Senate Commerce Republicans Write To NY/NJ Port Authority.

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March 6, 2024

Mr. Rick Cotton

Executive Director
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
4 World Trade Center
New York, NY 10007

Dear Mr. Cotton:

As members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

(“Committee”), we write regarding the housing of illegal aliens1 at John F. Kennedy
International Airport (“JFK”). Since at least June of 2023, the Port Authority of New York and
New Jersey (“Port Authority”)—the owner and operator of JFK—has housed thousands of illegal
aliens at JFK Building 197.2 This and other “respite centers” are ostensibly intended to be only
short-term shelters while more permanent arrangements are made. In fact, Building 197 is
designated for aeronautical purposes,3 and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) stated that
“the use of airport property (Building 197) for the proposed emergency shelter must be on a
limited, short-term basis.”4 Despite the Port Authority’s and FAA’s statements to the contrary,
recent reporting suggests that illegal aliens have been living in Building 197, and other areas, for
anything but a “limited, short-term basis.”5

Over the last 75-plus years, the federal government has invested hundreds of billions of dollars in
the development of a robust, nationwide public-use airport system to facilitate the “growth of
aviation and the requirements of interstate commerce . . . and the national defense.”6 In FY2022,

As used in this letter, the term “illegal alien” means an alien, as defined in § 101 of the Immigration and
Nationality Act (INA), who has not been admitted as that term is defined in such section.
Preparations underway to turn part of JFK Airport into temporary shelter for migrants. ABC7NY. June 2, 2023.
Available at
FAA Approval to Extend the License Agreement for the Temporary Use of Building Number 197 at John F.
Kennedy International Airport. Federal Aviation Administration. September 25, 2023.
Thomas Tracy. Migrant at JFK Airport shelter busted for running into secure area. New York Daily News.
February 11, 2024. Available at
Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 (PL 97-248).
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JFK was awarded nearly $11 million in Airport Improvement Program grants.7 As the FAA
states, there are several obligations that come with receiving this federal assistance, but the
“[m]ost important is that the airport and its facilities must be available for public use as an
airport.”8 Repurposing airport facilities and infrastructure to house illegal aliens not only
degrades taxpayers’ investment in the national airport system but, at least in the case of JFK, as
federally-funded airport facilities are withdrawn from access and commercial use, it violates the
requirement that they “be available for public use as an airport.”9 No rational person would
define an airport as a facility that houses illegal aliens.

Since 1981, New York City (NYC) has been a “right to shelter” city, which entitles anyone who
ask for city-provided “shelter and board” to receive it.10 In 1989, then-Mayor Ed Koch
designated NYC as a “sanctuary city”—meaning the city disregards federal immigration law and
refuses to cooperate with federal immigration authorities.11 Former NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio
doubled down on this lawless position, signing two measures into law in 2014 to “dramatically
reduce” cooperation with federal immigration authorities and, in 2018, issuing citywide guidance
and new NYPD protocols to “institutionalize . . . that [the city] will not voluntarily cooperate
with federal immigration enforcement activities.”12 The State of New York meanwhile, as part of
a wave of pro-illegal immigration hysteria during the Trump administration, declared itself a
“sanctuary state” in 2017 via an executive order from then-Governor Andrew Cuomo.13 Current
NYC Mayor Eric Adams claims the city’s sanctuary city status “has nothing to do” with NYC’s
illegal alien crisis, and New York Governor Kathy Hochul has stated “sanctuary status . . . is not
the driver of why [illegal aliens are] coming to New York State.”14 But clearly it is: the state’s

2023 Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Grants. Federal Aviation Administration. Available at
AC 150/5190-8, Minimum Standards for Commercial Aeronautical Activities. Federal Aviation Administration.
December 7, 2023. Available at
Id. (emphasis added).
Anthony Izaguirre. New York City moves to suspend ‘right to shelter’ as migrant influx continues. Associated
Press. October 4, 2023. Available at
480120d5d46d4b85a3c353c628a7d018.; “The Callahan Consent Decree.” Coalition for the Homeless. 1981.
Available at
Executive Order No. 124 City Policy Concerning Aliens. New York City Mayor Ed Koch. August 7, 1989.
Available at
Mayor Bill de Blasio Signs into Law Bills to Dramatically Reduce New York City's Cooperation with U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement Deportations. Office of the Mayor. November 14, 2014. Available at
new-york-city-s-cooperation-with#/0; De Blasio Administration Announces Citywide Guidance and NYPD Protocol
to Codify Restrictions on Assistance with Federal Immigration Enforcement. Office of the Mayor. January 31, 2018.
Available at
Do you live in one of the 11 sanctuary states or the District of Columbia? Federation for American Immigration
Reform. Available at
Tom Eschen. Gov. Hochul: ‘Right to shelter’, not Sanctuary status, facilitating migrant influx. CBS6 News.
September 8, 2023. Available at
Mr. Rick Cotton
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sanctuary status and the city’s sanctuary city and right to shelter status are magnets for illegal
aliens, drawing these individuals to New York State and NYC and creating what Governor
Hochul has declared a “state of emergency.”15

For years, the Governor and Mayor have promoted the State’s and NYC’s sanctuary status, as
well as the generous, taxpayer-funded benefits for illegal aliens, like free housing. In December
2021, for example, Governor Hochul stated “ . . . despite where they came from . . . or the
circumstances that drove them to this country and to this state, we say ‘you are welcome here.
You are welcome with open arms . . . We’ll not only house you, but we’ll protect you.’”16
Similarly, in June 2021 then-mayoral candidate Adams said “We need to ensure that [illegal
aliens] receive healthcare and protection . . . that ICE is never in a position to partner with the
police department and harm them.”17 Later that year, Adams went on to say “We should protect
our immigrants. Period. Yes, New York City will remain a sanctuary city under an Adams

But Governor Hochul’s and Mayor Adams’s “open-armed” welcome to illegal aliens “wherever
they came from” apparently has its limits. With tens of thousands of illegal aliens now taking
them up on their offer, both Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams have changed their positions
and are now asking illegal aliens to “go somewhere else” and “consider another city . . . in the
U.S.” instead of coming to New York.19 Mayor Adams even said the sending of illegal aliens to
NYC was creating “chaos,”20 characterized Texas Governor Greg Abbott as a “madman”21 with

Luke Parsnow. Hochul once again extends state of emergency over migrant situation. Spectrum News. October
23, 2023. Available at
New York governor goes from welcoming migrants to telling them to go elsewhere. Dan Abrams Live.
NewsNation. September 21, 2023. Available at
Eric Adams. “We are ALL New Yorkers, and we all deserve an equal opportunity to raise safe, healthy, and
economically secure families. As Mayor, I’ll always defend our undocumented communities and fight to ensure that
they have the support and protection needed to thrive in our City.” June 3, 2021. Available at
Eric Adams. “"We should protect our immigrants." Period. Yes, New York City will remain a sanctuary city
under an Adams administration. #EricOnNBC.” October 20, 2021. Available at
Danielle Wallace. Gov. Kathy Hochul has message for migrants looking to come to New York: 'Go somewhere
else.' Fox News. September 21, 2023. Available at
migrants-looking-come-new-york-go-somewhere-else.; Adam Shaw. NYC issues posters telling migrants to
'consider another city,' warns of sky-high prices. July 19, 2023. Available at
Sahalie Donaldson. Adams threatens ‘all viable’ legal actions against Abbott over migrants. City&State. January
2, 2024. Available at
Charles Cooke. On Illegal Immigration, Mayor Eric Adams Is an Incoherent Mess. National Review. September
7, 2023. Available at
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“a diabolical plan”22 for providing transportation for illegal aliens to NYC from Texas at those
aliens’ request. He went on to suggest Governor Abbott is motivated by racial animus and that
his voluntary program to transport illegal aliens to sanctuary cities is really “targeting five cities
run by Black mayors . . . using this crisis to hurt Black-run cities.”23 Moreover, Adams is now
demanding the American taxpayer cough up billions of dollars to pay for New York’s decision to
make itself a haven for illegal aliens.24

In truth, New Yorkers are being “hurt” by the Governor’s and Mayor’s pro-illegal alien policies.
Just this month, Police Commissioner Edward Caban stated that “a wave of migrant crime has
washed over our city.”25 This crime wave is the unfortunate but predictable result of the New
York legal system, which releases criminal illegal aliens back into the community rather than
cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and forces ICE officials to track
them back down, detain, and remove them.

In just the last two fiscal years ICE lodged 266 detainer requests for criminal illegal aliens in
NYC, all of which were ignored.26 The Biden administration’s own ICE describes these detainers
as “critical public safety tool[s]” that “increase the safety of all parties involved.”27 The detainers
included violent criminals like an El Salvadorian illegal alien, previously convicted as an
aggravated felon for stalking-emotional distress, invasion of privacy-sex gratification, and
burglary in the second degree, who was subsequently arraigned for rape in the first degree by

Kelly Mena. Mayor Adams blames Gov. Abbott for chaotic New Jersey migrant situation. Spectrum News.
January 2, 2024. Available at
Eric Adams. “This weekend, we learned that Governor Abbott is once again deciding to play politics with people's
lives by resuming the busing of asylum seekers to New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, and Washington, D.C.
Not only is this behavior morally bankrupt and devoid of any concern for the well-being of asylum seekers, but it is
also impossible to ignore the fact that Abbott is now targeting five cities run by Black mayors. Put plainly, Abbott is
using this crisis to hurt Black-run cities. Last year, Abbott bussed migrants to New York against their will,
reportedly had security guards hold them hostage on busses when they tried to get off in other cities, shipped them
off while sick and COVID positive, and tagged individuals with barcodes. Despite Abbott’s inhumane actions, New
York City will continue to do all it can to handle this influx, but this crisis is more than one city can handle. With a
vacuum of leadership from border states, we need the federal government to step in and provide us with support and
to prevent this cruelty from continuing.” May 1, 2023. Available at
Misty Severi. NYC Mayor Eric Adams blames Biden for city’s budget woes: ‘Yell at DC’. Washington Examiner.
November 21, 2023. Available at
Jake Offenhartz. Brawl between migrants and police in New York’s Times Square touches off backlash.
Associated Press. February 5, 2024. Available at
Michael Dorgan. ICE official rips NYC policies shielding police-beating migrants from deportation. Fox News.
February 6, 2024. Available at
ERO New York City arrests previously deported Salvadoran citizen charged with rape. U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement. May 25, 2023. Available at
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forcible compulsion and then released despite a detainer request.28 Another example is a
Guatemalan illegal alien who was convicted of rape in the second degree by sexual intercourse
with another person who is incapable of consent by reason of being mentally disabled.29 In the
case of the now-infamous mob of illegal aliens who beat NYPD officers in Times Square and
were released without bail, it is unclear if ICE was able to lodge a detainer request before their
release, but there is little doubt that even if ICE had done so, the city would have ignored it too.
It is little wonder that more than 50,000 criminal illegal aliens now call NYC home30 or why 85
percent of NYC voters are concerned about accommodating illegal aliens; a plurality don’t think
NYC should remain a sanctuary city’ and 48 percent feel less safe in the city than they felt five
years ago according to polling done last year.31,32

Housing illegal aliens at airports is unprecedented and far beyond the scope of the FAA’s vision
for a nationwide system of airports. FAA policy prohibits the use of aeronautical facilities on
airport property for non-aeronautical purposes.33 In June 2023, the Port Authority sought a
license agreement to temporarily house illegal aliens at Building 197 on JFK grounds, a building
designated for aeronautical purposes.34 In September, the use agreement was extended until
March 31, 2024.35 One of the conditions of the FAA’s approval allowing JFK to house illegal
aliens on airport property was that “the parties to the Agreement must take every action
necessary to provide for the safety and security of the airport and airport users”36 because one of
the risk to aviation security posed by housing illegal aliens at the airport. Illustrating the very
concern, on February 10, an illegal alien from Ecuador housed at JFK’s Building 197 broke into

ERO New York City arrests previously deported Salvadoran citizen charged with rape. U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement. May 25, 2023. Available at
ERO New York City arrests unlawfully present noncitizen, convicted rapist. U.S. Customs and Immigration
Enforcement. October 31, 2023. Available at
New Data Reveal Worsening Magnitude of the Biden Border Crisis and Lack of Interior Immigration
Enforcement. Interim Staff Report of the Committee on the Judiciary and Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity,
Security, and Enforcement. U.S. House of Representatives. January 18, 2024. Available at
New York Migrant Crisis Spells Danger for Democrats. Redfield & Wilton Strategies. September 13, 2023.
Available at
85 percent of New York City voters concerned about accommodating migrants: poll. The Hill. December 6, 2023.
Available at
Docket No. FAA 2014-0463 Policy on the Non-Aeronautical Use of Airport Hangars. Federal Aviation
Administration. June 15, 2016. Available at
FAA Approval of the License Agreement for the Temporary Use of Building Number 197 at John F. Kennedy
International Airport. Federal Aviation Administration. June 3, 2023.
FAA Approval to Extend the License Agreement for the Temporary Use of Building Number 197 at John F.
Kennedy International Airport. Federal Aviation Administration. September 25, 2023.
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the secure area of the airport. When he was captured by Port Authority police, he was found with
scissors and a box cutter. After being arrested and charged with trespass and weapons
possession, prosecutors dropped the weapons charge and granted him an adjournment
contemplating dismissal, effectively meaning the case will be dismissed if he does not re-offend
within a set time.37 It would seem likely in the context of New York’s soft-on-crime, pro-illegal
alien policies, these charges were significantly downgraded in order to avoid compromising this
illegal alien’s immigration proceedings or chances of receiving immigration relief.

Never before in the history of American aviation has the FAA had to approve the use of airport
facilities to house illegal aliens.38 Yet under Democrat leadership of the White House and liberal
cities and states, this is now our nation’s reality, with thousands of illegal aliens living in
America’s airports. It is a warped repurposing of America’s aviation system and is a direct
consequence of the open border policies embraced by the far left and President Biden—and
something which is only being made worse by the lawless sanctuary policies of places like New
York and NYC.

The Standing Rules of the Senate provide the Committee the authority to “review and study, on a
continuing basis” matters related to transportation including aviation.39 In our capacity as
members of the Committee, we are committed to robust oversight of the U.S. aviation system,
which includes airports receiving federal funding. As such, please the documents requested
below and provide written responses to the questions below no later than March 20, 2024:

1. Please provide a copy of the License Agreement for the Temporary Use of Building
Number 197 at John F. Kennedy International Airport reached with the FAA in June
2023 and extended in September 2023.

2. Has the Port Authority applied for an extension of JFK’s aeronautical use waiver?

3. Have any aeronautical users been displaced by the use of Building 197 for illegal alien40
housing? If so:
a. Has the Port Authority provided any accommodations for those displaced?

b. What accommodations did it provide?

4. Regarding housing illegal aliens at JFK:

a. Is Building 197 the only location on Port Authority airport grounds where aliens
are housed? If not, what other locations house illegal aliens at JFK?

Thomas Tracy. Migrant at JFK Airport shelter busted for running into secure area. New York Daily News.
February 11, 2024. Available at
“Email from FAA to Committee staff (September 29, 2023) (on file with the Committee).”
S. Rules XXV(1)(f), XXVI(8)(a)(2).
See supra n. 1 for the applicable definition of illegal alien in your responses.
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b. How long have illegal aliens been housed at JFK? At Building 197 in particular?

c. What is the longest period of time that any illegal alien was housed at JFK? At
Building 197 in particular?

d. On average, how long are illegal aliens housed at JFK? At Building 197 in

e. How many illegal aliens are housed at JFK as of the date of this letter? At
Building 197 in particular?

f. Cumulatively, how many illegal aliens were housed at JFK in 2023? At Building
197 in particular?

5. Regarding the illegal aliens authorized to be housed at JFK:

a. Does the Port Authority verify that the illegal aliens being housed in Building 197
are persons seeking asylum? If so, how?

b. Does the Port Authority limit housing to just those aliens who have claimed a fear
of persecution and received a positive credible fear determination?

c. Does the Port Authority consider illegal aliens who do not claim a fear of
persecution to be persons seeking asylum?

d. Does the Port Authority consider illegal aliens who receive a negative credible
fear determination and nonetheless remain in the country to be persons seeking

e. Must an illegal alien provide the Port Authority with proof they have been
processed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), such as providing a
valid alien or A number? If not, does the Port Authority ever consider an unvetted
illegal alien “gotaway,” who evaded Border Patrol and was not processed by DHS
to be a person seeking asylum?

6. Regarding the February 10 security breach:

a. Was it the only instance in which an illegal alien has gained access to a secure
area of the airport?41 If not, please describe each other breach with particularity.

b. Was JFK, including the Port Authority Police Department, consulted on whether
to downgrade the charges of the Ecuadorean illegal alien, dropping the weapons
charge and granting an adjournment contemplating dismissal? If yes, please

Supra note 3.
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provide copies of any communications referring or relating to the charging and


7. Did the Port or NYC consult with TSA, including on matters of aviation safety and
security, before turning the airport facilities into illegal alien housing?

8. Since the housing of illegal aliens began at JFK, have there been any incidents involving
illegal aliens where a law enforcement response was necessary? If so, how many
incidents, what were the circumstances of the incidents, and what were the resulting
criminal charges if any?

9. Does the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department have a
sanctuary policy in place that limits cooperation with the federal government on matters
of immigration enforcement? If so, please provide that policy and describe its practical

10. Does the Port Authority Police Department honor ICE detainer requests?

11. Regarding the sources of funds to pay for costs related to housing or otherwise locating
illegal aliens at JFK:

a. Has JFK Airport or the Port Authority used any airport revenue, concessionaire
revenue, landing fees, airline taxes, or other aeronautical or non-aeronautical
revenue stream to pay those costs? Please describe each funding source with

b. Has New York City or any New York state agency reimbursed the Port Authority
for those costs? If so, what specific agency or department? If not, what was the
source of funds used to pay the associated costs?

c. Has the Port Authority passed on any of those costs to air carriers?

d. Have any taxpayer funds been used directly or indirectly to pay the costs?

e. For the construction or maintenance of Building 197, were any Passenger Facility
Charge (PFC) funds used? If so, please provide a dollar amount.

f. Have any PFC funds been used to service debt that was incurred to build or
maintain Building 197?

g. Has the Port Authority or the airport taken on any new debt since June of 2023 to
pay those costs? If so, does the Port Authority intend to use PFC funds to service
this debt?
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12. Do the Port Authority and city of New York know the identity of every alien housed at

13. Did any elected official direct or encourage the Port Authority to house aliens on Port
Authority property? If so, whom?

14. In what ways do the Port Authority and city of New York coordinate with federal
partners to compare identities to terror watchlists?

The crisis of illegal immigration brought on by the Biden administration is not just untenable, it
is inhumane. We encourage you to use the authorities at your disposal to zealously oppose any
future attempts to house illegal aliens at JFK or any other Port Authority airports.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


___________________________ ___________________________
Ted Cruz Tedd Budd
United States Senator United States Senator

___________________________ ___________________________
JD Vance Todd Young
United States Senator United States Senator

Dan Sullivan
United States Senator

Cc: Kathy Hochul, Governor of New York

Phil Murphy, Governor of New Jersey
Eric Adams, Mayor of New York City

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