1 Dr.+Nimish+Gupta

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ISSN: 2583-6285 Volume 1, Issue 2; October 2022

International Journal of Research and

Analysis in Commerce and Management
Web: https://www.iarj.in/index.php/ijracm/issue/archive

1. Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behavior

Dr. Nimish Gupta
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Business Administration,
Government College,
Jaipur, Rajasthan.


Advertising is a marketing strategy used to increase product awareness in consumers' minds

so that they can make a purchasing decision. Advertisement, sales promotion, and public
relations are examples of mass communication tactics used by marketers. Although
advertising in the mass media has an impact on audiences, television has the broadest reach
and is the most powerful advertising medium. Advertising has the ability to influence
people's attitudes, lifestyles, and, in the long run, a country's culture. To succeed in a
consumer market dominated by advertising, a corporation may engage in promotional
activities to boost the brand of their product. The primary goal of advertisers is to reach
out to consumers and influence their awareness, attitude, and purchasing behaviour.
Customers' brand preferences can be influenced by advertising. It influences customer
behaviour. This study investigates consumer purchasing behaviour as influenced by
advertising. The impact of advertising on consumer behaviour will be discussed in this


Advertising, Consumer, Behavior, Audiences, Television, Brand Preference, Media,

Lifestyles, Printing Press, Radio, Television, social media.


The majority of the market is made up of consumers. Their actions are guided by their
specific needs. As a result, they are frequently forced to choose between multiple items
offered by corporations. Customers' primary goal is to satisfy as many of their needs as
possible by purchasing the product they prefer. Consumers, on the other hand, are
influenced by a variety of factors, such as similar products, which force them to buy or
abandon the product before reaching the decision point. [1]

The printing press, radio, television, and social media have all contributed to the evolution
of how businesses and organisations connect with customers through advertisements.

International Journal of Research and Analysis in Commerce and Management

Businesses are not hesitant to invest in advertisements to achieve their goals as a result of
the advancement of communication technologies. Advertising is more adaptable than ever
before. People are constantly exposed to advertisements, whether they like it or not, and
sometimes without even realising it. The digital revolution's impact on the advertising
industry has significantly altered the impact and availability of social media content to a
broader audience. It's all for the sake of entertainment. According to Haider and Shakib,
entertainment has been identified as a primary promotional tactic for increasing the
effectiveness of advertising and influencing customers to buy. [2] According to Herhold,
people live in a data environment. As a result, if a company does not market, its chances of
survival are slim. People may believe that social media has essentially become a weapon
and that it now plays an important role in advertising. The Internet and social media have
fundamentally altered how businesses operate, particularly how they generate public
awareness of their goods and services. As a result, advertisers are constantly looking for
new ways to increase the impact and effectiveness of their advertisements in today's
crowded media environment. [3]

Any form of non-personal communication via mass media that is funded by a specific
sponsor. Advertisement is a major tool used by sellers to increase consumer demand for
goods and services. To understand the impact of advertising on consumer purchasing
behaviour, it is necessary to first understand what advertising is, as well as its goal and
purpose. Advertisement is a paid form of non-personal promotion of ideas, goods, and
services by a specific sponsor.

Advertisement is a process; it is a set of activities that must be completed in order to prepare

the message and deliver it to the intended market. Advertising is done through magazines,
newspapers, radio, and television, as well as outdoor displays (posters), direct mail, and
directories. Whatever form advertising takes, the fundamental principles are to deliver the
right message to the right audience at the right time and at the lowest possible cost, and to
achieve positive results. Nowadays, advertising is designed to have a positive impact on
consumer behaviour, encouraging them to patronise a company's offerings. [4]

Concept of Consumer Behavior in Relation to the Advertisement:

Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behavior

Consumer behaviour is the analysis of what products to buy, when to buy them, and how to
buy them by an individual or group of individuals. The same advertisement may elicit
different reactions from different consumers. The way a consumer responds to an
advertisement assists the company in understanding the trigger points and creating more
relevant advertisements for the product. For a better understanding, advertisers should
record the consumer's reaction both during and after the advertisement is played.

Though the company's primary goal in advertising is to inform consumers about:

• The existence of the product

• The product's various features
• The benefits of using the product
• How the product differs from competitors' products

Advertisements should be entertaining enough to capture the consumer's attention. There

are trillions of advertisements playing all around the consumer; entertainment is what will
keep the consumer watching and not skipping over your advertisement. If the advertisement
is entertaining enough, it will stay in the consumer's mind, and the consumer will look for
the product when making a purchase decision soon or may make an instant purchase
decision. [5]

Today, advertisement is very important in persuading customers to buy products and

services. On the other hand, the costs of advertising are very high in comparison to other
activities in most businesses. Nowadays, every company strives for the largest market share.

To that end, each company employs a variety of strategies to attract customers from various
market segments and to position itself as the market leader. In this difficult environment, a
company should promote its products in such a way that more and more customers become
interested in them. Marketing processes in today's business world are based on interactions
between a company and its customers.

Advertising has been regarded as a popular management tool for dealing with today's
competitive markets' highly rapid technological and marketing changes, and this
management tool refers to the re-analysis and re-design of tasks and processes both inside
and outside the organisation. Businesses can select the best targeted advertising in their
marketing process by utilising science, expertise, and experience regarding proper and
suitable methods, in order to cause consumer preference for online purchases. [6]

Review of Literature:

established that consumer attitude and behaviour towards the advertisement affects
consumer exposure, attention, and reaction to the individual advertisement through a variety
of cognitive and affective processes. Attitude towards advertisement, attitude towards brand
loyalty, and brand awareness are commonly used constructs in consumer buying behaviour
research to predict the effectiveness of marketing communications across various media
(Ayanwale et al., 2005). [7]

International Journal of Research and Analysis in Commerce and Management

have confirmed that when a brand provides substantial-quality products and increased
market awareness, it predicts higher purchasing behaviour among consumers. It suggests
that perceived quality can act as a moderator. As a result, this study considered perceived
quality as a moderator and empirically tested it. Furthermore, the cosmetics industry is
expanding globally but receives little research attention (Amberg 2019). [8]

According to Sofi et al. (2018), advertisement significantly predicts consumer purchasing

behaviour, and this association becomes stronger when advertisement actively produces
positive outcomes. Similarly, this study established the mediation effect of brand awareness
between advertisement and consumer purchasing behaviour. It implies that as the frequency
of advertisements increases, so does consumer purchasing behaviour, and that this increase
becomes more robust when brand association is active. In contrast, this study confirmed the
mediation effect of brand awareness between advertisement association and brand loyalty.

Rigby, 2011 The researcher studied the effect of advertising on consumer purchasing
behaviour. However, Rigby contends that the advertising environment is changing as a
result of digital retailing. People are increasingly using the internet and making purchases
online. Because digital retailing appears to be more convenient, it may threaten the future
of retail stores. Companies, on the other hand, can try to directly attract customers through
coupons and discounts, whereas advertising is primarily used to attract the mass market.


• Product quality
• Product price
• Persuasion, information, and entertainment
• Brand image in advertising
• Celebrity endorsement

Research Methodology:

This study's overall design was exploratory. This study was carried out to determine the
effect of advertisements on the purchasing behaviour of the schmitten advertisement. Surat
city premises were used for the research, and 100 respondents were targeted who had seen
schmitten advertisements on the best feature of any schmitten advertisement. The findings
indicate that advertisements are effective at raising consumer awareness. Their
advertisements contain enough information to attract customers while also raising consumer

Advertisement has a positive effect on consumer purchasing behaviour. Following these

results and findings, we can summarise this research by saying that if people are well aware
of the brand and have positive brand perception, loyalty, and association, then brand image
will be more and stronger in their minds, and that brand will become a part of their
purchasing behaviour. Advertisement is a powerful marketing tool for attracting and
retaining customers. [11]

Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behavior

Result and Discussion:

Types of Advertisements are Most Influential Over Your Buying Behaviour:

Out of the 127 people, 107 pe0ple say that the most influencing advertisement for them is
Television Advertisements, then 83 people say internet advertisements are influential for
them and 69 people said the most influential advertisements are Print Advertisements. Other
than this only 33 people find billboards influential, 0nly 23 find Email Advertisements
influential and just 14 of them find Radio Advertisements influential. [12]

Table 1: Types of Advertisements are Most Influential Over Your Buying Behaviour:

Figure 1: Types of Advertisements are Most Influential Over Your Buying Behaviour

Methods of Online Advertising are Most Influential on Your Buying Behavior:

Out of the 127 respondents, 106 believe that social media advertisements are the most
influential, 68 believe that Google advertisements are influential, and 61 believe that banner
advertisements are influential. Only 39 people think mobile ads are influential, 22 think
flash ads are influential, and 12 think in-app/in-game advertisements are influential. [14]

International Journal of Research and Analysis in Commerce and Management

Table 2: Methods of Online Advertising are Most Influential on Your Buying Behavior

Figure 2: Methods of Online Advertising are Most Influential on Your Buying

Behavior [15]

Impact of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior: There are some trends in

consumer behaviour and purchasing behaviour that are influenced by advertisement types.
The majority of industries have an impact on consumer purchasing behaviour. As business
aspects change faster, brands must adopt a newer but very thoughtful strategy for attracting
customer attention. The relationship between advertising and consumer behaviour is
influenced by a number of shifting trends. Some of the most important trends that influence
consumer behaviour. [16]

Figure 3: Impact of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior

Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behavior

The Hierarchy of Effects:

The hierarchy of effects is a theory that discusses the impact of advertising on customer
purchasing decisions for specific products and brands. The theory outlines a series of steps
that advertisers should take, beginning with raising customer awareness and ending with
final purchase behaviour.

Figure 4: The Hierarchy of Effects

The hierarchy of effects theory describes the impact of advertising on customers' purchasing
decisions for specific products and brands through a series of behavioural stages.

The hierarchy of effects model is divided into three major stages: cognitive (awareness,
knowledge); affective (liking, preference, conviction); and behavioural (purchase).

The hierarchy of effects theory, as a study based on behavioural psychology, is criticised by

cognitive psychologists for its inability to understand each stage of buying behaviours and
its ignorance of different advertising goals. [17]

Every day, we as consumers make purchasing decisions. Purchasing decisions are regarded
as the primary focus of marketing. Large corporations conduct extensive research on
consumer purchasing decisions in order to understand what they buy, where they buy, why
they buy, how and how much they buy, and when they buy. Marketers conduct extensive
research to learn about actual consumer purchasing habits. Understanding consumer minds
is not as simple as it sounds, because the answers are hidden deep within the minds of the

International Journal of Research and Analysis in Commerce and Management

The Consumer Decision Process:

Figure 5: The Buyer Decision Process

Need Recognition: The identification of need, in which the consumer recognises the need
or requirement, is the first step in the purchasing decision process. Internal or external
stimuli can cause the need to arise.

For example, an advertisement or a conversation with friends may arouse the desire for a
smartphone or tablet. Marketers should conduct research on consumer needs and the
appropriate products to meet those needs at this stage.

Information Search: At this stage, consumers seek information about products/services

that will meet their needs. A consumer who is interested in purchasing a home may begin
by meeting with real estate agents, visiting relevant websites, or gathering information from

Evaluation of Alternatives: Consumers were only gathering information at this point.

Consumers use this information to evaluate alternative brands in the choice set at this stage.
Consumers make the decision to purchase a product or service after conducting some form
of evaluation.

Purchase Decision: During the evaluation stage, the buyer ranks the brand and decides
whether or not to purchase it. At this point, the consumer purchases his or her preferred

Post-purchase Behaviour: The marketer's job does not end when the consumer purchases
the product. Marketers take additional action after the purchase based on their satisfaction
or dissatisfaction with the product or service. [18]

Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behavior


In the modern era, the advertising industry has undergone a radical transformation.
Advertisements are extremely important in influencing consumer purchasing decisions.
This study investigated the impact of commercials on consumer electronics purchasing
behaviour. Commercials, according to the findings, have a significant influence on customer
purchasing behaviour. This research can assist advertisers in the consumer electronics sector
in determining what motivates a customer's purchase intent. It can also determine which
aspects of advertising have the most influence and which have the least.


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4. Tamizhjyothi (2013) consumer attitude towards cosmetic products. IJEMR- Vol 3
5. Akshaya Daga Effects of Advertisement on Consumer Behavior
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11. Rix (2007) marketing a practical approach 6 ed. AU: McGraw hill Australia Pty
12. V. Sindhya, “A Study on the Influence and Impact of Advertising to Consumer
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13. Yuvraj L Lah0ti and Alfred S.J. Jacob, “A Study of Indian Rural Buying Behaviour for
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14. Antoine Lamarre, Simon Galarneau and Harold Boeck, “Mobile Marketing and
Consumer Behaviour Current Research Trend”, International Journal of Latest Trends
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15. G.G. Amutha and M. Sulthana, “An Analysis on Purchase Behaviour towards Selected
White Goods”, Journal of Marketing and Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 108-116,

International Journal of Research and Analysis in Commerce and Management

16. Academic writing Advertisement, Assignment Help, Assignment Writer, consumer

behavior, online assignment help, relationship between advertising and consumer
behavior https://sourceessay.com/current-trends-in-consumer-behaviour-in-relation-
17. Written by CFI Team Published February 15, A theory that discusses the impact of
advertising on customers’ decision-making on purchasing certain products and brands.
18. Surabhi Chakravarty Surabhi is currently working with Great Learning as a Senior
Content Strategist. https://www.mygreatlearning.com/blog/consumer-behaviour-in-


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