Jack The Ripper Essay Thesis

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However her lack of confidence in her evidence, demonstrated through her continuous qualifiers, i.e.
“but I cannot be sure” and “I think” makes it less dependable evidence thus increasing our
understanding as to why he was never caught. Annie Chapman's uterus had been cut out and
removed and her intestines had been cut out and placed over her shoulder. The psychopath case
study: jack the ripper essay sample. This was probably the wrong thing to do because a reward was
the only way to get any information because the public didn't trust the police, because of there bully
tactics used in the past. Name: Lecturer: Course: Date: jack the ripper Introduction jack the ripper is
a short narrative that was written by Paley Bruce in 1995. Jack the ripper - What can you learn from
source A about the murders of Pol. All sources H, J, I help us answer this question because they
show how easy it was for the ripper to get away and hide as fast as he did in deep alley ways and in
dark hidden locations. The source tries to blame the police for not capturing the Ripper but it strikes
as odd, that the article states the police were not interested in the information from the informant of
source E but listened to the vague evidence of Elizabeth Long which leads to the question of
whether the article could be trusted as they could of lied or exaggerated to make the police seem
worse than they were. Several policemen dressed up as prostitutes in an attempt to trap the killer. It
was the police forces duty to carry out this responsibility but unfortunately they were unable to do
so. Source E tells you how bad the street conditions were, “The main thoroughfares of White Chapel
are connected by a network of narrow, dark and crooked lanes.” The police can not be blamed for
poor street conditions or the financial stability of the people in the East End of London. If they had
worked together, they would’ve had a bigger chance to catch the Ripper. This gave Jack the Ripper
enough time to get a prostitute into a dark, hidden place and kill her before the officer comes past
again. This helps understand why the ripper was able to avoid capture. Whitechapel was a low class
area and police had reputation for targeting and picking on these poorer people in the lower classes
and favouring the upper classes. The right arm was slightly abducted from the body and rested on the
mattress. A new press began to emerge, based on sensational news, which you could view as the
ancestor of what we call the tabloid press nowadays. Consequently the evidence is helpful as it
unintentionally prevents the Ripper’s capture. The cases that were normally heard in the Old Bailey
last a matter of minutes. The smog made it hard to see and the poor lighting at night didn’t help.
Obvious evidence was left behind at the fifth murder; however the police had the evidence destroyed
as quickly as possible. In 1798 the London City Police was established and in 1829 the Metropolitan
Police was set-up with an extremely basic team of people to inhabit these new jobs. There are
theories of a Royal cover-up, that the murder was done by a person plagued by insanity (definitely
no doubt about this), that the murderer was a Jew, or that a doctor convicted of poisoning his
patients confessed he is “Jack. ”. These characteristics can be blamed on the home office, affecting
the police as the general public were filled with fear, thus resulting in deterring and unclear evidence.
Today, many researchers have studied these brutal cases and have tried to form some opinion on who
committed these crimes and why. Source J is a photograph of the site where Annie Chapman died.
Source G shows that the police did not offer a reward for any information leading to the capture of
Jack the Ripper, which was probably a bad thing as many people did not like or trust the current
police force, and they had no other way to get information. Looking at the source A, I can see that
the murders of Polly Nicholls and Martha Tabram were linked. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on
board with our cookie policy. No one could be trusted in Whitechapel, everyone was a suspect.
The murders were considered too much for the local Whitechapel (H) Division C.I.D, headed by
Detective Inspector Edmund Reid, to handle alone. Their ensuing arrest of a man nicknamed
'Leather Apron' was a failure when he was able to provide alibis for all of the murders. Source C is a
report by Doctor on the body of Elizabeth Stride. Using my own Knowledge there are lots of
reasons for the police to be blamed. This makes it scary too as there is no motive involved. This gave
Jack the Ripper enough time to get a prostitute into a dark, hidden place and kill her before the
officer comes past again. The Ripper was smart enough anyway to work out the difference between
a prostitute and a person dressing up as one. Firstly, many regarded prostitutes as immoral and evil.
Why the police were unable to catch Jack the ripper. Obvious evidence was left behind at the fifth
murder; however the police had the evidence destroyed as quickly as possible. What is she to do? In
all London she knows no friend—no one to whom she can appeal. Certainly the evidence indicates
that Smith was murdered by a group of three young hoodlums. The police investigated a suspicion
that Tabram was murdered by a soldier. Looking in particular at Business, as it was published in a
comedic newspaper, it is presenting a satirical comment on society in order to please and indulge its’
target audience. With technology that there is today who knows whether the ripper would have ever
been caught. People had seen her with two different men in the same day. Another reason was
nobody has ever seen him in action. The 'Pinchin Street torso' was undoubtedly an exercise in the
disposal of a body, and Coles was possibly murdered by a male companion, James Thomas Sadler,
who was arrested and, certainly for a while, suspected of being the Ripper. Some people say the
police were to blame simply because they didn't catch him, but you have to look at all the evidence
before you can make a judgement. You can use our samples to gather new ideas, get inspiration,
check out a particular paper's structure, familiarize yourself with a citation style, or collect resources
for research. The fact that someone had formed a group of people to write to the Home Secretary
regarding Jack the Ripper shows that people were conderned about the police catching him. Though
the Whitechapel information is basic, it provides a foundation for historian of Ripper’s advantages.
This meant he had knowledge of all the streets and knew some of the prostitutes and their pimps.
The police arrested a number of suspects; all were subsequently released because of a lack of
evidence or alibis. The Metropolitan Commissioner of Police, Sir Charles Warren, resigned at the time
of the Kelly murder, after a long history of dispute with the Home Office, and was replaced by
James Monro. Sources B and C are about how the Ripper had 'Anatomical skill' and how he planned
each murder, this would have narrowed the search to people like doctors but if the Ripper planned
each murder there would have been harder for the police to catch him because he knew exactly what
he was doing. You cannot rely on this source too much because it is a newspaper article that means
the information has probably been sensationalised, because it is only interested in the news value. She
describes a possible suspect she had seen talking to Annie Chapman on the night of the murder. Jack
the ripper was malicious, cold-blooded, brutal, ruthless and suggested to be a sexual psychopath
maybe even insane or a crazy maniac but also very cunning for he knew he wouldn’t get caught if he
struck randomly and quickly, nobody having a chance of seeing him murder the victims and they had
no chance of screaming for help in the dark lanes. The Army was mistrusted and the police force
wanted to distinguish themselves and remain popular. Also, this was a huge challenge for the police
because they did not know what a serial killer was and the crime was completely new to them.
These quotes suggest that the newspaper is trying to convey an image of the murderer as a very
violent man. The contradictory witness statements and initially thinking that Jack was local sent the
police down the wrong leads and wasted a lot of time that could have been spent on locating the
killer. Indeed, residents were suspicious of immigrants, especially Jews, and of each other. In this
artcle the police are being blamed for the Ripper getting away with such brutal murders. They didn't
have no police which meant no forensics and therefore they didn't have CID. The problem with
source D and most of the description of the Ripper is very vague, she often says ' I think' and 'I
cannot be sure' which shows that Elizabeth Long is not sure about the description (she was making
assumptions). He was wearing a long coat, this would have helped him to blend in with other perople
when walking around the streets and could easily not be noticed on a dark night and could get away
from a murder scene quickly and unnoticed. Her descriptions of the killer are therefore too vague to
convict a suspect on the basis of visual identification. Source I is a map of the Whitechaple showing
where the murders took place. On the contrary, they followed up on the part of Mrs. Long’s evidence
that implied that the man was a foreigner even though the rest of the evidence had been ignored. As
with every murder there was no witnesses or the lack of them. This is because Elizabeth Long gave
evidence describing the man that she saw. However no name of the informant is mentioned, nor
what station he went to and it does not say who he spoke to neither does it say what date he warned
the police. There were also missing internal organs from the crime scene. Source C was written by a
well-educated doctor with no need to sensationalise facts. Prostitutes might have been murdered
before, but it was the unusual characteristics of the crimes which we remember even today. There
was a bruise running along the lower part of the jaw on the right side of the face. Looking for the
Ripper amongst all this would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. There are, however, five
universally accepted victims of Jack the Ripper, dubbed as the canonical five. However, since source
A is a newspaper article, the information it provides must be taken with a pinch of salt, as
newspapers tend to sensationalize their stories in order to gain a greater readership. They kept most
of the description quiet to prevent panic, but by releasing the important bits of the information they
might have jogged a few peoples memories and got more leads. Many of the residents had previously
received bad treatment from police officers and they did not like them. Why were the police unable
to catch Jack the Ripper? Certainly, one of the reasons they gained so much attention was due to the
fact that the murderer was never caught - but why did the London police fail to do so. Although they
tried very hard, they were too ill equipped to deal with a serial killer investigation. Source A is saying
that he is unstable whereas source B is saying that anyone who carried out this type of muder was
very skilled and knowlagable. The incompetence of the police made people want to take their own
involvement in the case, possibly even thinking that they could do a better job solving it. The
punishments in the early 19 th century was often public execution, however, when public execution
ended in 1868 so did the amount of offences punishable by death. Many people have different views
on whether the police were to blame for this. For example people wouldn’t be able to see his hair
colour and his face would be darkened.
Were the police to blame for Jack the Ripper not being caught. His name was also mentioned by
Chief Inspector John George Littlechild in his letter, which was later dubbed the Littlechild Letter, in
response to a previous one by G. R. Sims, to be a very likely suspect in connection with the
Whitechapel murders (“The Littlechild Letter”). The popular press sustained a national interest in the
cases, which contributed to an air of hysteria. This view is clearly expressed in the illustration
Business by George du Maurier. Why were the police unable to catch Jack the Ripper Essay Sample.
Source B is part of the coroner’s report for the murder of Polly Nicholls and source C is a report by
Dr. Frederick Blackwell on the body of Elizabeth Stride. The nature of the victims did not help their
cause, nor did the accounts of unreliable witnesses. It also heavy depicts the gruesome amount of
violence that was present, due to this fact and no clear motive the paper suggest that the killer is a
“demented being”. It also shows another method the police may have used to catch the ripper but
obviously it wasn’t used. Petty thieving, begging, vagrants, street brawls were some of the petty
crimes committed but the more often ones were mugging and prostitution. People in Whitechapel
had no respect for the police, this is the reason why they mocked them and blamed them harshly for
not catching the Ripper. There are differences of opinion as to how many victims are there that Jack
the Ripper was responsible. These meetings required as many police as possible becasue he was
considered extremely dangerous and even if it was a fake meeting it would waste alot of precious
policing time and what little staff they had to man these operations. The only way they could have
captured the real Ripper is if they had caught him red handed. This, to me, is the most plausible
theory that is based on the facts. But with all the claims and contradictions, we can only be sure of
one thing: that the real identity of Jack the Ripper can never be revealed with absolute certainty. The
only way they could have captured the real Ripper is if they had caught him red handed. The other
reasons I have given in this essay also had a considerable negative effect on their chances. Characters
There are varied characters portrayed in the novel but the main character is Anthony Perkins who
played the role of jack the ripper. A lot of witnesses came forward but most of the information that
they gave were vague, unreliable or misleading. There are, however, theories that are highly plausible.
People who used this prostitutes probably wanted no one to know they were using them as most of
them had wives, so there would have been a lot of people acting suspicious. The punishments in the
early 19 th century was often public execution, however, when public execution ended in 1868 so did
the amount of offences punishable by death. So, Source A and B are alike in the respect that they
were both written at about the same time but that’s about it. This made a lot of the residents angry
and less likely to come up with evidence if there was nothing in it for them. It shows a specific case,
whereas E shows usual issues which could be applied to all crimes of the time. Chief constable of the
Met police force Warren ordered it to be wiped off, in the fear that there would be an anti-Semitic
onslaught upon the Jews of Whitechapel. Even at this early stage the newspapers were carrying
theories as to the identity of the killer, including doctors, slaughterers, sailors, and lunatics of every
description. Having two different forces on the same case could have caused confusion on some
aspects. All of the statements taken from witnesses contradicted each other.
Although her description was quite useless to the police, it is very useful in helping us understand
why the Ripper was not caught. Source A neither agrees nor disagrees on the fact that the murders
were carried out by someone who had the knowlage and skill to comit this type of murder. The
Home Secretary had got involved in the case of Jack the Ripper this shows that they thought this
particular case needed to be solved quickly and efficiently. The police would also go out in large
numbers to patrol the Whitechapel area to try and catch the “Ripper” in the act. Everyone apparently
containing some headquarters of infamy.’ What could the police do to stop this, nothing would
suddenly just make Whitechapel citizens change their lifestyles. Police visited the common lodging
houses, interviewing over 2,000 lodgers. 80,000 handbills were printed up and distributed in the
neighbourhood to encourage witnesses to come forward. The murders were put to the forefront of
Londoners’ minds by the press. If Jack the Ripper was here now, in modern day London and did the
same thing, we could be sure that he would’ve been caught in a few weeks, or even days. Adding to
all the contributing factors, the relations between public and police were not very strong; therefore
many people may have felt uncomfortable in helping the police in their search. The colour blue was
adopted because it was the colour of the Navy, viewed as the saviour of the nation and defenders of
Britain. It gives no information about the appearance of Jack the Ripper, just about the times of death
and to look out for anyone suspicious. During the 1880’s, forensic science was poorly developed.
The reputation of Whitechapel was bad already even before Jack the ripper started his case. The right
arm was slightly abducted from the body and rested on the mattress. After this attempt, they tried to
use a detective there were limitations on the CID because they where only just formed and was not
experienced in solving murder cases like this before. They didn't have no police which meant no
forensics and therefore they didn't have CID. People in Whitechapel had no respect for the police,
this is the reason why they mocked them and blamed them harshly for not catching the Ripper.
However, many standard methods were still used such as increasing patrols on streets, and dressing
as prostitutes to catch the Ripper, these practices did not prove successful but were carried out due to
the lack of method adaption. Looking for the Ripper amongst all this would be like looking for a
needle in a haystack. This attitude towards prostitutes was virtually legalized through the Contagious
Diseases Act. The Whitechapel murders were, arguably, the first high profile serial killer case in
Britain. So to set the scene, the list of the eleven Whitechapel murders, (all of which at some stage
have been looked upon as 'Ripper' murders), was as follows. The nature of the crimes was horrific
and was done in a unique way. However, the source implies the police’s dependency on local help in
patrolling, and how false information could seriously mislead them. He knew the roads that the
victims were worked on and therefore must have been watching them for a while because he could
work more freel if there was no-one to see him. Source C is about the murder of Elizabeth Stride and
B is about Polly Nicholls, both of them talk about the victim’s corpses as they were found and goes
into detail about where the cuts were inflicted, both C and B say the murders were committed with a
knife of some sort. Moreover, this man was wearing a deer stalker hat which would have also made
him look darker. Annie Chapman's uterus had been cut out and removed and her intestines had been
cut out and placed over her shoulder. Elizabeth Stride, Mary Kelly and Catherine Eddows' genitals
had been touched but he may have been disturbed by someone. In conclusion, I think the most
important reason that the police did not catch the Ripper was because of the limitations they had to
cope with.

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