Adoption of BT Cotton Threats and Challenges

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Adoption of Bt Cotton: Threats and Challenges

Article in Chilean journal of agricultural research · September 2012

DOI: 10.4067/S0718-58392012000300017


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5 authors, including:

Muhammad Farrukh Saleem Muhammad A Wahid

University of Agriculture Faisalabad University of Agriculture Faisalabad


Amir Shakeel Mudassar Maqbool

University of Agriculture Faisalabad Ghazi University


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Muhammad Faisal Bilal1, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem1*, Muhammad Ashfaq Wahid1, Amir Shakeel2,
and Mudassar Maqbool3

Adopting new technology always involves advantages and risks; Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is a new
technology well known in developed countries for its many advantages, such as reduced pesticide application, better
insect pest control, and higher lint yield. However, its success in developing countries is still a question mark. Global
adoption of Bt cotton has risen dramatically from 0.76 million ha when introduced in 1996 to 7.85 million ha in the 2005
cotton-growing season where 54% of the cotton crops in the USA, 76% in China, and 80% in Australia were grown with
single or multiple Bt genes. Bollworms are serious cotton pests causing 30-40% yield reduction in Pakistan and 20-66%
potential crop losses in India. The major advances shown in this review include: (1) Evolution of Bt cotton may prove
to be a green revolution to enhance cotton yield; (2) adoption of Bt cotton by farmers is increasing due to its beneficial
environmental effects by reducing pesticide application: however, a high seed price has compelled farmers to use illegal
non-approved Bt causing huge damage to crops because of low tolerance to insect pests; and (3) some factors responsible
for changes in the efficiency of the Bt gene and Bt cotton yield include internal phenology (genetics), atmospheric changes
(CO2 concentration), nutrition, insect pests, boll distribution pattern, disease and nematodes, removal of fruiting branch
and/or floral bud, introduction of Bt gene, and terpenoids and tannin production in the plant body.

Key words: Bt cotton, management, Gossypium hirsutum.

E very new technology has its benefits and risks; the

benefits associated with using transgenic crops are a
dramatic decrease in the use of conventional and broad-
insect species (Perlak et al., 1990). Insecticides employed
in cotton against the bollworm complex were 50% of
the total insecticide volume used in agriculture (Fitt,
spectrum insecticides and target pests, yield improvement, 2008). Bt varieties globally reduced the insecticide active
lower production costs, and compatibility compared with ingredient (ai) applied by 19% (Brookes and Barfoot,
other biological control agents (Arshad et al., 2007). Risks 2006). The revolution in cotton production on a global
include out-crossing by pollen transfer to non-transgenic scale is due to the cultivation of transgenically modified
plants, food safety concerns, development of resistance cotton that expresses insecticidal proteins derived
in target pests, and effects on non-target organisms and from B. thuringiensis (Head et al., 2005). In 1998, Bt
biodiversity (Cannon, 2000; Wolfenbarger and Phifer, cotton boosted total USA lint production by 38.6 × 106
2000; Edge et al., 2001; Shelton et al., 2002; Naranjo, kg (Gianessi and Carpenter, 1999). In China, Bt cotton
2005). reduced total insecticide use by 60-80% compared
During the 1980s, genetic engineering of crops was with conventional cotton in 1998 (Xia et al., 1999). In
first accomplished by Fischoff et al. (1987), who inserted the USA, more than 84% of Bt cotton growers were
genes to produce an insecticidal endotoxin from Bacillus satisfied with it, while more than 73% of Bt cotton users
thuringiensis (Bt) bacterium into tomato and tobacco indicated that they are more satisfied with Bt cotton
plants. Bacillus thuringiensis genes inserted into cotton than conventional cotton cultivars (Marketing Horizons,
(Gossypium hirsutum L.) ‘Kurstaki’ produced the Cry 1 1999). Insect-resistant Bt cotton is rapidly dominating
Ac protein that was especially toxic to the lepidopteran world cotton production (Jenkins et al., 1995; Pray et al.,
2002). The first Bt transgenic cotton variety (called Bt
cotton), which expressed the same gene construct of Cry
University of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, Faisalabad - I Ac, was commercially released in Australia (Ingard™
38040, Pakistan. *Corresponding author ([email protected]). cotton) and in USA (Bollgard™ cotton) in 1996 (Olsen
University of Agriculture, Department of Plant Breeding and and Daly, 2000). Cotton is Pakistan’s main cash crop and
Genetics, Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan. is known as “White Gold” (Arshad et al., 2007). Pakistan
College of Agriculture, Dera Ghazi Khan Sub Campus, University
of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
is the fourth largest cotton producer (Abro et al., 2004)
Received: 29 February 2012. after China, the USA, and India.
Accepted: 14 July 2012. Bt cotton use by farmers in Pakistan increased in 2010.


In Punjab and Sindh, almost 80% of the area grows Bt of existing Bt cotton compared with recommended
cotton (Australian Bt) with a high incidence (60-100%) of conventional varieties; PARC found that these varieties
Cotton leaf curl virus. In 2010, the Pakistan Agricultural produced less toxin protein (PARC, 2008). Many studies
Research Council (PARC) imported almost 950 kg of five have analyzed the impact of Bt cotton in developing
different Bt cotton seed varieties from China with special countries (Thirtle et al., 2003 for South Africa; Hue et al.,
permission to conduct direct trails in farmers’ fields 2002 for China; Gandhi and Namboodiri, 2006 for India),
without following the rules and regulations designed which suggest a decline in pest infestation, higher yield,
by the National Biosafety Committee (NBC), Pakistan and higher profit after adopting Bt cotton (Table 3). Table
Central Cotton Committee (PCCC), and the Federal Seed 3 compares adopters and non-adopters of Bt cotton. Data
Certification and Registration Department (FSC&RD) sources included farm surveys and on-farm experimental
(Government of Pakistan, 2010). Approximately 22% of plots (India). Bt technology will be the major factor
the global cotton area was planted with Bt cotton in 2003; in boosting agricultural productivity, especially in
two major cotton producing countries were USA and developing countries with additional positive effects
China with 48% and 57%, respectively (James, 2003). on human health and the environment due to reduced
The global area covered by genetically modified (GM) pesticide levels (Pemsl et al., 2004). Qaim and de Janvry
crops in 2009 and 2010 is shown in Table 1. (2003) opined that the high technology price of Bt seed
inhibits its adoption.
Adopting Bt cotton
Bt cotton expressing the Cry I Ac toxin derived from Factors affecting quality, yield, and yield components
B. thuringiensis was first commercialized in the USA of Bt cotton
in 1996; it successfully controlled lepidopteran pests, Genetics. Extensive studies comparing transgenic
especially bollworms which are the main constraint in cotton varieties with their recurrent parents showed
cotton productivity (Brookes and Barfoot, 2006). Global that fiber uniformity, length, strength, and elongation
adoption of Bt cotton has risen dramatically from 0.76 showed no significant differences due to transgenic
million ha when introduced in 1996 to 7.85 million ha technology (Ethridge and Hequet, 2000). Cooke et al.
in 2005. It is remarkable that 54% of cotton crops in the (2001) compared commercial yields and quality reports
USA, 76% in China, and 80% in Australia were grown of cotton varieties from 12 to 15 Mississippi Delta Farms
with single or multiple Bt genes in 2005 (Arshad et al., for the 1997-2000 period. Data were taken to measure
2007). Worldwide, GM cotton that included Bt and the the entomological and economic impact of Bt cotton
dual-stacked herbicide-tolerant Bt gene was planted in compared with conventional cotton. There were no
over 15.5 million ha in 2008 and constituted approximately significant differences in staple length and grade between
43% of the cotton area (Gujar et al., 2007). In China, Bt transgenic and conventional varieties observed on all the
cotton has spread quickly in the provinces where initial
approval was given along with impact studies (Pray et Table 2. Performance difference (% change) between Bt and conventional
cotton varieties.
al., 2002; Table 2). Field studies in China have shown South
that farmers have reduced pesticide and labor costs by Argentina China India Mexico Africa
adopting Bt cotton; moreover, there is less exposure to Bt cotton1, % of cotton area 5 40 2 71 10
toxic insecticides (Xia et al., 1999; Pray et al., 2002). In Lint yield, % change 33 19 80 11 65
Chemical sprays, N° -2.4 -13.22 -3.0 -2.20 na
Pakistan, eight Bt varieties were approved for field trails Pest control costs, % change -47 -67 -39 -77 -58
in 2009; few studies have attempted to make a preliminary Seed cost, % change 530 95 82 165 89
performance comparison of existing Bt varieties with Profit, % change 31 340 83 12 299
recommended non-Bt varieties (Arshad et al., 2009). na: Non available.
Source: Argentina: Qaim and de Janvry, 2003; China: Pray et al., 2002; India: Qaim and
These studies observed a relatively poor performance Zilberman, 2003; Mexico: Traxler et al., 2003; South Africa: Bennett et al., 2003.
Data are means of all surveyed years.
James, 2003; FAOSTAT, 2004.
1999 data.
Table 1. Global distribution of genetically modified (GM) crops in 2009
and 2010.
2010 Area 2009 Area Table 3. Performance of Bt cotton as regards insecticide reduction,
Rank Country (million ha) (million ha) Biotech crops increase in yield, and gross margin.
1 USA 66.8 64.0 Soybean, maize, cotton, canola, Increase Increase
squash, papaya, alfalfa, sugarbeet in in
2 Brazil 25.4 21.4 Soybean, maize, cotton Insecticide effective gross
Country reduction yield margin References
3 Argentina 22.9 21.3 Soybean, maize, cotton
% US$ ha-1
4 India 9.4 8.4 Cotton
Argentina 47 33 23 Qaim and de Janvry, 2005
5 Canada 8.8 8.2 Maize, soybean, canola, sugarbeet
Australia 48 0 66 Fitt, 2003
6 China 3.5 3.7 Cotton, tomato, poplar, papaya,
sweet pepper China 65 24 470 Pray et al., 2002
7 Pakistan 2.4 Cotton India 41 37 135 Subramanian and Qaim, 2009
8 South Africa 2.2 2.1 Soybean, maize, cotton Mexico 77 9 295 Traxler et al., 2003
Source: James, 2010. USA 36 10 58 Carpenter et al., 2002


farms over the 4 yr. Creech (2001) compared yields and As Bt cotton varieties are adopted and yield per unit
fiber quality data from 20 conventional varieties and 20 area continues to increase, there is a rising frequency of K
transgenic varieties; results showed that conventional deficiency in many cotton-growing countries. Potassium
varieties exhibited slight advantages in mean length and deficiency decreases leaf area index, photosynthesis,
uniformity and transgenic varieties were slightly better and plant biomass but enhances earliness of maturity
(lower) in micronaire. Tested conventional varieties had (Hezhong et al., 2004). Potassium deficiencies in cotton
approximately 4% higher strength. have become more common, particularly in modern
high-yielding cotton varieties such as Bt transgenic
Environmental conditions. Ongoing changes in textile cotton (Phipps et al., 2003). Additional K resulted in
processing, particularly spinning technologies, have led to more aboveground biomass partitioned to vegetative
increased emphasis on breeding for both improved yield parts (Gwathmey, 2005). Potassium deficiency slightly
and fiber quality (Patil and Singh, 1995). Studies of gene increased the proportion of DM in reproductive organs
action and heterosis have suggested that there is little non- by cutout, although total aboveground dry weight was
additive gene action in fiber length, strength, and fineness not affected by K (Pettigrew et al., 2005). Gwathmey and
in cotton genotypes (Meredith and Bridge, 1972). Sizable Howard (1998) also observed that additional K delayed
interactions between combined annual environments maturity, but their study only compared deficient and
and fiber strength have suggested that environmental adequate K rates Pettigrew et al. (2005) concluded that
variability can prevent the full realization of genotype K deficiency resulted in earlier cotton crop maturity.
fiber-quality potential (Green and Culp, 1990). However, Potassium plays a key role in assimilation, long distance
early (pre-1980) statistical comparisons of the relative assimilate transport, phloem loading, N metabolism,
genetic and environmental influences on fiber strength storage process, osmotically active cation, control of
suggest that they are conditioned by only a few major water relationship in plants, response of crops to adverse
genes (May, 1999). climatic and soil conditions, and plant resistance and
tolerance to pathogens (Hezhong et al., 2004). Potassium
Nutrition. Better fertilization at an early stage could is an essential nutrient for the reproductive development
substantially improve Bt cotton yield (Hofs et al., 2006b). of cotton, partly due to its role in carbohydrate transport
Nitrogen application at a rate of 50 kg ha-1 increased seed in developing bolls. Potassium deficiency reduced
protein content (Patil et al., 1997). Total N contents of translocation of photoassimilates to bolls (Ashley and
Bt cotton cultivars were significantly higher than their Goodson, 1972), resulting in decreased lint yields
parents during the peak square and boll period. Leaf N (Pettigrew, 1999). In the cotton crop, as the season
uptake of Bt cotton increased after introducing the Bt progresses, premature senescence symptoms can spread
gene (Chen et al., 2005b). Excesses of N delay maturity, and the crop is defoliated. This K-related premature
promote vegetative tendencies, and usually result in lower senescence was initially found in many countries,
yields (McConnell et al., 1996). Averaged over the years, including Australia (Wright, 1999), China (Zheng and
the number of opened bolls per plant was significantly Dai, 2000), and the USA (Oosterhuis, 2001). Adequate K
greater at 143 kg N ha-1 than 95 kg N ha-1 (Sawan et may also be needed to efficiently use N fertilizer (Varco
al., 2006). Nitrogen deficiency has been observed to and Fridgen, 2004). Potassium probably exerts its greatest
decrease auxin content and markedly increase inhibitor effects on disease through specific metabolic functions
content in leaves and stems (Anisimov and Bulatova, that alter compatibility relationships of the host-parasite
1982). Boll weight increased as the N rate increased environment (Kafkafi et al., 2001).
from 95 to 143 kg ha-1 (Sawan et al., 2006). The increase
in boll weight can be due to an N-induced increase in Insect pests. Environmental adversities limit
mineral uptake and to photosynthate assimilation and photosynthate availability to the developing organs and
accumulation in sinks (Breitenbeck and Boquet, 1993). lead to the shedding of fruiting forms (Guinn, 1985);
Nitrogen fertilizer increased leaf photosynthetic rates additional loss due to entomological factors causes
by 11-29% when plants were given up to 157 kg N ha-1 shedding of fruiting forms by 75-80% in rain-fed cotton
(Cadena and Cothren, 1995). The increase in seed index (Bhatt et al., 1972). Bt cotton has been commercialized to
can be due to enhanced photosynthetic activity since N protect the losses of fruiting forms by the entomological
is an essential component of chlorophyll (Bondada and factors because Bt cotton has better retention of early-
Oosterhuis, 2000). Nitrogen plays the most important role formed squares and bolls due to better insect control.
in building the protein structure (Frink et al., 1999). Seed Bt plants were full of developing bolls on the lower
development requires both N and C skeletons (Patil et canopy, while non-Bt plants had few squares, flowers,
al., 1996). Nitrogen deficiency produced ethylene at an and developing bolls spread intermittently on the canopy
early crop development stage, which resulted in increased (Hebbar et al., 2007). This resulted in yield improvement
square, flower, and boll shedding in cotton (Legé et al., with Bt cotton cultivation as shown by earlier studies
1997). (Qaim and Zilberman, 2003).


Bt cotton varieties incorporate the Bt Cry I Ac gene Boll distribution pattern. The boll distribution pattern
and show resistance to certain insect pests (Perlak et al., can explain the origin of yield differences by assessing
2001). Transgenic cotton cultivars showed their possible pest damage and crop management in the field (Kerby
role in controlling three main pests, that is, Helicoverpa and Bruxton, 1981). Hofs et al. (2006a) recorded boll
armigera, Diparopsis castanea, and Earias biplaga distribution on the plant under optimal large-scale
(Green et al., 2003). Growing Bt cotton has become a irrigated farming conditions; the transgenic variety was
key measure to effectively control damage caused by found to have undisputed advantages by providing better
the cotton bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella and H. early plant protection, earlier picking, and nearly 13%
armigera (Wu et al., 2003; Li et al., 2006). With the higher yields than the non-Bt cotton variety. Better boll
commercial cultivation of Bt cotton, the infestation retention on the first fruiting branch is an agronomic
of both pink and cotton bollworms tends to gradually advantage (Constable, 1991) and varieties that are able to
decrease, while the risk of severe damage in certain keep their fruits in the first position improve production
regions significantly diminishes (Wu and Guo, 2005). earliness (Ungar et al., 1987). Sahai and Rahman (2003)
Decreasing insecticide application in Bt cotton fields recorded Bt plants with less vigorous growth, fewer
increased the diversity of beneficial natural enemies such branches, smaller leaves, and smaller bolls than non-
as ladybugs Chrysopa spp., while spiders effectively Bt cotton cultivars, while Dong et al. (2006) observed
controlled the development of harmful insect populations increased growth and yield of Bt plants compared with
in cotton (Wu et al., 2003). conventional cultivars. Photosynthesis and growth during
In contrast to conventional cotton, Bt cotton has the boll development are positively associated with boll
potential to impact ecological environments by possible load in Bt cotton, and the higher sink activity lowered
extensive planting of Bt-transgenic plants. Large-scale Bt source to sink ratio leading to faster senescence and
planting of Bt cotton mainly involves changes in the crop maturity than non-Bt cotton cultivars (Hebbar et al.,
secondary pest populations of target insects such as 2007).
aphids, spider mites, and mirids; this can lead to new
problems in cotton pest control when these minor pests Removal of early fruiting branches and/or floral bud.
can become the major pest (Wu, 2007). The toxic effects Removing fruiting forms usually enhances vegetative
of Bt cotton on lepidopteran insects can affect the food growth and development, such as increased plant height,
chain in the agro-ecosystem and lead to an imbalance of total dry weight, leaf area index (LAI), and lengthening of
the ecosystem; the occurrence of resistant target pests anthesis (Ungar et al., 1987; Jones et al., 1996). Removing
can lead to the ineffectiveness of Bt cotton (Wu and Guo, early-season flower buds increased root growth, while
2005). The control efficacy of Bt cotton on different insect removing fruiting branches alters spatial yield distribution
pests is shown in Table 4. (Sadras, 1995; Bednarz and Roberts, 2001; Dumka et al.,
2004). Removing early flower buds can also increase
Disease and nematodes. Disease and nematode single leaf as well as canopy photosynthesis rate (Jasoni
pathogens negatively impact yield and cause severe et al., 2000; Wells, 2001; Dumka et al., 2003), which has
losses. Major bacterial and fungal pathogens include been considered one of the most important mechanisms for
seedling diseases (e.g., Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium plant growth and yield compensation in cotton. Removing
oxysporum, F. solani, Pythium ultimum, Thielaviopsis early fruiting branches can reduce premature senescence
basicola, and other Pythium and Fusarium species), through decreasing the sink/source ratio, and thus enhance
fungal wilt diseases (e.g., Verticilium and Fusarium Bt transgenic cotton cultivar yield and quality (Dong et
wilt), root rots (e.g., Phymatotrichum omnivorum, T. al., 2008). Removing early fruiting branches significantly
basicola, and Pythium species), and foliar diseases altered the sink/source ratio through the delayed initiation
(e.g., Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum) of fruiting and enhanced vegetative growth, plant height,
(Bell, 1999). The most important nematode pathogens leaf area, yield, and fiber quality, such as fiber strength
are Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode) and micronaire in Bt cotton (Dong and Li, 2007).
and Rotylenchulus reniformis (common reniform
nematode) (Robinson, 1999). Therefore, characters Bt gene on nitrogen metabolism. Introducing the Bt
should also be induced during the development of Bt gene and expressing the insecticidal protein content
cotton disease. have caused alterations in metabolic processes related
to both vegetative and reproductive growth (Tian et
Table 4. Control of Bt cotton on different insect pests.
al., 2000; Chen et al., 2002). Alterations in vegetative
Insect pests Bt cotton control References
and reproductive growth affected the expression of lint
Pectinophora gossypiella 95% Wu and Guo (2005)
Spodoptera litura 13.3-53.3% Deng et al. (2003)
potential and fiber quality (Chen et al., 2005a). It led to
Heliothis virescens 96% Henneberry et al. (2001) increased plant height (Kerby et al., 1995), higher relative
Spodoptera exigua 57% Henneberry et al. (2001) growth rate and biomass (Godoy et al., 1998), smaller
Heliothis virescens 95% Moore et al. (1997) bolls (Tian et al., 2000), and reduced fiber micronaire


and lint percentage (Kerby et al., 1995; Fu et al., 2001). reduced by high temperatures (Chen et al., 2005a), NaCl
Leaf insecticidal protein content of Bt cotton was closely stress (Jiang et al., 2006), and N deficiency (Coviella et
correlated with glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT), al., 2002), whereas others show that a high N fertilizer rate
nitrate reductase (NR), and protease activity (Chen et al., (Pettigrew and Adamczyk, 2006) or foliar applications of
2003), thus indicating that the expression of the external the plant growth regulator Chaperone greatly improved
Bt gene affected Bt cotton N metabolism; the changed Cry 1 Ac protein levels, thus resulting in increased
growth characteristics could be related to Bt cotton N mortality of neonate bollworms feeding on treated plants
metabolism (Chen et al., 2005b). (Oosterhuis and Brown, 2004).
Wang et al. (1998) reported that Bt transgenic cotton
lines increased leaf amino acid content, but more nutrients Effect of terpenoids and tannins on efficacy of Bt
were used for stem and branch growth. Breen et al. (1999) protein
reported that high N resulted in more vegetative growth; Field observations of Australian Bt cotton showed that
therefore, significantly less lint was produced in the Bt plants expressing the Cry 1 Ac protein are less toxic to H.
cotton cultivar. Similarly, Dong et al., (2000) reported that armigera first-instar when leaves are from fruiting versus
an increase of leaf NR activity and NO3-N enhanced boll pre-square plants (Olsen and Daly, 2000). Terpenoids
shedding for Bt cotton cultivars. Bt cotton ‘CCRI-30’ had fluctuate temporally (Zummo et al., 1984) and condensed
smaller bolls than its parent because of the poor supply of tannin levels generally increase with plant age (Lege et
assimilates (Tian et al., 2000). Jackson and Gerik (1990) al., 1992), so that both can play some part in changing the
reported that N deficiency in the boll caused a decline efficacy of Cry 1 Ac protein. There are few reports on the
in boll size and an increase in boll shedding; further interactions between Bt proteins and terpenoids, although
amino acid metabolism affected boll development of Sachs et al. (1996) found that they enhanced the efficacy
linted (‘Suvin’, ‘MCU 5’) and lintless (‘MCU 5’ mutant) of transgenic Bt cotton against H. virescens.
cotton genotypes (Perumal and Naidu, 1987). Deotale et Tannins can alter the efficacy of Bt toxins against
al. (1988) also reported that vegetative selection against target species. Arteel and Lindroth (1992), Sivamani et al.
high levels of amino acids and the boll from squaring (1992), Gibson et al. (1995), and Morris et al. (1995) all
until boll maturation can be used as an index in breeding reported increased mortality in lepidopteran species when
resistance to boll shedding. Total N reduced sharply hydrolysable tannin compounds were combined with
in the bolls of Bt cotton cultivars and reducing total N various Bt toxins in bioassays.
decreased N metabolism and limited boll development; In summary, the variation in toxicity of Bt cotton
there was a significantly positive correlation between between the pre-square and fruiting stages not only
GA3 content at flowering and boll size at 10 and 20 d resulted from changes in the concentration of Cry 1 Ac
after anthesis, respectively (r = 0.99*, 0.96*) in Bt cotton protein but also plant-toxin interactions that altered Cry
cultivars (Chen et al., 2005a). This result also suggests 1 Ac protein toxicity or availability (Olsen and Daly,
that reducing GA3 can induce declining N absorption and 2000).
metabolism, thus affecting boll development (Kishor and
Mehta, 1987). Effects on Bt protein of removing early fruiting
Toxicity of Bt cotton. Both environmental and genetic Removing early fruiting branches in Bt cotton increased
factors have been proposed to help explain the variation lint yield (5.2-7.5%) and boll size (5.1-5.7%), and a higher
in toxicity of Bt cotton, including cultivar background and level of Cry I Ac protein was found in fully-expanded
site-of-gene insertion (Sachs et al., 1998). A decreased young leaves in removed fruiting branches compared
expression of the Cry I Ac gene (Finnegan et al., 1998) with the control plant; this clearly indicated that removing
reduced the amount of Cry 1 Ac protein (Holt, 1998). fruiting branches enhanced Cry 1 Ac expression (Dong
Plant effects could include metabolic changes in the plant et al., 2008). Removing fruiting forms leads to great
in response to growth and reproduction (Benedict et al., morphological and physiological changes, including
1996). Environmental factors include time of planting, lint yield variation ranging from a small increase to a
location (Fitt, 1998), and N or water availability (Benedict large decrease (Sadras, 1995). Nitrogen metabolism
et al., 1996). Benedict et al. (1996) used enzyme-linked affected Cry 1 Ac protein content (Chen et al., 2005b),
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to quantify Cry 1 Ab and and removing early fruiting forms could change N
Cry 1 Ac levels, but they noted that the yield of extracted metabolism (Deng et al., 1991); therefore, removing early
protein was less as the plant matured. Holt (1998) fruiting branches can increase Cry 1 Ac protein content in
developed ELISA methods to quantify Cry 1 Ac protein in Bt cotton plants.
Australian cotton. She noted a decline in Cry 1 Ac levels
that correlated (r2 = 0.83) with the increased survival of H. Effect of elevated CO2 on Bt cotton performance
armigera first-instar (Fitt, 1998). The concentration of atmospheric CO2 has risen from 280
Cry 1 Ac protein content in Bt cotton was significantly to 360 ppm because of the industrial revolution and this


level is anticipated to double by the end of this century Adopción de algodón Bt: desafíos y amenazas. La
(Houghton et al., 2001). The increase in atmospheric adopción de nueva tecnología siempre involucra ventajas
concentration can have a variety of direct and indirect y riesgos; algodón Bt (Gossypium hirsutum L.) es una
effects on relationships between host plant, their nueva tecnología bien conocida en países desarrollados
herbivores, and the herbivores’ natural enemies (Stiling et por muchas ventajas como reducida aplicación de
al., 2002). Elevated CO2 tends to increase photosynthetic pesticidas, mejor control de insectos plaga, y mayor
rates, growth, yield, and C:N ratio in most C3 plants producción de fibra, pero su éxito en países en desarrollo
(Cure and Aycock, 1986; Bazzaz, 1990). Only limited aún conlleva dudas. La adopción global de algodón Bt ha
research has been reported about the effect of elevated aumentado dramáticamente de 0,76 millones de hectáreas
CO2 on transgenic Bt cotton or the effects on bollworms en su introducción en 1996 a 7,85 millones de hectáreas
fed Bt cotton grown in elevated CO2 (Coviella et al., en la estación de cultivo de algodón 2005, 54% de
2002). Elevating the CO2 level from 330 to 660 ppm has cultivos de algodón en EE.UU., 76% en China, y 80% en
led to a 95% yield increase in cotton (Kimball, 1986). Australia se cultivaron con genes Bt únicos o múltiples.
Increases in soluble sugar, starch, total non-structural Los gusanos del algodonero son plagas graves del
carbohydrates (TNC), TNC:N ratio, condensed tannin, algodón que causan 30-40% de reducción en rendimiento
gossypol, and decreases in water content, N, and Bt en Paquistán, y 20-60% pérdidas potenciales en India. Las
toxin protein were observed in young bolls from cotton principales ventajas mostradas en esta revisión incluyen:
plants grown under elevated CO2 conditions compared (1) Evolución de algodón Bt puede probar revolución
with those in ambient CO2-grown cotton for both Bt and verde en el aumento de rendimiento de algodón; (2)
non-Bt cotton (Chen et al., 2005a). The most herbivorous adopción de algodón Bt por agricultores está aumentando
insects appear to be negatively affected by elevated CO2 debido a sus efectos beneficiosos en el medioambiente al
because foliar N decreased and the C:N ratio increased, reducir aplicación de pesticidas, pero el alto precio de la
except for phloem-feeding insects (Watt et al., 1995; semilla ha obligado a los agricultores a usar semilla Bt
Bezemer and Jones, 1998). Nitrogen contents limit insect ilegal no aprobada que causó gran daño al cultivo debido
growth and development because N is the single most a baja tolerancia a insectos plaga; y (3) algunos factores
important limiting resource for phytophagous insects responsables de cambios en eficiencia de genes Bt y por
(Mattson, 1980). Bt cotton delayed the larval life cycle, lo tanto de rendimiento del algodón Bt incluyen fenología
reduced body weight and fecundity, and significantly interna (genética), cambios atmosféricos (concentración
reduced larval RGR and MRGR. In contrast, elevated de CO2), nutrición, insectos plaga, patrón de distribución
CO2 did not significantly affect growth and development de gusanos, enfermedades y nematodos, remoción de
of cotton bollworms compared with the cotton variety; ramas fructificantes y/o yemas florales, introducción de
however, effects of transgenic Bt cotton on growth and genes Bt y producción de terpenoides, taninos, etc., dentro
development of cotton bollworms were enhanced when del cuerpo de la planta.
grown under elevated CO2 conditions (Chen et al.,
2005a). Palabras clave: algodón Bt, manejo, Gossypium
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