P. and Chanvillard, G. 'Design method for steel fiber reinforced concrete
proposed by RILEM TC 162-TDF'. There is no need to multiply the result with any factor as the full
panel was in the model. Flexural Behaviour of Steel Fibers Reinforced High Strength Self
Compacting C. The 50mm mesh is most suitable for the NLFEA of this 4-Panel SFRC pile-
supported slab. Johansen, K. (1972) 'Yield-Line Formulae for Slabs, Cement and Concrete
Association', London, UK. Under loading, the uniaxial compressive response of concrete is linear up
to initial yield stress, ??0. Microstrip Bandpass Filter Design using EDA Tolol such as keysight ADS
and An. The propagation of the cracks continue as the loading exceeds the yield load. These
resistances are due to the amount of fibres in the concrete matrix. In other to minimise problems
associated with convergence criteria, the displacement-loading of 10mm was applied at an
incremental rate of 0.01mm at the centre of the beam. We also use third-party cookies that help us
analyze and understand how you use this website. The rate of convergence and computational time
are better in the solution offered by the brick elements than the other elements. The is also cracks
under the point at which the load was applied. This involves the testing of the constitutive models
until an agreement with the experimental result is obtained. 3.6 Summary The review of the NLFEA
software used (ABAQUS and ADINA) including their concrete models, the philosophies of
constitutive models (stress-strain and stress-crack width) and the case studies for initial calibration
works was presented in this chapter. The geometric details and material properties of the beam and
reinforcing bars are shown in Table 4.3. The specimen is subjected to a centre loading of the
reinforced concrete beam. This method is not considered further. Table 2.3: Moments and shear
forces for flat slabs for internal panels Simplified method Moments and shears may be
taken from Table 3.18 of the code for structures where lateral stability does not depend on slab-
column connections. Flexural toughness can be measured by taking the useful area under the load-
deflection curve in flexure. Calibrate and validate the constitutive models into the FE models using
ADINA and ABAQUS to Produce complete load-deflection histories from the start of loading to
collapse. The convergence criteria based on the residual forces tolerance is maintained at 5%. Table
4.9: Tensile Stress-Strain Relationship for Constitutive Models Barros et al. Thus it mainly depends
upon the length and diameter of fibre used. Damage Mitigation Study in Tapered Concrete Filled
Double Skin Tubular Column. Scuola di lingue di Ionta Matteo, Via Toscana 15 09032 Assemini
(CA) P.IVA 03387470929. The fibers are of different sizes (from 5 to 60 mm long) and are dosed
between 0.5 and 2 % of the total volume, IE.
The radial crack is a tensile crack on the top of the slabs. At the peak load, the steel-fibre improves
the resistance to load. From the results obtained from the FEA analyses, o There is a consistent rise
in the strength of the slabs as the fibre dosage increases. The strain, 254 indicating crack locations,
spread in two legs at a right angle from the point of load application to another. TR34 (4th Edition)
suggests that most of the practical problems regarding crack widths and shrinkage can be minimised
at a material level by the appropriate selection of admixtures and cement. Social Posts Create on-
brand social posts and Articles in minutes. For each of the panels, calibration was done using the
experimental data to determine the accuracy of the FEA results. American Concrete Institute, ACI
Special Publication, 95-107. IJERA Editor Experimental Study of Strength Parameters of Hybrid
Fibre Reinforced C. The percentage of volume fibre used was 0.5%. The slab was supported at the
edge with support equal to the half of the length of the side and placed at the centre. The grove of
the notch is 45mm deep, making it slightly different from others. Damage Mitigation Study in
Tapered Concrete Filled Double Skin Tubular Column. The design is based on the single load case
mentioned above; 2. It is also to be noted that nowadays the construction industry is undergoing
changes and these fiber reinforced concrete are way better than ordinary concrete. Afterward, there is
a significant drop in the stresses in tension and likewise in compression, a substantial amount of
stresses is lost, and this change is responsible for the plateau behaviour observed for on the load-
deflection curves (Figure 5.5). Round-panels with smaller fibre volume ratio (1.0% - 1.5%) exhibit
“strain softening” behaviour and thus the drop from point III to IV is not as high leading to a
“gentle” response contrary to that of high. It is a pragmatic material model, exclusively described by
its uniaxial cylinder compressive strength (i.e., the maximum axial compressive stress that a right-
cylindrical sample of concrete can withstand before failing) and it identifies concrete as a brittle
material, which behaves nonlinearly in compression. The tensile cracking is examined both at soffit
and two sides of the slabs. The ductility is observed to remain the same after an optimum fibre
dosage. Nour Beam (2011) In their research work on the post-cracking behaviour of SFRC in
structural elements, they experimented on notched beam based on EN 14651 (British Standard
Institute, 2005) test. The total removal of conventional reinforcement was achieved mainly by
replacing them with steel-fibres. The cracks propagate at the point where the load was applied and
then a radial crack with a radius equivalent to the distance of the loading point to the support. Land
Management and sourcing land for sustainable Urban Development. This is due to multiple cracks
exhibited in the panel with continuous support. 5.3.4 Cracking Patterns The deflected shapes, the
principal strain contours and vectors of the round-panels with continuous supports analysed under
monotonic loading are presented in this section. Fiber reinforcement is mainly used in shocrete, but
can also be used in normal. The use of concrete containing structural fibers is prohibited in areas of
moderate seismic risk and above. To compensate for this effect, size-dependent safety factors have
been introduced. The design of the pile-supported slabs are mainly by the elastic and yield-line
methods. Using the constitutive models of ADINA, ABAQUS and SFRC discussed in Chapters 2
and 3, a set of analyses were carried out. The radial cracks propagate from external support to the
342 internal one. IRJETI Comparison of RC Beam-Column Joint with GFRC Beam-Column Joint
using S.

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