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The 2nd International Conference on Research and Learning of Physics IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1481 (2020) 012083 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1481/1/012083

Effectiveness of student worksheets based guided inquiry on

acid base material to improve students higher order thinking
skill (HOTS)

Mawardi Mawardi*, Aisyah Fitri Rusiani Js, and Fitra Handa Yani
Chemistry Education Department, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka,
Air Tawar Padang, No. 1, Sumatera Barat 25173, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract. One of efforts to improve quality of human resources in 21st century is improve the
level of education quality by promoting a new curriculum that is 2013 curriculum. 2013
curriculum adheres to the basic view that learning is not merely a transfer of knowledge and
ability, but also to build HOTS of learners. The study aims to find out effectiveness of students
worksheets based guided inquiry on acid base material to improve students HOTS. Type of
research is quasi experiments with design non-equivalent control class. sampling techniques
using cluster purposive sampling. The sample was 127 students consisting of two schools are
SMAN 4 Padang and SMAN 8 Padang. Experimental class 1 (n=32 students) and control class
1 (n=32 students) came from SMAN 4 Padang. Experimental Class 2 (n=33 students) and
control 2 (n=30 students) came from SMAN 8 Padang. The experimental class used a student
worksheets based guided inquiry, while control class used textbooks available at school. Result
of this research shows experimental class 1 and control class 1 got N-gain score are 0.64 and
0.58, while experiment class 2 and control class 2 got N-gain score are 0.60 and 0.56 both
groups proved to have statistically significant different improvement. It means student
worksheets based guided inquiry are increase HOTS students.

1. Introduction
The 21st century is a century based on advancement of science and technology, thus demanding an
increase quality of human resources to master various skills needed to face global challenges in 21st
century. Skills needed in facing global challenges in 21st century are Higher Order Thinking Skills
(HOTS). HOTS is 21st century learning trends, which include creative thinking, critical thinking and
problem solving [1]. If synergized with Bloom's taxonomy, indicators HOTS consist of analyzing,
evaluating, and creating [2-3]
One strategy for designing learning to train HOTS is guided inquiry [4]. Inquiry learning
emphasizes process of thinking systematically, critically and logically to search and investigate
answers to a questioned problem [5]. Learning through discovery or experience is important for
growing HOTS in students [6]. According to Buck et al [7] most effective inquiry learning is guided
inquiry. So it can be concluded with inquiry learning model can be applied in learning process in high
school is guided inquiry [8-10]. Guided inquiry stimulates, teaches and invites students to think higher
in order to find concepts independently of various problems expressed.
Steps in guided inquiry learning include orientation, exploration, concept formation, application
and closing [11]. In supporting guided inquiry teaching material is needed to encourage active students

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The 2nd International Conference on Research and Learning of Physics IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1481 (2020) 012083 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1481/1/012083

in learning process [12]. Teaching materials used in implementing guided inquiry learning in this
study are student worksheets. This is based on results of Bilgin and Myers's research in Zammiluni
[13] which states that students who learn to use student worksheets based guided inquiry will be easier
to understand concepts and can improve interaction effectiveness, team building, learning, and interest
through group work which is highly structured. As a supporter of guided inquiry learning model,
multiple representations are used, which consist of three levels that have interconnections which are
macroscopic level, submicroscopic level, and symbolic level [14].
Some research results are related, such as Aini (2017) who developed student worksheets based
guided inquiry on chemical equilibrium material [15]. Jefta (2013) which shows that inquiry learning
models influence HOTS of students, this is evidenced by an increase in average value of pretest to
posttest [16]. In another study Dian [17] said learning using student worksheets based guided inquiry
can increase HOTS students.

2. Experimental Method
The effectiveness test was carried out in two schools, they are SMAN 4 Padang and SMAN 8 Padang.
Where in each school sample 2 classes were taken, namely one experimental class and one control
class. Furthermore, experimental class and control class from SMAN 4 Padang were called
experimental class 1 and control class 1, while experimental class and control class from SMAN 8
Padang were called experimental class 2 and control class 2. Experimental class used a student
worksheets based guided inquiry on acid base material that has been developed by Widya Astuti
(2017) and has been declared valid and practical [18] but its effectiveness has not been tested on
HOTS students. While control class used textbooks available at school.
Type of research used is quasi-experimental research with design non-equivalent control group
design. Sampling in this study used techniques cluster purposive sampling.

Table 1. Non-equivalent Control Group Design

Class Pretest Treatment Posttest
Experiment (E) O1 X O2
Control (C) O3 - O4
O1 = Value pretest of experimental class
O2 = Value posttest of experimental class
X = Learning using student worksheets based guided inquiry
O3 = Value pretestt of control class
- = Learning using textbooks available at schools
O4 = Value posttest of control class
Analysis data used in this study using independent sample t-test and N-Gain to find how much
increases HOTS students. In other hands, clarifying of students' skills, that is ability to analyze (C4),
evaluate (C5) and create (C6).

3. Result and Discussion

Analysis data using independent sample t-test and N-Gain, was carried out after carrying out normality
test and homogeneity test on research data derived from value difference posttest-pretest. Test
Normality using Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Tests Homogeneity using Levene Statistics.

The 2nd International Conference on Research and Learning of Physics IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1481 (2020) 012083 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1481/1/012083

Table 2. Normality Test Results

Schools Class α Asymp. Sig Distribution

SMAN 4 Padang Experiment 1 0.819 Normal

Control 1 0.570 Normal
SMAN 8 Padang Experiment 2 0.454 Normal
Control 2 0.430 Normal

Table 3. Homogeneity Test Results

Schools Class α Asymp.Sig Distribution

SMAN 4 Padang Experiment 1
0.093 Homogeneous
Control 1
SMAN 8 Padang Experiment 2
0.190 Homogeneous
Control 2

Based on Tables 2 and 3 above sample data has a significance value > 0.05 at a significant level
α=0.05. Thus, value data of HOTS posttest-pretest in both samples have normal and homogeneous
variances. Therefore, test research hypothesis used independent sample t-test. Acceptance criteria if
value is sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05 then Ho is accepted and if value is sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05 so Ho is
rejected. The results of hypothesis test on HOTS can be seen in Table 4 below:

Table 4. Test Results of t-Test

School Class α Sig. (2-tailed) Decision

SMAN 4 Padang Experiment 1 0.039 Ho
Control 1 rejected
SMAN 8 Padang Experiment 2 0.05 0.041 Ho
Control 2 rejected

Based on Table 4 above sample class has a Sig. (2-tailed) less than 0.05. Where is Sig. (2-tailed)
for SMAN 4 Padang which is 0.039 and for SMAN 8 Padang which is 0.041 so it can be concluded
that Ho is rejected. Ho rejecting decision means HOTS learners who use student worksheets based
guided inquiry and without student worksheets based guided inquiry differ significantly.

The 2nd International Conference on Research and Learning of Physics IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1481 (2020) 012083 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1481/1/012083

Experiment Class 1
Control Class 1
Experiment Class 2
Control Class 2

Figure 1. N-Gain HOTS Students for Each Indicator

Based on Figure 1, it is known experimental class and control class have N-Gain HOTS in
moderate category (Hake). However, N-Gain indicator HOTS to analyze (C4), evaluate (C5) and
create (C6) in experimental class was higher than control class. Average N-Gain HOTS for SMAN 4
Padang, experimental class 1 was 0.64 and control class 1 was 0.58. While, N-Gain average HOTS for
SMAN 8 Padang, experimental class 2 was 0.60 and control class 2 was 0.56. This show enhancement
HOTS of experimental class that learning using student worksheets based guided inquiry was higher
than HOTS of control class that learning using text books available at school.
Factors increase HOTS students are meaningful learning activities, where students are actively
involved in discussion process to build knowledge and utilize relevant resources to explore desired
knowledge. This is based on opinion expressed by Bohan & Bohan in Rosaini that learning process
that involves active participation of students can solve various problems, presenting meaningful
learning activities for students [19]. In addition, students became enthusiastic because they were
challenged to answer key questions given. This of course can increase students learning motivation.
This is in line with Loewen's opinion which states that problems challenging in learning can increase
HOTS students, interests and motivations for learning [20].

4. Conclusion
The result of this research shows significant difference between experimental class and control class.
After get a treatment (using student worksheets based guided inquiry) experimental class have
increase HOTS, with N-Gain are 0.64 (experiment 1) and 0.60 (experiment 2), while control class got
N-Gain are 0.58 (control 1) and 0.56 (control 2), and experimental class have good ability to analyse,
evaluate and create in evaluation test. The student worksheets based guided inquiry treatment as that
ability improvement is beneficial to students accustoming in HOTS as the 21st century learning

Author very pleased to Widya Atuti, S.Pd, both parents, colleagus at Universitas Negeri Padang,
teacher and student at SMAN 4 Padang and SMAN 8 Padang who has helped this study.

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