Bullying Papers

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With all praise and gratitude we offer to the presence of Allah SWT for
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the highest appreciation and gratitude to Ms. Nia Kurniasari Hidayah, S.Pd as the
English Teaching Teacher who has guided in the preparation of this paper
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for those who read and especially for the author himself.

Subang, February 2024

Deswinta Rynda Dwi Putri


A. Background
Bullying It is a deliberate act of aggressive behavior carried out by a
person or group of people repeatedly and from time to time against a victim
who cannot defend himself easily. One of the researches that has been carried
out by NGOs (Soetidjo, 2018)Plan International dan International Center
for Research on Women (ICRW) which was uploaded in early March 2015
shows the results of astonishing facts related to child violence in schools. At
the Asian level, cases bullying (Qodar, 2017)What happens to students in
schools reaches 70%.
Bullying cases are now rife, not only in the community but this case
occurs in the world of education which makes various parties more concerned
including the child protection commission. Various ways are done to
minimize the incidence of bullying in schools, including one of the National
Commission on Child Protection urging the school to better protect and pay
attention to its students.
According to the Child Protection Commission (KPAI), Indonesia is a
country with cases bullying In schools that report the most community to the
Child Protection Commission. KPAI recorded 369 reports related to the
problem.25% of the number was reporting in the field of Education, which
was as many as 1,480 cases. Reported cases are only a small part of cases that
occur, not a few acts of violence against children are not reported. (Setyawan,
According to Semai Jiwa Amini, the impact that occurs due to
behavior (Sejiwa, 2018)bullying is alone, crying, asking to change schools,
children's concentration decreases, learning achievement decreases, does not
want to socialize, children become timid, restless, lying, depressed, becomes
quiet, not excited, aloof, sensitive, anxious, irritable, to cause mental
disorders. Bullying not only has an impact on the victim, but also on the
perpetrator. The act of intimidation is also bad for the victim, witnesses, even
for the perpetrator himself.
The advancement of various audio-visual aids in the present era has
led to a progressive change in education involving more illustrations and
demonstrations, audiovisual aids becoming essential in conveying the
necessary information. Therefore, this study aims to assess students'
perspectives on the use of audiovisual aids in teaching.(Souza, 2016)
Health education through audiovisuals is very influential in
respondents' understanding of behavior bullying (Suryaningseh, 2016). This is
also in accordance with the opinion that education is an important basis in
human life, because the higher the education, the easier it is to accept new
things and easier to adjust to new things.(Notoatmodjo, 2016)
Not only understanding about bullying but subjective norms are also
needed, subjective norms are a person's beliefs about what other individuals
or groups want someone to do Attitudes toward behavior are influenced by the
belief that the behavior will bring(Azwar, 2015)kake desired results, beliefs
about what is normative (Azwar, 2016). About subjective norms supports the
assumption that adolescents care about the opinions of significant others, with
adolescents feeling negative social pressure towards bullying, then as a
teenager may show a lesser intention to do that.

B. Problem Statement
Based on the background description of the problem above, the following
problem can be formulated "is there an influence of the influence of health
education through audiovisual on the level of knowledge and subjective
norms of adolescents about bullying?"

C. Purpose
1. General Purpose
Knowing the influence of health education through audiovisuals on the
level of knowledge and subjective norms of adolescents about
2. Special Purpose
a) Know the differences in subjective knowledge and norms
before and after health education about bullying in adolescents
b) Knowing the differences in knowledge and subjective norms of
adolescents in treatment and control groups before being given
health education.
c) Knowing the analysis of the influence of health education
through audiovisuals on the level of knowledge and subjective
norms of adolescents about bullying Research Benefits

D. Fat Research
1. Theoretical Aspects
Provide references on the influence of health education through
audiovisuals on the level of knowledge and subjective norms of
adolescents about bullying
2. Practical Aspects
a) Educational Institutions
As input and consideration in providing health education about
b) Adolescent
Increase insight into bullying, so that with good knowledge
can reduce the incidence of bullying
c) Other Researchers
Researchers hope that the results of this study can increase
knowledge and as consideration for future research.
d) Profession
The results of this study are expected to motivate nurses to
better inform teachers about the importance of bullying
knowledge .

Interview Results : Jum'at 26 January 2024

Narasumber : Early Nafisa Musyafa
Interview Answers :

Narasumber Interview Answers

1. Bullying is the act of hurting/harming
others both physically and mentally
2. Of course I will reprimand him and try to
stop him, I will try to involve myself
positively. This could include providing
support to the victim, trying to stop the
perpetrator, or reporting the incident to the
appropriate authorities. It is important to
create a safe and supportive environment
for everyone.
3. I am very concerned about the impact of
bullying itself because bullying can have a
Early Nafisa Musyafa very bad impact on a person's mental and
physical health, not even a few victims who
end their lives.
4. Education about the harmful effects of
bullying itself, protection and enforcement
of rules related to bullying. My opinion is
that it takes a concerted effort to prevent
and tackle bullying, creating a safe and
supportive environment for everyone.
Education about respect, empathy, and
tolerance is also important.
5. report to authorities, avoid bullying
environments and seek healthy friendship

A. Conclusion
Based on the results of research and discussion in the previous
chapter, it can be concluded as follows:
1. From the above understanding it can be concluded that bullying is a
form of negative, aggressive actions or behaviors such as bullying,
hurting or harassing that are done consciously, deliberately in a
repeated way by a person or group of people to cause displeasure or
hurt others repeatedly. And this bullying is disturbing to others
because the impact of negative behavior that is now popular among
this society is the discomfort of others or victims of bullying.
2. Factors that influence bullying behavior include family factors that
cause bullying behavior among students, because families, especially
bullies, do not get attention and affection from their parents. They tend
to get unkind treatment from parents. So they modeled what they saw
from parents. The peer factor also has a big role as a cause of bullying
because most of the time they have is spent with their friends. The
social environment of the bully has an important role in the bullying
he does, because the perpetrator tends to follow what his friends do.
From the conclusions of the results of the study above, several
suggestions can be proposed as beirkut:
1. For schools, it should increase supervision by going around the
school at certain hours and certain places that have the potential
for bullying.
2. For teachers, they should be more responsive to bullying behavior
in small or large forms so as not to cause victims.
3. For BK teachers, they should record every case of bullying that
occurs in school as a record for handling appropriate actions in
handling these cases
4. For parents, they should be positive role models for children and
create warm relationships between families.

Azwar. (2015). Norms on bullying behavior. Azwar Journal.

Notoatmodjo. (2016). Education is an important foundation in human life.

Qodar. (2017). Bullying Pengertian Definit. Qodar Journal.

Soulful. (2018). The impact that occurs on bullying behavior. Seijwa Journal.

Setyawan. (2019). Bullying cases based on KPAI. Setyawan Journal.

Soetidjo. (2018). Bullying is one of the acts of intentional aggressive behavior carried

out by a person or group . Soetidjo Journal.

Souza. (2016). Progress in the current era regarding value information perspectives

on bullying. Souza Journal.

Suryaningseh. (2016). Health education through audiovisuals is very influential in

respondents' understanding of bullying behavior .

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